Japan Continues to Reject their Prodigal Son :itsoverjapanese:

Sega heavily pushed this movie pretty hard in Japan since its the most action packed and game accurate of the three and it still managed to flop.

A nation of Nintendrones can't handle a free spirit like Sonic :marseysonic:

Tho rejoice because Sonic's creator Supports Satam/Archie Kino and the Freedom Fighters !furries

EU budget

Can even pay to different account managers

Is this gay or should I keep working on it? It's a tribute to some dead raccoons.


Subway releases new footlong :cocka:
:marseydrunk: King Cobra has become the liqour :marseyhungover:.

!Coolcobras the bwoy is dwown bad. He's beywond fwucking twoasted fwor appwoximatewy 7:30 pm Cwobwa Standard Tim (yesterday).

Wocwl Backup


Pwesidents Day/Bweaking dwown in tears :marseycrying:

Vodka tumble

A smaww pwour

His dwink cwombwo is 50-50 Mwonster and Vodka. Fwor swome reaswon this is stwong :marseymath#:

swomeonye ping bwoozers pls

EFFORTPOST Weekly slavish review :marseyclapping:

With politicians news Trump and Musk called Putin

Putin team later denied that call happening :marseyxd:

Then later Olaf the Scholz called Putin despite Zelenskyy telling Scholz no

So later Zelenskyy started crying about it

Scholz basically don't want that Putin wiped out the electric infrastructure during winter since a lot of refugees will go to Germany and that will kill even more his election so he reminded Putin that he didn't gave long range missiles to Ukraine.

Ukrainian politician started crying that Ukrainians returning to occupied areas :marseyxd:

"At least 30% of Mariupol residents are returning to the occupied areas, some for good. An even higher percentage is going back to other occupied cities and towns, where the destruction isn't as severe," Andriushchenko said.

He also provided statistics from the past year since Russia introduced a single entry point at Sheremetyevo airport for those returning to the occupied areas.

"At least 350,000 Ukrainians tried to enter. Of these, 100,000 to 130,000 were allowed in, while the rest were turned away. About 40% of those who entered left again after registering their property under new Russian rules and picking up their belongings. However, around 50,000 to 60,000 Ukrainians returned to the occupied areas for good," Andriushchenko said.

These 4 million were left to survive without housing, compensation, or any help. The largest wave of departures happened in February and March, not just from returnees but from others as well. This senseless government decision pushed people either abroad or into the occupied areas. Why? Try living on the street with a family of three. Can you survive? Or with a minimum wage of 10-15 thousand hryvnias – is that enough? Probably not. That's why many refugees went to places where they at least have a roof over their heads. It's hard to blame someone for not wanting to be homeless," Andriushchenko wrote.

Did Reddit posted this story ? Of course not. Since it's going against their soy worldview.

Then Zelenskyy been non stop switching his position from Trump plan good we want peace to Trump plan bad we will fight

Musk made fun of him and it hurt a lot of soyboys

On front line news this video shows best how this week was

A soldier in Kurakhove being interviewed by some foid.

Guy: Situation is meh but controlled

Foid: yes just like in the meme everything is under control, we will show the map again, I am not military expert, but what we seeing isn't danger of being cut out ?

Guy: :marseybooba:


…Foid: I think our guest just froze

Guy: no I am here I am here just bad internet. :marseysweating:

So point of this example is that Ukraine been hiding frontline changes hard this week and even clown Julian been playing a long

From some strange reasons he showed how bad things in Chasiv Yar got.

As you see liveuamap doesn't shows it.

Russian pushed 12 km into Kupyansk and cut its main road. Now Ukrainian will be forced to leave Russian river bank of Oskol river.

