Reported by:
  • prez : supporting app ban ur dumb


From the OP's post history: she's a single mom living in section 8 with an neurodivergent daughter and has various white women diseases (she requires a "mobility device" to get around apparently)

I know its just an app. Its just one outlet. Its just one space to go on the internet but its also so vital in how to do so many things. I learned how to do the following:

Becoming a better mom


Learning how to advocate for myself and my kiddo


Finding a community

Developing better skills to find better jobs

How fix shit around my house (for better or worse. lol)

What symptoms are signs of (whatever is possibly causing my symptoms)


Unlearning so many shitty traits from systemic issues



And now...its just going away. Capitol hill couldn't improve healthcare as a country, improve the housing market, cutting the cost of food, or stopping school shootings but hey, they did it. They banned an app that brought so many people together...

On to the comments:

I see the ban in essence as a form of controlling our algorithms and to only support / allow AI to train on pro US narratives and not on anything counter to it.


I'm a very casual Tik Tok user, and I'm upset about this. People are going to lose their livelihoods over this, and it smacks of censorship. So what's next? Reddit? Tumblr? Pinterest? AO3? It's ridiculous this even happened with so many other issues in our country.

Yep. So many people in my life aren't make the connection of what this actually means. We're witnessing an iron curtain rising. And its devastating.


NGL being a SAHM mom with no village and no friends, tiktok was my socialization and how I was able to find some sort of community and even just talk to people. I'm struggling with the fact that life is about to get lonely and isolating again.


Tik Tok is the reason I finally cut ties with my crappy religion and political party. It's the reason I finally saw why the full range of women's rights matter. It gave me a reason to be politically savvy. And it's the reason I see the ban for what it truly is. I'm terrified for what this means for Americans, and I fully crashed out on my other social media apps today before logging out and deleting them from my phone.


I understand that "he" won, so I won't throw a temper tantrum about it (like some people). I concede that this is what more than 50% of the voting population wanted. But I won't go down without expressing my concerns, if for no other reason than to say "I told you so" in 2 years

Does this idiot not realize that it was :gigabiden: that enacted TOTAL ZOOMER DEATH? What does Trump have to do with this

I wish I could do more than upmarsey. This is everything.


I became a RedNote turnover 🤭 it's great, most of the TT's I followed are there now

Actually looking forward to learning Chinese...


I joined TikTok during covid like a lot of people. My algorithm eventually led me down a path of seeing content creators who were talking about SA, abuse, manipulation, gaslamping and all sorts of content on toxic relationships. It was then that I realized after nearly 2 decades with my husband that I was in an abusive and toxic relationship. My normal meter had become so fricked because of his manipulation that I didn't know up from down. I finally had the language to describe what I was going through and the courage to leave. Been out 2 years now and living my absolute best life. Where before I was dying a slow and painful depressing death.

TikTok saved my life.


I'm annoyed by the people who don't use it lacking any empathy or perspective. They'll say it's brain rot, shallow entertainment, a source of misinformation, then turn around and spend hours on Reddit or twitter or instagram like it's any better.

The wishful thinking part gets me. Like, what makes you think Reddit is safe? FB? Groomercord? If one goes, they can do this to whatever they want.

Unfortunately reddit, groomercord, and Facebook aren't controlled by the Chinese so they are safe. But I pray for the day of TOTAL GROOMERCORD DEATH.

DeepSeek AI makes 4chan posts for /g/, /pol/, /x/, and /b/

I am leaving Drumpf's America :marseyargentina:

I am not strong :marseyshreddedmanlet: or wise enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to survive here anymore. I wish you all the best.

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Poop doesn't come from the cow's udders dipshit


Some choice quotes from the top food scientists of reddit


/u/Brujo-Bailando writes

>We drank it growing up and didn't get sick....Flys were a problem in warmer weather and you would have to pick them out of the milk...Sometimes it had cow poo on it.

Make Americans drink poop milk again!

/u/ahifun writes

>Been drinking it for years, I still drink it when it is a bit old and goes a bit sour after 1-2 weeks. There is no health risk, it is all cap to protect the interests of large dairy reduces the enzymes and good bacteria, it reduces nutrients and makes it taste worse...Raw milk goes sour faster but even if it goes sour there is very low health risk. If a milk is cooked/heated and then it goes sour, that is where you get the toxic bacteria.

