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Curious on the logistics of that
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘
Try again! This is only true till a 50yr old with a peepee tries to watch my little girl go pee! (-38)
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
And it's the people like Republicans that vote to remove them (74)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Emma Weyant and Lia Thomas don't exist then? (-1)
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Well, you said women can r*pe too, which had nothing to do with anything we were talking about, so I thought I would get you another r*pe fact because I thought that's what was happening. But what you said had frick all to do with anything we were on about. It's an easy way of inflating assault statics that's what spitting is. It's not nice, but it's harmless. Well, unless you have aids. But 99% of the time it's harmless.The way you are defending and the points you are making, I just thought you were trans. Let's start. I'm an adult who can't hear and see words because of some bullshit. Schools are messing with kids' heads and are destroying lives because of this trans moment. The impacts this will have in the future will be more suicide. They are pushing child mutilation. Trans women are way more violent, and I don't understand how this isn't being looked into more. They're a real danger to the public. But yeah, can't be arsed with this bye. (0)
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Just like pretty much everything else, it's performative lip service bullshit that grew out of a partisan divide. The liberals were against the Vietnam war, and it was spun by the right as being against the veterans. Some of them were, of course, but not really all. Anyway, the right claimed it as some sort of moral high ground bad for preachy about it, so now everyone makes a distinction between being anti war and being anti vet by using nice, cheap words to thank them for their service rather than being inconvenienced by doing something useful for veterans. (2)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/Kennytime
Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)
Number of comments: 62
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘
Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
- SpringBussy : Billions of excuses*
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so what's up guys as some of u know i been in boot camp for the last few months. while we were there we were comparing ourselves to prisoners during mail call one day so since i hadnt nutted in a month or so my horny butt got the idea to send mail to female (actual) prisoners and see what i could get back. it's hard cuz we don't have our phones but there are a few times when u get technology so i found some online and wrote their info down so i could mail them later. all of them were pretty frickin ugly besides this cute 23 yo chick who's locked up for helping kidnap this one guy. shes hot n she wants to meet up when she gets out in 4 months. so in 4 months either i get the best kitty of my life or she murders me or both but we'll see. just thought i would update yall on how things have been going for me
- collectijism : Everyone upset it's not a Jew cry more Jews
- DickButtKiss : Cope, he's a gentile. Swamp drained
- Healthy : Tired of winning yet?
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Rightoids are killing themselves because Trump's Treasury secretary, Scott Bessent, is George Soros's personal protege. Bessent has worked for Soros since 1991, and was his Chief Investment Officer from 2011 to 2015.
He's also GAAAAAY
!nonchuds enjoy some rightoid tears
So a gay, Soros subordinate for treasury secretary. Great.
LOL. Enjoy 4 more years of these types of picks and making excuses for this BS just like we did last time.
Stage of grief: acceptance
Darn, why does a Manhattan Democrat have so many gay friends?
Don't forget to blame the JOOOOOOOOOS
Additional /r/conservative cope:
The Treasury secretary isn't in charge of deportations
No refunds!
@Turkeyvann rightoid drama
- Grue : >virtue signaling but for normal virtues || so virtue signaling
- 11
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We are now finally in an era where you can freely ‘virtue signal’ but with normal virtues.
— Staida (@staidaz) February 10, 2025
Tony from LC sign is the king.
He will be my first choice if I need a sign.
in b4
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Also how can gerg be a Minecraft youtuber and say he knows nothing about arguably the two most influential Minecraft youtubers of the last half decade
Gerg, I like you. So if you apologize I will forgive you. Assuming it's a genuine one
Darn gerg why you doing this to me man you make good videos [267]
I mean, it was just a small mistake. No need to treat the man like satan. [-49]
"mistake" as in purposely being an butthole to fellow creators? [54]
fastest I've ever unsubbed, what a massive L
Dead horse comment was so rude and heartless. Thinking they did something with that comment but they really just showed themselves as heartless they are when talking about the life of another human being.
