Gas Station Encounters :marseywatchingtv:

EFFORTPOST The time Jordan Peterson did a Reddit AMA

So, in case you need some contextualization, Jordan Peterson was born in Alberta, Canada and he earned his PhD in psychology from McGill University. It's important to note that Peterson is prolific in his field, and he has over a hundred papers published covering topics such as addiction, play, and personality.

Peterson taught at Howard University before returning to Canada to teach at the University of Toronto. It's interesting to note that during this time, Jordan Peterson began to change. He became more intense, more politically involved, and many of his friends noted this.

The professor rose to fame after protesting Bill C-16 and claiming that it legislated compelled speech and forced him to refer to transpeople using their preferred pronouns. Since then, many have debunked JP's concerns and have pointed out that absolutely nobody has been imprisoned as a consequence of Bill C-16. In modern day, JP is still fairly popular and he enjoys a strong following, as seen with the sales of his latest book, We Who Wrestle With God.

In 2018, Jordan Peterson was arguably at the peak of his fame, and he had yet to be completely demonized online. Consequently, he took to Reddit to host an AMA. It's actually quite a funny one because it highlights the main problem with JP - while he has some insightful advice to give regarding his core field (psychology), he exposes areas of ignorance when he delves into other topics he is not an expert on. He has a tendency to read obscure esoteric texts and to latch onto fringe ideas merely because they are interesting. He has also demonstrated that he is not the best when it comes to interpreting scientific papers and reaching logical conclusions.

Jordan Peterson's Reddit AMA

Link to the whole thing is here:

Let's off with something light. Jordan Peterson makes a statement regarding antidepressants and whether they are overprescribed. An expert in the field quickly jumps in and points out an error in JP's message. You'll see this trend of experts popping up to disprove him recur.

Now to dive into the deep waters. Postmodern cultural marxism! JP always uses this phrase, and it seems like a highly self-contradictory one at first. He gives a definition but many point out that his definition is bullshit.

Fricking /u/Bardfinn appears!!1!

Jordan also touches on Nazism, arguing that it was an atheist doctrine.

Euphoric redditors don't take too kindly to this.

Lastly, we have the topic of "enforced monogamy" which was a controversy at the time. When asked about incels, JP recommended enforced monogamy. When talking about a murderous incel, he states:

"He was angry at God because women were rejecting him," Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. "The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That's actually why monogamy emerges."

He is asked about this in the AMA, to which he replies with the following:

That is not enough to placate redditors who still see a problem with what the professor is proposing.


So that's all for today regarding the adventures on Jordan Peterson. You can catch him on Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire where he teaches his fans about marriage, Christianity, and conservatism. Personally, I think JP is an intelligent man who may have stumbled into a few psychological truths. However, he is bogged down by so much political crap and tangential bullshit including religion that anyone with some sense would avoid and go seek knowledge elsewhere. There is nothing JP exclusively offers that can't be obtained elsewhere without half the amount of bullshit.



@Garry_Kong opinion?

It was after hours and didn't interfere with p*tients.

Online Movement 50501 Calls for National '50 States' Anti-Trump Protest Planned for Feb 5 : technology


Technology? !chuds !nooticers !trump2024


18 (ish) Mechanical Design Tips and Tricks for Engineers Inventors and Serious Makers: # 093
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Got up to pee and had a look at developments and well well well


Not a great way to start 2025 with the death and destruction and all but it's good to know I'll be right about everything all the time in every way for yet another year

!friendsofcarp !friendsofkong !friendsofcinnamoroll !rightchads !neverwronggang !howdoeshedoit !howdidheknow !howdoyoudoitcarp !everyone


Babies are 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY! We are tired and proud!

