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Also how can gerg be a Minecraft youtuber and say he knows nothing about arguably the two most influential Minecraft youtubers of the last half decade
Gerg, I like you. So if you apologize I will forgive you. Assuming it's a genuine one
Darn gerg why you doing this to me man you make good videos [267]
I mean, it was just a small mistake. No need to treat the man like satan. [-49]
"mistake" as in purposely being an butthole to fellow creators? [54]
fastest I've ever unsubbed, what a massive L
Dead horse comment was so rude and heartless. Thinking they did something with that comment but they really just showed themselves as heartless they are when talking about the life of another human being.
Yeah that comment is cartoonishly heartless. I can't imagine what it would feel like being someone who was close to Techno and reading that. Really disgusting
(The dead youtuber's dad) I appreciate your concern, but I can honestly say it didn't bother me in the slightest. For one thing, I'm clear about Tommy's righteousness for the cause; some dude's mean tweet bounces right off that.
Hey everyone. Mr. Technodad here. I wanted to take this opportunity to answer gerg's question about how many times I'm going to dance around my boy's corpse for money. The answer is: as many times as it takes. Here's a link to Sarcoma UK, which Tommy is the spokeperson for: https://sarcoma.org.uk/get-involved/make-a-donation/
I think he forgot it wasn't 2016 anymore.
He took "we're so back in 2016" too literally
wow that 'joke' was said with a lot of contempt in their voice. [65]
I think that's part of the gag. I think you have recognised that too, well done. [-70]
you probably think shits hilarious, right? [54]
No, but I'm sure you would cast judgement if I did. [-52]
I will say that coming from him with his "edgy" "humor" it's probably meant to be rude, but as an neurodivergent- it's the kind of joke I'd make. Plus I'd fully use them as rep cause endermen are sick as heck [-30]
Autism isn't an excuse, just an fyi [32]
The techno tweet was shitty but this is the most mild "dark joke" of all time dude [-25]
It's him saying a slur and then committing (correct me if I'm wrong) blackface [16]
Am I missing something or did you just say a Minecraft skin is "commiting blackface"? [5]
his initial Minecraft skin is the default pig in a suit. For this joke, he changed it to be the darker pig. [6]
unfortunately i think he's a professional rage-baiter. it's best just to ignore him, as frustrating as that is
There's a difference in rage baiting and being an butthole, this just steps the line tbh.
Well Gerg was swiftly educated on the lore of the all powerful Blade. Then quickly regretted his poor take
Why are we defending the former child that agree only LGBTQ people can give money to other LGBTQ
@BussyBoy's apology https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Technoblade/comments/1i9t86j/_/m95kvr7/#comment-info
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Map of homophobic churches in the Oaklawn/Turtle Creek Gayborhood. Information in comments. Something you could do.
Would be a shame if something...happened...to those churches.
No it would be a shame, since they would play the victim. Also, that can be used as an excuse to not do mapping.
"Won't someone rid me of this medelsome priest?"
Don't spaypaint swastikas on those churches. Definitely don't throw a brick through their pretty windows. Absolutely do not call in a bomb threat during service. All of these things are illegal, and I'll remind you that we are a country where laws are respected and followed.
/u/Own-Weather-9919 very feminine of you
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- Aevann : who?
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Not a great way to start 2025 with the death and destruction and all but it's good to know I'll be right about everything all the time in every way for yet another year
!friendsofcarp !friendsofkong !friendsofcinnamoroll !rightchads !neverwronggang !howdoeshedoit !howdidheknow !howdoyoudoitcarp !everyone
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I'm part of a grassroots org working to fight this, but I'm seeing way too much infighting inside the community itself. I don't get it—if we're all on the same side, why do we keep tearing each other apart?
leftoids and infighting, name a more iconic duo
To be honest, reading these comments makes one thing clear—it's time to rise.
We either rise together—or fall alone. And I refuse to fall.
April 30th. We March. We Rise. We Prosper.
I'm not here to sugarcoat it—our rights, our lives, our futures are under attack. And the time for silence? That clock ran out a long time ago.
On April 30th, we take to the streets. A nationwide LGBTQIA+ March for Equality, epicentered in D.C., but rising in cities across the country for everyone who can't make it to Washington. This isn't just another protest. This is a movement. It's LGBTQIA+ focused, yeah—but this fight is bigger than just us. It's for every single person who's been pushed to the margins, silenced, beaten down, told they don't belong. We welcome ALL allies—because if they come for one of us, they come for all of us.
We will march. We will rise. And we will make darn sure they hear us from the Capitol to the White House—peacefully, powerfully, unapologetically.
This is a non-violent march—built on strength, unity, and the unstoppable power of a community refusing to be erased. Our voices are our weapons. Our passion is our fuel. And no lawmaker, no billionaire, no hate-filled agenda can drown that out.
But we're not stopping there.
