


6.4 = make out by Gary Wilson !!WEIRD 70s STUFF!! - Lil B

70s night - Lil B

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  • DickButtKiss : Thee smallest amount of hydration u can survive on is the healthiest, anything more is excess
  • DK_KD : The human body wasn't meant to survive on anything but Pepsi Max
  • anonymousm : i have drank nothing but bloxy cola for the past 999999999 years


Are there actual health benefits of drinking more water?

Publicly released: Tue 26 Nov 2024 at 0300 AEDT | 0500 NZDT

We often get told we should drink more water, but US experts say the actual benefits of increasing water consumption are not well established, so they set out to review the evidence that drinking more water is good for you. They found that while there is a limited number of clinical trials, a small number of studies did suggest increasing your water intake has benefits for weight loss and kidney stones. There were also individual studies which they say raise the possibility of benefits for migraine prevention, UTIs, diabetes control, and low blood pressure. They say that given how cheap and safe water is, we should have more well-designed studies to assess the benefits of drinking more water for these conditions.



If you drank water before today, in any amount at all, you are nothing more than a pseudoscience peddling witch doctor twink.

Thank you Neil.

Thank you Bill.

Thank you the other Bill.

Thank you Asian Dude.

Thank you Newton.


LK-99ers would be on suicide watch, but they're all dead. From suicide. :marseysmug:

"Chat, am I cooked? fr? fr?" The zoomer :marseyzoomerimplosion: asks r/Kroger after breaking :marseyrobber: into Boss Man Pizzashill's :arousedpizzashill: office



			 !scandicks !strayans !nooticers

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Reddit Revolutionaries call for mass killing of government officials
Oi, you got a loiscence for not getting any hoes?

:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-01-25 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

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Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Informative & Unfortunate: How Linustechtips reveals the rot in inf.../r/G*mersNexus (10K)50%749
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πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Trump supporting businesses?/r/Charlottesville (49K)56%393
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:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Frenchie chud posts chudpost. /leftyxitter/ tries to school and ratio him. Fails. :chudcheers:

Ok so you know how Drumpf and Elmo musk gutted usAIDS? Well rightoids started auditing and found funny things it was used for.

Here are some of the funny things it was used for (not limited to them ofc).

Now looking at it, a certain BAPoid centric rightoid frenchie on xitter who larps as a Napoleonic patriots makes a post basically saying that they should've used usAIDS to fund chud revolutions. Now with the persecution fetish lefty xitter users have, they pounce, talking about "muh CIA" and "muh ukraine". They tried to "ratio" him but the closest they got was this.

Even rightoids didn't like the idea and some took it seriously enough to start clapping back (insane).

Now here are some snippets of the leftoid sneed.

Here is a (((euROPE))) nationalist sneeding too

Now mr.NapoleonBonabot claps back at critics

The entire replies to this are as expected.

Here are some snippets:

Honestly it goes on and on. This was creative rightoid bait too because it basically attacks one of the most used argument that leftoids use, the "us meddling" shtick. Because the rightoid is basically denying it happened, the leftoids basically see this akin to genocide denial and are REALLY pissed of.


On a more serious note, i've been watching a lot of hypocritical history's older videos on the Punic Wars and they're darn good.



EFFORTPOST A brief history of American third party runs - Could Kennedy have cut the mustard?

Thread theme btw if anyone knows more Chappell Roan songs like this let me know, I love this song

When Kennedy ran for President in 2024, he was a joke. The very weird failson of a famous dead politician throwing a strange tantrum because Joe Biden was too pro-vaccine. His announcement speech in 2023 would get taken down by YouTube because of his strange rants about vaccines, and the Brandonslide in the Democratic primaries was too powerful to be stopped - Kennedy couldn't stop Biden, Phillips couldn't stop Biden, Williamson couldn't stop Biden, not even my GOAT Jason Palmer could stop Biden.

Remeber this? That was so awesome. Anyway, Kennedy was a weird joke like Marianne Williamson or Dean Phillips - until he announced he was going to run third party, then he became a very serious threat. His early polls were incredible - some (obviously bollocks ones) were at 15%, and he was generally polled at around 8% - 10% near the start of his run. Of course, fate would not smile upon RFK. After a graveyard shaped closet was unleashed, he eventually gave up and endorsed Trump. Kennedyheads, who had given up there time and money to a real outsider, saw Kennedy give up and endorse a former President. They need to be talked off the rooftops, but are they dumb stupid morons? When has a third party candidate ever really mattered? Three, arguably five, times;

1924: Calvin Coolidge :marseyautism: (R) v John Davis :marseyautism: (D) v Robert La Follette :marseynouautism: (P)

1968: Richard Nixon :marseyrobber: (R) v Hubert Humphrey :marseyselfflagellation: (D) v George Wallace :marseyblackface: (AI)

1992: Bill Clinton :marseysax: (D) v George H.W Bush :marseysoylentgrin: (R) v Ross Perot :marseynerd2: (I)

These third parties were either marginal influences in the party that had a great amount of regional influence, but a marginal voice if any at all in the party they were associated with - so they struck out and walked their own path, and enthralled millions with their unique messaging. This longpost will look at what they did right, and where Kennedy went wrong.

There are two other third party runs that did very well, but I'm not counting them for a few reasons

The election of 1912 had Progressive Teddy Roosevelt comfortably humiliate Republican Howard Taft in the best ever performance for a third party, coming second with 88 EVs to Howard Taft's 8 EVs. I'm not counting Teddy because he was a former president - I think any third party run would be made stronger by the candidate being a former President.

The election of 1848 had Martin Van Buren win 10% of the vote with the Free Soil party, an anti-slavery party - impressive, but he's not included because he is both a former President, and his third party run had him compete against the Democrats and the Whigs. Around 1896 is when the two party system as we understand it emerges, and the cut-off point to studying third party runs begins.

