[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] basically reddit


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

That's crazy, could there be a reason for that? Maybe because conservative opinions are all awful?People deliberately shift the blame away from the merits of their opinionsThey think its not that they spew shit from their mouths, it's just that you're a contrarian for being repulsed by shit (9)

Yeah, the party that supports illegal immigration, soft on crime policies, and ofc the mentality of "the other side is Hitler" is definitely the more sensible one (-44)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

That's how you create an echo chamber which in turn can be easily used to manipulate people. (143)

I disagreeย  (-34)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

That's how you create an echo chamber which in turn can be easily used to manipulate people. (143)

It's human nature. Just like in real life, you are friends with those who share your values, and stay away from those who don't. (-22)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Yeah. Someone said Arizona free tea with honey is nasty. I rebuked that none sense and downmarsey. (30)

I was perma banned from r/JusticeServed for posting in a r/politicalcompassmemes. That's right I was banned from one sub for posting in another. What's worse, they didn't tell me why I was banned so I appealed it and when they told me the reason and said they'd unban me if I promised to not participate in r/politicalcompassmemes in the future, I said I'd keep the ban since I haven't participated in r/JusticeServed in probably years. Couple minutes later I got a three day suspension from the reddit platform for harassment! The notification for the harassment suspension said "After reviewing" indicating that someone had actually agreed to the suspension which is ridiculous so I appealed it and the suspension was lifted the following day... This platform is stupid sometimes. (7)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I choose to not support anyone. Nazis are fricked up but modern liberals are also not great with their constant "feeling of being offended". I prefer to not choose the side. (-2)

"Not choosing a side" is choosing a side. Imagine you're watching a kid get bullied. You don't like the kid, so you let it happen. You don't like the bully, but he's scary so you don't want to get involved. You're still choosing the side of the bully. He still gets what he wants. And then he just picks another victim.Modern liberals and Nazis are not the same AT ALL. There is literally no such historical grounds to compare the people who genocides millions of Jews andโ€ฆ. People who want free healthcare and freedom of expression? It's nonsense. The Nazis are just going to bully until enough people let them get away with it. Frick that. Grow a backbone. Stand up to that shit.You don't have to "pick a side" to recognize that ethno nationalism is wrong. (3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

If someone has an opinion like "pineapple doesn't belong on pizza" that's fine.But when that "opinion" is gay people should be killed for merely existing, that's not an opinion, that's just hate and hate for merely existing is objectively bad. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ButterscotchDeep7533

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

How @ToeBeans hurt my feelings

Recently, I suffered a massive injustice at the hands of @ToeBeans, and I wish to talk about it because it concerns a lot of important societal topics. Recently, @ToeBeans made a lighthearted thread asking people why they were still up. The humor is obvious - as a global website, there are obviously many users for whom it is not night, but @ToeBeans is acting like it is bedtime for everybody. It is also a relatable thread, as we have all had the experience of suffering from insomnia and finding ourselves browsing this godforsaken site.

I was one of the first people to respond to the thread, and I think I gave a worthwhile answer.

I left the thread and tended to other matters. When I returned, to my surprise, the thread had blown up and there were over a hundred replies. I jumped back into the thread to consume the new content but I soon found myself crestfallen. @ToeBeans had responded to everybody except for me. It felt like a knife to the gut, like having acid thrown on your face. Sadly, it wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, however, and the sadness that fell over me was something like an old friend. This is a situation I've dealt with plenty of times in my life - being ignored, overlooked, ostracized - and it comes down to heightism.

What Is Heightism?

Heightism is the discrimination of others based on their height. This is a harsh form of discrimination because one cannot change their height. It is a form of discrimination that mainly affects men, and it permeates all spheres of life. Height is used to judge one's fitness, attractiveness, and worth.

This is apparent when we look at the world of economics. What the studies show is absolutely darning.

Summing up the Wikipedia article:

1. Your height at 16 determines your whole life's earning power

  • They also found that men's wages as adults could be linked to their height at age 16

  • The researchers found that on an average an increase in height by one inch at age 16 increased male adult wages by 2.6 percent. This is equal to increase of approximately $850 in 1996 annual earnings. In other words, the height and corresponding social experiences of taller male adolescent at age 16 would likely translate to higher wage in later adulthood as compared to shorter male adolescent.

2. Your height determines what jobs you can have, even if height has nothing to do with your duties

  • Studies have shown that short people are paid less than taller people, with disparities similar in magnitude to the race and gender gaps

3. Your height determines whether you will hold any leadership positions. If you're below 5 foot 7, you have almost NO chance of ever holding a leadership position

  • Surveys have uncovered that less than 3% of CEOs were below 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) in height. 90% of CEOs are of above average height

Heightism isn't limited to the world of money. It also extends into the romantic realm. Here, things get brutal for short men.

