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So what alot of you whitoids who might be reading this do not realize is that this is basically the moderately bad version of family dynamics in a "save face society". The foid is the vid is obviously losing her shit. Paraphrasing what she is saying and I may have missed a bit," I eat for free yeah? If something happens to me that is the mother-in-laws fault. Yes I am CRAZYYYYYY!Couldn't translate. Motherlover! You are going to falsely accuse me? You are going to falsely accuse me?"
Now if you know the average person of Indiaspeaks then the comments in the comments section should come as a surprise to you, because this is a crowd that is blackpilled on the feminist menace in India, yet more than half of them appear to be trying to at least partially justify the behavior of the women and explaining how while we should hear both sides, it could indeed be an issue of a women losing her head after taking enough shit from her husband or the husbands family.
One of the commenters even goes as far as to link to an article about reactive abuse.
Now I am not saying this is fact, but knowing what I know about my society and my country and my culture, generally a higher than average number of families end up with the issue of a parent/ spouse losing their shit multiple times through the first and second decade, usually worse than this with shouting matches as the weak form, and multiple cases of spouses beating one another across years once or twice per year as the more common form. This is generally ignored by everybody on the basis of 1) Their house their business and 2) Its okay to beat your spouse into submission if it stops the drama from escaping the house and destroying the peace of the neighborhood. Generally as long as any domestic violence doesn't escalate to directly attacking your neighbors, it will be ignored and treated as one of those unstable little bumps in a long term relationship that will stabilize over time.
Add on to this the fact that generally Indian foids are actually insane once they end up in the wife role having to answer to the mother-in-law, the husband, and be held responsible for any difficulty the child may be having during childrearing, along with well, being white foid adjacent in that they will never admit to a fault and will try to start shit about things just to hurt you if they feel annoyed, and then you add in the moids willingness to beat his wife into submission, actively despise her if he feels like she is not pulling her weight ( arbitrary concept ), or asks him for too much money ( you literally have the moid controlling all expenses and giving money to wife like giving pocket money to a kid in the west, and too much money being whatever the moid considers to be too much ), or making him look bad in front of the neighbors by not doing a good enough job in the wifes club hierarchy.
You end up with a combination of overworked toxic shit husbands and uneducated child like wives who are borderline r-slurred and when you combine the two you end up with a balance that emerges across decades over decades of wife beatings and wives bringing up shit about the moids weaknesses just to hurt him at random, and none of these people will ever think of divorce as an option in 99% of cases, and you pretty much end up with what you are seeing in the video.
So you know how you have those experiences of great time with Indian workers where they are all willingly to work overtime and are always polite to you? Its because all the anger and frustration is taken out the back at home because in Indian society you aren't supposed to attack those above you or frick up the workplace atmosphere. You can literally have your boss tell you to fix up the drama with your wife if he feels the work is being disturbed by it, and well, most of the moids will do what it takes to make the wife behave correctly.
Again, I have always argued that there is no such thing as one sane gender in a society. Either both are fricked up in their own ways, or both are healthy and well in their own ways.
In India currently both are fricked up in their own ways and my only proof to you the westoid that it is the truth is that you need only see the comments of the post I linked where half the moids who are blackpilled on the foid menace are trying to excuse the foids behavior, because they have seen such scenes as kids with their own mothers or other women in their family losing their shit like this.
You can believe me if you want. You can disbelieve me if you want. But my experience tells me that if you tried to argue with the average Jeet on the street about how a husband beating discipline into their wives is wrong, or how a woman having a psychotic episode like that needs help and to be taken away from whatever caused her to breakdown like that, then the adult you are talking to is far more likely than you would like, to reply that these things happen, as if they are a natural part of life, with the only solution being to hide it once the moment passes and pretend it doesn't exist, because of the loss of face if others get to see your dirty laundry.