Then Russian also captured huge chunk of Toretsk

And after Russian pushed Ukrainian out of Avdiivka, ISW was saying, Russian won't have much power left to continue pushing and at most what they could archive this year is push to Chasiv yard or to Kupyansk or to Toresk but it's highly unlikely :marseyxd:

So of course those frontline changes doesn't matter in world of Reddit

The guys are focusing on winning where it's important and if they ignore all other places where Ukraine is losing then those losings never happened. Even tho Ukraine is also losing in Kursk but they can blame it on Korean that are still nowhere to be found after more than a month now

Jfl ISW confirmed Kupyansk event but Julian still holding on his cope :marseyxd:

3 days later

This is his newest post

Billions genocided that they are trying to return to their cities that are under Russian :marseyxd:

And seems like Putin didn't listened to Scholz in the end because today a huge part of Ukrainian infrastructure was wiped out and many cities including Kiev lost electricity

Don't worry everything shoot down

By this babuchka

What 7/9 nuclear power plants are off ?

Weak damage they get fixed in months no biggie

It's fault of billions NK soldiers ! That's still haven't entered fight after over a month has passed since Zelenskyy told tomorrow they star fighting NK

Now the damage to infrastructure is massive

So this week will be remembered as week when Ukraine does its hardest to downplay Russian success

Thanks for reading. I still awaiting update from Julian about Kupyansk

Reported by:
:marseydarkpizzashill: rebuttal in thread A day that will live in infamy. We must never forget.

Note: This was not intended to be an effortpost, but I am too much terminally neurodivergentc so my post just kept on growing and growing! :#gigachadautist:

Either way, summoning all !g*mers to examine the Empire of Autism of the 2020s culture wars in the vidya industry!, I look forward for how well all of these discussions will age within 10 or 20 years!

To start, KiNeurodivergents seem to be showing some restraint, and in a rare moment, are more or less fine with a foid protagonist!

Now what are the 4chuds and /v/irgins thinking of it?, spoiler:

Women bleed out of their vaginas 1 week per month, I don't want to play as one, it's disgusting. :marseyelliotrodger3:


One artificial wombs and s*x androids are created women will cease to have any purpose to exist. :marseyserioushatfact:


because you have yellow fever. you will never have a jap wife though because you're a sexy Indian dude bald manlet :marseyshapiro:


It will be interesting to see how people react to this from both the /pol/ crowd as well as the woke crowd since she pretty much looks like a normal woman. She's not overly doll looking, nor is she ugly like many Western games make women look nowadays. I suspect both sides will just complain anyway kek


even the most basic japanese characters in games with 'realistic' looking characters look attractive when made by asian companies, the west is doomed


remember when video game protagonists were male


Female protagonist

Based but ONLY IF she's a lesbian, or at least bisexual. Here's hoping. :gigachad2:

This. Female protagonists are only cringe when they have romance with a guy. :gigachad4:


Am I supposed to be mad about getting to dress up a cute ronin girl who plays a stringed instrument while walking down heavily wooded byways surrounded by the falling leaves?


I just am genuinely less interested in games with female protagonists. I am pretty sure women feel the same way about books/films/games with male protagonists. It obviously isn't an automatic no for me or for others, but I am much less likely to play the game if I am forced to be a girl.

Funnily enough if a game has a large variety of selectable characters I then don't care if I end up liking a girl the most. I play Peach in Smash bros and I am not some waifustrag. I've been a Chun Li player since SF4. Stuff like that.

!foidmoment thoughts?

women can`t be a samurai shes probably a rogue ronin

They literally called her a ronin in the trailer. Do you think that's going to stop schizophrenic posting about female samurai?


Why do western devs seem to hate Japanese men so much?

Because Jap men hate themselves and have been cucks to the BWC BVLLS fricking their Jap waifus since Feudal times!? !historychads !coomers

Face it Japbois, you are all femboy cuckies and your women belong to the VVHITE EVROPEAN BVLLS, it is simply how nature works!

ubisoft designed a more attractive jap character than Sony

How the frick did we end up here??


anyone saying a female samurai is not as woke as a black samurai is r-slurred

your brain has been subverted into thinking the lesser sin is better than the greater sin


Sekiro had female bosses. Tenchu had female protagonist. Fighting games have female fighters. Why playing as a female samurai seeking revenge is wrong? They already did a homage to samurai movies with the original.


It's the fricking r-slurred YouTube shitters whining about anything with a female in it

:#hesrightyouknow: even fricking /r/KotakuinAction seems to be fine with it, only the YouTube/Xitter touris:marseytrain2:s are the ones sperging at fine-looking foid main character (at least she is not frick ugly tho)

could've easily found ANY average looking japanese woman with a modicum of physical fitness

NOPE, the fat xir it is!

