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— Dan Hentschel (@danghentschel) February 15, 2025
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Made it to FOTY 2024: (FAFFOT OF THE YEAR)
Her nomination reads: Used up whore who claimed to be "one of the boys" in order to receive incel validation, whilst already having a boyfriend IRL.
https://forums.edramatica.com/threads/cute twink-of-the-year-2024.3404/
Lawlz and Ed will never recover from this
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I did it. 5 years of depression mixed with chronic pain. I did it.
You didn't do shit you lazy fat frick. You cleaned your stash of shit-stained potty roll and sanitary pads and declared job done.
Look at the remaining filth. Imagine the germs.
Thank you for your inspiration
I'm only just now learning to clean, it just never was something I understood how to do until recently. So I'm hoping my openness helps others see that even the worst can be cleaned even if it's not to perfection
Inspiring. Even the most lazy chronic pain ham beast can put their shit wipes in the bin if they make the effort and "learn to clean". Like even a feral r-slur would surely figure out you don't just amass your dirty shit wipes in your bathroom?
What methods help?
A step stool to sit on, an entire box of trash bags next to me so I don't interrupt my process, a grabber tool so I don't have to moved, and starting at the door so I don't feel trapped
Depressing. This feat was only possible because she found a way to do it without moving.
Picture of the Redditor:
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Nobody goes to Kiwi Farms expecting civil, reasonable, level-headed discussion, but wingcuckery of any sort used to be largely mocked on the site. After the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, however, the worst chudtard vermin from /pol/ flooded into Kiwi Farms en masse, and the site today is largely indistinguishable from VNN or Ironmarch. A few !terfs remain, but they are rapidly dwindling, and the thread that you're about to see is a perfect example of why:
The thread on the Articles & News subforum started off with a TERF posting a link to a Telegraph article about how more than 70% of inmates in the UK are s*x offenders. The thread had absolutely nothing to do with race or abortion or anything other than
s, but that didn't stop it from quickly turning into a shit-flinging contest over those subjects. Here are just a few of the highlights.
User Battlefield2142EU replied to the OP with...
Women voted for this. Don't cry about
r*pe in women prisons.
...to which OP TheySeeMeRowlin replied with...
Yes, women (who comprise half of the human race) are literally one monolithic hivemind who all support mentally ill men being in women's prisons. Do you neckbeard incels even realize how fricking r-slurred you sound? Have you ever met any woman, outside of college SJW circles, who supported
s being in women's prisons? Not even most dyed-in-the-wool leftist women support this shit.
User JamusActimus then brought up an argument that the OP had had in another, unrelated thread regarding so-called racial IQ differences:
Nobody's gender makes them act a certain way. Their culture may encourage them to act a certain way .
It's a culture problem op?
User TheySeeMeRowlin:
Having a severe mental illness tends to make them act a certain way, being lifelong s*x offenders certainly makes them act a certain way, and having a peepee means that they don't belong in women's prisons regardless. Their ethnicity is completely irrelevant.
Try again, Stormstrag.
User JamusActimus:
Why not since you said on the other thread that everything is cultural and that ethnicity and biology plays no role in someone's behavior.
If they are culturaly women then it's fine right?
Your premise that ethnicity has no impact on behavior is proved wrong by your own statements.
-You're saying that gender makes someone act different beyond the cultural aspect.
-So ethnicity should make you act different beyond the cultural aspect because it affects hormones and behavior (some ethnicity have 50% more test than others)
User TheySeeMeRowlin:
If you think that ethnicity and biological s*x are even remotely comparable, then you are even more r-slurred than the usual Apedrew Apelin acolyte.
There are proven scientific differences between male brains and female brains. There are no proven scientific differences between brains of different ethnicities (and no, the "scientists" that I'm sure you'll cite are not even remotely credible). Not to mention, that still has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that male s*x offenders - and, more broadly, anyone with a peepee - poses a very serious danger to female inmates in female prisons.
