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  • pet : incel driven chadphobia
I mean Zionism - come on, comrades- do I have to repeat that every time? :marseyxdorbit:

Saddam was pretty comically :#based: :#marseyemojilaugh:

!historychads !chuds



50,517 post karma

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posts in /r/sweden


Se o Flamengo :marseyflamengo: perder pro vascu :marseyvasco:, me banam por 1 semana , se o mengo ganhar eu quero 10¹⁰⁰ moedas


:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-03-05 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The song Bohemian Rhapsody is a TERRIBLE song/r/unpopularopinion (5M)56%2460
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Pregnant and after receiving this message completely lost on what t.../r/whatdoIdo (39K)62%2590
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AIO? Sister in Law told me to get a psychiatrist because I didn't w.../r/AmIOverreacting (2M)48%1434
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Normally i am indifferent to who is president/r/Contractor (31K)53%1308
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Zelenskyy caves. He says he is ready to work under Trump and sign t.../r/PowerfulJRE (3K)59%1225
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘facts/r/PowerfulJRE (3K)51%924
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘In response to the post about "press-gangs" in Ukraine. This is wha.../r/neofeudalism (4K)51%547
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘i'll just leave this here/r/PowerfulJRE (3K)56%623
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Elon receives rapturous applause at joint address to congress (vide.../r/elonmusk (3M)52%494
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why does anyone have to use a straw at all? Can't you just use the .../r/stupidquestions (168K)56%526

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘Zelenskyy caves. He says he is ready to work under Trump and sign t.../r/PowerfulJRE (3K)59%1225
🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘facts/r/PowerfulJRE (3K)51%924
🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘i'll just leave this here/r/PowerfulJRE (3K)56%623
🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘In response to the post about "press-gangs" in Ukraine. This is wha.../r/neofeudalism (4K)51%547
🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘The Tolerant Left Ladies & Gentlemen/r/ProfessorMemeology (4K)51%449
🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘I'm very interested in hearing what pro-Zelensky people have to say.../r/neofeudalism (4K)49%412
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Bahaha/r/ProfessorMemeology (4K)49%269
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Pregnant and after receiving this message completely lost on what t.../r/whatdoIdo (39K)62%2590
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘I literally have to go to my job now. I'm literally crying. Liter.../r/DoomerCircleJerk (5K)51%190
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Normally i am indifferent to who is president/r/Contractor (31K)53%1308

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Do you think it would be possible to meme redditors into selling their Fords because they are Nazi cars? :nooticer:

You would need a bait pic of a Ford with a swastika on it or something.

Maybe Volkswagens and Mercedes and Porsches too.



Quick summary:

South Korean foid on reddit account gets tired of discussions about why Korean women aren't marrying and having kids, and points out that its not the economy, or just the men, or lack of interest in having children. It is and has always been the experience of living with shitty Mother-In-Laws.

Favorite parts from the post itself:

blindingly obvious result of a society that treats marriage and childbirth like a lifelong prison sentence.

In Korea marriage is a prison.

Because that's what marriage is in this country: a goddarn horror show starring an overgrown, screeching 아줌마 MIL who thinks she owns your soul.

Korean Mother In Laws are Satan.

They are rejecting being a lifelong slave to some parasitic, emotionally deranged mother-in-law whose entire existence revolves around making sure you're just as miserable as she is

Korean mother-in-laws are emotionally deranged parasites.

Korean men are completely, utterly useless when it comes to MIL problems. They have zero backbone, zero awareness, and zero desire to actually protect their wives from their mothers' insane psychological warfare. Why? Because mommy's been wiping their butt for them since birth, and they don't know how to function without her approval.

Korean men are mommy's boys and have zero concept of making their own decisions or standing up for their own wives.

Oh, she's screaming at you? "Just endure it, babe." She's demanding money? "Well, we have to take care of our elders!" She's taking control of your child like it's her personal accessory? "That's just how it is."

