

:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-06 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘While attending a media day event, Travis Kelce said "it's a great .../r/Fauxmoi (5M)64%3647
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Lets all just get along :)/r/GenZ (427K)57%1552
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump & Elon are right and doing a GREAT job, Reddit is wrong and n.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%676
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Society isn't serious enough/r/The10thDentist (303K)60%524
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproport.../r/GGdiscussion (5K)52%408
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Am I wrong for letting my 8 year old changer her brothers diaper?/r/amiwrong (432K)53%409
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why everyone's against Trump's plan? It's not so bad/r/IsraelPalestine (96K)49%373
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘RGV Businesses: Fly your American flag upside-down as a sign of dis.../r/RioGrandeValley (61K)49%322
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Handy Chart of EVERY Socialist regime tried in the 20th century and.../r/austrian_economics (51K)53%340
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Try not to disappoint, Henry./r/GGdiscussion (5K)47%294

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘I was unaware that growing old made your cheekbones grow disproport.../r/GGdiscussion (5K)52%408
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Try not to disappoint, Henry./r/GGdiscussion (5K)47%294
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘COME STAND WITH US!!/r/Oceanside (11K)49%117
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Well, well, well…./r/realhousewivesofSLC (35K)57%296
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Handy Chart of EVERY Socialist regime tried in the 20th century and.../r/austrian_economics (51K)53%340
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘RGV Businesses: Fly your American flag upside-down as a sign of dis.../r/RioGrandeValley (61K)49%322
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Passport Design Concepts for Kashmir/r/Kashmiri (26K)53%142
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Trump & Elon are right and doing a GREAT job, Reddit is wrong and n.../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (148K)56%676
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Why everyone's against Trump's plan? It's not so bad/r/IsraelPalestine (96K)49%373
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Anyone here attending the protest today?/r/PeoriaIL (23K)50%83

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] AIO ended relationship because girlfriend would not honor my requests.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

After reading all of that I just came to the conclusion that I don't like either of you. (1830)

Thanks for taking the time to read through. That's a fair assessment. (-40)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Why are you talking to your girlfriend like this its so strange and condescending. She's being immature but she is right that you two just aren't compatible (259)

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I tried to clearly articulate my boundaries over text. I wanted to show if I had treated her the way she had treated me in a previous disagreement, she would think me to be a wildly inconsiderate and demeaning. (-77)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You come off as very possessive and the way you kept referring to her as "your woman" grossed me out even as a guy. I'd be leaving pretty promptly, this seems exhausting over a Facebook status (which she says you don't even use often anyway) (518)

Thanks for taking the time to read through and responding. I had responded to another similar comment up here, let me see if I can find it …Here it is "I could have worded that differently. I'm my thoughts it's that in a committed relationship her as my woman and me as her man that we honor requests big or small because feelings we have are both valid and important. Definitely did not come off this way" (-91)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

She is two of those three things. I haven't heard of that. Looking now. Thank you for replying! (2)

it can be many different things like avoiding daily care tasks, but it can also be getting mad when someone reminds you of something they asked ofyou, it can be when someone is mad you told them to do something in the first placebecause she was so upset & hyper-focused on the part where you told her to do something multiple times, especially with her dish washing example, it reminded me of myself & i have pda so she is arguing that she doesn't want to be told what to do & she sees you as an butt for telling her & telling her without giving her time & space to do it on her own and you're getting upset that she didn't already do this things & you see it as disrespectful on her end to not care about your needs as much as you doso you have her thinking you're an butt, and you then getting upset & insulting her character & telling her she would be a bad mother, basically you told her to give up on her life dreams because you don't think she is right for it: that's being an butt. then she ne... (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

If it doesn't matter then why not just do it to make your partner happy? (18)

