KID Cudi -- Love

Good heavens look at the time, it's Strive :marseytrain: drama o'-clock

I don't have access to twitter so I won't go through every tweet, but here's the general jist of it

tldr it starts with this

who the frick is bunny? i dont know, probably a :marseytrain:

but bunny is saying a strive pro player (rediamnot/luca) groomed him, in which out of fricking nowhere comes UMISHO, the giga:marseytrain:, saying rediamnot sexually assaulted him too, in the tweet i put as the url of this thread

rediamnot replies to these accusations

the real hilarity here is the bunch of :marseytrain: nonsense, like just look at the shit umisho wrote

rediamnot spent 5 months chasing my bussy and giving me attention and i liked it, but...

he tried to feel my gock but i told him to stop and he did

then he came into my room drunk at 4:30am which scared me shitless, so i let him frick me in the butt

but then someone came up with asinine accusations and now im joining the bandwagon, so he groomed and r*ped me (even if we are both the same age and i consented to everything)

rediamnot is quite long but its pretty funny to see him detailing the degeneracy the strive pro players get up to

true TLDR: massive :marseytrain: poz orgy happens, giga:marseytrain: regrets getting his hole pozzed by fatman player, claims r*pe

!transphobes since i started playing fighting games i've easily become at least 100x more transphobic than I was before, and it's not like I liked :!marseytrain:s before

Reported by:
The media is spreading LIES about Kamala


Soyboy posts a :soyjakwow: Vox :soysnoo4: article and starts a schism :marseynouautism: in r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: over prohibition :marseymobster2:

!neolibs, !grillers, someone ping the boozers. For people who claim to be liberal (being for individual freedoms), they sure share a lot with the religious right in that they want individual freedoms curtailed to fit their Progressive eedeeology :marseyzizek: that's """evidence based"""".

Also there's this guy who whips it out and pisses in the Soylent lmao.

>watching Biden shit the bed for the last monthTrump at the RNC: now watch this, :marseywhirlyhat: :marseypaintdry:

1. The Daily Beast: Trump's Change of Tone in RNC Speech Lasted All of 10 Minutes

2. The Hill: Trump's acceptance speech should have been a home run. It wasn't.

3. The Daily Beast again: Donald Trump's Speech Wasn't Just Bad and Mad. It Was Boring


5. The Independent: Trump's rambling, over-long speech at the Republican convention was taxing even for delegates

etc etc

6. Newsweek Trump RNC Speech Appears to Send Attendees to Sleep:

Patriots would never take their lips off Daddy's peepee, but even they found the speech a bit hard to believe:

No unity with demons.

And the rest of the NPCs require retribution 1000x over what they have done to us.

There is no compromise that does nothing for us. Compromise goes our way from here on out. We move Right. The Overton window comes with us.

Republicanism is the religion of unity

Post cope below.

Jeetbros... :marseypajeetitsover:

Driver beaten ,and car thrashed in Mujaffarnagar for allegedly touching Kanwariya vessel

What the frick does this mean? Poopreet explains


!nooticers !antibharatiya abbomaxxing

I love how they cover the car in shit


Djokovic won decisively against Rune @ Wimbledon and people are mad. His supporters claim that people in the arena were booing him, others were saying they shouted Ruuuuuune which sounds like a booo. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Nevertheless, this isn't the first time Djokovic faced a hostile crowd and won easily but this was the first time he addressed the hecklers in such a way in the post-match interview. I urge you to watch the clip (one minute of your valuable time) as his emphasis on the term good is fascinating. Naturally, this would enrage the active sportsball fans of reddit dot com. In general, /r/Sports is against this guy while /r/Tennis is in favour of him. Other online spaces usually have Sexy Indian dudes and Nigerians (Federer) start 'who-is-the-goat' arguments while Spaniards (Nadal) and Serbians (Novak) struggle with English. Endearing!

/r/Sports - Novak Djokovic not happy with the crowd at Wimbledon after his win today. "To all the people who chose to disrespect the player, in this case me, have a 'good' night. I've played in much more hostile environments. You guys can't touch me - [3400+ Comments]

First things first: CTRL-F VAX, COVID, PANDEMIC, CORONA around 500 hits :marseyxd: hahahaha

God I hate this guy.