!animalposters !cats

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For context, if you use the progressive stack award, your posts are (temporarily) treated as if they have 2x their actual upmarseys. This was thought of as so powerful by the jannies that it costs 1500 coins for just 6 hours. Now, if you make a post that gets 140 upmarseys, and at the same time someone makes an :marseyairquotes: effortpost :marseyairquotes: that gets 30 upmarseys, or chud ragebait that gets 50 upmarseys, your post will actually be below them on the front page. In fact, since upmarseys are basically normally distributed (getting 30 upmarseys is pretty average, getting 90 makes yours one of the top posts of the day, getting 150 would make it the top post of the day), any sort of multiplier would change the content of the front page immensely, let alone a multiplier so large it treats mediocre :marseyairquotes: effortposts :marseyairquotes: and slightly above average chud ragebait as superior to the actual top post as chosen by users.

The fact that /h/chudrama is blocked by default is irrelevant, because most active users have it unblocked, so even if you block /h/chudrama every post you make is still effectively being deranked. And besides, there are plenty of people who want to read /h/chudrama and not have it be literally the only thing they see on the front page


These are the kinds of people bemoaning the Great Replacement

Rightoids cant fathom that it requires great collective sacrifice to maintain their preferred racial makeup of their town.

Reported by:
  • X : AI manipulation



Baby Falcon at Play - YouTube

Christ loves you, stop being evil ffs, bad vibes from your brain are like peices of microplastics stuck in your grey matter. They stay there forever. And once theyre gone and you no longer think bad thoughts, if all you have is negativity, next life you wont have a brain to use @ all, prove me wrong on that, have you seen medical diseases in thsoe who are born, yet toy beleive in afterlife, reincarnation and akrma..smh.

Goodluck. And yes im tlaking to specially you sweet heart.

I dedeictae this psot to you. β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘

Democracy dies in darkness as r/montereybay mods remove generic Elon Musk bad post


Someone posted a thread in /r/montereybay that was just "what do you guys thinks of Elon Musk's nazi salute". Mods ended up deleting the thread which then caused this follow up thread to be posted. The Nazi mod's explanation:

The post was removed because it had nothing to do with Monterey Bay.

This is the /r/MontereyBay subreddit, which is for discussion of things related to well...the Monterey Bay. When you visit the /r/bicycling subreddit, you go there expecting bicycle-related content. When you visit /r/television you expect discussion of television shows. That's what subreddits are for. To allow people to find places to discuss specific topics. It also allows people to avoid certain topics as well.

The discussion happening in that thread was no different than any of the other threads on the other political subreddits. There was no relation to the Monterey Bay whatsoever. That's why it was removed. Seemed pretty clear to me (and to the many people who reported the post saying it was off topic as well).

Now we have this thread where people are coming up with minor conspiracy theories and conjecture. Assuming that the mods have a political bias, saying things like "RIP Democracy" and the like.

The post was removed because it does not relate to the Monterey Bay at all. That is it. End of story. I figured people would find that to be pretty obvious. If you want to come up with some wild theory in your head, go for it. But that was not why it was removed. If you would like to discuss politics that to not pertain to our area, visit /r/politics, /r/worldnews, and the like. Thank you.

Don't bother reading it, just :marseyreich: stuff.

Wow, I woulda never expected some folks in Monterrey Bay to be apologists for a nazi - but here we are...

There are some aggressive Nazi apologists in this thread. I don't know how many are actually in the area, but I take heart in the fact that this post has overwhelming more up votes than downmarseys, and people seem to think this was a valid concern.

Never stop the fight and trust no one, brother.

Monterey is a hotbed of silent conservatives. They nod and smile at the concessions that allow equality but secretly they wallow in a Republican pit of wealth and willful ignorance. It's all golf and landscaping and real estate with occasional nods to the actual rights of all Americans. The scum of the earth have elected Trump and support Musk, and their trappings of wealth and opulence can't hide that they're just as ignorant as the toothless rednecks who live in a low-life world of Walmart junk and addiction to their own stupidity.

Agreed- and maybe those silent conservatives should speak up. If 'conservative' now means Nazism, then just own it and let rest of us roast them on Reddit, any sub.

Lol what?

Hello. I commented on the post. I find it deeply concerning that this post was removed without the mods talking to us.