Milk souring is a separate process from spoiling, as it occurs when lactose splits into different acids. But with that falsehood out of the way, I'm sure this genius knows a lot about microbiology. He could definitely name the good/bad bacterias he's talking about straight from memory, doubly so for his nutrients and enzymes.

/u/KT0QNE jokerposts his milkifesto

>A commercial food producer gives listeria or e-coli and recalls multiple product lines and nobody bats an eye. But some small farmer who has everything to lose tries to sell raw milk and everyone loses their mind.


People have been drinking raw milk for thousands of years.

People have been eating fermented milk products for thousands a year, leading some, not all, to develop a gene that prolongs their infantile ability to break down lactose based on the trace amounts found in processed milk. Dairy producing countries pre-pasturation did not have raw milk drinking cultural traditions outside of farmland, as refridgeration to slow down the growth of bacteria of raw milk didn't exactly exist.


>Raw milk actually has good and useful bacteria as well as vitamins and nutrients that get destroyed in the Pasteurizing process.

Such as? What are they? How much is lost?

A true blue fentposter /u/Cliphdiver adds:

>Ive been drinking raw milk since 1972, you whippersnappers. And Ive lived on a farm all my life. The raw milk scare began when factories started operating near farms. Google it. When the Govt got involved, they decided to kill everything in milk, no more problems. Now your drinking white water for $4 a gallon. (With some vitamins thrown in) You dont need any fancy equipment. Just a healthy cow and a bucket. BEWARE: make darn sure you double filter it (straining) to catch anything that may have fallen in the bucket during milk process. ENJOY and f"@K the FDA!

Is it safe or does it need to be strained? I hope they have a strainer from the future that can filter microbes smaller than milk's existing fats.


>There used to be underground markets selling raw milk because it was so sought after. Imagine actual swat teams showing up to raid the shops to "protect" us. I'm not on either side of whether its safe or not; I just don't understand why the government would interfere and say raw milk is illegal.

Past ignorance does not somehow make the repeating the same stupidity less ignorant. The police comes because raw milk farmers are a threat to society, and honestly they should be shot where they stand so we don't have to hear them whining that they can't profit off selling people dangerous bullshit. Libertarians can't comprehend this because they're stupid enough to be libertarians in the first place.

/u/huntsvillekan posts the following legitament historical account detailing why you can't trust dairy farmers not to kill people, ergo why they must be regulated by force under capitalism:

Some highlights: 8000 yearly deaths in NYC from unregulated milk farmers, "The Greeks castigated barbarians for their gluttonous desire for Rome, milk was widely regarded as low-status food because it was something only farmers drank," "

It would take both technological innovation and a change in social mores to popularize animal milk...milk was one of the first foods to be truly affected by industrialization"

So is mass milk drinking thousands of years old and ubiquitous, or a product of the industrial revolution. Anyway...

/u/chobbs2006 comes in explaining how raw milk is their latest schizo-cure to the new in-vogue hypochondriac illness: GERD! :marseyfart:

>I've been drinking Jersey A2 raw milk for about 10 months, in addition to my plant-free diet. I add in 2 to 3 oz of heavy whipping cream into 8 to 10 oz of raw milk. It's been amazing so far! I feel like it's healing my gut. I used to have really bad gerd, what's the diet took mostly care of, But now I am able to have a little bit of fruit or honey if I wish and not get heartburn anymore. What makes it unsafe are too primary things, how it is harvested, ie the hygiene and sanitation of the farm, and the cold chain. But I'm also about to make some raw kefir, can't wait

It's like these fad-diet chasers come out of a factory somewhere

Most of the remaining commenters of note just have anecdotes about living on a farm, drinking raw milk, and using a fricking cheesecloth on their already contaminated milk to get the shit-chunks out.

Happy drinking! :#marseychocolatemilk:

Texas migrant shelters are empty amid immigration crackdown | The Texas Tribune | :marseyparty:




ESL type post about needing a new laptop because a buggy voice anlysis website broke the laptop?

oh wait it was because the gender guessing AI website said he sounded like a dude :chudsmug:. Parents most to blame

No job, but needs to do some financial planning for new consoles. Hard decisions must be made

EFFORTPOST Entire Zulu tribe vs Entire Hutu tribe - who wins?

