Why was the gif where Ronaldo looks like he's saying "Jews did this" removed from our stock of gifs?

I searched Ronaldo a few weeks ago and found it right away but now I don't see it.

Did Jews do this?

Grave news to all my fans.

Really, this post goes out to the two people that are actually affected by this @Corinthian and @kaamrev, but there is no DC in directly messaging them.

I'm abroad and I broke my phone so no dramaposting and dramareading for me until 31'st (this may kill me, and will renender me oblivious to all world events).

Also, this exact thing happened to my previous phone while visiting the exact same country last year to my. Turns out being "extra careful this time" does not actually prevent the phone from breaking like a case would, who would have thunk.

I had to share this learning experience with you all. Don't let my phone's sacrifice go in vain, have your device wear protection. Thank you.

thanks for the double refund @Aevann

love getting free money!

The Seven Black Presidents Before Barack Obama :dasrite:

!nooticers learn your history

Were There Black US Presidents before? The people thought that Barack Obama is the first black President of the United States. Wrong.

1. John Hanson (a Moor)Β was actually the 1st President of the United States, he served from 1781 -- 1782 and he was black. The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland refused to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land).

Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress.

As President, Hanson ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as removal of all foreign flags. He established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents since have been required to use on all Official Documents. He declared that the 4th Thursday of every November to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today. Even though elected, one variable that was never thought through was that America was not going to accept a Black President during the heart of the enslavement period. Enter George Washington.

2. Thomas JeffersonΒ was the 3rd President of the United States, he served from 1801 -- 1809 and he was black. His mother a half-breed Indian squaw and his father a mulatto (half white and half black) from Virginia. He fathered numerous children with Sally Hemmings, a mulatto slave with whom he lived with in Europe.

3. Andrew JacksonΒ was the 7th President of the United States. He served from 1829 -- 1837 and he was black. His mother was a white woman from Ireland who had Andrew Jackson with a black man. His father's other children (Andrew Jackson's stepbrother) was sold into slavery.

4. Abraham LincolnΒ was the 16th President of the United States, he served from 1861 -- 1865 and he was black. His mother was from an Ethiopian Tribe and his father was an African American. It was told that his father was Thomas Lincoln, a man to cover the truth, but he was sterile from childhood mumps and was later castrated, making it impossible for him to have been his father. Lincoln's nickname "Abraham Africa-nus the First."

5. Warren HardingΒ was the 28th President of the United States, he served from 1921 -- 1923 and he was black. Harding never denied his ancestry. When Republican leaders called on Harding to deny his "Negro" history, he said, "How should I know whether or not one of my ancestors might have jumped the fence?"

6. Calvin CoolidgeΒ was the 29th President of the United States, he served from 1923 -- 1929 and he was black. He proudly admitted that his mother was dark but claimed it was because of a mixed Indian ancestry. His mother's maiden name was "Moor." In Europe the name "Moor" was given to all Black people just as in America the name "Negro" was used.

7. Dwight E. EisenhowerΒ was the 33rd President of the United States, he served from 1953 -- 1961 and he was black. His mother, Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower, an anti-war advocate, was half black.

So, America has survived and thrived through our first Seven Black Presidents and we will survive and THRIVE through the election of this one!

BOY MODE prod. Keale
Reported by:
:marseychadfoid: New "It's ma'am" just dropped :marseyliathomas:

This hoe just de:marseytrain2:ed mid rant. :marseydisagree:

Reported by:
Saw a motorcycle VS SUV accident yesterday

Scene wasn't covered at all and the rider was fricking splattered, hard to unsee. Was a young guy, just graduated high school, going too fast and tboned a car. Wasn't wearing gear, head was basically gone, torso cut in near half. 2nd time I've seen a road death from a motorcycle, the other time was Harley VS semi and I saw it happen, fricking brutal.

Ride safe bros, wear gear, don't die like a dumbass.


To accompany our !ifrickinglovescience pings I just created ping linguistics and architecture. Feel free to join




What rights to trans people actually lack? :marseyconfused:

They never seem to answer this question. What are they actually campaigning for? Making right wingers magically like them is not a realistic goal.


Hey, folks β€” the assertion that JD Vance used a latex glove and couch cushions as a s*x toy? 100% False. Please report any comments asserting that.