Go back to Stormfront.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
Aside from the shrieking morons I met in university, there are plenty of far-left r-slur women I grew up with and who I meet at the bars I frequent who will have a meltdown if anyone dares criticize the LGBTQ movement or any aspect of leftist dogma for that matter. You're the sheltered r-slur here who clearly don't get out enough. Not saying all women think this way, met many who don't, but it's pretty frickin obvious that the majority of women are leftist drones. Look at any polling statistic in any western country to see how big of a leftist block you stupid ladygardens are
User Cherry Eyed Hamster:
Women voted to be r*ped by men in dresses?
User Battlefield2142EU:
Yes. Same way they voted for defunding the police yet b-word about not feeling safe walking home at night.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
They vote for politicians who advocate for ever more increased tolerance toward these freakshows, so yes, aside from the contingent of women who totally agree with it, many do vote for it indirectly.
User FrancineCansMcGee:
Yes, they vote for Democrats.
User Dysnomia:
No. They don't. The problem is that the candidates that many women feel align with their values about health, social welfare ect... tend to be
pozzed. Since the repubs blew their load on abortion last election and fricked up there's literally nothing in there for women. Choose the wrong hill to die on and find out. That's why we have a senile old man as president. Not that the other choices were any better.
"Women voted for this" is a cop out shut down tactic that's getting really old. I just pat the poor dear's on their heads and move along. They know not what they say. It's ok though. I still wuv them. 🤗
I didn't vote for that either. I live in the ghetto. We have a pretty strong police presence here. The mayor I voted for wants to increase police presence. No sane person male or female wants to defund the police. Now accountability is a whole other thing. I do not want to live in a police state and they really do go too far in some cases. Police brutality does actually exist. I'm all for anything that reduces over reactions by police. We need more mental health services over all.
You get a sane anti-
candidate out there that doesn't drink all the far right Kool Aid and I'll vote for them.
User FrancineCansMcGee:
A JK Rowling equivalent would win a Democratic primary nowhere in America.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
JK Rowling wants every western country full of BIPOCs and Muslims, both of whom r*pe more women than
s. The only thing she isn't a complete moron on is
s. So she is basically like every leftist politician currently in office except she hates
User The Punished Mitch:
If that's the case, why do they consistently vote incorrectly?
User Cherry Eyed Hamster:
What would be the incentive for women to vote for Republicans?
Also I'm pretty sure white women are what helped Donald Trump get elected in 2016.
User Mac Monster:
Being able to murder an unborn child or getting r*ped by a man in a dress. Doesn't sound like a particularly difficult choice.
User round robin:
Genuinely astounds me how pervasively anti-natalist rhetoric has infected and rotted the average femoid brain to the point that they will consistently vote to destroy their own cultures if they're not allowed to kill their children.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
What is it you object to exactly? The economic stability? The decrease of violent and/or sexual crimes being perpetrated against people in the streets? So you'd rather be able to flush out a baby because you were too r-slurred to use birth control than security, both economic and from hordes of male feminist BIPOCs, hard-working Americans and
User The Punished Mitch:
I am aware that women are willing to suffer the mass importation of MS13-style gangbangers, sandBIPOCs and male sexual deviants in all of their spaces in exchange for unrestricted permission to kill children.
So be it.
User Cherry Eyed Hamster:
Women are less likely to be r*ped by a man in a dress than by a regular man, but I'm sure some of you think we voted for that, too. Also more women would vote Republican if the party let women have abortions if they were r*ped or their lives were potentially in danger.
User The Punished Mitch:
"We'll vote to stop being BTFO by mentally ill men in all aspects of life provided you allow us to kill children"
User Cherry Eyed Hamster:
So are you gonna deny that r*pe happens?
User The Punished Mitch:
Are you going to pretend 90-99% of abortions are anything but elective?
User Cherry Eyed Hamster:
No, but you're intentionally dodging my point. Should women have to carry a pregnancy caused by r*pe?
User Higgs Bonbon:
I don't think women should vote for those heckin republichuds, I think they should vote for literally any party that doesn't act in direct opposition to their safety and wellbeing
there's no such thing as a wasted vote
User gata:
I hate that you cute twinks just have to make things about
s into a abortion or female voting or gender war discourse. No fricking wonder these freaks and their enablers can get away with disgusting acts since their enemies are busy fighting or sabotaging each other.