Also the reactive abuse gaslamping in India is 100% real. I have seen it first hand multiple times across different people. A society where the last generation was okay with wife beaters, and the next generation is expected to have its own share of wife beaters, generally ends up with foids putting up with wife beaters. A society where the last generation was okay with borderline mentally r-slurred women for wives, and the next generation is expected to have its own share of borderline mentally r-slurred women for wives, generally ends up with moids putting up with borderline mentally r-slurred foids.
There is ofcourse also the possible chance of the foid just being a psycho b-word and the moid being a decent person. BPD foids exist in India as well.
So there are two scenarios here based on the vid linked:
I have some fricked up memories from growing up. But I am not an outlier in that I have those memories, but rather I am an outlier in the fact that I am actively disgusted by them and am willing to consider the elders in the wrong. This puts me in direct opposition to the good boys of my country and if I tried to justify my disgust they would in turn be disgusted with me for not valuing family enough to excuse and justify the culture of wife beaters and psychotic BPD b-words in my country.
The average Indianlet's reasoning is genuinely that "but they are our parents so coming from abusive homes is okay. We all have shit like this happen every once in a while so it is okay."
Which is why I cannot relate to my own people, because our value systems can never synchronize. I see nothing wrong with going to a foid and going,"Wanna frick?" but see everything wrong with hurting ones own family. The average Jeet I have conversations with about morality has a problem with you trying to frick their sister outside of marriage but no issue with excusing domestic violence. In my experience hitting ones spouse at best registers with them as a wrong to be ignored because there is nothing you can do about it, and hitting ones kids doesn't even register as a wrong deed at all.
It is a people more offended by seeing a woman they know being called a whore than they are by a woman they know being beaten by her husband like a whore by an abusive pimp. The dark comedy part is that the jeet foids are this way too. They would rather be beaten by their husbands like whores being disciplined by an angry pimp, than to have a person outside call them a whore.
As my final note, I am not saying that all Indians are shit or all Indians are terrible, but rather that when things go on the bad path in Indian family structures, this is generally the form that it takes.
I am born of this land but I will never be of my people. It is a lonely existence.
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I have 2FA on (authenticator based not phone number based), I use a randomly generated password, I've removed all active sessions, but someone keeps changing the password somehow and adding a new phone number. I don't know why either they haven't tried to buy anything.
How tf are they doing it. If it happens again I'm probably just gonna close the account as I barely ever use it.
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A man working at a cemetery in North Dakota was stopped in his tracks recently by the peculiar sight of three turkeys repeatedly circling a gravestone. pic.twitter.com/avV0HjO3kU
— New York Post (@nypost) February 16, 2025
What did the mean by this?
- peepeehands : don't doxx me
- BernieSanders : he's right tho lmao
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The plane that crashed in Toronto was a Delta flight operated by Endeavor Air, a small airline obsessed with all-female "unmanned" flights pic.twitter.com/pYMS3kdpQy
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 19, 2025
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There is no way such a creature can just occur. Them and bed bugs prove the Lord's existence.
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Hey so there are several other options for who could play Eggman @SEGA Here’s just a few personal suggestions than a genocide supporter #recasteggman https://t.co/TScQmP0gVY pic.twitter.com/JFc09rDDHb
— Frost Ace (@FrostAceReal) February 24, 2025
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Conservatives somehow find their butt
Redditards love their fanfiction
Gays go splat when they hit the ground
Looks like Berlin needs more bombing
Clever comebacks?
A reminder that all redditards are low functioning psychopaths and should be sterilized so they won't molest their children
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Wow how shocking and strange and unusual. https://t.co/ed7jbj9oh1
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) February 22, 2025
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I'm working on my magnum opus of foid hating. I'm going to be a little light on the rightoid patrolling until the work is finished. my days consist of getting wasted and finishing my work.
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Developing AI regulation before developing AI models and then bragging about it is the most EU thing ever pic.twitter.com/qyd6dgTxjE
— Lina Seiche (@LinaSeiche) January 27, 2025
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People living in first world countries typing from cozy air conditioned rooms while drinking a cup of overpriced starbucks coffe as usual won't understand that maybe, just maybe, giving up your civil liberties to gain the perk of being able to go to work every day without the very real fear of you or your family falling victim to crime violence, might actually be a decent tradeoff.
