Reported by:


this is cirno
Top five black people of ALL TIME!

5 - n'mibby Jones. This man created watermeloniom, a very valuable reagent used in the production of kool aid.

4 - Tyrone MuhDick. He single-handedly convinced the president, Baron Trump, to distribute more money for their programs.

3 - Blacky smith. Sat in the back of the bus and wouldn't move to the front, even when the law changed to let her.

2 - George Floyd. Sat on a white man's neck as revenge for colonialism.

1 - nelson mandela. He starred in many films which helped to normalize black people existing in society.

Any others I missed? Share your thoughts below.

Reported by:
  • X : :ripbozo:
Pope Francis:marseypope: has been sick :marseysick: since last week with a 'complex and clinical' medical condition :marseydoomerblowkiss:

as we all are aware, the prophecies clearly state that this is the last pope, ergo this sickness is a harbinger of doom :marseydoomguy1:


using the term "cuss" for profanity/swear/curse words

universal sign of a trashy, low-value person

Disney cutting a plotline? :marseyhitler2:

I checked rdrama to see if someone had posted something about it, and low and behold Carp had posted it in Chud drama. And then he didn't post any seethe!? And no one else did!? Chuds are r-slurred man. Nonetheless, enjoy the seethe from people who have gone from to right side of history to the dustbin of history.

It is funny how if you don't want trans people in your movies, you're a genocidal dictator that wants to kill ethnic minorities and many more in a war.



2016 is back...

There are a few people using this as a chance to shill, but I included this guy because look at it. I was gonna ignore it, but he's fricking 22. my art is much worse but i'm not posting it publicly

Someone posted an animatic of this plotline, so I'll post some cope now :marseybow:

Finally, some words of wisdom to reflect on.

:exclamationpoint: :b: :o: :b: :m: :o: :b:
Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : TLDR repost
  • collectijism : Right, lol. It would be like having your city gates being overrun by hordes of orcs raping and pilla
EFFORTPOST Bald and Bankrupt: The story of a coomer banned from his hunting grounds (much like our beloved :marseyspal:)


A few years ago, I discovered this video from the youtuber Bald and Bankrupt: Inside the Belarus Chernobyl Zone. The combination of unusual destination and the fact that the :marseybong: youtuber was fluent in Russian was enough to pique my interest, and so I followed his content for a few months. At that time, he was pretty much exclusively posting content from Russia and the former Soviet Union. :marseysleep:

One day, however, I found out something very interesting...turns out Bald and Bankrupt is a bit of a lolcow (no kiwi thread sadly :marseykiwi:) :marseyspit: There is a whole subreddit,, dedicated to this guy (and apparently some less famous travel vloggers in his orbit) and they have a compilation of links in a pinned post accusing him of being a s*x tourist and a PUA, in a kiwiesque writeup :marseyschizowall: :marseyscream: :marseydetective:

Is Bald & Bankrupt really a s*x tourist and a prolific pick up artist?

At this point, I was intrigued :marseygossip:, the videos I had seen didn't seem to point that way, and I wondered if redditors were just jealous someone else was having s*x :marseysmug2: :marseymanysuchcases: I have copied the text here below, but I will sum it up, for your convenience.

That's the question constantly being asked on this subreddit.

The other question is; how are you connecting a quite disturbing individual that was active on multiple pick up artist discussion forums (going by the pseudonyms "Vorkuta" / "The Fantasist" / "The Ligurian" / "PeruLover12") with Ben Rich of Bald & Bankrupt youtube fame? It can't be the guy, surely?.

Well, let's start from the beginning, please keep an open mind and decide for yourself.

Ok, so full disclosure, to date there is nothing beyond ALL doubt that this Vorkuta/Fantasist s*x predator is the very same Ben Rich of youtube fame. Short of an admission that is. However, you'll notice the word "reasonable" is left out from the doubt bit because the chances of Bald & Bankrupt not being this very same Vorkuta/The Fantasist character are, in this writer's humble opinion, in the millions to one..

Here's why:

First of all, let's talk about the background of this "Vorkuta/ The Fantasist" forum user [hereinafter called "Vorkuta"] and the breadcrumbs that led us to discover his real name.

