

Honestly, I think Facebook has an algorithm that does this on purpose... If you scroll back to about one week ago, this was just another lame group posting unfunny normie memes. However, within the last week the Chuds and Soys have been doing battle and all of a sudden it appears in my feed lol.

Link to group:

First post:

1. :marseyindignant: :marseynerd2: "you wouldn't know satire if it held a bolter to your temple" :marseysoyhype: :marseysoylentgrin: :marseyakshually: nerd posting intensifies

2. :marseyindignant: :marseyredneck: "You call this satire? Not a chance..." :marseyhomofascist: :marseysjw: "another dribbler that thinks ironic settings can't be satire"

Second post:

1. :marseysmug2: "yet you wear a mask" :marseyderp: "this you, bro?"

2. :marseydisgust: "wearing a mask in your profile photo... you look like a big P***" :marseyxd: "I laughed way too hard at this, he looks like his Mom dressed him in that suit"

Third post:

1. :marseyradfem: "Chuds are obsessed with gay people" :handsomechud: posts George Floyd Trans meme lol

2. :chudmuslim: "why all the gay shit... I don't get it..." :marseyhomofascist: "cry harder" :chudmuslim: "Say something intelligent. Queer and gay is a bad combination"

Fourth Post:

1. :marseyfemboy: :marseysmug2: "can someone define woke?" :chudmutt: "I'm glad you asked" proceeds to post great wall of text lol

2. :soyjakhipster: "all that matters is the class war!" :chudjakcry: "I'm being told to tolerate people who hate my race!" :marseysigh: "having to read about culture wars in my dorky manbaby FB group..."



I knew deep down, when he would never give me a response when I have tried engaging him in discussions about women's rights and everything else Trump and his cult have done, that he felt this way. How can he think this, after everything I've talked to him about with abortion bans (we have young girls), Trump's stance on climate change, Project 2025, etc.


I wish I were financially independent. I made the idiotic mistake of taking a break on my career. I work part-time and can work more next year.


I really want out. I just don't know how

From the comments:

I made a similar post yesterday and just spent an hour in my therapist's office crying because it's finally hitting me that my husband, my partner, would rather support Nazis than put his pride aside for one fricking second and admit he was wrong. And now I have to draw a line in the sand, because NAZIS, and he has forced me into this position where I either have to divorce him, or knowingly stay married to a Nazi sympathizer. And quite frankly I hate him for it

:pursedlipswojak: "I don't know, Trump really doesn't seem that bad"

:taylorlorenzcrying: "My therapist that I spend your money on agrees with me! You're literally at Nazi!"

I'm sorry for you and your girls. They will know their father stood by while their rights were decimated and he will have to live with that. Not that any of these men are capable of self reflection.

Most sane BreakingMom poster.

This election proved just how much men hate women. I'm not surprised at all, but I'm still a bit disappointed


i'm so sorry. men are so stubborn and entitled. they'd rather be a fascist than be proved wrong. i hope that in time he comes to his own conclusion that trump is absolutely evil and equally i hope that you find financial freedom soon. ❀️

"ur a fascist if you don't agree with me"


Solidarity. I can't leave right now either. I've really had my eyes opened by his viewpoint the last few days. I can't even talk to him about politics without it becoming a screaming match. He constant asks for sources and "where did you see that at? You're only seeing one side and well at my work women this and women that...

:tradwifecry2#: Trump is a Nazi!

:soyredditsmugcomputer#: : Source!? Do you have a SOURCE for that?!?

You're all about women's rights but what actually have they taken away from you that changes your day to day life" oh he also is a freakin racist. He 100% proved that on MLK day by saying "oh it's (person who assassinated MLK day)" and I was like WHAT? He goes, "what you never heard it called that before? Everyone I know calls it that" I was dumbfounded. I was like why because you're a racist who is surrounded by other racists??? What the heckkkkk.

We have a daughter. I just can't do this for the next 4 years and who only knows how long after. I start therapy soon. I feel like the world is going to heck and I don't know what to do about it. I'm so scared for my child.




