
So just because she sucked a peepee before it means she can't have been r*ped?

She touched herself while the accused filmed her in an entirely consensual manner.

So some people are missing that the guy is charged with voyeurism for filming her without consent too, so it's very likely that this is his defense for that. It does not disprove her claims at all, and if anything seems to show that he was indeed taking videos and images without consent. The fact that she didn't know it was filmed fits with this, does it not?

"didn't know" meanwhile she literally put her hand over the camera in one of these videos

This should never have been allowed. What has that encounter got to do with her being r*ped. The judge needs removing and a retrial called. Bang out of order.

We know why the defence did it.

Because it casts a huge amount of doubt over everything else she's said? Hard too claim multiple r*pes when you also the guy film you jilling off multiple times

Jewish lives matter because jewesses don't have !foidmoment's like this

Bard spotting on Bluesky 28 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Reported by:

>I'm in the middle :marseyfuckyou: of a fu%^ing panic :marseycry2: attack :marseymegalodon: ? because? THERE :marseycheerup: is a GIANT :marseyyeti: WOLF SPIDER :marseything2: IN MY BATHROOM AND I just binged and I need to purge because if I don't i'll panic :marseyworried: even more?! I'm home alone :marseymoidmoment: so I can't just have someone else kill it ! ? plus its like 5 fREAKING INCHES BIG HOW DO YOU SMASH A SPIDER :marseyandtheboys: THAT BIG?!

Redditors discover the truth about the "Halfassination Attempt"


Stay away from RACHET blk women

I used to hang around any type of bw RACHET ones pick me ones ones that centered men and now I'm just now having a standard for the friends I want around me and being black is not gonna cut it . A lot of bw are very chill laid back and down to earth and the nicest sweetest people โ€ฆ.and their are also hood rats for the most part I've always stayed away from super hood girls but now I make it my mission to stay away from them . I don't have any environments that I go to anymore that has a lot of them so thank god . These women will literally put u in harms way for their KANG


Daily reminder to please be mindful of who you're befriending.

I previously had a non-blk college roommate who, despite being well-versed in the "Black community" and "political events", often undermined me. For context, I am a part of Gen Z, and this roommate was assigned to the dorm that I was in.

She told me that even though her community has issues, they were always taught to find a provider. One day, she talked at length about her high standards, and when I shared mine, she quickly tried to shut me down and make it seem like I was being unrealistic. I said I wanted a provider and a man who's financially stable. Why the sudden vitriol?

She said it would be impossible in this economy and that I would have to date older men or compromise. I was taken aback because she comes from a family where this is already the norm. Why was she trying to put me down?

Later, I noticed her being shady, especially when I was dating a successful man. She made comments like "Don't get too excited" and always tried to assert authority over me and gave pessimistic advice. This was weird because I never gave her negative energy when she told me about the guys she was seeing.

For months, she ranted about a guy she didn't want to be in a relationship with but was putting up with to get his money. This man showed many red flags. He was aggressive and narcissistic, and one day she came back nervous after dinner because it looked like he was going to hit her. But she still dealt with him for the money. She wouldn't tell me anything about this guy but always tried to pry into my dating life even when I mentioned that I'm focusing on myself right now.

Then, I found out that the guy she was messing with was a dusty BM who had previously gone to the same college as us. He was very hideous and I remember her saying that a good Black man is at the top of her list, while the men of her race are trash.

The moral of the story is, unfortunately, some people hate to see Black women waking up and having standards. Some non-bw do not have your best interests at heart and only try to befriend you to keep tabs and compare themselves to you or use you as a punching bag. They don't want to see you win.

I ended up ghosting her because of this and her male-centered attitude. I got burnt out from always being a listening ear. I felt like she was always in competition with me and always trying to overstep my boundaries and keep tabs on me.