That would have required actually going to Japan, a place that modern PlayStation hates. You will take your genderfluid Asian American mutt and you will like it!

:#hesrightyouknow: both of my previous statements can be true!

If you're going to force a foid on me then at the VERY least make them appeal to my peepee. Otherwise what's the fricking point.

:#gigachad3talking: !coomers

This has to be manufactured outrage by groomercord :!marseytrain:s for the purpose of getting epic /r/gamingcirclecute twinks screenshots.




4cuck in current year, get used to it chuddy! :chudtantrumfastpat:

no point in explaining something obvious to a dumb fricking BIPOC, good day. :mutttantrum:

:#hesrightyouknow: the Josh Goldberg terminally online shut in hobo phenotype is real, the Chud phenotype is outdated, /pol/ Chuds no longer look like this :#chudspin2: they now look more like this:

"muh female protagonist!"

Okay, but let me put it to you this way: Imagine the hot spring scenes.

These are Western modern audience corporate right side of hxstory game devs, not Niplibertarians obsessed with hot spring voyerism :marseyserioushatfact:

You can play as a Japanese girl in the new Assassin's Creed game tho

she got blacked not interested

Me going to buy BlackAss Creed Chudows after spending months trash talking it because it includes the premium B L A C K E D scene:

I have to wonder, there the frick are you cute twinks coming from? All you r-slurs claiming /v/ hates women protagonist. /v/ has been cooming to women protags since Lara Crost on the ps1. Still cooming to hots girls in Dead or Alive, Stellar Blade, Nier Automata and more. Then all of the sudden in the past week, all you freaks come out of nowhere acting like we hate women protagonists. You tourists need to go back to where you came from.


Every single one of these posters is a tourist

:#marseytruthnuke: !soyteens

gets called out

gets defensive and tries to larp as an old strag

You're a gcj :marseytrain2: that comes here and tries to spam the same garbage. There are like seven threads up right now all saying the same shit.



She is not Samurai. Female warriors were a thing. Samurai's wives knew how to defend themselves as a last resort to protect their homes and the Naginata is romanticized often in Japanese art as a weapon women were proficient with. Although this game could go in a boring, horrible DEIfest, a female protagonist as a vengeful warrior is not something you should immediately jump at in a negative light. I would have preferred a game centred around the four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu. Fits the Ghost theme well. As would a Sengoku-jidai Ninja game starring a fictional protagonist of one of the tragic clans of the period. Perhaps the Azai, or even the Oda after Honnoji. You're all fricking cute twinks for making too many threads about shit you don't really give a frick about, or don't care enough to know about.

The Butt Creed girl is unironically cuter though

FRICK YOU... because your right :soycrychicken:


I have no fricking clue what this is, but I assume it's some kind of gay twitter or groomercord drama. :marseymarge:


:#marseyclueless: I love NewGODs so much bros :noob:

Sony marketers (read: Indians earning about .2 cents a post) are currently invading the board and pretending to be mad about a female protagonist in a certain game in order to get you to talk about it, because the IP itself is kind of mid and doesn't really stand on its own merits compared to a certain other Japan-produced IP with a ninja protagonist.

Don't give Sony any oxygen. Don't reply to their garbo threads. If the people you are interacting with seem willfully ignorant, it's because they are being compensated to do so.

!nooticers !antibharatiya do you think this is true?, are all of the anti-woke goobergaters actually a bunch of poos hired by Sony as a form of guerilla marketing?
















Ghost of yotei the singular new game that Playstation will be releasing in 2025... my sides

:#marseymarge: (jannied while I was writing the effortpost lol)

Leave to the west to accurately represent how ugly japs actually are, i respect that :#hesrightyouknow: :#marseyclapping:

Company makes good, authentic, passion filled game with no desire to please the "modern audience"

Game is a massive success

Company makes sequel and fills it with "modern audience" shit, using the good will and reputation they received from their first, good game to market the second one

Everyone can see it and it's not even hard.

It happened with TLOU2, RDR2 etc. It's bullshit.