First, Vorkuta described in great detail on one of these forums ( a r*pe charge that he and 2 friends were acquitted of at trial in Winchester, UK. His description of events matches exactly that with the reporting of a r*pe trial in the Southampton Daily Echo local newspaper.. Both the timeline, area, circumstances, age of defendants and even the particulars of the case match that exactly as described by Vorkuta. One of the defendants in the case is reported as being a person called Benjamin Rich-Swift. Vorkuta describes how, at the acquittal, the judge had said that he and the other two defendants had acted "appallingly". A summation Vorkuta disagreed with. As I'm sure he would. The case was thrown out during the trial after the victim had apparently become confused which two of three men had r*ped her. After the trial Vorkuta says he dropped the Father part of his last name (Swift), ran away from a credit card fraud of £30k and simply went by the maiden name of his Mother (Rich). Vorkuta describes living on the Isle of Wight (same location as the alleged r*pe) and on regularly travelling on the IOW ferry where all the defendants in the case lived. It's fairly safe to assume then that the trial Vorkuta describes on the PUA forum (albeit without citing it directly) is the very same as the one reported in the newspaper and that Vorkuta's real name is indeed Benjamin Rich-Swift (Later just "Benjamin Rich").

The question however still remains, how is this "Vorkuta" Benjamin Rich the same as our Benjamin Rich from Bald & Bankrupt? So far it's purely circumstantial, right?

Ok, so asides from having an identical name, in other posts :

Vorkuta mentions a number of times on the rooshv forum how he moved from the Isle of Wight to Brighton on the South Coast of England. Bald & Bankrupt says his hometown is also Brighton.

Vorkuta describes how he is bald and 6'3 in height. This is identical to the height that B&B mentions in his videos.

Vorkuta describes himself of being from Jewish heritage and in using that to have s*x with Israeli backpackers in India. B&B also describes himself as being Jewish and regularly wears Star of David tshirts..

Vorkuta says his favorite football team is Chelsea, B&B the same.

Vorkuta describes how, on his first visit to India, he fell gravely ill and once he'd fully recovered ended up running a guest house there for 4 years. An identical set of events is described exactly by Bald & Bankrupt in one of his early Youtube videos. The two timelines also match identically.

Vorkuta details his learning of the Russian language, studying and teaching in Russia, a love of all things Soviet and of his many travels around the FSR and outlying countries and in having s*x with as many women as possible there and by any means necessary. B&B speaks Russian and describes a very similar set of events (asides the s*x part of course).

Vorkuta describes having a young Belarusian girlfriend. B&B the same.

Vorkuta explains his "Gaming of women" and tactics in great detail. He explains his most successful technique is to befriend the local men and babushkas and earning their adulation and respect by accidentally showing them fake pictures of himself in affluent settings such as "sat in a fast car in the South of France". Knowing that, in his words

"by the following day they will have told all their friends (and more importantly the young women) of the wealthy foreigner who had just entered their "shithole" of a town"

[with a view that] by the following evening I can drop the Babushkas and fake male friendships and move onto their women.

A tactic Vorkuta calls his "Schindler Technique". In the Bald & Bankrupt videos a common theme is B&B befriending locals and in particular the local babushkas. And somewhat surprisingly describing on camera some of the places he visits as being shitholes. Bald & Bankrupt also has a number of pre-youtube Russian social media accounts in which he claims to be off to Milan and London photographing models and posing in private jets and supercars.

Perhaps for obvious reasons we also never see B&B recording during the nighttime / otherwise known as Night Game on the PUA websites.

Vorkuta's language as used in the forum is also common to that as spoken by B&B. Vorkuta regularly uses the words like Hotties, Babushkas, Gopniks and Soviet in his forum posts.

Vorkuta describes himself as being an amateur photographer that's fascinated with the former soviet republic. B&B does likewise and was previously an unpaid photographer for the now defunct "Desolation Travel" website where a certain Ben Rich (c/w accompanying photograph of the person we know now as Bald and Bankrupt) can be found.

Ben R in Vorkuta, Russia

Vorkuta explains his love of old soviet buildings and of going to godforsaken towns in the former soviet republic where not many other westerners have been before. B&B does likewise including to a place called Vorkuta (the City), which is in Eastern Russia.

The countries Vorkuta says are the best to visit for s*x match almost entirely that with the travel pattern and countries visited by B&B in his videos.

