80's night rides again! :marseybronco:

Wuttup folk get your 80's hits in tonight 1 NIGHT ONLY until next week!

WHITEY BAD PLEASE FRICK MY WIFE :marseysoylentgrintalking: :soyjakwowtalking: :soysnootalking: :soyreddittalking: :soyjakyelltalking: :marseycucktalking:


!chuds !nonchuds genuinely what prompts even the most lefty leftoid to say shit like this.

Disney cutting a plotline? :marseyhitler2:

I checked rdrama to see if someone had posted something about it, and low and behold Carp had posted it in Chud drama. And then he didn't post any seethe!? And no one else did!? Chuds are r-slurred man. Nonetheless, enjoy the seethe from people who have gone from to right side of history to the dustbin of history.

It is funny how if you don't want trans people in your movies, you're a genocidal dictator that wants to kill ethnic minorities and many more in a war.



2016 is back...

There are a few people using this as a chance to shill, but I included this guy because look at it. I was gonna ignore it, but he's fricking 22. my art is much worse but i'm not posting it publicly

Someone posted an animatic of this plotline, so I'll post some cope now :marseybow:

Finally, some words of wisdom to reflect on.



I hope we hit back so fricking hard it gives Trump a stroke.


Sony spent $300 million making sure you can see every detail of @Spiderman's cameltoe through his suit, but g*mers only want race realism, not photorealism, in their murder simulators

Video Games Can't Afford to Look This Good

The gaming industry spent billions pursuing the idea that customers wanted realistic graphics. Did executives misread the market?

By Zachary Small

Dec. 26, 2024

One way to understand the video game industry's current crisis is by looking closely at Spider-Man's spandex.

For decades, companies like Sony and Microsoft have bet that realistic graphics were the key to attracting bigger audiences. By investing in technology, they have elevated flat pixelated worlds into experiences that often feel like stepping into a movie.

Designers of last year's Marvel's Spider-Man 2 used the processing power of the PlayStation 5 so Peter Parker's outfits would be rendered with realistic textures and skyscraper windows could reflect rays of sunlight.

That level of detail did not come cheap.

Insomniac Games, which is owned by Sony, spent about $300 million to develop Spider-Man 2, according to leaked documents, more than triple the budget of the first game in the series, which was released five years earlier. Chasing Hollywood realism requires Hollywood budgets, and even though Spider-Man 2 sold more than 11 million copies, several members of Insomniac lost their jobs when Sony announced 900 layoffs in February.

Cinematic games are getting so expensive and time-consuming to make that the video game industry has started to acknowledge that investing in graphics is providing diminished financial returns.

"It's very clear that high-fidelity visuals are only moving the needle for a vocal class of g*mers in their 40s and 50s," said Jacob Navok, a former executive at Square Enix who left that studio, known for the Final Fantasy series, in 2016 to start his own media company. "But what does my 7-year-old son play? Minecraft. Roblox. Fortnite."

Joost van Dreunen, a market analyst and professor at New York University, said it was clear what younger generations value in their video games: "Playing is an excuse for hanging out with other people."

When millions are happy to play old games with outdated graphics — including Roblox (2006), Minecraft (2009) and Fortnite (2017) — it creates challenges for studios that make blockbuster single-player titles. The industry's audience has slightly shrunk for the first time in decades. Studios are rapidly closing and sweeping layoffs have affected more than 20,000 employees in the past two years, including more than 2,500 Microsoft workers.

Many video game developers built their careers during an era that glorified graphical fidelity. They marveled at a scene from The Last of Us: Part II in which Ellie, the protagonist, removes a shirt over her head to reveal bruises and scrapes on her back without any technical glitches.

But a few years later, costly graphical upgrades are often barely noticeable.

When the studio Naughty Dog released a remastered version of The Last of Us: Part II this year, light bounced off lakes and puddles with a more realistic shimmer. In a November ad for the PlayStation 5 Pro, an enhanced version of the Sony console that retails for almost $700, the billboards in Spider-Man 2's Manhattan featured crisper letters.

Optimizing cinematic games for a narrow group of consumers who have spent hundreds of dollars on a console or computer may no longer make financial sense. Studios are increasingly prioritizing games with basic graphics that can be played on the smartphones already in everyone's pocket.

"They essentially run on toasters," said Matthew Ball, an entrepreneur and video game analyst, talking about games like Roblox and League of Legends. "The developers aren't chasing graphics but the social connections that players have built over time."