1. Women prefer taller men

  • in a 2019 survey performed by Ipsos in Hungary with over 500 respondents, the perfect height for men for 53% of participants was between 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) to 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in)

What Are the Effects of Heightism?

By now it should be obvious that heightism is not benign, nor is it a laughing matter. As a 156cm man, I have felt the harsh effects of heightism and it has permanently scarred my psyche and moulded me into who I am today, for better and for worse. There are no organisations or groups to come to my aid, and if I complain about the obvious discrimination I face, I am ridiculed. Heightism is suffered in private, and you are led to believe it is non-existent. Nobody has sympathy for you when you're short. You're always overlooked, never seen as a leader, you're always just "less than".

As you would imagine, research has shown that going through life as a short man has deleterious effects on the psyche.

  • A study produced by the Universities of Groningen and Valencia, found that the taller a man was, the less anxious he felt about attractive, physically dominant, and socially powerful rivals

  • it was found that a 5-cm (2-inch) increase in height was associated with a 9% decrease in suicide risk


When @ToeBeans ignored me, I felt that pain of being a manlet. That familiar feeling of being unseen and rejected for factors outside of my control. I put my best foot forward and I got overlooked. What's sad is that I've always tried to be nice to @ToeBeans so I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment.

But all that doesn't matter. I don't matter. I'm just a worthless manlet so nothing I do matters. I feel like cutting myself but I'm not going to do it. I'm dedicated to having a benzo and cutting free 2025. Nobody will take me off my path to self-improvement. I can't control what others think of me but I can control myself.

For anyone scared right now, you can probably move to Japan. :marseyjapanese:


This is a silly post lol I love living in Japan, but it was not easy to get here. You cannot just move to Japan because you want too. You also underestimate how soul crushing those teaching jobs actually are. People on those salaries are just barely getting by. Gay marriage is not even legal here and Japan is a much more conservative country than most people think


Anybody been playing Ashes of Creation?

I know people are going to talk about the money, but say someone was buying it for you, what are your opinions of the game outside of cost?

And yes, because I am a troll, I want to join the same Pirate Software server and join that guild harassing him in-game. teeeheeee

:marseyflagpoland: Poland has a change of heart, they will not arrest Bibi if he visits Auschwitz :marseyl: Redditors are very disappointed :m!arseysoycry:


All for him being arrested...but a fricking holocaust memorial ceremony is neither the time nor place to do it.

This isn't about Israel vs Palestine or whatever grievances anyone has with Netanyahu or Israel. This is about remembrance for all those killed in the Holocaust.

Yeah totally makes sense let's give him a pass on bombing kids because remembering wars crimes is more important than stopping them.

This started a VERY long argument :marseylongpost2:

Poland being classy and not wanting to turn a deeply personal event for many into a debacle that would take away from its meaning? Nice. Looks like people here are big mad though.

Inviting a war criminal to celebrate ending the holocaust smells like hypocrisy, doesn't it?

Imagine thinking that classy and any eastern european country go together in any sentence. Or that any country here cares about war crimes :marseylaughpoundfist:

ICC is a fricking joke and now so is Poland.

You either stick to your guns regardless of the consequences or admit that you won't arrest him from the start, anything else is embarrassing :marseyagree:

Kitties. Just disband the ICC if no one is going to obey it

All these useless organisations are huge drama mines :marseyno:

What if Poland is playing 3d chess? Netanyahu would've never attended if Poland confirmed he'd be arrested.

Please Poland, do a bait and switch!

America will bend them over if they pull a stunt like that. I hope they do it :marseyfsjal:

Mongolia set precedent (with good reason) by not arresting Putin. Now, Poland follow suit.

Should Mongolia have just been invaded for that? Can you elaborate how they'd get Putin out of the country?

Cause the West clearly won't do shit whenever Russia invades someone.

We can always blame Putin for this :marseyfluffy:

Is a citizen's arrest legal in Poland?

Edit: I didnt make any statement to disagree with, but thanks for the downmarseys. I just thought Its worth asking. Apparently I made a huge mistake. Please forgive me Reddit Police.

Imagine the shitstorm if it happened, lol.

Antisemitism, Poland at it again, blah blah.

Yeah, I was thinking about all the consequences and thought this is worth asking if its a possible scenario.

I hope someone is stupid enough to try this :marseyagreefast:



All bark, no bite smh :marseydisagree:

Setting a example for putin you fools

Mongolia and South Africa already set that example with Putin.