Since that post was deleted let me just restate this… Frick Nazis.

I'd like to better connect to my community and yes, I am willing to go on the news or have a cross burned in my yard. I'm here for my community and to stand up for those in it.

This poster is willing to stand up for Nazis I guess? Not sure how else to take it.

I didn't see the post, what did the post about Elon have to do with Monterey Bay?

(OP) National politics concern local politics finding comfort with a local community helps deal with broader anxieties. And finally this one is important, explicitly pertaining to Monterey is not included in the subreddit rules.

OP brings up a good point that it doesn't go against the rules.

You think the lowering of democratic standards is something people shouldn't complain about? What the frick is wrong with you? You think what is happening in DC right now is just another average day? Read something. Learn before you comment. Every decent history book will enlighten you to the fact that fascism is the enemy of a free society and reading about it might open your eyes to why Trump and Musk need scrutiny.

Mods of this app are liberal leftists. They will shut down ban and take down anyone or anything they dim a threat to their views. This is not a surprise that they take down anything that even remotely threatens their views.



There are two definitions of doxing (alt. doxxing):

a. Form of harassment in which personal information is used to intimidate, threaten, or distress others.

b. Searching / archiving public information and reposting it.

The Kiwi Farms has always had rules against contacting people. We've always had rules against threatening or extorting people. We've always had rules against encouraging other people to do those things ("someone should...").

In the last year especially, the word doxing has become popularly realigned from the second definition (which originated online in the 2000s) to the first (which was popularized by journos).

The law has extended harassment definitions in many jurisdictions to include online harassment which utilizes personal information. This is in the same way "cyberbullying" is a crime, but "cyberbullying" does not mean any form of online critique: it specifically refers to students in highschool or college harassing their peers online in such a way to intimidate them from going to school. Doxing has become criminalized, but as an extension of already criminal behavior under the first definition, usually applied to people who already know each other in real life.

The fact that this subculture invented the term and abides within the law is irrelevant to what the average person now thinks of when they hear "doxing". That we are 'in the right' does not matter. The use of a word, which now describes a crime, to describe things which are not criminal, is detrimental to our interests and long-term prospects.

In 2025 I need the community at large to stop using the word "doxing" to describe legal information gathering and switch to anything else. The following terms have been suggested, including both verbs which describe the act of looking something up, and the noun which describes a compilation of this information.


Unmasking. *

Deanonymize / Deanon

Infodump / Infodumping




Deets. * per shawnphase

I'm not going to force any specific transfer, so you can pick whichever term you'd like and feels works best. Language is malleable and getting people to change at all is going to be hard enough.

  • This is the word LFJ uses to literally dox people and harass their employers.

@Aevann please hard filter "doxing" and "doxxing" to "sunshining" and "sunshinning" even if people have filters disabled

EFFORTPOST 4lung Train Furry Libertarian ABDL Dramarama - The Big Babyfur Audit - NEW Ping Group! :marseyjam: :marseyscream:

READING NOTE: For ghostarchive conversations involving protected accounts - check the page title to see all the relevant names!

A few weeks ago, these were handed out[-2] at a public playground in Seattle. The responsible party was an unknown quantity of people attending a regular local fetish meet.

Yes, that's just project mayhem ...but rslurred. :marseyretard2:

*record scratch* ...but, how did we get here? *Youtube channel intro :marseymetokur:*

First, some ground rules:

To ensure that there is no room for confusion, I'm going to be focusing solely on individuals directly endorsing/advocating libertarianism or associating with those that do. Consider the "cub" question (Upcoming C++ proposal! :pepehacker:) to be stricken from today's arguments.

Hopefully this will convince those naughty chuds warming up their inevitable "heh, just another loser mindbroken over cub art. nothingburger :chudspin: :marseysal:" to go back to their tried and tested "Jokes in text so clearly condemning libertarianism in bad faith :marseyindignantturn:".