First one was already woke, secondary. You didn't play it, you will never play it, you don't give a single fricking shit about anything except your little "culture war" for having absolutely nothing else in your pathetic excuse of a "life". Now go on and seethe, b-word and cry since that is the only response you've ever learned to someone calling you out while wallowing in your own fricking shit.




this makes 0 fricking sense you r-slur

why would the guy who posted that pic be a :marseytrain:

i swear to God you're a well poisoning :marseytrain: from groomercord yourself

it was always woke so stop complaining chud!

Typically :marseytrain: gas lighting. Neck yourself tranner

me or the guy who posted the :marseytrain: pic?

So what is the conclusion to this massive wall of text that I spent some few hours working on?, what can we, a bunch of neurodivergent and eccentric individuals posting on an obscure website that is the spinoff of an also-niche defunct subreddit, catered towards "ironic" dramaposting, being adjacent towards imageboards, niche forums, and internet arguments, anger, and autism (AAA), what can we learn from this wall of text existing?, yes, we do indeed learn one simple, yet extremely important thing that is a prominent feature of human civilization in the Year of our Lord 2024:


Hunter Biden reportedly 'commandeered' the White House after Joe's disastrous debate with Trump :marseyhorsecock:

Hunter Biden reportedly 'commandeered' the White House after Biden's disastrous debate with Trump:

Lindy Li: "After the debate, Hunter basically commandeered the White House. He sat in on all of the White House top level meetings. We had a former cocaine addict sitting in on the most sensitive meetings of the most consequential and most important government in world history. Does that sit right with you?"

Shawn Ryan: "No."

Li: "Without security clearance mind you. That's basically who was running the show.

Hunter basically batten down the hatches after the debate to make sure his father would only receive intel he pre-approved."

The Biden administration makes a lot more sense if you view it through the prism of 'The brains of the operation was on crack'

:marseychud: tells everyone about his reading list of chud books, excludes mein kampf because it was written by Jews.

King asks about his favorite book's exclusion

This is literally me talking to my female coworkers about my vacationing plans :marseygiggle:
Reported by:
  • X : AI manipulation





Supposed report


On remand from the Supreme Court's decision in Trump, the district court set a litigation schedule whereby the parties would submit briefs regarding whether any material in the superseding indictment was subject to presidential immunity. ECF No. 233. The parties were in the middle of that process when the results of the presidential election made clear that Mr. Trump would be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20, 2025. As described above, it has long been the Department's interpretation that the Constitution forbids the federal indictment and prosecution of a sitting President, but the election results raised for the first time the question of the lawful course when a private citizen who has already been indicted is then elected President. The Department determined that the case must be dismissed without prejudice before Mr. Trump takes office, and the Office therefore moved to dismiss the indictment on November 25, 2024. See ECF No. 281. The district court granted the motion the same day. ECF No. 283.

The Department's view that the Constitution prohibits the continued indictment and prosecution of a President is categorical and does not tum on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government's proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Office stands fully behind. Indeed, but for Mr. Trump's election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.

Logging every single Bluesky post :marseyevilgrin:

I'm logging every single Bluesky post.

Their API is designed like dogshit don't let the :marseytrain2:s that wrote it tell you otherwise.

It's like 10-15k posts per minute.

My log file is growing by like 100-200MB/hr of just text lol.

I don't get how they think Bluesky won't be used for AI training when there's an unauthenticated stream that lets you log absolutely everything.

I don't know if I'm violating the ToS because I don't care if I am.

Tell me if you want me to grep anything juicy.


24 is down! Is this the rise of new.chads or just a glitch?

Reported by:
Throwback to when I pimped my raccoons to sell my old BMW.

:marseyvibing: I Ran :marseyexercise: : Flock of Seagulls :orly:

The unspoken agony of vaginal dryness: 'I had to give up four jobs in four years' :marseyanorexic:


When Lorraine Kelly shared her experience of menopause on her daytime TV show in 2017, she was her own last resort. Initially, she set out to interview a famous woman about her story, but everyone she approached refused.

"I thought, nobody else will talk about it so I'll do it. It was a breakthrough moment," said Kelly.