User The Punished Mitch:
Why do foids feel the need to obfuscate their lust and desire for unrestricted child murder?
User Cherry Eyed Hamster:
Wow. With points as compelling and thought-provoking as yours I can't fathom why more women don't vote Republican.
User Higgs Bonbon:
A better response would be "no, and the vast majority of people (conservacucks included) think so too, up to the point of exceptions for r*pe being made in states where abortion is otherwise illegal"
then she'll get mad and go express her lust for bears or someshit
User The Punished Mitch:
Im not the one getting blown the frick out by mentally ill men, pooners are welcome to try their luck in male prisons/changing rooms/pottys/sports.
"I'll stop voting to get kicked in the testicles on the daily if you allow me to avoid child support just because I don't want to pay"
"What do you mean enjoy getting kicked in the testicles if that's what you prefer?"
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
lmao yes, you do as a group vote overwhelmingly for politicians that support open borders, which brings in large amounts of men who are much more likely to r*pe, as well as vote for politicians and DAs that advocate to let BIPOCs/hard-working Americans/poos out on bail, who are far more likely to r*pe than any other demographic, solely because "bail is racist" (between the lines: BIPOCs or hard-working Americans or poos should be free from prosecution even for murders or violent r*pes because they're brown).
User macrodegenerate:
I love how this thread became about being angry at women instead of being mad at men who abuse women.
Really all the Democrats did was focus in on what women want and then used that to get into office, so they could scam them out of their culture, money and country. It's really no different from profiting off drug addicts or gooners addicted to only fans. They can't really help it, so what's the point in being mad?
User TheySeeMeRowlin:
Because a clump of cells isn't a child, you r-slurred incel neckbeard. Your side has lost every single time abortion has been put on the ballot - even in ruby-red states like Kansas and Kentucky - yet you continue to hammer this issue to a public that is completely repulsed by your position, just like you do with the Orange Jesus who is now a convicted felon and who will once again lose the presidential election in 2024, just like him and his MAGAts lost in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Reality doesn't matter to you, hence why, when Trump loses again in 2024, you will once again falsely claim that he was somehow cheated by the imaginary boogeyman "Deep State".
P.S. Jesus is a ladygarden and I wipe my butt with the Bible. You are a dying breed and you know it. You will die alone and miserable and so will the "traditional Christian family values" that you claim to champion while you engage in all manner of degeneracy, just like the Catholic priests who r*pe little boys while they drink the AIDS-infected blood of Christ. The only time anyone will ever touch you is when you choke on society's peepee as you die. Now choke on it, b-word.
The post above concluded with an image that I highly doubt the admins want me to include here. It's a Mike Diana cartoon depicting a small little boy being impaled on a Satanic-looking (with devil horns) Catholic priest's enormous, ejaculating peepee, with the priest holding a chalice labeled "AIDS INFECTED BLOOD OF CHRIST" and the words "PRIESTS FRICK LITTLE BOYZ!!" at the bottom of the cartoon.
User Iron Jaguar, quoting Cherry Eyed Hamster's "more women would vote Republican if..." post:
That is hilariously untrue. - You may even believe it but it's still untrue. Women will always find some reason not to vote for orderly, stable society.
User TheySeeMeRowlin:
How is that "orderly, stable society" working out in Republican-led states, which consistently lead the country in poverty, crime, homelessness, unemployment, infant mortality, and corruption while consistently ranking last in education, healthcare, public infrastructure, and GDP?
User Abradolfus_Linclerson:
You are an idiot if you think you made an actual point with this supposed 'gotcha.'