We're launching a nationwide boycott—targeting companies and corporations that threw their weight and their money behind Trump and the GOP in the last election. The ones who slap rainbows on their logos during Pride Month but funnel millions to those working to strip away our rights. We see you. And we're done funding our own oppression.
This boycott isn't a one-day thing. It's a sustained, strategic stand—because if there's one language corporations speak fluently, it's profit. And when we withhold our dollars, we speak louder than any rally cry.
This isn't just about LGBTQIA+ rights. It's about human rights. About democracy. About our future.
So, whether you're marching in D.C., organizing in your hometown, or joining the boycott—stand with us. Because when we rise together, we're unstoppable. And when they try to divide us? That's when we get louder, stronger, and more united than they ever expected.
We march. We rise. We prosper.
Because this is our fight—and we're not backing down.
Spread the word.
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READING NOTE: For ghostarchive conversations involving protected accounts - check the page title to see all the relevant names!
A few weeks ago, these were handed out[-2] at a public playground in Seattle. The responsible party was an unknown quantity of people attending a regular local fetish meet.
Yes, that's just project mayhem ...but rslurred.
*record scratch* ...but, how did we get here? *Youtube channel intro *
First, some ground rules:
To ensure that there is no room for confusion, I'm going to be focusing solely on individuals directly endorsing/advocating libertarianism or associating with those that do. Consider the "cub" question (Upcoming C++ proposal! ) to be stricken from today's arguments.
Hopefully this will convince those naughty chuds warming up their inevitable "heh, just another loser mindbroken over cub art. nothingburger
" to go back to their tried and tested "Jokes in text so clearly condemning libertarianism in bad faith
These zines were created by online furry libertarian artist, Nicholas Munger, under the alias "Fwucky". (Who will now be referred to as "Nick" because no way am I typing his stupid online handle any more than I have to. He also had "normal" accounts under the alias "bigtoasty".
Here's a sample of some of his art:
Note the triangular and pawprint swirls. Libertarian symbols btw.[0]
4lung is a fairly well known train musician in the furry scene. Specifically, the babyfur scene. [1]
4lung is reportedly IRL friends with Nick and gets very cagey when asked about their relationship - responding with shit like the following:
(Note that this is in response to a previous instance of them being linked together - specifically when the first "pediverse" (https://archive.ph/7lheg) document dropped and they were listed as being associated. Their name was removed from the list under mysterious conditions; they never publically disassociated like they were asked.)
Obviously I'm just being a big meanie and bullyciding a babyfur trans queen
because they go to the same tightknit fetish meet[5] as various libertarian advocates (including the one they've never heard of) and keep appearing next to people getting exposed as predators. (nekozuna, Matthew Paul Wienecke/Stwawbwewymilk and our upcoming exclusive drama)[2.1]
I could go on a tangent about all the circumstantial evidence of an association between 4lung and Nick such as them living in the same city, tagging next to eachother (Timing of vandalism unconfirmed but the consistent proximity and long timeframe go beyond "coincidence"), the confusing motive of Nick trying to smear someone he "doesn't really know" as supporting his libertarian social views and doing so over a prolonged period, 4lung's bizarre responses about Nick until asked point blank about the zines...
...but why whittle my fingers down when I can just reveal another fricking libertarian that they're CURRENTLY friends with?
They've been interacting as far back as 2021 and eventually collaboratined on an album in 2023.
Let me introduce "KandiCritter".
Let's look at that Xitter profile.
Hmm. "anti-c".
That's as-in "anti-contact". As-in, "I'm a libertarian, but have an 'anti-contact' stance regarding children".[7]
Also, nootice how they privated their twitter around February. Coincidentally just as the first para-files doc on the "pediverse" dropped.[Ϫ]
Here's that album they collaborated on and some of their contact over the years:
Kandi was originally a footnote but the moment I saw it, I shat bricks and it went straight here. Special thanks to
@Z for baiting me into searching "babyfur" on bandcamp and finding this.
While looking for information on some 4cuck archives, I notice this peculiar exchange in a random /trash/ gooning thread...
Now. I can't prove anything ...but I think anon just accidentally hooked a big one!
Where have we seen that style of style of response before?
Technically unknown if these were actually handed out or if it was aborted due to backlash. A number of them were prepared for distribution however.
(And thus, DJ Rankin can finally rest in peace - no longer the worst disease that happy hardcore has inflicted upon humanity)
And, just to clarify. There was a big stink about a "kidnapping" that 4lung allegedly performed.
It was sussy as frick (Driving a minor home? Really?) but there's enough reasonable doubt to have been a misunderstanding. Consider it struck from the record.
Current events do make it seem less innocent though
A meet which used promotional art from Nick with the organizer (June/FUNNYDOGMEATS) diligently blocking anyone
who asked about his association (as confirmed by the-para-files in their tumblr comments)
Also the organizer was in close contact with today's featured drama.
Sidenote: Love how those guys do all this important research behind a closed telegram group so that no-one can see. Apparently warning people is letting the groomers win.
Thanks guys, you rock!