1924 - Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette, Progressive Party (Wisconsin) :marseysjw#:

"Men must be aggressive for what is right if government is to be saved from men who are aggressive for what is wrong."

Wisconsin has always been a liberal state - meaning that in the early 20th century, it was a Republican strong hold, dominated La Follette and his son, Robert La Follette Jr. La Follette's progressivism was the old school, prairie kind - born and raised on farms, with a conservative "got mine" bent to it that pleasingly led to a dedication to civil liberties and isolationism.

Come 1924, and the Democrats and Republicans both nominate conservatives. Calvin Coolidge won re-nomination as the Republican, while after 103 ballots John Davis was settled on when delegates at the convention started to run out of money had to leave. If you think the duopoly is bad today, Coolidge and Davis aligned on nearly every issue, differing only on condemning the Klan (Davis did so, Silent Cal did not) and on tariffs (Davis liked them low, Coolidge liked them high). Otherwise they agreed on a limited government, deregulated industry and tax cuts. American conservatism has never had it so good, the uniparty in fundamental agreement.

La Follette, not a man loyal to any particular party despite being a Republican, was angry that neither party had nominated any kind of liberal. At the 4th Conference for Progressive Political Action, 1,200 delegates composed of union members, socialists, liberals but not communists, frick off Foster :marseycomradecry:, nominated Robert La Follette and Burton Wheeler, a ticket that called for mass nationalisation of companies, tax hikes and support for labour unions. And he did amazingly - despite what the map may tell you.

"Well winning one state is impressive for a third party, but is it really that good?"

Yep. He won 16.6% of the vote, nearly half the votes of Davis, won his home state of Wisconsin and beat Davis (coming in second) in the following states; Oregon, California, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Iowa, Minnesota and both the Dakotas :marseybadgejew: . These are some pretty astonishing results, located mostly in the Western plains with a higher amount of farms then normal. So, how on earth did La Follette do so well?

It can't be denied that his unique politics played a role. When both parties have so much in common, it's clear there's an unheard voice in that election and La Follette was able to amplify that voice. There was so much frustration that he near totally unified the left, leaving only the communists out in the cold. Another advantage he had over Coolidge and Davis is that he was actually the one to campaign. Coolidge had a pretty understandable reason - his son Calvin Jr died in a freak tennis accident, when he got a blister that turned sepsis. Obviously in a deep grief, Coolidge rarely left the White House and his campaign speeches were mostly about his theory of governance rather than addressing the issues or his opponents. By contrast, Davis just didn't like campaigning much and in his meeting with party bosses would need his arm twisted to say to he supports them because showing affection in any way was simply not his character. Equally valid reasons, I'm sure one would agree.

Coolidge was always going to defeat to Davis thanks to the booming economy, but La Follette turned Davis into a joke - to this day, Davis' 28.8% amount of the vote is the worst a Democrat has ever done in the Popular Vote, isolating his support near entirely in the Jim Crow South where votes were tightly controlled. To explain just how lacking Davis' support was, electoral votes in the electoral college are determined by population. California had 13 EVs, Alabama had 12. California, won by Coolidge, had 1,263,413 votes with about 400,000 going to La Follette. Alabama, won by Davis, had 157,971 votes, with 45,005 going to Coolidge. Underscoring just how catastrophic Davis' loss was, during the 1864 US election, the South was not able to vote in the election due to the "rebellion" thing - and McCellan still got 44.9% of the vote against Lincoln.

La Follette would die in 1925 at 70, meaning he never got to see his work vindicated by the Democratic party. In 1928, Al Smith would win the Democratic nomination. A progressive, urban Catholic, the south would abandon him in droves due to fear of Papal influence while the north continued to bet on the Republicans - with President Herbert Hoover winning in one of the biggest landslides at the time. Hoover would be left holding the bag when the economy crashed, New York Governor Franklin Roosevelt would unite the Democrats and the country to implement many of La Follette's ambitions - except of course, without the isolationism.

1968 - George Wallace, American Independence Party (Alabama) :marseyk#kk:

George Wallace standing in the doorway of the University of Alabama to block the entrance of black students. "I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"

From a left wing populist to a right wing populist, George Wallace was about as anti-La Follette as you could get. With Hubert Humphrey supporting measures to integrate society and Nixon opposing de-jure segregation, George Wallace, who had built a national profile as one of the top opponents to integration, ran third party to appeal to the raving bigots. The Wallace campaign plan was to win enough states to prevent Nixon from getting 270 Electoral Votes, force the election to the House and work out a deal where Nixon would uphold Segregation and Wallace released his EVs to let Nixon become President. His plan was to speak aggressively and passionately, decrying the elitism of the mainstream parties and "handouts" from the Great Society like Nixon did.

But he also mimicked Humphrey with his support for unions. He had no issue with an honest days pay for an honest days work - but wasn't it so unfair you were paying for lazy people? While he struck a middle ground economically, he went in a different direction for the war - Nixon was "peace", Humphrey was for status quo, and Wallace was ramping it up. An infamous quote of his is "We win in 90 days or we pull out", which sometimes misinterpreted as a peace plan. Wallace wanted to destroy North Vietnam, to teach Red China and the Soviet Union a lesson :marseynukegoggles:. More importantly, he didn't talk about segregation unless pressed about it, where he would of course defend it. Wallace's victory plan was to build a coalition of single issue voters, racists, anti-welfare union workers, warhawks and people that enjoyed him picking fights with hippies, to cause the deadlock.