So if you've been on the internet, you're used to those challenges that ask who would win between two animals e.g. bear vs lion, alligator vs polar bear. There's tons of YouTube channels dedicated to that shit. Today, I'd like to ask a different question - who would win in an all-out battle between the Hutus of Rwanda and the Zulus of South Africa. Let's take a look at their basic stats.

Hutus and the World's Greatest Manlet Uprising

My aim here isn't to provide a history lesson on the Rwandan genocide, but just to give an overview of the Hutus and what they're capable of. There had been tension between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes in Rwanda since colonial times. The colonisers saw the Tutsis as superior because they were taller and had slender noses unlike the shorter Hutus. Once Rwanda gained independence, many people and parties vied for power, but the Hutus won out, as they had greater numbers, and many Tutsis were driven out of the country. During this time of Hutu rule, Hutus were taught to hate Tutsis and see them as extremists and traitors.

In 1994, a plane carrying President Habyarimana and Burundi's President Cyprien Ntaryamira, was shot down, and the Tutsis were blamed for the attack. Almost immediately, the message was sent out to "cut the tall trees". This was a call for Hutus all over the country to begin slaughtering Tutsis. Over a hundred days, 800,000 Tutsi were subjected to r*pe and murder. It was a bloodbath, and everyone participated in it, including ordinary Hutus who had been led to believe Tutsis are the enemy.

Hutus had firearms, but ordinary citizens made use of machetes to kill Tutsis, and they killed their own co-workers neighbors, and local business owners. By the end of it over 40% of the population had been killed or had fled. This should serve as a stern warning - don't frick with manlets. When we rise up, we do so with much ferocity.

Zulus - Africa's Most Successful Tribe?

So this is the tribe I belong to. I've never taken a DNA test but my entire family is Zulu. The Zulu have a reputation for being fierce warriors and they've participated in more than a few genocides in addition to indulging in a bit of slavery. Zulu culture is very militaristic, and being a warrior is synonymous with being a man (Ndoda). When I turned 21, I was gifted a spear and animal-skin shield from my father as a sign that I had entered manhood.

Under the leadership of Shaka Zulu, the tribe expanded its territory. This period is known as the "Mfecane" and it is estimated that up to 2 million people were killed by Zulus. The tribe is also greatly respected by the British and the Zulu royalty famously has a close relationship with British royalty. This is in part because the Zulus are about the only African tribe that have ever beaten the British in a battle, specifically the Battle of Isandlwana in which the British were defeated by Zulus with inferior weaponry. It should be noted that while the Zulus won the battle, the British did win the Anglo-Zulu War.

Today, there are about 12 million Zulus with most of them concentrated in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Setting up the battleground

So, we want to make things a fair match-up between the two tribes. So let's imagine that the different tribes are unified (all 12 million Zulus working together, and all 11 million Hutus are working together). They are armed with their traditional weapons i.e. Hutus have their machetes and Zulus have their spears and shields.

Since the Zulus have 1 million more people, I'll give the Hutus an advantage and say that the battle takes place on their homeground - Rwanda. The Zulus have come around to seize territory and it is up to the Hutus to defend their country and their tribe.

Neither group may ask for outside help, and the West/UN cannot interfere.

A few things to consider

Hutus have a few advantages. They are on home ground, so they know the lay of the land. Secondly, the Rwandan genocide demonstrated that the Hutus are capable of swift and decisive genocide in a short period of time and can be ruthless. However, there are some disadvantages. While they can work in unison, they haven't demonstrated the kind of organised military that the Zulus have demonstrated they are capable of. Secondly, though Zulus won't be on home ground, this isn't something new and they are used to claiming uncharted territory. The Hutus, using machetes, have to get up close to murder while the Zulus can fling spears. However, throwing a spear makes it a single-use weapon, whereas a machete can be used to kill multiple people.

Personal thoughts

I'm betting my money on the Zulus. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be an epic battle and no side would get away without mass casualties. Additionally, I think the Hutus as a whole are more ruthless and violent, and they're more willing to use obscene methods of torture such as r*pe and cannibalism. However, I believe a well-organized Zulu army is going to trounce most African tribes, as it has in the past.