These zines were created by online furry libertarian artist, Nicholas Munger, under the alias "Fwucky". (Who will now be referred to as "Nick" because no way am I typing his stupid online handle any more than I have to. He also had "normal" accounts under the alias "bigtoasty".

Here's a sample of some of his art:

Note the triangular and pawprint swirls. Libertarian symbols btw.[0]

4lung is a fairly well known train musician in the furry scene. Specifically, the babyfur scene. :marseybib:[1]

4lung is reportedly IRL friends with Nick and gets very cagey when asked about their relationship - responding with shit like the following:

(Note that this is in response to a previous instance of them being linked together - specifically when the first "pediverse" ( document dropped and they were listed as being associated. Their name was removed from the list under mysterious conditions; they never publically disassociated like they were asked.)

Obviously I'm just being a big meanie :marseymeangirls: and bullyciding a babyfur trans queen :wariotransrights: :marseytransflag2: because they go to the same tightknit fetish meet[5] as various libertarian advocates (including the one they've never heard of) and keep appearing next to people getting exposed as predators. (nekozuna, Matthew Paul Wienecke/Stwawbwewymilk and our upcoming exclusive drama)[2.1]

I could go on a tangent about all the circumstantial evidence of an association between 4lung and Nick :debunked: such as them living in the same city, tagging next to eachother (Timing of vandalism unconfirmed but the consistent proximity and long timeframe go beyond "coincidence"), the confusing motive of Nick trying to smear someone he "doesn't really know" as supporting his libertarian social views and doing so over a prolonged period, 4lung's bizarre responses about Nick until asked point blank about the zines... :platysleeping:

...but why whittle my fingers down when I can just reveal another fricking libertarian that they're CURRENTLY friends with?

They've been interacting as far back as 2021 and eventually collaboratined on an album in 2023.

Let me introduce "KandiCritter".

Let's look at that Xitter :marseyelonmusk: profile.

Hmm. "anti-c".

That's as-in "anti-contact". As-in, "I'm a libertarian, but have an 'anti-contact' stance regarding children".[7]

Also, nootice how they privated their twitter around February. Coincidentally just as the first para-files doc on the "pediverse" dropped.[Οͺ]

Here's that album they collaborated on and some of their contact over the years:

Kandi was originally a footnote but the moment I saw it, I shat bricks :throwbrick: and it went straight here. Special thanks to @Z for baiting me into searching "babyfur" on bandcamp and finding this. :marseysaluteisrael:

While looking for information on some 4cuck archives, I notice this peculiar exchange in a random /trash/ gooning thread...

Now. I can't prove anything ...but I think anon just accidentally hooked a big one! :marseybaited: :marseyplaying: Where have we seen that style of style of response before? :marseyderp:



Technically unknown if these were actually handed out or if it was aborted due to backlash. A number of them were prepared for distribution however.



(And thus, DJ Rankin can finally rest in peace - no longer the worst disease that happy hardcore has inflicted upon humanity)


And, just to clarify. There was a big stink about a "kidnapping" that 4lung allegedly performed.

It was sussy as frick (Driving a minor home? Really?) but there's enough reasonable doubt to have been a misunderstanding. Consider it struck from the record.

Current events do make it seem less innocent though :imwatchingyou:


A meet which used promotional art from Nick with the organizer (June/FUNNYDOGMEATS) diligently blocking anyone :marseyerasure: :stoningbans: who asked about his association (as confirmed by the-para-files in their tumblr comments)

Also the organizer was in close contact with today's featured drama.


Sidenote: Love how those guys do all this important research behind a closed telegram group so that no-one can see. Apparently warning people is letting the groomers win.

Thanks guys, you rock! :#baffledsamhyde:


Technically, "anti-contact" refers to all "Paraphile" identities. "Paraphile" herein meaning "advocate and/or practitioner of libertarian/zoo/incest/etc."

...but I've only ever seen it used in regards to libertarianism with an optional !zoochads combo. "plain" zoophiles usually just use the zeta symbol.