Trust me, picking fights with hippies is critical to the central thesis regarding Kennedy. To generate enough media attention, he used inflammatory language to create controversy. "The only four letter words don't know are W-O-R-K and S-O-A-P!" he would say of his protestors. When it came to the Lyndon Johnson's :marseyflagtexas: protestors? "If any anarchists lie in front of my automobile, it'll be the last automobile they ever lie in front of." Sometimes he'd even get into shouting matches with his protestors. When called a fascist, he boasted "I was killing fascists while you were in diapers!" Another memorable line was when he grinned and chatted to a heckler. "I love you, I really do. Because when you come to me, I get another million votes." People loved it. While Humphrey was in full shill mode, trying to pick up the pieces of the Democratic party, and while Nixon was chilling not doing anything at all because he was winning massively, Wallace was the man in the arena, ranting and raving in a way people loved.

Wallace at his peak was polling at an astonishing 20% of the vote, but crashed out pretty badly during LeMay's first press conference. "We seem to have a phobia of nuclear weapons" LeMay began. He would continue with "it doesn't make much of a difference to me if I have go to a jungle in Vietnam and get killed with a rusty knife or get killed with a nuclear weapon. As a matter of fact, if I had the choice I would lean towards nuclear weapon." Wallace, visibly panicked, steps in to say "General LeMay hasn't advocated for nuclear weapons, not at all. He discussed nuclear weapons with you, he is against the use of nuclear weapons and I am too." Moments later, LeMay was asked if he would use nukes on Vietnam. "If I found it necessary." Like a fricking sitcom.


The consequences were swift and brutal, with Wallace plateauing from 20% of the vote to around 14%-12%, and he would ultimately get 13.5% of the vote and a far better EV count than La Follette.

301 EVs is a pretty respectable amount from Nixon, but Wallace's defeat was a lot closer then one might think. The Midwestern states had the powerful union votes split between Wallace and Humphrey, letting Nixon sweep the anti-union vote easily. But Nixon only won several Southern states with less then 40% of the vote. Had Wallace preformed better or rather, not suffered from the LeMay fiasco, he could have won North Carolina or Tennessee due to thinness of Nixon's victory. The margin for Nixon's victory goes from 301 - 191 - 46 to 289 - 191 - 58, still a win but a narrow win when you need 270 to win without a deadlock.

In turn, Missouri and Ohio both have Nixon with a margin of roughly 1% over Humphrey. If Wallace didn't have the nuke comments weighing him down, he could have tapped better into the Conservatives of the state and allowed Humphrey to win them both. If those states went blue but Nixon got every vote from North Carolina, the margin of victory is 269 - 229 - 45, just one EV from preventing Wallace's actual victory of forcing Nixon to end integration. Granted, this is all a lot of what ifs. But Wallace's defeat was a very narrow thing.

After the election, Wallace crawled back to the Democrats and became a bizarrely accepted part of it - to the point there were rumours of a Humphrey/Wallace ticket in 1972. He would ultimately come third in the 1972 primaries, despite being shot, and managed to outlive both Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon, despite being shot. His legacy is of interest only to historians, his riot having accomplished nothing at all. De-jure segregation is illegal, and de-facto segregation remains commonplace all over America - no thanks to Wallace's tantrum.

1992 - Ross Perot, Independent (Texas) :marseygoldenhorseshoe#:

"The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled."

After dealing with two populists, it only makes sense our final candidate before Kennedy is Ross Perot - an anti-populist. A man who went on TV, promised to raise taxes and cut benefits, and soared to the top of the polls.

That's not an exaggeration - Gallup had at one point Ross Perot leading with 39% of the vote, to Bush's 31% and Clinton's 29% of the vote, past the 4% margin of error. As well as these other candidates have done, none of them have ever been polled at outright beating both candidates.

His key policy was going against the grain, and embracing protectionism when Bush and Clinton were both enthusiastic supporters of NAFTA. During the debates, he eerily prophesied "there will be a giant sucking sound going south" if NAFTA passes due to Mexico's lax environmental and labour laws. His other

Those were his most notable policies, and what he really railed against Bush and Clinton on. Bush had got them in this mess, and Clinton's liberal policies weren't gonna get them out. But he also had an eclectic series of other policies - like "Direct Democracy" through electronic town halls (fitting for a CEO of a company that specialised in computers), and a less involved America (although not isolationist).

Also unique was his messaging. While Clinton used platitudes and uplifting advertising, and Bush viciously attacked Clinton as a philandering communist plant, Perot's defining ads would be him buying 30 minutes of air time and frankly explaining what he thought was right for the country and how he would do it, with CHARTS BABY!

It's goes against every single populist idea there's ever been. Perot had policy that didn't have "popular" aspects of it, delivered in a frank, clear and detailed manner. By nearly any political junkie's understanding of the American electorate, he should have flopped, his advertisements discovered by pathetic teenagers saying "so true!" and calling themselves Perotstans in the new 20s.

There is a lot more to the story then this, worthy of it's own article (I haven't even mentioned Perot thinking the CIA was sabotaging him or dropping out of the race), but that is the short version when it comes to analysing Perot's place in third party history.

With Bush losing, the Republicans generally considered Perot to have stolen votes from Bush and handing Clinton the election - the facts don't reflect this, Perot generally took from both bases, but the Republicans grudgingly took notice and for the midterms introduced the Contract With America, an ambitious set of reforms that included the Balanced Budget Amendment to outlaw deficit and term limits for members of Congress - all of which failed to pass.

Perot would try his luck again in 1996, forming the Reform Party and couping it's nomination from Richard Lamm, and getting decent results - 8.4% is nothing to sneeze at, and more then enough to win the party federal funding. The party's apex would be in 1998, when former pro-wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura won the Minnesota Gubernatorial race. The Reform party would crumble shortly afterwards, as Progressives and Paleoconservatives feuded with each other over which way to take the party - ultimately the Paleoconservatives won, nominating Pat Buchanan and getting less then 1% in 2000. Ross Perot for his part endorsed George Bush.

2024 - Robert Francis Kennedy Jr, Independent (California) :marseys#chizowall:

"Why should somebody be able to pollute the air, which belongs to all of us, or destroy a river or a waterway, which is supposed to belong to the whole community?"

