

anyone good at making fake groomercord screenshots?

dm me

Cromwell did nothing wrong


Subway releases new footlong :cocka:
Tariq on the (New) Nashville school shooter. His fans know that he's not a FBA

Good lord Meg had the hourglass - whatever happened to her?

Meg had a good body, waist/hip ratio is superb as depicted. Whatever happened to her? Does she have a public profile of any kind to this day? I heard once that Anna said something about Meg being unhappy with how the income from

the pod was shared but unsure if that's true.


It's been about a year since I've touched this place, I'm just checking in to see if anybody I knew is still around and recognises me, I've just managed to effectively ruin my life plans in one hour. If everybody I knew isn't here now I am happy they're not rotting here anymore, if you are then my condolences.



:marseybeanrelieved: :marseyspa: :marseycalm: :marseyknifecat:

!animalposters !cats


Somehow he thinks this is normal. Some tvs have smoothing on as default. He didn't even know what it was. Zoomers are so brain rotted they think a normal ps5 can run rd2 which has a draw distance of like half a mile at 60fps. This is some ceiling bird levels of not noticing.

I think noticing should be a mandatory class in high school. A full second input lag would entirely unplayable for someone with a brain.


There is no postmortem I forgot this happened and I just remembered

I think this was the last funny thing to happen on rDrama aside from the Marself on a Marshelf event

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] die mad about it


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Gotta love the left. "You have to accept our way of thinking but frick yours!" So pathetic they even need to take of a bumper sticker subreddit so they feel heard. Truly pathetic and so easy to manipulate and trigger (-51)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Try again! This is only true till a 50yr old with a peepee tries to watch my little girl go pee! (-38)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

And it's the people like Republicans that vote to remove them (74)

Every and each one is different. I wouldn't make such a blanket statement so confidently. I used to think the same way. But my family votes Republican and they have been my biggest supporters thru my transition and always tell me to be proud about who I am. (-39)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Emma Weyant and Lia Thomas don't exist then? (-1)

2020 – Alexa Luciano Ruiz was fatally shot in Puerto Rico on 24 February, after an incident in a local restroom.[99][100] Carmen Yulín Cruz called attention to her death before the 2020 Puerto Rico gubernatorial election. Ms. Luciano was killed while the assailant men laughed.[101]2020 – Selena Reyes-Hernandez, 37, was fatally shot in Chicago, Illinois, on 31 May by a man she went home with, after telling him that she was transgender.[102]2020 – Brayla Stone, 17, was murdered in Arkansas in June 2020 by a man seeking to conceal his sexual relationship with her; the killer was "afraid of being considered homosexual" were Stone to reveal their relationship;[103] he pled guilty and was sentenced to 50 years in prison.[104]2020 – Valera (name is changed in the report), a 46-year-old man, a janitor, was killed on 10 February in Chelyabinsk, Russia, by his dorm roommates after they learned he was a transgender man.[105]2020 – Serena Angelique Velázquez, 32, and Layla Pelaez, 21, both tran... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Well, you said women can r*pe too, which had nothing to do with anything we were talking about, so I thought I would get you another r*pe fact because I thought that's what was happening. But what you said had frick all to do with anything we were on about. It's an easy way of inflating assault statics that's what spitting is. It's not nice, but it's harmless. Well, unless you have aids. But 99% of the time it's harmless.The way you are defending and the points you are making, I just thought you were trans. Let's start. I'm an adult who can't hear and see words because of some bullshit. Schools are messing with kids' heads and are destroying lives because of this trans moment. The impacts this will have in the future will be more suicide. They are pushing child mutilation. Trans women are way more violent, and I don't understand how this isn't being looked into more. They're a real danger to the public. But yeah, can't be arsed with this bye. (0)

