How it actually plays out when a g*mer girl (female) actually plays vidya
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this is cirno

mom accused me of being bdd hsts and told me to wear a bra today :marseybeanpensive:

:redlight: !nicotine IN IN IN :redlight:



Someone ping chuds

Several students were attending an informal gathering of the swim team at an on-campus residence on September 6 when one of them used a box cutter to scratch the n-word on another student's chest, according to statements made by the college and the family who says their son was the victim.

"The reprehensible act was committed by a fellow student-athlete, someone he considered his friend, someone whom he trusted," the family said in an anonymous statement published last week by the college's student newspaper, The Gettysburgian.

>Assault with a deadly weapon

>BIPOC word


"Campus Safety advised that the victim was 'encouraged' (by the college) to contact law enforcement, the victim had chosen not to and to let the college disciplinary process handle this matter," Glenny Jr. said.

>Doesn't want the 5-0 to get involved

Now on to the comments!

Moving up from scratched to etched. With a box cutter. Why does MSM have to kittyfoot around EVERYTHING when it comes to white aggressors?

Because even they realize this smells like horse shit

Why is the media going through such lengths to protect the racist who committed a hate crime that could permanently affect the victim??

See above

There's a lot being left out of this article. The rest of the story is pretty horrendous and according to the other sources the victim is being shunned by other students and was kicked off the team immediately after it happened and before they even began investigating the perpetrator.

On this was 100% some ethnic special looking for attention

The "victim" proudly went around showing off the word to other students. It was his idea and when other swim students reported him for showing it around, he began claiming he was attacked.

What in the frick are you talking about? Who is your source for this?

Me being on campus and knowing the folks involved, and seeing the guy showing it off

:marseyreporterfox: rescues :marseykween: from flood waters during :marseyhurricane2: on live TV


Hold on, there's more:

Within the first counterpoint, here she is arguing against her own original point by saying men cannot be trusted to be alone with women in a professional setting. Absolutely fascinating โ˜•.

I'm asking her how she would feel about men forcing women to take private meetings with them against their wishes. Can't wait for her response.

Lol get rekked, you fricking jezebel ๐Ÿ˜‚

Reported by:
STARRY :marseypretty: ALT UNMASKED

its choibu

the pixels :marseyplace: from screenshots posted to both accounts line up exactly.

the following pics have NOT BEEN SCALED. it just so happens that choibu and my fake alt have the same exact view scaling and font family :marseyeeriedeathpose: options. curious

the last pic is some random :marseycitrusshrug: user (control). note how it has totally different :marseyvenn3: scaling from everything else

top- screenshot from choibu

middle- screenshot from @starry_aIt -

bottom- some random :marseycitrusshrug: user

here is a version with them overlapping (note how "ago" is the EXACT SAME):

@Grue someone ping metashit pls


Bongland Without Context

r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: officially rebrands to r/Peronism :marseymileigenocide:


@nuclearshill, ping the macacos plz.



Comfy chair

Op from me 10 months ago when they did the dmca

Github dmca


None rrpicturearchives

hulcher services is a contractor that does derailments. they have an office in denton I think but I'm not gonna check. idler wheels = non powered axles since it derailed (not connected to traction motor)

I thought I'd post this cause why not. By a month ago I mean a literal 30 days ago. August 23. I read a reddit post on it 4 months ago when I frequented /r/trains semi often. Wasn't too hard to refind.

of course the redditor's friend is some heifer

trains derail every day. i thought it'd be interesting plus I remembered the reddit post.

3 days ago there was a cpkc derailment near greenville tx. (Greenville subdivision, dallas (wylie)-shreveport). bunch of autoracks. someone at kcs wylie said total damages was at 30 mil so far (not mine). some sources say 31+ cars some say 29, cleared up by now.

cpkc175 = mile marker 175. And would you look at that it it looks exactly like the place in the drone footage. LAT, LONG = 33.14304, -96.187599

you can see that curved tree line and road and everything else.