Yeah that comment is cartoonishly heartless. I can't imagine what it would feel like being someone who was close to Techno and reading that. Really disgusting
(The dead youtuber's dad) I appreciate your concern, but I can honestly say it didn't bother me in the slightest. For one thing, I'm clear about Tommy's righteousness for the cause; some dude's mean tweet bounces right off that.
Hey everyone. Mr. Technodad here. I wanted to take this opportunity to answer gerg's question about how many times I'm going to dance around my boy's corpse for money. The answer is: as many times as it takes. Here's a link to Sarcoma UK, which Tommy is the spokeperson for: https://sarcoma.org.uk/get-involved/make-a-donation/
I think he forgot it wasn't 2016 anymore.
He took "we're so back in 2016" too literally
wow that 'joke' was said with a lot of contempt in their voice. [65]
I think that's part of the gag. I think you have recognised that too, well done. [-70]
you probably think shits hilarious, right? [54]
No, but I'm sure you would cast judgement if I did. [-52]
I will say that coming from him with his "edgy" "humor" it's probably meant to be rude, but as an neurodivergent- it's the kind of joke I'd make. Plus I'd fully use them as rep cause endermen are sick as heck [-30]
Autism isn't an excuse, just an fyi [32]
The techno tweet was shitty but this is the most mild "dark joke" of all time dude [-25]
It's him saying a slur and then committing (correct me if I'm wrong) blackface [16]
Am I missing something or did you just say a Minecraft skin is "commiting blackface"? [5]
his initial Minecraft skin is the default pig in a suit. For this joke, he changed it to be the darker pig. [6]
unfortunately i think he's a professional rage-baiter. it's best just to ignore him, as frustrating as that is
There's a difference in rage baiting and being an butthole, this just steps the line tbh.
Well Gerg was swiftly educated on the lore of the all powerful Blade. Then quickly regretted his poor take
Why are we defending the former child that agree only LGBTQ people can give money to other LGBTQ
@BussyBoy's apology https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Technoblade/comments/1i9t86j/_/m95kvr7/#comment-info
EFFORTPOST I found one of the most intriguing accounts ever on reddit, and for the first time, an actual polish radfem femcel (yea I know femcels dont exist but she gets points for being a virgin). Her entire routine consists of posting on reddit all day about how: men are evil because theyre horny, s*x is evil and degrading (true!), why we should abandon all moids to die, as well as her beliefs that the planet is a prison. When are we going to invite this xueen to rdrama?
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Heres some absolute bangers:
"Why cant you eat a fetus?"
"Its known that one of most nutrient dense foods are unborn babies. Eggs= unborn chickens, Kaviar= unborn fish. Now imagine how much protein and other vitamins a human fetus has. Im so mad bc we waste good food like this. Abortion clinics would rather throw good food into the trash instead of giving it to me. Thousands of such fetuses are throwm away each year when I could have eaten them. I hate wasting food. So why cant you eat human fetuses? They are unwanted anyways. I get that at some point the fetus starts to resemble a baby and has bones and all, but im talking about the fetuses in their boneless jelly-like form. They could have been tasty with some sweet and spicy sauce mmmm."
"Straight women in relationships with men are basically prostitutes"
"Well not really, at least a prostitute gets money out of the intercourse, you Just are forced to do it for free lmao. And she forces the man to wear a condom meanwhile your man coerces you to do it without it and you end up pregnant, with Stds or a broken heart. You see what I mean?
Ever occured to you why lesbians have less s*x than straight women? Its not bc lesbians have lower libido or sth, its bc straight women are forced to have s*x with men to maintain the " relationship" . You are still forced to have s*x whether you are a prostitute trying to make ends meet or a straight woman in a relationship.
Stay celibate."
half of her face doxx, ngl kinda cute
theres also tons of posting in conspiratard places like /r/prisonplanet, /r/ghosts
Shes also KIND of r-slurred - she, despite being a grown butt woman, doesnt know about the fresh water cycle. ! polish neighbors is euro education really this bad?