Also, nobody cares about incest :mariosleeping: outside of a certain subset of angry zoomers. Ben 10 fans will always be valid :marseyben10: :marseyletsgo:

It could also hypothetically mean "I'm not a libertarian, I just support them" but somehow I don't think we need to debunk that rightwing conspiracy theory. :surerex: :picard: :bitchplease:

In addendum, I'll bring up the "therian" symbol: Ξ˜Ξ”

I've only ever seen it used in disreputable situations (a certain therian mastodon instance is pretty notorious for it's libertarian users) but I'm not prepared to call it on the same level as anything "paraphile".

Just to be safe, I'm going to quickly go through every collaborator that my nooticedar can find info on


NOT a collaborator but in the special thanks. DFE without a word a year or two ago. One brave kiwi :marseykiwimom: set out to solve this perplexing case and found...

Daxbak's boyfriend, Jack Isaac "ChubbsBare" Bare.

RANDOM OBSERVATIONS == A.K.A. "Kinda sus but no eject. :gayamongus: :trollsus:" ==


Protected around the same time as 4lung. Still in regular contact with Kandi.


Some guy that commissions tons of Kircai art and is close friends with Kandi.

(Conversation images in comments. Upload limit hit)

Here's Kandi recommending that the organizer of the fetish meet talk to Zhayde


Please note that I'm not accusing this guy of anything. He and Kandi have never interacted and I'm only posting him here because my nooticedar picked him up as a tertiary connection. :marseyschizowall:

Popular artist who's done art for 4lung in the past and is close to one of Kandi's friends (Hexy) but otherwise doesn't seem to be involved. (

"Special commission for some cool friends! [Hexy and possibly some others that I don't recognoze]"(

Highly unlikely to be in in the Seattle clique because he's Latinx and lives in Mexico (Viva la RAZA! :marseykkk:).

It's worth noting that this guy has privated his twitter a few times in the past and recently went through an OC rebrand (between march and june according to IA)

I don't mean that he got a new OC. I mean that he erased nearly every picture of his previous OC and deleted a lot of personal tweets. Now he only posts art.

This was LONG post trainout too. The ironic part is that now only the male version remains.

Just to clarify: I will NEVER criticize someone for keeping their stupid personal shit off their art twitter. That's a GOOD thing. ...weird to see it all vanish though.

And, this is complete conjecture here but... His fursona is oddly similar to 4lung's old one ...just fatter! :satokohoujoufan: :marseylaugh: Bizarre.

This next one's just for fun and not even a collaborator. :lolface: (and also technically a declaration of "dindu nuffin". I'm only putting him here because he's the earthly embodiment of that red soyjak with steam coming from his ears. :soyjakyell:)


I can't connect him to anything nasty but his account protection is kinda sussy. Maybe it was Pmurt Dlanod, idk. :marseytrump:

He's spoken with KandiCritter a few times but not often. NEXT!

In this line of thinking :marseymisinformation:, I decided to check out the (now nuked) twitter of


I have no idea why this guy has such massive clout behind the scenes because his public feed is nothing but retweets peppered with white hot wingcucked tantrums. :platysun2: Seriously, he's on another level when it comes to getting mad. He makes Kircai look like Buddha. :marseymonk:

Is this the smoking gun PROVING ONCE AND FOR ALL THAT SNAZITHUS R*PES CHILDREN? :marseypoggers:

...nah! He just pulled aggro with his election day meltdown and all the little chuddies :chuddyhappy: ganked him until he died :chudcowboy: :chudtoilet: :chudheartwarming:


And thus, I hearby announce the opening of !abdl. A new ping group for ABDL drama (there's lots of it! :pepedevil:) and interest topics. :donkeykongveryhard:

...and if you haven't already - check out my original drama writeup on the creepy owner of Adult Baby Universe!