Korean foids have figured out why they are in the first world but yet somehow their husbands still don't have any money and it isn't because the corporations don't pay. It is mother-in-laws.

women today have the financial independence to say, "Frick this, I'm out."

The only thing that made women put up with marriage values of previous generations was that they had zero other options.

Even the women who do want marriage and kids? They've cracked the code. That's why the number one green flag in Korean dating is a man with a dead mother. Because that's the only way you can guarantee you won't spend the rest of your life being emotionally waterboarded by an 아줌마 whose only hobby is torturing her daughter-in-law.

Based escaped the matrix enjoyers. Dead parents = no mother in law = good marriage.

Because money can't buy back your freedom once you've shackled yourself to an overgrown, screeching, boundary-less parasite who will spend the rest of her life micromanaging, criticizing, and controlling you.

Money isn't going to solve the problem of having to put up with foid nonsense. Even Korean foids know this.

Oh, and don't even get me started on how 아줌마s have single-handedly turned child-rearing into the most miserable rat race on earth.

Raise children to be independent? Raise children to have a good life? Raise children to take care of parents one day? Haha no. Raise children so that grandmother can show off how successful her grandchild is to other grandmothers? Yes. That is the purpose of life as per Mother-In-Laws.

So some wrinkled goblin in a Burberry sun visor can brag about her grandson getting into Sky Castle? So she can feel superior to her neighbor in the elevator? This entire country is so pathologically obsessed with social competition that even children are just pawns in the great 아줌마 hierarchy.

Korrean mother-in-laws have taken over all of South Korean society. If Russia is the society run by oligarchs, and US is the society run by capitalists, then South Korea is the end result of a society run by Mother-In-Laws.

What exactly are you bringing to the table? A shitty paycheck that's already stretched thin because you're still secretly giving mommy money? A personality so emotionally underdeveloped that you shut down completely if your wife speaks to you in anything other than a bubbly, coddling aegyo tone? A backbone so nonexistent that you'd rather watch your wife suffer than risk hurting mommy's feelings?

Korean woman takes a break from dunking on mother-in-laws to dunk on Korean Moids. Korean moids are spineless worms who cannot handle their wives using a normal voice.

The only reason Korean men aren't completely extinct yet is because a bunch of clueless foreign women are still flocking to Korea, hypnotized by K-dramas and delusional fantasies of finding their dream K-oppa.

But don't get too comfortable, oppa. Word is getting out.

And when that foreign supply dries up?

Good luck explaining to your mother why her bloodline ends with you.

Perfect ending to a long post of dunking on Mother-In-Laws. Even the dunking on Moids is wrapped up to finally dunk on the Mother-In-Law one last time.

Post score: 10/10. We dramanauts could learn from the foid who wrote this post.

My personal opinion:

90% chance she is right about Mother-In-Laws being overbearing in Asian society. 90% chance she is right about South Korean moids being spineless around their mother-in-laws. There are just three steps remaining for her to take the blackpill:

1) Admit that in the first world today women are women's worst enemy and they need to figure out how to avoid/ fix/ destroy the women ruining society instead of blaming all the men for it.

2) Admit that South Korean men are so weak because women took over taking care of the household completely, and that boys need men with some authority at home even above their mother's and father's in their own house that the child can learn from and develop a concept of "my woman' for "me to protect" and "lead", because that is what the foid is asking for indirectly. You cannot force the moid out of the house 24/7 to pay the bills then demand he have some mastery of the household business.

3) All South Korean Mother-In-Laws were once South Korean women who hated their own Mother-In-Laws. Which means that to stop the Mother-In-Law menace in the future this foid needs to self reflect and realize that there are flaws with her as a woman and that she needs to fix those flaws to ensure she doesn't end up as a shitty mother-in-law in the future, but in the post itself she never reaches that far and never makes a single observation about how South Korean women might be shit in ways that create a shitty experience for other women who end up under their guidance. In all her criticisms there was zero self reflection, only the comprehension of the misery she personally suffers without any understanding of how young Korean women get that way as they age.