One of our rules is "No Low Quality Posts or Comments", and character assassination & disinformation of the kind that asserts that JD Vance, Senator from Ohio, Fascist Fanboy, Republican Vice President Nominee 2024 gave backshots to a chesterfield β€”

That's just not true, and is therefore low quality, and against our rules.

So please, do not comment here asserting that JD Vance, Author of Hillbilly Elegy, made sweet, sweet carnal love to a glove, whether nitrile or latex, whether lodged into a bench, sofa, couch, chaise longue, chesterfield, papasan, mattress, box springs, etc.

It's not true. JD Vance did not write that he fricked a couch.

Please report any such comments. And be sure to let everyone know that JD Vance absolutely never wrote that he bred an ottoman, with or without a condom.


Read em and weep, buttholes

We'll take those s*x haver badges and whatever other badges are associated with being married



!kino !nooticers Contrapoints male feminist and skinwalker PhilosophyTube had a role on Starshit Acolyte as is going to show up in the next episode of House of the Dragon as the head of the Triarchy, much to the chuds chagrin :#marseytrans2: :#marseybardfinn:

What do you guys think of his performance? Does he have an acting future?

:holdupjak: :marseyclintongarrison:

!football :mjlol:

Coaching staff and contractors working with Canada's men's and women's national soccer teams have been engaged for years in efforts to film the closed-door training sessions of their opponents, including during the women's gold-medal winning Olympic tournament in 2021, two sources with first-hand knowledge of the activity told TSN.

The filming also included at least one training session before a women's national team game against Panama in July 2022, when Canada was attempting to qualify for the Women's World Cup in Australia, one of the sources said. In that case, the source said, a Canadian contractor was caught attempting to film a private Panama training and a complaint was made by the Panamanian Football Federation to Canada Soccer and to Concacaf, the soccer confederation that governs the sport in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

The historical spying allegations come with the Canada's women's soccer team program under intense scrutiny at the Olympics in Paris.

The Canadian Olympic Committee said on Wednesday that assistant coach Jasmine Mander and analyst Joseph Lombardi had left the team and returned to Canada after Lombardi was caught using a drone to spy on two of New Zealand's closed training sessions. On Thursday, Canada beat New Zealand 2-1 in their Olympic tournament opener.

Lombardi was caught by French police on Monday, after they saw him retrieve a drone that had been flying over the New Zealand team's training, The Globe and Mail reported. The Globe reported that police retrieved footage of a second New Zealand training session from the drone and also obtained text messages between Lombardi and Mander. The text messages reportedly showed that Mander was aware of Lombardi's activities.

After TSN published an initial version of this story, Canada Soccer chief executive Kevin Blue wrote in a statement that head coach Bev Priestman had been removed from her position for the balance of the Olympic tournament. Blue wrote that the federation had obtained new information regarding previous drone use against opponents that predates the 2024 Olympics. The Canadian Olympic Committee said that Priestman had been removed from the Olympic team.

"This is awful, the worst-case scenario," said Amy Walsh, a former women's national team player who now co-hosts a podcast about soccer called Footy Prime. "I feel sick to my stomach, genuinely nauseated. I understand when you get to a high level, people will be ruthless and do whatever they can to gain a competitive advantage but this is so far over the line.

"The players are benefitting from the coaches cheating. There's a certain amount of blind trust players have that coaches are doing things the right way and this is the ultimate betrayal."

Staff and contractors connected to the men's national team have also filmed the closed training sessions of competitors, one of the sources told TSN, adding that Canada used a drone to record a U.S. training session before a Nov. 15, 2019, game in Florida. The U.S. won that game 4-1.

Two years later, Honduras stopped a training session in Toronto during World Cup qualifiers after someone spotted a drone overhead.

"I'd imagine there's probably a lot of people in Canada that fly drones, I'm sure," then-Canada coach John Herdman said at the time. "And when a big team like Honduras turn up I'm sure people are probably interested in what they're doing when they come into our country. So I know for sure we won't be heading into people's countries too early because with drones these days, people can obviously capture footage. You've got to be really careful. So yeah, you got to be careful in CONCACAF. It's a tricky place."

Some staff and contractors were told the filming was part of their jobs and that they could lose their positions with the federation if they did not go along with the demands, one of the sources said in a series of interviews with TSN on Wednesday and Thursday.

"In a couple of scenarios, people have been pushed and have been told, 'You have to give 110 percent and this is part of the job so if you don't feel comfortable with doing this, you do not have a place on the team'," the source said. "It's not something that's talked about and it's not something there are a lot of text messages about because of how sensitive this is. Some of the people who have had to do the filming or review the filming have said to a few staff members how uncomfortable it was for them."

