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Only $1.4m was burnt and the rest donated, but $7m sounds more dramatic
BREAKING: Someone just burnt 500 ETH (~$1,400,000) by sending it to 0x000... and wrote the following message 👇
— Pluid (@tryPluid) February 17, 2025
"The bosses of Kuande Investment: Feng Xin and Xu Yuzhi used brain-computer weapons to persecute all company employees and former employees, and even they themselves… pic.twitter.com/Ou9ejFbHAv
- GeorgeFloydSoulLeftHimNah : World's longest reddit fiction award
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My boy, my oldest child, was so good when he was little, but something broke inside of him when he was a teenager.
My wife and I always accepted, loved, and encouraged him. We pushed him to work hard and treat people with respect. I don't know where exactly we failed him but as a father I feel responsible for the thing he's turned into.
It started when he was 14. He had began to become withdrawn and emotional. We chalked it up to teenaged mood swings. For some reason he was just so angsty and bitter all the time. We were worried about his lack of social life and his over-reliance on his computer. He kind of hid himself in the online world so my wife and I began to limit his computer time, but he simply became more aggressive and confrontational.
His hygiene was bad, and he was always confrontational when we told him to shower or do laundry. His room stank horribly and we eventually had a huge fight over it where he physically shoved my wife and called her a b-word, and eventually we got him to at least clean and air out his room regularly on the grounds that it was our house and if he couldn't maintain his space he wouldn't be entitled to it - essentially we got to the point where we told him he wouldn't be allowed his worldly possessions or privacy unless he took care of the space we all shared. the room still smelled and he was still rude about cleaning it but we could tell him to get it clean and he would do it after that.
We ended up getting a call from his school saying that a female student felt harassed by him. We were shown messages where he continually badgered her to have s*x with him, threatened to "punish" her for stringing him along, sending her unsolicited nudes, telling her some violent fantasies of his, and eventually just descending into some horrid rage-filled rant about how she is just another "whore" and other things.
We were shocked. We explained to him why this behaviour was unacceptable, and I explained to him that it was ok to be sexually active but his actions were toxic and abusive.
I tried mentoring him man-to-man, taking him on camping trips and whatnot and talking to him about women and girls and trying to give him advice. I suggested he try showering, changing up his hair and facial hair styles, trying out different fashion styles, maybe going to the gym.
I told him some hard truths - that he doesn't want a gross woman so he shouldn't be a gross man. By gross I mean hygiene and looks. I explained to him that good looks are more hygiene and self care than genetics but he refused to accept what I said to him.
After that I caught him sniffing his sister's panties in the laundry room - she was 12 at the time and he was 17. He assured me it had nothing to do with his sister, he said he just had a panty sniffing fetish and he pretended they belonged to girls from porno videos, but still I gave him heck for it, and he was grounded and lost his computer for 6 months. I went through his computer and I was disgusted by the kinds of hateful, racist, incel forums he frequented, the horrid things he said about women, and his save file was full of cartoon porn with girls of questionable ages. I wiped the hard drive completely and began strictly monitoring his online activity. I used parental filters to block incel sites and and porn sites that hosted cartoon porn.
The next big issue was something he did to my daughter's friend. My daughter is 5 years his junior, and one day after a sleepover, my daughter came to me and said her friend wanted to tell me something but was afraid of what I would say.
My son cornered this 13 year old girl and physically blocked her path and touched her hair and face while making very inappropriate comments about her body and asking her if she liked to sleep naked and what kind of underwear she wore.
I tore into my son for that, my wife and I both shouted at him, and told him his behaviour was horrible and I told him then that if his actions got him arrested I would not defend him. He accused us of not loving him, but I told him the reason I was so passionately angry in that situation is because I do love him, and I want to help him become a good man so he can stop being so predatory and bitter and miserable. I told him some hard truths. That he did this all to himself and that he is the only one he can blame for how bitter he is.
