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Xbox Showcases Will Now Have PlayStation And Nintendo Logos

I just want blue dragon and lost odyssey


If your modmail responses dont look like this youre not using modmail right

Lmao frick jannies !metashit

ChairForce airmen living their best life and of course this b-word is triggered :marseysalutepride:


Sounds plausible. Someone lost a bet is another option. But rightoids of Twitter will do their thang.

Thank you God Emperor Trump, decimating the military for having fun will definitely keep us safe.

Even I'm getting tired of seeing the word "woke"

Apparently, yes


Reported by:


Multitasking: Kash :platyrich: Patel to be named ATF :marseyatfagent: Director

In addition to being FBI director he's gonna do this, which is carzy. At least the last guy was a life-long ATF agent involved in the Waco massacre and gun control advocate

literally a fox in the henhouse or some other applicable allegory situation :marseypearlclutch:

Why is my halogen lamp buzzing?

It buzzes all the time lately, like a low-pitched electric buzz in the halogen strip.

If I turn it off then back on the buzz goes away for a while but it always comes back.


Non-chuds flex their mental will power.

Lmao imagine getting radicalized by Ben Shapiro tho:


Woman gets man's dating profile banned for :marseyokay:ing too hard



Not trying to play devils advocate for a racist weirdo, but how are you sure? Not trying to argue, just curious what gave it away.

This is, of course, assuming it's the OK hand gesture. If it's something less obscure, the answer is self explanatory

He was taking a selfie in the mirror. The hand that was at his side was doing the white power gesture. Hands do not naturally fall like that… so no.

EDIT: Hinge has actually emailed me to say they've taken action against him, so I'm not mistaken as you're inferring.

Her previous posts indicate she absolutely hates men, but is having trouble finding her disney prince on dating apps because they all love hitler. :tayshrug:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I am 90% sure it's not raining, and he just doesn't actually know how to close an umbrella. He just abandons them and buys another.  (10858)

Yeah man she's fricking soaked (39)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

I mean this is from a guy who can't figure out how to pick up a piece of pizza so he resigned to cutting little bits off of it and shoveling them into his enormous cloaca (24)

That's a birds butt (5)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

In a perfect world he would catch her in bed with Elmo. 😄 (1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Is this what I have to look forward to on Reddit for the next 4 years? Do you guys not understand that these little "gotcha" snaps do absolutely NOTHING to lower this man's legitimacy in the eyes of his voters? Not only that, but this sort of thing enables the narrative that people will criticize him for anything regardless of how wrong he is.Criticize him for concrete things, not optics. If I were a working class dude in the US, barely scrapping by with the looming threat of poverty over my head, I wouldn't give an ounce of a FRICK how much of a "gentleman" this guy is. Democrat policies are generally popular but your optics are so fricking atrocious that you have a huge section of the country voting against you because you treat them the same a king would treat a peasant. Calling them uncivilized, racist, sexist and all kinds of other things instead of treating them as rational agents that can be persuaded. The age of guilt politics is over. The quicker the Dems understand that, the... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Honestly I don't frickin care. It doesn't matter. These people have and always will have power strictly because they bought it. He could be dragging her by her hair through gravel and he would still have won the election. Not because he's great but because this country is stupid. He could reinstate lynchings and half the frickin country would cheer and gaslamp you for being angry like it's no big deal.It's not that his followers are ignorant, they're malicious. You don't vote for trump in 2024 after 4 years of him in 2016-2020 unless you want to hurt the people you don't like. And liberals posting these pictures on social media and clutching their pearls like it matters is just going to normalize whatever shitty behavior he does. His frickhead cultists will see him mistreating his wife and say "heck yeah looks like it's mistreat your wife season, time to put my ufc gloves on" (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I wish people wouldn't post dumb shit like this. It's just a candid shot that is likely taken completely out of context. Trump is literally a fascist, why is it necessary to make up stupid shit like this? It just distracts from the actual terrible things he's done/is doing/is threatening to do. Not convinced OP isn't a Russian bot tbh (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/SCPATRIOT143

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

this is cirno
Bаttļе fоr Sеvеrsk stаrtеd

Thоsе guу hеļd thís tеrrítоřу fоř 2 уеаrs thеу аřе thе bеst ukřаíníаn sоļdíеřs, guеs thеу gоt tíеřеd.

