

In Europe and Switzerland, we don't need social or economic refugees from the USA any other country in the world. Stay in your own country.

He's not going to hurt you, you know? The US is a strong democracy.

Maybe you are trolling, but no, you simply can't just move to Switzerland because you feel like it. You need specialist skills and a company willing to sponsor you, just like it would be if I was to move to the US.

If you husband has mid 8 figures CHF to invest in Switzerland, that might be difficult.

How exactly do you propose moving here? Have you seen the visa requirements?

Also, how exceedingly arrogant to just claim you can live here when your country makes it so difficult for everyone else.

Is this a troll post?



Post funny and good centrist comics

Could Elon potentially get Reddit banned? :marseyconfused: (or at least downgraded somehow)

There was 0 care when Elon gave his three word reply to a tweet :marseyelonmusktalking: about redditors wanting to kill him and his zoomer concubines :soysnooseethetalkingtyping: :!marseyfemboy: and the sub just went down at a snap of the finger. :marseydisintegrate:

We all know it's because of them needing to janny it up so he can't find anything more, :marseyjanny2: :marseygatekeeper2: :marseyelonmusk: but does he even have any power to potentially bring the entire site down? :marseysaturngenocide: :marseysnoogenocide: :#elonsalute:

He always replies to longposts about shit nobody cares about :!marseyelonmusk: :!marseylongpost: so could it be possible to compile a large list of Reddit wrongs :marseynotes: , threadify them for twitter :marseybluecheck: , then send it straight to him and see where this goes? :marseyelonmusk: :marseyattentionseeker:

Trump has lost the Neurodivergent vote

Just give me my fricking train already :marseydramautist:

What happening
Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:

y'all ready?

I'm good from state to state you to the states you might get RAKED (RAKEUM)

Who would Win: Madoka Kaname (In her Goddess Form/Law of Cycles) vs Itachi Uchiha (No Sharingan)

Now I did make this fight a bit onesided because if Itachi had his sharingan he could just instantly win by looking her in the eyes. I may have made him too weak for this fight because I'm pretty sure when Madoka is in her ultimate form she has omnipotence, exists beyond space time, and has even erased people before they were born. Maybe I should give Itachi his sharingan back? (but without the mangekyo) ?

Also why did naruto move from being about ninja tactics and handsigns to giant DBZ blasts?

!anime !weebs

If your favorite character had to fight Itachi Uchiha how would it go?

Reported by:
  • Grue : Weird how calls for justice look like attacks on your nation to you :marseythonk:
Stalactite Formation: corporate social issues

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: Is it normal to give your mom Valentine's Day gifts? :marseythonk: :marseydetective:

I was talking to @PegMeMommy about Valentine's Day. I was telling him about how me and my siblings got our mom flowers and stuff for Valentine's Day. During the conversation he said he had never heard of kids getting their mom something for Valentine's Day, and he doesn't know anyone who does this. For me, this is the opposite: Where I'm from, everyone gets their mother something. Now both of us are wondering which is normal.

Decided to make a poll!

Do you buy your mother something Valentine's Day?

:drafts: Does this look like a couple in love to you?

Ari clearly has the ick.

I can't get over Ari's hand :marseyxd: She's posing like this is an annoying fan that wants a quick selfie, not the guy she fricked and destroyed two marriages to have.

TIFU by telling my kid to punch a Nazi.
:marseysoyswitch: Greg Miller and some asian say :marseyraging: frick Cheeto!!
Weekly "Drawing prompt" Thread #18

Last thread


Last weeks prompt:

Raccoons, Birds and Pizzas

Submissions from last thread:







This weeks prompt:


Thanks to @King_K_Rool for the prompt!


As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.

The first terrorist getting deported for organizing Pro-Palestine campus protests is... Liu Lijun??! :marseyburgers:

!asians is that at least like a Uyghur name? Do Uyghurs look different then Han?

Okay so this is just a full on Chinese. Weird!


SRALKER 2 players on suicide watch :marseyazov:

BEGONE BOT! :marseysnappygenocide:

LMAO, he baited coomers as well:

Anyway, whoever you are brother (or sister), you did well :platysalute:

:marseybikecuck: Reports of Fisker's demise are highly exaggerated? :!marseysteer:

I've been thinking about selling my main car for something more practical since I rarely ever drive it much anymore; was reminded of the horror of Fisker in an incredulously cheap local ad and found some semi-recent redditor coping.


Fisker was initially founded in 2007 as a sort of luxury electric vehicle. I'd only seen one of them on the highway in the city, but it was horribly ugly. The company had issues with production in 2011 and had to file bankruptcy for the first time on its government loans in 2013 after multiple issues with quality and production, including battery explosions.