It does. You said male feminists don't have access to women's bathrooms in prison. Obviously that's incorrect, since male feminist women go to prison, and they use the bathroom there. Or do you think r*pe doesn't count when a cis woman does it?How? Do you have any evidence of this?That's just factually wrong. Statistically, trans women are LESS violent. Where are you getting the idea that they're more violent? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Just like pretty much everything else, it's performative lip service bullshit that grew out of a partisan divide. The liberals were against the Vietnam war, and it was spun by the right as being against the veterans. Some of them were, of course, but not really all. Anyway, the right claimed it as some sort of moral high ground bad for preachy about it, so now everyone makes a distinction between being anti war and being anti vet by using nice, cheap words to thank them for their service rather than being inconvenienced by doing something useful for veterans. (2)

My uncle fought in Vietnam. He would send notes home to my grandmother, and everyone in the family telling them how bad the war really was and that the media lied to everybody, (and they did lie.) They made it seem like it wasn't a big deal but it was. Agent Orange was not a joke. Napalm was not a joke. They had kids that they were forcing to enlist. Imagine having to shoot a kid because they were forced to believe that you were an enemy. He had to shoot them and came home with ptsd. Full regrets of going to Vietnam. Just remember that war is never like most of media claims. It might actually be way worse than they make it out to be. The media lies. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Kennytime

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 62

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

EFFORTPOST The time Jordan Peterson did a Reddit AMA

So, in case you need some contextualization, Jordan Peterson was born in Alberta, Canada and he earned his PhD in psychology from McGill University. It's important to note that Peterson is prolific in his field, and he has over a hundred papers published covering topics such as addiction, play, and personality.

Peterson taught at Howard University before returning to Canada to teach at the University of Toronto. It's interesting to note that during this time, Jordan Peterson began to change. He became more intense, more politically involved, and many of his friends noted this.

The professor rose to fame after protesting Bill C-16 and claiming that it legislated compelled speech and forced him to refer to transpeople using their preferred pronouns. Since then, many have debunked JP's concerns and have pointed out that absolutely nobody has been imprisoned as a consequence of Bill C-16. In modern day, JP is still fairly popular and he enjoys a strong following, as seen with the sales of his latest book, We Who Wrestle With God.

In 2018, Jordan Peterson was arguably at the peak of his fame, and he had yet to be completely demonized online. Consequently, he took to Reddit to host an AMA. It's actually quite a funny one because it highlights the main problem with JP - while he has some insightful advice to give regarding his core field (psychology), he exposes areas of ignorance when he delves into other topics he is not an expert on. He has a tendency to read obscure esoteric texts and to latch onto fringe ideas merely because they are interesting. He has also demonstrated that he is not the best when it comes to interpreting scientific papers and reaching logical conclusions.

Jordan Peterson's Reddit AMA

Link to the whole thing is here:

Let's off with something light. Jordan Peterson makes a statement regarding antidepressants and whether they are overprescribed. An expert in the field quickly jumps in and points out an error in JP's message. You'll see this trend of experts popping up to disprove him recur.

Now to dive into the deep waters. Postmodern cultural marxism! JP always uses this phrase, and it seems like a highly self-contradictory one at first. He gives a definition but many point out that his definition is bullshit.

Fricking /u/Bardfinn appears!!1!

Jordan also touches on Nazism, arguing that it was an atheist doctrine.

Euphoric redditors don't take too kindly to this.

Lastly, we have the topic of "enforced monogamy" which was a controversy at the time. When asked about incels, JP recommended enforced monogamy. When talking about a murderous incel, he states:

"He was angry at God because women were rejecting him," Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. "The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That's actually why monogamy emerges."

He is asked about this in the AMA, to which he replies with the following:

That is not enough to placate redditors who still see a problem with what the professor is proposing.


So that's all for today regarding the adventures on Jordan Peterson. You can catch him on Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire where he teaches his fans about marriage, Christianity, and conservatism. Personally, I think JP is an intelligent man who may have stumbled into a few psychological truths. However, he is bogged down by so much political crap and tangential bullshit including religion that anyone with some sense would avoid and go seek knowledge elsewhere. There is nothing JP exclusively offers that can't be obtained elsewhere without half the amount of bullshit.