I suggested he look to women his own age and he went on a rant about how it was a waste of time because women were already whores (and his definition of a whore is a woman who has had s*x even just once) by 17. I called him out on his bullshit and expressed clearly that if he harassed young girls anymore I would personally turn him in.
I invited my daughters friend over after and I personally apologized to her for her experiences, I cried in shame for my son's behaviour and begged her forgiveness for allowing her to feel unsafe in my home and promised her that if she ever felt uncomfortable she could come to my wife and I and we would always believe and help her. Luckily, my daughter didn't lose this friend, but for safety I installed a lock on my daughter's door.
We got my son therapy but he refused to engage with the therapist, calling him a "sand BIPOC" and "sexy Indian dude" and "terrorist". His next therapist was a "chad", so he didn't relate to that either.
We fought about him not trying, not getting a job, and he said he couldn't get one because of the immigrants, to which I pointed out that he was struggling because he got fired from his high school jobs for being lazy.
After those fights, my wife tried to empathize with him and understand what made him so bitter but he flipped out at her, and called her a peepee-gargling whore and said that she fricked her way through dozens of men until she found a "beta-strag" who was willing to shelter her for missionary s*x.
My wife, who works and contributes to the family income, who is an independent, professional woman.
Honestly, I lost it more than ever before. I had never been so angry when I heard what he said. That may be his mom, he may be my son, but the woman he was abusively tearing into is my god darn wife. No one can treat my wife like that.
I am ashamed to say in my anger, he shoved me and I physically retaliated, shoving him back, and pinning him against the wall. I felt ashamed of myself, I have never been an angry or violent person, but I couldn't control myself. I've never put my hands on either of my children in such a way in my life, I hate child abusers... but this boy was no child. He was a grown man.
He was intimidated and backed down, and for a while he was peaceful.
The last straw was this week.
My daughter has dated 3 people her whole life. A boy, a girl, and now another boy. We were as open about s*x with my daughter as we were with my son. We asked if she would like to have a question-free steady supply of condoms left in her bathroom drawer, and if she wanted to get on birth control. She said no to both questions with her first boyfriend. She never really brought him home but we met him at one of her recitals. When she had a girlfriend she went over to her house all the time, and didn't want to bring her to the same house her brother lived in, a sentiment I understood.
But her most recent boyfriend has a lot going on behind the scenes in his family. He's a nice boy but his mom is a single mom of 4 and they struggle.
This boy started coming around a month after they got together. I like him. My daughter is happy with him. He treats her with respect. He is an intelligent boy. He's an absolute gentleman. He's respectful and polite in our home. He calls me sir, calls my wife Ma'am, he offers to help with the cooking or dishes or cleaning while he's visiting, he talks to us, he's a bit of an amateur cook himself and brings us food all the time to say thank you for taking care of him, when we go out for dinner he always offers to pay for himself and my daughter (though I know he doesn't have much money so I always pay). When getting out of the car he opens the door for my wife and offers her his hand (he sits behind her for leg room). He holds the doors, when we leave somewhere he helps my daughter put her jacket on like those sweet old fashioned couples.
This young man works hard, and gives what little he has to his mom and siblings. Like I said, I really respect the boy. I offered him money once for groceries for his family but he turns me down and says he would feel guilty accepting my money like that. He's appreciative of things - in the winter, it was -20 and he had only a hoodie, so I draped my jacket over his arms, and I said "take it son, it's cold." He had tears in his eyes as he said thank you, and I made some excuse about wanting to get rid of the jacket and told him he could keep it if he brought cookies for us next time he visited.
When Christmas came along, I invited him over for supper, and when I went to pick him up I delivered some presents for his family, and on the ride back to my house we had a moment. He was crying because he didn't have much to give us - he got everyone in our house a present but he cried anyways because he felt it wasn't enough to make up for what we gave him. I pulled over, and I just hugged him, and I said to him that it wasn't the value of what he got, it was that he got us anything at all. I thanked him for treating my daughter so well, and I told him he would always be welcome in my home.
