
!nooticers !mathematics

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I made a post about Kebab :marseyturkroach: Nurmugamedov a guy who been living in Dubai now for many years, made fun of Islam in that post.

Then comes my hater @Detroitvelvetsmooth

calls me Muslim refugee because Muslim refugees r*ped his whole family. Then add this phrase:

grifting welfare to be poor

It's has a double cope. At first part he gets angry that Muslim getting free stuff while he is back breaking his butt. Than he ads "to be poor" this is ultra cope because on average those Muslim have more money than mayo's as you see they can get welfare money and work by their cousins and etc.

Transition to his next cope is very confusing

to be poor posts wall of Sneed

Between poor and posts wall… should had added a comma or "and"

But don't worry he wrote this before

Muslim refugee to west with dubious English skills

But wait this genius that has very solid understanding of English

Sneed about Muslim refugee to the west with dubious English skills

He called a guy that lives in a Muslim country. Refugee to the west. Like yes education in EU is kinda weak, during my laws exams teacher told: listen I don't expect you to remember all the eastern EU countries but I expect you to know Spain, Italy, Germany and etc are in EU. If this guy thinks Dubai is EU it's legit over.

I asked him to give me a single proof that I am Muslim refugee.

At best what he can do is showing my face reveal picture

I don't have the original picture, back then I google gay morrocan because that's exactly how this r-slur imagine I look. Despite I told many times I am black and Jewish I also told I am 6'6 and that guy is clearly not black and Jewish plus not 6'6 but who cares if that clown can only think about Muslim refugees so I played a long.

I don't think I have one single role model. I have always looked up to the strong women I see in my family and in the media and I know women will always keep on inspiring me.

He probably would vote for Harris :marseychud:

But the reason I picked that guy was that we have similar skin colour so I could hand post. But in general I don't look much like him, our eyes are extremely different, I have hooded eyes and his nose is bigger than mine.

So as you see my haters just blindly project everything they hate into me. I help them open up, and comfort their fears.

He deep down wants to be a Morrocan that has 5 brothers that working together against the system and supporting each other till the end

That's his gestalt




Bootlicker Bucky is so disappointed when the pig tells him what the Patriot told him in the first place - the sidewalk is public property and his first amendment rights can't be oppressed by shucking and jivin wanna be pigs

The Patriot then says he won't press charges on the black if he says he's sorry and makes him say an empty sorry. Pigs still should have thrown his butt in cuffs for the threat

Just be chinx

>Millions of fellow jeets living in similar accommodation


>One kpop looking strag has to live there


And they'll still call us racist lmaooo.

Although if I got to feature in a news article for just 1500 I might do it lmao.

Also, that ad :marseydarkxd:

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Holy fricking shit this sounds terrible

Dude's hobby is just talking about delta. God someone else sign up for that shitshow and report please.

Redditards pretend to be marines
stop fedposting roofer
who could this be :marseydisguise:
I dont understand anything in this post.



Trudeau is a tyrant like carp

I had to leave work early :marseydizzy:

Bc I started to dry heave

So to feel better now I'm thinking of politican names I can use as a euphemism for puke.


"Move!!! I'm about to Beto Rourke!!!"

"Oh my god I'm about to H.W Bush all over my desk"

"I just Clintoned all over my bathroom floor"

((Someone pointed out that doesn't work well unless you're" blasting rope"))

" I just AOC'd all over my bathroom floor"

"I Burghamed so hard this morning"

"I just Smithed."

"I just Tafted a little"

"my stomach hurts, I think I'm going to JFK. "

"sorry, I was about to Reagan."

Hey Plankton, can our first song go like *this*? :marseymiku:

as far as post-movie seasons go…this episode is HONESTLY one of the best ones tbqh



How to farm dramacoin

I didn't know pinging costs dc and then I discovered the casino and lost bigly and want to make a pin

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