The usdot has a map of mile markers

Map data -

colldate - I'm not sure

railroad - reporting mark

milepost - milepost number

source - source of the data probably. not sure about some but I can tell some of the data

lat - latitude

stfips - FIPS state code. For Texas it would be 48.

long - longitude

stcyfips - state and county fips code. For Hunt County it would be 48231

ending here cause I don't have any more time.

i forgot maybe some people don't know what autoracks are so I'll just name a few cars

autoracks - cars

loaded by a ramp and they drive em through each car filling em up. the ones in europe look different but these are the ones you'll see in america. can have 2 or three levels

Intermodals/IMs/stackers - for intermodal containers

may or may not have a solid floor.

hoppers - self explanatory easy unloading by gravity. chutes on bottom. grain coal, etc. can be covered or uncovered

boxcars - self explanatory

gondalas - walled roofless car

tankers - liquid/gas commodities

utlx is union tank car company's reporting mark assigned by the AAR (Association of American Railroads). because they're a leasing company their mark ends in x.

flatcars - self explanatory

(unavailable here, it's trailers getting unloaded)

centerbeam - flatcar with a center support. usually lumber. can cause problems like stringlining and other derailments more often. see here. due to weight of empties i think

refridgerated cars /reefers - boxcars with temperature control

there are other cars but these are the main ones

:marseylaptop: Rate my terminal setup! :marseykernelpanic:


"Even though I see a lot of women your age with the same complaints and it is common for women your age to be perimenopausal, you are too young to be perimenopausal". Ehm, what?

It's called you're :marseychonkerfoid: obese.

"Women's pain is normal. It'll get better once you start having babies." And then they shrugged me off completely when I said I wasn't planning on having biological children.

..For reference, my "normal pain" involved crying and vomiting every month, and I gave up on a lot of professional goals because I couldn't function.

Again, another :marseychonkerfoidtalking:

Not sure how to translate it to a square, but when I went in for problems with my birth control, my doctor told me it was fine and then tried to put me on an anti-psychotic.

It was the birth control.

:marseymeds: take your pills and shut up psycho.

"We don't want to remove a healthy organ" when asking about a hysterectomy because of my painful, heavy, long periods. Obviously, it's not a healthy organ, can we maybe try to figure out why?

And something along the lines of "the treatment is birth control anyway, which you're already on" when asking about endometriosis, implying that there's no need to check for it.

Never trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die, but I love how many women just want to be castrated to try and remove the only thing that gives them value. :gigachad2:

An orthopedic surgeon I went to said that my knee pain was just arthritis and if I lost weight I'd be fine. I went to another surgeon who took me seriously and he removed 2 pieces of torn cartilage.

So instead of losing weight you went to a doctor who enabled you and took your $.

"get a hobby"

i was going through the social security disability process, and documenting/trying to address the symptoms of the qualifying disorder. this shitty neurologist told me to quit focusing on it and get a hobby.

i already had a hobby at that point, painting, so joke's on him, i guess. i switched to a better neurologist soon after.

How many :marseyscooter: r-slurs does witches vs patriarchy have??

This is why women are having issues

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Gas this thread and ban all these disgusting blaspheming prots
  • Corinthian : I miss @HailVictory1776 so much bros. @Aevann free him you overgrown mouse :marseyraging:

The post

So, what did all those martyrs throughout the centuries die for?

I still think that the Holy Father is wrong here and is causing confusion. Especially considering that the deposit of faith says that Catholicism is the one true Faith (as says our Creed).

The actual quote is so much more boring. Let's ignore it and hate on Pope Francis!

Can we all agree that SOME of the pagan gods are demons like Baal?

Can you be catholic and acknowledge that the pope is a heretic?

