My thoughts on coconuts

people haven't had time to know her well enough to hate her yet, it will probably wind up being a bad decision that they picked her instead of doing open convention (which might have still picked her). The drag race promo and her saying anti gun stuff out of the gate is bad instincts and bad marketing team, it'll be more of Hillary 2016 by election day.

However it does feel like if the election was tomorrow she'd win. I just think there's a good chance that'll change


being a fury artist is bad bizz


(This totally happened)

To the carpenter with the SS tattoo in Lakewood, I hope you hit your your thumb with a hammer

Driving down Warren Rd this afternoon when I stopped at the light and looked to my right.

Quickly noticed the driver's right inner forearm had an unmistakable SS tattoo all proud and shit.

I truly hope your arms gets mangled to shit so that you can't jerk off you butthole.

Edited to add: I'm assuming he was a carpenter since he had a working van with a Carpenter's Union sticker on the back window.


Enemy :marseycruisemissile: combatants should :marseynorm: be shot on sight



!kino !anime

It won't flop but I'm hoping the audience reception is terrible enough for it to "underperform" :marseyagree:.

New toss :scott:

A current idea for the 'SKIBIDI POTTY' movie :marseyprojection: may be a hybrid :marseyreze: animated/live action :marseypop: thriller stylistically similar :marseypamsame: to the 'John Wick' movies & 'District 9'.

:marseylaugh: :marseyxd:

!kino !zoomers

Zoomgods :pepezoomerhair: WE GAAAAAN.

So you like fallout anon



This roaming robotic jammer was first contemplated after a child sexual abuse suspect used his doorbell camera to see FBI agents at his door serving a search warrant. The gunman opened fire on them from behind the closed door with an assault-style rifle, killing two veteran agents and injuring three more.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced that it has developed a four-legged robot designed to jam the wireless transmissions of smart home devices. The robot was revealed at the 2024 Border Security Expo and is called NEO. It is built using the Quadruped Unmanned Ground Vehicle (Q-UGV) and looks a lot like the Boston Dynamics Spot robot.

According to the transcript of the speech by DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) director Benjamine Huffman, acquired by 404 Media, NEO is equipped with an antenna array that is designed to overload home networks, thus disrupting devices that rely on Wi-Fi and other wireless communication protocols. It will thus likely be effective against a wide range of popular smart home devices that use wireless technologies for communications.

Aside from taking out smart devices, law enforcement can also use the robot to communicate with subjects in the target area, and to provide remote eyes and ears to officers on the ground. "NEO can enter a potentially dangerous environment to provide video and audio feedback to the officers before entry and allow them to communicate with those in that environment," says Huffman. "NEO carries an onboard computer and antenna array that will allow officers the ability to create a 'denial-of-service' (DoS) event to disable 'Internet of Things' devices that could potentially cause harm while entry is made."

This roaming robotic jammer was first contemplated after a child sexual abuse suspect used his doorbell camera to see FBI agents at his door serving a search warrant. The gunman opened fire on them from behind the closed door with an assault-style rifle, killing two veteran agents and injuring three more.

Aside from the NEO, the DHS also built the 'FLETC Smart House', which is designed to train law enforcement about smart home devices and how they could be used against them. Huffman explained, "A suspect who has been searched and is under the control of officers can cause these actions to happen with a simple voice command which can start a chain of events to occur within a house, such as turning off lights, locking doors, activating the HVAC system to introduce chemicals into the environment and cause a fire or explosion to take place."

This development shows how law enforcement is catching up with technological advancements. Smart home devices started becoming common in the mid-to-late-2010s, with many users installing them to automate several aspects of their houses and bolster security. So, anyone with a little bit of technical know-how and ingenuity could potentially create a hostile environment using readily available wireless electronics. While NEO might not be able to affect hard-wired smart devices, it would still be able to disable the radio frequencies most wireless IoT devices use, thus reducing the risks for law enforcement officers.

!chuds :marseygiveup:

:marseysmug2: not even close to a year

:marseygroomer2: tries to make sense of it all

I wonder what group or culture that is associated with misogyn and extremist views? hmmm

Personally, I blame cis-het white christian mxn :marseybong:

Some people are bullies, get over it.


We Cyberpunk now

We stan our pure shy zoomer waifus :marseyheart:

I'm in similar situation


Shamefurr dispray on my part, I'm only one in my family who might have to arranged marriage. :marseycut: :marseycut:

:greendesigirlgenocide: :chadwomannordic:

They want old school romance but only with someone whose package fits


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