Exactly. This. If it didn't matter, then the person would change it. And comparing this to a couple that is married for a decade who decided maybe jointly to keep their lives private is not an apples to apples comparison. This woman didn't want to change her status for one reason: what she looks like to outside world is actually more important to her than her bf's feelings. She keeps saying the opposite, and bringing up all sorts of bullshit replies. It's ridiculous. Every time in my life a woman has said she wants to keep our relationship private, there's a reason that is not good. Consider that in the time it took to text all that bullshit, she could've gone to her profile and changed her status 100 times, FFS. She clearly doesn't want to do it, and she is lying about why bc she wanted to have her cake and eat it too. OP's mistake, which in my past also was a mistake, was trying to argue or convince the person to change what they are doing. To find out who people are, watch what t... (7)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I mean… I think it was a weird thing for you to decide was a hill to die on. I personally am cautious about posting a lot of anything on fb… I have a toxic ex and friend that would stalk my FB and cause drama over anything I updated on Facebook. Maybe she has nosy family that she doesn't want getting up in her business about a new relationship status. Or maybe she just likes to keep things private. Whatever the reason, I 100% agree the communication thing is more important than a fb status- there is just a lot of justified reasons someone might be hesitant to do that that have nothing to do with the relationship itself. And if you have only been together a short time those reasons may be something she is not yet comfortable disclosing. I think you tried to compare apples to oranges with the communication and "honoring" wishes. It just seems very trivial. (437)

My now wife was like that when we started dating for a couple of months. But that was because I met her when I was with my ex. My wife is the owner of the boarding barn that my ex and I went to board our horses with. My ex was kind of a nut job and cheating like crazy again when we started boarding there, and the relationship was in turmoil, so I broke up with her. Then I started working on the horse trailer that I had at the barn owners property to get it moved off of her land. And me and her would hang out platonically as friends, and we eventually got together. So she was hesitant on changing her fb status as it kind of looked bad to be screwing around with the barn owner after me and the ex broke up a few months prior. But my ex kept trying to prod and message or call me real late at night, and my wife said screw it and just changed her relationship status and just kept ignoring the ex and she eventually went away. But idk why she was so tore up that I was dating someone else wh... (7)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ThinOriginal5038

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Is it rude to point out a whore is a whore just because she hurt her back?


man people are cruel, who cares if she does porn. Girl literally broke her back here, sh*t like this is legit life altering, pain for next 50years in your own body

Guarantee you ask any of these people shaming her for doing porn and a fat amount of them probably don't even come close to comparing to the profit she made when doing porn, it's funny to observe but shameful that people really can't grasp basic empathy cause a woman used to do porn


If you have rubbed it out to this woman but you don't see her as enough of a human being to just have a moment of human decency when you're literally watching her back get broken in two places, you might be a little bit of a garbage person. The jokes are gross.


Comments here are petty, god forbid person has 2 professions.


„Twitch streamer" yep, that's what she's known for.

We should refer to people by their previous careers?

When you're a "former" whore? :marseyagree:

„Twitch streamer" yep, that's what she's known for.

We should refer to people by their previous careers?

If you google her name she is listed as American Pornographic Artist

Who cares?


Right.... twitch streamer.... thats what she's most known for.

So a woman gets seriously hurt and you're primarily concerned about what else she streams? How is that relevant?

Why are you assuming gender you bigot


Right.... twitch streamer.... thats what she's most known for.

Imagine dedicating your young adult life to recording porn scenes 25 days/month for 10 years straight and people just call you a "twitch streamer"


"Twitch streamer" - shes a porn star - and a great one at that!


Hitman Studio Will Remove All Conor McGregor Content After Court Ruling | :marseyparty: :marseyparty: :marseyparty:

And a tattooed only hoe started crying

Comments have a lot of gold like this;*pe-case-as-feminist-march-held-in-dublin-13260789

Conor McGregor lost a civil case where he was accused of raping Nikita Hand at a Dublin hotel in 2018.

Nikita Hand

The MMA fighter was accused of raping Nikita Hand, who was awarded €248,603 (£206,000) in damages on Friday after a jury at Dublin's High Court found McGregor assaulted her in a Dublin hotel in 2018.

Speaking outside court after the decision, an emotional Ms Hand said the two-week-long civil case had been a "nightmare" but that "justice has been served".

In Dublin on Monday night, a march in support of Ms Hand was organised by the socialist feminist movement group Rosa to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Ms Coppinger said Ms Hand was "an incredibly brave woman" and that she was watching the event via a live stream.

McGregor was accused of having "brutally r*ped and battered" Ms Hand.

awarded €248,603 -> "justice has been served"

So another case of: I need money, let's sue a star I hookup many years ago

And it's 2024 and folks still take foids stories about r*pes at face value. Like people don't even wonder why it's a civil case and not a criminal case. Criminal case is when the goal is decide if the accused committed a crime or not and to punish him if he committed (most of times by prison time). Civil case is when one party wants compensation (money) for things the party decide. Civil case is also a less strict and accuser has a lot more control of direction the case goes.

She was taken in an ambulance to the Rotunda Hospital the following day where the paramedic who assessed her told the court she had not seen "someone so bruised" in a long time.

