Holy shit it's so over for EUcels :marseywagie: (OP was asking about $130k for a mid range networking gig).

!codecels !burgers

real AGP hours
I think Steven Pinker wants to kill me

Steven Pinker

Otherwise, no refrigerator would be full, no car would be full of gas, no child would be dressed and at school on time. So our species is still capable of rationality, by which I mean the use of logic while taking probabilities into account to achieve a goal.

Bertrand Russell

The conscience, however, can easily be seen to depend mostly upon education, as for example common Irishmen do not consider lying wrong, which fact alone seems to me quite sufficient to disprove the divine value of conscience. And since, as I believe, conscience is merely the combined product of evolution and education, then obviously it is an absurdity to follow that rather than reason

Karl Popper, Durant (to a lesser extent),

There is an archetype of High Status Science Explainers who seem uncanny to me. This is how they speak, and yes "what about other context?" nevermind the other context, it's all the same way

Every word is sedate and measured, but you can tell they're seething misanthropes every time they talk. They're like RATs but, you know, actually intelligent and socially adept.

being brought up in education institutions makes them eternal educators. They can't think beyond the logic of the page assignment submission experiment etc and externalize this very very isolated ecosystem's logic to encompass the whole world. It's how they understand the whole world.

When they talk about humanity, justice, and "higher concepts" It's always tinged with the university, I don't believe they believe it, except as proxy for formal logic.

Perfect example was a movie I can't remember the title, where a layman walks around an abandoned city and asks secular scientist foid "what humanity should do" about x, y, z, and she'd reply these matter-of-fact insipid, rational answers and, to "why don't we do that", a wry, knowing nod to the fallibility of man, as if she were above it.

"If only you'd listen to us! Why don't you?

Why don't you?"

Because there's something sinister at the bottom, this hidden misanthropy that they don't see in themselves. Some will say it's simply Ivory Tower alienation but I disagree - yes, we're alien to them, but that's not the end

a lot of them, not all, but a lot, a lot of them want to see you and me dead

Trust me guys the fur on this guys coons is only possible with the cheapest of cheap dog food.

Completely dull, no shine.



im always FRICKING going to bed.

everwy day im' tired. and sleep

I'm so sick and tired of it I want to wake up but I'm tired and go back to sleep!

:marseydisagree: many such cases

:marseyhacker2: Hackers play AI video of :marseytrump: kissing :marseyelonmusk: :marseyfeet: feet on cafeteria screens
Reported by:
  • p : chonkergate - he kills his coons for sympathy updoots
All of my raccoons met a tragic end.




Before I can talk about Bungie's current bed-pooping I have to give you the context of yesteryear's bed pooping. During the thirdish quarter of 2023 the full weight of Bungie's massive screw up by releasing one of the dumbest, anti-climactic, and poorly written game expansions (even by destiny standards) had been realized. This gave Pete Parsons the CEO of Bungie, you're going to be seeing a lot of seethe surrounding this guy, the justification needed to start layoffs in the company.

On Monday, October 30, Bungie laid off a sizable chunk of its staff in departments including community, QA, audio, and more. According to a report from IGN, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons cited Destiny 2's declining performance in 2023 as a cause. A report from Bloomberg noted that Bungie's upcoming projects were internally delayed as part of the move, with The Final Shape quietly moving to June 2024.

That underline section is going to be important later.

In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept "the right people" to continue work on Destiny 2.

This tone deaf remark caught Pete a lot of flak, as if he would give a shit, and he was criticized for not taking a paycut to prevent the layoffs. He instead chose to purchase 2.4 million worth of Antique cars and offer to show his female employees his collection. :gigachad4:

Speaking to multiple current and recently laid off employees, IGN has confirmed reports that Bungie took responsibility for the layoffs, rather than laying them at the feet of parent company Sony. Parsons told employees that the layoffs were largely due to underperformance of Destiny 2 over the last year, as well as lower-than-expected preorders for upcoming expansion The Final Shape.