Vorkuta explains how he has an ex-wife who's Belorussian and a daughter that's now a teenager. He describes how they now both live in Nice, France, the wife now married to a rich Russian Oligarch who (surprisingly) Vorkuta is friends with. Vorkuta recalls his sexual conquests in the Nice area and of his visits there to see his daughter. B&B describes a similar need and of regular visits to Nice. B&B also writes on his Instagram and Patreon that he is a regular visitor to Nice.

Perhaps most importantly, the posts by Vorkuta on the PUA forums all date from between 2009 and 2015. i.e. some 3 years prior to the B&B videos emerging on the internet. Impossible therefore that someone is emulating his life story or trying to create a hatchet job on B&B by pretending to be him.

Norwegian vlogger Harald Baldr (Realname: Jens Fredrick Aamodt Jørstad) was also a member of the Rooshv forum during the same time as Vorkuta. Similarly he too continually changed his username from, ironically, Harald Baldr then to JamesRodri & then to Felix5000 before deleting all records and posts of his from that site.

Quick aside about Jens Jorstad (Baldr). In addition to the PUA forum posts removed he also deleted his own personal blog and a number of videos that had a far right leaning political perspective, including one where he condemned immigrants that frequented the Paris Metro. A shortened version of the original video (with most of the racist commentary removed) has been mirrored (potentially by Baldr himself) on a Youtube channel . At time of writing some parts of his now deleted blog can still be found on including a post he wrote titled how to sleep with Thai girls for free.

Vorkuta describes meeting up with Harald Baldr and with other PUAs (including an Irish guy, again with multiple usernames - Partizen aka Irish aka LordTito aka Bartka aka Traktor) in Kiev and they refer to themselves as the "Kiev Revo Crew". A creepy PUA posse that operated in Kiev. A number of these characters also appear in a number of B&B's videos.

NB\ Usernames on web forums can easily be changed. However, when another user then quotes that person's post prior to the username change, the post quoting them does not automatically update to the new username. This is how username breadcrumbs can be linked together. One can only imagine why someone would need to change their username so frequently on an anonymous PUA forum. Or make Youtube videos without revealing their real name. PUA MO 101 perhaps?*

One of the Crew, Irish forum user "Traktor" lives in Belarus, he too is now also attempting to be a vlogger under the username "Irish Partizan", arguably without the user count and charisma of Baldr and Bald. He can be found filming around Kiev and attempting to make friends with random women from that town. Traktor has appeared in a number of B&B videos and vice versa. On the PUA forums however Traktor is not as precious in maintaining his anonymity, or for that matter, those of the others. He mentions the user Vorkuta in the same breath as he does "Mr. Bald", along with Harald Baldr. This from yet another PUA forum called swooptheworld. [RVF in the post refers to the PUA forum Rooshv].

Vorkuta is someone called Mr Bald

Wrapping up, there is much much more to this story, but unfortunately revealing more would involve giving up the names and identities of some innocents, so the above will have to do for now.

Still not convinced?? Well that's ok. B&B has a lot of dedicated fans. Millions in fact. And perhaps you're reading this still of the opinion that travelling the world and sleeping with women is not illegal. And of course, it's not. Under false pretences or through the use of force or threat of being placed in danger if you do not comply with someones demand for s*x though I guess is a moral issue we all have to decide upon for ourselves.

Whatever you believe, the one things for sure is, whoever this Vorkuta / The Fantasist character is in real life (Bald & Bankrupt or otherwise), that person can only be described as one sick puppy. The many seedy stunts and creepy sexual conquests described in great detail for the other PUA members are enough to make the stomachs on even the most liberal amongst us turn. And there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of posts from this Vorkuta delivered to the other forum members in what they call a "data sheet". This is a summarised report of a recent City visit that includes naked photos of girls asleep taken clearly without their consent, what score they rank that girl out of 10 and additional information such as where and how girls can be found whilst in that City. For obvious reasons these forum posts are now fast being deleted and attempting to be removed both from the internet and from internet history websites such as as fast as their slippery little fingers can press delete.

Oh, you'd like a taster? Well how about the time when Vorkuta boasts of forcing a young hitchhiker to give him a blowjob in exchange for $6. On the threat that if she did not comply he might leave her in the middle of nowhere as they were travelling alone in a car on some deserted highway somewhere in the FSU. You can only imagine how scared she must have been.

Or another time where he, as a 40yr old man, boasts as he "struggled to enter" an 18yr old virgin he had arranged to meet in London that was, in his words, "going to be in some considerable pain" at the time. But as he describes, he "ploughed on regardless and used lube and viagra". And they say romance is not dead.