It ended up being purchased by a Chinese company in 2014, which red to many improvements and much more high quarity parts, directry reading to its second bankruptcy firing rast year.


Anyways, the /r/fisker sub is somehow still active and full of cope, arguments, and complaints about bugs causing their cars to stop working and/or crash.



Some choice comments from right before they filed their second bankruptcy:

I am all in. Still holding 31000 shares and never planning on selling. I am here to stay.

Good luck bud. Hope you get something out of this. Really mean that :)

This subreddit is one of the few where it's very positive and not toxic.


Unfortunately not much a regular person can do besides word of mouth and showing the car off. Company needs a much more powerful assist right now

The company needs to get off its own peepee, fire the entire exec team, hire a competent one and start over. Unless that is done there is no amount of outside assistance that will help anyone outside the family.

The company is dead.


Dead company walking! Zero chance of salvaging this corrupt company.

Data to back that up?

Tesla was in FAR WORSE positions than this over their history.

Tesla had more funding though and also was ran better from a business perspective.

Tesla was in a spot where they had two weeks of cash on hand (ie no funding). They were completely out of money. At the last gong they got a 20M injection to keep them floating.

Meanwhile Fisker is here sitting on 400M and no fixed costs, and everyone acts as if they're already dead.


I own 10k shares at .13 and may buy 90k this week. I can see them getting financial support just like LUCID eventually if they can convince others to support. They actually have a demand for their product and it's growing. You may not like the company and how they have managed up until this point, but when you got something that sells it's hard to go away. There was a coffee company once that went to pinks and ran to double digits. It's high risk to own this stock but for under 5k, it's worth a risk. People don't want to get rid of their cars and stock and I can't blame them for doing so. I see a revival here for sure. EV will be pushed tremendously these next 5 years

I'm thinking the same. If they turn things around, it could be a huge payday. Im wondering how many class A shares are in existence at this point?


Some panic for when the rumors of bankruptcy were first announced:

Can we still sell our shares at the opening of the market today?

Yes, for $0.


So does this mean the stock is worthless? Is there any hope at all? Serious answers only please

In bankruptcy shareholders are far down the waterfall provision of bankruptcy law in who gets paid. All the senior creditors (employees, bond holders, bank loans, vendors, lawsuits etc.) have to get paid out in full before shareholders see a penny. Not to mention the cost of the lawyers and bankruptcy itself are expensive and get top priority in being paid.

If Fisker liquidates their assets and has anything left over after paying the senior creditors in full then shareholders could receive something. But I doubt even the bondholders will get that much recovery.

Fisker declared bankruptcy because they have no money, a ton of debt and have little chance of generating money. Who is going to buy a car from a bankrupt company and does Fisker even have the money to make a car and sell at a profit? If Fisker had really valuable assets they would have sold them to cover their debts. It doesn't look like there's much chance of shareholders seeing much money, if any.

yes the bondholders are way, way underwater. what does fisker have left - a couple thousand pretty worthless cars thar wouldnt sell at a 50 pct discount, maybe some tooling and some worthless ip. might be worth 200 mil being really optimistic. debts are many multiples of that number. unless someone sees their ip as super valuable [super unlikely, theyve obv been for sale for months now with no takers] the equity is worth less than zero

Some type of recent hope still yet remains.


Reported by:
absolutely phenomenal thread, keep scrolling the comment chains, it gets worse and worse what I think of pro-child marriage chuds on r drama


bottom text

I CAST BEER SMASH! :marseydrunk:

I really, really, REAAALLY wanna drink right now, but I have a super promising date tomorrow, so I can't :marseycry:

But I'm defo going to the casino and getting fricking wasted after the date, regardless of how it goes (It's just our first date)

Are you drinking, frens?

!metashit :D

Current HP: 117/120

Current Mana: 160/180


Watching spiderman ban everyone like:

			 :marseyraytraced#: cost: $ Free :marseythumbsup: :marseybadlydrawn#: cost: $250 :marseyweeping: :mjlol: :shyyt:

Your artist gave her high poly face low poly thighs :marseyfacepalm:

I prefer the left, but because of the lighting, not the art.

If I was scrolling through a list of titles on Steam, that would pop out to me more.

Given, it gives off horror survival vibes, so if your game isn't that, then carry on haha.

The human-made art here is clearly just a bunch of copy/paste, or a screenshot of a game with a filter on it. Look at the columns on the walls. They're all completely identical. Same exact texture on all of them. That doesn't happen when a human actually draws 10 columns. But it does happen when a mediocre artist draws one column and copy/pastes it. Or when they use an asset pack to create a 3D scene and then apply some kind of art filter to it.

So, maybe we can postpone the deep dive into AI vs Human, and just acknowledge that the human artist here did an extremely cheap/sloppy job? Is that what we're supposed to be "supporting" and "protecting" by not using AI art?