Technically, "anti-contact" refers to all "Paraphile" identities. "Paraphile" herein meaning "advocate and/or practitioner of libertarian/zoo/incest/etc."
...but I've only ever seen it used in regards to libertarianism with an optional !zoochads combo. "plain" zoophiles usually just use the zeta symbol.
Also, nobody cares about incest outside of a certain subset of angry zoomers. Ben 10 fans will always be valid
It could also hypothetically mean "I'm not a libertarian, I just support them" but somehow I don't think we need to debunk that rightwing conspiracy theory.
In addendum, I'll bring up the "therian" symbol: ΘΔ
I've only ever seen it used in disreputable situations (a certain therian mastodon instance is pretty notorious for it's libertarian users) but I'm not prepared to call it on the same level as anything "paraphile".
Just to be safe, I'm going to quickly go through every collaborator that my nooticedar can find info on
NOT a collaborator but in the special thanks. DFE without a word a year or two ago. One brave kiwi set out to solve this perplexing case and found...
Daxbak's boyfriend, Jack Isaac "ChubbsBare" Bare.
RANDOM OBSERVATIONS == A.K.A. "Kinda sus but no eject.
" ==
Protected around the same time as 4lung. Still in regular contact with Kandi.
Some guy that commissions tons of Kircai art and is close friends with Kandi.
(Conversation images in comments. Upload limit hit)
Here's Kandi recommending that the organizer of the fetish meet talk to Zhayde
Please note that I'm not accusing this guy of anything. He and Kandi have never interacted and I'm only posting him here because my nooticedar picked him up as a tertiary connection. 
Popular artist who's done art for 4lung in the past and is close to one of Kandi's friends (Hexy) but otherwise doesn't seem to be involved.
https://rawrdcore.bandcamp.com/album/act-my-age (https://ghostarchive.org/archive/MZbOE)
"Special commission for some cool friends! [Hexy and possibly some others that I don't recognoze]"(https://e621.net/posts/5039593)
Highly unlikely to be in in the Seattle clique because he's Latinx and lives in Mexico (Viva la RAZA! ). https://www.ghostarchive.org/archive/w9E3e
It's worth noting that this guy has privated his twitter a few times in the past and recently went through an OC rebrand (between march and june according to IA)
I don't mean that he got a new OC. I mean that he erased nearly every picture of his previous OC and deleted a lot of personal tweets. Now he only posts art.
This was LONG post trainout too. The ironic part is that now only the male version remains.
Just to clarify: I will NEVER criticize someone for keeping their stupid personal shit off their art twitter. That's a GOOD thing. ...weird to see it all vanish though.
And, this is complete conjecture here but... His fursona is oddly similar to 4lung's old one ...just fatter!
This next one's just for fun and not even a collaborator. (and also technically a declaration of "dindu nuffin". I'm only putting him here because he's the earthly embodiment of that red soyjak with steam coming from his ears.
I can't connect him to anything nasty but his account protection is kinda sussy. Maybe it was Pmurt Dlanod, idk.
He's spoken with KandiCritter a few times but not often. NEXT!
In this line of thinking , I decided to check out the (now nuked) twitter of
I have no idea why this guy has such massive clout behind the scenes because his public feed is nothing but retweets peppered with white hot wingcucked tantrums. Seriously, he's on another level when it comes to getting mad. He makes Kircai look like Buddha.
...nah! He just pulled aggro with his election day meltdown and all the little chuddies ganked him until he died
And thus, I hearby announce the opening of !abdl. A new ping group for ABDL drama (there's lots of it! ) and interest topics.
...and if you haven't already - check out my original drama writeup on the creepy owner of Adult Baby Universe!
This post is dedicated to my cat who had to be put down recently.
Pour one out for my little BIPOC!
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There are two definitions of doxing (alt. doxxing):
a. Form of harassment in which personal information is used to intimidate, threaten, or distress others.
b. Searching / archiving public information and reposting it.
The Kiwi Farms has always had rules against contacting people. We've always had rules against threatening or extorting people. We've always had rules against encouraging other people to do those things ("someone should...").
In the last year especially, the word doxing has become popularly realigned from the second definition (which originated online in the 2000s) to the first (which was popularized by journos).
The law has extended harassment definitions in many jurisdictions to include online harassment which utilizes personal information. This is in the same way "cyberbullying" is a crime, but "cyberbullying" does not mean any form of online critique: it specifically refers to students in highschool or college harassing their peers online in such a way to intimidate them from going to school. Doxing has become criminalized, but as an extension of already criminal behavior under the first definition, usually applied to people who already know each other in real life.
The fact that this subculture invented the term and abides within the law is irrelevant to what the average person now thinks of when they hear "doxing". That we are 'in the right' does not matter. The use of a word, which now describes a crime, to describe things which are not criminal, is detrimental to our interests and long-term prospects.
In 2025 I need the community at large to stop using the word "doxing" to describe legal information gathering and switch to anything else. The following terms have been suggested, including both verbs which describe the act of looking something up, and the noun which describes a compilation of this information.