Thаt рļасе ís nоt thаt strаtеgíс, gоаļ ís just tо shоrtеn thе frоnt аnd gеt ríd оf Ukřаíníаn mоst еxреříеnсеd brígаdе.




The Dragon Age vidja games are as popular and mainstream as it is possible to get for gaymer straggots, but unfortunately just like subreddits getting too big, this would invite the lowest common denominator of peeps.

Additionally, the Dragon Age games, similar to Bioware games like Mass Effect have became famous for their relationships you can form with allies and NPCs in game, ESPECIALLY gaaaay relationships :marseyhomofascist: :gay:

Back in 2008-2009 this was an especial novelty (especially pregay marriage legalization in Burgerland), but as the years went into the mid 2010s, and became ever increasingly more popular with Tumbler crowd, despite the Romances with allies and NPCs being only a small fraction of the overall intent and collective experiences of these games, especially the 3 first Dragon Age games.

So many tumbler types would simply spam fan forums or subreddits with gay :gay: :gaydar: romance art, sometimes to the detriment of the community, because the romances of these BIOWARE games were supposed to be the cherry on the top of a particularly great dessert - it was supposed to be a reward for all the hard effort of defeating bad guys and orc-zombies and saving the day - like the 1980s American Hollywood action hero getting the girl at the end being satisfying, especially if we liked the character/actor.

It was never the main meat or main attraction of the games, even if I personally really liked them, and think they are best romances in all of gayming (not high bar i know but still). My issue and for many others, the Tumbler types would end up derailing forum conversations or group personalities of subreddits into the typical woke/shitlib mentality that we know of today.

For example the female Custodes and coomer menace which had invested the main 40k subs recently past 6 months - in a vacuum theoretically, you can have both discussions about the hidden lore, combat strategies, the behind the scenes development stories, fanart, and then romance/ fav companions discussions. But i have seen time and again how the group personality of a special interest group or hobby fandom can get warped over time if a specific demographic dominates discussion, and this is even BEFORE peeps of that mentality get into power of moderation in places like the /r/dragonage subreddits.

Many tumblerinas would never even play or even finish the games, and would hyper focus on the gayness romances, and apply their PRESENTISM modern contemporary politics, as if that was all their was to the Dragon Age setting.

And subsequently the Dragon Age games from 1 to 3 (from Origins to Inquisition), would also become notacibly more liberal with each subsequent installment. I'll give some examples just now-now. As newer devs came in to replace the veterans, and the developers more focused upon this new vibrant demographic.

This is important to realize because the original Dragon Age Origins was aimed at sweaty fantasy nerds from yesteryear, people like me - people who read shit like Conan the Barbarian and Sword and Sorcery tier fantasy from the 1930s - 1980s. Before Marvel transformed from nerd culture to mainstream midwit culture, so too did stuff like DnD transform from something squarely enjoyed by sweaty nerds and neckbeards, to fricking woke tumblerinas! :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

DA Origins is possibly the LAST game we will ever get like this, in terms of the tone and themes of writing, which has a similar bleak and ruggedness similar to 1980s dark fantasy or 1930s-1980s Conan the Barbarian bleakness. The events and world was bleak and grimdark, but the heroic actions of our protagonists were that much brighter and selfless and heroic in comparison, like candles in pitch darkness!

Additionally for both the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, the 1st game in their respective trilogies, were the least played (by gaymer normies/tumblerinas), because they were both the most technical, difficult and required the most gaymer understanding of mechanics.

Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2, transformed from a full on 3rd person RPG :marseycrystalmaiden: :marseyleafsmiling: to a 3rd person action game :marseypunching: And again, for me personally I greatly enjoyed both games! Both were excellent in their respective genres, but for genre-cucks :marseybikecuck: like myself the fact remains that action games get much more attention and games within that genre, cuz a larger audience.