Both sources asked for anonymity because they said they were afraid the federation would retaliate against them. It's unclear whether any players were aware of the strategy to record practices.

One of the sources said the spying included a Team Canada coach filming two of Japan's closed-door training sessions during the 2021 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Canada tied Japan 1-1 in its first game during those Olympics.

"It was a little bit tricky during that time, given the fact that we were under a lot more restrictions, but there were ways to kind of sneak out of the hotel without people knowing," the source told TSN. "In Tokyo, a lot of the facilities were a little bit more open so in some cases, you could see from behind bushes or behind fences or behind trees. It wasn't that complicated, because they didn't have the big mesh walls. So as long as you were close enough to the facility, you're able to see if you're in a hidden location."

The source said they weren't aware if spying occurred in other games during those Olympics.

Two years after the Tokyo Olympics, a Canada Soccer contractor who was scheduled to travel to Australia for the 2023 World Cup was told their responsibilities would include trying to record training sessions of opposing teams. When the contractor said they wouldn't agree to do that, their trip was canceled and a Canada Soccer staff member flew there in their place to do the recording, the source said.

TSN has reviewed text message correspondence of a women's national team coach discussing secret filming of their opponents' training sessions ahead of games in 2022 against Costa Rica, South Korea and Trinidad.

One of the sources said the strategy for filming opposing teams' practices in Canada was relatively easy because Canada Soccer staff knew where they were practicing and what hotels they were staying in.

"When you're abroad, it requires a little bit more research. When you are in Concacaf events, you do have the ability of finding out where the rest of the teams are training because Concacaf, FIFA, and the Olympics, they all publish where the teams are training in one way or another," the source said. "You also know just by looking at the social medias from the other teams and seeing what pictures they are posting."

Both sources said there is a lot to be learned from filming an opponent's practice.

"You get to know their formations, their starting lineup," one of the sources said. "You also look at who is taking a penalty kick and their set pieces."

"Most people see this as cheating, which it is," one of the sources said. "Some of our coaches just see it as a competitive advantage and justify it by saying everyone does it, which is also not true. Not everyone cheats and neither should we."

In an interview on Wednesday with a CBC reporter, Priestman did not answer directly when she was asked if she was aware of the drone filming.

"On behalf of our entire team, I first and foremost want to apologize to the players and staff at New Zealand Football and to the players on Team Canada. This does not represent the values that our team stands for," Priestman said in a statement on Wednesday. "I am ultimately responsible for conduct in our program. Accordingly, to emphasize our team's commitment to integrity, I have decided to voluntarily withdraw from coaching the match on Thursday. In the spirit of accountability, I do this with the interests of both teams in mind and to ensure everyone feels that the sportsmanship of this game is upheld."

Both FIFA and Canada Soccer announced investigations into the allegations of spying on Wednesday. Canada Soccer said its investigation would be conducted by an independent third party and would focus on the drone incident in France and more broadly, the historical ethical practices of both the men's and women's national team programs. The investigation findings will be made public, Canada Soccer said.


I keep thinking about what happened on the weekend, i went to visit my mum and my uncle in law was there (53M) who said to me (F28) that because I don't wear makeup and "make an effort," no guy will ever find me attractive.

I'll be honest that neighbor is not fully correct

As you see she is wearing make up.

I just don't understand why he felt the need to say it in front of everyone at my mum's house and knowing that I'm still single and have been for a while it just hurt.

It's just weird because my mum loved him and thinks he's the best thing ever because he helped my auntie through a tough time. I think that makes him think he has the right to say what he wants

So... he did the bare minimum for a partner he loves. Gooood for him.


All the genius xxcels users don't understand he wouldn't had talked about it if her mom and all other wouldn't had fricked his brain with being worried she'll ends up being single cat lady.

For example my aunt was already ultra worried that her daughter ends up being unmarried when the girl was 22 and now she is 26 and never had bf because she is Chad only. Uncle tried to show her couple of guys (doctors and lawyers in late to early 30) she got mad at her dad for thinking she can't her self find a guy :marseyxd:

So back to op, she looks older than 30 even older than 40, is fat. She ain't going to find a good guy with those stats, she needs to find a good job and move out from parents and invite an 45 year old BBC. That's the best way to make her life happy





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