All I want to say is this is your daily reminderย black women to please protect your peace and don't let people get close to you so quickly. Also to the younger BW, I know we live in a time period where we are all heavily invested in social media and putting aspects of our life on display but it's not normal for "friends" to want to keep tabs on you and know every single detail of your life. Evil eye is real. Move in silence, don't overshare and please also learn to set boundaries!!! Get comfortable with ghosting, leaving, and saying NO! You don't owe anybody an explanation. Your energy and time are precious!


BM are useless to society

Just needed a place to concisely string my thoughts together about this degenerate demographic. I know alot of this is already known, but it can't hurt to meditate on the truth + vent.

All men suck, but they suck especially. They contribute nothing of value to society but rather actively ruin society (especially the communities they belong to) more than it's already ruined/broken. They are lazy and unmotivated to achieve/foster stability for themselves all while trying to make it seem as though strutural forces โ€“ more than their own blasรฉ attitude โ€“ is what is holding them back (structural forces constrain all minorites but they over-exaggerate 100%). On the rare occasion that they do thrive in society, they leave their communities in the dust in order to try and play the losing game of assimilating into whiteness. They are highly emotionally unintelligent, and are also the most uneducated demographic. In the one industry that they actually do wield some power and influence in (the music industry) they have fostered a crass, vulgar, and violent image for themsleves & bw that promotes degeneracy. Within the nuclear family unit they are disproportionately abusive or absent. Outside of the nuclear family unit they engage in and perpetuate violence. They worship colonialist/white supremacist beauty ideals and consistently perpetuate misogynoir. They make the center of their very broken community religion/the church instead of businesses or financial institutions. They use religion/church to scam and decieve rather than to community build. They are anti-intellectual supposedly because of their religion all while barely even living by the tenants/standards of said religion. They have no fleshed-out personhood besides being basketball fans (seriously, they have nothing valuable to contribute to most conversations unless it's about hoops). They are incredibly chauvanistic (with emphasis on female submission) all while having a failed patriarchy. They serve no purpose in society and it annoys me so much that they are still around and continue to be born everyday. Women and children in close proximity to these troglodyte failures really have gotten the short end of the stick for so long.


White men are not perfect

Yea I get that , but they are better . Better than the blk male options .i work in an Environment w blk men and yt men as a dancer it's a majority yt club . And the yt customers are so easy going the tip the best . And it's rarely ever a problem , literally. Then it's the black patreons they always want the most for less, would have the money and not pay it's literally like pulling teeth . And swear cause they spent $100 that I should want to be their gf or go home w them it's so comical. Now I mostly avoid them or keep the conversations very short . The yt girls don't even bother w them and they voice their frustration abt them w me. I rarely ever have a problem w yt men and I'm not trying to put them on a pedestal because I know they can be very dusty also and u do get your outliers w blk mn where their successful and spend money , and are great company. But number don't lie I will never say yt men are perfect but for the most part their bettter than ur KANGS I will nvr work in a majority blk environment again.

:#marseythestrippa: :#marseyblack: :#marseyblops2cel:

Unpopular Opinion

Brittney Greiner needs to be in prison. She is a criminal. Now, thanks to her, an arms dealer, who probably has American blood on his hands, is free.


They're mostly looking for yt dudes, but there seems to be a lot into :marseytunaktunak: dudes too

Dating outside your race

Hello ladies, Happy Wednesday! I just want to show my appreciation for my fellow women. If you happen to meet an Indian man, be sure to say yes to that date. I have noticed that a lot of posts are always focused on white men here. I haven't been actively searching for a partner because I've always had a lot on my plate and constantly deal with a lot. I know not all Indian men are the same, but in my experience I have found that they are different in a positive way. They are emotionally supportive, feel responsible for taking care of you in all aspects, and understand the struggles of racism. Oh... let's not forget, highly educated and can help you improve yourself strategically. They're also protective and ensure your safety, especially financially.๐Ÿ˜œ Just wanted to share my positive experience with Indian men and encourage you all to give them a chance. ๐Ÿ’•


I won't work for a Black Man.