"They" keep posting bait like this in people's feeds... There's a lot of it now and it never happened at this rate before. The Drama gods are good. :marseypraying: :marseypray:

1. :marseysmug2: "so you guys invented slavery?" :marseyblack2: "you invented ugly"

2. :marseychud: " no one in my family is the color of :marseydookie:" :marseyetika: "okay cave boy"

3. :marseykween: "darn... did we have any attractive ancestors?" :yakub: "you'd have fit in back then" :marseykween: :marseyyass: "Doubt that. I'm gorgeous, dusty"

Pinay deletes post but it must have been good as she caused a lot of seething lol

4. :bobateagirl: "..." :shyyt: :blacktears: :marseydynamite: " :marseyraging:"

5. :marseykente: "this is the truth!" :marseyrussianmutt: "no this is pure bullshit!" :marseykente: "okay drunky" :marseyrussianmutt: "show my evidence you dumb neighbor"

Pinay girl is back lol

6. :bobateagirl: chud posts

Guy has fun and posts the "my ancestor" meme... black guy doesn't get it...

7. :marseyderp: "my ancestors" :marseyblack: "you a USA citizen?" :marseyderp: " no, I'm an anomalocaris" :marseyblack: "worry about your own disgusting country" :marseyconfused2:

Boomer posts gif of black guy stealing stuff and running away :marseyxd:

8. :boomerportrait: :chudsmug: posts chud gif :marseybipocmerchant: "chudposts harder*

9. :chadblackyes: "the pale cave monkies hate African people! Africans are the original people. Podcast coming soon!" :marseyemojilaugh:

10. Some random posts lol



Favorite so far:

This is not a cost saving measure. This is a purge of federal employees who do not support their agenda. The first round is incentivized volunteer resignations. The second round will be forced resignations. The third round will be outright firings. This is a comprehensive takeover of the federal government by the MAGA organization. This is round one of a pervasive attack on the American Republic.

They are following the NAZI playbook from the 1930's.

The OLIGARCHY :marseyraging:

They are looking for cuts to pass trumps tax plan. Which will greatly enrich the rich and cripple the poor, weaken or eliminate the middle class.

What is it you think he is doing? Where do you think the money stolen from us will go? It's tax money, all our money going to the rich, 2'trillion at least. The deficit…trump blew it up round 1. Round 2 he will kill the deficit. And YOU and EVERYONE you know will pay for it for the rest of our lives.

Some reasonable people too, maybe redditoids aren't beyond saving:

I appreciate you being open to the conversation. The challenge lies in your last sentence where you state "Convince me that cutting wasteful spending is a bad idea." You're already convinced that all of this spending is wasteful. We are not.

We see value in the DOE as a vehicle to assist in equalizing access to education for all. Without this funding, kids in poor areas will not have access to the resources they need to be successful in school. In the most impoverished places, property tax is not adequate - many are renting, in section 8, or perhaps homeless and the property tax collected does not scale with the student population in those environments. Do you believe that all kids, regardless of the socioeconomic class they are born into, deserve a shot at education? We do. But the states alone are not able to provide that, particularly red states who are the biggest beneficiaries of this funding.

For a chatgpt post that took me 5 minutes to write, I've so far generated at least 1000 words, I'm hoping before the post dies I can generate enough to write a short book :marseypraying:

Reported by:
memes (1/n)

An air cwompwesswor service fwor beach hwotels.

Like, u get off the beach and u and ywour shit is cwowored in sand. Weww just swipe ywour cwedit card fwor $1.50 and u've gwot an air wand that can bwow aww of the sand out of ywour shit. As a bwonyus u can use it two inflate innyer tubes and other beach twoys.

Im thinking abwout it. Im alswo sick and fuww of DXM.

Think abwout it.