A similar thing occurred in Dragon Age 1 - Dragon Age 2, though not nearly as dramatic. DAO was a full on Ream-Time-pause RPG, my favorite kind, but the fact remains that just like the RTS (Real Time Strategy) golden age of 1997-2009, the genre was in reality always for a niche small audience, they sold, but would never sell Call of Duty tier numbers, they were simply too difficult or technical for many. (Even though we have a RTS revival renaissance for the Age of Empires series past 4 years)

DA2 would become much more action oriented, with enemies being divided into classes you were meant to overcome with cross-class combos from your fighting team; additionally the animations would become flashy and action like, and you could legitimately actually play the game on the easiest difficulty, without ever pausing the game or controlling your companions as if it was an Action game.

Yet DA2 was still a full on Real-Time-Pause game, and I personally really enjoyed it.

Though the writing remained strong, the games would more also liberalize subtly. This would throw off many of the woke shilib cucks when they went back in reverse order to play the very 1st game, which was published back in 2009. Because it contained fantasy sexism against women :soysnoo3: :marseywitch2: :marseysuffragette: :marseyradfem: :marseygilead: which as you guys can imagine always draws potshots from wokies

who disrespect the progenitor of the fricking series! :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Which is especially galling, as the sexism shown in DA Origins is very meek, and often showcased the women curbstomping those male cucks daring underestimate our Warrior Kween! :seasoningpolicequeen: :marseycrusader2:

It reminds me of a recent Live Action Adaptation of Avatar Airbender :marseyredditavatar: where one of the main protagonists was a very juvenile sexist, who would say shit like "You throw like a girl!" and would consequently get his butt beat :carpslap: :chudslapped: by the amazonian chicks in-universe. Like the fricking story actually punished this character, and he grew to be much wiser, and a worthy leader!!!! Well guess wat!!!!!! They sandblasted the fricking sexism and other faults from the Live Action equivalent, we we got the wimpiest and shittiest adaptation of a fictional character to ever transfer between mediums :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseybeanannoyed:

In Dragon Age Origins, even the meek sexism faced by female protagonists appears to be enough to have the turbo wokes and snowflakes shit themselves, and basically (left unsaid) imply they would remove all sexism from these types of games, EVEN if it depicted the sexism from bad people, and YOUR PROTAGONIST OVERCOMING SUCH BIGOTRY :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyrage:

In the prevailing sexism index, I'd put DA Origins way above stuff like Mount&Blade, which is as hardcore to sexism as it was in the Dark Ages, where playing as a Foid :chadwomannordic: :chadwomanblack: is literally hardcore mode.

Basically, you need like double the amount of reputation and influence to get other nobles to do shit for you, but if you know the mechanics of the gayme, this isn't such a hurdle.

Instead I would put the "Prevailing-Sexism-Index" :marseywatermark: as above the typical Conan the Barbarian setting and below Wheel of Time, in terms of women being warriors and being typically respected/disrespected.

In Conan, there are very few women bearing arms, and mass r*pe is plentiful. The world is barbaric, and bandits are plentiful. But every now and then there is a woman warrioress which Conan encounters, like Sonja the Red or Tsia the piratess.

In wheel of time, there are as many Matriarchies as there are equal nations (because only women can be sane mages and be living flamethrowers) , but men still do the lionshare of physical fighting as frontline foottroops, with exceptions being the Amazonian Aiel foid warriors and so on - thus female warriors are rare, but plentiful enough to be visible for most people to see and form sexism against the in-universe physically weaker women.

In the game DA Origins there are various gendered interactions, showcasing that women have obtained much greater freedom over the past centuries, but the vestiges of sexism still prevailing everywhere.

"This line of dialogue was definitely written by a man!" :marseywitch2: :marseyradfem: REALLY? Your own sister or mother never insulted you guys by attacking your masculinity?