Woman of size crashes into /r/askcarsales



It gets funnier if you delve through her post/comment history. She's a homeless HAES subreddit janny "woman of size" who is constantly trying to keep her rancher boyfriend from buying video games and take her out for a reasonable $500 dinner instead… or leaving the faucets on constantly.

I'm halfway convinced it's a bit, but she's been screeching about misogyny and fatphobia for five years now. :marseyaware:

I saw it on reddit and I know for a fact my bf is going to want to buy this. He plays too many video games and already has more than one console. So yeah, doing research basically like you said.

How much is it going to cost? A few hundred dollars? I live in Portland. A realistic weekend night out that I would actually enjoy would be: a pre-dinner small restaurant to get some light starters at and get in the mood of the night. Mid-range restaurant with a few appetizers. Two or three top end entrees between the two of us. A couple of small desserts at the restaurant, then a dedicated dessert restaurant for the real desserts with some shakes to wind down.

Do you honestly think we'd be able to do that for less than like $500? With generous tips included? No way. And I don't play video games so the money he'd spend on this console could be used for both of us to actually enjoy a night out. And that's not even close to being a top-end dining experience.

And yeah, he's taking me out. I'm not paying for it. I don't have a job. Is it unheard of for the man to take his gf out for dinner? Well if he spends all his money on a new video game console then we certainly couldn't do that could we? So we're supposed to never go out just so he can play more video games when he already has video games? :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

I would definitely live in this hotel if it were in Portland. Or another 5 star full service. But unless you're an old white cis male, they price everyone else out. And that's not a coincidence.

I don't have an apartment. Can't live in this hotel. So where am I supposed to live? I'm forced to split my time between my bfs apartment and my parents home. They don't leave any other options for young women anymore. We're completely and intentionally forced out of every housing option that exists. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Sounds like you're just poor.

Well I don't have a job so how am I supposed to afford $4k/night? We were supposed to get UBI for bipocwos lgbtqia+ and where is that? And it wouldn't even be close to 4k per day anyways. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

We were supposed to get UBI for bipocwos lgbtqia+ and where is that?

Wait what? What is "wos" part of bipocwos? Why were only minorities and queer people entitled to UBI, when were they supposed to get it and who promised it?

Women of Size. Because the marginalized and most vulnerable of society need it the most. Do you honestly think the most privileged groups need some more help to be even further ahead of bipocwos lgbtqia+? Heck, just being a man gives you 30% extra pay for the exact same job. Now add in white + cis. You're at over 50% extra pay. Or take the uncounted numbers. People like me who don't even have a job. You're at 100% extra pay now. And that's not even factored into the official statistics.

When you're so used to privilege, equality seems like oppression. Save that one. You'll need it for later.

And we've been talking about ubi for the most marginalized literally since forever. But it's easier to play ignorant than to actually address the issues that need to be solved I guess. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Daily PSA to not have s*x with conservative men.

Yep, my bf isn't getting any for... awhile. And he's as left-leaning as they get. This is a men's issue and men failed us again. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

  • In a thread announcing a new electric vehicle with a solid state battery:

It's way too low, it's gonna be extremely hard for any WOS to get in and out of. And when you're in it, it's just a low uncomfortable small position. How are people even supposed to get out of this thing? You'd need a friend already outside of it to help pull you up, and even that would be difficult. Are they gonna follow you around in a real vehicle and help everyone out when they stop? Lol, that's not gonna happen.

Large trucks and SUVs are popular now for a reason. Real bodies are able to get in and out of them easily, and they're comfortable to sit in while driving. That's it. That's all we ask for. Is that so difficult to make?

But of course they put their solid state batteries into a weird low small car that nobody is going to want so they can turn around and upsell you on a real sized vehicle for double the price.

This happens in almost all industries. Clothes, movie theaters, concert seats, etc. The size community is the main target for price manipulation to charge you double what you think you're gonna pay. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Privileged rich white cishet males don't need any UBI, or a "handout" as they would call it. Limit the UBI to bipocwos lgbtqia+ and you can reduce the tax to 1%. Everybody wins. Even the corporations since the marginalized groups will finally have a tiny bit of spending power to buy products. The corporations are literally just getting the money right back, and then some.

