Dwarfcels are trying to propagandize foids :marseylaughpoundfist:



Oh no no no shortbros



Clears the alimony cheque every month yeah


I love manlets


They can always make me feel better about myself.

2018 breadtuber posts video about BAPist jerk-off material. Gets r*ped on xitter
ChairForce airmen living their best life and of course this b-word is triggered :marseysalutepride:


Sounds plausible. Someone lost a bet is another option. But rightoids of Twitter will do their thang.

Thank you God Emperor Trump, decimating the military for having fun will definitely keep us safe.

Even I'm getting tired of seeing the word "woke"

Apparently, yes


Reported by:
  • Freak-Off : Why is he obsessed with this nostril???
The drama of ROAR (Rights of Admission Reserved)

A quick post detailing some drama on a prostitute forum. A black man wants to find a white working girl to pleasure him. This is difficult to do because many white girls do not see black guys. To advertise this, they will write ROAR on their profile.

Soon enough, the thread is visited by Pluglife420 who has a bit of advice for OP

The prostitutes don't take kindly to that!

Other "punters" (Johns) also have some opinions to share

Pluglife420 defends himself

This doesn't go well with the prostitutes or the johns!



yt "people" suddenly support the death penalty :marseydeathsentence:

Trump names rightoid DEI talk show host as Deputy FBI Director




groomer :marseyblep3:

:marseyqueerie: but its whatever

queeries still 2 fat but hes lost enough weight that he now groom and clean himself like a normal cat

when DD gotem he was so obese-neglected he couldnt reach part of his back and it was literally all gnarly rough/wiry course fur but now hes like just fat plushie :marseyqueerielove::marseyqueerielove::marseyqueerielove:

i feel like

communism will win

:marseyflagromania: New election drama plot twist! :ma!rseyelonmusk: Musk is defending us from big meany EU after they stole our elections :mar!seyflageu:

Some former EU something old fart casually admitted that EU was behind the cancelled elections :marseyfluffy: And that they plan to do this to other european countries too. Other countries pre-emptively announced that they discovered russian bot networks influencing their political landscape, and whether is true or not doesn't matter, guess what will happen anyway? :marseydisconcerting: ...or maybe he simply meant that european countries have a way to protect themselves from Russia and gave us as an example. Depends on who you ask I guess :marseyshrug:

No one really reacted here since people choose the interpretation that fits with their worldview and most people are already exhausted and done with the whole mess, regardless of who is actually to blame. But new elections will happen in may, still a long way to go, so maybe some giant scandal will eventually happen. Musk is definitely determined to create one :marseyfsjal: Still, this is a warning. Elections are approaching for other countries too and the question on whether EU or Russia or both is influencing them will be a reoccurring theme. And frankly there are some good chances that this is the last nail in the coffin and that EU won't survive this controversy :marseyflageugenocide:

So, if the Grand European Union will collapse because of this please remember that we started the whole shit and that we're partially to blame for the upcoming disaster. Frick yeah! :marseyflagromania:

Reported by:
Palworls Lawsuit Details Finally Revealed and it's more pathetic than you think :!marseylaugh:

More details have come out about the palworld-nintendo lawsuit, such as which if the many arbitrary patents they "violated" and the total sum

The sum is for some $32k per violated patent , so a total of a near $100k including any fees and an injunction against further sales of the game.

The patents are r-slurred, vague and in some ways already done by games that existed before any filings.

One involves "aiming" objects in real time in a virtual space during combat and firing it, or generally firing an object in virtual space.

The second is just a 20 page Japanese document

The third seems to simply be RIDING CREATURES IN A VIRTUAL SPACE!

All of these patents were applied for in early 2024 and finally registered in late August, and all applied for AFTER PALWORLDS RELEASE


Total Nintendo Death

What should I make for dinner tonight guys?

I need to feed my wife and three kids a balanced meal while also preparing it all in under 1.5 hours. and I cook SLOOOOOOW. What should I make?

Please list many ACTUAL OPTIONS YOU MAKE AND KNOW ARE GOOD. I can look up recipes elsewhere. I come here for nuance.