"Men could never live without women and its pathetic."
"They are slaves to their own balls and peepees. They are slaves to us and they hate to admin it. The mans life goal is to have s*x with women. Even if he says his goal is to be rich he wants to be rich to get acces to more beautiful women. Everything in a mans life revolves around getting kitty. They only think about s*x or destruction.
I once watched a movie and there was this guy who asked - what would we do if women were gone? Another guy anwsered- what do you mean we would play football or play games. Next dude replies- Yeah but there wouldnt be football players anymore, do you think they play for middle aged ret4rds or to get rich and get women?
Women make their worldgo around. Say to a man that for sure 100% he will never even get to smell a kitty and he will kill himself. Bc thats his only motivator to live. S*x. Truely pathetic.
Men are slaves to their own libido and peepee. If we were gone the whole world would collapse and mass suicides and violence would occur.
There is a sub called /r/neets and these are men who refuse to work for various reasons but mostly bc they dknt get any kitty. Their resaon is , why work if I dont get no s*x? Lmao give me a break. Shows how Men would never do anything if s*x with women wasnt on the table.
Meanwhile us women can get abything done without thinking about men and their nasty disiese ridden peepees. We have life goals higher than s*x."
just unironically adorable
nihilist redditor nonsense, kinda feel bad
ahh nahh blvd is opping with children
"Children are respected more tham women are
Title. As children we are respected and loved, we are told we are beautiful Just the way we are, we are cared for, until we grow up to be women. Then we are whores and b-words who deserve less, were told were too skinny, too fat, too loud etc. Childrens abuse is never justified Our abuse is. Honestly now I get why so many grown women are acting so childlish these days, they probably want to go back to being treated like an actual human being."
ok she actually needs help, is she trying to hang herself?
She also posts in eating disorder subreddits
Also unironically and seriously posts in /r/antisex (which is a real subreddit)
kinda cooking here, shes so innocent its cute
"Losing your virginity as a woman is losing yourself"
"Im writing this bc ive observed how one of my friends started to act after losing her virginity. So she told me that she lost her virginity to this one guy one day and I ofc pretended to be excited about it and showing support and all. That was 2 months ago. And now shes acting difffrent! She dresses more umm provocatively? Like mini dresses and all, showing off curves etc. And ofc shes blinded by the peepee, she cant stop talking about her boyfriend and spends all time with him. Wihich i dont mind really i like to be left alone as im an introvert. But what matters is that shes changed!
I feel like losing virginity as a woman is losing a part of yourself. That part is being taken by a man of course and you will never get it back. How humiliating is this? Being concured even once by a man, would make me feel like a whore honestly. Imagine having s*x for the first time in your life and then the man dumps you, like i would straight up wanna kms. Hes taken something from me and now I feel disgusting for the rest of my life.
S*x is damaging to women and the more you have it, the more your losing your mind. Look at prostututes, they are mentally ill and depressed bc of all the s*x with men. I feel like all women subconciously or conciously know that s*x damages them in one way or another.
Honestly i think i will be a virgin forever idc. Lose your virginity, lose your mind, lose yourself."
Rare femcel virgin spotted. Yea I kinda feel sad for her, kinda gives me "save me vibes" if you get what im saying. In other words shes perfect i think im in love
also posts in /r/neet shes unemployed
yo redpillers were cooking when they said wahman are perpetual children
yea i just feel bad for her.
So what do we think about our femcel anti s*x xueen? Cooking, or nah?
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According to BBC Newsnight, Britain's socialist government are considering ending their security partnership with the U.S. unless Donald Trump distances himself from Elon Musk's views on grooming gangs.pic.twitter.com/024Qbg1iaH
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) January 7, 2025
Lots of seething bongs in the replies
Imagine thinking nobody opposed this until Tommy, Elon and Donald came along.
— Wandering Dalesman (@WanderingD83) January 7, 2025
Tommy isna cokehead who deserves to be in jail for breaking the law.