This post is dedicated to my cat who had to be put down recently. :derpcrying:

Pour one out for my little BIPOC! :marseycantsneed: :shyyt:

Josh Moon :marseynull: after being banned from X for months gets his account back after telling the appeals process that he's Indian :marseypajeet:

:#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion: :#marseytunaktunakinvasion:


Temporary Protected Status or TPS is a legal mechanism that protects illegals from deportation. According to the gov itself, Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States.

This is a godsend for illegals from particular shithole countries because it is a literal trump card :marseycarlos: when it comes to illegal immigration. As long as TPS is extended, the date in which you had to make it to the US to apply for it keeps being rolled down, and with shitholes like Venezuela who remain unsafe given their actual dictator in chief, the prediction was that it would be free from Drumpfs list of targets as they are neither accepting deportees or stable/safe/not committing human rights abuses :marseyflagvenezuela:

TPS as a trump card is legitimately insane and lawcels use it to a ridiculous degree to prevent deportations. Notably, TPS can be used during deportation proceedings to:

>petition the court to close an ongoing deportation case, with or without the support of a prosecutor

>prevent enforcement of an active deportation order

>appeal a deportation order to then close the appeal once you have TPS

Lawcels will effectively sneed at having a large amount of clients be outright unable to avoid deportation now, as will actual beneficiaries. The sneed from beneficiaries is also going to be monumental, because a TPS beneficiary qualifies for:

>protection from deportation

>work permits to work legally

>social security number

>housing benefits and numerous forms of welfare like healthcare, cash, student loans, food stamps...

So wheres the drama? Soon to come about as the news comes out pretty late night about a niche topic. NYT has confirmed they have a copy of a Trump Administration Decision to shut down the latest renewals, meaning Venezuelans will lose their protections in 2 waves, one in April and another in September and face summary deportation unless they beg to be placed in the enormous queue for a deportation hearing. Keep an eye out for sneed sometime between tomorrow and saturday (deadline for DHS Sec to announce if renewed or banned). Once the official announcement is made and this actually hits headlines beyond one outlet, we may get a surge in Dramacoin (or it will all be unintelligible bastardized spanish).

Post here for drama coins

I never use them and I'll give you 200. :marseyshrug:

DJ, dog walker and homeopath among roles on UK skilled worker visa list :marseydogwalker:


!nooticers :marseyemojilaugh:

Canine beauticians, DJs and pilates instructors are among the categories of overseas workers eligible to apply for UK skilled worker visas, an Oxford academic has found.

As the government promises a white paper later this year to slash the numbers entering the UK to work, a list of specific and in some cases unusual "middle-skilled" jobs to which foreign workers can still apply has been identified.

Analysis of Home Office data over three years to March 2024 shows that 334 visas were granted for "animal care service occupations", which include dog groomers, dog walkers, stable hands, kennel assistants and veterinary nursing assistants.

Over the same period, 167 fitness and wellbeing instructors, who include pilates and yoga teachers and lifestyle coaches, were given skilled worker visas.

Keir Starmer is launching an immigration policy drive amid a poll surge by Nigel Farage's Reform UK party.

The list of occupations also includes "costume interpreters" – the people wearing period dress who greet visitors at museums and National Trust properties.

The anomalies were unearthed by Robert McNeil, a researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. "Many of these roles may well be challenging and require particular skills, but they might not be the sort of things that are front of mind for most people when they imagine roles that are critical for UK employers to recruit from overseas," he said.

He found them among more than 300 designated jobs on the "eligible occupations" skilled worker visas list, after flitting past professions usually associated with visa applicants such as nursing, care work, the civil service, the diplomatic corps and banking.

In a blog post on Tuesday, McNeil said the jobs were on the list because of changes introduced after the UK left the EU. "At the same time as ending free movement, the government reduced the skills threshold to allow middle-skilled jobs to qualify for work visas. Previously, only graduate jobs qualified in the system that applied to non-EU citizens.

"When people think about such middle-skilled jobs, roles like plumbers, bricklayers or engineering technicians spring to mind. But defining what is actually middle-skilled is not straightforward," he said. "Some of the results are surprising."