EXCLUSIVE :marseyplanecrash: video released by :marseyreportercnn: | :marseyplane: + :marseypinochet: = :marseyakbar:


!illuminati !chuds !nonchuds


He rpeosted tihs thraed

he gvie me lot to tihnk abuot tbh :grugthink:


Socks is such a good big sister :marseyheart: :marseyfluffy: :marseyhearts: as a former feral herself, this cannot be easy

!animalposters !cats

New toss
What's the line between safe edgy and actual edgy?

And is performative edginess actually any less cringe, or just a slightly more offensive manifestation of the same ODD toddler mindset? Can you be outré without being a ten year old who finally worked up the nerve to curse on voicechat?

Gussy? You mean that nasty bacteria factory??


Reported by:
this is fricking theft and should be illegal. is trump doing anything about this?

this has haunted me more than anything I've ever read on here :marseydepressed:



Real life Afghanistan is literally worse than The Handmaid's Tale. The fact that this gets so little media attention angers me.

Islamic law is incompatible with human and especially women's rights. No amount of gaslamping or whining about "islamophobia" is going to stop me from saying that anymore. Women and children are not fricking property.

If Islam cannot be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, then it needs to be left behind in the past. Same for any religion.

This is most perfect reconstruction of reddit comment

Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : Indians ARE racist. Blacks cannot self govern. This creates permanent animosity.
EFFORTPOST South Africa and the Indian Question

Hello, I've got 2 hours before work is done, and I'm too lazy to do anything productive so I'll write this quick post discussing the Indian Question in South Africa. It makes me sad that I even have to write this post because I love all races and I want to live in a multicultural rainbow nation. Unfortunatey, there are some people who are more concerned about tribal in-group bias than unity.

Indians in South Africa

As you can imagine, Indians are not native to South Africa. Yet the country has an Indian population of close to 1.7 million. Furthermore, the South African city of Durban is one of the largest ethnically Indian-populated cities outside of India.

Indians first arrived in South Africa in 1860, during the country's colonial era. The first lot of Indians (approximately 342 of them) were brought in on a ship called the Truro, and the intention was to use the Indians as indentured workers on sugr plantations in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Indians were originally taken from Calcutta and Madras, but eventually labour was taken from other areas of India as well. Colonial workers generally didn't give a shit about keeping proper records. Consequently, many Indian last names in South Africa are corruptions of their proper Indian last names.

Under Apartheid, Indians were subordinated, though they enjoyed better treatment than the Blacks did. Due to forced removals, Indians were forced into their own ghettoes. It is during this time that Indians started gaining the reputation of being "Jew-ish". Much like Jewish populations, they formed insular communities, small businesses, and they stopped relying on the government for services, instead building their own schools and temples. To this day, Indian-built schools produce some of the best students in the country. Consequently, a lot of wealth accumulated within Indian communities, which naturally attracted jealousy.

Anti-Indian Racism in South Africa

Anti-Indian discrimination was certainly present during Apartheid, and it was not uncommon for Indians to be referred to using the racist term "coolie". Blacks were also racist towards Indians, and this is seen through the Durban riots of 1949 in which South Africans took to the streets to loot Indian businesses, stone Indian vehicles, and break into homes. The riots, which lasted for days, were extremely violent and involved acts of assault, r*pe, and murder. In total, 142 Indians were killed, and there were several suicides following the riots due to families being destroyed. This marks the second-deadliest massacre during Apartheid.

Naturally, one would question why the massacre happened. It's generally theorized that there was already animosity between the Indian and Black populations in Durban, and this peaked on January 13 when Harilal Basanth, a 40-year-old Indian shop-owner, smashed 14-year-old George Madondo's head into a shop window.

Do not see Indians as eternal victims, however. It's also important to note that violence during the riots wasn't one-sided and several Zulus were assaulted by Indians. Furthermore, they created the racist term "bululu" to refer to Black people. There's a new term for chuds who want to fine-tune their racism.

The EFF and the Indian Question

Post-Apartheid, South Africa has dealt with problems of racism, but for the most part, ordinary South Africans get on with life in a multicultural society in a mostly peaceful manner. Problems arose in 2018 when the South African communist party called the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) raised the Indian Question. The EFF is led by Julius Malema, who many have foolishly been led to believe is South Africa's president. No! He was the head of the ANC's Youth League (the ANC is the African National Congress which is South Africa's ruling party since democracy was instated in 1994). During his time in the Youth League he showed himself to be a hothead not afraid to speak his mind. Here he is telling a mayo BBC to frick off with his "white tendencies".