EFFORTPOST Evil flag upsets vexillology Intellectuals


not much drama at first

some actual flga strag discussion about colour theory or something

symbols used by evil people are OBJECTIVELY bad

:soyjakhipstertalking: :soycrytalking:

the Orange :marseyexcitedorangetalking: in the Indian :marseysaluteindiatalking: flag represents Bharat racism, except absolutely UNIRONICALLY :marseyagreesuperspeedtalking:

some brave chuds farm downmarseys

"Yes it is" "No it isn't"

"Firstly I for one would compare the Apartheid flag to the confederate flag or Rhodesian flag neither of which are appropriate. Furthermore, both the Union Jack and rising flag should be seen as problematic and I'm glad you agree with that." :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: :soyjakhipstertalking: "The BritBong flag is raping meeeeee" :soymad: :soymad:

miraculously even some circlejerk gets counterjerked against the usual Vexilloligy Intellectual shitlibs which equates symbolism of historically abhorrent regimes/nation-states/movements to be automatically abhorrent

:cdmhug: :sorry:

Anyways the weird things in all of these tiresome debates and slapfights, is that virtually zero safricans are ever involved with these flag MEDIA LITERACY and/or the denial of association with past atrocities/Apartheid connotations ect.

It's very difficult to explain, but trust me you can instantly pick up on the speaking patterns, lexicon and terminology with regards to how Safricans usually have internet slapfights - of of this shit you've seen is exclusively foreigners/westoids/yanks - be they performative shitlibs or Eurocuck Stormfronters utilizing Boers as a proxy for whatever pan-white racial international brotherhood whatever.

1st, actual Boers/Afrikaners, the actual turbo giga-chuds, would never ever utilize this

for pan-Afrikaans cultural celebration or whatever. The green Y symbol is already a racial-harmonious symbol in meaning, and the Black/Yellow stripe is explicitly african in connotation, as well as a call-back to the ANC (African National Congress) early symbolism. The Modern Safrica flag was explicitly chosen by the Mandela Administration to be a blending of previous Eueropean and african symbolism, whilst deliberately excluding symbolism of the Union of SA (the Apartheid State) flag characteristics.

Back in early 2000s internet, when the early web was not so sanitized, and linkrot would not claim like 75% of the internet, and old forums could still exist, including many many Stormfront and actual Boer supremacy sites - the vast majority despised the Y-green stripe symbolism, and conflated it to an Assegai (the signature short stabbing spear of Zulus/Xhosas/Swazi peeps) busy raping/stabbing :rape: :rape: :rape: the old Transvaal flag (which was the much more dominant between the two historic Boer republics)

So that the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag was basically being R*PED by BBC :marseyblackcock: :marseycock: Like i'm not joking or lying, this was the dominant discussion for afrikaans teenage white supremacists on the pre-4chan dustlands of the internet, as small as it was in the early 2000s, and would continue to do so.

Thus any replication of the modern :marseyflagsouthafrica: by just replacing the colour from red to orange, would not have been done by boers, and was instead, strangely enough done by foreign Stormfronters, not grasping the already pan-racial unity symbolism of the rest of the flag.

Additionally there had been a few adult discussions for using the orange coded :marseyflagsouthafrica: flag for afrikaans, but that was a great rarity!afrik.html

like if you read the above fotw article, you'll be under the impression that this "Afrikaner" flag was a large movement, when in reality it was small, unpopular, and with even the majority of Boers being completely ambivalent. In reality it was some last ditch, Boer giga-boomer vexilloligy neurodivergents having a hobby thought experiment

Long boring point, there has never been a real threat of resurge of such symolism.... especially when the actual South African brainless white supremacists with no self-preservation would just fly or parade the Union flag as it was.