If this was real, she could had jailed him next day but nope, she waited 8 years to get money from him.

Good morning


The jury of eight women and four men had deliberated for six hours and ten minutes and now, on the 12th day of the case, they were about to answer two questions about two men.


He never had a chance also she was accusing 2 men of r*pe

The civil action taken by Nikita Hand against Conor McGregor and his friend, James Lawrence

James verdict was innocent

Daddy Trump About To Broker World Peace - Liberals And Democrats Want NONE OF THAT!


President Donald Trump floated the idea of a three-way meeting with the leaders of Russia and China in which the countries would agree to cut defense spending in half.

Trump, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office Thursday, suggested repeatedly that he'd seek such a deal with Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, saying the money could be spent better elsewhere.

"One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia," Trump said. "And I want to say, 'let's cut our military budget in half.' And we can do that. And I think we'll be able to do it."


or if you'd rather click "show more" a bunch of times, the article is also a tweet thread here:


good morning :marseycoffee:

Japan Continues to Reject their Prodigal Son :itsoverjapanese:

Sega heavily pushed this movie pretty hard in Japan since its the most action packed and game accurate of the three and it still managed to flop.

A nation of Nintendrones can't handle a free spirit like Sonic :marseysonic:

Tho rejoice because Sonic's creator Supports Satam/Archie Kino and the Freedom Fighters !furries

(30% Effortpost) Holy shit the amount of fat women mad at Ariana Grande for being :marseyanorexia: is insane

Tbh she probably does have an eating disorder, but it's funny that being too thin is all it takes for white women to start hating on you, when you know they could care less about her other scandals if she was a higher bmi


She posts on both the snark subreddit but also the fans subreddits?, what a unique specimen.

It's weird seeing these redditors talk about how she need to grow up but if it was a picture of a morbidly obese couple in their 30s with mickey hats at Disney World it would suddenly be mean to "not let people enjoy things"

New account muslim women who has also posted in /r/edanonymous /r/fasting so I don't know whats up with her


This reddit women writes a long essay about how online randos are so sick of her yelling about a random celebrities weight, and how heckin wrong this is.

Before making 10+ comments a day and multiple post on the snark subreddit, basically making it their life mission to tell everyone how unacceptable her weight is, they posted things like these :marseyxd:


:marseyschizowave: Everything is a bodycheck

This is a warthunder and blackops 6 moid, so I have no idea why he cares so much, but he makes posts and comments on the subreddit almost every single day lmao


Anyways, I'm too lazy to post more because I could care less about celebrities, but it was fun.

Reported by:
Reported by:
  • Freak-Off : Why is he obsessed with this nostril???
The drama of ROAR (Rights of Admission Reserved)

A quick post detailing some drama on a prostitute forum. A black man wants to find a white working girl to pleasure him. This is difficult to do because many white girls do not see black guys. To advertise this, they will write ROAR on their profile.

Soon enough, the thread is visited by Pluglife420 who has a bit of advice for OP

The prostitutes don't take kindly to that!

Other "punters" (Johns) also have some opinions to share

Pluglife420 defends himself

This doesn't go well with the prostitutes or the johns!

Any transfem yuri? :marseyliathomas:


Republicans cuck even harder for Trump and Elon


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:



The Navy With More Admirals Than Warships

!historychads !britbongs

!brics It's time to take the Falklands back!!


Self-professed neurodivergent

Daughter of two lawyers

Confused why men ask her what she does for a living on dates, "she's the prize"

Reliant on her parents completely for finances

Finished internship "at a tech company" "program management"

Parents want her to pay her own darn bills (she doesn't), has had arguments about it

Psych degree last year

Internship from March to August

"I enjoy being funemployed" timestamp - uses this word repeatedly

Aspiring social media personality? Plan is to get viral "doing something" so she can start selling merch timestamp

Pays for - utility bills, "some of" food, "some of" nights out

Parents both lawyers timestamp

"You're not gonna get tiktok famous from this show so I hope you're not thinking that." timestamp

"I've been through so much" timestamp

  • was called "Miss Piggy" in high school because she was overweight, still seething about it :marseyxd:

Didn't give them a statement for the CC timestamp

  • Companion card "she knows if I had my own credit card I would be in massive amounts of debt"

  • Not sure what the balance is on her card

  • Hard cut to baby product ad placement :marseyxd:

"Honestly, I just want to be a stay-at-home pilates wife, like not gonna lie, jobs and me do not get along" timestamp

She doesn't know what a CC statement is timestamp

She's missing payments, her mother is on this card too :marseyemojirofl: timestamp

Caleb seethes about her blowing at him timestamp

Convo about parents enabling her, mentions a lot of her friends are in the same position? timestamp

She is proud of graduating college timestamp

  • really proud of her extracurricular? "cross country, track, a sorority"

  • Some D3 university? timestamp

A lot of my scamfluencer friends are funemployed timestamp

  • Life coaching, dating coaching, fitness coaching

  • She is getting a National Academy of Sports Medicine certification?

