
So the latest (((theory))) is that current Biden is a fakeoid.

This is probably how they convince his senile butt to go to sleep at 5pm:

As you can see rightoids are deeply invested in DESTROYING what's left of Biden's rep:

With numerous aspects of the vid being attacked:

Neighbors be heightmaxxing even when they rule the free world. There's a lesson in there:

Although all of this might be cope due to Fox News coming out as the radical centrist news platform:


:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-07-26 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘I'm seriously considering voting for Kamala Harris /r/GenZ (305K)62%4657
🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘This goes kinda hard ngl/r/TikTokCringe (4M)65%4874
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘My girlfriend met a person at the bar with the inverse of her tattoo/r/mildlyinteresting (24M)63%3063
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Here are some of yesterday's terrorists. /r/washdc (42K)56%2000
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Will you (or did you) leave the US if the 2024 election doesn't go .../r/AmerExit (73K)62%1652
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘From team Trump/r/Conservative (2M)56%931
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Party Cheating In Primary Election Promises They Will Definitely No.../r/babylonbee (22K)57%962
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I'm super morbidly obese and quit loosing weight. AMA/r/AMA (2M)45%404
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Nearly 2/3 of Americans don't trust election results will be fairly.../r/Conservative (2M)62%564
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Joe Biden grew 6 to 8 inches after being hidden away for days/r/conspiracy (3M)59%503

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Here are some of yesterday's terrorists. /r/washdc (42K)56%2000
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Party Cheating In Primary Election Promises They Will Definitely No.../r/babylonbee (22K)57%962
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Question for Pro-Palestinians: How do you feel and what do you thin.../r/Israel_Palestine (10K)48%211
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘What are your thoughts on clapping instead of tipping?/r/tipping (10K)51%209
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Will you (or did you) leave the US if the 2024 election doesn't go .../r/AmerExit (73K)62%1652
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Who is fueling these people on?/r/saltierthankrait (5K)49%74
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I'm seriously considering voting for Kamala Harris /r/GenZ (305K)62%4657
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘LA Metro is Better Than the NYC MTA /r/LAMetro (11K)52%96
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘DEI is..../r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes (54K)48%350
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Foji is searching the bomb in this child's school bag, and the litt.../r/PAK (24K)54%163

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
Old school ads.


Remember this thread from few days ago?

BIPOC samurai onthe verge of becoming diplomatic incident as Nips are fed up :marseyscream:

Well here is the long awaited update

Responding, the Japanese foreign ministry said it simply wasn't their concern

But lets read up more. Who was the supposed big shot who will smite down Ubislop's Magnum Opus using the support of billion angry nips?

Sankei reports that NHK Party representative Satoshi Hamada formally asked Japanese government ministries to comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows.

A gov party?! :marseywtf2: Surely this must be a big deal!

So youre telling me all the KIAcels and dramachuds smuggly talking about how the Nips are waking up turn out to be in fact a fringe 1% far right party, and most japs in fact do not care :marseyemojirofl#:

Anyways heres a reddit thread discussing this occurence:

KIA subhumans seething:

Some xitter threads:

!nonchuds who coulda seen that coming

Btw this is the japachud "politician" who made the report:

Reminds you of someone?

:marseyxd: Joke writes itself

Reported by:
:siren: PIZZASHILL VOICE REVEAL :siren: This guy


!bharatiya how tf did Fidelji know something no one here knew? :marseydizzy: Exactly how deep was soviet infiltration in every layer of our soyciety lmao.

Kris Tyson's allegations causes frenzy on r/youtube drama

CW: Transphobia (ie. misgendering, deadnaming, ect.) and talks about Loli content

Kris, who you may know from Mr. Beast, has had allegations about her talking to a minor.

It is important to keep in mind that the person who was the alleged victim has come out and said that everything was a lie and he was not taken advantage of.

Also a Post saying that the inital drama of Kris was manufactured and rushed

Upon the news coming out, a few subreddits have been flooded with posts about this, and as such, many of them have been deleted. The mods over at /r/youtubedrama have been deleting post due to not enough viable information:

Mod statement -- Mod comment

As for /r/MrBeast, posts have been taken down possibly due to rule 4 and rule 6:

Rule 4: Keep It related to Mr. Beast + Nothing Remotely Political

Rule 6: Keep a good tune!

Examples of deleted post:

Example. 1 - Example.2 - Example.3 - Example.4

The drama below is about the allegations, misinformation and shadman

Post Drama

Only allowed post from r/MrBeast <-Full post. The rest are comments from various other posts

"An adult flirted with me for years but I said it wasn't that bad so it's not" be fr bro

The hypocrisy.