Good high quality post with foid dunking on a foid's oldest and greatest enemy. Mother-In-Laws. We could learn from this. Also a good post about the value of individual households and why humanity ended up moving towards the nuclear family as the default in the first world and why all three generation developed society households appear to do far worse in terms of fertility rates.

10/10 post we need more write ups like this in the world.

!writecel high quality post you can use to study and learn how to write an engaging post from.

Reported by:
Dorito cheeto has delayed the leaf rake for one more month (two more weeks), proving that nothing ever happens :trumpnice:

No, Democrats, these little auction signs aren't it. You're acting like Wes Anderson characters who don't understand that they're in a Tarantino movie.

Jeff Sharlet ( 2025-03-05T02:30:57.123Z

I’d love to see each Dem hold a placard that reads “LIAR” and silently hold them up every time he tells a lie. (Everyone’s arms would be exhausted by the end, but it would be great.)

MelBlue717 ( 2025-03-04T21:32:38.367Z



are calling for Remove, Reverse, Reclaim.

REMOVE - Remove corrupt politicians from office. REVERSE - Fix the damage. RECLAIM - Take back our democracy.

This April 5th, we are calling for nation-wide protests and sit-ins to take place. Fifty states. Fifty capitols. One Movement.

WE are 50501. Together we will send a message to Donald Trump and Elon Musk tans the Republicans that we will not stand for this any longer. If they do not hear us, we will not stop.

RemoveReverseReclaim #peoplesmovement #weare50501 #politicalrevolution #50501movement #50501

Someone posted a thread with one person being an r-slur in Alabama.

Here's some more

drunkards :marseywinemom: cause a ruckus at local k-pop concert :marseymiku: gets kicked out :capychad3:

so Viviz held a "world" tour last year, and during the Minneapolis concert, while the girls were talking on stage, a few people had apparently pre-gamed and then promptly went an got further fricked up at the bar. the result was a rather heated discussion in the crowd, mean while the girls just stood on stage awkwardly staring around, waiting for security to deal witht he problem :mjlol:

look at eunha's face :marseymonstercocklaugh:


Happy woman's day queens. Rember two knyow ywour worth and nyot twowalrate scwote nyonsense :marseyyass:

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] This sub over the past 72 hours


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I hate Putin, personally. But that shouldn't really be a hot take (333)

You don't know Putin personally. (-76)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You don't need to personally know someone to disagree with the decisions they've made (52)

I never said that dude.I said "hate". (-35)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Zelensky sucks? What is this argument? HUH (168)

He's drafting kids at gunpoint and sending them to war knowing they will die in a cold ditch for a war they can't win.You can't justify you're the "good guy" when you send children to die. It's kinda like saying america sucks we dropped 2 nucular bombs on the 2 largest cities on earth.Even Putin isn't willing to blow up civilian cities. (-45)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Are you r-slurred or brain dead. Name another country that has as many murders from guns as yours dip shit. Now do the math on why that is.Guess what frick was it's the guns. It's the guns.But definitely blame the trans and the Mexicans (1)