Going Hollywood

Developers had long taught players to equate realism with excellence, but this new toaster generation of g*mers is upsetting industry orthodoxies. The developer behind Animal Well, which received extensive praise this year, said the game's file size was smaller than many of the screenshots used to promote it.

A company like Nintendo was once the exception that proved the rule, telling its audiences over the past 40 years that graphics were not a priority.

That strategy had shown weaknesses through the 1990s and 2000s, when the Nintendo 64 and GameCube had weaker visuals and sold fewer copies than Sony consoles. But now the tables have turned. Industry figures joke about how a cartoony game like Luigi's Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch considerably outsells gorgeous cinematic narratives on the PlayStation 5 like Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


Reported by:
  • Draki_Oldtooth : Whose your favorite million dollar BIPOC?? - trans lives matter
A reminder for all you Low IQ "Sports" fans :marseybigbrain: :donkeykongdtf:
I love the USA :marseysaluteusa: | Dr Phil :boomer: joins Tom Homan (Deporter in Chief) and films it :marseyxdorbit:

!trump2024 !trump2028 !project2025 !chuds

Absolutely malding :marseymalding: by reddi:marseytrain2:s

I'm sorry, what the frick is "Dr." Phil there for? Is he an ICE agent now? Is Phildo the new Mike Lindell?


I won't link it, but there's a video of "Dr." Phil on his social media page basically interrogating a detained immigrant. I wouldn't be too surprised if this turns into a recurring segment as a propaganda piece à la Live PD.

Ugh I don't think this is out of the realm of possibility at all. He would selectively choose the craziest and worst people caught to highlight and make it like it's a representation of all the detainees. His daytime audience of idiots would eat it up


How stupid is it that conservatives doubled down on calling Kamala the Border Czar so hard they invented the position in the next administration so that way their criticism of her being in the aforementioned fictitious position would sound legitimate. She got tasked with brokering a deal with Latin American countries and businesses and successfully reduced emigration from those countries by around 20-30%. But no, it's easier to pretend like she was given the task of overseeing the border directly, which she wasn't. Lol

B-word did nothing STFU neighbor

Reported by:
Hey rDrama, do you think I'm cute?

So I fricked up and booked my hotel for the same Friday in May instead of tonight. I still got a room, but it's going to be $800/night instead of $350/night like I'd planned. That really sucks.

Based on a TRUEE :marseyserioushatfact: story


wearing the shirt she got from Galentines day :#marseyplaty: !sigmastacies !christians !atheists QUESTION SISTERS: strag patrol or jesussianna feetwashing? :#platywave:

New lore for the worst tweet ever made
27 you can't just cut tax OK :soycry: :soycry:

Findom enjoyer genocide


Nah indirect taxes are better even at progressive taxation. Taxing income is stupid.

The middleclasscel will kiss his robber's feet for leaving him a little more and he will be happy.

Madarchod NRI I hope some wignat screwdrivers your fat gut.

Workers' rights for Elon's baby mamas.
UNTAPPED REPORTMAXXXING GROUND - Redditors violently angry towards 50lb skeleton woman :marseyreportmaxxer2:

Eugenia Cooney is that obviously severely anorexic cosplay girl who has somehow managed to stay alive for a decade

She has one of those hate reddit subs. I don't really know why. Recently she did little Tiktok dances asking for Trump to save the app, so now they're saying she's pro Trump (and obviously this inspires more aggressive :soysnooseethe:)

I've always just thought she was some weird morbid curiosity but they REALLY hate this chick

:marseyretard3: Did I miss something

Most importantly and hilariously they frequently talk about how they want to "slap her", "punch her", etc. !reportmaxxers :marseyreportmaxxer2:

I thought at first this might be natural biofoid cattiness until I saw all the "punch her in the face" comments. Many of these accounts have rainbow shit. There's also some thread about her and some other internet person being "anti trans".

So I'm pretty sure these are men with Y chromosomes talking about how they want to beat the shit out of some mentally diseased skeletal twig woman :marseyxd: !transphobes

:#marseyliathomas: :marseybardfinn#: :#marseypunching:

Most of these accounts have 90% posting history in this sub. They obsessively monitor when she's live

They apparently have dreams about her :marseywut2:

I wonder if they dream about beating the shit out of her :marseyhmm:

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Client confessed love for me and then ended their life : therapists [EDIT: SHE WAS ALSO IN LOVE WITH HIM???]