Although the privileged group will have a big loud cry about it since their 30%+ extra pay they get over marginalized groups isn't enough for them. So it's basically like a bribe to pay them too so we can finally get a tiny bit of money to the people stuck at the bottom. I'm actually from Oregon so I know these issues well. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

  • On Japanese businessman Morris Chang's inability to attract US investors:

Should be noted that first he tried to open his semiconductor business in America, but he hit the "bamboo ceiling" and could not get anyone willing to invest in him in the United States.

Yep, and let's not forget thats not the only ceiling that exists. How many bipocwos lgbtqia+ owned semiconductor businesses are there currently in the US? I'll save you some time. The answer is none. Just like most businesses in the US. Remember to support your local marginalized business owners in your community. They're already struggling with about 50% of people refusing to shop there solely because of political affiliations. I'll let you take a guess at who they are that boycott these stores. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

i don't care who owns the store as long as it's good. No one does.

So you don't care about giving even the smallest amount of help to the most vulnerable and marginalized groups? Trust me, plenty of people do care. And choose to make a difference. Just not you. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

I hope you bought something bigger than a Spark. Something that could actually fit a real sized person in it. Otherwise good luck getting any women to ever go in that car. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

That's not the tree I bark up. My husband and I are right about 6 foot. We were fine. Moved on to a Bolt. I miss the basic roll up windows though.

Also, I don't use my vehicle as bait to get some butt. I'm not a shallow dipshit like you.

Yep, agreed. If you want a high value woman you need at least basic transportation that will fit us. I'm so sick of people thinking these tiny cars are acceptable. Like, most of us would never be comfortable being in one. Or being seen in one. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Weird, I'm not in the USA, so can't speak to tastes in that market, but I'm 183cm (6ft) and live in a market where we can get substanitally smaller cars than what is available in the USA, yet have never had an issue with space in the first row of any car. (2nd row headroom is an issue in some).

Don't really get the concern about woman being seen in a small car. The suzuki swift is pritty regularly in out top selling cars list and is very popular with woman.

It's pretty common outside of the US to have issues with food restricting and to have more unhealthy women as a result. We're not talking about height here. The cars are too narrow and cramped to fit real sized women comfortably.

And to be seen in one? Yeah, that's embarrassing. The only thing someone's bf can afford isn't even able to fit the woman? No thanks. I'll get a ride from someone else. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

B-word you're not high value you're high cholesterol that's why you can't fit in a Spark. Stop makin' dumb comments when we can just look at your pf for the rest of the dumb context. "Anti-diet" headahh no one wants you breaking the suspension in their car

Are you seriously making both misogynistic and fatphobic slurs right now?

/r/conservative misses you. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

They can't just ship the car here and start selling. They have to make the car conform to US safety regulations which isn't trivial. They will also need to deal with either the tariffs or starting production in Mexico, both of which, again, are expensive.

As an example, their cars are generally selling in the EU for around double their domestic price.

Not to mention, nobody is going to be buying these tiny cars. We need real sized cars for real sized bodies. And even if some small men wanted to cheap out and buy one, no women of size would ever get near it as a passenger. So goodbye to your dating life. It would immediately kill the market. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

The incel energy from this comment is insane. And the projecting about being fat?? lol

I'm a woman. The only ones buying tiny cars are incels by definition. Because women aren't going anywhere near a car we can't even fit in. And we certainly won't want to be seen in one. Or with a guy who owns one. Not to mention it screams cheap. We don't want men who refuse to buy vehicles that can't even fit real bodies in them. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Entitled fatties…next you'll be expecting an extra seat on the plane for free.