As it so happens Lightfall was actually Destiny 2's best performing expansion. The newest expansion The Final Shape failed to break the previous expansions poulation record on steam (although that could also be sttributed to the amount of server issues during the release of TFS. Despite this the expansion still technically "underperformed" because bungie had likely over-promised Destiny 2's performance after releasing expansions during the height of the pandemic when everyone was trapped inside playing videogames. :marseyvaxmaxx:

Employees were also told that Destiny 2 player sentiment was at an all-time low. Sources tell IGN that this issue had been flagged to leadership repeatedly for months prior to the layoffs, with employees begging for necessary changes to win players back.

One former Bungie employee recalled that they were repeatedly assured following the 2022 Sony acquisition of Bungie that there would be no layoffs, and cited an item from a Sony quarterly report that claimed $1.2 billion of the $4 billion acquisition was going explicitly toward staff retention. Multiple employees confirmed that money was distributed to employees who were fully vested, with money split into multiple payments over time and varying based on discipline and seniority.

>t-there's not going to be any layoffs r-right Pete?


>yeah yeah sure, could you pipe down I'm trying to order more ferraris.


Of course since then there have as of now been 2 rounds of layoff. womp womp! :marseygiveup:

The first round of layoffs targeted those who had stock in the company cutting a lot of senior workers including the lady that designed the flipping Halo logo and Michael Salvatori the composer of pretty much the entirety of the music of the 10 year Destiny Saga ever since they canned Marty O'donnell. Around 100 workers got axed, some very high notoriety, and this isn't even including workers who got shifted into sony positions.

Today's Crisis

As of writing this 3 days ago another hundred or so Bungie employees had found out they had just been uncerimoniously laid off in the same darn community update that any redditor can read for patch notes. This time the layoffs were centered around shuttering all projects that weren't Destiny or Marathon related. This means those projects that were delayed in the underline section before were all cancelled. This time around a lot of leadership roles had been hit as well. Mark Noseworthy and Luke Smith, two guys known for almost killing the game at least 3 times, and one of which had been with the company since before Reach, had been let go. These guys were responsible for side projects and bringing Destiny into other mediums such as T.V Shows. With them gone there's nothing left in the works besides Marathon.

Bungie shrank from 1300 to 850

Sony's Bungie is shrinking from 1,300 people to 850:

  • 220 laid off
  • 155 moving to Sony
  • ~75 to a new studio

"We were overly ambitious, our financial safety margins were subsequently exceeded, and we began running in the red," says CEO Pete Parsons

On top of the layoffs the annual plan for the release of Destiny content has been alterd, and the consensus is looking like future releases are not going to live up to the previous standards. In other words this 7 year old game might actually die this time, for real...maybe. Idk tbh. :marseygiveup:

This leaves Marathon, as the sole entity for Bungie to rest its future on. Bungie has to hope an extraction based looter shooter, a reputably anticasual gaming experience. As well as a hero shooter which have become comically despised by gaymers in the current day (see Concord) will be enough to save them from complete collapse.

This is all that exists of Marathon right now. If I'm not mistaken the studio behind these cgi trailers and cutscenes for Bungie got shutdown too. Little else is even known about this game.

Could be worse though. They could be DICE. :marseysmug2:


*Bungie got bought by sony in 2022

*Bungie released a shit expansion, and had a round of layoffs in 2023

*Bungie released a good expansion, and had another round of layoffs in 2024

*Bungie's current cash cow Destiny 2 is being put out to pasture

*Bungie has no other projects in development right now besides Marathon

*The future of this studio lies in the fate of an extraction based hero shooter

*Pete Parons like cars


I did it... I effortposted !jannies

Reported by:

stolen from here


Twitter bot become sentient
Oh God it's happening

First time I've seen this in :marseyfirefox: with ublock

:marseybrave: still works thoughever

I reported it as an issue

Anna Kasparian from TYT goes nuclear :marseydarkfoidretard:

