:marseynyansuperstraight: Some TV station announced the firing of a staff member who posted straight pride using the superstraight colour scheme :!marseyssflag:

!chuds did they know or it's just a coincidence :marseyschizotwitch:

And is this Penny IRL?


WFMJ says Community Relations Director fired after investigation over ‘Straight Pride' post

WFMJ TV confirmed on Facebook Tuesday night that the station fired Madonna Chism Pinkard, the station's Community Relations Director, over a Facebook post advocating for “Straight Pride” during June's Pride Month, which is marked to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. “WFMJ has terminated the employment of our Community Relations Director following her unauthorized post on a company-linked social media site last week,” the station said on the post. “WFMJ is committed to serving our entire community with the respect we believe all people deserve. We recognize we live in a diverse community with differing views on many topics, and we believe discussions of those views and reporting on them should be done in a respectful manner by all. We deeply regret that our Community Relations Director crossed the line. We do not condone such actions and apologize to you, our viewers, for this unauthorized post.”


“Celebrate Straight Pride,” the post from Chism Pinkard read. “It's natural, worked for thousands of years and you can make babies.”

Chism Pinkard declined comment when contacted by Mahoning Matters this week.

The station first responded later in the day.

“Early this morning, WFMJ management was made aware of an unauthorized social media post by a WFMJ employee,” the company responded in a Facebook post. “That post has since been removed. WFMJ is conducting an investigation into the unauthorized post. We are concerned by this incident and are moving forward with a thorough investigation.”

Pinkard has deleted the post and said “I apologize for the post that offended one of our viewers. I have removed it.”

The post was made on a personal Facebook account from Pinkard, where she goes by “Madonna Jean.” The account has the WFMJ logo and identifies her as Community Relations Director.

Both Jean's posts and the station's response prompted angry responses from Facebook users.



Reported by:

[–]SpursBanana_trumpet 52 points 1 day ago

>The vitriol some of you have for the women's game is unreal. It's not just indifference or even a dislike of the game compared to NBA ball, it's actual hatred. Some of the comments are just crazy when the only crime the wnba has committed is existing. :marseyindignant:

[–]SpursSpicyTigerPrawn 9 points 1 day ago

>I tried to watch the WNBA a couple times but I did not find it interesting so I stopped. Same with dozens of other sports I tried and moved on when I lost interest. That worked fine until several players went on a media blitz that tried to shame people into consuming a product that did not interest them. That was a clumsy move that probably turned a lot of neutral people against the WNBA. Shame is only a motivator if you know and respect the people who are trying to shame you. Since few people cared about the WNBA to begin with it did not have the desired affect.

[–]MentallyIllBlueHair -14 points 1 day ago

>Bro just admit you hate women. :marseysmughips:

[–]BubbaTee 2 points 20 hours ago

>I mean, the quality of play is pretty low. I imagine most 8th grade travelling AAU teams could compete respectably in the WNBA. 8th grade Seventh Woods would dominate the WNBA, let alone 8th grade Lebron.

>It's an inferior product. That's not mean-spirited, it just is. HS baseball is inferior to MLB. That doesn't mean everyone hates high schoolers.

>What do you want people to say? Pretend that Griner would school Jokic?

>But it's ridiculous to say these women have no skills.

>Every dude who makes All-City in HS basketball has some skills too, it doesn't mean people wanna watch them, or that they should get paid "equal money for equal work" compared to Luka.

[–]Grizzliesdeltalitprof 1 point 15 hours ago

>I think comparing the quality of WNBA games to those of junior high school males is a huge exaggeration and an insult to what these women can do. Maybe the most talented eighth grader in the nation could do a lot in the WNBA, but that's not what a lot of these comments are saying.

>Comparing the level of WNBA gameplay to that of the average eighth-grade male AAU team. That's just flat chauvinism and ignorance. I'll gladly take all your downvotes to call that shit :marseykneel:

much more self righteous scolding in the comments. Including the familiar repeated argument that Amazon lost money in their first ten years, so why can't the WNBA lose money for 20?

[–]MavericksPointBlankCoffee 4 points 1 day ago

>Yes please talk to me about how all these tech companies are massively profitable- IE uber, food delivery apps, amazon for a decade+ etc. Plenty of examples of nonprofitable businesses.

>The NBA clearly sees value in the WNBA, to grow the sport, get women involved, support non-NBA programs, and so they subsidize them. Same reason title IX exists. In another realm, it's the same reason the government supports many social programs, libraries, fire departments. None of those things make money, they are there to benefit people, to grow their fields.

>Regardless, it's not my or your money so why does it make you so mad that it's going to growing women's sports?



I'm so heartbroken right now, since last month ;i have not had any erection... My d**k is just Dead..i don't even know how to say this..😭😭😭😭😭😭

🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕My carrot is no longer functioning,😭😭😭😭😭😭 I tried stroking My peepee nd even watched porn but to no avail...... what might be they cause of this!!!

Please just drop a nice comment,🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 that will be helpful to me hands are shaking as I'm typing this 😳😳🥺 ...i haven't had s*x for a while now since I stopped masturbating.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I thought at first,it was a mere stuff but; it has gone out of My understanding...😭😭😭 Mod please push it to front page...