My own son didn't get us anything for christmas, not even a card bought with the money we give him. This boy got my wife and I matching wine glasses since we like to share a bottle every now and then.
My son didn't eat with us. He pillaged the food table and ran away to his room alone while my daughter's boyfriend met my sister and her family and my parents and my uncle. They all told me how charming he was and how polite he was. Meanwhile after dinner my son told my 5 year old nephew "frick off Cute twink" for asking to play a game with him. A man over 20 years old.
Last week, my wife and I went out for an evening to ourselves. We went to dinner, then we went to an upscale bar to play some pool, then we went home.
When I walked in the door, the kids were screaming at each other. I came in to see my son and my daughter's boyfriend fighting. The boyfriend was just pushing my son back and trying to redirect him, my son was throwing punches and charging him. My daughter was crying and sitting against the wall clutching her face. I got between them and pushed them apart, and demanded to know what was happening.
My son went on a tirade about how he found birth control pills and heard "whore" sounds from her room, so he kicked open her door and discovered them having s*x, he said he couldn't believe his own sister would "be a BIPOC's whore" and called the poor boy a monkey and other things.
My wife got my daughter and her boyfriend out of there and I yelled at my son for how he was acting. Eventually I got nowhere with him so I made him wait in his room. I went to talk to my daughter. I apologized to her boyfriend, crying as I did, telling him that I hope he could forgive me for letting this happen. He said he was sorry for getting violent but that he only did it because my son hit her. My daughter cried and said he was a psycho and threatened to r*pe her, and that he admitted to ejaculating on her toothbrush and hair brush.
I charged into his room, and I said firmly that he should pack his bags and leave. I told him I would pay to have his things sent to him, wherever he went, but that he was leaving tomorrow.
My wife stayed at my sisters, and my daughter and her boyfriend spent the next few nights at his place.
The next day I practically threw my son out of the house kicking and screaming.
I took his key back and changed the alarm codes and garage door code. A day later I had a message requesting some of this things - mostly his gaming stuff - be delivered to some strange apartment block I didn't recognize a couple of towns over. A college aged man buzzed me in and I delivered the stuff. I didn't see my son.
My wife and I then went through his room. My daughter's boyfriend came over and helped me move his furniture to the garage. We threw out his mattress and some other more gross and smelly things, and we took out the carpet to be replaced.
Hidden in the closet was a treasure trove of my daughter's underwear, so saturated with old, moldy semen that they were as hard as bricks. The unnerving part was that there were a few pairs my daughter was adamant didn't belong to her. And they were too small for my wife. It was possible he stole them from my nieces.
There was a sketchbook containing graphic drawings of my son violently raping different women and keeping little girls chained up in some kind of s*x dungeon. I went through his old phone that was still working, and all his photos were screenshots of my nieces and their friends in their bikinis, lots of cartoon porn, lots of red pill and incel and Trump memes. He still had messenger, so I checked his messages, most of them were just him trying to harass women and underaged girls.
I checked his Email and... much to my disgust, he stole private photos of my wife from her phone, and he was selling them.
Today, I went to the police with everything and told them everything.
I gave my baby boy everything... I don't know why he went down this road. But I'm just so sorry I failed him. I don't know what the police will do... but I hope they stop him before he hurts someone else.
The sad thing is... yesterday, once it was all over and settled, yesterday we had a wonderful day. One of the happiest we have ever had.
Edit: there is a lot to sort through, it's impossible to reply to everyone so let me hit the big points.
all the incels this post attracted can frick off back to their holes.
how do I know the lingo? From my son.
"why didn't I take his computer time away" I specifically said I did. His laptop was forbidden to be used in private, and I banned most of the sites he was using with the parental locks. He bought or stole another laptop behind our backs though and used his phone data. My wife and I don't use our phone internet much so we didn't think of it.
