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Cloud is a pervert :marseyxd:



Unsurprisingly the people buying courtside WNBA tix are lesbians.

You're a chud if you don't think this is a woman btw

Groveling with gratitude is apparently what you call it when you ask someone to not try to injure the most popular player in the league (extremely difficult ask).

the solution to people disliking the wnba is bringing back Twitter Jannies.

This is like when people accuse Celtics fans of being hardened racists and then you go to a game and it's basically the same yuppies that you'll see in any major coastal city.


4chuds celebrate:


Previous thread I made some hours ago lol:

!g*mers WON

!chuds WON

!asians WON





:!#marseykneel: :#vegetakneel:

marsey gets swatted
Reported by:
Samsung sells you the last earbuds you will ever need

No comfy chair today...

Checking in on the Alt Right :marseyxd:

Excuse me.....Dissident Right :soyjakanimeglasses:

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!brics :marseymacacosalute::marseysaluteussr::marseysaluteindia::marseysalutechina::marseyflagsouthafrica:







We were talking about this last night and this thread demonstrates a surprising level of self-awareness and a depressing level of encouragement. :marseywitchgenocide:


To be honest, all the medical intervention in the world probably couldn't have changed him, the parts of his brain that weren't needed for wolf behavior probably atrophied beyond repair/never grew, I grew up an isolated child slave and my brain is significantly atrophied, I could only imagine the damage his took.

Time to do an AMA

Homeschooling in America allows kids to be treated however the parents want, because they're never checked on, not by anyone, I grew up on a farm and wasn't allowed contact with anyone outside the farm, and I was severely abused, my parents lost the farm in 2008 when I was 9 and we moved somewhere more populated, my life changed for 2 years and as I began to feel human I was moved back to a farm in 2010 but it wasn't quite as bad as before as I had internet, in 2020 my parents had trouble paying for the place so my dad would drop me off at work, which they wouldn't do before, so I was finally able to get a job, they mooched off of me pretty heavily which made moving out difficult, but I've done it twice, once in a city, and once living in my car, but this economy combined with my brain and health issues have made it hard to maintain, I've been to the doctor for my issues and they say I likely have brain damage which I believe.

Wow, same here! I was also raised isolated on a farm in the middle of nowhere. One of nine kids and no access to internet or tv. We had DVDs/VHS but only with express permission, and they were all kids movie or previously approved movies (LOTR, Star Wars original trilogy, black and white movies, etc.).

We also weren't allowed to listen to music beyond classical music, or old stuff like Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, etc. I remember my mom had some country music CDs that she kept locked away and every now and then we would be "treated" to one or two songs from them, but then they would be locked up again.

To say the real world was a culture shock is an understatement. I'm in my 30s now and I'm STILL uncovering some things that I didn't know about, but most people assume is common knowledge.

Sorry to hear you experienced it too. It was a major butthole move on our parents' part, and I hope you're in a much better place now. ❤️

:#soymad: "When I finished my homework I could only choose between 1 movie or 1 hour on the internet."

"Gahh! Gobralalagolala!" :!#marseyretardchad:

:#bigsmilesoyjak: "I am glad someone else gets it!"

:marseybased: Based :marseyridin2:
I'm smuggling weed into a concert tonight (🌸◣‿◢)🔥

I bought this syrup and it's pretty good!!

I put a nice amount into a water bottle and will drink it before entering the venue (🌸◉‿◉)✨

How's your Friday going rDrama? Are you breaking the rules (🌸・ᴗ・) ❓

Rinkals post 2 @Corinthian

The Rinkhals is an infamous snake in :marseyflagsouthafrica: as it is probably one of the most feared snakes in Southern Africa, tied with fiends like the Black Mamba and Puff Adder.

But it's not actually that deadly. "When threatened it is quick to disappear down a hole, but if cornered it will stand its ground, form a hood and spit. The Rinkhals is also quick to play dead with the body turned upside down and the mouth hanging open. The venom of this snake is largely cytotoxic causing pain, swelling and potentially tissue damage. Bites are extremely rare and fatalities virtually unheard of. Polyvalent antivenom is effective."