"umm they only bought one piece from a lolicon artist that we know of, how dare you make it seem like it was more"

Your a cuck and the mods here are biased bitches.

Just a few edgy jokes that made Tyson nuke their entire twitter account

Get a real job no one paying u for this 😭😭😭

You removed this post because you have a strong biase to support Ava

You support p-do's

do you know it to be false? or is it that you haven't seen enough information to determine the veracity?

I dont know = misinformation

Yeah dude we've seen it all before. Not a good look, but it's also all 5+ years old.

In before mods remove this

Loving these downmarseys. Glad to know reddit is ok with inappropriate messages knowingly being shared to a minor. You guys are true super heroes.

Every time I think I have a grasp on the "Mr. Beast lady bad" situation there's a new twist and tbh I'm confused as heck

Soooooooooo we're looking for ways to invalidate the accuser instead of disproving the allegations?

ITT: Protecting a p-dophile to own the chuds.

If this exact situation happened to someone on the other side of the political fence how would you feel about it?

Its wild that people are defending the loli thing.

Ah yes, because we all should listen to the child in the scenario about what is and isn't inappropriate.

Can you explain the misinformation here?

Crazy how soft this sub has is being on this person.

Shadman Related (search him up at your own risk)

a lot of big youtubers were involved with Shadman in some way.

YES, LOLICON IS CP, but its not a crime nor real abuse of minors

This doesn't seem to disprove the shadman stuff though so she is still weird

**full post or something**


Already submitted a tip to the FBI. I'm doing my part!


>capitalism le good! :chudsmug:

>griftoids who are only interested in profiting off terminally neurodivergent anti-woke cute twinks go after the best money offers, which said money comes from mega-corps who are inevitably involved with DEI and ESG consulting in current year :marseygangster:


!grillers :#handshake: !g*mers THE ONLY "GG" THAT I KNOW IS FOR "GRILLER G*MERS"!


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Alright, so according to Reddit 98% will vote for Harris. (21071)

Shock! (424)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Yes. She's decent, but more importantly, she isn't Trump. (85)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

The Democratic candidate is just as irrelevant today as it was last week. The 2024 presidential election has boiled down to "yes Trump" or "no Trump". (9605)

I would love to meet the mythical voter who switched from D to R because Kamala is running. (95)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Yes. I see no issues with Kamala Harris but since Trump is what? 77 years old and thousands of mental health professions worldwide have warned voters that he fits all the criteria for being mentally ill, I'm not sure what's going on and how he will turn on Kamala with the help of the new fascist GOP and Billionaires like Elon Musk who need Trump as a puppet Monarch.The GOP has taken over the government but I am going to vote for her - I've always liked her.The GOP looks like manipulative fools and sadists - and their man is crazy:Over 70,000 mental health professionals signed a petition warning of Trump's potential dangerousness, despite professional injunctions against "diagnosing" public figures without personal examination, The Goldwater Rule is a product of the Republican Party that was supported by The American Psychiatric Association. The APA and AMA (both Republican controlled), capitulated the law which prevents psychiatrists from offering their evaluation of the mental hea... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Giving factual evidence will be nice.. and people.. just answer the darn question, instead of repeating what everyone else is saying: "Reddit isn't the place." Fricking think outside of the darn box and stop repeating what 100s haveAs for my answer I have no idea who to vote for and I was hoping for some sound responses instead of everyone saying the same shit. One side fricks me one way and the other the same. I guess the best thing to do is lean towards a party that will not change our democracy, but they both seem to be going down that road but in different directions. Inflation sucks so I think republican. Climate change sucks so I go democrat. The war climate sucks so I think republican, Project 2025, if real, sucks so I go democrat. But all this shit proposed by both parties now will most likely not happen because that's how it always is.. just talk, but the ideas will be more enforced over time. Republicans scare me, and democrats piss me off. What a shit show huh? The hardship... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I like Harris. This is not me saying I don't like Harris. Because I do.But if a rabid squirrel was running against Trump, I would have to vote for the rabid squirrel. Trump is a slumlord. That's what we in NJ called his whole family back in the eighties. You people don't know the bullpooping drifter he and his whole family is like we do. He didn't pay and nearly bankrupt several small business contractors. He didn't pay his employees. He reneged on a 50 million loan, just completely stiffed the bank. The loan he got so he could back door get approval for his casinos, that were all bankrupt in a year (that's right, a CASINO not making money cause he took it all). His great achievements in real estate are all barren wastelands for as long as I can remember. The man was handed 37 counts of criminal activity. And I am tired of Trumplican butt fools who think everyone was after this hack. Trump is exactly this. He is exactly a criminal or, at worst, a bullpooping shlub who thought himse... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/LateStageDadaism

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



New 'toss dropped
Training AI on AI generated output leads to model collapse

What this implies is future models will be even better at sounding smart but even more likely to hallucinate and give you wrong answers.