He proved too much of a hothead to be controlled by the ANC, and he eventually formed his own party, the EFF. In the 2024 elections, they earned 10.80% of the votes. In 2018, he declared that the majority of Indians are racist.

This was met with pushback from the media and the Indian population who declared that Malema is being racist. As it usually does, the party did not back down and instead released a long statement addressing the "Indian question".

The Chairperson also released an explosive article defending Malema's comments on Indian people. Some choice quotes:

It is a historical fact that Indians arrived in the political territory we call South Africa today as indentured labourers from 1860 onwards. This automatically disqualifies them as indigenous South Africans in the same way whites, who had arrived earlier than the indentured labourers are not indigenous Africans.

Indians were brought to South Africa during the indigenous Africans Wars of resistance, and there is no record that they fought on the side of Africans. On the contrary, prominent Indian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi recognised and worshipped the colonial empire and spread ideological and political gibberish that "whites and Indians were bonded by an Aryan bloodline that had no place for the African" as empirically proved in the book The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire by Desai & Vahed, 2015. The intellectual honesty that defined these two authors while writing about Gandhi's racism escaped one of them in the immediate aftermath of calling out the Momoniat racism.

Even though Indians and whites make up the smallest sections of the population, combined they own and control more land, deciding on the racial and apartheid spatial planning. It is one thing to expose and reflect on already existing racial divisions, and it is another to divide a country that is already racially divided. All the EFF has done since its formation in 2013 is to expose these societal contradictions. It is not possible to further divide such a deeply divided country, but we can only move towards eradicating such inequality by honest and frank engagements.

There are many instances of reported anti-African racism from the Indian community in the stores, workplaces, homes, schools, which do not get reported on. Those who are recipients of Indian racism are often of subjugate economic standing and as stated in the perspective here, economic subjugation of the African majority is the root cause of anti-African racism from both white and Indian communities.

Pushback came in strong:

and even this annoying DEAD cuck Eusebius McKaiser decided to comment.


Unfortunately, racial relations between Blacks and Indians have not improved and in 2021, there were more riots that resulted in 20 deaths. Clashes between Blacks and Indians took place in the suburb of Phoenix.

So what do you think? Are Indians in South Africa victims of anti-Indian racism? Or do Blacks have genuine reason to fight against Indians? I'd love to hear your opinion. Sorry for the relatively shitty post.

ill pay 500 dramacoin for a chris marsey but it has to be somewhat good quality kinda like :marseyfamily: but with the chris hat on perhaps
Velyka Novosilka has fallen + Trump ends neetbuxx for Ukraine chan

Pro Ukrainian rather admit that many Ukrainians are pro Russian than Ukrainian commanders are r-slurs ?

But this time it wasn't the case those guys got ultimatum in couple of hours to surrender. They didn't probably had some hopium that the higher ups had things under the control since those guys never got retreat command

As of 23 January 2025, during the Russian assault on Velyka Novosilka, the 110th Brigade didn't get the time to withdraw from the southern part. With the bridge of the town destroyed, calls to surrender are being offered while the clearing of the settlement by Russian forces is in process.[15]

This what Wikipedia says

On January 24, Russian troops "divided" the Ukrainian Armed Forces group in half in Velyka Novosilka of the Donetsk People's Republic; the 110th separate mechanized brigade was completely blocked in the southern part of the village.[15]

(Russian wiki)

This story was posted 2 days ago

Today Ukrainian media posts everything is fine :marseyxd:

Everything is fine Ruzzia will lose

Ukraine lost that town 20+ hours ago this post was made 12 hours ago thinking about how to not get into encirclement

It is now facing a similar fate to other Donbas strongholds, where Ukraine's delayed withdrawals resulted in avoidable casualties, according to military experts.

Russian troops appear to have cut into the center of Velyka Novosilka, likely dividing the town into two and trapping Ukrainian troops in the south, according to Pasi Paroinen at the Finland-based open-source intelligence organization Black Bird Group. Paroinen said on Jan. 25 that the southern pocket appears to have just fallen, with Ukrainians likely holding onto Velyka Novosilka's northwestern areas and Russia expected to complete the capture in "days."

Not same fate since I think its first time that Ukrainian absolutely failed to retreat and didn't surrender and since Russian learned to neutralise starlink, that why we didn't seen any videos about those soldiers.