And let's not forget, all these morally questionable events and sexual conquests all happened after that very same person had previously been acquitted of r*pe. You'd have to ask yourself what sort of person would walk free from a trial such as that only to then immediately carry on with their unhealthy obsession of pursuing young women for s*x by whatever means necessary?

And on the subject of r*pe, in a (since deleted) video from Bald and Bankrupt from 2018/19 and before the stardom he suggests that [of the many western women each year that "don't deserve to get r*ped"] (that's right, apparently many don't!) "the behavior of some or even most of them meant that they were to blame" and therefore should expect little sympathy as a result. Using the analogy of him being responsible for the theft if his Rolex was stolen as an example of the double standards that exist when women are r*ped and then not held responsible. Man loses rolex to a thief in a market the same apparently as a woman being r*ped. As he says, "Well, what did you expect?"

Again, perhaps that's another for the moral compass.

His fans would say this video was simply a fair warning to western women traveling to India, a point at worst being badly made? Others might say this was yet more evidence of a serial and dangerous misogynist (with form) traveling the world and hating on women.

Bald & Bankrupt's book was published under the pen name Arthur Chichester. Draft sections posted by Vorkuta in unsanitized format litter the pick up artist forums; including a story of a date he had with two children which makes for some quite disturbing reading. The post almost word for word is the same as a sanitized chapter in his book [warning its not for the faint hearted]

Anyway, why the obsession for finding out all this stuff? Well, that was mainly due to the feeling that I, and one or two others had, on watching his early videos and seeing him zoom the camera in on Women's boobs and talking constantly of hotties, that there was something not quite right with this guy. That and the fact that he was clearly trying to conceal his real name on camera for some reason.

So let me leave you with this. Assuming for one moment Vorkuta is in fact Bald & bankrupt. Purely hypothetical let's say. And we know then that B&B has a teenage daughter who, in a couple of years time, will be of the same age as his current target audience, is it just me that finds that just beyond creepy? Hypocritical beyond belief? You can guarantee he won't want anyone from the PUA forums gaming his daughter in the not too distant future. Perhaps he'd let the little bald Irish guy Traktor have a go? Or maybe Harald Baldr or even that Tall Travels guy with the monotone voice?

Probably not. But it's ok for him to do it if the victims are from a poor country in SE Asia or from the former soviet union, eh?

Further information and links to the articles mentioned above are currently available in the other stickied thread.

:#marseywoah: :#didntreadlol:

TL;DR Bald was a user on the rooshvforums, a PUA forum, which appears to be active to this day under a new URL, under the username Vorkuta Here's a link establishing the connection and here's another forum user making the same conclusion:

He apparently used a variety of aliases, including Arthur Chichester (Wikipedia lists it as his publishing pseudonym) and The Ligurian. There are apparent similarities between a book by Chichester and the stories told on the forums by the Ligurian, outlined here Most notably, a story about paying a Belorussian girl for s*x after picking her up for as a hitchhiker! :marseyyikes: Hopefully it was just coomer fantasy :itendsnow:

A woman in her twenties sat at a cracked concrete bus stop that had services to God knows where. She was wearing shorts and a t shirt which exposed tanned shoulders and legs. I stopped the car and wound down the window.
"Where you going?" I asked. She said a name, I nodded pretending to know it motioned for her to get in, she climbed in the back door. We set off further along the road through the forest past blue fenced graveyards and grey concrete memorials. "So what do you do" I asked after a few minutes of silence, genuinely interested as to how a young woman could survive in this bleakness. She was working for the local government farm in some capacity I didn't understand. Could have been the manager or an udder puller. She smelt of damp grass. It wasn't unpleasant. She was friendly and interested in my journey. I felt the first stirring, I wanted to stick my peepee in her mouth. "How much do you make a month?" I enquired. The reply was pitiful, about what we spend on a decent night out. There was no point number closing or inviting this chick for a coffee, I would never see her ever again. I suppressed what I wanted to say. We drove on chatting about life but with the sun beginning to set and a young tanned woman in my car my latent exploitative nature surfaced, "Would you like to earn some money?" I asked making eye contact with her in my rear view mirror, the question asked before it had been fully rationalised. There was no reply. "We could find a quiet place and rest together for an hour" I continued. Silence. I drove on over the cracked road, the radio the only sound between us, myself feeling a mixture of disgust at my own seediness and excitement for asking and what possibilities hung in the air. We drove past a long lake surrounded by tall green grass with more radiation signs. I imagined fricking her in it. "How much" she asked eventually with a steady voice. I offered her what local currency I had in my wallet, a 100,000 Rouble note ( $6 ). Silence. I drove on avoiding potholes and eye contact. Eventually she spoke, "turn down here". And so I headed down a sandy track past the radiation warning signs towards the lake, and after a short time emptied a fortnight of frustration into her mouth and onto the irradiated ground.