You mean those states that were, until relatively recently, all segregated Democrat strongholds? Or the Rust Belt states whose economies were shanked by Bubba Bill 'the Male feminist' Clinton and have never recovered? States that are otherwise Red leaning except for their major shitties, most of which (such as Chiraq: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Chicago or Milwaukee: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Milwaukee or Minneapolis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Minneapolis or St. Louis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_St._Louis) haven't seen a Republican in high office for nearly a CENTURY in some instances? Bringing up Dixie is not the win you think it is, nor are Red states to blame for r-slurs like you voting in soft-on-crime Commies like Chesa fricking Budin, lawless attorneys general like Alvin Bragg, or mayors like Cap'n Crack himself, Marion motherfricking Barry.
How are shitlibs like you so goddarn immune to cause and effect that you keep voting for the same shit and expect it to turn out any differently?
Also, lol at 'there's no statistical difference between populations'. Yes, yes, geographic origin is so meaningless it's impossible to distinguish an aboriginal Australian from a European, an African from an East Asian, an Inuit from an Indian (dot, not feather), and a Polynesian from someone of Middle Eastern descent. We can't tell by looking at skulls whether or not people dead a thousand years were more or less closely related to whoever is currently living in the region now. There are literally no differences between races except on the most superficial level, just like we can't tell shit about who or what a woman is versus who or what a man is. Are you seriously this fricking dense?
User TheySeeMeRowlin:
The southern states were Democrat strongholds in the past because the southern Democrats - the Dixiecrats - were far-right ultraconservatives. And guess what? Those states were equally poor then as well, if not even poorer. The more conservative any state (or country) is, the poorer it is. Every single time. What do all conservative countries - from Iran to Somalia - have in common? They're all impoverished, third-world shitholes. And, if Democrat cities are destroying these red states, then why are blue states the richest in the country by far? Every single one of them, without exception. Not to mention, West Virginia is the most Republican state in the country and also the poorest state in the country - it has no Democrat cities of any sort. But, hey, women can't have abortions there, and that's clearly more important than actually having a functioning society.
Also, when did I ever say that one couldn't distinguish because the physical features of different races? That's not at all what I said. I said that you can't distinguish someone's race by their brain, because all races have the same brains.
User FrancineCansMcGee:
It's generally working out fine because the brunt of all that is born by the urban dwelling democratic minority in those states. Try breaking it all down on the county rather than state level and get back to us.
Also, instead of the whataboutism parade you could just take a swing at explaining why women in democratic primaries still vote for the transgender agenda when THERE IS NOBODY TO WHATABOUTABOUT.
User TheySeeMeRowlin:
The most Republican counties in those states are by far the poorest ones (especially compared to the blue cities, which are always far wealthier). Also, West Virginia has no Democratic counties at all and it is the poorest state in the country along with being the most Republican state in the country.
For the record, I'm not even a Democrat. I'm an independent. But, in spite of his many, many faults, I will certainly vote for Biden over the alternative. So will most people in the center, as you will soon learn.
User Iron Jaguar:
Those States are undoing decades of Democrat damage and working towards rebuilding a functioning society.
Also, the crime, poverty, illiteracy, healthcare and infrastructure issues can be summed up as "BIPOCs and Hard-working Americans", who vote Democrat en bloc. Let's not pretend you don't know that.
User Seventh Star:
Wow, that's actually pretty informative, I didn't know the exact amount of
s convicted for such heinous crimes. I hope the dumb BIPOCs at A&N aren't talking about Democrat/Republican bullshit no one asked for in a news article about British prison statistics.
User Otis Mallebrok, quoting Seventh Star's "I hope the dumb BIPOCs at A&N..." post:
Nah, "le women bad" is just a pavlovian reaction for many of the compulsive wankers on eternal love-quests 😀
User FrancineCansMcGee:
poverty, crime, homelessness, unemployment, infant mortality, corruption, education, healthcare, public infrastructure, and GDP?
Democratic primaries allow women to choose to oppose the transgender agenda without supporting Republicans. This does not occur, instead the results of these elections support the transgender agenda and nominate exclusively pro-trans candidates. The buck will not be passed to Republicans for that no matter how much you bite and claw to change the subject to anything else.
User Sicko Hunter, quoting Battlefield2142EU's "Women voted for this" post:
Posts like these are literally just "I hate women and want to reenforce my hate by pretending they are to blame for all
shit" No one voted for this. There wasn't some election held on "Should we put mentally ill men in women's prisons? Yes or no" that never happened.