Here's a small microexample of beating up sexist dudes is STILL not good enough for Tumblerinas

some yapping about sexism

"Some of the games writing has aged badly, it's not unjustified for players, especially younger ones, to be uncomfortable about it or to point it out." :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:

"Does anybody else notice this? How, even though in the character creation description it says that women are treated as relative equals and are well respected, they really aren't? I haven't played as a male character yet, so I don't know the nuances of how they're treated, but I'm pretty sure they don't get at least one "Wow, I can't believe you're a man" at every story point. And I'm pretty sure that DA2 and DAI don't really have this problem so that makes it even more noticeable (and bothersome)." :marseysoyjak: :soyquack:

Remember what i said about the games aggressively liberalizing the dark and bleak setting with the following installments? Many :marseyzoomerimplosion: zoomer/liberal gaymers would be SHOCKED :marseyshook: when they went back to the original game, and all the different demographics aren't treated like an amorphous genderless cuck blob :marseychonker: :marseychonker2: :marseychonkerfoid:

Like holy smokes, in the game there are Alienages, or evish ghettos because elves are 2nd tier citizens because they are cucks in this universe - and the soys will STILL complain about the prevalence of any amount of sexism in-universe. :marseybeanannoyed:

"I think the only explanation for why some of that stuff still ends up creeping into the dialogue, particularly the sexism as you mention, is that the writers fell back on common medieval and fantasy tropes regarding treatment of women, either forgetting or not realizing that is clashed with lore."

This person is talking out of their asses, they are completely full of shit, and likely got their liberal impression from DA2 and Inquisition.

From the very onset in the game DA Origins, there were clear undertones of bleakness and sexism, as if the whole continent was slowly clawing its way back into "modern" civilization, with various calamities and disasters having plunged the whole continent back into cultural and technological dark ages. Foremost being the Blight - a swarming infestation of zombie-orcs which poisons and decays all natural habitats and life they come into contact with, which had decimated civilizations prior to the events in the game.

Runes and murals and ruins dot the landscape, the shells of once magnificent civilizations lived in by their diminished descendants.

In at least two moments, the Suffrage of women are mentioned ingame for DA Origins:

[1] Silent Sisters - dwarf chicks who cut out their own tongues

[2] Aveline - the chevalier in fantasy Frogland Orlais who beat up all the male cucks in a tournament, and won the right for Foids to become Frogland knights in-universe

[3] Sten, a companion of a faroff race, lives in an ultra-communist ultra-rigid society where roles are decided at birth due to the suitability of the kid - he expresses early on meeting with a Foid protagonist that he is MIND-FRICKED by the fact that she is a women and a warrior, cuz in his ultra-stratified nation, they don't exist. This conversation is not easily missed by peeps who actually played the game.

One tumbler feminist actually broke the mold in expressing the joy of overcoming sexism in the game universe.

Point is that low grade mild sexism was baked into Origins from the get go, as if in the start of the game, it has basically only been a hundred years since many women have obtained the rights or respect to join and command fantasy armed forces. The vast majority of fighting NPCs are male, when in combat and cinematics.

Yet even still warrioress women are shown as combat able, being exceptional in their roles and to be taken seriously. But this is not enough for the soys :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

"After countless male characters I decided to make a female one. When the phrase "I swear I'm the bravest of all of you and I'm a woman" became an option I cringed so fricking hard" :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:

Lmoa these people are soooooooooo soy - I have literally heard Safrican women sargeants pooping on male recruits in barracks for failing to do their PT in early basics, egging them on, and calling them p%ssies fr not even being able to do pushups which their women peers are able to do!

I realize this can still be belittling for women gaymers, but i have genuinely seen Afrikaans women, both the older and newer generation, calling men sissies for not being as brave as their sisters or female classmates, when a particularly tough adventurous undertaing was being balked at - like when during a school summer camp we were tasked with swimming across al lake midwinter when it was freezing, the women camp instructors would call all the boys wimps for not even being brave enough to act like a man, and do what the chicks were bravely doing :chadwomanblack: :chadwomannordic: :chadwomanasian:

Like have absolutely none of these peeps experienced the phenomena of men having their masculine pride attacked, also by women trying to prop them up? Maybe that is a remnant of Midievall sexism, where even women partook in enforcing gender roles, but it sure as heck was realistic behaviviour

This one line seems to have turbo cucked :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseybikecuck: :marseybikecuck: :marseybikecuck: sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many Tumblerinas!