Client confessed love for me and then ended their life

Tragic, tragic, heartbreaking loss. Won't go into any details to protect client privacy, but it's hard to swallow. Would be so grateful for any resources, groups, or advice as I grieve.

I've canceled most of my sessions for the week, but have kept a few. My backlogged notes for other clients are creating some anxiety. What a rollercoaster.

The most captivating client I've worked with to date, and they continue to be so even in their death. Grateful to have known them.

Update: Unbelievably thankful for the outpouring of support. It's been incredibly helpful to read and utilize ❤️ Very unfortunately I just got news of a second client passing. Two in the same week. This one was not by suicide.


Erotic Countertransference

Looking for personal experiences navigating romantic/erotic countertransference (especially that in response to erotic transference)... I'm seeking supervision and being mindful about how I'm showing up with this client, but I'd love if anyone would be open to sharing more about their own experiences with this, and what the ultimate outcome was for you. Interestingly, this client has expressed their own attraction to me, and we're working through it/making use of it in our work together. They are not aware of my feelings beyond the genuine care I have for them. My framework leans relational psychodynamic for reference.


image of his two accounts, the second :marseygunnut: one he used to ban evade (which normally twitch :marseypoggers: would :marseywood: never :marseyitsover: even let you appeal after you ban evade lol)

I like putting the :donkeykongd: in :donkeykongr: :donkeykongd: :donkeykongr: :donkeykonga: :donkeykongm: :donkeykonga: , i need 'Guidance' to put it in, can anybody reach out and help a guy? :marseyshy2:
" :marseysmug2: how do yall summon/ trigger /upset a fandom by calling out their shit by saying their life work is shit? :marseysmughips:

final fantasy sucks

:marseycluelesstalking: "


How many people died again
How Radical Centrism Died

Back in the good old days in the 20th century, both corporations AND unions bought politicians to do their bidding. Also unions were based, corrupt, violent, and fought for their members.

Then the Feds only went after the politicians bought by unions, but not the politicians bought by corporations. So now, all the politicians are only bought by corporations, and all corporations are gay and lame without exception.

That's why we're now headed back to another Gilded Age where only corporate leaders and the rich have power and now everything is gay and lame and sucks on every end of the political spectrum.

True Radical Centrism requires corruption from based uneducated blue collar labor to counteract the gay and lame corporations.

Future American pilot crashes plane on runway, which erupts into flame after snapping off a wing and rolling over. No Future Americans died in the crash.


!burgers !leafs

Twitter is having fun with the Make Gaza American Again announcement :marseyderp:

I can't sleep!

You know what that means? Time... To... GOON!!!

I got a mild tummy ache but I'm still going to GOON because I'm too lazy to go take a shit but I'm not too lazy to GOON. Sheeit it's the weekend so I can GOON all night and then SLEEP all day on Sunday. If you're tryna GOON and you need some COOMpacks hit me up (Whatsapp only).

It turns out, I wasn't the first to think of this shit. And the lil GOONERS have perfected it. I can COOM easy knowing that this time honored tradition will be upheld by future generations.

Ready to GOON with no headphones.


liamdev: I need graphical user interace (GUI) instructions for installing Wireguard on Silverblue - Fedora 34. I'm visiting family at the moment and evidently they have Avast - which I do not want to use and I don't want the VPN that they have set up with the router to interfere with mine.

I've read the 1981 internet protocol that was published by DoD. I'm so immeasurably frustrated that something like an encrypted tunnel from end point to end point is such a complicated issue.

The articles on Fedora Magazine are not sufficient for a beginner and only show command line instructions and the only video on YouTube that's worth watching is chaotic with a guy typing a millions commands plus he's using Ubuntu anyways. GUI instrucitons please.

computersavvy: If they are already using a vpn why add another layer. Since you are just visiting you can temporarily disable your own vpn, use the one they already have configured at router level and go with it.

liamdev: With all due respect, I was looking for GUI instructions on how to set up the Wireguard VPN on Fedora Silverblue, not advice on what I should be doing with a presumption that I had one set up before.

liamdev: I haven't come across anyone that has sucessfully set up a VPN on a YouTube tutorial or anything else via GUI. VPN's should be simple, point and click free solutions to protect your identity and information from being transmitted widely over the internet. There's literally no point in moving forward with any future releases of any distribution if a GUI VPN hasn't been developed.