On the opposite side, the shitlibs who foam at the mouth :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: for evil WRONGTHINK racist symbology, you know the kind of fools who take 4chan bait of OK :marseyokay: and milk drinking :marseysipping: as fricking subterfuge attempts of conveying coded Mayo supremacy between racists, is a very Westoid yank shit type of purity secular type religiosity

similar to Christian Soccor moms, trying to out purity each other, by demonstrating how they got rid of Rock-and-Roll, Pokemon and Harry Potter from their household cuz that shit is Satanic - it's all very performative - to the extent that these progressives brainwash themselves into fricking believing the colour ORANGE is itself racist, not because of any local connections to their home country, but simply because their purity spiral on the /r/vexillology sub has reached it extreme conclusion, so that just because the Apartheid South African regime had orange within its flag, it automatically means frickin all orange colours on all flags must be associated with chuddery :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyitsallsotiresome:


Additionally the lexicon of of these obvious, white, western, upper-middle class is NOT that of black Safrican peeps, whom often do have real-world reasonable and unreasonable beef with white safricans, and especially afrikaners - the fact that many afrikaners racists do in fact try to find ways in which to transmit racism against blacks without being caught, such as in schoolyard poems, songs, jokes and lymrics. Many very unsubtle

The racial tension is also much so between black and white peeps in Safrica, that ill feeling in the air, in meetings can be cut with a butterknife. Uncomfortable associations like black manual labourers sitting behind a pick-up truck, while whites sit in front can lead to friction, regardless if there's cause for that. Example if i work on my father's farm, we are often so dirty that only the designated driver sits in front, because we've worked with pitch-coated wooden beams, and our hands are covered in sticky residue, and thus I and the black labourers in in the back, until we reach the tap and soaping point - but it often enough occurs that it's only my father (who has to do the driving), and the black men with their gloves sit in the back - a Speedcop/Traffic-cop might take out his ire on my father, replicating the behaviour of Apartheid era bosses, who never let 2nd -class blacks sit within, or the front for any reason, because of their inferior status.

Because of this, a large amount of racism afrikaans humour revolves around being in a superior/inferior status in life depending upon whether you sit in front or the back of the Bakkie - and blackcoloured peeps are certainly aware of such, there is no need for coded flags.

Additionally when black liberals talk about latent afrikner racism they don't talk like fricking redditors :marseybeanannoyed: and call each other "Media illiterates", or use "context and connotation" or "inconvenient symbolism" - black liberals are much more blunt when they tend to describe safrican white racism, it's difficult to convey.


have usernames been showing this icon instead of their profile pictures when you tag them in comments?

!dramatards !metashit

Scott :marseydilbert: Mckenzie - San Francisco :marseybridge: (Official HD Video) - YouTube :marseymetokur:

Inside the Financial Profiles :marseymoney: of Trump's :cryingtrumpjak: Cabinet Members :marseymcwagie: Worth Almost $12 Billion :marseynooticeglow: - Cryptochud haven

The new administration assembled by President Donald Trump boasts a combined net worth of at least $11.8 billion. The collective wealth of the potential 2024 cabinet is unprecedented for The Cabinet of the United States. Senate confirmation hearings are currently underway in Washington, D.C. β€” and the potential conflicts of interest for these cabinet members are a fraught topic. We dived into the financial reports and investing strategies of this new administration to understand their financial backgrounds and what this could mean for potential conflicts of interest and insider trading while in office.


Crypto Enthusiasts :marseyemojirofl:

One finding is that President Trump's nominees are crypto enthusiasts. Data on the stock portfolios of Trump's cabinet nominees tells us that almost half of them have significant crypto holdings. Among the greatest is Sean Duffy, Trump's nominee for Secretary of the Department of Transportation, who holds up to $1.1 million in Bitcoin.

Media Wealth

The second, and less startling finding is that the wealth of the nominees is disproportionately from roles in media. Nominated Secretary of the Department of Defense Pete Hegseth made over $4 million in the past two years as a FOX News Host, based on a recent Office of Government Ethics filing. Nominee Tulsi Gabbard earned over $1 million this year from book advances and speeches β€” most of which for the Republican Party.