Uh, yeah? If society is so fatphobic and misogynistic that even the infrastructure is built specifically to be unable to accommodate women of size, then yes they have to make space. If that means extra seats on trains, planes, busses, etc then they're giving us the extra seat. Otherwise build it right the first darn time. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

  • On grocery store profits:

Because food needs to be cheaper. I'm sick of these prices. And it looks like now they'll finally legally have to comply. Next up - fast food and restaurants. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Substantiate the claim that making food non-profit will actually make it cheaper

Most of food profits go to the rich male CEOs. If the profits were illegal then food would be cheaper. The government could just set the prices of what they're allowed to charge. Or heck, just make it free even. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

If the profits were illegal there would be even less incentive to work an already low-margin, laborious, economically unstable (even with the existing government subsidies, which are significant) job. You'd have to totally and completely subsidize food production to make up for the total lack of any reason to farm (an extremely expensive proposition), or watch the farmer population plummet, driving food costs through the roof as supply shrinks. There are no free lunches.

They literally give free lunches out all the time. Just make it free for everyone. The top CEOs can't take a 1% pay cut for everyone to get cheap or free food? :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Food and "obesity" (please don't use that type of language) have nothing to do with one another. Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. And a woman's body tells her when she needs to eat. You know, for fuel to live. I listen to my body and what it needs. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Food and something that is directly caused by food have nothing to do with another.

Nice one.

Food and a person's natural size have nothing to do with one another. Unless you're food restricting and not listening to your body. Then you're starving your body of fuel and creating health and size problems. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

  • On a breakfast plate in foodporn:

Yup. Normally I'd eat about two+ of these and a breakfast milkshake to wash it down. And some type of dessert. You know, a real meal.

There's a lot of thin signaling and food shaming going on here, which is unfortunately very typical of this sub. It's often a target of /r/conservative and other body bigot brigades. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

No food shaming, you wanna eat more than 2200 calories in one meal that's on you but don't deny the truth lol. That's way way way more than you need to eat unless you're performing some serious heavy labor or are an athlete. ETA: It looks divine and I would truly love to eat it tho 🥺

Every body has different caloric needs. Are you a medical professional? Are you specifically my medical professional? I'm preeeettttyyy sure I know my body better than you know my body. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Now we know why Trump :marseyhitler2: had such an obsession :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer: with Hunter :marseycastlevania: Bidens peepee

!r-slura I do not post very often but when I do it's quality :marseycertified: politician :marseykamalarentfree: Micropeepee :marseydicklet:

Community Note by @whatastory

this is 100% a real photo btw. certified bunked :marseyokay:

Helpful [76] Not Helpful [2]
Community Note by @Epicaricacy

This tweet is from 2011, but the image is from 2016. Trump did not post this image from the future.

Someone either changed the link shortener to point elsewhere, or bought the domain and changed the page itself.

Helpful [4] Not Helpful [1]

DNC layoffs with no severance leave staffers scrambling, union says - WaPo

The Democratic National Committee workers' union on Monday condemned layoffs by the organization, saying permanent employees were terminated last week with one day's notice and no severance pay.

While staff jobs at campaign offices routinely end after elections, the DNC laid off permanent employees, including people who had been told their positions would continue after the election, the staff union said in a statement.

As the party reels from election losses that cost it the presidency and majorities in both congressional chambers, grapples with questions about its identity and prepares to decide who will lead it as Donald Trump returns to the White House, the layoffs inject internal turmoil into the DNC's post-election reboot. The union hinted at groomercord, alleging that people in the organization had made decisions during the campaign that "created this situation."

"The DNC's senior leadership has chosen to leave loyal staff scrambling to cover rent, medical expenses and childcare costs," the union's statement said.

The cuts were announced starting on Wednesday night and were effective Friday; and DNC leaders did not tell staff how the layoffs were determined or whether additional cuts are planned, according to the union. Those laid off included people who had been with the organization for 40 years, the union said.

Sista's are fuuuuuuuuuming


Don't worry wuys, /r/politics downmarseyd it which means this isn't apart of our current reality!

Apparently layoffs happen after every election, but imagine working 40 years for the bluetards only to get kicked to the curb so Beyonce can speak for 3 mins and get $10 million and you get literally nothing but an "I Voted" sticker roll (I'm kidding, they don't even get a sticker roll). Party of the people :marseyxd:

New Mexico Green Chile Stew

This is going to be a post where the one guy from New Mexico on rDrama gets really mad, like when Texas people get pissy because you added some kidney beans to your chili or whatever. Hey hypothetical future New Mexico angry guy, it's all good, you should be mad. I am literally raping your culture on purpose.