CC Statement (4908) timestamp

  • $568 minimum payment

  • No payment history

  • Thinks her parents have been paying? Caleb does not see any payments made at all

  • Thinks her mother does not know what her balance is?

  • On trips they just "girlmath it on the Amex" ? timestamp

    • "Sister is one of the most hard-working people?"

    • Family is mad at her, arguing over finances

    • Blew her chance at the internship since she didn't get a job offer out of it?

  • Crime victim timestamp

    • sexual assault victim?
  • Reads out her spending timestamp

  • "My dad, I really hope he doesn't watch this because he is gonna flip out" timestamp

  • Thinks she spent 1000 total last month, actually it was 7549 [timestamp](

    • There was a hotel fee on there that was nearly a thousand all on its lonesome :marseyemojirofl:
  • "I don't want to feel like I'm missing out just because I don't have like a cushy job like they do" timestamp :marseydarkfoidretard:

She tries to discuss politics timestamp

  • She fails to explain what tax she would want :marseyclapping:

Owes for a class timestamp

  • "Social media package from one of my besties" - aforementioned scamfluencer I assume

  • $2'000 - Five strategy sessions how to make captivating content :marseysurejan:

  • "She works in corporate" :marseyquestion:

"This guy she knows has a large following on Instagram and she paid him $350 and didn't know what he was talking about" timestamp

  • Advice on how to run her socials

  • Did not get the value she wanted out of it

  • 100,000 Tiktok followers :marseyemojirofl:

  • "How come I'm not able to get followers on tiktok?!"

    • "Because you don't make interesting or engaging content that resonates with people!" :marseyraging:

"Was going to do a plant medicine retreat and paid for it and couldn't go because of her medication" timestamp

  • I really did want to go to that but I didn't do my research

  • Mentions that she is training for a marathon right now :marseysquint:

"Everyone in my family has been successful but me, I'm like cursed or something" timestamp

  • "I need to go to like ABA [Applied Behavior Analysis] or something"

Has been having medical issues she doesn't want to talk about timestamp

  • "Really really set me back in my internship"

Hates the tech industry because the "entitled" guys she's gone out with in the tech industry have made her split the bill timestamp :marseyxd:

  • "No offense, I would have made you split the bill because I wouldn't have enjoyed the date"

Wants to try and monetize her frivolous spending (through social media) timestamp

Ran a background search on a prospective date to see if he had a criminal record timestamp

Can't stop herself from ordering UberEats

Calls her mother timestamp

  • Caleb doesn't talk

  • "I feel like you and dad give me too much leniency with my finances" - Cringekino :marseyyikes:

  • Questions about her investment account? "I've been keeping track of the stock that I have" :marseyemojirofl:

  • Mother is extremely nice and understanding of her fail-daughter

hey rsp.netcels what are your thoughts on the MSSOM drama

on the one hand dasha weighed in and i want to frick dasha so im inclined to agree

but on the other hand the person who made the reddit post is called lana and lana is a hot name too

what is the correct take here

Knockkers stay winning! :chadblack2: :chadblack2: :chadblack2:

MISSION, Kan. (AP) — An 86-year-old Missouri man has died just days after pleading guilty to a lesser charge in the 2023 shooting of Ralph Yarl, a Black honor student who rang the white man's doorbell by mistake, prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Yarl testified at a hearing that he rang the bell and then waited for someone to answer for what seemed "longer than normal." As the inner door opened, Yarl said, he reached out to grab the storm door, assuming he was at his brothers' friends' parents.

He said Lester shot him in the head and uttered, "Don't come here ever again." Although the bullet didn't penetrate Yarl's brain, the impact knocked him to the ground. Yarl said Lester then shot him in the arm. The teen was taken to the hospital and released three days later.