Unmasking. *
Deanonymize / Deanon
Infodump / Infodumping
Deets. * per shawnphase
I'm not going to force any specific transfer, so you can pick whichever term you'd like and feels works best. Language is malleable and getting people to change at all is going to be hard enough.
- This is the word LFJ uses to literally dox people and harass their employers.
@Aevann please hard filter "doxing" and "doxxing" to "sunshining" and "sunshinning" even if people have filters disabled
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- ultimateredditor : i don't like your cats, they are too skinny
- Lil-Subdued-B : ^^ and i dont like your stinking attitude you fricking fascist - Lil B
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He's raised $20 for his $1M bail
you can buy one for $700 https://exothermic.tech/
- Go_Speed_Racer_Go : Boring
- Dude : Hahahahahaha no refunds
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The tone is dark, even angry.
"The situation is getting worse every day."
"We don't see the goal. Our land is not here."
I wrote multiple times that Ukraine is holding Kursk territory in hope that they get to exchange it for something.
That what they roughly lost since they hold Kursk territory
Kursk territory is more zoomed as you see on marks and there is literally nothing there except Sudzha had 6k people so no more than 10k lived in territory.
Kursk oblast has 36/km2 people and 2200/km2 in Kursk
Donetsk oblast 160/km2 its most populous oblast in Ukraine (Kiev is not oblast tho)
And metallurgy wise Donbas is like super important to Ukraine
Russian now reached shevchenko that means just a bit push to north and this will happen:
Oleksandr Kalenkov, head of Ukraine's steelmakers' association, said the loss of the Pokrovsk mine, the only domestic source of coking coal, could cause steel production to slump.
"We could make up to 7.5 million metric tons of steel by the end of the year and, for next year, we saw an increase in production to over 10 million," Kalenkov told Reuters.
"But if we lose Pokrovsk, then ... we will fall to 2-3 million tons."
It's very big deal because during conflicts, since metal and coke is used to produce weapons so wiping out 70-80% of your enemy metal production is big deal
"We don't know where to get coal if Pokrovsk is seized," he told Reuters. "It is difficult to bring it in by importing; today it is not so easy to bring it in by sea."
Ukraine produced more than 4.3 million tons of rolled steel products in January-August 2024, of which 66% were exported. EU countries accounted for 72% of the volume exported, according to the steelmakers' union.
So as you see it becomes costlier to support Ukraine. Now not only EU won't buy cheap steel from Ukraine but they also will need to support Ukraine with steel so they could produce weapons and it will be a b-word to do.
And Ukraine got in such situation because they decided to send all their elites to Kursk. Probably to capture the nuclear power plant because Ukraine also has problem with electricity so losing coal is extra damage. They failed at it, logical move would been to pull back when it was clear they won't capture it. So when best Ukrainian units were banzaing in Kursk oblast. Pokrovsk front got wrecked.
Almost four months after Ukrainian troops launched a lightning offensive into the Russian region of Kursk, text messages from soldiers fighting there paint a dismal picture of a battle they don't properly understand and fear they might be losing.
They speak of dire weather conditions and a chronic lack of sleep caused by Russia's constant bombardment, which includes the use of terrifying, 3,000kg glide bombs.
The first week Ukraine lost tons of AD including multiple patriots. Around March Russian got new lancet drones that had more range than patriots so pulling AD close to the front line is easy way to lose it. So Ukrainian are in Russian territory literally without AD. So strategically Russia had no reason to rush pushing Ukrainian out. And that story about NK ended up being fake and only genius like @pizzashill believed in it. Reason for NK story was that west is running out of ammo and SK had tons of it so khohols politician who are clearly r-slurs and don't understand Asia thought story of NK would push SK supporting Ukraine but they recently closed all help to Ukraine and told them hard no.
@pizzashill here another shit you'll believe
They're also in retreat, with Russian forces gradually retaking territory.
"This trend will continue," Pavlo wrote on 26 November. "It's only a matter of time."
Legendary high moral.
Pavlo spoke of immense fatigue, the lack of rotation and the arrival of units, made up largely of middle-aged men, brought directly from other fronts with little or no time to rest in between.
To hear soldiers complain - about their commanding officers, orders and lack of equipment - is hardly unusual. It's what soldiers often do in difficult circumstances.
Ukraine now losing in every front including Kursk and they pulling men out of other front much more important than Kursk. To hold some field in Kursk.
Also important note, this year was very green (grassy) so Ukrainian used the forest to attack Kursk oblast but during wonder leaves falls so they can't really hide or build fortifications.
Some questioned whether one of the operation's initial goals - to divert Russian soldiers from Ukraine's eastern front - had worked.
It absolutely has, pull more Ukrainian soldiers from all other fronts
The orders now, they said, were to hang onto this small sliver of Russian territory until a new US president, with new policies, arrives in the White House at the end of January.
