Politician that absolutely does not have dementia has an accurate view of current events


@DestoryerCarbine was just banned :c

This is extremely unfair :C

He's one of my best friends

I feel so sad

Low effort Chud Post :chudspin:

@Lappland @Grue

Techcel Trumpchuds are having MASSIVE buyer's remorse after realizing Trump 2.0's tech policy is to absolutely nuke the shit out of the tech industry with jeets :marseyxd:

The Republicans are partly doing this as revenge against the bigtech anti-Trumpers but also because the VC douches that backed Trump want cheap labor.

Do you think the Democrats that work at all the bigtech are going to pivot right on immigration in the coming years after getting replaced?

Looks like it if you look at the coding subreddits.

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Join us in solving the weekend crosswords


The crossword we are currently solving is:

LA Times, Sun, Jan 12, 2025


NY Times, Sun, Jan 12, 2025


LA Times, Sat, Jan 11, 2025


NY Times, Sat, Jan 11, 2025


NY Times, SUPER MEGA, Dec 1, 2024


Thanks for playing!

Remember when those BIPOCs on TikTok discovered check fraud

Bottom coin leaderboard when

!metashit !deadBIPOCstorage



You say that but we know the clout chasing for the mythical "modern audience" wasn't working so logically the next extreme is to advertise against it to see what happens. :chudsmug:

Like neighbor the "modern audience Xwitter purple hair hambeasts" are the ones who do not play video games wtf, will redditors start saying that vaccines cause autism next year when it comes to them hijacking rightoid talking points from the past 5 years? :marseyconfused2: !g*mers !chuds

r/politics has finally gone full BlueAnon :marseykamakama:


Reddit Revolutionaries call for mass killing of government officials
@Sneedman regret having circumcised @Sneedman's baby


@Sneedman say this as a feminist ally.

No he was a hecking nazirino :soyjaktantrum:

I don't know how these leftishits still have gall to lecture us about morality while rest of the app is their countrymen fantasizing about genociding us.

Never claimed we were cute twink

Like you're a woman

Heroic golems of a foreign race lmao. Wish every single one of those traitors had been eaten by Japs.

But it was? :marseyconfused2: Destroying the yurape empires makes everything else they did justified. :marseyserioushatfact:

You're literally gayreek bro.

:chudconcerned: :marseyfoidretard!:

Prison wife pickmeishas are my new TikTok obsession :marseysparkles:

This lady has made vids about her prison scroteoid for years and he apparently just got out. The Tr-mp hat really brought it all together :taychefkiss:

She has hundreds of posts like this lol

I guess she probably made a fair amount of money from this schtick though so.. slay I guess?? You better hope he doesn't have a !moidmoment and kill you though girl

A germoid married some Amerikkkan prison man

Girl he better be emotionally available!! What else does he have to do all day???

Not the pickmeisha mom!!

Meanwhile this is what y'all's m*n are doing while they're in prison

Would you vote for your gf?

!Meowr !foidmoment

@Reddit_lies :marseypearlclutch: about heckin war crimerinos over literal Nazis getting carpet bombed :marseysuspicious:

!Nonchuds Mask off moment

"but muh civilians" Nazis deserved all that they got just like Japs deserved to get nuked

Trump Cultists Watch: Day 7

Lots of small crazy today.

My favorite is and together.

  • Being a pin cushion is one of the requirements to be braindead enough to serve in the armed forces and always has been. Washington did the first mandatory vax program. Also of note none of them had religious objections to the dozens of other vaccinations they were forced to get.

  • The mandate was revoked in 2023 already and some chose to reup at that point. Trump is offering gibs, nothing more. TBH its pretty r-slurred they did anything, should have let the DoD decide for themselves what their vaccination requirements are.

The world leaders at patriots seem to think that soldiers who reject legitimate authority and are easily conned by fake news are valuable

This is a great strategy. Not only is it just the right thing to do. But the ones who refused the shot are the one willing to say no to authority when authority is wrong. That's who I want in my military. The ones who were forced out for "thinking" likely would never go back having been completely abandoned by everything there lives have worked for and being spit on on their forced way out. But with back pay there's a strong incentive to return, not only monetarily, but know the one in charge is willing to do the right thing and buck the system. It will bring some of our strongest minded back.

The trans ban is going to kick out ~15k people (vs the 8k the coof ban did). He tried this last time too

Its a shame it probably wont come in to effect during his term as they would get mad reparations from this.

Next up is RFKs forthcoming destruction. wherein the patriots give us another demonstration of how people who claim to hate "fake news" really like even faker news

However, a related 501(c)3 charity, The Committee to Protect Health Care Fund, does have to reveal its donors. It is funded in part by the "left-of-center Sixteen Thirty Fund (1630 Fund) and Hopewell Fund." The Hopewell Fund, in turn, has "hired Arabella Advisors, a leading national philanthropy services firm, to manage its project hosting and fiscal sponsorship services." The Sixteen Thirty Fund is likewise managed by the Arabella Advisors organization.

Arabella's donors include "Bill Gates, George Soros, and Mark Zuckerberg," according to the Capital Research Center: "Each of them has given a tremendous amount of money to (or through) the main network of Arabella Advisors-managed nonprofits and used it to create policy advocacy projects for their favorite pet sociopolitical issues."

So they don't know who funded the signatures. There is a PAC with a similar name that had 1001 donors in the last election cycle. One of those donors was Hopewell. Hopewell hired a political consultancy firm called Arabella which has also been hired by the Gates foundation. Job done boys, Gates did 9/11 and funded these signatures.