"it wasn't Christmas last week" ??? I know? It's.... November. The young man visited us on Christmas 2017. We had this fight last week. I don't know how I have to clarify that there was a passage of time between the fight and Christmas, since it's pretty clearly not Christmas right now, but.... alright.
"why wasn't he in therapy" again this is a common comment from people who must have skimmed because we did put him in therapy. He was abusive towards several therapists, so we gave up on therapy.
"why not have him institutionalized" because that is MY SON. to have him locked away is not an easy decision. I love him. We wanted to believe he could still change. But he couldn't.
I have no idea who he moved in with. I don't care. Maybe an Airbnb?
"why didn't you help him sooner/was he bad as a child" as a kid he was introverted but not especially bad. He misbehaved sometimes but it wasn't troubling. He had a few friends but they all had a falling out the first year of grade school. Prior to harassing that first girl he had some red flags. He seemed depressed, and his hygiene was spiralling. We tried to help him but he was stubborn. He didn't want help. He wanted to be miserable. I listened to his problems and he complained about how his dream girl went after some other guy and how he stole her from him, and I tried to guide him and help him understand she wasn't stolen because she isn't property, she's a person who made her own choice. He didn't like that answer.
all the things you say we should have tried, we mostly did. We gave him lots of attention and love before all this and after. We still tried to be a family.
my daughter and her boyfriend helped me clear his room since I cannot carry certain heavy things myself. My daughter was therefore present when I found her underwear. She singled out a couple of pairs as not hers and was scared of where he got them from. She suggested keeping them for evidence.
there was a teacher who did get through to him somewhat, for a time. But he transferred to a different school district.
he wasn't horrible all the time. Sometimes he could be good to be around. He could be really funny and clever. He was really good with animals. He was good with his games too. He got really passionate and excited about them and it made me happy seeing him having fun with a hobby. Seeing him smile could almost make me forget the things he'd done.
telling me to kill myself says a lot about yourself.
I've seen what toxic ideologies do to families. I'm not interested in joining your red pill, Jordan Peterson, or child beating cults.
advocating child abuse as a 20-something brat shows your immaturity. Advocating murder does too.
toxic masculinity is considering men weak for having the strength to express their emotions.
many complaints about "allowing" my daughter to be intimate with her boyfriend all stem from the same racist incel rhetoric my son used. There is literally nothing wrong with interracial couples. I couldn't be happier that my daughter is with someone who loves and treats her with dignity.
incels struggle with reading, evidently. My daughter had her first boyfriend at 15, and I doubt there was anything going on between them. She is currently 18. So yes, she probably has s*x. As an adult woman. Not really anyone's business. My son is 22, soon to be 23.
edit 2
With new replies coming in by the truckload and 3 new pm's for every one I reply to, I am getting slightly overwhelmed by the response here. I can't really keep up, even just reading I have begun skipping comments to keep up. I have things to do today but I'll try to catch up every so often.
edit 3
Mods locked the thread. I am not sure why but there are almost 10,000 replies and maybe 500 pm's to sort through.
- Aevann : it was me, sry -- I say this as a feminist ally
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WCAX-TV is reporting that a Border Patrol Agent has been shot and killed by an Illegal Immigrant on I-91 in Vermont, near the U.S-Canadian Border; with the Shooting happening within the Town of Newport in Orleans County. pic.twitter.com/Q7PdPoelPM
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) January 20, 2025
Cartels are terrorist orgs now
Call a spade a spade
This is an act of terror and needs a military retaliation
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TL;DR: Starbucks new CEO recently announced that Starbucks will stop giving away free water or bathroom access unless you purchase something. This is part of a wider scheme to make Starbucks a "third space" again - somewhere that paying customers actually want to hang out.
You'd think that the Starbucks staff would be happy about this because it would finally give them a way to defend themselves from the assorted homeless and drug addicts who practically live in the stores, overdosing in pottys and scaring off actual customers. Well you're wrong.