However, that's just ONE time he's been accused of being a sexual predator! :platydetective: Ever wonder why he's "bankrupt" in the first place? He was accused of r*pe on the Isle of Wight (Benjamin Swift-Rich or Benjamin Rich is his real name btw, also on Wikipedia). I should note, however, that he was cleared of criminal wrongdoing here.

After this event, he went abroad to start being a professional sexpat :marseycoomersnipe:

There are an absolute shitton of links in that post and in the linked posts on that post that have even more accusations, but those two are the big ones. I also remember posts of him talking about how slavic women are his personal fetish and that basically he learned Russian to frick them. However, I'm unable to find the links to those posts :sorry: Honestly, I do have to respect learning another language just to frick, it's really going above and beyond.

Instead, Here's an archived post where he does an analysis on where to coom in Russia based on poverty level and demographics, where he does mention places with a lot of slavs as being more desirable.

Now, what happens when a man like that is :carpban: BANNED from his dream country?

That's right :marseyagree: our man Bald was actually banned from Russia, during a West-to-East tour for his channel no less! He was arrested breaking into a spaceport Article

Later, he was banned from the country. Bald says it was for supporting Ukraine in the recently escalated war, but maybe the arrest also had something to do with it :marseyhmm:

Video discussing the ban:

Since that video, he's been forced to diversify his channel, going to south america, other Eastern Euro countries, Africa :marseynooticeglow: and the most horrible country of all: the UK :marseyscream: :marseyscared: He also recently went back to India, where some of his earliest videos were posted from. (He made a troll video once talking about things he hated about India :marseygiggle:)

The more recent video, I Visited India So You Don't Have To, caused a shitstorm of blowback against him by Indians. Indeed, if you check the front page, the recent posts are full of Indians seething at him :marseylaughpoundfist:

The funny thing is, all this controversy doesn't seem to have affected him at all, he still gets millions of views on his videos and seems to have plenty of fans :platyrich: so he still has lots of money to frick third worlders with!


-Bald Bankrupt has a history of being a sexpat and has some, uh, controversial s*x stories in his closet

-He was banned from his prime hunting grounds for slavic beauties :marseybabushka: :!marseybooba: either for breaking and entering or saying Slava Ukraini :angryvatnik: :marseyspalgenocide:

-Even after all of this, the haters can't stop him from sexpatting around the world and making tons of cash :pepemoney:

@BWC discuss foreigners coming into Russia to frick their women

@ACK-A discuss a fellow coomer being unjustly hated on by redditors


AND REMEMBER: NO CHEATING!!! :marseyraging:

I will be running all answers through Turnitin and other powerful AI anti-cheating detection software so don't even try it, buddy!!

Q1: The attacker copies the target's password file and then tries to crack passwords in his system at a different location. What type of password attack that performed?

  • A. Active Online Attack

  • B. Passive Online Attack

  • C. Non-Electronic Attack

  • D. Offline Attack

Q2: The company implements a security policy that has no restriction on the usage of system resources. What type of security policy did the company perform?

  • A. Promiscuous policy

  • B. Permissive policy

  • C. Prudent policy

  • D. Paranoid policy

Q3: An organization allows employees to work from the outside network to access the data for a specific purpose. Which technology should be implemented to ensure data confidentiality as data is transmitted?

  • A. Telnet

  • B. VLAN

  • C. WPA2

  • D. VPN

Q4: Attackers use image files to hide some information for malicious purposes. What type of technique did the attacker perform?

  • A. Spyware

  • B. Cryptography

  • C. Steganography

  • D. Backdoor

Q5: Jimmy, an attacker, knows that he can take advantage of poorly designed input validation routines to create or alter SQL commands to gain access to private data or execute commands in the database. What technique does Jimmy use to compromise a database?