It only counts when mayos do it :marseyindignant:

What a bunch of traitors.

I wasn't much in loop but from what I know only PIS was against that arrest at the beginning (President sent request to government to protect Natanyahu). Most pro current government voters were in favor of arresting Natanyahu.

Idk what truly influenced this decision but it may have to do with Trump. 95% of Poles love USA and Polish government is super pro USA. So fearing Trump's reaction to arrest, international affair, internal chaos, the government capitulated despite voters wanting otherwise.

Why would it be about Trump and not the US's dogged support for Israel since 1948? Poland is bowing to US hegemony, not Trump.

Why the frick did Poland even promised to arrest Bibi in the first place? They even did this after Trump was elected, it's not like they didn't know who would become president and what his stances on Israel were. Slavs :marseyshrug:

The ICC warrant is nothing but a piece of paper and hold no real weight. It's nice of Poland to allow a war criminal to visit where a far worse war criminal did some of his dirty work I guess.

Ugh, like who cares? :marseyseethe:

Why the abrupt change of heart, though? Most EU countries, including Poland, were adamant they would arrest Netanyahu should he decide to visit:,International,-European%20Union%3A%20Foreign

It looks like Poland got a good telling off from Uncle Sam and mended their ways.... Also, Israel may be a US ally, but it's been terribly unfair towards Poland over the years and it's not Poland's ally, it's anything but.

Maybe Netanyahu told Poland he would be attending, effectively calling Polands bluff, I guess it looks better on Poland to admit they won't arrest him before he arrives rather than swear they will and then not doing it

Fricking based if true :marseykneel:

If countries like South Africa won't arrest Putin but instead roll the red carpet. Why should the West be holier than the Pope and arrest our allies? There is an existential war going on between the democracies and dictatorships and we never should bow for the dictators.

You're fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of the conflict. It's not say "democracy in Europe/America versus non-western dictatorship". It's a conflict of ideas between liberal-democracy and autocracy/authoritarianism and this is happening inter-state and intra-state. Donald Trump is in many ways aligned with the values of Putin more than he is with the values of liberal democracy. Likewise Orban in Hungary or Netanyahu in Israel despite their countries being liberal-democracies and historical allies.

Putin doesn't hate the UK or USA, he's at war with liberalism. So he's at war with us and the only way he won't be is if we are no longer a liberal-democracy (which is the direction of travel under Trump).

It's obviously messy as you can have players blurring the lines depending on the context and their own self interests.

Letting Netanyahu get away with war crimes is a victory not for democracies but for the autocratic/authoritarian World view that values naked self interest and might-makes-right politics. The reason that is a bad thing is because the liberal-democratic model has ushered in the single greatest period of peace in World history and was built on the lessons of the horrors of the great wars and other massacres.

Someone replied to this :marseylongpost: with another :marseylongpost: and more people reacted but I didn't read any comment here so I'm not sure what they're debating :marseyantiwork2: Probably some soy shit :soycry:

Smart move. Committing an act of war against a nation with nuclear weapons by arresting their head of state is probably not a great idea.

Horrible move, imagine all the cool videos we would have gotten if Israel nuked Poland :marseynukegoggles:

The frickin irony of this guy visiting a concentration camp while running one

Too many r-slurs on the internet don't seem to know what a concentration camp or a holocaust is. Just killing lots of people wasn't the shocking part of Nazi Germany :marseysigh:

Like what's the point of the ICC now

Comic relief



His :marseychud: fratboy neocolonialist cishetnormative anthem of mysogyny :

:soysnootypefast: about how much they support the misogynist taking a stand against national socialism

misogynists stay losing

TOTAL CANCUCK DEATH as we beat them in the only sport they even care about

Someone ping more !hockey !chuds !burgers

The end stage being complete corporate capture of all three branches of the government, and total gutting of state run safety nets, education, and infrastructure in favor of eventual privatization of such services. This is all far more in line with ancap fantasies than any genuine historical example of nationalist socialism or fascism. Ironically enough, "socialist" China is the one economic model currently existing that is closest to Italian fascism, in some regards.

They get too hung up on the popular definition of fascism being the marriage of the state and capital into one, without understanding the nature of the relationship between the nation-state and capital in fascist economics. In America, the nation-state is subservient to the interests of capital. In an ideal fascist state, capital exists solely in subservience to the nation-state. America perverts this like a dog walking a man, and not the man walking the dog. China has the balls to imprison billionaires. If Trump or Elon were genuine nationalist socialists, we would see them doing shit like creating jobs via public work projects to improve infrastructure and build nuclear power plants, desalination facilities, etc. They aren't even a tenth of the statesmen pre-war Adolf and El Duce were.