The patriots, naturally, have a balanced and nuanced view of the situation

Bill Gates needs his own "Tree Swing" for his crimes against humanity

Oh here comes the "experts" again. The experts wanted people to inject experimental poisonthst has killed thousands upon thousands now for a flu type respiratory virus.

Trump should order the DOJ to immediately investigate the committee and bill Gates for fraud

I take solace in the fact that this was a legitimate strategy they thought would work in today's media. I suspect DEI has undermined their actual intelligence base.

Frick this cute twink, can't make a product that doesn't fricking break every time you try to do something with it, he's going to decide what's good for the country?

An insufferable psychopath, tried to make money on the BudLight bounce that never happened.

Next up is a chud in Italy trying to get them out of WHO for clicks the patriots don't notice that its a bill (that will almost certainly fail) or that in normal countries legislatures decide international memberships not a god emperor.

Geopolitical experts compare it to the fall of the USSR, even though the US previously withdrew from the WHO.

This is how the Soviet Union fell. One country left, and the USSR did not have the ability to punish them. It was a signal that it was okay for other countries to leave.

The reason why we had a Civil War in America, is because our federal government had the power to stop secession. The USSR didn't, which is why they fell.

It's also why the EU was so afraid of Brexit. But the EU had the power to compel weaker countries to stay in, just look at Greece. They voted to leave the EU in 2012. The EU froze all their banks and money.

Now the WHO is collapsing, and the UN did not have the power to stop the US from leaving. How will the UN respond to other countries who follow suit?

We shall see.

When the US rejoined in 2021 it just paid back the funding gap, thats exactly whats going to happen this time. Trump being a freeloader as always. turning nothing in to something. Mexico has a treaty with the US to accept deportations and never stopped accepting them. They refused a couple of flights because the DOD had not requested permission to operate them in Mexican airspace, was a nothing burger that got resolved in a couple of hours

Every thread there seems to turn in to jew noticing

Sheinbaum. My favorite Mexican last name!

Enough about Israel. Let's talk about a different country



I'll find :soysnooseethe: as it shows up.

Reported by:
Please list your major, the majors you have beef with, and the majors you frick with
[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Why does honesty never work when dating women?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Exactlyโ€ฆ.. OP is being honest which is fantasticโ€ฆ.. that doesn't mean these women have to stick around. Good news : he isn't wasting anyone's time because he's being honest. (291)

True. The problem then becomes these women are so used to believing the thrill of a lie, that an up front truth is not refreshing, just disappointing (-11)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Honesty is working. If you don't want to build a relationship and want to have s*x and leave make it clear. Maybe you're some sort of handsome irresistible man? That's why they want to keep you if they can, but when they find out you really mean what you say then they leave. In reality, s*x is a sacred bond and causes people to be emotionally attached. Because of this, it affects your partner and creates an attachment, even if it doesn't affect you. Continue to be honest with them. They can't blame you for anything if you told them from the start that you're looking for s*x not into making love. (27)

The serious problem is that most of the time if a man says he just wants casual s*x, most women already give up. It's better to hide your goals to seduce a woman and tell the truth after having s*x. (-29)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Being honest doesn't guarantee that she will like what you have to say. (651)

Which is why you are better off just telling her what she wants to hear. (-23)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etcโ€ฆall while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put outโ€ฆam I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Your first two paragraphs - your argument is that sexual fraud (as it is called in your country) is not akin to sexual abuse because it is not as serious and the victims aren't real victims. You do not understand how s*x is viewed for women. If we find out a guy has been lying to use us - we feel shame, disgust, low self-esteem, we are more likely to accept poor treatment in future because of our lower self-worth - it's very violating and it absolutely is sexual abuse. I was in a relationship like I describe above in my earlier comment - it very much fricked with my head. Adding to it - let's make it murder instead of sexual abuse. The definition of murder I will use is "Person A took action to end Person B's life". The murder could be that A shot person B in the head and they died quickly without pain. Maybe A even had an (almost) understandable reason for wanting B dead. A murder could also be A kidnapping B, tying them down, slowly carving them up, and then setting them on fire. O... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

It is not sexual abuse for two reasons:1- This never happened, I only spoke of the hypothesis.2- Sexual abuse involves forcing and attacking, these are two things I have never done.His mentality lacked common sense. Sexual abuse is something very serious, do not try to expand this concept to other things as this is pure evil. (0)

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etcโ€ฆall while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put outโ€ฆam I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MrsKML

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Scientists :marseybrainlet: forget about chromosomes (again) :marseytrans2:


4chin post
:marseystarbucks: /r/starbucksbaristas are still defending the homeless


TL;DR: Starbucks new CEO recently announced that Starbucks will stop giving away free water or bathroom access unless you purchase something. This is part of a wider scheme to make Starbucks a "third space" again - somewhere that paying customers actually want to hang out.

You'd think that the Starbucks staff would be happy about this because it would finally give them a way to defend themselves from the assorted homeless and drug addicts who practically live in the stores, overdosing in pottys and scaring off actual customers. Well you're wrong.

For some reason Starbucks employees are obsessed with the "no more free water for non-customers" part. They don't understand that this gives them a rule that they can use to deter homeless people while still giving free water out if they want to (because who's gonna know?).

How does that solve the problem of homeless people?

lmao watercuck "please boss can I have some water I'm thirsty" "no"

Your skeleton crew would have more free time if you hadn't converted your store into a homeless shelter.

If someone's setting up a full desk in your coffee shop and hasn't bought anything yet then you should absolutely tell them to buy a drink or frick off.

I'm definitely going to visit a coffee shop that acts as a social hub for the mentally unstable.

This situation will never happen because you won't try to charge an old man $2 for water. You'll give it to him for free unless he's homeless.

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