Regarding a server - i don't have a personal VPN server - that's what WireGuard is supposed to be ? WireGuard is supposed to be both the VPN Server and the VPN Client for someone that has neither right now.

computersavvy: I think you are misinterpreting what a vpn is & does.

It securely connects you via a tunnel from one point to another, the remote being a vpn server and may be free, paid, or company owned.

liamdev: Thanks for the info. My use case is this - I want to be able to install a VPN so that anything I search for on the internet is encrypted. I want an encrypted tunnel between my computer and the internet browser.

The reality is, there are (from what I see) 1.5 million man pages that have 10,000 functions. In other words, there's 150 ways to do the same thing. The system is so broken that I'm shocked the DoD has even let it carry on the way that it has.

From what I understand, Gnome Box VM's don't even hide your physical IP address or MAC address or anything really? So if someone wanted to use the hacking cowtools that are in Linux - well there wouldn't be much stopping them from getting literally all of my passwords and information…

So if someone wanted to use the hacking cowtools that are in Linux - well there wouldn't be much stopping them from getting literally all of my passwords and information…

augenauf: interesting, I would be curious to learn how to do that, just for research purposes. could you share any insights?

liamdev: Gothca - thanks, Sure thing, I'll map them out. Here's how you:

Get Kali Linux -

Fingerprint Web Apps & Servers for Better Recon [Tutorial]

Clear the Logs & History on Linux Systems to Delete All Traces You Were There [Tutorial]

Haunt a Computer Using SSH [Tutorial]

How Hackers Can Find Hidden Wi-Fi Networks & Their Names

Generate Crackable Handshakes with the ESP8266 [Tutorial]

Watch Hackers Craft Malicious Office Macros (ft. Kilian from SecurityFWD)

I mean just follow that channel in general. Then look at:

How to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat - how to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat

You get the point.

So, regarding the VPN and just general freedom to have privacy haha… I'll check out the blog post again. I don't understand how it's so easy to find out how to track and airplane from a video tutorial but something as basic as a VPN seems to have so many different components to the workload that could break at any moment.

liamdev: With all due respect, it's none of your business why I don't just turn it off at the Router level. I genuinely mean that as well - I don't mean to disrespect you, but posting in a public forum why I don't do that shouldn't even be a consideration as a response.

I'm gathering that no one has developed a GUI to use this Wireguard VPN. I clicked through the link that you sent, and the link that was in there and the link in that one too. Thanks for the effort but it didn't provide an actual GUI answer.

I'm gathering that no one has developed a GUI to use this Wireguard VPN.

augenauf: It's integrated in Network Manager in Gnome, consider searching the internet.

liamdev: okay so there's no way to easily install the WireGuard VPN via a GUI. The strategy here is to loop people in w/ Lenovo, offer them "free" everything that's not really free, offer tons of documentation to the point where people either give up or - the optimal outcome - they hire a company like Red Hat - that's using non-profits as a tax write off - or someone else that's anonymous but the risk in the anonymous folks is that they could be hackers ha.

If there was a "CEO" of Fedora, who would that be? Who is in charge of operations? Who is in charge with the Lenovo relationship? Who is in charge with the financial side is probably the most important in this question. I don't want to reach out to an anonymous profile and this VPN is arguably one of the most critical elements of the research I'm doing. If this is seriously the end result - the messages on these threads and recommendations - then there is a massive problem that needs to be addressed.

augenauf: So, you tried to set up the wireguard between your Fedora Workstation and your EC2 instance?

Where are you stuck? What are the error messages? Any logs?

liamdev: No, I'm hopeful you can help me find some way to connect directly with the Fedora leadership team. What is the best route? I believe whoever would be equivalent to the CFO would be the most appropriate.

augenauf: So, I am going to close the topic if you are not interested in technical support solving your problem. You're wasting your time and our time by discussing useless stuff. Had you ever posted a link to the guide you are trying to follow, the commands you had executed, the conf files you used, and error messages or log files that were generated, we could have long solved your problem. Instead …

As for the contact to Fedora Council and its Chair, I am sure you find that in Fedora Docs or by means of a search engine.

Do you actually call Jeff Bezos if your EC2 instance doesn't install an update?

I can only second @ilikelinux comment; get a professional IT consultant. He or she will setup wordpress and a store within a couple of days, including a wireguard connection for you to mess up the installation.

!schizomaxxxers press :f: to pay respects to our fallen king

Im on rdrama in the ocean
mini golf

I found a peepee while out mini golfing today :marseysoypoint:

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