Reported by:

MORE HITS FROM /u/ann_amalie:


You aren't alone. A lot of us feel this way. I've settled for dry heaving every few minutes between ugly sobbing and vowing never to voluntarily associate with anyone who voted for a republican ever again. The betrayal is so deep and complete. As the Italians say, they are dead to me. They don't care if I die, so I don't need them in my life. They are a direct threat to my safety


Cut those people out of your life, yesterday. No mercy. If they can't understand you by now, they just don't care. And people who don't care about your mortality are no friends. I'm serious. Please protect yourself. They aren't being progressive when it really counts, which would mean standing up for us, even though we lost


I woke up this morning with skin of steel. I'm so enraged. My words will be swift and cutting and dripping with venom. I'm in absolute battle mode. There's no stopping me because I simply won't be able to keep my mouth shut. These people need to be publicly shamed. Shut that shit down. Swing the spotlight right over their stupid, depraved, bigoted, bullshit behavior. I want them to feel the burning flames of shame for being such disappointments to the human race. I'm so sorry y'all I've just lost my compassion for anyone who claims ignorance. There is no talking sense into people but you can force their beliefs to affect them in the immediate sense by letting them and everyone around know what a frick up individual they are. A-fricking-mazingly, this will be news to a lot of them.


sorry jk lol he won the popular vote too

!fellas stay rocking

:marseylaughpoundfist: Trump bends the knee to Musk, agrees with increasing H1B visas

Not beating the President Musk allegations here

AFD winning is not dramatic

Trump winning is funny and dramatic because of the collective scream-cry by effeminate nu-libs as their state apparatus is dismembered.

AFD winning would reverse the current, "mass import Muslims because the holocaust happened" strategy Germany has.

Germany turning things around isn't cool or funny. European politicians all slowly being named Muhammad while America has a spiritual revolution against Muhammad is way funnier.

Europe replacing itself is far more funny and dramatic then the limp wristed waking up.

Reported by:


christmas has fallen :chuditsover:

millions must celebrate new years :capy2025pin#k::marseyp#arty:

I've changed my mind on Asian women

A few days ago I made a post promoting white women and bashing Asian women but then yesterday I went to MUJI to buy some new pants and in line there were these white women dressed like whores talking about being sluts and stuff meanwhile all these well dressed demure cute little Asian girls are walking around and then the one in front of me turns around with a big smile and says "you can go in front of me" and yeah basically I changed my mind


new Sedimentary Erosion


!chuds !transphobes he told the same joke with different doodles :3

Reported by:
It's official Middle Eastern folks (including Israel) ain't white anymore. Census bureau created new class


She is ruler of her fate and she is the one that chooses her race :marseykneel:

:blackwomanspeaking: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry:

Gosh she is badass like a true Afro American woman, you can sense the spirit of ice cube in her


average rs girlie
How to stop pissing your pants by a moid doctor. :marseynotesglow: :marseyreading:

So peep this. I wake up one day with a smile on my face. I ready to GOON hard and hustle COOMpacks to my homies off the street. Gay, straight, all genders and nationalities, I don't discriminate when it comes to selling legal and illegal COOM to those in need.

I was try to watch a LIVE CAMGIRL SQUIRTING HARD PULSATING CLITORIS and the stream went off! Shit sucks yo, but I was EDGING like mofo and I held in my COOM. I tried to browse pornhub and all my favourite videos were GONE! I researched and found out that FEDs are trying to shut this shit down.

Nah fam PornHub don't die that's Town Square for gooners. We use VPNs round here AND we got our shit downloaded fam.

I dug deeper into this shit and I discovered that the Latter Day Gooner Cult is behind some of this shit. They claim to be about that GOON life but it's clear they're trying to restrict GOONING talmbout "holy GOON sacraments". Nah I GOON when I want. Which set you rep?

Sheeit, I was reading up and it turns out this schism in the GOONING community has been going on for eons. All throughout the years, there has been tension between the younger GOONERS who are trying to GOON fast and hard, and the older gooners striving for a subtler, but longer-lasting goon experience. Me? I stay with them young bucks. I goon too wild to be shackled by coom calendars and shit. I believe my set GOONs the hardest.

So yeah, the gang war has begun and we goon on cultists all day every day on site. A lot of GOONERS are gonna CATCH CASES, SSDs CONFISCATED, and INTERNET ACCESS RESTRICTED by FEDs while on probation.

Marsey Meets a Raccoon (REAL, NOT AI!)

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