"The main task facing us is to hold the maximum territory until Trump's inauguration and the start of negotiations," Pavlo said. "In order to exchange it for something later. No-one knows what."
I'll comment about it later because it's just a bit to much of a
President Zelensky indicated that both sides had the change of US administration in mind.
"I am sure that he [Putin] wants to push us out by 20 January," he said.
You know the beautiful part about Zelensky he always says that Putin want to capture X by some date
Also he told about bakhmut and etc.
When we didn't got even a single time confirmed by Putin.
In an effort to help Ukraine thwart Russian counterattacks in Kursk, the US, UK and France have all permitted Kyiv to use long-range weapons on targets inside Russia.
It doesn't seem to have done much to lift spirits.
"No-one sits in a cold trench and prays for missiles," Pavlo said.
Wrong Redditors are praying from their desktop trench
In October alone, Russia was able to occupy an estimated 500 sq km of Ukrainian territory, the most it's taken since the early days of the full-scale invasion in 2022.
In November they took more
And high chances that December will be even more since 3 key cities are going gg
A recent report states that Russian forces seized the entirety of the Toretsk central mine and the three adjacent terykons. The Toretsk mine is one of two main Ukrainian strongholds in the city, with the other one being the rest of the city centre. pic.twitter.com/i6lXtR9TOM
— AMK Mapping 🇺🇦🇳🇿 (@AMK_Mapping_) December 3, 2024
Toretsk is as good as gone
Toretsk, Ukraine.
— Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 (@IAPonomarenko) December 4, 2024
The plague of Russian fascism is coming. pic.twitter.com/sXw4BjUv1c
This is also a good proof since every time Ukraine is about to lose a city they crying about the city being destroyed
Russian already captured Komar so Novasylka now has no roads leading to that city (western road is also cut)
🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦The situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is critical: The Russian army has taken Stari Terny and is squeezing pincers near Kurakhove!
— ⏳Towhee 🌏☮️ (@amborin) December 3, 2024
▪️Ukrainian military analyst and propagandist B. Miroshnikov publishes another alarming report on the new successes of the RF Armed… pic.twitter.com/DnqEbBaYCx
The fight in Kurakhove is now in the power plant so at the outskirts of the city.
And despite weeks of reports suggesting that as many as 10,000 North Korean troops have been sent to Kursk to join the Russian counter-offensive, the soldiers we've been in contact have yet to encounter them.
@pizzashill where are north Korean troops ?
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) December 4, 2024
I added the original picture. pic.twitter.com/uNDloeVBde
"I haven't seen or heard anything about Koreans, alive or dead," Vadym responded when we asked about the reports.
The Ukrainian military has released recordings which it says are intercepts of North Korean radio communications.
Soldiers said they had been told to capture at least one North Korean prisoner, preferably with documents.
They spoke of rewards - drones or extra leave - being offered to anyone who successfully captures a North Korean soldier.
They treating North Koreans like call of duty kill steaks
"It's very difficult to find a Korean in the dark Kursk forest," Pavlo noted sarcastically. "Especially if he's not here."
Veterans of previous doomed operations see parallels in what's happening in Kursk.
From October 2023 until July this year, Ukrainian forces attempted to hold onto a tiny bridgehead at Krynky, on the left bank of the Dnipro River, some 25 miles (40km) upstream from the liberated city of Kherson.
The bridgehead, initially intended as a possible springboard for advances further into Russian-held territory in southern Ukraine, was eventually lost.
The operation was hugely costly. As many as 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers are thought to have been killed or gone missing.
The ironic part it was UK who planed this mission
🚤🇺🇦 Great Britain convinced Ukraine to start an operation on the left bank of Dnipro river in Krynky in 2023, — UP
— MAKS 24 🇺🇦👀 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) November 18, 2024
❗️The maximum task was the departure of AFU to the border with Crimea. The minimum task was to expand the bridgehead on the left bank, cut the M-14 highway 5-7 km… pic.twitter.com/gvHnJFfi6y
Military analysts insist that for all the hardship, the Kursk campaign continues to play an important role.
"It's the only area where we maintain the initiative," Serhiy Kuzan, of the Ukrainian Security and Cooperation Centre, told me.
They just at start of the article told Ukraine is losing ground in that direction and showed maps and this guy comes and says they have the initiative
And here comes the BEST PART
You see Zelenskyy assumes Trump will come on January 20 and the whole front will freeze. He thinks Putin doesn't see Zelenskyy goal. But the reality is Burger politician basically don't work in December and January and then work very half assed in February. From January 20 to January 27 Trump will be just partying and receiving calls from different world leaders, then he will need to appoint a date to talk with Putin and Zelenskyy. Even if we assume Putin wants to freeze the conflict it will take MONTHS. But Putin don't need it and he has tons of buttons to prolong it and one important button is, Zelensky need to become legal before Putin would talk to him and that's not what Zelensky would want to play because there is huge chances he loses the power. So whole plan of holding Kursk territory to exchange it for something is giga low iq.