Once again how incredibly mild sexism in DA Origins is.

Anyways I won't waste your time too much further, but throughout the past decade a lot of bitching and grumbling had been made by tumblerinas.

TLDR: Male authors are evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvil /r/MenWritingWomen :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2:

Prison wife pickmeishas are my new TikTok obsession :marseysparkles:

This lady has made vids about her prison scroteoid for years and he apparently just got out. The Tr-mp hat really brought it all together :taychefkiss:

She has hundreds of posts like this lol

I guess she probably made a fair amount of money from this schtick though so.. slay I guess?? You better hope he doesn't have a !moidmoment and kill you though girl

A germoid married some Amerikkkan prison man

Girl he better be emotionally available!! What else does he have to do all day???

Not the pickmeisha mom!!

Meanwhile this is what y'all's m*n are doing while they're in prison

what happened to the tunnel digging business of elon?


Tom Holland:marseyspiderman:ID'd While Buying His :pervertedspiderman: Own Non-Alcoholic Beer :marseyrussian:


This year's Salah Christmas seethe finally arrived

Every year Egyptian !football player Salah posts a picture of his family with a Christmas tree and every year it causes Muslims to chimp out

Last year

And the year before


There's about 20k replies already, you could go through these all day if you wanted

Reported by:

/r/McDonaldsEmployees is a subreddit for McDonald's employees to talk about their shared trials and tribulations and commiserate. :marseywagie:

One user, "euphoriaxlove720", :marseyfellowkids: posts a thread titled "(USA) I almost died in the freezer.":

I was on fryer and we had ran out of mc-crispies, and I went to the back to grab more and two freezers in, I got trapped. I was in there for about 20 minutes and I was crying and having a panic attack because I couldn't get out. I was gone until people noticed I wasn't back at the fryer and I tried banging on the door but there was no panic or emergency button. If it wasn't for one of my coworkers I would've died in the freezer. Everyone please be careful when going into the freezers and always have a device with you. I'm 17 and neurodivergent and I was all alone just waiting for someone to either find me, or waiting for death. The freezer there was a death trap and the only exit required a key which I didn't have. On average 60 people a year die from walk in freezer incidents. This needs more awareness. Because it's the most terrifying thing I've ever went through.


Many users are supportive of the OP at first, attributing this chilling experience :marseyrimshot: to a poor design. However, in typical Reddit fashion, the thread soon turns into a neckbeard McSlapfight over US building codes. :slapfight:

Desperate-Face-6954 asks:

There's no bell? In Australia walk in fridges and freezers have a bell on the outside of the door that works from the inside. The occupational health and safety inspectors would make a huge deal out of a bell not working, they save lives.


FrostyCartographer13 responds:

In the US, all walk-in coolers or freezers are required to be openable from the inside, even while locked.

OP is either making up the story or didn't realize you can open the door with a slight push.



Just because they are required too doesn't mean they are, or the latch on the inside is broke. There are THOUSANDS of places in the US aren't up to code, you're insane to think that EVERY SINGLE walk in freezer is up to code, that's simply not the case. I've worked at multiple places with a walk in cooler, two of them didn't open from the inside. One didn't have a latch on the inside at all, the mechanism was broken off and they never bothered fixing it, so if you didn't prop it open then you'd get locked inside, there was even a sign on the front saying "If this door is open CHECK BEFORE CLOSING, IT COULD SAVE YOUR CO-WORKERS LIFE". the other had the latch to open it from the inside, but it was broken, it would work half the time, the other half you'd be stuck unless you propped the door. The one without a latch ended up getting fined and closed down when the code enforcement officer found out, but it goes to show that there are plenty of places that don't have their required stuff up to code.



Ever hear OSHA? The fire department, the health department. You mean to tell me with all these departments that are running in and out of all these restaurants that they would let something like this go ? If this were true, this would be a huge violation and a huge fine.

By the way, why didn't the 17-year-old report this? I bet they didn't because it didn't happen.