Notable Members and Controversies

Robert F. Kennedy Jr β€” Health and Human Services Secretary (confirmed)

  • Nominated in November for the position of health secretary

  • Cleared the Senate by a razor‐thin 14–13 vote

  • Net worth is about $15 million

  • Controversial views scrutinizing the efficacy of vaccines

  • Received backlash for ties to Wisner Baum, an LA-based personal injury law firm

  • Holds a Bitcoin position worth over $5 million

  • Opposition from the scientific and medical communities persists

Pete Hegseth β€” Secretary of Defense

  • High-profile figure and Fox News co-host of "Fox and Friends"

  • Received over $4.6 million from Fox News as an annual salary across the past two years

  • Holds between $5,000 and $15,000 in Bitcoin income

  • Controversies for financial mismanagement and accusations of sexual misconduct

Tulsi Gabbard β€” National Intelligence (nominated)

  • Earnings in the past year have exceeded $1.2 million

  • Passed the Senate committee vote last week, approving her nomination

  • Main source of income: speaking fees and book royalties related to the Republican party

  • Nearly $300,000 from an advance on her 2024 book "For Love of Country: Leave the Democratic Party Behind"

Pam Bondi β€” Attorney General (confirmed)

  • Net worth of $18 million

  • Worked with the Trump administration for several years

  • Made more than $3 million from the recent merger of Trump's Truth Social platform

  • Disclosed owning between $2 million and $10 million in shares of Trump Media & Technology Group stock

Scott Bessent β€” Secretary of the Treasury (confirmed)

  • Net worth of at least $500 million

  • Wealth originates from years in hedge fund management

  • Holds over $50 million in ETFs and investments in major currencies

  • Holds between $250,000 and $500,000 in Bitcoin

Linda McMahon β€” Secretary of Education (nominated)

  • Estimated worth upwards of $3 billion

  • Earnings from co-founding World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)

  • Holds significant investments in TKO Group Holdings and bonds supporting universities

Doug Burgum β€” Interior Secretary (confirmed)

  • Earned over $2 million last year from businesses and investments

  • Significant investments in technology stocks including Netflix, Alphabet, Apple, and Adobe

Sean Duffy β€” Secretary of Transportation (confirmed)

  • Recently pledged to divest from investments in technology stocks

  • Numerous investments in cryptocurrency, including up to $500,000 in Bitcoin

Howard Lutnick β€” Commerce Secretary (nominated)

  • Net worth of $2 billion

  • CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald and BGC Group

  • Holds over 800 separate positions across various companies

  • Vocal supporter of cryptocurrency, particularly Tether

Where to Look Next

Public disclosure of funds allows us to examine the financial profiles for the new cabinet of the United States. Looking at the potential cabinet members holistically, it is apparent that they are united by holding large amounts of wealth. Some of this wealth, of course, will have to be divested if taking office. The Office of Government Ethics requires officials to divest from funds which may pose a conflict of interest β€” a move which many of Trump's nominees will see as costly.

!chuds !nonchuds discuss

Reported by:
  • Impassionata : Allende in a real post-ironic mood all expression is genuine mood lmao
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED What one, tiny, stupid thing are you doing to fight fascism today?

Here's what I did. I called my congressional representative (R) hoping to leave a message but instead his staff picked up. I awkwardly stumbled my way through why I think Elon Musk is insanity. Could tell the sweet little republican staffer hated her life so much as she said, "I'll pass that along." :) I also called my senators and complained again.

Finally, and my personal fave thing I did today, I rolled down my car windows on the way back from school drop off and BLARED the FDT rap by YG & Nippsey Hussle. I made one VT girl's day when she smiled at me because of the song and then I literally yelled "frick Donald Trump" at the top of my lungs. She started laughing in her car. I also made quite an impression on a car full of frat bros who probably voted for him.

Viva la revoluciΓ³n, Dramatards.

Burgers why are you like this?

Community Note by @Impassionata

These are the times which try men's souls.

Helpful [88] Not Helpful [8]
EFFORTPOST On religion in Civ IV

(This is a continuation of my reply to the recent thread about the Civilization series.)