The more you reddit twats hate him the more hes gonna frick you where it hurts. Go watch federer best moves while you masturbate and moan the words: "OhHhh SuCh a ClAsS ACt".

Lol no. I'm not going to be watching any tennis. I just remember this douche from covid.

There's an entire battlefield in this chain:


Novak Djokovic | Fourth round On-court Interview | Wimbledon 2024 - 500 Comments

Djokovic on court interview - 300 Comments

"For all the people who tried to disrespect me" : Novak Djokovic hits out at fans, and says they cannot touch him with their hostility - 200 Comments

Holger Rune on the chants (boos?) during his match vs Djokovic - 100 Comments

Sara Thornton from BBC - As I sat on Centre Court I thought there were some absolute jerks in the crowd booing Novak Djokovic using the disguise of the name Rune… and sadly it became infectious. - 150 Comments

Novak walks out on BBC interviewer after his third questions about crowd - 250 Comments

McEnroe defends 'Darth Vader' Djokovic - 30 Comments

Twitter - 200 Comments - 900 Comments - 200 Comments - 650 Comments

There's probably more online but who really cares be sure to tune in today when he plays against Alex de Minaur:

Reported by:
  • Maximus : jannie abuse
  • usernaw : >community note linking to this site :marseyletsfuckinggo2:
Election model :marseychartscatter: whiz and Goomble God :marseygambling:, :marseynatesilver: Nate Silver :marseybadgejew:, fires the first salvo at 538's :marseynatesilverfoxgenocide: shitty model. Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin:discuss.

!neolibs our boy is back to stir the pot.

Nate is bald. Nate is a compulsive gambling addict. Nate is gay. Nate is a libertarian. Nate is a furry (unconfirmed).

There is nobody I trust more when it comes to modelling elections.

GEM is a pretender wearing 538's carcass.

Nate is literally /ourguy/ someone with a xitter account and or a paid subscription to his substack invite him here. I will give him 50k DC so he can indulge his goomblemaxxing addiction.

:chad!: California tells :virgin: Target to stop calling the police to report thieves or face fines

And yes that is a whole forum for Transformers :marseysnappyautism: I appreciate it because it's one of those OG Internet forums that long predates any contemporary social media.

Apologies if this is a little less cerebral :marseybrain: than what /h/lit is used to but my understanding is that the Eisner Awards are supposed to be prestigious or something. Interesting that it went to a licensed comic β€” a Hasbro property about action figures of all things.

I've always maintained that the Transformers comics are actually pretty dope sci-fi comics. Really they're the only Transformers stories that have ever been more than just toy advertisements and I've been meaning to do effortposts on the Dreamwave and IDW runs. Pat Lee easily deserves one all to himself :marseymerchantsoy:

Anyway do our resident !comicshitters have any opinions?


England fan makes a soy request to the colonised peoples of Scotch Land to stop being mean about England getting beat by the Spaniards :marseyflagspain: the proud Bravehearts do not take it well and :marseymad: :marseylaptopangry: in response.

Some suggest it's outrageous to expect oppressed colonizedcels to support their oppressor:

Other reasons are offered too and :soyjaktantrumfast: :marseyraging: :marseysmug2: replies are given.


Ukraine was using su27 bombing Volvchansk and planned to launch massive counteroffensive east of volvchansk. And they lost the last 3 days around 15 aircraft's

5-7 su27 (visually confirmed)

Couple of mig 29 and su 25

Some helicopters

But only su27 matters for this topic.

Since those su27 were using jdams on north Kharkiv direction. Losing those is big dead. It's also interesting that they were using a fighter as a bomber.