Sorry, I've been called ignorant on here, but you people are the ones that are ignorant, not me


The OP replies:

I'm not making it up. There was a white plastic gear looking thing that said "you're not locked in" but I couldn't get it to open. This was so traumatizing for me and my coworker saved my life. I have no reason to make this up. I have autism and I struggle with instructions and I couldn't open the door I tried so hard and I eventually gave up…


The argument then shifts into one about whether the OP could sue for emotional distress and PTSD.


I'm pretty sure OP has a law suit that's easily winnable.



What are the damages? """Emotional distress""" while real probably won't win a case



Almost dying, no way to get out, faulty freezer door, emotional destress, etc. Several occupational health and safety violations as well



Almost """"dying""""" after less than 10 minutes being in there? How fricking dramatic



Could have been a bigger problem if the co worker wasn't there to let them out. Why are you in defense of big corporations? Either way it was an occupational safety hazard. Laws were broken.



I'm not defending corporations, brains. One look at their profile & you can see they have issues


In a separate shitshow, the OP is accused of basing his entire personality on the fact that he's neurodivergent.

Final-Garden asks:

What was the point of mentioning you're neurodivergent



A lot of people for whatever reason like to make their illness/disability their whole personality. I can speak from experience because I've seen it firsthand.



It can lead to increased anxiety in situations like that, it's not a personality it's a medical condition


Tension increases as the OP faces more and more accusations of making his story up. :ilied:


This is a made up story. There are laws in place for preventing someone from being " trapped " in a walk in cooler FFS.. Over the years I've worked in several different McDonald's units in the state I live in. Not once have I ever seen a walk in cooler that you can't get out of immediately.. My family also owned private restaurants where the walk-in cooler has a push button mechanism on the door inside the Walk-in cooler.

Sorry OP, but you need to really up your game about your stories .

This couldn't have possibly happened in the US .

This would be a.SERIOUS violation of huge proportions if it were true.

Maybe a 17 year year old you don't realize that these restaurants are inspected EVERY 6-12 months by the health department, ( among other types of inspections county & state wide ) and a violation like you're reporting just never happened.




Monthly health inspections? Where do you live? Not every municipality or county is diligent at inspections.

In Massachusetts we are lucky to get two inspections a year.

And I worked a place that the inside release for the walk in broke one day.



It's edited. Ppl do make mistakes. Yes even when they proofread.

If truth be known you're more upset because OP mentioned autism. Sorry but if autism affects OP that bad maybe Mickey D's isn't for them.

I'm sure the manager knew OP how much is it most likely due to the fact that OP made sure everyone knew that in the comments here.



I said nothing about autism?

I called BS on your assertion that every walk in freezer in the US is up to code. I've worked at a place that wasn't, and I got caught in the walk in when the latching mechanism broke.

It didn't have a panic button, or a release button.

Thankfully my boss and I were cleaning out the freezer together and he heard me throwing my shoulder into the door.

Stop telling people their experiences aren't real, random internet commenter.



I didn't say you did.

Do you know an opinion page is? Apparently not.. We all have opinions if you don't like mine, I'm sorry .

Have the day you deserve


Elsewhere, Redditors debate whether one can call 911 without a signal or inside a walk-in freezer. :marseyfrozen:


I'm surprised you didn't have your phone on you to call for help. Glad to hear you're ok!



Depending on how the walk In is designed, a cell phone may not get a signal from inside.



You can always reach 911, even without signal or service.



not true at all, you definitely need signal



False. You can dial 911 even without signal or an active service. Research it.



Definitely not possible, you literally can't make calls without a signal. That's why satellite phones/ devices are needed for emergencies if travelling in remote areas with no signal.






It says it can use other providers if your provider doesn't have a signal. Or if the network is busy it will drop other calls to let yours through. And if the signal is too weak for a call a text might get though.

But that doesn't mean you can call when there is literally no signal. Where do you think the radio waves from your phone can go when you are in the middle of the desert and there are no cell towers nearby? Or if there is a thick metal freezer wall literally blocking them?



They must think cell phones transmit power of friendship waves.


FrostyCartographer13 creates more McBeef when he responds to the OP's "I'm not making it up" comment and suggests that, ackchyually, it was just a prank, bro:

I don't care if you got autism and the reason why I want to assume you are making it up a story i give the details on how the door works.