I had to leave a job I loved because my new Manager is a Black Male. I had to let go of a 70k job with amazing benefits but once my Indian Supervisor left to go take care of his wife who has ALS, he hired a Black Male out of 3 other non black candidates who were great for the job.


Someone needs to find this community:

They all really want to be bottomed by White Men, anyway so no shocker here.


Congratulations to everyone that voted schizo. The shooter was wearing a Demolition Ranch shirt

Further details:

CrowdStrike spergouts

Turns out the anti-malware is the biggest malware of them all: windows machines worldwide that installed CrowdStrike are all crashing because someone at the company fricked up

they have a customer ticket here if you have an account

Also it looks like Trump took another W

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : like all lotteries, its a penalty for being bad at math LMAO
  • ChristoffWChanderson : Imagine falling for this trap, it could never be me
  • boogiecat : rigged :marseyitsrigged:
  • Joe_Manchin : Live by the goomble, die by the goomble.
  • Scaraoschi : V Not really, since how much you value not being banned for a day, relative to DC, is subjective
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : pretty funny idea tbh
  • houellebecq : :marseysmughips:
  • coned : late stage capitalism! have to literally risk a 90% of death in hopes of getting enough DC to eat!!!
  • FreedomforIsrael : What math? You pay nothing for a sizeable reward and the risk is a minor inconvenience at most
  • dawgs : :marseyitsrigged:
CLOSED - NO MORE ENTRIES Post ITT for a 10% chance of winning 7500dc and a 90% chance of receiving a one day ban award

Alts not allowed

One entry per person

You may enter someone else along with yourself if you'd like

Any comments ITT, even replies to others, will be treated as a self-entry

Runs for one hour


Biden refers to the Secretary of Defense as "the Black man."

Reported by:
  • Vappy : please give me the early life award again :marsey:
Microsoft :marseyclippy: cloud :marseynukegoggles: outage causes airlines to ground flights

apparently banks are affected too??? !chuds is it happening???


Jackson WTF :marseywtf2:

Quite the surprise innit

You were such hope for the conservatives :marseypearlclutch:

I somehow doubt she's a "Dr."

Every single aspect of communism is r-slurred and gay :chudsmug:

Bro pulled out an infographic

Come on bro this ain't it :marseygigaretard:

Come on "bro" this was his thing for past 3 years

There's much more and it's basically all the same. How are chuds this r-slurred , they surprise me every day.

!nonchuds !anticommunists

destiny makes a p-do joke, poor chuds make it worse

Reported by:

Reported by:


/r/amcstock is a subreddit that's revolved around the american movie theater company, AMC. Unlike most brand subreddits, this one is about the stock ticker of the company, which for people who don't know what that entails, here's a quote of a loyal AMC supporter from the linked threads for context.

>These SHILLS are hilarious, they have NOTHING ELSE but senseless posts to cling to as for me I just LOVE AMC STOCK! Nothing will EVER change this, especially some bullshit posts from HEDGECUCKS

I could spend a few paragaphs trying to explain why /r/amcstock (alongside other memestocks) believe they will become infinitely rich, but that isn't required to really experience the drama that will unfold here today, so we'll just go straight to it.


A local of /r/amcstock posts the second of their twice-daily post, detailing the information posted from a paid subscription service for stock market data. It was going to be another calm day if it wasn't for one particular comment

"Every day is another ATL [All Time Low of the AMC stock]"

lol doesn't work kiddo

I broke his bot again

(99 children of replying to ".")

Unfortunately, there's not much drama in a comment chain of solely replying to ".", these will come later in the callout threads

"Holy shit this was sad to see. Get it together [OP], your in too deep man lmao"

lol nah, bugging bears is fun

OP calls out the "."

"Don't forget the bots. They are only low-effort if you remember they aren't to be taken seriously lol"

"I've never seen someone so oblivious to the fact they are being trolled."