User IAmNotAlpharius:
The problem I have with progressives, as someone who has had the misfortune to live in cities most of my life, is that the more progressive an area is, the shittier it becomes. The vast majority of cities are democrat run and as the democrats have moved farther to the left, the places they rule over have become shittier.
I'd also argue that progressivism is the philosophy of the wealthy and that many people support progressives because they associate it with high social status. Ultimately a lot of progressive policies will tank the cities and countries that embrace them. We are witnessing this right now with San Francisco and Portland. Mark my words. Europe will devolve into decades of ethnic and religious conflict because of their open borders. The vast majority of immigrants are only accelerating Europe's economic decline because they're taking more out of the welfare state than they'll ever contribute to it. It's not going to be just Europeans v Muslims but also English v Poles, Ukrainian v Armenian, etc. It's going to be messy.
The main problem I have with progressivism is that its core tenant is pleasure. Above all else pleasure is celebrated and impeding pleasure is seen as the greatest sin in progressive circles. This is why we will see more progressives push policies in defense of "maps." It's also why you have people supporting contradictory policies such as increased welfare and open borders. Supporting those policies makes them feel morally good even though logically a welfare state isn't possible if anyone can have a claim on it.
Much of the infrastructure and economy in small towns, not just in the south, are bad because small towns have limited political clout. If you're a native living on the reservation or a red neck in the applachians, no one gives a frick about you because your vote is meaningless because you're a minority of a minority. The politician would rather give money and resources to a middle class "refugee" from Venezuela who left because the gibs dried up before acknowledging the sad position their own people are in. To do so would be to admit that the democrats have abandoned the working class and their former constituents in the south,
The cold reality is that the American politician and the urbanites don't care if their fellow Americans have limited infrastructure or economic opportunity. They don't want to spend money on the icky small towns that were ruined by outsourcing. The democrats under Clinton and other "left" wing politicians have done more damage to labor than the republicans have done in a century. Not only did they help gut entire towns and even large cities in order to outsource production to a hostile nation, they never bothered to prop up the void the lost industries left behind. And for what? Profit and pleasure. Is it a surprise that after decades of neglect by "the party of the working man" that they've rallied around Trump?
In regards to the Democrat party specifically they loathe the poor because they're descended from the planter class that viewed itself as minor nobility. They've lost the south for a time but it doesn't change their tactics or their roots. They've always been deeply entrenched in corruption and despotism. And they'd never allow a liberal party to exist because it'd kill their power base and grift. And honestly Lincoln should've strung up the entire southern Democratic Party. It would've saved us a lot of grief down the line.
In terms of r*pe, male feminists should be shot whether they're men in skirts, gay libertarians, straight men that are coomers, or female teachers abusing male students. I feel the same way about people who permanently injure others/disfigure them, murderers, and those who commit manslaughter. (Most male feminists are mentally ill men who are a threat to society and should be put down like a rabid pit bull).
I'm not against abortion if women are r*ped, the child would be crippled, or if the mother's life is in danger. However, I do think we should prevent abortions of infants that could survive outside the womb, and that abortion in that stage is no different from murder. IMO we should mirror Europe's stance on abortion with the time frame, make day after pills more common, encourage more condom use, etc. Several woman have died from late stage abortions in my state in which the child could've been surgically removed and adopted. IMO the risks to abortion isn't fully advertised. I've personally known of people who died because they tried to do abortions on their own and another who became infertile because the medical center damaged their womb in the process of the abortion. It's a nuanced issue that our two party system is ruining. The two party system should be abolished imo. They have no incentive to listen to the people and most issues aren't black or white.
In terms of
s I feel that a lot of them are abused by the medical system for profit. That they know they will be dependent on them for life and will make a ton of money. I suspect a lot of medical centers also profit significantly from abortions and self termination, so they encourage those as well.
User FrancineCansMcGee:
roe wasn't overturned by referendum and thus it is impossible to blame any group of voters for roe being overturned. My brain can't comprehend any motive other than personal hatred for why anyone wouldn't agree with that.