"The question is if it's closer to a thousand or closer to a few hundred, and considering how bad the manpower situation is, it's probably going to be closer to several hundred," Paroinen told the Kyiv Independent, adding that it is "purely a rough estimate"

Jfl they trying to cope at every corner. That place was important base for Ukraine. During 2023 spring counteroffensive that town supposed to help reach Mariupol. So more than thousands soldiers protected it and manpower problem was a bit fixed when Ukraine disbanded some brigades and send their soldiers to already existed ones.

Any way I told early this month that Ukraine will lose Kurakhove, Toretsk and Novosilka and they indeed lost it :marseythumbsup:

Now they will try to do this

This move will ignore new defense lines Ukraine been building

(Line west Dnipro)

Russia will also try to do this, technically Russian have pokrovsk at more than 180 degree

But it's seem that Ukrainian started realising pokrovsk is secondary objective for Russian and Pavlohrad is the main

By reaching Pavlohrad, Russian will wipe out 50% of supply lines to east Ukraine. It will not only make Ukraine lose souther part but will also question if Ukraine will be able to hold Kharkiv

Ukraine also lost last village in Luhansk (2 hamlets left)

Meanwhile Ukrainian military sponsored maps post this

So Ukraine wiped out that Novosilka brigade not to look week in front of Trump but Trump

Made up his mind.

The reason probably could be that Zelensky non stop boosting how he won't stop the war and needs "good hearted" or similar homosexuality worded peace deal. Homo been boosting about defeating Russia and chilling in Crimea

So frick that all bullshit and he should be accounted for his word. He got everything he asked to defeat the Russian if he can't he should return all the buxx and if he can't he should go defeat the Russian.

The EU will step up their game.

Oh yeah baby Germany will set new records in shrinking its economy

Here Redditors simp for military complex

It's actually mostly in the form of surplus goods. They are sending expiring munitions and already replaced assets. The "money" is the monetary value of the already purchased surplus being shipped.

Essentially we are sending our leftovers from OIF and OEF.

Still should NOT be stopping aid, I'm just giving perspective.

It's kinda brutal that people still think Ukraine getting old stuff. When we have stories like this:


Ukraine literally getting shells and AD missiles straight out of factories now even Atacms are straight out of factories since Ukraine wasted them all on Crimea. US was building around 200 of them a year and the expired one were wasted in September 2023.

Just want to point out, we've sent Ukraine leftovers from as far back as Vietnam.

Yes m113 that are still in service in US

But Germany is building it's replacement "Lynx" and guess who first started using this tech Ukraine

And if Ukraine get old shit it gets modernised to the newest shit. Every Bradley Russian captured was made/modernised after 2021

Brave warrior

huh. It's amazing to me that anyone with access to media that isn't state-run Russian propaganda could possibly have this view.

It's not Russian propaganda that was hyping Ukraine and now doesn't know what to do since they been telling Russia is constantly losing x10 men and now Trump comes out and says it's 1 to 1 ration. Redditors still didn't recovered that Ukraine has more men in the front and getting pushed back by Russian.

Finding billion excuses :marseyxd:

Even with aid they started to looking for copes like no he didn't stopped for Ukraine and then

Brave diplomats are fighting for exception. Exception is 90 day no cases are won in 90 days

Also why you believe Russian propaganda

Well, the article if you read it, says after the Himars ambush Ukrainians returned and cleared the area.......

So ruzzians dead, Ukraine retook the tree line......

Ukraine achieved its set goal.

This article has ZERO mentioning of Himars yet they delusions are so strong that they still believe in winderwaffle from 2022

Ukraine's objective for the last couple of years has been to trade land for Russian equipment.

Withdrawing in good order from a defensive position because it has no remaining buildings and is at risk of encirclement is good policy.

Spring counteroffensive wasn't "years" of krinky or Kursk suicide (part 2 was on January 7)

Zelensky must revoke the decree forbidding negotiations with Putin

Zelenskyy already told his decree that forbids HIM the president of Ukraine to speak with Putin is for everyone except himself :marseyxd:

But let's see how Redditors were hyping for it and telling it's the best shit

91% approval rating for Zelensky. You might waiting a while there Putin.

Uff did this aged

I love the Kremlin's reply to this, "guess we'll have to wait for a different president in Ukraine". Isn't it cool when a president is an elective position, huh? Bet they wonder how that is like.