For some reason Starbucks employees are obsessed with the "no more free water for non-customers" part. They don't understand that this gives them a rule that they can use to deter homeless people while still giving free water out if they want to (because who's gonna know?).
How does that solve the problem of homeless people?
lmao watercuck "please boss can I have some water I'm thirsty" "no"
Your skeleton crew would have more free time if you hadn't converted your store into a homeless shelter.
If someone's setting up a full desk in your coffee shop and hasn't bought anything yet then you should absolutely tell them to buy a drink or frick off.
I'm definitely going to visit a coffee shop that acts as a social hub for the mentally unstable.
This situation will never happen because you won't try to charge an old man $2 for water. You'll give it to him for free unless he's homeless.
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I wish Trump spoke to Netanyahu the way he talks to Zelensky…
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) February 28, 2025
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Coming soon! pic.twitter.com/BETCBf4s3N
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) February 5, 2025
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) February 5, 2025
The Trump Resort, Gaza in 2030 pic.twitter.com/8ERR1Nyiz5
— Shelley G (@ShelleyGldschmt) February 5, 2025
— Hashem (@HashemAllMighty) February 5, 2025
Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/5zn6HMLSJd
— Jews Fight Back 🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@JewsFightBack) February 5, 2025
Think bigger pic.twitter.com/vxZJpXvxEq
— Kitty Surprise (@KittySurprise1) February 5, 2025
Confetti was needed 🎉 pic.twitter.com/H5TP1H2AIE
— Caт Вee ✡︎🪶 (@CatShoshanna) February 5, 2025
: Reminder that even tho
s hate him, Jewsie still sucks and is a libtard trans lives matter
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It's about shit obviously. Some interview he did for the Economist or some shit. Seems pretty boring did not read.
Anyway, Blue Skyers (skycels? Skeeters? Idk) are giving him a warm, heartfelt welcome
So it looks like our boy has already been suspended Thankfully, I've screenshotted a few more replies:
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BREAKING: Republican Senator Jerry Moran just announced that he will oppose Donald Trump’s efforts to gut USAID. The aura of invincibility surrounding Donald Trump has just been burst.
— Democratic Wins Media (@DemocraticWins) February 8, 2025
A Republican. https://t.co/7fs7R9d1rM
— Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) February 8, 2025
Everything under Trump must be blamed on him, just like what MAGA did with Biden. I don't make the rules. pic.twitter.com/yW6p357Ynv
— Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) February 7, 2025
Donald Trump is going to HATE the new cover of TIME magazine pic.twitter.com/CZuPRUwozb
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) February 7, 2025
A federal judge—a Reagan appointee—blocked Trump’s “blatantly unconstitutional” executive order this week, stating that Trump sought to “navigate around or simply ignore” the rule of law “for political or personal gain.” And yet, it’s barely mentioned in the news, drowned out by… pic.twitter.com/qiKdRlwYUQ
— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) February 7, 2025
- BernieSanders : Absolutely vile fricking hog, delete this shit
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to text her one last time
only two dates, but intense mutual connection… staring at each other, physical contact, great convo, talking about future plans and dating intentions, kissing with zero awkwardness… then she dropped to like one text per day for a few days
i backed off but would text good morning and finally she said "i really like you but i just can't do this right now" probably because she's a single mom with not a great job living at her sister's and in the process of divorcing her ex who's in jail (for something pretty gross that means he won't be in the picture in a significant way even when he's out)
that sounds like a lot of red flags but it does really seem like a situation where she realized she can't be doing childless dinner and concert dates every other week
i only sent one response something like "i understand but we had an amazing connection and id be willing to wait"
she was the sweetest person ive gone on a date with since divorcing and the first person i have considered mixing children with (broke up with prev longterm girlfriend because she was in love and pushing for this and i wasnt)
i'm tempted to reinstate my apps just to see if she's still on there… i find it unlikely that she found such a connection with someone else and i dont think i did anything weird… though part of me doesn't want to know the answer
but a much bigger part of me doesn't want to miss out on a feeling as strong as one that led to marriage previously
cannot stop thinking about her
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When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were not good before my messenger (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!"