— Wandering Dalesman (@WanderingD83) January 7, 2025
He is friends with convicted child groomers and has nearly collapsed several trials.
Time for the UK to remove its support from the USA until it brings the mass killing of children to an end by its unhinged and mental population. pic.twitter.com/9Lu6lv8YdH
— Fórcola (@Frcola1) January 7, 2025
America isn’t a free country.
— Fórcola (@Frcola1) January 7, 2025
Robinson isn’t a political prisoner. Why are you defending someone that set up the UKs biggest libertarian ring? Maybe google that.
The UK should re-evaluate its relationship with the US until you get a handle on your mass murder of children problem
They're eating the cats and the dogs, too! Watch out!! Be scared
— sauce lord 🧙🏻♂️ (@cilantro_daddy) January 7, 2025
(More tax cuts for the super rich that rob the treasury just passed, never you mind lass, there's a culture war to fight)
Typical MAGA r-slurs - although I agree the US and UK should distance themselves from each other. Hopefully Trump will be suitably obnoxious and hasten the divorce from both ends. The UK belongs in Europe, not as a US proxy, but Trump will have to do the kicking...
— fractious_celt 🏴🇺🇸 🇪🇺 (@DarenSwanick) January 7, 2025
You fricking idiot. The US is rotten to the core. You don't have values. How many of your children get murdered in schools every year?
— Mike (@MikePea73444529) January 7, 2025
You don't protect anything in the US.
— Globalist (@Globali93253904) January 7, 2025
Homicide rate US: 5.6
Homicide rate UK: 1.4
Ours don't die when they're at school though... sooooo .... yanno
— Bear Necessities (@BearNecessity3) January 7, 2025
You didn't protect your own children from the trans mob who cut off girl's breasts. When you attack us don't forget that you're also attacking right wingers here. Tommy Robinson is English and is in jail like many others here. Did you go to jail against the trans stuff?
— 99RedPills GoBy (@9Goby93813) January 7, 2025
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Judge in southern Illinois finds FOID unconstitutional as applied and facially as well as the fee for it pic.twitter.com/9kfCftdft0
— @Freedom'ssteel (@FreedomSsteel) February 10, 2025
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What the heck is going on in Alabama?https://t.co/xgFQpPdSTk pic.twitter.com/3qJyDgaeQ1
— I Love America News (@ILA_NewsX) February 21, 2025
Ιmаgínе соmfу оnļínе mоnítоríng ínkwеļļs аnd thеn sudеnļу bеung sеnd undеr соvеr íjtо drug саrtеļ
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Nothing says 'I'm not an antisemite' like spouting Holocaust revisionism completely unprompted.
I think she thougth me saying 'Ashkenazi' was a reference to Nazis because she doesn't know that that's how it's actually spelled.
She also believes that Trump is Jewish because only jews are allowed to wear a kippah
no trans lives matter
- 12
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/r/KotakuinAction, the largest anti-WOKE anti-DEI anti-Obese Foid pro-G*merGate pro-Nippon Waifu subreddit that has somehow survived the 2018-2020 ban waves, a prime lolcow pasture in the /r/Drama days, and overall early-mid 2010s internet time capsule given its survival of many reddit eras and ban waves, turns 10 today!, join us in this neurodivergent retrospective of the 2010s culture war spergatory that birthed the internet discourse of today! 

- 85
- 147
!g*mers !oldstrags !dramatards !ranchers
Also remember that if you comment or post anything in KiA, the child-beating wife-beating meat-beating AGP jannies employ ban bots that automatically bans your accounts from the vast majority of mainstream subreddits controlled by Bardfinn and his league of extraordinary jannies!
This is the ban message that you get, this is from only a year ago!
Have a look at its most-updooted-of-all-time posts, average ones are from 7-9 years ago and reflect the cultural and political situation of their eras!