Seven years later, it often feels as though we have reached peak menopause. Michelle Obama, Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow have all been open about their experiences, encouraging women not to feel ashamed about a biological process an estimated 13 million people in the UK are now going through. And yet there's still one part of it that is barely spoken about.

Vaginal dryness.

As with so much in this realm, it took a celebrity – Davina McCall in this case – to shine a light on it. For those of us who'd assumed this symptom was a minor inconvenience, which only affected s*x and was easily remedied with the kinds of lubrication readily available from high street chemists, it was a brutal wake-up call.

"I had severe dryness, so severe that when I tried to wipe myself after going to the loo, it was so sore I was having to kind of dab," McCall said in her 2021 documentary, S*x, Myths and the Menopause. "I didn't know what it was, I had no idea that it was part of being perimenopausal."

Previously known as vulvovaginal atrophy, now rebranded as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), vaginal dryness will probably affect between 60% and 80% of women, according to various studies. It is caused by the drop in oestrogen levels, which happens as women go through menopause, causing vaginal tissue to become thinner and less elastic. Despite it being so common, one study has found that a third of female sufferers did not report it to their doctor.

This is partly because of embarrassment, says Haitham Hamoda, consultant gynaecologist and clinical lead of the menopause service at King's College Hospital. "Most GPs are well informed and offer a great service, but of course, there are variations of what you can access. Part of it is going to be what is available to you, what is offered to you, and what you feel comfortable talking about."

He continues: "You'd be surprised how many people would come and see you because they're talking about flushes and sweats and brain fog. And when you say, 'Do you have vaginal dryness?' they will say, 'Oh, yes, it's really uncomfortable'. But they never really think about bringing it up, unless you specifically ask."

Hamoda has seen women who are too sore to wear underwear. "You do find people who say clothes are uncomfortable because it's touching against the area … In extreme cases they find it uncomfortable sitting or walking."

GP and menopause expert Dr RenΓ©e Hoenderkamp has had cases like this too. "I've seen women who can't go about their daily life because of vaginal dryness. It's absolutely debilitating. They can't go to the gym any more, can't wear jeans, can't go for a bike ride, can't run up the stairs at the station. It's all just too painful."

Clare, 55, says GSM "consumed my whole life". "I used to sit in a shallow, cold bath, sobbing. It was agony, the burning never let up for one second of the day or night. Even walking was painful." It began when she was 47, but she never considered her symptoms could have anything to do with being perimenopausal because her periods were regular, and she was not having hot flushes.

But, as Hoenderkamp points out, every menopause is different: "For some women, vaginal dryness will be their first symptom, very early, even before their periods have changed. Other women won't get it until they've gone through it all. It's really individual."

She also believes that seeing dryness as just a symptom of menopause can be misleading. "Women who breastfeed for more than six months will suppress their oestrogen to a level where they may get vaginal dryness. The pill can cause it. Antidepressants. It's not just restricted to menopausal women."

The implications of vaginal dryness can go far beyond pain, says Hoenderkamp. "Once past menopause, when all of the tissue in and around the vagina and urethra dries and atrophies, women become much more susceptible to urine infections because bacteria are able to attach to the tissue."

Hamoda has also seen women avoiding or missing cervical screening due to GSM. "Sometimes you can't open the speculum because they're so dry and uncomfortable, even though, of course, you're using plenty of lubrication." In some cases, he has told patients to "take vaginal oestrogen for the next two months, then come back and we'll attempt this smear again. Sadly, this is not an uncommon scenario."

Not every doctor is aware of how to help women with GSM. Emily, 44, sought medical advice as soon as her vaginal dryness began four years ago. "It felt like there was a red hot poker inside of me," she says. She also suffered from urinary tract infections. Her GP found it so hard to reach a diagnosis that at one point he told her – on the phone – that she might simply have to prepare herself for a life of chronic pain.

As she was 40 when her symptoms began, her doctor didn't consider perimenopause. She was passed between different NHS services, given courses of antibiotics, a cystoscopy, referrals to urology, gynaecology and physiotherapy. She also paid to see a private vulval pain specialist. As all this was going on, no painkillers could make any difference, and she remained in agony.