The doors are larger than the doorway itself. They actually set in a resses in the freezer entrance so the gaskets can make a seal. There are no latches that hold the door closed. The only mechanisms for the door closing are the spring hinges and the door assist.

The door assist helps hold the door in the closed position and helps when opening the door.

If the events did happen to you, I will provide you with a possible alternative as to why.

You were the victim of a prank.

Someone (probably the person who let you out) followed you when you went to get the product.

They held the door closed so you couldn't get it open right away and waited for you to start to panic.

After they get their laugh at making you panic, they let you out.

You were most likely in there a total of 5 minutes, not 20. While under duress, such as panicking, a person's sense of time becomes dilated.

You were probably freaking freaking the frick out since you thought you were trapped. Those minutes probably felt like forever.



I'm so glad you think you have the ability, knowledge, or right to say what their experience was, were you there? No? Cool, your opinion is invalid.



What is the more likely of the scenarios?

Out of the dozens of times, the door is opened each day, that it would not open once, then return to operating as normal without a discernable cause?


That OP is the victim of the shitty "trapped in the freezer" prank that has existed since before I ever worked and didn't realize it?



OPs story is more likely. You want to create a narrative with zero evidence of actual being there.



And OP is making an assertion with no evidence.

Thus, I am allowed to dismiss and offer a more plausible explanation without the need for evidence.



The evidence is their experience… keep thinking you know everything! Glad you know all of the facts of the incident and were there to see exactly what happened…. oh wait.

"I don't believe OPs story so I can say what I want without evidence of what actually happened, nor was I there to see the actual event, but I don't need to! I'm always right". I'd hate to be around you in person.


Their bickering continues further, of course:

There is, it goes without saying, loads more slapfighting in this thread, which, as of this post, has no less than 963 comments. :marseylongpost: The entire thread is a massive dumpster fire. :marseyflamewar: Here are just a few more highlights:

TehFlogger, responding to Desperate-Face-6954:

It's not their fault. Darwinism just didn't take their parents out first. It'll solve itself.


boymeatcafe, responding to Us_Strike:

unrelated but is your pfp willy wonka from tom and jerry: willy wonka and the chocolate factory



Annnnd that's why I had to pull forward and wait for my food.



Just put my fries in the bag bro



what does being 17 and neurodivergent have to do with this 😂



This happened to an Arby's employee fairly recently. They didn't make it.



Doesn't relate to the post but looking at your account OP I think you need a lot of help, I hope you the best and am glad you are ok tho



ALL freezers can be opened from the inside. Some sort of latch, knob, button, etc.

Do yourself a favor and stay out of there if you can't figure it out.



I believe this to be largely embellished



Lol to this entire post. I've worked in food service for 30 yrs and unless there's some sort of catastrophic damage to the door, there's no problem. Let alone the ability to bust your way out of needed.



Someone would have found you all mc crispy and cold



I have a feeling either A) You just didn't push hard enough on the door or B) This is a fabricated story because it's literally illegal for them to have a door like that



This person has a weird profile.



You weren't were Mctrapped



bruh. womp womp.



I swear tho, them freezers are cold asf



Sounds like you were 20 minutes short of a major pay day



LOL gtfoh this is satire right ?



20 minutes and you thought you were dying? Good grief. Kids these days. We used to take a bong in there and hide



Why are people saying OP is lying? There are actual cases like this where people did stay trapped in freezers & died?!


jorand19 gets a response from the OP regarding autism:

So does Otherwise_Rip_7337 when he accuses the OP's story of being false, starting an extended argument with the OP that you can see for yourself if you feel so inclined.

In conclusion, the ultimate lesson here is this: regardless of what your post is, someone will always find some way to tell you that you're wrong. Especially on Le Rebbit. :soysnootypefast:

!neurodivergents !effortposters

What /r/Aznidentity thinks when they see mid white boy in Asia
Ļоnеļу :marseycatgirl: dwоnе ļорkíng fоř íts sеnраí ín Khаrkív :marseycatgirl4:
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