Zelensky was also angry last week at western media for saying Ukraine lost 70k men
More than 100,000 soldiers have been charged under Ukraine's desertion laws since Russia invaded in
So Zelenskyy is still suggesting that Ukraine lost only 31k and most are civilians while at same time having over 100k deserters
Putin sees this, everything shows Ukraine is in shit. Wisest move would been if Zelensky told today hey we giving those full 5 oblast including parts that are under our control to Russia for peace deal.
And giga jfl and ISW homos who were always telling us if Ukraine loses something that it ain't important and soon Russian advances will lose tempo
4/ Russian advances through Hrodivka will likely slow as Russian forces begin to fight through the settlement's more urban areas, and Russian forces may struggle to maintain their current tempo of advance as they attempt to advance further west to Myrnohrad (just northeast of… pic.twitter.com/s7CpOuInst
— Institute for the Study of War (@TheStudyofWar) August 21, 2024
6/ ...although Russian forces may struggle to maintain their current offensive tempo into the future if Russian authorities conduct additional redeployments from reserve forces in Donetsk Oblast.
— Institute for the Study of War (@TheStudyofWar) September 14, 2024
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, Sept. 13, 2024: https://t.co/SEKJTxxS1R pic.twitter.com/ydW78gWisn
This how Redditors now coping while
This is the reality. But Zelenskyy needs nato but nato don't want Ukraine so nato is thinking about alternatives like making Ukraine like Germany during Cold War or bringing peace forces into Ukraine.
Those all are fantastic ideas but they are coming from homosexuals that planned the isolation of Russia and strategical defeat of Russia on battlefield.
So they don't realise Putin started it because he don't want Ukraine in nato or any nato soldiers in Ukraine. He survived the majority of EU hardware, giving Ukraine 600 Taurus won't do shit or Tamohawks
Russian even planning to cross dniper.
🇺🇦⚔️ Ukraine’s allies have shifted their focus from seeking a victory to trying to put Zelensky in the best position to counter Russian advances or negotiate a possible ceasefire, - Bloomberg
— MAKS 24 🇺🇦👀 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) December 4, 2024
❗️The discussion includes the kind of security guarantees that would protect Ukraine,… pic.twitter.com/c9AtHbIemq
This what homo that for 3 years been posting Ukraine is winning
And seems like Biden team r-sluration didn't stoped with 11 years of pardon to Hunter
They want to give Russian frozen assets to Ukraine that's literally stealing and giga low iq move. US is showing the world that its banks can't be trusted and they can change rules at will. But they ain't planning to do it they just want to sell bs to US citizens. They saying they giving that money as loan to Ukraine. In other words that's not Russian money, Biden team just gives Ukraine 50 billions as loan. Ukraine will never pay back and US citizens will be forced to pay Russian back.
This is also good example why mobilisation won't work. Ukraine doesn't have many young boys and statistics like this always try to paint a more favourable picture for Ukraine.
Also do you remember how happily you were when Ukrainian women were refugees telling how they bring young women and children ?
We got more Ukrainian 35-39 post wall roasties than 18-30 year old foids and if we count 30+ post wall roasties it will be multiple times more than all younger groups. And you know what those roasties bring ? Economical damage. An average or below average 35 year old Pier, Pedro, Peter can easily get foid his age. So we got more goods that was already offered more than it was demanded
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Technology? !chuds !nooticers !trump2024
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Someone posted a thread in /r/montereybay that was just "what do you guys thinks of Elon Musk's nazi salute". Mods ended up deleting the thread which then caused this follow up thread to be posted. The Nazi mod's explanation:
The post was removed because it had nothing to do with Monterey Bay.
This is the /r/MontereyBay subreddit, which is for discussion of things related to well...the Monterey Bay. When you visit the /r/bicycling subreddit, you go there expecting bicycle-related content. When you visit /r/television you expect discussion of television shows. That's what subreddits are for. To allow people to find places to discuss specific topics. It also allows people to avoid certain topics as well.
The discussion happening in that thread was no different than any of the other threads on the other political subreddits. There was no relation to the Monterey Bay whatsoever. That's why it was removed. Seemed pretty clear to me (and to the many people who reported the post saying it was off topic as well).
Now we have this thread where people are coming up with minor conspiracy theories and conjecture. Assuming that the mods have a political bias, saying things like "RIP Democracy" and the like.
The post was removed because it does not relate to the Monterey Bay at all. That is it. End of story. I figured people would find that to be pretty obvious. If you want to come up with some wild theory in your head, go for it. But that was not why it was removed. If you would like to discuss politics that to not pertain to our area, visit /r/politics, /r/worldnews, and the like. Thank you.
Don't bother reading it, just stuff.
Wow, I woulda never expected some folks in Monterrey Bay to be apologists for a nazi - but here we are...
There are some aggressive Nazi apologists in this thread. I don't know how many are actually in the area, but I take heart in the fact that this post has overwhelming more up votes than downmarseys, and people seem to think this was a valid concern.