Never mentioned Trans. Never mentioned Mexicans. I mentioned the crime rate, and the fact that more guns are used defensively than illegally in the US. That's the real point.What matters is not just the gun murder rate. What matters is the general crime and murder rate, and whether that increases or decreases with guns. Because NEWS FLASH: Guns can be used to stop crimes too.Your argument, essentially, is that I could claim "100 people are saved with a gun while 1 person is murdered elsewhere with a gun" and you would say "The gun murder rate! We need to ban guns to stop that 1 murder!" Those are not the actual numbers, obviously, although it is true that guns save more people than murder others. Rather, just illustrating the point that your argument makes no sense.So, in your own words, "guess what frick, it was the criminals. Its the criminals." Not the guns. The guns stop the criminals more than the criminals use them. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Most people don't really care about what happens on the other side of the world just like most people don't give a fk about the none stop fights in Iran.Most people don't want to fix things on the other side of the world if it means people spending power will massively decrease. People don't want to have there family have to struggle more to save some one on the other side of the world.Even do there is clear right and wrong but there enemies of the past fighting each other most people don't care all that much just most people don't realy care at all that iran has been none stop having on and off wars for decades.And that's the thing people are indifferent of suffering if it means to fix it you have to put more suffering on your self and on your family. That's the reality off it.You have a duty to help allies not a duty to fix every issue in the world.And that counts for both the US and Europe. Cause Ukraine has been on the Soviet side in the past and big part of of a past of being s... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I hope it works out for you and your sons, I really do. If they are really cutting waste and not making money for themselves or the rich then it is a good thing indeed. When speaking about Ukraine, you guys send 4% of your military budget to Ukraine. I view this as the good part. But do you need to send 10% to Israel? I think not. So I hope they cut military budget, oil and corporate subsidies as well. Even small cuts to these would far outweigh the cuts we talked about above. Also Elon should cut his own moon landing SpaceX subsidies along with all coprotate BS projects. This SpaceX project subsidies are 3-5 billion for gods sake.They have not even met the first goal out of 10 that they promised and the deadline is due. The rocket expoded before getting to orbit. I would believe him if he took a chainsaw to the corporations, that would prove he isn't just robbing the people. (1)

Israel is a different but similar contentious topic of discussion, where many Americans question the amount of money being sent there. I mean for God's sake, how long do we have to fund this, before they can stand on their own two?The American consensus on foreign aid, is enough. Enough funding violent organizations and countries, who just end up killing each other over petty religious squabbles. Enough funding government puppets who turn greedy dictator years later. In my opinion, they need culture shifts, foreigners love screaming world peace, but stay killing their neighbors over bullshit. Americans are tired of foreign wars, and I can't blame them for becoming isolationist. I have developed this mentality as well, it's not like the foreigners we help, defend, fight and die for, even like us. I don't have a problem with Elon. Elon isn't rich greedy, he's rich builder. There's a difference. Elon uses his money to try to advance society technologically. He isn't just hoarding wealt... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Direct-Temperature78

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+1🐮)

Number of comments: 20

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


:seizurecat: You literally couldnt match her freak :seizurecat:

Eastern european bros we are so back :marseywereback:
:marseychonkerfoid: To me, Fatty wasn't just any in-game companion, Fatty was my friend. :marseycrying:

Context: this occurred when my first warframe account caught a chat wordfilter instaban on Warframe, specifically a 14 :hitlerapproved: yr ban. Considering the length of the ban and that it was a automated function, I was curious to see how they would respond.

The hamdesk employee Anne :marseypajeetmask: who was assigned the appeal rejected it and dunked on the appeal rightfully hard; even taking the time to identify my in-game pet's name, "Fatty Dingdongz", as a form of hate speech. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Seasoned hogranchers will intuitively know that's a sign that Anne's a fatty.

Rejecting my absolutely r-slurred, hail-mary appeal on a 14 year autoban for using cringe naughty words didn't hurt me.

But being persecuted for who I was friends with did.

:marseyfuc#kyou: FRICK YOU ANNE :marseym!#ini: :mars#eychonkerfoidtyping:

:ma#rseysulk: Rip Fatty :marsey#chimera: 2020-2021 :mars#eylibations:

This is unquestionably an effortpost: getting girlbossed this hard by third-world hogs is tiresome :marseyitsallsotiresome2: and sharing this piece of history from a dark time in my r-slurred past is the definition of effort. I lost a friend :marseysulk:.

Someone threw a spit ball at Trump during his Congress speech :marseyemojilaugh:

Burger politics are so chaotic :marseyhappytears:

Children's Play Place :marseywinner: in a newly built McDonald's in Tennessee
Map of the USA after losing WWIII : imaginarymaps




Oh keeps getting better. "My name isn't Bard, it's Penny!"

Repo Award: A high price award that lets you confiscate someone else's account and auction it off to the highest bidder


Coworker stormed out and quit over my boss' pro Trump Facebook memes

Guys like 50 but go off i guess

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