But aside from that, the chances of Putin keeping his seat longer than Zelensky (who, I am sure, will leave the position as per his country's laws when his time will be up) are slim.

This also aged well since Zelenskyy is the only unelected president in Europe now that refused to leave :marseyxd:

But good news don't end here for Ukraine

Seems like they also basically lost Chasiv Yar

Since this bunker system was protecting the city.

All going well, a ceasefire will be declared along the entire line of contact on April 20th (Easter), and Ukrainian troops will withdraw from Kursk region.

This also won't work since Ukraine's need this as minimum

Without this territory they won't be able to use their second largest port and they are already in shit

Zelenskyy life is hanging on Kursk, he need to cover it in some kind victory no matter what's happen to Donbas

⁠The end of April will also see the beginning of mass returns of prisoners of war. • ⁠The International Peace Conference will make a formal declaration of an agreement on the war's end by May 9th. • ⁠After May 9th, Ukraine will begin to lift martial law and end mobilisation. • ⁠New presidential elections will be held in Ukraine by the end of August, with parliamentary/local elections to follow by October.

Symbolic way it's such a beautiful plan

• ⁠Ukraine will formally declare neutrality and renounce their ambition to join NATO, who will for their part approve this at their next summit. • ⁠Ukraine will join the EU by 2030, who will assist in the post-war reconstruction. • ⁠Ukraine will not be required to reduce the size of their army and the US will continue to assist their modernisation. • ⁠Ukraine will abandon diplomatic/military efforts to return the occupied territories, but will not formally recognize their annexation. • ⁠Russia will see some sanctions lifted immediately on the war's conclusion; more will be lifted in 2028 depending on their compliance. All EU restrictions on Russian energy imports will be lifted. However, Russia will also be subject to a (time-limited) levy from Europe to be used for funding Ukraine's reconstruction. • ⁠"Parties advocating for the protection of the Russian language and for peaceful coexistence with Russia" will be allowed to take part in the elections. Laws targeting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and "promotion of the Russian language" will also be lifted. • ⁠The possible European post-war peacekeeping force is still a live issue; Ukraine obviously wants it but Russia remains vehemently opposed, so further negotiations are required.

Even if this is not ideal for Russia, it will be GIGA L for Zelenskyy and co. It will mean Russia gets every thing except formal recognition of Crimea and military help from US

So no fricking way Zelenskyy will agree on this

I like the part where Ukraine has to back out of Kursk but Russia doesn't have to back out of anywhere, with no guarantees.

It's like retaking positions without a shot fired.

Yeah, not sure how that makes sense myself. Zelensky was portraying Kursk as the biggest victory and bargaining chip of the war. On the other hand, it does look like Russia will end up retaking it before April.

I mean, if territory is the concern here, the current trajectory of the war has Ukraine losing what they hold in Kursk month on month elsewhere in Ukraine. If you had a deal that was agreeable, holding it up over leaving Kursk would seem to be counterproductive.

It also could just be swapped alternatively for what the Russian hold in Kharkiv, which is similar size.

If we assume Ukraine stop losing territory in Kursk.

Ukraine will lose more new territory in Kharkiv than they hold by April because Russian main goal logically would be now to cut northern supply routes to sloviansk kramatorsk. Their bridgehead is now solid

And they have a solid path to attack Ukrainian weakspots.

Republicans offered Zelenskyy to lower the mobilisation but that's Zelenskyy last card and it's empty because men are now running away at accelerating speed

They non stop looking for new ways out so despite they have like

700k in new age group

(Map is from 2022

At best case Ukraine will mobilise 80k new soldiers so 2 months of Russian volunteers and kill Ukrainian moral.

Here more Redditors sneeding about Trump plan

Ukraine gets nothing and Russia will invade again in 4 years. Cool cool

Why he sad, didn't he wanted to defeat Russia on battlefield ?

Guy like him should enlist and maybe they will able to join the legendary summer party in Crimea


Like what's so hard to understand khohol promised they gonna win and now they need a way out before they will be fully wiped out and crying for fair peace after rejecting all previous Russian offers and promising to the world that they going to defeat Russian… come one they should have some pride. Russian gave them multiple "goodwill gesture"

Redditor made fun back then but now it's Ukrainian turn for goodwill gestures


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