Yeah; he [the "." poster] didn't seem to catch on what I was doing


If he's a bot, then you're wasting your own time chatting with a bot that isn't even saying words to you.


If he's not a bot, then he's trolling by wasting your time by making YOU always gave to have the last word and take the time to reply.

I don't see how this is a flex.

No flex, just wasting his time

How tf do you waste a bots time? lol

Maybe his time is worth less than what it costs a bot to generate a message? Bet you haven't thought of that.

"My friend ... he's goading you into responding with full sentences with a "." or a "0". About three dozen times, no less. I am not sure this is the "W" you think it is. ๐Ÿ˜„"

Nope. He just slipped up. And I'm calling him out for everyone to see

Seems rent free almost.

I sure am rent-free in his head. Hey; remember when we roasted you here yesterday. Let's do that again

I really don't think you understand how any of this works. Im not even going to argue, debate, or anything of the sort since all you spew is futile nonsense. It's actually not productive in the slightest and wastes time, energy, and overall brain cells. I hope you have a good life and people to take care of you jerkis, because you truly are the biggest idiot I've ever laid eyes on, let alone had to absolute displeasure of interacting with. Thank your for being the garbage you are. Amazing. Astonishing even.

lol yeah you sure did get ripped a new one hereโ€ฆ wanna go back to your safe space and I can make you bothered there?

Jesus Christ, the r-sluration is ripe.

"." comes back for round 2

[DELETED OP + COMMENT], 289 children

"See, sentiment bot"

I'm not going to quote the full thing, have some highlighted responses instead

Checking to see if we can trigger 300 more out of him. Let's countdown together.

282 - Dude ran out of gpt tokens

I've got them showing their desperation now lol

Every time he has to remember who he servesโ€ฆ me

At least he can't make the argument that I'm wasting my time because it's his being wasted

PLOT TWIST! ChatGPT code was definitely used to automate the responses!

"So far so good. Been able to successfully test a theory on emotional melties. 36 hours of melty distraction accomplished with a few minutes of coding"

"Lmfao, this code is chatGPT gibberish. I can provide about a dozen reasons, but the most concrete is that your "userInput" handler doesn't even keep a reference to the comment anywhere that your publishNumber could use to respond. At best would could be responding to random comments in the code that you didn't show. People pointing out that you for wasting your life must have hit a nerve yesterday. So of course, you weren't actually wasting your time doing it by hand, that would be pathetic, you just automated it in a couple of minutes. Lol. Lmao even."

What' wrong kiddo? Nice comments. It's funny making you upset

Aren't you tired?

Not at all. Most of my melty bugging is low effort and highly effective

Logically if you're bugging, let's say, 1000 people, aren't you doing 1000x the work?

Oh I'm not that cruelโ€ฆ yet

"Jesus this is the most garbage Java:edit: Script* code I've seen, please tell me you don't actually try to do this for a real job? This is the epitome of garbage"

Heck no, this was just a few mins of tinkering around that has taken up 37 hours of a melty

No one needs to do coding for a career to make a melty triggered, that happens with almost anything now. I'd hate to show them what shirt I'm wearing as I'm sure they'll get emotionally bothered by that too

Sounds triggered

You sure do melty

Keep looking pathetic as you flail, the fact you coded a script for Reddit of all thing instead of dropping the ordeal in the first place shows how stable you are.

This is JavaScript not Java lol. It's funny that the OP didn't correct you, likely because he doesn't know what it is either.

"I really hope you don't do this for a living. ๐Ÿค"

lol melties are so very easy to trigger. It's a hobby kid

Trigger? You think the people watching you be down 90+% are mad?

I think people thinking I'm down 90% don't understand math. And yeah, there is a large group of people who seem to be overly bothered by what individuals do with their moneyโ€ฆ so yeah, triggered is very much an appropriate word


like bro I get it the bureaucratic machine of state is an enormous terrifying apparatus that forces you to go to school and facilitates the capitalistic exploitation of human resources

but they will turn the ovens on and that's just objectively bad.