First Anna goes off on discount Anna Kasparian (Emma something, the r-slurred host of pod save america or similar podcast, doesn't matter which one they're all the same):

>You're a nepo baby rich b-word, frick you as a staff, record label and as a motherfrickin' crew

Then some dumbass tried to pin her as jealous of... hasan the r-slurred host of pod save america (all the same, doesn't matter)

Well, surprise, that dude hasan is the nephew (actual nephew, not an nword euphemism) of Anna's long time co-host Chunk Yoghurt and she spills the beans on how he's scared of his viewers and secretly hates them

Hope you enjoyed the post, have a nice day dramatard :marseyletsgo:

Regency S*x Ed: How did women :marseyextinction: in 19th-century Europe :marseyww1russian2: learn :marseyreading: too lie back and think :marseychildclutch: of England?

Books :marseysexylibrarian: explicitly designed for sexual :marseyhornybonk: education also existed in the period. One well-known work was the grandiosely titled Aristotle's Masterpiece, first :marseywinner: published in 1648 but regularly revised and reprinted throughout the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. (No connection to the ancient :marseysphinx: Greek :marseycerebrus: philosopher :marseyphilosoraptor: is supported by the historical :marseysargonofaccat: record.) The manual includes descriptions and diagrams of sexual :marseyhornybonk: anatomy, including an explanation :marseycontextjak: of the clitoris as crucial to female :marseysuffragette: pleasure. Tableau de l'Amour Conjugal by Nicolas :marseyegbert: Venette was purportedly written by a medical :marseyhouse: doctor :marseyhouse: and, like Aristotle's Masterpiece, was a central sexual :marseyhornybonk: education text for hundreds of years after its 17th-century publication. In 1826, frequently jailed British :marseynorf: reformer and radical :marseygoldenhorseshoe: publisher Richard :marseydawkins: Carlile put out the first :marseywinner: well-known sexual :marseyhornybonk: education tract specifically designed for women: Every Woman's Book, or What Is Love? Every Woman's Book includes extensive descriptions of contraceptive options, including how to access :marsey403: and employ them. These books :marseymoreyouknow: were often sold alongside medical :marseyhouse: textbooks, but we know from newspapers and diaries that they were frequently read by laypeople as well. Though Aristotle's Masterpiece and its later :marseywave2: editions were often published anonymously, print :marsey3d: runs were high and the book sold extremely well β€” even when the medical :marseygutspill: information therein was considerably out of date.

And of course, the historical :marseyredcoat: record also gives us numerous books :marseymoreyouknow: from the period :marseytampon: written for titillation. Eighteenth-century erotic novels, often translated from the French, were enormously popular and provide a fascinating :marseylaying: window :marseyshortbus: into the sexuality :marseymicrosoftpride: of the period. Lesbian :marseypicrew: sexual :marseyhornybonk: encounters were common in fiction, even for otherwise heterosexual characters, such as the eponymous Fanny Hill, written by John Cleland in 1748. Works like the Harris's Lists of Covent Garden :marseyplant: Ladies, published annually in the second :marseygunnut: half of the 18th century, blur the lines :marseystocksupdown: between :marseyzeldalinkpast: guidebook and erotica. These lists purport to describe all the s*x workers in London, often in effusive and charming terms, along with their prices and favorite :mersya: activities. One "inviting nymph" in 1788 is "of the middle :marseystfu: stature, fine auburn hair, dark eyes, and very inviting countenance … In bed she is all the heart :marseyavril2: can wish, or eye admire, every limb is symmetry, every action :marseypop: under :marseyhandsup: cover truly amorous." The list helpfully informs us that this nymph's fee "is two pounds two." S*x worker :marseymerchantelf: memoirs were not uncommon; one particularly well-known work in this genre is The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson, Written by Herself (1825). Wilson's lovers :marseymemories: included numerous members of high society, including the Duke of Wellington, and her autobiography displays her ambition, intellect, and powerful style. "I will be the mere instrument :marseyworldssmallestviolin: of pleasure to no man," she writes.