When a country's institutions have been corrupted to the point of allowing crime related violence rise to those levels, it's a clear sign that its democracy has already been long subverted.
It's very rich for us in countries privileged with at least somewhat functional law and order and no essentially paramilitary criminal cabals in control of a shocking amount of the country to judge a country resorting to extreme measures due to a literally insane homocide rate.
The biggest tell will be if powers are relinquished when the cartels have been crippled to a degree where they cannot easily return.
Privileged little redditors will always find a way to preach about how they could easily find a way to fix all those issues, while preserving their virtuousness on top of their moral high horses.
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indigenous woman who is also a vidya designer, on the "indigenous" section on CBC:
Neighbor why are "indigenous" and "aboriginal" activist foids always like the Whitest motherlovers on the planet?
When the video game Custer's Revenge first came out more than 30 years ago, a successful boycott eventually caused it to be pulled from store shelves The controversial video game, made for the Atari 2600 by Mystique (now defunct), depicts indigenous women tied to trees and cacti and r*ped.
When indigenous game designer Elizabeth LaPensée found out this game was again available for play online she took to Twitter to voice her outrage.
"The game reinforces systemic violence against native women," said LaPensée.
Daniel Starkey, a Chickashsha Nation game journ*list, was researching a story about Native American representation in games when he came across YouTube videos of Custer's Revenge. Starkey spoke with LaPensée about his find. The two of them were able to find several game-play footage videos on YouTube, but it wasn't until Starkey dug deeper that he actually found a playable link to a remade version of the game.
"I'm not in a position to go to that link, download it and play it. I don't know how far back that would put me in my personal healing," said LaPenśee from her home in Oregon. But Starkey did download the game to prove that it can be played.
"[It] made me sick to my stomach and brought me to tears," said Starkey. "I respect its right to exist, but it's almost impossible for me to figure out how anyone could consider the game of cultural value to anyone."
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LaPensée is a former game journ*list turned game designer. Until now, LaPensée had not spoken out against violence against women in video games. The gaming industry has come under fire for its sexual harassment against women and female game designers and journ*lists have had their safety and lives threatened.
LaPensée said she has stayed quiet for this very reason.
"If anyone were to attack me in that way, I just don't have the allies in the game industry who would help protect me and look out for me, I have the native community too," said LaPensée.
For me stepping out isn't just about the game industry, it's about personal experiences and having to be the voice of someone who is part of a statistic, that a game like this is reinforcing what creates that statistic.
- Elizabeth LaPensée, video game designer
LaPensée, who designs games that promote indigenous heritage and healing, said her decision to speak out now is based on her career's work.
"This has been my whole life's work, starting off as a g*mer and then looking at native representation in video games. And finding the places that we can step up, and step in and define our representations ourselves," said LaPensée.
"For me stepping out isn't just about the game industry, it's about personal experiences and having to be the voice of someone who is part of a statistic, that a game like this is reinforcing what creates that statistic."
In the last 24 hours, since LaPensée`s initial tweet and the follow-up Twitter conversation, several videos of game-play footage have been taken down. Starkey added the footage violates YouTube's terms of service by containing explicit content and uncensored nudity.
LaPensée said that even though a game like this exists, the indigenous community can change the narrative by replacing the content with positive messages.
"We can make games too. We're completely capable of it. The cowtools are much more accessible, the technology is much more accessible than it used to be," said LaPensée, adding a lot of her work is responding to a game like this.
Holy fricking shit, imagine sperging out about a game that was 31 years old (now 41) by the time this article was written, this is even more pathetic than the Brapzilian Pentecostal TV channel in 2011 sperging out against Duke Nukem 3D , this is like if Jack Thompson came back from the shadows and started to shit on Doom and Doom 2 30 years later