This post is about making something that's relevant to the state of New Mexico where they venerate a specific type of non-spicy pepper called the Hatch Green Chile. New Mexicans have made this product a point of cultural pride for their state and have done a pretty good job of exporting it all over the country during the brief window they're harvested (late August through part of September if you're looking for some). Now I said "non-spicy" but nowadays clever growers have created new varieties that are pretty spicy, although not much more so than a Jalapeno or something similar. If you want your green chile stew to be spicy, you can either look for those hot varieties, or just add some other peppers for heat. Personally, I don't like using the spicy Hatch peppers in this recipe because you need to add a LOT of peppers (like 30 or 40) which can get INSANE if you use the really spicy ones. It's up to you and your colon, though.

If you buy fresh peppers during the harvesting season, the grocery stores will roast them for you on site. Whole Foods likes to do this in some places. Otherwise, somebody in your town will probably get on the bandwagon. They bring a big roaster out in front of the store and sell the peppers by the pound. You'll probably need in the area of 1 - 2 pounds of peppers to make this recipe. If you go nuts for these things and buy a whole 25 pound case, make sure you have a vacuum sealer and a big freezer because these will not stay good in your fridge for more than a week. They're very wet after roasting, so you can only imagine how fast they're going to grow mold.

On to the stew. This recipe is dead simple to make. It's all just prep work. Hope you enjoy cutting things. You'll need:

  • 1 to 2 pounds of pork shoulder, cut into 1 inch cubes (actual size of the cubes is up to what you like to eat, but if you make them too big you'll have to cook everything longer)

  • 1 to 2 pounds of green chiles (I didn't weigh them or count them when I made this last night, but it looked like there were 25 - 35 peppers)

  • A big russet potato or a couple red potatoes

  • 2 big carrots (not traditional, but my favorite version of this had them so I use them too)

  • A big white onion

  • Lots of garlic

  • Chicken or beef stock

  • Onion powder, cumin, oregano, black pepper

  • MSG in the form of Sazon Goya (totally optional)

  • Plenty of salt

First, you need to process the chiles before cooking them. You need to chop off the seed pod that's on one end and scrape the skins off. The skins aren't exactly inedible, but they have a bad texture that will make you look like an idiot in front of your guests while they try to pretend they don't hate you and your lousy dinner. You don't need to be careful about removing all the seeds, they really won't hurt anything, you just want to remove the seed pod because it's hard as a rock.

You could scrape the skins off the peppers using a fork or a butter knife, but I suggest you use the back of your relatively new, extremely sharp chef's knife. That way, you can talk on the phone with a friend while you're doing it, get distracted while turning the knife over in your hand again and again (using the sharp side to cut out the seed pod and the dull side to scrape, naturally) and then nearly cut the end of your index finger off when you grab and squeeze the sharp side of your knife.

Once you get back from the emergency room, start by browning then removing the pork cubes, then saute the onions, garlic, and chiles a little with the dried spices, before adding back the meat, potatoes, stock and everything else. Cook for about 2 hours (45 min covered and the rest uncovered). If you want to cook longer, don't add the potatoes right away or they'll turn to mush. Add the MSG right at the end or it will lose some of its potency.

Real New Mexican recipes I found online don't have carrots, but the first place I ever had this stuff at was in Provo, Utah (Black Sheep Cafe) and it was so good that I have always tried to imitate it.

Reported by:
Official rDrama announcement regarding the FAKE trump victory

this alleged victory changed nothing, chuds here will continue to be hunted like the CATTLE they are

rDrama's only purpose will continue to be being a safespace for sharing gay porn, nothing more, nothing less

dont like it? go use these other reddit-like sites instead:

!metashit !jannies !nonchuds !khive !lgbt !gayporn !gay !gaystapo

Reported by:

was trying to ignore this shit but


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