I'm just lying here, feeling dizzy; would have drop the pic of My peepee but I no wan share My nude here....😭😭😭joy is faraway from me. 😭😭😭

Moderator biko... push it to front page abeg...i really need everyone contributions on this.... thank you 😭😭😭abeggi

What you should be looking for now is a qualified doctor not front page on Nairaland

List of the things that are not working in this country:




OP Peepee




Dragula girlies dropped out my local pride : Dragula

This ad in honor of World Down Syndrome Day : Darnthatsinteresting

A lot of the comment threads are basically one person incredibly milquetoastly defending the idea that learning disabilities are an actual, real thing that exist, and then another person replying "Actually, if you look at the 99.9th percentile most intelligent people with Down's syndome and extrapolate to the whole population, you'll see that they're actually able to succesfully live on their own entirely off of social welfare with ownly twice daily visits from their carers! This also means you should allowed to have s*x with them, HITLER"

"Assume I can have s*x so I will" seems like a dangerous message to generalize

What danger do you perceive there, within or without the context of this ad?

[Words words words about how you can't frick people with a mental age of 8]

This argument kind of loses traction when most people who would make it, would also turn their nose up at anyone who has s*x with a girl whose boobs and/or butt are too small, or who's too skinny.

You can't say the mental age is what matters, and then turn around and say "No no, physical appearance is what matters!".

Idk what the frick this last dude's talking about, I think he's had one too many arguments defending 8000 year old dragons and his gut insticts kicked in lol :marseylaugh:

I hate this ad so much 😭 Just because a small part of the Down Syndrome Community can do these things does not mean you can assume that everyone can. [Words words words]

You missed the point big time....which is to not assume at all and instead treat humans as individuals regardless of the assumptions that can be made based their disability. But great speech!

Bayes' theorem DEBUNKED by GENIUS Redditor. If you think about it, not giving driver's licenses to children is also judging people based on assumptions, so why not reduce the legal driving age to 0? Sure, a few twelve year olds might get wrapped trees, but that's a small price to pay to reduce the stigma we're currently putting on children. Because that's what matters: the stigma. The biggest problem people with Down's syndrome have isn't that they can't function independently in any capacity, it's the stigma they get from not being able to function independently.

I don't understand this ad because not everyone with down syndrome has the same cognitive or physical abilities. If someone is being discriminatory based on someone having down sydnrome, then obviously that's bad, but being respectfully cautious with your judgements about how much someone with down syndrome might be able to drink, or how hard they might be able to hit, don't seem like the horrible travesties that this ad make them out to be.

The message of the ad is to let the person fail. Don't prevent people with Down Syndrome from doing things because you don't think they'll succeed.

I mean, these are very dangerous things. The assumption that someone can drive, or drink, or live on their own, or have s*x, when the average person with their disorder has the mental capacity of a child in first grade is immensely dangerous.

Imagine letting a 10 year old live on their own. How long do you think it'll be before the house burns down? Extend that to 14 and it's still the same answer. These assumptions are not without consequences

You teach people to drive, you give them s*x education, etc. Nobody's saying just throw a person with Downs into the deep end. The point is presuming they can't learn or understand is the problem.

Lmao imagine giving a 16 yr old the keys to your car and saying "good luck!" That's what you're pretending this video is saying.

Yeah, obviously the main reason not many people with Down's syndrome know how to drive is there's just no one to teach them lmao

So are we normalizing having s*x with people with Down syndrome now? Wild.

Yes because depending on their disability, they can consent. Not that wild.


All of this r-slur-molesting nonsense is underpinned by a sort of implicit Cartesian dualism and the belief that there's some ephemereal perfectly rational "self" that exists inside of everyone. This means that with the correct intervention--in this case, letting them do whatever they want all the time--people with severe learning disabilities could become just as smart and rational as Redditors. This is contradictory to all modern science, undermines the logic of offering any sort of accommodation to disabled people, and is only morally necessary in the first place if you make an a priori assumption that intelligence is necessary for a person to have individual worth, but is otherwise socially convenient, so it's mindlessly accepted even if the argument also explicitly promotes molesting people with learning disabilites :tayclap:


:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-06-15 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

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Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

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🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘This group is no longer about American Bullies/r/AmericanBully (27K)50%130
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Petition to ban people from being able to ask why everyone hates me.../r/MetalForTheMasses (44K)53%229
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:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Bro thinks hes him


Le musical :marseyskellington: lyrics lmao what if we all signaled that we've seen a widely popular movie :marseymidsommardani: xDDDD

isn't this just the best part of leddit LOLOLKILOL

guize DAE think :marseymindblown: that the word "moist" sounds soOoOooo gross? it can't just be me right :marseygasden: XD

IM SO RANDOM :marseycitrusshrug: :roar: RAWRRR ROFLCOPTER

it's a good thing rdrama :marseydramawar: would :marseymid: never :marseyitsover: be so cringe :marseydaswhite: :clueless: I wonder :marseyphilosoraptor: what the r stands for :marseythonk:

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