Read for yourselves

white extinction is long overdue

Do white guys just approach women less?? - r/rs_x


Some dangerous nooooticing going on here :marseychud:, I hope our favourite jannies @kallocain-addict are keeping a tight leash on the potential hate speech! :marseyveryworried:

Whenever I go out in public I am approached at least once or twice by a guy hitting on me or just complimenting me. Every single time it's a black or Latinx guy. The only times I have ever been cold approached in public by a white guy, it's been an older one, like 45+.

Curious... What requisites does rs_x believe could be the cause for this phenomenon?

I feel like it has less to do with ethnicity and more to do with class. White-collar guys don't usually approach random women on the street, that's a blue-collar guy's game.

Contradicting /u/blondbutginger 's lived experience here... :marseysurejan:

Yeah you have a point. It's not usually middle/upper class black men hitting on me, it's bums.


Here's our resident cute twink's contribution:

it's cultural, latinx culture for example is generally much more s*x positive meanwhile contemporary mainstream white culture doesn't reward that kind of behavior (on the contrary, you are more likely to be chastised or even punished for it)

You yt prudes are just too neurotic and inhibited!! Punishing any sort of free sexual expression!! The browns and blacks sensibly revel in their lower inhibit --- ACK


Y'all can't behave. :marseyjanny2:

:marseyflagsouthafrica: TENDERS IN AFRIKA :marseykente: :parrotsouthafrica: :pepeclownk:


EFFORTPOST :marseybeanannoyed: Subhuman 9strags don't understand shit about Safrica v :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Greetings dramatards :marseywave2: I wanna post a parallel example about ragebait, to show how utterly stupid and malinfromed foreigners are about safrica :marseyflagsouthafrica:


@haggis posted earlier about a 70 year old Boomer boer having gone haywire and shot a black kid over stealing a single fruit (he waz probably a repeat thief and the boer lost his mind), which put the usual rage into the shitlibs, micks, liberals, westoids, redditors, leftists and irish who comment the usual hatred towards SA whites, and that we should all deserve to be culled like the Haiti uprising and our land disowned and the usual tired trite about 1Dimensional evil opressors


Well on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we have the uber chuds of 9strag, filled with ultra-nationalists racial supremacists (each for their own race :chudmuslim: :marseychudindian: :marseyhitler: :asianchud: :marseymarfan: lol) , and all equally misinformed.

basically this post, and reposted copycats of it, have been making the rounds over 9gag today, as repost bots plagiarized each other, to farm ragebait upmarseys. I tried to find the other copycats - they usually had title like "Look how Safrica fairs 30 years after the hwhite rule ended!" :marseychud: :chudsmug: :chudglassesglow: or something like "Looks like africans can only tear down what the Huwhite man build!" :chudspin: and so on.

And just like the fricking rage post from @haggis, all nuance and complexity of any situation is thrown down the drain into oblivion as emotion shrouds all cognition :purerage: :marseyraging: :marseyrage: :pepereeeeee: :marseyhatium: :capysorenjump2: :chudrage:

Now often in South Africa, a lot of self destructive riots have taken place, similar to the yank Floyd riots which escalated from peaceful protests to outright mob riot induced pillaging of every nearby store. Moronic self destructive riots are common in SA, to the point where we even have a saying here in afrikaans, in that the agtergeblewenis is someone so incapable of thinking of consequences that they are the type of peeps who'll wait in line at the bus stop in the morning, waiting for the same busses he had burned down Yesterday :marseyfacepalm:

Often south african protestors had even burned down schools in their rage, or like the Zuma Riots 3 years ago in Eastern Safrica, where an entire province was set aflame by rioters.