It's got some issues with, for lack of a better term, historical accuracy. There's some weird dodgy stuff in the tech tree. You may try to scoff and say that it's just a game, it's not meant to be accurate. Yeah, of course not, to a certain point. Old Man Redactor once saw me playing Darklands and pointed out that if you just changed the data files you could use the same engine to make a game about running a laundromat. What elevates games over spreadsheets is that there's some kind of story that it's telling you where the numbers mean something. In Civ, that story is history in general, so it had darn well better at least feel like it has to do with history.

I only realized later that actually my father is a Satanist who was trying to drive me away from good Christian games. One day on the solstice he made carry a bunch of 1-gallon milk jugs full of blood (I dunno what kind) from the garage to the trunk of his old Honda. Then he got in and it flew away into the night. That's when I put two and two together.

The way religion is handled I think is pretty butt-backwards. In the original Civ, it's all abstract. You build a temple and that's it, it's assumed that it's a temple for whatever these people believe in. It doesn't really matter what religion it is because, for the purposes of the game of Civilization, people from different religions act pretty much the same for the most part because we're all human.

The other approach you can take is what they do in Europa Universalis. (I dunno if they still have the guts to do this but they did when I played it.) Where you decide which religions are good or bad and give them bonuses and penalties. This obviously has some disadvantages. Like it's really fricking obvious what's going on when the game is made in Sweden and the good religions that get bonuses are in northern Europe. You can't get away with that if you're making a game outside of an extremely ethnocentric culture like Sweden.


Swedes always score themselves as the happiest country on Earth when they make those rankings, yet all the Swedes I know complain about how their husband just drinks all day and won't do anything even though she physically beats the shit out of him. Curious.

Civ IV tried to have their cake and eat it too but you end up with nothing and you're still hungry. The religions use the superficial trappings of ones from the real world but in gameplay terms they're completely generic with nothing differentiating them except which tech activates them. If they're generic why do we need them? Why not just leave it completely abstract like in Civ I? If we're assigning them to real world religions, why don't we give them their own special bonuses like we do with different civilizations?

The approach in Civ IV is kinda stupid both in terms of gameplay and theme. You might as call the religions pokemon because you're best off just collecting them all. Each one in a city adds happiness and gives you the opportunity to build more improvements. Honey, please. This is a stupid gameplay mechanic where you're encouraged to build missionaries to convert all your cities and build the same improvement several times for each religion. I consider this to be what Soren Johnson (designer of Civ IV) himself called a "degenerate strategy" in his seminal piece "Water Finds a Crack". You're doing something that's stupid and not interesting because the game rewards you for it. There's no interesting choices going on here. The other gameplay impact religion has is that basically it makes some of the AI civilizations hate you for no reason. This was obviously intended to stop you from just turtling and being friends with everyone, but it's annoying when you're left with fewer options to pursue in diplomacy.

In terms of history, this is all really stupid. Religious diversity works in America because the Founding Fathers designed our nation around it. In the rest of the world in the rest of history, having many different religions in one city is not a recipe for everyone to love each other. Let's look at the late 1500s, when religion was perhaps the most important in history that it's ever been. You had stuff like Protestant mobs surrounding the convent and yelling lewd suggestions of what the nuns should do. Today in Beirut they've got 15 religious sects and it's not giving them +15 happiness points. It's giving them continuous simmering animosity. Damascus, Aleppo, Baghdad, great cities that have "stood the test of time" like the ones represented in Civilization are not finding that diversity is their strength. By ignoring these real issues, I feel that Civ IV is demeaning both to America, where we actually solved them to some extent, and to the poor bastards living in those shithole countries where they have to deal with sectarian bullshit on a daily basis.

In 1976 the Lebanese decided that their happiness bonus from being multicultural society was so great that they asked the Syrian Army to come and violently put down sectarian violence experience it for themselves.