What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 pounds of copper, and umi-abum has likewise given 1,080 pounds of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Samas.
How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full.
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Trump sent every fed a Fork in the Road email offering 9 months severance if they quit in the next 2 weeks
🚨 NEW: This is the full buyout memo from the OPM sent to all Federal employees titled “A Fork in the Road.” The pillars of the new Federal government are clearly laid out.
— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) January 29, 2025
If Federal employees wish to resign they simply put “RESIGN” in the subject line of the email they… pic.twitter.com/fFCiSAiprV
I attribute this solely to this community and the solidarity found in it. I'm the only person on my team of 8 that's on Reddit and not only have I been better informed, I've been faring better than the others. Two people went on stress leave and frankly I'd be one of them too if I didn't have this community. I'll continue to do my job and fight for the position I've earned. It took me 10 years of applying and 20 years experience in my field to get here. I will not be pushed out by two billionaire trust funds babies. I'M NOT LEAVING!'
I was chill and laid back prior. Now I'm digging my heels in out of spite. I'm a big time hater and being petty is my favorite thing to do.
I can hold a grudge like it's my job
I knew my grudge-holding skills would come in handy someday.
I've never been more motivated to stay. Before the "buyout" memo, I was ready to go job hunting, but then a revelation hit. I took an oath under this position to the American people and leaving my job under the current state would be failing to maintain my oath as civil servant.
I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Did you guys know how much of the posting on /r/fednews takes place when they should be working?
— 🏛 Aristophanes 🏛 (@Aristos_Revenge) January 29, 2025
And that there is netflow data for every federal agency to determine who these employees are?@DOGE @elonmusk pic.twitter.com/7Hicz91pjY
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NHS England:
— Jonny Bell (@Jonnywsbell) February 17, 2025
*Trans staff changing room policy*:
"If a woman is not comfortable sharing female facilities with biological males, she can use the gender neutral toilets"?....
What does that mean exactly?... pic.twitter.com/X9PCZ92z7J
Foids owned
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Podcast fatigue is real.
— Azealia Banks (@azealiaslacewig) January 4, 2025
Listening to Red Scare, Rory & Mal, etc…. And it’s clear that investors’ forecasting about podcasting being the future were very wrong.
You can hear how unenthused the hosts are about podcasting now and I think hearing from everyone twice a week on…
You can hear how unenthused the hosts are about podcasting now and I think hearing from everyone twice a week on the topics we already see hashed out on social media is a bit redundant
Btw Azealia is allegedly the one BIPOC carp
At least that's what I heard.
@FormerLurKONG say this as a feminist ally of course
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Name is /u/highlightkooky2232, deranged mod with terminal TDS and blames Zoomers for Trump winning
He had previously gotten suspended for trying to brigade r/GenZ
For the past 3 days, he's been nonstop seething over the assassin and reddit's support of him
My advertisement of our sub seems to have been the last straw for him, as he ya'lled the thread, perma-banned everyone who spoke in it, and banned all pro-shooter posts
He then visited /r/fuckluigimangione, and started arguing with the brigadeers from /r/whenthe, who began dunking on him
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!nonchuds !chudmoment !g*mers !goyim
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Kamala Harris campaign manager explains the Democrat party could not have an open primary because it would have upset black women:
— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) December 7, 2024
Quentin Fulks: "To open up a Democrat primary, you would have had black women, be highly upset if it was not Kamala Harris.
I hear your concern and… pic.twitter.com/ye8ofmx3WM
New York reporter admits communities of color didn't see Kamala as a 'part of the community':
— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) December 7, 2024
Austin Jefferson: "I think some communities of color didn't necessarily see her as part of the community, for a variety of reasons."