The "middle-skilled" list also includes "air travel assistants" – cabin crew and staff who check baggage at airports. In the year ending March 2024, 869 visas were issued for these roles. Cemetery managers, homeopaths and cycling instructors are also on the list.

Ministers have promised to tighten the rules around visas after repeatedly saying they want to reduce overall migration. Starmer accused the Conservative government of conducting an "open borders experiment" in November after revised official figures showed net migration to the UK hit a record 906,000 in 2023.

The white paper is expected to be published in spring as part of Starmer's plans to see off the political challenge from Reform. Among the proposals included in the document will be moves to reduce legal immigration, including by linking migration to skills and ensuring more British workers are trained to fill jobs commonly recruited from abroad.

It is also expected to take into account a Migration Advisory Committee review ordered by the home secretary, Yvette Cooper, to limit overseas hiring by technology and engineering companies.

But Labour is also keen to show the UK remains open to high-skilled workers by reviewing visa routes. The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, told a breakfast event at the World Economic Forum in Davos: "We are going to look again at routes for the highest skilled people, visas particularly in the areas of AI and life sciences."

Home Office sources say that while the "eligible occupations" list is eclectic, applying for a visa is just the first step in being able to come to the UK to work. Foreign workers also need to be sponsored by an employer and most are required to be paid a minimum of Β£38,700. The required income drops to just less than Β£31,000 or lower if the applicant is under 26 or engaged in certain types of higher education.

Asked to respond to McNeil's findings, a government spokesperson said: "We are grateful for the work skilled international professionals do in the UK. However, it is clear that we must end reliance on overseas labour and boost economic growth. That's why, under our Plan for Change, we will publish a white paper to set out a comprehensive plan to restore order to the broken immigration system, as we aim to link our immigration, skills and visa systems to boost the domestic workforce."

:at: :h: :space: :marseyh: :marseya: :marseyt: :marseye: :space: :marseyt: :marseyh: :marseyr: :marseye: :marseya: :marseyd:

:marseyk: :marseyy: :marseys:

Reported by:

Whose alt is this? They've got some serious baggage.




He's raised $20 for his $1M bail


you can buy one for $700

UNTAPPED REPORTMAXXXING GROUND - Redditors violently angry towards 50lb skeleton woman :marseyreportmaxxer2:

Eugenia Cooney is that obviously severely anorexic cosplay girl who has somehow managed to stay alive for a decade

She has one of those hate reddit subs. I don't really know why. Recently she did little Tiktok dances asking for Trump to save the app, so now they're saying she's pro Trump (and obviously this inspires more aggressive :soysnooseethe:)

I've always just thought she was some weird morbid curiosity but they REALLY hate this chick

:marseyretard3: Did I miss something

Most importantly and hilariously they frequently talk about how they want to "slap her", "punch her", etc. !reportmaxxers :marseyreportmaxxer2:

I thought at first this might be natural biofoid cattiness until I saw all the "punch her in the face" comments. Many of these accounts have rainbow shit. There's also some thread about her and some other internet person being "anti trans".

So I'm pretty sure these are men with Y chromosomes talking about how they want to beat the shit out of some mentally diseased skeletal twig woman :marseyxd: !transphobes

:#marseyliathomas: :marseybardfinn#: :#marseypunching:

Most of these accounts have 90% posting history in this sub. They obsessively monitor when she's live

They apparently have dreams about her :marseywut2:

I wonder if they dream about beating the shit out of her :marseyhmm:

Reported by:
Some YT Girl (Woah Vicky) Is Missing in Nigeria...and someone is demanding $1 Million for her return :marseydetermined:

She was last seen at a church and is suspected of being abducted right after

The kidnapper took her phone and went on TikTok Live!



And turns out she was just. bored!

As one can assume the reaction from the Black community went from "Please, keep her" and "This is obviously fake" to "Darnit, we wish she was really kidnapped"

but they're still mad at her for being a racist b-word

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