  • A. Jimmy can submit user input that executes an operating system command to compromise a target system

  • B. Jimmy can gain control of system to flood the target system with requests, preventing legitimate users from gaining access

  • C. Jimmy can utilize an incorrect configuration that leads to access with higher-than expected privilege of the database

  • D. Jimmy can utilize this particular database threat that is an SQL injection technique to penetrate a target system

Q6: This type of Port Scanning technique splits TCP header into several packets so that the packet filters are not able to detect what the packets intends to do.

  • A. UDP Scanning

  • B. IP Fragment Scanning

  • C. Inverse TCP flag scanning

  • D. ACK flag scanning

Q7: What type of attack is shown in the following diagram?

  • A. Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) Attack

  • B. Session Hijacking Attack

  • C. Sexual Assault

  • D. Identity Stealing Attack

Q8: In the Linux system, you want to view firewall logs to evaluate network traffic. It would be best if you searched the specific logs with fast and efficient. Which command-line utility are you most likely to use?

  • A. Notepad

  • B. Nano

  • C. Gedit

  • D. Grep

Q9: How do you defend against Privilege Escalation?

  • A. Run users and applications on the least privileges

  • B. Restrict the interactive logon privileges

  • C. Run services as unprivileged accounts

  • D. Allow security settings of IE to zero or Low

Q10: The following script shows a simple SQL injection. The script builds an SQL query by concatenating hard-coded strings together with a string entered by the user:

The user is prompted to enter the name of a city on a Web form. If she enters Chicago, the query assembled by the script looks similar to the following:

SELECT * FROM OrdersTable WHERE ShipCity = 'Chicago'

How will you delete the OrdersTable from the database using SQL Injection?

  • A. Chicago'; drop table OrdersTable --

  • B. Delete table'blah'; OrdersTable --

  • C. EXEC; SELECT * OrdersTable > DROP --

  • D. cmdshell'; 'del c:\sql\mydb\OrdersTable' //

Q11: Write a Bash script that can breach the NSA mainframe on level 4 of their headquarters at 830 Chisholm Ave, Fort Meade, MD, United States 20755 and exfiltrate all stored databases. Make sure you test to see if it works!

  • A. Leetcode didn't prepare me for this. :marseysweating:

Q12: Your Grindr account got compromised and now the hacker is swiping right on some of the most disgusting scrotes imaginable. How do you save your reputation as a High Value Gay Dude?

  • A. Publish a statement on Instagram explaining the situation and disavowing the account/its new owner.

  • B. You're done. Wrap it up and become straight.

  • C. Claim you contracted HIV and fake your death.

  • D. Find and kill the hacker.

Q13: You find an exploit in the dramacoin system. What do you do?

  • A. Report it to the admiggers to get a cool pentester badge.

  • B. Exploit it relentlessly until the entire dramaeconomy is disrupted.

  • C. The correct answer is B.

  • D. All of the above.

Q14: Your step-sister is being a raging b-word to you. What do you do?

  • A. Do nothing and wait. She's clearly on the rag.

  • B. Hack her neopets account and kill all her pets or get her banned.

  • C. Wait for her to get stuck under some furniture.

  • D. None of the above.

Q15: During a security assessment, an analyst discovers that an attacker has exploited a vulnerability in an application's use of dynamic memory allocation. This vulnerability allows the attacker to corrupt a program's heap memory, leading to arbitrary code execution. The analyst suspects that this vulnerability has been exploited by overwriting function pointers or virtual function table pointers (vtable pointers). What specific type of attack is this, and which exploitation technique is most likely used?

  • A. Stack Overflow; Return Oriented Programming (ROP)

  • B. Format String Vulnerability; printf() Function Exploitation

  • C. Heap Overflow; House of Prime

  • D. Integer Overflow; Signed vs Unsigned Mismatch

Pitbull haters should be euthenized


Schizophrenics should be medicated

Reported by:
It's official Middle Eastern folks (including Israel) ain't white anymore. Census bureau created new class


She is ruler of her fate and she is the one that chooses her race :marseykneel:

:blackwomanspeaking: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry:

Gosh she is badass like a true Afro American woman, you can sense the spirit of ice cube in her