Also, what do you do with the Jews and Hindus? If you're putting real world religions into the game they're incredibly important so you have to include them, but they're not like the other ones featured in the game. They're not sending missionaries around trying to convert people. So what do you do? Write special rules for them? Who's gonna do that? You'd need to hire some guy from Hebrew University who also loves 4X to do any justice to it.

Now this is a nice campus.

The way that religion affects diplomacy in the game is stupid in the other direction. Countries won't make alliances with the "infidels"? How fricking naive do you have to be? Are like 4 fricking years old? Let's look at the late 1500s again. I don't have the book at hand at the moment, so this is from memory, but there was an alliance against the Hapsburgs that was something like this: Sweden, Denmark, England, the Netherlands, France, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, various parts of Italy, and the Ottomans. They'd have added the Moros in the Philippines if they had better communications technology. In Lebanon they've gone through every possible combination of different sects allying with each since 1975. Most hilariously the Druze who have been both allied with and fought everyone else at least once since then. The elites running the country or the faction usually don't give a shit about sectarian hatred except as a tool they can use to manipulate the plebs.

Sana'a Mehaidli. Carried out a suicide bombing against the Israeli occupation force in 1985. I guess nobody ever told her that as a Christian she wasn't supposed to be on the same side as Muslims. :marseyshrug:

Which takes me back to my original point about how Sid Meier did it with generic temples. It's not because he's some atheist who hates religion. (He's actually a Christian of the actually going to church kind btw.) It's because trying to fit too much low-level detail about religion into a 4X game is really tricky and probably won't work in terms of gameplay or theme. I've always had a strong impression that this feature was basically put in because there was a feeling among (mostly atheist) 4X fans that religion was a big thing in history so we need a gameplay mechanic for it. And my feminine masculine intuition is rarely wrong.

After all this time I spent writing this I really feel like... starting up a new game of Civ IV. It's a great game. :marseythumbsup:



"All the trillion dollar corporation CEOs are donating money and having one-to-one dinners with him. Hello oligarchy." - /u/erotic_sex_worker

So just like it's always been: Biden inaugural committee raised $62M with big sums from billionaires, corporations

I love that it's only news now because Trump does it.

It's (D)ifferent ya know

God America is corporate wasteland now. They don't even hide buying politicians anymore. But don't worry rich orange Jesus is here to save us, he totally knows the struggles of the working man.

This is what 78 million Americans voted for.

They wanted corporate welfare, billionaire immunity, and pay for play.

Oh, you thought you'd get cheaper groceries and a one time $600 dollar check? Fricking dolts.

"I don't want consumer protection, workers rights or more financial freedom like never having to worry about healthcare costs again! I want to stop woke and trans and poor people from having freedom."

terrorists don't attack us anymore because they cant achieve our level of destruction with ignorance voting. - /u/herefromyoutube

:#marseysurejan: I'm certain they wanted more corporate welfare and to not own the libs lmao

Look, I didn't like Trump and never voted for him. I thought Biden was honestly doing a pretty okay job. But as a lifelong Apple fan, if Tim's on board, then I'm willing to give him a chance. - /u/Ok-Echo-7764 [-50] :marseyxd: :marseykingcrown: :chadstevejobs:

It's even worse when you consider the fact that he's a gay man supporting this admin. Sad.

These people really think the GQP is really going to take away gay rights lmao - /u/OmniAtom91

Honestly I don't blame Cook that much for this. With Trump as president, you have to pay to play. Trump would be petty enough to do something to ruin Apple stock if Cook didn't pay.

Didn't hate the player, hate the game. - /u/d-cent [-8]

Tourists are the dumbest humans on the planet


:marseyheart: Who else is single this Valentine's Day? :marseycupid:

My cat is my Valentine this year :marseyfluffy: :marseyrosepink:

Why are YOU single?