What does a left wing populist, a right wing populist, and centrist anti-populist have in common? Why did they succeed when the Greens, the Libertarians, the Communists, and my GOATS the Prohibition Party fail, time after time?

I narrowed it down to three factors.

  • A wedge issue

  • A wide coalition

  • A unique voice

A Wedge Issue

The first and most important step is the wedge issue. La Follette had progressivism, Wallace had segregation and Perot had NAFTA and the deficit. You need to be saying something that no one else is saying, that really resonates. Chase Oliver of the Libertarians fails because his socially progressive message is being used by the Democrats, and his fiscal conservatism is being used by the Republicans. Perhaps there are voters that prefer his message as a whole, but most consider one issue more important and back the party likely to win to accomplish this goal.

It's called the marketplace of ideas, and you need to operate like a business. You can't walk in with a mishmash of policy both party's are offering, you just enter a saturated market. You need a unique selling point no other competitor is offering, or else you'll just be overshadowed by your better funded competitors. (Glad to put my diploma in business to good use).

Did RFK Jr have these unique ideas? In a sense he did. As he pointed out frequently, the COVID-19 vaccines came from one Donald J. Trump's project Warpspeed.

This didn't matter. Despite starting as a hippie thing, of which RFK is a remnant of, vaccine scepticism has become firmly an stance of the fringe right, who Donald Trump commands. They may not like that Trump is pro-vaccine (here's Trump being booed for saying his crowd should take the vaccine) , but he is still their guy. Saying "uhhhh I don't trust those vaccines" doesn't fly when Q is warning people if they don't back Trump JFK Jr will stay dead or whatever.

A Wide Coalition

This is important, third party or first. No single issue is ever popular enough to propel someone to the finish line just on that single issue. You need to have a stance on everything that's in the public consensus as "important". La Follette's sheer uniqueness gave him the widest coalition of the American left there's ever really been, while George Wallace flirted with Warhawks and the unions. Ross Perot's top concern was the economy, but he also had the most non-interventionist foreign policy and some eccentric ideas on general governance.

I conducted a small (tiny) poll asking random people why they thought RFK Jr was running and to assume it was in good faith. The vast majority of the answers I got were "vaccines". I had three other answers of the dozen or so people I asked - one included Bobby's issues with the FDA, which is technically different but ranting about the chemicals in our food is on a similar wavelength to anti-vaccine rhetoric, two answers included opposition to the duopoly, and one came from an outright Bobby fan who correctly identified Bobby has having the most anti-corporate, pro-environment platform in the race (aided by Biden and Harris not actually having a platform).

No one mentioned his isolationist foreign policy, his shockingly progressive stance on race, his transphobia, or his ties to crypto currency. Because he never really talked about it! It was all about the Duopoly, the FDA, or the Vaccines. He seemed to be trying to build this wide net on his policy page, but gave up when it came time to campaign and focused on his most nutjob stances.

Opposing the Two-Party system isn't enough. If it was, Gary Johnson would be included in this list. Remember him? The 2016 Libertarian candidate, running against two of the least popular mainstream candidates ever. He won 3.28% of the vote, not a terrible result for a third party, but hardly what you would expect from arguably the least popular race of all time.

So RFK Jr doesn't really have a wedge issue, and he doesn't really have a coalition. Surely such a wacky candidate has the final part?

A Unique Voice

He sure did have a unique voice! Because spasmodic dysphonia and he does seek treatment for it, it's very insensitive to make fun of it.

But when it comes to how he campaigned, he was rather standard. He appeared on podcasts… and that was about it

Sitting down and explaining your crank beliefs on a podcast may have been unique in 2010, but it's really not that different from sitting down and explaining your crank beliefs on a TV show these days. In fact, Donald Trump has been the one experimenting with messaging, doing a "X Space" and going on a livestream with popular r-slur Adin Ross.

There is one exception to this. One instance where he had a truly message that wasn't about chemicals, delivered in a manner that was unique and appealed to people outside of his eccentric circle - his Superbowl ad, wherein all that was advertised is that a Kennedy is running for president, and he's younger than Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

The same fricking duopoly message that doesn't work.

In all three factors, Kennedy came up short. He couldn't wedge an issue, he refused to expand his circle, and his campaign style was far blander then his bizarre campaign ideas.

Kenndy and his scandals

The Scandals

Scandals are part of any good campaign, and Kennedy is no exception. His campaign may be more famous for the constant, bizarre scandals then any of his very silly beliefs.

All I can say is Kennedy is very, very lucky that the outlandish scandals overshadowed his dark past.

In the same day he was accused of eating a dog, he was accused of sexually assaulting a woman he hired as babysitter, allegations he responded to with a blasΓ© "I am not a Church Boy". These very serious criminal allegations were overshadowed by the ludicrous ones, a reoccurring theme. The fact he literally had a brainworm overshadowed how this information got out - it was disclosed during divorce proceedings where he was so callous to his ex-wife during and after the marriage, he drove her to suicide. There is a real darkness in Kennedy, overshadowed by the utter farce much of his campaign seemed to be.

The future of third parties

It's hard to not view the future of third party politics as bleak. The party's are more unified then ever, but that's come with polarisation increasing loyalty to the parties. Wedge issues are by their nature impossible to predict, and in the age of mass media, what's unique is generally a very fleeting thing.

Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Donald Trump got shot about two months ago, and the world has just continued to chug with those events just being part of the news cycle. The third party uniqueness vital for them to stand a chance seems like they're much more likely to just be a fad, rather than anything impactful.

I hope I'm wrong. But more likely, you'll see outsiders - like former Reform party member Donald Trump or Independent Bernie Sanders work within the party, and force compromises along inside the system.


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseyhesright:

Circle the calendar, the progressives are right about this!



:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-07 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

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πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Don't understand the hate for car payments/r/whatcarshouldIbuy (507K)54%462

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜List of Carmel business that support MAGA/r/Carmel (4K)51%177
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜MAGA Conservative coming in peace, wanting to find common ground./r/OptimistsUnite (215K)49%8256
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Despite being mostly conservative, I still support local liberal-ow.../r/statecollege (5K)49%155
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Why Linux Will Never Beat Windows/r/linuxsucks (8K)53%209
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜It happened. The office Trump supporter is PISSED/r/OptimistsUnite (215K)67%5510
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Question for Reddit: Team Baldoni or Team Lively-Reynolds? What is .../r/popculture (65K)54%949
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜My MAGA uncle working in a GOV'T job just got laid off/r/washdc (58K)50%638
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜List of Fort Wayne businesses that support MAGA. Probably really ha.../r/fortwayne (35K)49%328
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Amazing Job in Helena/r/missoula (33K)59%314
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Carrie Underwood 'not looking back, just ahead' after performance a.../r/popculture (65K)62%507

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

I don't know how to title this, it's just a mildly fun read

Greetings Dramatards :marseywave2:

I've been binging a lot of Anime which had specifically aired in South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica: on the Anime specific infamous channel Animax which had aired on DSTV in many Southern African channels from the mid 2000s to the early 2010s, before it was shitcanned by the producers during the era in which greedy executives thought about replacing much of their Broadcasting :marseyshutitdown: roster, with Reality TV nonsense.

During the Reality TV nonsense era, we got bullshit on the famous Documentary Channels (Trademark/Copyright :marseypirate:) which was so nicknamed by Safricans for being clustered together sequentially on the DSTV channels (Usually from channels 65, 66, 67, 68 & 69).

They were Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet, the History Channel, and so on. They were relatively popular for at the time you got tune into one of these 4/5 channels at any point in time, morning to midnight, and there would be something worthy of your time airing :marseyexcited: :marseyexcited: The History Channel got nicknamed the Hitler Channel because of the channel's apparent obsession with WW2, but it was still vary popular with africans like @Murdervann, though others got very tired :marseyitsallsotiresome: from the near exclusive focus on WW2 era, and usually from viewpoints from the Allied side (it was made in Burgerland/Bongland usually).

Little did we know how much we would yearn back to to the Hitler Channel :marseyhitler: days - cuz then the Reality TV menace era attacked! No longer was documentaries the norm when you tuned into the Documentary squad of channels, instead it was the most low brow, common as grass, lowest common denominator Reality TV slop.

The worst offender would be the infamous History Channel, which would rebrand large sections of it's runtime as "HISTORY MADE EVERYDAY" :marseyrage: They would air crap like Ice Road Truckers and fricking Ancient Aliens - holy frick what a fall. (remember this meme guy)

And the WORST of all was that apparently fricking normies liked this shit - cuz the TV brands claimed that they were making gangbusters, and that ratings was higher than ever - which was contrary to literally every Boer boomer whom i talked to regarding the fall of the documentary channels, and ESPECIALLY THE disgrace of the Hitler Channel, which even the detractors now missed, and in hindsight declaimed was much better than this reality TV brokenshit dogshit :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

It was in this point in my life when i realized that large sectors of the populations of society - just have really really really REALLY dogshit taste :marseybeanannoyed: :marseypopcorn:

The reality TV nonsense also began to spread to other channels, with soooooooooo many fricking macho Auction nonsense, like these posers who pretended to the camera that they were cool, while buying shit from Shipping containers. But the true dark age came, when inevitably also Animax, the anime channel would be desecrated.

It came in waves - 1st only parts of airtime was now dedicated to weird Yank nonsense shows, like Kenny-vs-Spenny :marseybeansick: (the worst travesty ever to be broadcasted upon mine eyes :marseyeyemixer3: ), that Octagon survival mindrape show, and some were good like the Ninja Warrior where magnificent athletes performed spectacular feats of fitness, but it wasn't fricking anime!

:marseytombstone: :wolfvictory:Rest in Peace Animax :marseychudgravedance:

Now I've been intending on watching every single Anime show ever aired upon Animax in it's half decade of running, so that I might make a megapost Longpost about Animax and the drama following it being soft-cockblocked by executive harpies, and have a short blurb at the end of the Longpost, where I placed may review/recommendation on every show aired.

Of course this project started January, and it's now October..... :marseyinshallah: please forgive me Dramatards, but anime takes a lot of endurance to finish.

Now you guys know how many dramatards absolutely despise anime to a self-destructive :marseyrage: irrational extent?! How on every single Weekly-Anime-Watch post on is filled with people expressing their violent fantasies to keelhaul all anime fans?? Well I'm here to tell you guys.................that they are absolutely right, anime as a medium is fricking brokenshit :marseytrollcrazy:

I've talked about it before, but I despise the cultural chauvinism of Japs, just as much as I despise the wokeism of westoid liberals, I think it to be two sides of the same coin - the same emotion but inverted. Wokes place their culture beneath others, while cultural chauvinists place theirs above everything.

There's a great deal of reasons to hate Anime and anime fandoms, like the proliferation of libertarian-bait by anime and fans, the uncritical acceptance of bad writing by fools.

For me the root cause of much of what I despise in anime can be summed up in Japanese cultural Chavinism. There is much to admire in Japanese society, their discipline in keeping public spaces clean, the adoration of international audiences when they clean stadiums after Olympics, their politeness and industriousness.

But I'm not a filthy weeb, and I've also seen much of how their self-blinding of their :carpselfsuck: :marseyselfsuck: :wojakselfsuck: culture can also hobble them. Much of their modern societal problems like the low birthrate and stagnating economy, can be likened to a lumbering ship, with a rudder too small to change course compared to speedboats. It's like they are shackled and chained by their culture and adherence to tradition.