Cavity vaccine
Tourists are the dumbest humans on the planet


Reported by:
  • SerGay : Black Tuah
  • Y : Newscasters walked so of models could run
Black Hawk :marseyblackcock: :marseysmug3:

Classic 2 | drink and drive PSA for ABOS

HEY! grog and drive no good! :grug:

Various sports :marseyqatarworldcup2: subs want to ban twitter :marseyelonpaypig: links now :marseypearlclutch:

Inside the Financial Profiles :marseymoney: of Trump's :cryingtrumpjak: Cabinet Members :marseymcwagie: Worth Almost $12 Billion :marseynooticeglow: - Cryptochud haven

The new administration assembled by President Donald Trump boasts a combined net worth of at least $11.8 billion. The collective wealth of the potential 2024 cabinet is unprecedented for The Cabinet of the United States. Senate confirmation hearings are currently underway in Washington, D.C. — and the potential conflicts of interest for these cabinet members are a fraught topic. We dived into the financial reports and investing strategies of this new administration to understand their financial backgrounds and what this could mean for potential conflicts of interest and insider trading while in office.


Crypto Enthusiasts :marseyemojirofl:

One finding is that President Trump's nominees are crypto enthusiasts. Data on the stock portfolios of Trump's cabinet nominees tells us that almost half of them have significant crypto holdings. Among the greatest is Sean Duffy, Trump's nominee for Secretary of the Department of Transportation, who holds up to $1.1 million in Bitcoin.

Media Wealth

The second, and less startling finding is that the wealth of the nominees is disproportionately from roles in media. Nominated Secretary of the Department of Defense Pete Hegseth made over $4 million in the past two years as a FOX News Host, based on a recent Office of Government Ethics filing. Nominee Tulsi Gabbard earned over $1 million this year from book advances and speeches — most of which for the Republican Party.

Notable Members and Controversies

Robert F. Kennedy Jr — Health and Human Services Secretary (confirmed)

  • Nominated in November for the position of health secretary

  • Cleared the Senate by a razor‐thin 14–13 vote

  • Net worth is about $15 million

  • Controversial views scrutinizing the efficacy of vaccines

  • Received backlash for ties to Wisner Baum, an LA-based personal injury law firm

  • Holds a Bitcoin position worth over $5 million

  • Opposition from the scientific and medical communities persists

Pete Hegseth — Secretary of Defense

  • High-profile figure and Fox News co-host of "Fox and Friends"

  • Received over $4.6 million from Fox News as an annual salary across the past two years

  • Holds between $5,000 and $15,000 in Bitcoin income

  • Controversies for financial mismanagement and accusations of sexual misconduct

Tulsi Gabbard — National Intelligence (nominated)

  • Earnings in the past year have exceeded $1.2 million

  • Passed the Senate committee vote last week, approving her nomination

  • Main source of income: speaking fees and book royalties related to the Republican party

  • Nearly $300,000 from an advance on her 2024 book "For Love of Country: Leave the Democratic Party Behind"

Pam Bondi — Attorney General (confirmed)

  • Net worth of $18 million

  • Worked with the Trump administration for several years

  • Made more than $3 million from the recent merger of Trump's Truth Social platform

  • Disclosed owning between $2 million and $10 million in shares of Trump Media & Technology Group stock

Scott Bessent — Secretary of the Treasury (confirmed)

  • Net worth of at least $500 million

  • Wealth originates from years in hedge fund management

  • Holds over $50 million in ETFs and investments in major currencies

  • Holds between $250,000 and $500,000 in Bitcoin

Linda McMahon — Secretary of Education (nominated)

  • Estimated worth upwards of $3 billion

  • Earnings from co-founding World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)

  • Holds significant investments in TKO Group Holdings and bonds supporting universities

Doug Burgum — Interior Secretary (confirmed)

  • Earned over $2 million last year from businesses and investments

  • Significant investments in technology stocks including Netflix, Alphabet, Apple, and Adobe

Sean Duffy — Secretary of Transportation (confirmed)

  • Recently pledged to divest from investments in technology stocks

  • Numerous investments in cryptocurrency, including up to $500,000 in Bitcoin

Howard Lutnick — Commerce Secretary (nominated)

  • Net worth of $2 billion

  • CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald and BGC Group

  • Holds over 800 separate positions across various companies

  • Vocal supporter of cryptocurrency, particularly Tether

Where to Look Next

Public disclosure of funds allows us to examine the financial profiles for the new cabinet of the United States. Looking at the potential cabinet members holistically, it is apparent that they are united by holding large amounts of wealth. Some of this wealth, of course, will have to be divested if taking office. The Office of Government Ethics requires officials to divest from funds which may pose a conflict of interest — a move which many of Trump's nominees will see as costly.