The encounter of the Rinkhals is often unfortunate because the main defensive strategy it has against it's own predators, is to play dead - which is often a failing strategy against loud blind humans, who don't have the sensitive senses of other animals, and often go stomping through the veld, and unwittingly step upon the snake, which leads to biting.

My grandfather was also a landsurveyor 70 years ago, and a story my father tells me is that in the deepest rural uninhabited parts of the Free State, he had once been required to climb one of the few mountainous hills in the usually flat lands of the province. This endeavor required him to climb with heavy instruments, including a tripod and theodolite up the tall hill in order to measure somethin.

As he was climbing over the crest, he saw himself faced to face with a Rhinkals just a few feet away, hissing at him. His hands were full of equipment, and his face unprotected, and he slowly regressed back down the hill, to find an alternative path.

For many boers have an almost primordial fear of rhinnkals, as does most of the black population in the middle provinces of South Africa, despite the snake not being that deadly in modern times with anti-venom and compared to Black Mambas.

The most widespread myth is the range the snake can spit when it feels threatened, is how far it can spit, many believe it can take pot shots from as far as 10 meters, when in reality it can't really accurately hit anything further than 2-3m - something I myself believed until recently until another dramatards pointed out the snakes lack of range.

Well basically recently in December 2023, we heard my mother shriek with a note of high panic one day, and we all rushed back home at the speed of greased lightning :lightning: :lightning: :lightning: :marseyyesandnosuperspeed:

She yelled there was a snake right next to the gas-stove in the kitchen, and to our amazement there was! A fricking Rinkhals - she actually had cause to shriek, while the Rinhkals venom is not nearly as deadly as Puff Adders, they can still cause you serious harm, and even death if you are so fricking far away from civilization, that the nearest hospital is 70 minutes of fullspeed racing aways :marseysteer:

While the fairer s*x of my family was yelling and panicking and my father had went into the shed to collect his Artillery gloves (which he kept from his term serving during conscription in the SADF artillery) - i instead went full r-slur :marseyretard2: :marseyretard3: :marseystroke: :marseycrayoneater: trying catch pictures while the fricker was hissing and trying to spit at me :marseysnek: :marseyonemediumsnekvibing: :marseyekans: :marseyekans: :marseyekans:

My father came back with his thick Artillery gloves which he uses when handling hot material like when he's welding in his handyman moments, and used his initiative to fricking grab the snake, as the padding was way too thick for the Rinkhal's bite to penetrate. My father grabbed the snake's head, and successfully isolated the fricker, and endeavored to go far far in the veld, away from the house, to throw him away, as he is a natural conservationist and didn't wish Unnecessary cruelty to the animal

Unfortunately the plan went awry when the bugger tentacled himself himself all over my father's arm like a Hentai villain :marseycoomthulhu:

And my poor father was stuck in this predicament, as he needed both arms to hold the panicking snake in a stranglehold, and could not even let one hand go - thus with all the other family member cowering dozens of meters away, it was left to me to come and rescue him (after quick autism pic)

and i had to :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: with my bare hands uncoil the slimy scaly snake as it tried to resist both me and my father, from father's arm, allowing my father to throw it away like a boomerang.

Initially my father was all like: He'll be gentle with the poor snake, but after it coiled around his arm, and I loosened it, he was like: YEET THIS FRICKING SNAKE AWAYS :marseyscream: :carpscared:

And that @Corinthian is my holiday snake story.

:marseybacktofacebook: :marseysus: New Shots fired-toss
Reported by:
rDrama Bimonthly Census (badge opportunity) (LGBT EDITION)

whats gayer:


!poll_voters !badgemaxxers





  • In 1945, the German submarine U-1206 was sunk after a potty accident resulted in seawater flooding into the hull, which created chlorine gas upon contact with a battery and forced the submarine to resurface. At the surface, the sub was discovered and sunk by Allied forces. This case may not have been due to a malfunction, but rather the possibility that the pressurized flushing system in the U-boats, which was extremely complex and required a training course to operate, may not have been properly operated.[18]