Reason why footages like this started suddenly appearing is that Russian got a new orlan drone that seems to have range of 600+ km more than F16 with internal fuel storage. Why I mention f16 ? It's because now without using external fuel storage f16 will be on Russian visual range so it won't be effective at bombing. Su27 internal fuel range is 6 times more than f16 and yet they still used su27 kinda close to the front line. I already mentioned in July 2023 that Russian were hard preparing for arrival of f16. Now Ukrainian f16 would be able to only drop at best 1-2 jdams doing low low missions. And who knows when Russian launch an 1000+ km Orlan drone. Problem of orlan + iskander combo is that Ukraine don't get much early warning when iskander launches compared to when Russian launches missiles from their jets.

And Ukraine planed to launch counterattacks on that direction for weeks but fab 3000 changed their plans

So Ukraine failed to get critical mass to launch a good offensive (they launched couple smaller one and even managed to regain some territory but again lost it) those loses of su27 basically now tells Ukraine has nothing to kick those 14k Russian

And they gambled hard in that direction by pulling forces from toretsk (last og front line that didn't moved since 2014)

Peepee attack

Need to combine those 2 to understand Russian location

So Kharkiv is Ukrainian peak r-slur moment of 2024

Homos literally knew what Russian were planning, they knew Russian were trying to do :marseyoctopus2: by sending a small force to Kharkiv and making khohols think they can easily defeat them and pull forces from other directions 18 brigades vs 6 Russian and then Russian defeated 1/3 of those brigades and Ukraine pulled more brigades :marseyxd: and now they lost their offensive reserve brigades :marseythumbsup:

But they coped hard in that direction and given fantastic stories that local r-slurs believed:

Homo @Cobra_Commander come here don't be shy

There was a story that Ukrainian supposedly encircled 400+ Russian soldiers in aggregate plant. At that time there was max 30 Russian soldiers at that plant, the fight in that location is small not many men from both sides yet Ukraine had to launch a cope story and excuse about letting Russian into that plant: NOOOOO WE DIDNT FRICK UP WE ENCIRCLED BAKHMUT

So that plant story is just your typical Ukrainian story where they positioning their frick up as a win and magical encirclement's.


Is that his voice singing the song on the back ground ?

What the Sigma? : Teachers

Knock on wood, so far this year, I haven't heard a single Skibbity Potty or Alpha Male nonsense. Today, I had one of my less focused students start blurting out, "What the Sigma? What the Sigma? What. The. Sigma?" You know the behavior. Say something you heard on TikTok and then look to see who responds. Say it again, doing your absolute personal best to get attention. More effort than you've ever given a single assignment or locating a pencil of any functionality.

A couple of kids chuckle and look to me for a response, so I ask the kid, "What does that mean?" This, of course, is his cue to repeat it two more times.

I ask him again, what does the Greek letter Sigma mean to you in this context. Again, "What the Sigma?" as if he's owning the room.

Naturally, I Google that crap, to the utter astonishment of all the dingbats. Perhaps they believe I've never heard of the Interwebs.

According to all of the reliable sources (I found them on the Internet, so they must be correct), a Sigma is equal to an Alpha, but living away from the pack. I shared this with the class and then clarified with my student, "So, you're a Sigma, on par with the Alpha, right?"


"If you're the Sigma, you're basically a pack leader, like an Alpha, right? You're the boss. Everybody follows you. You are the best at everything and everybody knows it."

"Ummmmmmm...." A couple of "Ooooohs" from the peanut gallery tell me that the burn has landed. My A kids are having a nice chuckle at the moment.

"Now, dear children, let's all appreciate this moment of irony." At this point, I resumed my normal teaching activities, but a bit more dramatically than usual. We're in a wood shop, so most of this is monitoring traffic, giving safety reminders and generally saying things like, "Next you're going to the table saw," or, "Before you jump into that could you pick up those three things." We have a well-oiled machine and kids were quick to respond to my requests and move on with whatever they were doing.

The irony was entirely lost on my poor Sigma, but everybody else in the room understood that the hierarchy had been quietly affirmed.

:#marseyinvisible::#soyjakanimeglasses: :#!zoomertears:

:#soyjak: :#soyjakfat: :#!bigsmilesoyjak: :#!soyjakwow:

Gen alphatardz are fashionably lame.

Pick your fave !fashion. I tried taking the worst screenshots I could (spitefully):

Also this:

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