This I believe can be reflected in their writing of Anime - especially the negative parts. The repulsive incestuousness of tropes and cliches. It's like mobile games constantly in a war on the PlayStore on Android, where their gacha games try to plagiarize each other. The constant fricking repeated character archtypes. Like holy frick, the actual fact that there are recognizable archtypes which can be summed up into one word like Tsundere's are an indication of the sheer SHALLOWNESS and repetativeness of Japanese character writing, NOT a fricking strength as weebs lead themselves to believe.

The insular nature of the Japanese Manga and Anime industry can be felt just as strongly as that of modern Hollyweird. In the same fricking way in which the cultural Zeigheist of fricking modern contemporary California and San Francisco, bleeds into modern High Profile shows like Rangs of Power, Witcher, Willow, and Wheel of Time, by incorporating Modern Contemporary politics and values, even into the fictional societies divorced from the modern world by hundreds of years, and continents, the reflection is so self serving and navel-gazing, that the Woke yanks are incapable of envisioning societies other than their own - which is why the woke slop is so meanderingly undistinctive.

So too is the navel-gazing in the Jap Anime industry's isolation from other cultures felt. :marseybeanannoyed: I often laugh at other chuds telling me that at least the modern Gayming landscape and Anime industry will be SAVED by the more conservatively-minded japanese society and Anime-industry! :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: And I'm like: lol, lmoa.

The Japs insular nature is every bit as abrasive for me as that of Hollyweird. They hobble themselves, with their incapacity to even know about cultures and histories and stories other than their own. And it's not just shit like regurgitated genres, like the perpetual trendchasing Isekai slop deluge currently in modern anime, which even Weebs will decry as being painfully derivative.

Take for example their perpetual obsession with their Samurai and Sengoku periods. It's all so :marseyitsallsotiresome: :carpselfsuck: There is seldom ever swords or weapons or cowtools or costumes from a non-Japanese inspired historic nation. Whenever Japanese shows take fricking place in the past or some magical other realm, it is often just Japan but in the past. Never a variation of Chinese of Indian, or philipino or Vietnamese or Korea historically-inspired settings or weapons or costumes or cultures. Always the same fricking katana sword, never even the myriad of different weaponry like spears and firearms which real-historic samurai used - it's like a human centipede of regurgitated cliches and copycats.

Oh and don't forget the massive infantile nature of Japs in the anime industry. Many Anime, even the very violent ones, have this peculiar obsession for taking place in Schools! Doesn't matter if they are violent horrors, clearly not intended to be watched by todlers, there will be a fricking high school in their somewhere :marseybeanannoyed: It's so pervasive - do the Japanese just not have any other universal experience they can shorthand for their fellow Japs?? Is Highschool just the last moment of happiness Jap animators experienced before they became :marseywagie: :marseymcwagie: :marseyamazon: wageslaves for the rest of their miserable existence????

I've often found that the best Anime had to offer was when the Japanese went out of their comfort zones, when they explicitly tried to incorporate cultures or histories not of their own, when they suspended their cultural Chauvinism for just a moment, and reflected onto other cultures - because I believe the products they created was superior to both mother cultures.

Shows like Black Lagoon, taking inspiration from a myriad of Pacific and international influences, Vinland Saga Season 1, where the author went to great degrees to research a history outside of his own. Even famous anime like Death Note which even non-Anime fans are aware of, and has been watched by people whom have never watched any other anime in their lives, wear their non-jap influence on its sleave.

It reminds me a lot of Seven Samurai :marseysamurai: :marseyronin: - A movie which is very dear to me.

Basically a bunch of brokenshit poor rice :marseychingchongpirate: farmers are being extorted by bandits, during a very unstable era, where there is no national law-and-order from the shogunate, and these poorcel poors are basically boned. Because their harvest semi-failed, and they literally cannot meat their annual extortion tribute, without literally suicidaly starving themselves in the coming winter.

In a last ditch effort, caught between the :marseybeanimp: devil and the deep blue sea, some farmers volunteer to go to the nearby big cities and requisition the services of samurai to defend them against the bandits. But the issue is as we've mentioned, they are brokenshit poor, and literally cannot pay with anything more than rice - but our protagonist rice farmers are still determined to go and find at least a couple of benevolent ronins......

The movie Seven Samurai :7: was released in 1954 and MANY people at the time, and since, have stated that the film had obvious Western influence, as in it being influenced by yank Western Cowboy movies :marseybountyhunter: :chudcowboy: :capyamerican:

The film was not expected to be a success, and was a truly risky venture.

====Donald Richie, in his book The Films of Akira Kurosawa (published in 1965), reported the director's exasperated response to such attacks: "You try to give a film a little pictorial scope and the journ*lists jump on you for spending too much money. That is what I really hate about them – they are only an extended form of advertising." Kurosawa also pointed out that the expenditure on Seven Samurai was but a fraction of the means available to directors in the west, claiming that Japanese films were made too cheaply.====


====Most reviews drew attention to the influence of the western on Kurosawa, particularly the films of John Ford, with Monthly Film Bulletin surmising, "If all this attests to the way Kurosawa has assimilated the influence of Western directors for his own purposes, it also explains, perhaps, the detached attitude of Seven Samurai. ====

==== claiming this "extraordinary film, which matches his first [Rashomon] for cinema brilliance… bears cultural comparison with our own popular western High Noon. That is to say, it is a solid, naturalistic, he-man outdoor action film, wherein the qualities of human strength and weakness are discovered in a crisis taut with peril. And although the occurrence of this crisis is set in the sixteenth century in a village in Japan, it could be transposed without surrendering a basic element to the nineteenth century and a town on our own frontier."====

Many yank :marseytexan: :marseycowboy: :capyamerican: :marseybootscoot: cowboy movies had the elements of Frontiersmenship and the ruthlessness that the uncivilized world had upon mankind. Often yank cowboy stories are about lone benevolent heroic men having to step up against dangers like intruder bandits whom were terrorizing the helpless in frontier-towns, when law-enforcement or higher security was too far located from civilized coastal cities. Many themes between these distinctly American media, and Seven Samurai was shared in the storytelling. :marseysamurai: :chudcowboy:

Considering the incredible cultural influence Yanks had upon Japan pre- and ESPECIALLY post-WW2, it was only natural that artistic directors like Akira Kurosawa, would loan story elements and thematic building blocks from the best of a foreign culture. I mean holy shit, modern anime as we know it literally developed as an imitation to Disney cartoons!