Why can't people not immediately react negatively to the Pope, and instead consider reading his statements with an open mind and a willingness to wait until all information comes out


Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What the frick is this argumentMinority communities are specifically targeted by pro-choice campaigns because fetal tissue + organs are ridiculously valuable to pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. It's no exaggeration to say that the minority underclass of the United States is being liquidated to prop up US oligarchs. Did you forget that fetuses have rights too?1) Men can't become pregnant, so they can't decide to have an elective abortion. Whatever right to abortion that purportedly exists doesn't apply to them for that reason. Full stop.2) Negative rights are actions that demand non-interference from others in order to function. Abortion, as an action, requires at least two participants. That's why it categorically cannot be classified as a negative right. (1)

An accurate one. Slavery is clearly a violation of bodily autonomy, and we fought a civil war over states who wished to violate that right for a portion of their citizens. I then followed up with an example of a state that is CURRENTLY violating the rights of its citizens by punishing them for actions taken outside of the state. Actions that they are forced to take because of the state's violation of their bodily autonomy.You're missing the forest for the trees here, and it has a whiff a racism as well, but I'm just going to assume that you either haven't fully examined root causes on this topic, or that are just blindly repeating a talking point that you heard but haven't fully thought out.First, the prevalence of clinics in minority communities is primarily due to demand. Minority communities tend to have lower incomes and lower levels of education, both of which are indicators of an increase in unprotected sexual activity. More pregnancies in an area inherently mean more unwanted... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

To answer your questions: YESConservatives would simply never even think to regulate the freedom of men to be sovereign over their own bodies like this. Their base wouldn't have it.Their resistance to gun control is a good parallel. Guns are the number one cause of death of minors, yet Conservatives refuse to act. Curious how that concern with the life of children ends the moment protecting them no longer involves controlling women.There is zero room to call such hypocrisy "pro life" IMO. (1)

See this is the cartoonish vision of those that dont vote like you do that leads to issues. If someone could own a license to kill a child with a gun do you really think "conservative" voters would ignore that because it involves guns and not women?ย That's the equivalent here, the issue isn't on banning incisors or bio vacuums which are cowtools with more uses thank abortions, but on the license to kill that those with facilities for abortion have.ย So this is not a parallel, there still seems far more complicated factors than a arbitrary targeting of women.ย Killing kids with guns is already illegal.ย Again this seems so obvious to me that this is a whataboutism. There are big differences in the subjects even if on some very surface level you see "dead child" as a connection point.ย I mean I don't doubt that people truly are exist in this world and have a thrill of enacting power on those not like them. But your imagining of this nuanced and deep argument as a 95% malice is just going to ... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Roe was problematic for several reasons.The first was that it prohibited states from deciding the issue of abortion. Anti-abortion states were forced to accept abortion regardless of the will of the electorate. The second was that it invented a negative right out of whole cloth by asserting that women (and only specifically women) have an inalienable right to abortion based on medical privacy.Ignoring for the moment that all rights are universal and inalienable, SCOTUS asserted that a positive right was essentially a negative right, and that no state could interfere for that reason. (1)

History has shown that there are certain topics to which states can not be trusted to decide for themselves. Slavery, for instance, is an apt comparison because slavery is another violation of bodily autonomy. States are already overreaching in the wake of the Dobbs decision. Texas is trying to violate interstate travel laws by prohibiting people from seeking abortions in other states, all in the name "protecting the sanctity of life." Heck, they even offered bounties for turning in people who even ASSIST in getting someone to another state for an abortion.A couple of points here. First, women wouldn't be the only ones to have a right to an abortion. They would simply be the only ones to exercise that particular right. Second, abortion access isn't exactly one-sided when trying to determine the type of right it is (positive vs. negative). It is a negative right in the sense that the government wouldn't be able to pass laws prohibiting access, and it is a positive right in the sense ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/OfTheAtom

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 9

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



European Animation

!kino !eurochads

I watched Mars Express the other day, a French animated Sci-fi film from last year and it was fantastic. Lots of cool ideas, great style and an interesting story, absolutely gets my recommendation.

I also watched the short series Crisis Jung by the same director, it was kind of like a gay French fist of the North Star, not as good as Mars Express but still a fun watch with lots of gore, dark humour and animated close-ups of arseholes

I've never watched any European animations before other than some tv shows when I was kid, and The Peasants if that counts, (also really good) anyone have any good recommendations?

Fantastic Planet and The Triplets of Belleville are the obvious one and they're definitely next on my list but don't really have any idea other than that

HOW CAN SHE SLAP? :marseychudindian: :!greendesigirl:

There are a lot of these on this subreddit lol

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