Diabetes is.... Colonialism?

I was scrolling through threads, hunting for content and I came across this:

This wasn't what I found interesting though, funny as it is.

Writersdelite was responding to this:

Link to amoyal's OG list

There are an additional 11 of these points btw.

3/ Socioeconomic disparities rooted in colonial structures limit access to healthcare and nutritious food, but diabetes management focuses on personal choices rather than systemic barriers.

>Personal responsibility is racist


4/ Chronic stress from systemic racism and oppression contributes to inflammation and diabetes risk, yet treatment often ignores these structural factors.

5/ Colonial bureaucracies create healthcare barriers, but diabetes education typically emphasizes individual responsibility over addressing systemic obstacles.


This is a rehash of point "responsibility is racist" out of "diabeetus isn't my fault"


6/ Environmental racism exposes communities to diabetes-linked toxins, but prevention strategies rarely address these colonial-rooted environmental factors.


You literally could have said something like "Environmental racism makes it difficult for people of color to enjoy the outdoors and exercise" or "environmental racism makes it hard for people of color to enjoy outdoor exercise due to air pollution" or something and it would have made a little more sense.


7/ The profit-driven pharmaceutical industry limits treatment accessibility in lower-income countries, yet individuals are faulted for "non-compliance" with medication regimens.

8/ Ongoing land dispossession disrupts food sovereignty, impacting dietary health. Still, diabetes management focuses on personal diet choices, not systemic food issues.


>When you run out of points, just rehash one a few times

>No one will know


9/ Diabetes management often promotes Western lifestyle changes, ignoring how colonial systems make these changes difficult or impossible for many.


Then try some tai chi or something goddarnnn


10/ The individualization of diabetes management obscures how colonial structures force participation in unhealthy systems while blaming individuals for the outcomes.

11/ Recognizing diabetes as colonialism embodied challenges the narrative of individual fault and highlights the need for systemic, decolonial approaches to health

12/ Effective diabetes prevention and treatment requires addressing ongoing colonial structures perpetuating health inequities, not just focusing on individual behaviors

13/ By shifting focus from individual blame to systemic colonial issues, we can develop more equitable & effective approaches to type 2 diabetes prevention & care


"I'm fat and losing my limbs due to my type 2 diabetes which is actually COLONIALIST RACISM in disguise!!!!"


(We should add an " extra large" option for marseys)

Reported by:


Effortless recovery. 4 icecream cones out of 5. Trump would never be this quick on his feet.


Just thought this looked cool, it is a "true" pixelization as I ran it through a python script to set pixel sizes to 2 (might be a bit fked after upscale to match the first image but whatever)

President Putin meets VP Donald Trump - 2024, Colorized

!chuds !neolibs

stolen from the cope :marseycope: thread on /r/destiny :marseymanifestdestiny:

It doesn't matter that 95% of what he said was fine. Making two big gaffs like this in the same day does not improve his "I'm fine, just watch me" position. He's still better than Trump, but you're not going to convince a lot of people of that. It's easier to raise the profile of some other Democrats.

If you think Biden can just "bow out" without Republicans leveraging the courts to ratfrick a new candidate off of the ballot in multiple states with the Supreme Court's blessing, you haven't been paying attention.

he should just stop doing live appearances. just do multiple takes with an editor and release videos. The gaffes are each their own (memorable) story, him not doing public appearances would be one (boring) story.

That might work if he was ahead in the polls, but he's got a lot of ground to make up. You don't gain 5% in the national polls by avoiding public appearances.

man that was hard to watch.

Yeah, it got pretty boring around the middle when it was just an ordinary discussion of foreign policy. What year does he think it is? 1980?

This subreddit is full of people who didn't watch the press conference doing republicans jobs for them. The state of politics in this country is fricking pathetic.

The average voter isn't watching whole nato press conferences, how the president looks overall matters. Pretending it doesn't is weird

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