User Sicko Hunter:
?????????? was not talking about roe v wade. Abortion is based by the way keeps poor people out of the gene pool.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
BIPOC, leftist politicians came out and openly said for the last decade
s are so oppressed and need to be able to compete against women in sports and share their locker rooms (which obviously would in turn lead to them being in women's prisons by extension), as well as to allow unlimited male feminist third world trash within our borders, and women/soyboys/non-whites went out and voted for these politicians in droves. Don't tell me progressives and leftists as a whole didn't know what sorts of policies they were voting in favor of. Absolute braindead take
User Sicko Hunter:
wtf I hate women now and think they deserve to get r*ped in prison by
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
You do you, bro.
User FrancineCansMcGee:
Instead of being hysterical and r-slurred you could just say, "The well meaning votes to support the transgender agenda have had unforeseen negative consequences. The women voters who are the majority of the party who implemented these reforms should take note of the error and use their votes and lobbying power to address the issue in order to protect women and children going forward."
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
Leave it to leftist freaks to equate pointing out the highly accurate voting demographics in favor of these policies with wanting to see women r*ped by
s and nigs. If I wanted to see that I wouldn't be so frustrated with how it all turned out, but there's only so much you can do, so becoming apathetic and saying "it's your own fault ya dumb ladygardens" is really the best course of action, especially when leftists/centrists act all bewildered that this is occurring and try to rewrite history to avoid or refuse taking any responsibility for what they empirically by any metric voted for.
User Smashed & Slamed:
I think the biggest tell in this entire sperg out is that not one woman said "I didn't vote for this." It's all "Not all women are responsible for this."
If you can't stop acting like a toddler on Kiwi Farms and accept some imaginary responsibility then there is something really wrong with you.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
Yep the stupid twat already admitted she will be voting for Biden again even after he issued executive orders like this the first week he was in office, which clearly set a tone for legislation throughout the country:
Then they wonder why we laugh at them for shooting themselves in the foot while they whine about the very policies they openly admit voting for.
User Sicko Hunter, quoting TheySeeMeRowlin's "literally one monolithic hivemind" post:
You won't win arguing with the r-slurs here. They literally do believe this is the case.
User Chicken Neck Nelly:
You're either a disingenuous cute twink or a stupid cute twink. Take your pick
User Otterly:
It would be nice to have someone to vote for who wasn't simply a slightly different flavour of the same hideous globohomo/asset stripping class who want to impoverish us and strip every right we have. The British public will probably overwhelmingly vote Labour in July which will make us completely go over the edge of Marxist dystopian horror. But can I blame them for kicking out the tories? Not really, they've been in power for 14 years during which time literally millions of thirdworlders have immigrated legally and illegally, and the country has deteriorated at at astonishing pace.
I would like to vote for someone who likes life, and likes my country, and likes the natives who live here. You would think that would be much to ask would you?
User Über:
Women pre dominantly vote for soft on crime parties that support the gay and trans agenda. Had only male votes been counted no liberal or socialist parties would remain in power.
User jertzog:
Threadcow OP is asleep, so I will say that yes all women vote for this. Every last one is lying if they claim otherwise.
User Biggie Smalls' Taint:
We need the Kiwi Party. The platform is TXD: Total X Death.
TRD: Total Male feminist Death, tie male feminists to trucks and drag them through the streets
TDD: Total Diddler Death, a free bullet to the head to anyone who touches a kid.
TTD: Total
Death, redundant considering the previous two, but public executions of any and all
and to get women to vote for us, TBD: Total Baby Death. Chucking babies into an oven. Fetuses, born kids, toddlers, college-aged kids that won't get a job, bring them in and we'll dunk em in the broiler. We even offer two-for-> one deals where we throw the mom in the hotbox, baby and all. Bring the family, we'll chuck 'em in there, too. Grandma won't be a financial burden once she's golden brown and crispy.
The Kiwi Party: Total BIPOC Death is a given.