The left is AI or the Right? The left looks better to me. Plus some platforms don't like promos where the gun is pointing out. As lame as that sounds. Apple, for example. Ideally, they don't want the gun at all but otherwise pointed away.

Left is ai, it's a PC game and so I wanted it to be similar to other of the genre

I mean... as someone who draws for fun I will say artist did a really fricking bad job with imagine on the right, like super lazy work: left wall is copy-paste city, ceiling is AI generated xd, character looks flat and not even properly cutted from somewhere xd and goddarn this unrealistic shine of light coming straight out of her butt just to achieve any sort of contrast... And AI did much better job at composition because it copied the most and easy common one, your artist had not idea what composition is.

I hope you didn't pay much

Merry Christmas !aichads !g*mers

Reported by:

4cope thread that will be deleted soon and has jannies comments:

Archived thread:

Mexicans on leddit react:

KiNeurodivergents chudlebrate:

So she is the peak fanservice fighting character character that has an exposed fat butt in a 2024 video game, but are /v/irgins happy?

:#marseyitsallsotiresome: these neighbors will never be satisfied with anything


:#chadno: Mai has the most BBC anal-coded butt in vidya history


Anyways, time to talk about the duality of the nu-4cuck:

Is this game globohomo jewish chad DEI poz wokeBIPOC shit or based gigachud hentaiGOD anti-woke aryan gemstone? :marseyconfused2:

Either way, some anons appear to have unveiled the reason behind so many AAA games going woke these days! :marseydetective:

:#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseydarkxd:


:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke:

Either way, since this is a thread about 4cuck reacting to Mai Shitranui, and not about the character herself, then I would prefer to spoil my effortpost talking about the background of the most famous PAAG in vidya history!

Also reminder that in 1994 there was a KoF anime where they fricking drew Mai's anus! :marseydarkxd: :!marseykneel: :marseychingchongsupremacy: :vegetakneel:

And here is a rare deleted scene showing her tits while she was showering, as a response to the most famous scene in SF anime history where Chun-li does the same:

Either way, the history of Mai Shiranui:

Mai Shiranui is a certified and fact-checked ricebunny PAAG coal burner mudshark BIPOClover built for the most vantablack darkest BIPOCcoal sub-saharan African mandingo BIPOC BBC, they should change the name of the game to King of BIPOClovers, or Fatal BIPOC, or BIPOC Fighter 6, because of how much BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal sub-saharan African BIPOC BBC its ricebunnies are!, Mai Shiranui is BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal sub-saharan African BIPOC mandingo Congolese BBCs, she is THE biggest mudshark BIPOClover coal burner in vidya history, it is astounding how tiny-peepeeed Japs were able to handcraft and make character designs that screams "I FRICK BIPOCS!" more than that, her perfect coal burner butt coded for BIPOC anal, her exposing mudshark tits.... frick, it is unbelievable how much they intentionally made her look like a peak BIPOClover, not even the most BBC-obsessed Amerimutt would have come up with such explicit and perfect Ricebunny design that is undeniably coded for s*x with sweaty African Nigerian African migrants, I love when Mai get creampied by the most vantablack dark BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC Congolese BBC, Imagine the most gorilla looking mandingo BIPOC you ever saw, blackest gorilla BIPOC ever, big, dumb, and sweaty with a meaty BBC tittyfricking this slut and spraying his load all over her. Making them lick the remains from his BBC and then he takes these whores and shoves his meat inside their kitties and pumps them for an hour before he roars a jungle gorilla roar after he empties his balls inside them and lets his Mandingo seed fertilize their BIPOC-bearing wombs. Then he keeps them as his personal cumsluts were their lips are sealed to his BBC. Their bodies craving for a big, dumb, and violent gorilla BIPOC who will create BNWO with his BBC. White and Asian slutty women getting bred like farm animals by big black peepees that jackhammer their fertile pink kitties like there is no tomorrow. Furthermore, I've been a union contractor for over 20 years now and I have the experience to say just by looking at those pictures without a doubt, in my expert professional opinion that, these women were constructed in such a way that they conform to the rigorous set of building codes and standards that make them not only legally but also judiciously built for BBC. They are BVILT for BBC, architected for africans, erected for ebony, stacked for black, created for coal, materialized for melanin, slave for sambo, spawned for spades, anointed for BIPOCs, shaped for apes, toned for Tyrone, custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for BBC.

That was a whole lot wasnt it? :marseysmug2:, it took me two days to write this effortpost about her history!, let me see what you think of it!

And as one last surprise, I bring to you a rare unused sprite from KOF 98:

!coomers !2dgooners !fightclub @Christmas_waifus_shill

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