So they're just going to come out and admit… pic.twitter.com/A5eWYkCPIx
another day another week for Kamala's hole to be open
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— hello world (@hellowo63335565) March 2, 2025
The Chinese people have now realized that taking Australia first would yield much greater benefits than taking Taiwan. pic.twitter.com/PAnlh6Bg8d
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She said she "knew something was very wrong" when the child was born because she delivered a "dark-skinned, African American baby,"
A devastated Georgia woman is suing a fertility clinic for implanting the wrong embryo inside her, resulting in the baby being "ripped away" from her five months after she gave birth and bonded with the child.
Krystena Murray, from Savannah, underwent in vitro fertilization two years ago and only discovered the fertility clinic's "reckless" mistake after she delivered a healthy baby boy in December 2023.
Murray and her sperm donor are both white. She said she "knew something was very wrong" when the child was born because she delivered a "dark-skinned, African American baby," according to the lawsuit.
"It was obvious that there was no chance the child was biologically related to Ms Murray. The feeling was terrifying and shocking," the lawsuit says. "Ms Murray had no issues or concerns with the baby's race, other than the fact that it indicated to her that he clearly was not related to her."
The 38-year-old filed a civil lawsuit Tuesday against Coastal Fertility Specialists, alleging the clinic's negligence in mixing up her embryos with the other couple's caused her ongoing pain and anguish. The clinic has said it "deeply regrets" the error and put safeguards in place to ensure it doesn't happen to another couple.
"This has destroyed me. I'm heartsick; I'm emotionally broken. Nothing can express the shock and violation upon learning that your doctor put a stranger's embryo into your body," Murray said in a statement. "To carry a baby, fall in love with him, deliver him, and build the uniquely special bond between mother and baby, all to have him taken away. I'll never fully recover from this."
Her lawsuit says the clinic's "extreme and outrageous" mistake caused Murray to be "turned into an unwitting surrogate, against her will, for another couple." She's seeking unspecified monetary damages.
Murray said the couple, who are not named in the lawsuit, sued her for custody last year. She volunteered to give up the baby, she said, after her lawyers told her she had no chance of winning in court.
Her attorney, Adam Wolf, said Murray still doesn't know what happened to her own embryos. It's still unclear how the mix-up occurred, he said.
Murray said becoming a mom was her lifelong dream. But she was robbed of that "profound, beautiful and life-altering experience" due to the mix-up.
While she bonded with her son, breastfed him, cuddled him, and "largely followed the same parenting book she had expected," Murray also spent the first few months of her baby's life fearing that someone was going to knock at her door and take the child away.
That fear kept Murray from posting pictures of the baby on social media, her lawsuit says, or even showing him to friends and family initially. Soon after she gave birth, Murray kept her newborn covered in a blanket to avoid questions at a funeral she attended.
Murray took a DNA test early last year that confirmed the baby didn't come from one of her embryos. Wolf said his firm notified Coastal Fertility Specialists soon after because Murray hoped the clinic would improve its procedures and safeguards.
The clinic determined who the child's biological parents were, Wolf said, and let them know Murray had given birth after receiving one of their embryos.
That was last May, when the baby was five months old. Murray said she hasn't seen him since.
"I considered the consequences of IVF going in," Murray said, including the risks of bleeding, infection, sterility and possibly death.
"Never once did I consider I might birth someone else's child and have them taken from me," she said. "And I feel like that should be something that women are aware of as an actual possibility."
Since the boy was taken away, Murray decided to move out of the home where she raised him for the first five months of his life.
She could no longer live in her house "filled with memories of her little boy" because it became too painful. "She would imagine him sleeping soundly in the room that had been his bedroom; she would see him smiling in the kitchen; she would think of him looking in wonder at the tree in the front yard," her lawsuit says.
The clinic said it "deeply regrets" the mix-up caused by "an unprecedented error" in a statement to NBC News.
"This was an isolated event with no further patients affected. The same day this error was discovered we immediately conducted an in-depth review and put additional safeguards in place to further protect patients and to ensure that such an incident does not happen again," the clinic said.