User Am I Very Wrong:
women shouldn't be able to vote
User The Punished Mitch, quoting TheySeeMeRowlin's post with the Mike Diana cartoon:
Least unhinged child murder enjoyer
User Am I Very Wrong, quoting the same TheySeeMeRowlin post:
i don't even understand why you get so mad over
s. this looks just like the kind of stuff a degenerate coomer from the stinkditch galleries would post.
really the only thing that separate you is that you wish you had a peepee while they have the opposite problem. the projecting is the cherry on top.
keep voting left, they'll do the same
User Spud, quoting TheySeeMeRowlin saying that "There are no proven scientific differences between brains of different ethnicities":
People will say they believe in evolution and then say shit like this. You don't think that the environment that one brain found itself in would adapt differently than another in a completely different environment?
User The Punished Mitch:
It really is one of the most damaging and delusional copes of all time.
User Daddy's Little Kitten:
What the frick is this thread about?
User Peepeepoopoo Witch:
Why do these types of articles always devolve into bitching about women being allowed to vote, pro-life and anti-life politics, which s*x is more awful, and Romish libertarians being lumped in with Christians?
s are privileged perverts and should be treated as such. The end!
And these are just a few choice highlights from a long thread consisting almost entirely of chudtard shitposting and shit-flinging
directed at the very few TERFs in the thread, who learned right away that they were vastly outnumbered by chudcel r-slurs.
Alas, such is the state of Kiwi Farms today.
@Aevann, Marseybux for stirring up and documenting rightoid infighting pls. Also, effortpost.
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My cat is my Valentine this year
Why are YOU single?
- whyareyou : no we absolutely do not
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Updoots to the right
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What was the best part about working there? We had so much freedom. Everyone just hired their friends and within a few months, most of the Chicago stores were a really well-integrated social group. There was still a lot of excitement about the company and a lot of us loved it. We could do all levels of store things in whatever way we liked, and most of us were managing or merchandising for the first time and we were proud of what we were doing. If you had a good idea for a piece, you could submit it to someone in L.A. and it might actually get made (rarely, but for real.) This was long enough ago that there weren't even jeans yet. Everything started getting very polyester after that. And these weird people would come from L.A. to help with something or other, and buy us food and drinks and drugs with their per diems, and we'd become great friends with them or have s*x with them, or both, and we all agreed it was the best times.
What was the worst part about working there? By the time I left, there was a major rift between people who worked well with Dov and people who worked with the CEO at the time. Basically, depending on what team you were on, you would get benefits or problems. This was with stuff like inventory requests, so it was very immature and depressing. I was on Dov's team and would regularly not get something really basic, like black leggings, or light bulbs, or fixtures, without a battle. During some dramatic time, I had to leave work for a week because of an emergency. An HR person told me she would support me and then avoided my calls for a week before getting someone else to fire me. I was immediately rehired by Dov, so my HR rep hated me.
Did anyone else read Strip Tees by Kate Flannery? I thought it was readable and kind of fun in a gossipy way, but she completely avoided any real introspection of her own responsibility, even though she was fairly high up in the company, responsible for scouting new locations, hiring staff and opening new stores nationwide.
The book could have been much more than what it was, I guess.
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Just a liiiiittle bit over the 4-11 sentence he was originally looking at. Even I think this is super excessive and gross.
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
Ria played the best game, and deserved the win. Congrats. (-21)
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
That was Rias aha moment? that the last ball went on top? (166)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘
Brutal by Kirk. Nobody even said "no not me" apart from Dave. Brutal for Big Cat holy shit. (14)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/high_society3
Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)
Number of comments: 31
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
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autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
- 38
- 26
as we all are aware, the prophecies clearly state that this is the last pope, ergo this sickness is a harbinger of doom
- 7
- 38
“Timhouthi Chalamet” was UNBANNED on Twitch
— yeet (@Awk20000) February 11, 2025
Apparently he streamed 21 days ago pic.twitter.com/C19Tb8qjRs
image of his two accounts, the second one he used to ban evade (which normally twitch
even let you appeal after you ban evade lol)