  • Michael Anderson Godwin, a convicted murderer in South Carolina who had his sentence reduced from death by the electric chair, sat on the metal potty in his cell while fixing his television. When he bit one of the wires, the resultant electric shock killed him. Another convicted murderer, Laurence Baker in Pittsburgh, was electrocuted while listening to the television on homemade earphones while sitting on a metal potty.[33]

  • Elvis Presley died when using the potty.[23] "Most sources indicate that Elvis was likely sitting in the potty area, partially nude, and reading when he collapsed."[24] According to Dylan Jones, "Elvis Presley died aged 42 on August 16th, 1977, in the bathroom of the star's own Graceland mansion in Memphis. Sitting on the potty, he had toppled like a toy soldier and collapsed onto the floor, where he lay in a pool of his own vomit. His light blue pajamas were around his ankles."[25] In similar terms, Elvis biographer Joel Williamson writes, "For some reason — perhaps involving a reaction to the codeine and attempts to move his bowels — he experienced pain and fright while sitting on the potty. Alarmed, he stood up, dropped the book he was reading, stumbled forward, and fell face down in the fetal position. He struggled weakly and drooled on the rug. Unable to breathe, he died."[26] This led to the common saying, "The King died on the throne".[27]

  • Lenny Bruce died of a heroin overdose on August 3, 1966, while sitting on the potty, with his arm tied off.[31]

Would you like to die in a potty related death? If so, how? :#marseyskibiditoilet2:


The Islamic Republic of Iran is going into their third month of "hold me back bro" after Hamas-man went boom.

Behold! Our slowest missiles and drones!

They will arrive in 12 hours.

You forgot to send the flight path information.

You know you suck when even redditors dunk on you :chadsnoo:

...and Hezbollah realized that they were just a bunch useful idiots after Iran's reply of "lol, no".

Bold of you to assume they replied. Just left on "Delivered".

"Goddarn it, that's the third pigeon that I've sent to the ayatollah this week & still no reply…"

They aren't going to live this down any time soon :marseyderp:

Plus at this point Hamas is on life support and Hezbollah is back in the stone-age

And countless young children with dead parents who will take up arms in the future against those they consider to have wronged them. I'm not saying they're right, just that people are dreaming of they think this will destroy Hamas.

Good, this means more dead muslims :marseywholesome:

I think a genuine war between Iran and Israel would be a very bad thing and assuming Iran is the same as a paramilitary organization is dangerously naive.

Possibly but Israel has handled worse. Israel would most likely steamroll even Iran. I'd love for Iran's top brass to be eliminated and give Iran a chance to escape. Iranian people would love to their oppression.

How exactly? I'm serious: what does this steamroll look like?

Look into Israel's history at any time :marseygiggle: The argument continues after this but it's full of :marseylongpost:

Calm down, they outnumbered and outgunned every other opponent every time, it's not David v Goliath it's just a David vs several smaller Davids

Odd argument bout whether Israel was actually outnumbered in all of it's countless wars against muslims :marseyconfused:

If Iran did that I have no doubt the US carrier group in the area would proceed to flatten every airbase, every missile silo, and every ship in the Iranian military.

They already did that and managed to kill one Muslim child with their fleet of missiles.

At this point his death was Allah's will :marseyshrug:

Running back to mummy? Already? We just started.

"Daddy, I'm scared. Can you come help?"

Daddy, that boy hit me. Do something. Daddy...! Daddy?!?!

These buttholes are stealing my joke :marseyraging:

Until Hezbollah exhausts the anti missile systems.

Then you get jew soldiers running all over your tunnels :marseybeheading:

[...] Israel's enemies should understand that its air defense protects them more than it protects Israel.


Israel can't win a war against Iran. But it can cause massive short-term damage, including knocking out the oil and gas fields, that could destabilize the Mullahs. That's why Iran is holding back.

may i remind you that Israel would be the only side of that war that has a nuclear arsenal? Iran is holding back because they would be wiped out if Israel chose to use every option available to them

I still hope someone gets nuked, I don't even care who, slavs included. I just want to see nukes flying :marseybegging:

Proof :marseygraze: that even Bongs don't understand their own accent


dog lovers aren't happy about a woman telling her child that dogs don't belong in grocery stores
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