!chuds !nonchuds discuss

Drama in San Francisco as student claims ICE is boarding busses and asking students for ID and country of origin


100 comments in about an hour. Lot of people literally shaking.

MUNI operators are on the lookout for ICE agents

It's time to get our DOX ON

skankhunt coming in with some quality commentary. I have an episode to rewatch

AHHHHAHAHAHAHA I never thought I'd see a comment like this but here comes "tech/white lives matter" in a thread about our poor Honduran drug dealers

Anyway I'm pretty stoked how housing is going to get cheaper/available and construction labor is going up let's fricking gooooooooo

I better see KTVU filming ICE soon. If Boston is getting some LEO love I demand it NOW!

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] We're losing the plot on how to be Australian


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

[removed] (46)

You mean woke policies (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

The Chancellor speaks of what it was to be Australian. Being forthright and honest was always a central theme describing Australians yet today all we see are lies and distortions.While no sensible person condones the firebombings, lets put this in context. They were in protest against the atrocities conducted by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people in Gaza. It's that simple and only narcissistic people will see the truth and disregard the facts. (Note, government and not those of the Jewish faith).I agree with other posters that this country is merely a shell of its former self, and that, unfortunately, is a direct result of allowing too much media influence being given to one person whose agenda backs up the fact that once too much power is allowed in the hands of a morally bankrupt group; well, nothing good has ever come from that. (-2)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You're missing some "context" there mate. Like the part where Hamas forces stormed into Israel, killed 1000 people and took 800 hostage which triggered all of this. (11)

So that makes it ok to murder 10s of thousands of civilians and children? (-4)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What resonates the most for me is that we have lost our sense of humour and larrikin spirit. People overseas have this perception of Australia and Australians as knock about good humoured people. We used to be, we aren't anymore, we take ourselves and issues far too seriously. (13)

HTF can your main post be about rising anti-semitism (which I agree is a bad thing), then in this comment you're saying "we take ourselves and our issues far too seriously"???So should I take anti-semitism seriously or not seriously if it isn't personally an issue for me?And what does larrikin even mean? Is some dumb frick with no real understanding of history (too busy being a larrikin in Year 10 to listen…) who does an 'ironic' nazi salute as a 'joke' a larrikin or an anti-semite? What about the same kind of person saying dumb, stereotypical stuff about muslims? Or Blackfellas? Or even women? Should we take them equally seriously or is that taking things 'too seriously'?I actually do agree with you that we have lost a lot of empathy, community and even mateship somewhere over the last little bit. Like the slow progress towards equality we made over the last generation has suddenly been battered back by economic pressure, splintering social connections, pervasive social media disinf... (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

With that kind of attitude towards them, I can't imagine why you got banned before. It's a mystery for the ages. (1)

My 'attitude' of observing the fact they don't want to assimilate, they bring their hatred and cultural 'norms' that conflict with ours with them and then they have the expectation of we bend for them, and that is a bad thing for me to do? Muslims hate western society, and how we live, they make not secret of it and someone of us don't want to be hated in our own country…and that makes me bad? Why? For example, Sydney has seen a rise is gay bashings recently, violent thugs bashing lifeguards, Anti-Semitic fire bombings and vandalism. Last summer, it was a string of groping and sexual touching of women/girls at beaches, where they were let off because 'their culture doesn't know any better'. I wonder what 'culture' they are referring to. I wonder who is responsible for that. 🤔Violence is normalised and celebrated in their culture. It's not in ours. And recognising that's doesn't make me a bad person. (4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

We are just mirroring what's happening all across the world.Bigotry and racism is a global epidemic and will only get worse while right wing propaganda spreads unchecked.Anti-Semitism is terrible of course but no worse than any other form of racism or hate crime.Will all racism/hate crime be classed as terrorism if Peter Dutton ever becomes prime minister or will that just be reserved for certain groups?All we can do is s stay vigilant and protect what we have and don't allow our politicians to politicise issues that don't deserve to be. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Affectionate_Ear3506

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Pope Francis :marseypope: has pneumonia in both lungs , Vatican says

Anybody been playing Ashes of Creation?