"It's been catastrophic," she says. "The pain makes it very difficult to concentrate. I've had to give up four jobs in the space of four years. I've had to sell my house and move away from my friends because I need to have more savings in case I can't carry on working. It's had a massive effect on my mental health."

Out of desperation, Emily began to research her symptoms herself. She found out that one in 20 women go through perimenopause before they're 45, and, presuming this was what was happening to her, Emily wrote a detailed letter to her GP, asking for vaginal oestrogen. He agreed to put her on a low dose. "And within two days the burning stopped."

She is still, however, struggling with her UTI symptoms – which include needing to pee around four times an hour. While it's impossible to know what has caused this, she believes that because her infection was not treated for so long it has got worse. She is now being treated separately for her persistent UTI.

Misdiagnosis is a common thread through this condition. Dr Paula Briggs, a consultant in sexual and reproductive health at Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust, reports, "It depends who the patient presents to, how likely they are to get the right diagnosis. Loads of women will be told they've got thrush."

It's a perfect storm – women reluctant to seek medical help in the first place, then a delay in being diagnosed.

"Whereas other menopausal symptoms resolve – generally they get less severe, then they stop – GSM becomes progressively worse over time and is very difficult to reverse," says Briggs. She now thinks all women should be given vaginal oestrogen at around the age of 45 as a default.

However, as oestrogen pessaries fall under the HRT umbrella, some women remain nervous due to the small increased risk of breast cancer linked to progestogen-containing forms of HRT. Hoenderkamp says that vaginal oestrogen does not carry the same risk. "It is just about as safe as houses, and very easy. I often have women who say I can't have vaginal oestrogen because I've had breast cancer. Well, you can."

Hamoda is more cautious: "Generally speaking, with breast cancer patients you would try other non-hormonal options first. But on an individual basis."

However, it is not a problem that will disappear overnight. "In terms of the oestrogen, women are not going to do it for a year and then it will all be OK. It's probably a lifelong commitment to their vagina," says Hoenderkamp.

Vaginal oestrogen is available from chemists – although it's cheaper on prescription from your GP – and there are also moisturisers and lubricants women can buy over the counter as a possible first port of call.

The message overall is clear, though. If you are uncomfortably dry, you should never suffer in silence – it's not just a part of ageing that happens to everyone, which you have to grin and bear – it's something that can be treated and, in most cases, eased.

"Awareness is key," says Hamoda. So, while there has never been so much talk about menopause as there is now, there's still a lot that needs to be said.

Some names have been changed

"If you want to know where the real milk is, figure out who you're not allowed to milk" - John 子. Cenady :marseyschizowave: :khazarmilkers: :marseygigatitty:

This is 100% home grown photoshop no AI which is why it kinda sucks

there is nothing else implied though

:marseyflagukrainegenocide#: :marseysaluteusa#: :!marseysaluteisrael#:

!illuminati !schizomaxxxers




(18FTNB) i hate having to go the hospital for physical medical issues bcuz theyre always blamed on my weight. last year i had (n still have) a painful numbness on my right knee, and when i went to the doctor he at first said that it was bcuz i was big n heavy n shit then i told him no it was numb so then he was like oh nevermind its actually nerve damage (it actually was nerve damage from overexercise due to my lovely anorexia) n right now im pretty sure i sprained my ankle (not the 1st time) n i told my mom n she was like oh no its your big massive fat fricking weight your foot cant carry you anymore!!!! b-word shut up yes it can i just turned it weird n now it hurts 😐 i dont wanna go to the hospital for my ankle i dont want them to say thr same thing, i hate how people look at me bcuz of my size i hate being percieved n i hate how doctors act like idk what thr food pyramid is or what diets r its kinda why i dont wanna get checked for lipedema bcuz what if i was imagining it (ik im not i did my research i 100% havr it) or what if the doctors ignore me I HATE HOSPITALS ALAOAOWYDHFJFGFEJSIHSEIDDUDHR


FTNB :#bruh:

>young foid with access to reddit



!foidmoment !schizos !chuds !nooticers


Danny Mullen got in a fight at an anti tesla protest
"Elon Musk is an N from Moscow" - Unironic Redditors :marseyxd:


These mayos have no sense of humor

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