For example, many mid-2010s internet characters that are today prominent lolcows, and most of whom had a fall from grace in the G*merGate community, did AMAs or otherwise used the subreddit!
Famous lolcows/internet e-celebs that used/posted/did AMAs on /r/KotakuinAction:
Milo Yayabussypolols did an AMA 9 years ago:
Tim Pool did an AMA 5 years ago:
Hotwheels from 8chan also did an AMA 9 years ago:
Null from KiwiFarms posted this 8 years ago:
Mike Cernovich did an AMA 9 years ago:
Zoe Quinn's cuck bf made multiple AMAs in there and also loved to beg for G*merGater NEETBux to help his legal cases:
Collection of interesting KiAutism posts from almost 10 years ago:
Reddit bans /r/whalewatching thinking its a clone of /r/fatpeoplehate. It was actually a real attempt at a whale watching community and has existed for +2 years.
Chairman Pao just banned /r/fatpersonhate and /r/fatpeoplehate3 for "ban evasion" - as if they were already "harassing", ergo: banning ideas instead of behavior!
/r/TheRedPill was subreddit of the day on 24 April 2016!
Lauren Southern before she became a lolcow mocked even by rightoids:
An old Reddit powermod speaks his mind.
Imgur censors the word "Trigglypuff" after a new video by a person who was attending "The Triggering" talk (featuring Milo, Based Mom, and Crowder) goes viral on Imgur
Trigglypuff is the ancient "TRIGGERED" SJW meme:
Porn Site Offers Gawker Founder $35k To Star In Hulk Hogan Themed Porn Film
I never in my 21 years thought I'd say this, but Brianna Wu has a valid point.
Here is some random prophetmaxxing about the Reddit Pope-turned Anti- Pope Richard GODkins:
Rebeccca Watson, of ElevatorGate and Atheism+ fame, feels the need to mention Richard Dawkins' "spate" history "of bigoted comments" in article about him suffering a stroke
"You know you've won the argument when the only counter argument they can find is that you are white or male or old." - Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins talking about SJW's with Bill Maher
KPFA cancels Richard Dawkins' speech because of his tweets about Islam
Jerry Coyne - "Richard Dawkins deplatformed at a book talk in Berkeley for "abusive speech" about Islam on Twitter"
I think Richard Dawkins is trying to get banned from Twitter
Salon: Never tweet, Richard Dawkins: Famed atheist now signal-boosting Nazi Propaganda
Ah whatever here is a shitton about Dogkins posts:
Ubisoft mocks Christianity in Watch Dogs 2, but when one user of the Ubisoft Forums asks if they would do the same thing with Islam, the thread gets locked immediately for being "offensive to religions"
Ancient drama with peak early 2010s Twitter lolcow Phil Fish:
Phil Fish is now immortalized in the Soy Boy meme compilations!
Ancient Twitter drama with Notch (/r/Drama mod who just so happens to have created Memecraft) from 9 years ago:
Collection of almost decade-old posts about ancient lolcow Andrew Dobson + Allison Rapp autism:
Mister Metokur has just had his Youtube account banned shortly following his twitter ban.
5 years later, Metokur has got his YT channel back, his channel is monetized again, and he is back on Twitter and streaming to an audience larger than ever!
Not So Awesome: The That Guy With The Glasses/Channel Awesome #ChangeTheChannel Google Doc
THE GREAT NEURODIVERGENT WAR OF 2018 (/R/DRAMA INVOLVED!): The David_Me Coup Attempt of 2018

THE END: DAVID_ME IS DEMOPPED, TOTAL NEURODIVERGENT VICTORY! https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/91vksc/meta_the_verdict_is_in/
Random MovieBlob post from before Drumpf perpetually broke his already-damaged Bing Bing Wahoo-filled McBrain:
David Pakman Show on Twitter: ".@MatthiasCo I'm truly shocked that the CBC included me in that montage of pro #g*mergate people harassing women. Shameful journ*lism."