The very earliest anime from 1950s-1960s looked distinctly western when compared to the later forms in which the anime medium would develop in the 1970s-1990s!

Speaking of cross-cultural pollination: 6 years later, ANOTHER of my most favorite movies of all time (and perhaps one of the best in history) would be released. The Magnificent Seven! (1960)!! :7: :7: :7:

It became both a critical and commercial success and has been appraised as one of the greatest films of the Western genre. Where this time, the movie copied the broad basic plot of the Seven Samurai, but westernized it - in the same way in which 4Kids westernized Riceballz into Jelly Donuts :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

But no really, the movie changes many cultural things, to the extent that character inspirations and personalities change - but the core remains the same: 7 men willing to show up when the call to aid comes from a Mexican village of Maize farmers.

I personally believe that in the same way restrictions had forced innovation in many Media projects like movies which were constantly having production issues like Jaws, or Games barely limping past releasing like the Bloodlines game in 2004 - so too does having a separate cultural influence have imposed a type of restriction which jumpstarts a type of writing innovation.

So had movies like Seven Samurai become the most influential film ever to hail from Japland. :marseyprojection: :marseyprojection: :marseyprojection:


I never had the opportunity to actually watch all of the shows which had Aired on Animax, between 2005 - 2012, because many of the shows literally only showed between midnight and 6 in the morning, these were the really HARDCORE :shadowrage: and EDGY shows like Deathnote, and had a 16-Age-Rating!! :marseyscream: :marseyscared:

Deathnote back in 2006-2008 only ever aired after 10PM on Saturdays on Animax, so I always hoped the Saturday movie would finish soon enough, so that my parents would frick off and go to bed early enough, so that I would sneak back into the :marseytv: TV room and watch the cartoon in the dark, and with the sound low, cuz I knew my uber conservative parents would NEVER allow us to watch such Satanic shit. I'm still salty at having been forbidden to see Aliens-Versus-Predator......

Other even more HARCORE shows like Basilisk, had the extremely rare DSTV age rating of 18R!!11!! And thus was never allowed to be aired outside of the rare midnight-6AM slot. What random Horror movie crap did you guyz watch without your parent's consent dramatards?? :marseybaby: :marseywynaut:

Now more than 15 years later when I have complete independence from my parents and conservative community, and have disposable income, so I can afford my own fiber-internet :ipgrabber: :marseysurftheweb: and pirate whatever my heart desires, and because I haven't watched good movies from HollyWoke, I could finally indulge going back and seeing if any of the anime Slop from Safrican :marseyflagsouthafrica: Animax was worth a darn.


Well amongst all the garbage like :marseybeansick: Chrono Crusade (don't watch this shit), and extremely mediocre slop like Burst Angel, I found one show which surprised me, and took me aback in how good it was. And also how it demonstrates how fricking tasteless most weebs are, becuase there is like ZERO :0: fanart or discussion from old forums or new about Basilisk (2005) - while other crap from 2005 have much higher awareness in weeb circles - it's like weebs are incapable of recognizing quality :marseytrollcrazy:

The premise: The year is 1614 AD, and two Ninja clans hate each other's guts, for like 400 hundred subsequent years. Except our two lovebird protagonists whom are our Nip Romeo and Juliette, and these two just can't catch a break, as outside forces conspire to pit the clans into a mutually destructive nightmare conflict.

Imagine it being like Naruto, if it wasn't straggy and lame, and actually focused on the queer strange ninja magic nonsense. It may even be compared to Ninja Scrolls or Vampire Hunter D.

Throughout the 24 Episodes, 10 ninjas on each side will slaughter each other :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: in a Battle Royale, and great deal of action will follow.

The show has a couple of great strengths. The animation is a God-Tier quality. Extremely fluid motion for both action scenes and mundane happenings - non of that BS where Jap animators will like have still frames for 30 seconds, and literally nothing but the mouths :marseyaaatremble: will move during dialogue, to save costs.

The Dub (i dont watch subs cuz I'm not a :marseywoodchipper2: :marseygroomer2: Libertarian) is also S-tier, as good as that of the Dubs of Cowboy Bebop or Deathnote. And this is topped by a very grand soundtrack score. Somber music for the inevitable tragedies and action tunes.

What also makes the show stand out, is how in comparisons, to other shonen slop, Basilisk is very economical with its runtime. There are only like 2 flashbacks in the series, and there are no hype-chats where the opposing parties tell how fricking baddass they are for 3 episodes instead of fighting. People die very quickly and suddenly and with no warning, and it is NEVER obvious which warrior will come out on top. Thus Basilisk keeps you on your toes, as to whom will perish next up until the very final 24th episode.

A MASSIVE refreshing turn of storytelling compared to the overplayed modern anime shit of telegraphing whom is gonna be victorious in Shonen shit. The thing which anime excels at compared to Western Shows - the weird and strange supernatural powers which individuals possess is also displayed at its best here, but no one individual is invulnerable - there is never a bullshit moment where the Main Character or Bossman nr. 3000 is just gonna be boringly invulnerable :marseyyawn: :yawn: :marseyklennysleep: until the story says they get to die :marseybeanannoyed:

Just nonstop action and a contest of brutality for 24 Episodes. Did i mention it's only 24 Episodes? Yeah, the show ends when it ends, and doesn't frick with your time. :marseytime:

Also it's very very violent and EDGY. There's 3 attempted r*pes, and two SUCCESSFUL r*pes onscreen :marseytrollcrazy: so....uh, Trigger warning.