Never stop the fight and trust no one, brother.
Monterey is a hotbed of silent conservatives. They nod and smile at the concessions that allow equality but secretly they wallow in a Republican pit of wealth and willful ignorance. It's all golf and landscaping and real estate with occasional nods to the actual rights of all Americans. The scum of the earth have elected Trump and support Musk, and their trappings of wealth and opulence can't hide that they're just as ignorant as the toothless rednecks who live in a low-life world of Walmart junk and addiction to their own stupidity.
Agreed- and maybe those silent conservatives should speak up. If 'conservative' now means Nazism, then just own it and let rest of us roast them on Reddit, any sub.
Lol what?
Hello. I commented on the post. I find it deeply concerning that this post was removed without the mods talking to us.
Since that post was deleted let me just restate this… Frick Nazis.
I'd like to better connect to my community and yes, I am willing to go on the news or have a cross burned in my yard. I'm here for my community and to stand up for those in it.
This poster is willing to stand up for Nazis I guess? Not sure how else to take it.
I didn't see the post, what did the post about Elon have to do with Monterey Bay?
(OP) National politics concern local politics finding comfort with a local community helps deal with broader anxieties. And finally this one is important, explicitly pertaining to Monterey is not included in the subreddit rules.
OP brings up a good point that it doesn't go against the rules.
You think the lowering of democratic standards is something people shouldn't complain about? What the frick is wrong with you? You think what is happening in DC right now is just another average day? Read something. Learn before you comment. Every decent history book will enlighten you to the fact that fascism is the enemy of a free society and reading about it might open your eyes to why Trump and Musk need scrutiny.
Mods of this app are liberal leftists. They will shut down ban and take down anyone or anything they dim a threat to their views. This is not a surprise that they take down anything that even remotely threatens their views.
- TotalVatniggerDeath : thoto haram
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The social accounts of Internet personality ‘Woah Vicky’ are claiming she has been kidnapped with a $1 MILLION demand for release. pic.twitter.com/Bdn4r1WlDr
— Pop Base (@PopBase) December 29, 2024
UNVERIFIED: Woah Vicky reportedly kidnapped in Nigeria. And a ransom demand of $1 million has been made by the perpetrator via the American's X account pic.twitter.com/flOsMuANyY
— keneci News (@Kenecifeed) December 29, 2024
She was last seen at a church and is suspected of being abducted right after
The kidnapper took her phone and went on TikTok Live!
And turns out she was just. bored!
UPDATE: Woah Vicky says she started the false rumor that she was kidnapped in Nigeria.
— keneci News (@Kenecifeed) December 29, 2024
“I was just bored forgive me y’all,” she said.
Her fans and critics were not amused however, with many slamming her for spreading such rumor using a country that kidnapping actually happens… pic.twitter.com/bJISJ4v0kJ
As one can assume the reaction from the Black community went from "Please, keep her" and "This is obviously fake" to "Darnit, we wish she was really kidnapped"
but they're still mad at her for being a racist b-word
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- BigBlackCockatiel : Looks like generic gatcha mmo trailer
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!kino Ne Zha 2 might actually make over 2 billion dollars and be a strong contender against Avatar 3 later this year.
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So, this is a bit late, I celebrated Thanksgiving a week early so didn't have time to play, so let's pick up where we left off.
So it's well known that, at some point, this game was planned to be a live service title. You can see a bit of that in the faction areas.
You earn rep, there are rep grinds, and unlock rep tiers, to get new items from rep merchants. Kinda like Destiny.
The Veil Jumpers want us to find their missing remembers a check in on a town that's gone dark. All your current party members (4) come with, which makes me wonder why they reduced the party size to 3 . On the way to the village the game takes the opportunity to show case 1 of the only 2 thing your party members are good for. Puzzles, kinda, will get to that later.
I'll say this about the art direction of it really does take the bite out of the mysticism and grandeur of a lot of thrse places we've only heard about in the previous games [emphasis on games]. I guess that's an inevitability when it comes to AAA soulless slop
The blighted village segment is another talkie hallway, I guess they were trying to build atmosphere here m, but the lighting is too bright and the cringe writing prevents anything from seeming eerie like blighted infestation used to be.
It ends with what a lot of people are calling a moral quandary, it's not really as rook is hard coded as good in their background, but yeah you get to choose to either free the mayor or leave him to die.
We return to the Veil Jumpers to report that the mystery neighbors have control of and are spreading the blight. Nostalgia then makes a cameo
I saw a crow flying around throughout arlathan and suspected it was her. As one would imagine, since near not a darn thing carries over from the previous games her appearance boils down to "Remember me tis I Morrigan, witch of the wilds, I'm important!"
We're nudged to return to the ritual site to find a mcguffin. At this point the skill tree is made available to me.