David Pakman Show on Twitter: "Brianna Wu accused me of doing a hit piece attack interview on g*mergate today. Interview will be posted later."
Harry Potter fandom before the Great TERFication of J.K. Rollin and Trollin:
Daniel Radosh (senior writer for The Daily Show) thinks that G*mergate got Trump elected
Matthew Gault / War Is Boring - "How Internet Trolls Became Terrorists And helped to elect Donald Trump" (yeah, the usual)
[Meta] I see a "no politics" rule listed here, yet I see lots of political threads posted and upmarseyd here every day. Is Rule #3 even enforced anymore?
Also, this absolute gem of an image reminds us of simpler days:
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Lift, run, fight, shoot. Become strong in all.
So basically, you're all fricked
Yep lol
They post shit like this while their side unironically believes the below
And don't forget to look up delicious, healthy recipes in the
@N@rchist cookbook!
Yall are screwed ngl
You won't do shit
Sounds like projection on your part.
I'm never going to be strong enough to repel a Nazi, but generalizing here, keep up your health. It is beneficial in so many ways I won't bother to list them. Everyone on reddit hates me because I always bring up cooking your own food, not smoking, not drinking, getting exercise every day, giving up fast food and ultraprocessed stuff. It's all key to keeping your body and teeth healthy over the years.
The effects are cumulative - one day you wake up and you have some godawful chronic disease, or your ticker isn't what it could be, or you need yet another root canal, and you are slowed down and inconvenienced by having to use the medical system all the time, take pills, etc.
Also, get an annual check up if only so you have a record of your own stats. It's actually interesting to compare your numbers year to year.
As a nazi myself, this is all really good advice. Regardless of what ideology you have, everyone should abandon unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy food. Most fast food/door dash and other stuff you get in groceries are deliberately kept unhealthy in order to have a population that can't resist and constantly kept broke and in debt. (not to mention how immoral some of the sources of this food are.) You don't need to be shredded but eating well and working out daily with basic calisthenics goes a long way.
As someone who's immunocompromised from a COVID vaccine injury, I've learned that sometimes the best choice isn't to fight head-on, but to hide and protect myself. It's a hard reality, but sometimes survival means stepping back, staying safe, and waiting for a time when I'm stronger.
In Harry Potter, Harry and his friends often had to choose between direct confrontation and retreat. Hiding, like when Harry and his allies went into hiding in The Deathly Hallows, was often the wisest choice. It wasn't about surrender, but about preserving their strength for when it was truly needed.
Similarly, Anne Frank showed us the power of survival. She and her family lived in hiding, and though it was painful and isolating, it was their only chance to stay alive. Sometimes, hiding isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy to make sure we can continue the fight later.
For me, hiding isn't giving up. It's about protecting my health and holding onto hope for a better, safer future.
(OP) this is real and valid, but PLEASE try to avoid citing transphobic authors. Stay safe!
This thread is the most chronically online shit I've ever seen in my life 😭
YES! me and my wife's boyfriend hit the gym everyday so we can own the chuds!
It fricking exists btw
I am trans so I don't want to lift too much, maybe some toning
That's a little ableist but I'll support the idea of being healthy! I'm on track at the moment having gone from 260 -> 250 lbs, nearly there =)
thats literally just water weight lmao you can drop that much in less than a week on any strict diet. So you haven't really accomplished anything. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there bud
No negativity in my revolution
Now we're getting somewhere!
Go with testosterone, as well. Makes you more conservative.
Or just stop taking estrogen lmfao
We've officially found the saddest subreddit out there 🤣🤣
At this point it's >50% trolling by volume lmao
I saved this post yesterday before going to bed only to discover it crawling with MAGAts. How many are from here?
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You aren't allowed to vote in the legislature, or speak on the floor, except to apologize, for pointing out the guy was a star pole vaulter last year and is now destroying the girls (female) pole vaulting contenders.
The only way this stops is when the girls (female) stop competing against men. Apparently their parents have no desire to protect girls' sports. The government obviously doesn't