Also, apparently it got a sequel season, DON'T WATCH IT :marseytrollcrazy: It's very very bad

Anyways, that's it :marseywave2:

Reported by:
Election day is here! :marseyfluffy: Please donate links to places I can farm salt from so that I can make an election megapost :marseylongpost:

Kamalasister seethe: (this is actually a leftist site, first time I saw a left-leaning image board)

Chud spergout:

Local subs:

Unsorted :

Please add more places to keep an eye on :marseylovedrama:


Kamala is about to dump that zero :marseyno: and get with a hero :marseywalking:

Kamala Harris was all smiles and affection for her 'beloved' second gentleman Doug Emhoff in the immediate aftermath of her crushing presidential election defeat. But now that President Donald Trump has been sworn into office, for sore loser Harris, it is now all about the blame game, and her target has flipped to her 'dead weight' husband. And as she weighs her political future – maybe a 2026 run for Governor of California or another try for the nation's top job two years later – she has to consider whether Emhoff is an asset or a liability.

One source exclusively told 'There's plenty of blame to go around as far as Kamala is concerned and Doug has his share. 'Doug did Kamala no favors during the election – frankly, he looked like a hypocritical a** after the bombshells that he had got his child's nanny pregnant while married to his first wife and assaulted his ex-girlfriend on the heels of his 'I am woman' crusade.'

Despite their brave united front at the inauguration and at President Jimmy Carter's January 9 funeral, those close to the couple believe all is not 'hunky dory' between them. And word is the husband of California girl Kamala has already signed up for a job with a Big Apple law firm which would require them to split their time between New York and Los Angeles.

At Monday's presidential inauguration, the couple presented a united front, though their expressions remained grim as they sat through Trump's speech, their faces mirroring the tension. Harris, wearing a black pantsuit with exposed zippers, sat stoically throughout the ceremony holding an inaugural program in her lap. She was seen crossing her wrists and pinching the program in her fingers as Trump delivered his address. Emhoff similarly matched the disdain on his wife's face but took it a step further – grimacing and shaking his head lightly when Trump promised to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. The couple left the Capitol building together – briefly shaking hands with Trump and bidding Joe and Jill Biden farewell – with plans to return to California.

But now that Harris has been defeated, she's reportedly looking to undergo a complete image overhaul to resuscitate her floundering political career – maybe at the expense of Emhoff. As exclusively reported, she plans to write a book which could give her finances a multi-million dollar boost. Emhoff famously stepped away from his own prominent career as an attorney in California to fully support Harris' political ambitions in 2020 – becoming heck-bent on perfecting his image as a 'wife guy'. But behind the carefully curated social media posts and campaign photos, even the strongest relationships face challenges.

The source said: 'I see the signs that all is not hunky dory in the Harris household. 'It's not like she hasn't had men help further her political career before, the source said, referring to her affair with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. 'But what does Doug do for her now?' Those closest to her believe she will skip the race for California governor – which she believes is a 'thankless, no-win job' – and instead try for president again in 2028. 'I was with her last week, when she was signing her desk,' her former communications chief Ashley Etienne told 'She told me: 'You know me well enough to know that I'm not going to go away quietly'.'

Over the summer, exclusively reported a series of allegations surrounding Emhoff that Harris attempted to brush aside during the final stretch of her political journey. In August, we reported Emhoff had an affair with Najen Naylor, his daughter's nanny, while still married to his first wife, film producer Kerstin Mackin – an illicit fling that allegedly resulted in a pregnancy and a subsequent miscarriage. A source claimed Emhoff paid Naylor $80,000 in exchange for her signing a non-disclosure agreement and that the affair played a part in his 2009 divorce.

But the controversy didn't end there. In October, a former girlfriend of Emhoff's came forward, alleging a disturbing incident during an A-list event in Cannes, France, in May 2012. According to her, Emhoff slapped her so hard in the face after he thought she was flirting with another man that the blow 'spun her around,' leaving her shocked and disoriented. Harris's campaign suffered multiple setbacks after exclusively reported a series of allegations surrounding Emhoff that Harris deftly brushed aside during the final stretch of her political journey.

'He comes up, turns me around by my right shoulder,' she told 'I'm completely caught off guard, I'm not bracing, I'm in four-inch heels, wearing a full-length gown and it's between 2-3am. He slaps me so hard I spin around, and I'm in utter shock.' Emhoff has since admitted the extramarital affair, saying: 'During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions. 'I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.' But he has denied, through an anonymous spokesperson, ever having slapped his girlfriend who said, 'any suggestion that Doug would or has ever hit a woman is false.'

Emhoff also faced reports from his former colleagues at the Los Angeles law firm Venable, where he worked from 2006 to 2017. They described a work culture marked by misogyny, claiming that Emhoff allegedly yelled expletives, held a man-only cocktail hour in the office, revoked work perks from women who didn't flirt with him and preferred only young, attractive associates to accompany him in limousines to professional events.

Harris has never publicly commented on any of the allegations, instead choosing to shy away from the controversy.

But the Democrat's golden girl – known for her relentless drive – is now tarnished and has now has to face the reality of her marriage potentially crumbling following her loss to Trump.

Sunset pic.
What's the line between safe edgy and actual edgy?

And is performative edginess actually any less cringe, or just a slightly more offensive manifestation of the same ODD toddler mindset? Can you be outrΓ© without being a ten year old who finally worked up the nerve to curse on voicechat?

Two of the redditiest redditors (:soysnoo: and :10inbongland:) go on a date and its as gay as you'd expect.



Me waiting for Indian state to send the ambulance 40 years after my heart attack


Phull sapport


I bet she thinks HIPAA is Indian law

Die now chud won't you think about the market distortion



Death by public stoning


Me on the right

I'm sorry jhant bros I didn't know your game


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