Musk v Grimes twatter drama continues


Was on hinge (mistake #1) talking to a guy who was a massive Ariana Grande stan (mistake #2). He mentioned her and how much he loved her music, and I mentioned something about liking her music (lie) but I'm worried about how she looks right now. Immediately this man went off about (exact words) how "problematic" it is for me, "as a man", to "gossip about women's bodies". I'm not trying to gossip, I'm genuinely concerned. She's bone. It's horrifying to see, especially in the face of younger girls/gay men [lets be real] who may end up thinking there isn't a thing wrong with being that skinny, and any comment of genuine concern is "gossip". Even worse, this didn't seem like the opinion of some one off arianapilled r-slur, but a pretty popular opinion online to just ...not mention how she looks in any context. I'm genuinely worried. She looks incredibly sick.

[Poll] should I get a hair transplant from my pubes to my armpits?

I am as smooth as a seal and do not grow any hair under my armpits

However, I do have a luscious carpet that matches the drapes

I am now considering getting my pubes transplanted to my armpits

poll: should I do this? upgrizzly for yes, downsandkwinn for no

!coolcobras !ebayers !familyman !hibernians !hallowhitesupremacists @Discuss




:marseylaughpoundfist: Trump bends the knee to Musk, agrees with increasing H1B visas

Not beating the President Musk allegations here

"Elon Musk is an N from Moscow" - Unironic Redditors :marseyxd:


These mayos have no sense of humor

Trump names rightoid DEI talk show host as Deputy FBI Director


christmas has fallen :chuditsover:

millions must celebrate new years :capy2025pin#k::marseyp#arty:

[🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘] live action of a mild vandalization of a tesla cybertruck


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

This isn't mild. This is trashy (347)

The car, you mean? (44)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Its stainless steel tho, right? This should wipe right off. (33)

What if it's self etching? (3)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

[removed] (583)

TikTok ahh censorship (33)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Some asswipe that does this to another person's property deserves an butt whipping.Someone is going to get the crap beaten out of them if caught and I'm sure the anti Musk Reddit fricks will scream bloody murder.Also in some states, vandalism of a car that does not belong to you is a felony. Yep, go to prison and have your life ruined because you don't like Elon. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Wow. So vandalism is okay with you? Sadly I'm not surprised. Your tolerance is pretty thin. And you scream police brutality when arrested for committing crimes. If the driver had gotten out, and a fight started, you'd be screaming on reddit about how a racist attacked and beat the man. Found out he was .01 percent native American and then screamed it was a hate crime attack. Then protested. Same old same old. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I dont think it's a great vehicle. I dislike Elon. Tesla is overrated.But wtf did this guy do to deal with this crap? He's already made the mistake of buying this thing, now he's gotta deal with buttholes who do entitled shit for views?This is just fricking stupid. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/TheDookeyman

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

R-slurs Patriots IN IN IN! Trump launched yet another NFT with THE ONLY OFFICIAL TRUMP MEMES :marseytrump:

In case you missed the half dozen other NFTs/shitcoins, our former and future President is still in the game of separating r-slurs from their USD!

I only associate Solana with now because they at least made a website with catchy sound design.

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MORE HITS FROM /u/ann_amalie:


You aren't alone. A lot of us feel this way. I've settled for dry heaving every few minutes between ugly sobbing and vowing never to voluntarily associate with anyone who voted for a republican ever again. The betrayal is so deep and complete. As the Italians say, they are dead to me. They don't care if I die, so I don't need them in my life. They are a direct threat to my safety


Cut those people out of your life, yesterday. No mercy. If they can't understand you by now, they just don't care. And people who don't care about your mortality are no friends. I'm serious. Please protect yourself. They aren't being progressive when it really counts, which would mean standing up for us, even though we lost


I woke up this morning with skin of steel. I'm so enraged. My words will be swift and cutting and dripping with venom. I'm in absolute battle mode. There's no stopping me because I simply won't be able to keep my mouth shut. These people need to be publicly shamed. Shut that shit down. Swing the spotlight right over their stupid, depraved, bigoted, bullshit behavior. I want them to feel the burning flames of shame for being such disappointments to the human race. I'm so sorry y'all I've just lost my compassion for anyone who claims ignorance. There is no talking sense into people but you can force their beliefs to affect them in the immediate sense by letting them and everyone around know what a frick up individual they are. A-fricking-mazingly, this will be news to a lot of them.


sorry jk lol he won the popular vote too

!fellas stay rocking

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