I know people are going to talk about the money, but say someone was buying it for you, what are your opinions of the game outside of cost?

And yes, because I am a troll, I want to join the same Pirate Software server and join that guild harassing him in-game. teeeheeee

Reported by:
Oh no no no :brainletmaga:

White people can't behave. WPT locks all posts


Reported by:
  • X : bam
  • Lappland : Disgusting. I love sucking peepee
  • totalretardwar : They can't be perfect, they don't even have a bussy.
White women are perfect

Yes, we all like to make jokes about white women. It's all fun and games and theres an element of truth to it. But the truth is white women are the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

Today this truth became evident as I walked from my office to the train station and found myself behind two women on the platform, an Asian on the left and a white Woman on the right, perhaps the biblical symbolism was divine intervention.

Their appearances were quite different. The Asian woman was your typical westernized ABG type. Not quite skinny but not quite overweight either. Tight lululemon pants and some kind of athletic top that emphasized a "sexy" body, built by dedicated work at a gymnasium.

The white woman was quite the opposite. She had a rather mannish face, and for a few moments I thought it might have been a transgender until I got a better look at her face. She was tall with a rather fridgelike build, her baggy loose clothes certainly didn't do her any favors. Her legs werent toned at all and one had some kind of large sore or bruise on it.

The Asian woman was attractive and the White woman was not attractive. That was the objective truth, that was the reasonable conclusion to draw based on the information presented to my brain by my eyes. That was the answer is both an individual and a society.

NO! In a sudden realization I realized that was not true! Looking at them both I wanted the white woman, not the Asian! She was more alluring, more endearing, the one I wanted to bring flowers to, the one I wanted to make laugh, the one I wanted to wake up in bed next to. That was the truth! It was like fog clearing and suddenly the view being perfectly clear. Like looking at a nonsensical math problem and then suddenly figuring out the answer! My thoughts were clean and pure, no longer held back by whatever strange muck was clouding my judgement.

The white woman excited me like no other woman could. There was nothing more to weigh in my mind, no need to compare their bodies or their clothes, no need for a second glance. I wanted the white woman, that was the truth.

I hope one day you can have the same experience I had. God bless white women


It's been about a year since I've touched this place, I'm just checking in to see if anybody I knew is still around and recognises me, I've just managed to effectively ruin my life plans in one hour. If everybody I knew isn't here now I am happy they're not rotting here anymore, if you are then my condolences.


How Life in Night City impacts BLack Bodies

Remember that Mike Pondsmith, who invented all this crap, is a BLack man who has exclusively dated white women since he was a teenager so this is OK.

Anyway, I started the Dogtown part of the game (from the Phantom Liberty DLC) which is very good but the small area is a little too busy which causes some serious jank and framerate drops. The new car theft missions have caused my PC to crash a couple of times. Apparently the REDengine CD Project Red use is just not up to maintaining a game like this. They have already announced they're dumping it for future releases and rely on Unreal 5. I've had some shocking glitches while driving- cars appearing out of nowhere, falling out of the sky like that guy in Morrowind...

I even had a car spawn directly under me, catapulting my car 30 feet into the air. The game has avoided this from being too immersion-breaking by making almost every car that has collidedwith me driven by a woman.

There is a character in this game called 'Mr. Hands' who seemed to change his voice actor. This is controversial so I innocently googled "Mr Hands voice controversy"...

Yeah, they maybe should have checked that name before they used it.

Actual gook superpower fantasy: to have precognitive knowledge of test answers

This is begging for racist psychoanalysis of the Asian male psyche. The protagonist is a professional tutor and he's helping his students cheat by feeding them the test answers ahead of time. There's a white chad that is portrayed as the villain for rightfully accusing him of cheating (and also fricking the sideways vagina that he crushes on) Shouldn't you be honest and earn your success? YOU ARE OUR GREATEST ENEMY!

Reported by:
  • 1 : You could trim it down a little
  • MouthFarting : My phone crashed lol maybe use an imgur link or something idk
EFFORTPOST (GIGANORMOUS WALL OF LINKS BELOW, MAY LAG YOUR DEVICE) redditor spams chud barbie memes to farm karma, some posts get thousands of likes, others get deleted by jannies


here are the current survivors:

and heres everything that got removed by the reddit jannies:

he used to do this on other subreddits, but had most of his posts deleted and

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