Imagine the terror if a Texas A&M student showed up at your door uninvited. :marseyyikes:

I love sucking peepee and seeing racist old Missourians die. Kill all Missourians, knockkers forever. :marseyblack:

Reported by:
Throwback to when I pimped my raccoons to sell my old BMW.

Elon paid a chink to grind Path of Exile 2 for him


:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-08 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘Why are people freaking out over trans people not allowed in womens.../r/self (2M)59%5735
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I realized that no. Reddit does NOT stand for the truth./r/self (2M)56%1647
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why don't women set up their guy friends with their lady friends?/r/AskMenAdvice (274K)56%791
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘People are way too liberal in their means of defining people they d.../r/self (2M)52%640
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘A pro-trans sticker seen in a public bathroom./r/pics (32M)69%929
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Did USAID fund his purchase of 300 radio stations?/r/theview (6K)57%522
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What are some controversial beliefs you hold?/r/Christianity (516K)51%445
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘MAGA/ Pro-Trump Businesses to avoid?/r/BucksCountyPA (30K)50%332
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why is it called a gender reveal party and not a s*x reveal party?/r/NoStupidQuestions (6M)57%389
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘With President Trump back in the White House and Republicans leadin.../r/UnitedNations (35K)53%326

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Did USAID fund his purchase of 300 radio stations?/r/theview (6K)57%522
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Wow what a disappointment/r/fansofcriticalrole (19K)55%293
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I can't imagine giving up $1mil twice and still being hated by the .../r/BeastGames (10K)52%133
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘MAGA/ Pro-Trump Businesses to avoid?/r/BucksCountyPA (30K)50%332
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘With President Trump back in the White House and Republicans leadin.../r/UnitedNations (35K)53%326
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Is there a list of businesses that support trump in WS? I don't wan.../r/winstonsalem (35K)49%281
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Do people on the main sub not realize how poorly executed the end o.../r/fansofcriticalrole (19K)57%159
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘HAH! Got her!/r/daverubin (24K)51%108
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Rule 1 Reminder - This is not a snark page. No posts directly hatin.../r/MileHigherPodcast (10K)51%44
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Did school let out early today or something there's teenagers frick.../r/philly (58K)53%238

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
Most Caring Foid :marseyindignantwoman: Emotionallly Ruins her Neurodivergent Husband and wonders why He Doesn't Love Her Anymore

I(27F) screamed at my husband (28M) over his hobbies, and now he's changed and i don't know how to fix this.

Hey everyone, I need some advice about a situation with my husband. I'm 27F, he's 28M, and we've been married for 4 years. He has a room where he keeps all his hobbies—sim racing, aviation setups, soccer analysis cowtools, LEGO sets, music production equipment… basically, it's his sanctuary. He's super analytical and loves writing down and dissecting things, from sports to politics. He's slightly on the spectrum and very introverted, so he doesn't have close friends. I'm really the only person he shares everything with.

He's always inviting me into his space to be part of his interests. I love him and appreciate that he wants to include me, but sometimes I just need some time for myself. Recently, I snapped. I yelled at him, saying some hurtful things that I didn't mean, like how his interests bore me, that he needs to get a social life, and even questioned why I married him. I regret every word, but my anger got the best of me, and I couldn't control it in that moment.

Since then, he's completely changed. He stopped spending time in his room, moved to sleeping on the couch, and barely talks to me. He even ignored our usual tradition of watching our home nation's soccer team play, something he'd never skip before. Instead, he was working on his laptop, breaking our "no work at home" rule. When I asked him about it, he said he didn't care about the game and mentioned that maybe he should be more like his father, who's a workaholic and whom my husband idolizes. He even added, "I don't blame him for divorcing at that age now."

I've apologized multiple times, but he just says, "It's okay, maybe you're right," and shuts down any attempts I make to talk about his interests. I'm terrified he's considering divorce. I know I messed up, but I don't know how to rebuild trust and help him feel valued and loved again. I don't want to lose him, but I'm unsure how to approach this and make amends. Any advice?

TL;DR: I criticized my husband's hobbies, and now he's pulling away. I've apologized, but I'm worried he might be considering divorce—how do I make things right?

She has likely ruined this man's life and made his social anxiety even worse lol.

She basically confirmed the worst fears of every neurodivergent person straight to his face and he'll likely hyper fixate on what she said for years, while the things which gave him joy remind him of how much the world hates him.

Luckily most of the comments are btfoing OP.

How it feels reading women's posts on reddit:

Reported by:
Two raccoons and a bee.

Also, 120k views on this one:

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