BUT :marseyunamused:

This specific example is different

or reference,

In all the otehr 9starg posts the racists won out, but only in this one was, the matter further clarified:

"This is an image from Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. 4 years ago... This was a protest because of the lack of water and electricity. But they built a fancy new road to get to 4 houses up the hill"

I can't find the other copycat 9gag posts which heaved with racism and all the chuds downmarseying the explanation behind this action, so you guys will just have to take my word for it, but basically compared to the post I linked in which the most reasonable comments won ,out it was all a shitshow, which is probalby why they were deleted - even the usually lax 9strag moderators probably woke up.

But to further continue, so many many Safrican local municipalities are brokenshit corrupt, to the point where people literally don't have clean :waterjet: :marseynonpotable: drinking water (if they even have functioning non-leaking pipes) or electricity. People often strike and protest to their local municipalities and beg them for their services, but are often ignored because the local politicians have no fear of being ousted or convicted of criminality

The specific road was literally leading to the wealthiest district of that local town, and their destroying the road was the equivalent of dumping trash in front of the frontyard of the mayor of a town refusing to fix your problem, by inconveniencing or actively hurting the politicians refusing to fricking do their jobs.


The resident, who was part of the protest which saw the road being dug up, justified the action.

"We have been promised [services] for years. New villages have been provided with water and electricity, but not us. Today the police came and shot at us. If it means we have to be shot to get basic services, so be it," the resident explained.


I myself and the firm i work for had to suffer the past year against Free State province municipalities choking the life out of small towns through Regulatory Capture, because the subhuman fricks there ,refuse to approve Rezonings, subdivisions or consolidations of properties and a whole slew of Town planning shit, which basically prohibits new businesses from forming, and they fricking cant buy or open new commercial locations! all because the stupid small minded fricks want bribes, as the economy dies around them

Then these slime drive around in black-tinted BMWs obviously not bought from their meagre bureaucrat salary, and peeps can see where they live in the nicest parts of town - which is what led to the peeps chopping up that part of the road leading to the upper class homes in which the municipal high staff worked - thus forcing the frickers to listen the community

in this instance i even had compassion towards these rioters. if @sneedman was up there with a pickaxe, I'd be joining him in my fricking frustration from this choking corruption.

so all these 9strag straggots who dont know shit and usually post about comparing civilizations don't know shit about SA. and just continue empire-of-dust posting which i believe is an entirely different matter and this just placated the bias of chuds :marseychud: :marseyunpettable: :chudtantrumfaster: :chuddyhappy:

just poltardia posting blablabla - it's actually miraculous that other safricans had jumped before me to demonstrate the actual happenings and clarify the complexity of the situation, and was topvoted in the comment section about this chud morons

Anyways !nonchuds to the same degree as these chuds are fools, so too to the same degree are shitlibs and libtards and leftoids and Micks misinformed and beyond capacity to understand safrica

Kamala RAW 60 minutes (interview released) !!! :marseykamakama:
Epstein List Released!!!

Who were you most surprised was on the list?

Reported by:

!jannies we need a toggle to turn that shit off like yesterday

:marseybride: :marseybride: :marseybride: :marseybride::marseybride: :#marseymini:

2018 breadtuber posts video about BAPist jerk-off material. Gets r*ped on xitter
Drumpf :marseytrumpgarrison:pauses enforcement of ban on bribing :marseygangster: foriegn officials :chudmuslim:

2028 wish list

1) greatly increase the requirements to be an ice agent.

2) tax money fairness: greatly reduce the amount of government money going to rural areas or low income red states and re-balance it so it better matches contributions.

3) take a hard look at farmer subsidies and cut off anyone primarily producing corn syrup.

4) remove qualified immunity from police officers.

5) automatic voter reg and issue a national voter ID card to every single US citizen and verify they got it.

6) completely gut the dod and purge any conservatives from the department of defense that ever expressed any support for Donald Trump.

7) launch a national task force to investigate and respond to child marriage in rural/republican areas. arrest any judge that approved any child marriages.

8) launch a national voter suppression effort targeted at rural/republican areas (this would be legal, as republicans have pointed out, as it would be partisan and not racial.)

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