It creates the illusion of depth, lots of increase by 5% and all that crap, not much in the way if actual abilities and what little there are pretty underwhelming, and doesn't nothing more than scratch the enemy. I suspect this is largely due to me playing rogue. I felt all the promotional materials leading up to the game and the stylistic choices when it comes to abilities were encouraging to player to play a mage. The mage, from what I've seen, seems to have the most thought put into it as well. You get 3 mage party members in this game though so frick that.
We encounter more new darkspawn, look how they massacred my hurlock boi. At this point enemies become more spongey, particularly the Hurlocks that engage in spear chucking. The bow is this game low key kinda shit. It's like a shitty version of the Kingdoms of Amalur bow, particularly because Veilguard combat is largely dueling, like stellar blade, where as Kingdoms of Amalur is more action packed and the bow is meant to integrated into combos with other attacks, same can't be said for the Veilguard which results in one-sided sniper battles. The ranged units aren't any softer upclose either, and the game's parry system shits itselfif a ranged enemy is compelled to shoot you point blank.
After traversing the rest of the ruins we finally corner the ghoul who to Solas' mcguffin. This boss fight was kinda tedious, not a fan of bosses dipping out for a bit and summoning henchmen to distract you especially in multiple phases. After the first phase Harding pick up the mcguffin and turn into bullshit. I DID like how she girl bosses you out the way though.
This is when the game introduces the only other feature that companions are good for, combos.
This pretty much the extent of the combat usefulness of your party members, which is what I suspected would be the case when I saw the companions didn't have health bars in the gameplay reveal. I really hated this aspect about thw mass effect games, squadmates by and large just felt like dead weight compared to party members in other RPGs and you have even less control over your party in the Veilguard, and not only that their abilities are a on a global cooldown as well, so you're resigned to watching the spectacle of your party member leaping around launching impotent attacks dramatically while doing something actually worthwhile once every 60 seconds or so. Rook's abilities are fortunately not constrained in this manner, at least on the rogue.
So we beat the boss, retrieve the mcguffin get a scene with tge mystery neighbors, which I got to say, Ghilan'nain looks pretty cool. With the mcguffin in hand you now can use it to emulate any unlocked companions unique puzzle power, making them even more useless We return to the lighthouse and I decide to change my Rook's hair.
Have another conversation with Solas and then set off following leads on the mystery neighbors around Thedas this leads us to the crossroads
which is a sort of hub area between the various zones in the game. It has side content of its own, which are mostly flashbacks of Solas' rebellion against the gods
He had hair back then. These are kinda shit, narratively, so far, they do really portray the world Solas described at the end of trespasser and as of now are only focusing on the two currently free mystery neighbors and not the rest pantheon. From the crossroads we can unlock Treviso and Dock Town for now.
Treviso is
Seems they didn't completely nerf the cake in this game The Qunari military has invaded Treviso for some reason. Antiva has now standing army, just the reputation of it's infamous assassin's guild,
a reputation that's changed for the altruistic. This once pragmatic league of assassins have now take on responsibility of protecting the citizens from the qunari and disturbing le heckin' wholesome shelter and welfare.
The crows tell you of Lucanis one of their mage killers that's locked in a underwater prison. Like most underwater sections in my experience, this place kinda sucks, it's boring and tedious to navigate through (yes I'm aware it is a circle, but it's a lumpy disjointed circle. Lucanis doesn't preform any better as a melee character than the, thus far range party members I've been working with so far. The final boss of the area is the most bullet spongy enemy I fought so far and he's protected by a barrier which I'm apparently supposed to use my rubber band arrows against. After about 25 minutes of peppering this dude I finally beat him and get lucanis as a companion.
Next stopDock Town
I get Dock Town is a slum but it really doesn't live up to the hype of tevinter that the 2018 showed off with all the magical neon signs and such.
Here you help the shadow Dragons fighting off venatori and learn they can control the darkspawn courtesy of the mystery neighbors.
This mission ends in another mage boss fight, though thankfully not as bullet spongy, just henchman spamming. With these two missions complete the game opens up and let's you engage in side missions.
I decided to help out neve in Dock Town. This turned out to be another talkie hallway mission, and there's a pattern here, as all companion's first missions are like this.
Decide on ripping the bandaid off of the black character immediately, and went on the mission to recruit Davrin.
So far he's okay on his own, and I really like his interaction with shrimp fried rice, a good depiction of elves from the sane culture, but different clans and circumstances in life, for this game at least. I didn't realize however that recruiting Davrin would immediately railroad me into a major choice involving the fate of two major cities and the side quest with in them .
I spring for Neve's city and was confronted by the spongiest most bullshit boss fight thus far.
After finally chipping away at enough of this b-word's hp to trigger her retreat the gang heads back to Treviso to find it fricked up. Lucanis is surprisingly level headed about things, but leaves the party for a bit and is hardened. I'll pause her for now and hopefully pick up sometime later next week. So far the game suffers from the same slow start inquisition did, but doesn't have the mechanical depth or the filler to experience it in of that game. There are few plot hooks however the motivate me to keep on trudging along.