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST John Fenley the CD guy who bought half the city of Pine Bluff has provoked a stalker who is probably going to kill him :marseyopera:

Excellent post about this guy

Tl;dr he bought a defunct company (Murfie) that held onto peoples CDs and vinyl and tried to move it to an impoverished shithole in Arkansas because property value was cheap. The town drove him insane and methheads robbed him daily but he decided to buy up 1000 more properties anyway, most recently a 7 story school administrative building with no plan on what exactly to do with it. He has also tried to run for mayor there as a Libertarian and got arrested for throwing a tantrum at a city council meeting when they said he couldn't turn one of his abandoned warehouse properties into a go-kart track. He represented himself in court.

All of the property of Murfie has been sitting in a bunch of shipping containers while he runs around Hell on Earth acting like a retard. To be clear the average customer of Murfie is like 70 years old. The business would take a CD or vinyl from you and for a subscription fee allow you to listen to your CD or vinyl over a streaming service :marseyconfused2: the entire concept is like something out of the dotcom boom. All of his videos have comments like this from confused customers.

:marseynetgrannytalking: :marseysad:

Most of them have had to accept that this inventory is gone, had this dumbass not gotten involved it would have all likely ended up at a landfill anyway because nobody in their right mind would have purchased this company.

However there is one guy who really, really wants his CDs. @PontifierAR on Twitter (Formerly Chuck's) has this pinned to profile and has been dedicated to harassing him for the past five years.

He has several wordpress sites raging against John Fenley and Murfie and a schizophrenic Youtube channel.

John is active on Reddit as /u/Pontifier. At some point this guy made a Reddit account and would reply with some :marseyseethe: every time John would post about something. Eventually he responded.

This did not satisfy him. He commented again, John apparently was having a bad day and decided to unload :giggabork:

This has completely set the guy off :chudexplode:

Since this post he has tweeted at:

11/30 2:57PM EST

11/30 6:08PM EST

11/30 8:05PM EST

11/30 9:13PM EST

11/30 9:14PM EST

12/1 6:06AM EST

12/1 6:36AM EST

12/1 6:58AM EST

12/1 7:08AM EST

12/1 7:59AM EST

12/1 9:59AM EST

12/1 10:53AM EST

12/1 3:20PM EST

12/1 7:56PM EST

12/2 6:20AM EST

12/2 7:15AM EST

12/2 7:41AM EST

12/2 8:36AM EST

12/2 10:10AM EST

12/2 10:39AM EST

12/2 2:02PM EST

12/3 6:51AM EST

12/3 8:21AM EST

12/3 10:22AM EST

12/3 07:59PM EST

12/3 09:04PM EST

12/4 06:42AM EST

12/4 07:57AM EST

12/4 10:02AM EST

The majority of these are reposts of John's comment with ranting

I don't know what timezone he's in, but he's definitely American. His first tweets of the day are all around the same time. He is apparently waking up and thinking about the post first thing in the morning :platysun: :marseycoffee: , seething about it throughout the day, and continues to :feraljaktantrum: well into the evening, likely shortly before going to sleep :marseytoasty:. It's safe to assume he dreams about this post as well.

There is hilarious schadenfreude in John's story but a lot of people here seem to root for him. There is something kind of endearing about his insane ambition even if it's delusional and extremely poorly thought out. But clearly his ability to make someone :pepereeeeee: is unsurpassed. I have never made a post on the internet that upset a person as much as this one comment has. I kneel :vegetakneel:



What happened to good old fashioned r-slurred people?


I'm in my mid 40's. When I was younger I had a mentally r-slurred cousin. I would often see other r-slurred people in public too. What was up with them? Were they severely neurodivergent? Brain damage or traumatic brain injury? It wasn't Down syndrome because they have always been around too, like Corky. But I never see the classic r-slurred people anymore. They were a lot of fun.

The Davis Sisters- I Believe :marseyparappa: I'll Go Back Home

FYI - The Great MAGA Depression is Coming Soon : centrist


Yank sissies :marseypearlclutch2: :marseypearlclutch2: :marseypearlclutch2: at hilarious highschool girl 9/11 themed cheerleader show :marsey911: :brainletbush: :marseydid911:


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