The future is r-slurred. :marseywholesome:


I decided to pay my favorite subreddit, /r/forwardsfromklandma a visit and found a version of this comic edited as the Barbie movie (for some reason) and about the Mr. Beast :marseytrain::

Of course, the redditards jump at a chance to defend their own kind.

If she did groom kids; she's still a she. No one refers to cis men who groom kids as anything other than their preferred pronouns.

It's like they see the comic then decide to just be the person in the comic :marseylaugh:

Also I love that for every 1000 p-dophile pastors if 1 trans or queer person preys on a child all of us have to apologize for it. The right has shown time and time again they don't care or hold themselves to any standards, let alone the same ones we observe.

I think we should still stick in the realm of facts and reality. Priests/pastors technically abuse children at rates lower than the average for people with access to children in general. That means if being trans/queer is a minor predictor for NOT committing sexual crimes, it's most charitable to put trans folks 1-for-1 on even footing with pastors, not (the clear hyperbole) 1000 to 1.

I spoke in hyperbole but was well aware of it, you quote statistics that you don't have or didn't present. /r/notadragqueen and /r/pastorarrested are where I get my hyperbolic view point from. I'm well aware I don't know the statistics but to claim pastors are as bad as queer folk when committing sexual abuse of minors seems like a lie. Religion is a breeding ground for pedophilia because it teaches humans they're allowed to have power over others. That just simply isn't the case for the queer community. It obviously does happen and is terrible, but one community sweeps pedophilia and child molestation under the rug whereas there is at least some culpability in progressive spaces.

Religion has been harming people and children for 2000 years, queer folk just exist.

Real schizo hours right here. This neighbor just admits to now knowing actual statistics then pretends that progressives hold pedos accountable. :marseypedosnipe:

boy i sure am sick of hearing about this already

Well, just better sweep it under the rug, then. :marseyjanny:

Well yes, no matter what one has done one should be gendered correctly. If hitler transitioned i would call hitler she, and kill that motherlover.

Possible hot take: I think we should all correctly gender Chris-chan, whether you believe her transition was in good faith or not. She's a monster, but I don't want to start drawing lines where it is and isn't okay to intentionally misgender someone.

Hitler and Chris Chan brought up in the same chain. There has to be some internet law about this… :marseyhmm:

It's no about respecting a person or something like it. It just simple correct grammar: you refer to someone by their pronouns, because thats how you refer to them.

Redditard acts like this isn't a political issue and is actually about grammar. lol. Lmao, even :marseyxdgenocide:

All I'm going to say is that you don't often see the "groomed" kid—now adult— taking to Twitter to say they weren't groomed.

This brought to you by the "kids should be able to consent" party! This comment is currently +25 upmarseyd by the way… :soysnooseethe: :marseyshooting:

All this makes me so angry. Like as far as I know the accusations are false, but everyone is ignoring that and running with being bigoted to Ava because she's trans.

Yes, I too, am pretty sure there's no way a guy (:marseytrain:) who had secret chats and meet ups with minors and owned cartoon child porn would do anything inappropriate… :marseyelliotrodger: :marseyeyeroll2:

Nobody called EDP the hard r. The whole situation is just an excuse to be transphobic without consequences.

Someone did indeed call EDP the hard r.

Hahahahaha I'm gonna leave it on that one. Plenty of other r-slurred takes in there to comb through, but I'll leave that to the rest of you dramatards.


A 24-year-old binge-eating live-streamer died while broadcasting a 10-hour food binge on cake, chicken fingers, and seafood to thousands of her followers.

Pan Xiaoting, from China, died last week from a suspected stomach tear while gorging on 10kg (22lbs) of food, including what appeared to be chocolate cake.

Autopsy results revealed that her stomach had become severely deformed and filled with undigested food, suggesting that her stomach could have burst, causing stomach acid and food to leak into her abdomen.

Pan Xiaoting live-streamed her 10-hour food marathon on July 14 when she collapsed. Viewers reportedly tried to provide remote help, but it wasn't enough.

She had recently been hospitalized with stomach bleeding though it's not clear how long ago she was discharged.

Stock mukbang photos:

Reported by:

God darn I am an absolute King :#grillcastyes: @pizzashill would die trying to do my job lmao

Bard spotting on Bluesky 28 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

now streaming the unreleased spongebob movie in chat

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