It's so over for literally me-cels.

Your hero has been C A P E D. But is it real? Idk. Don't @me if it isnt.


Either pay 10k or do a driveway yourself. I chose diy.

For context, it's 30' by 18' by 6" and I've never formed, tied rebar, poured and finished. I've done some of each but never all together.

Contractor wanted 10k.

1 day rental of bobcat to degrass $300

Form and rebar #4 with 2' on center was $300

Concrete was 9.5 yards for $2000

Second truck was 3 yards for $600

Labor was $800

I saved 6k

How'd I do?


I like the 2 foot area where you tried to finish it and just said frick it, good enough 👍

Perfect is the enemy of good, and comparison is the thief of joy. It's not perfect, and I'm really happy to have learned something new.

Great approach, I've done some shit jobs for myself in the past but I learned a frick ton. As long as you learn, you win.

Couldn't agree more.


That's a great textured finish. You won't have to worry about slipping when it's wet or frozen


you may have actually cost yourself 4k. time will tell

How so?

I think he is implying it is going to crack and go to shit this costing you $4k plus more to have it redone.

The contractor who bid the job told me after I said I was doing it myself "right on, don't worry how it looks. Two things I've learned in this trade after 20 years, women are going to b-word and concrete is going to Crack."

I live by a simple phrase, "you can have it fast, good or cheap. Pick two"

I chose fast and cheap, I know it ain't going to be good.



I'm not familiar enough with posting on reddit to know exactly what their rules are so sometimes I get automodded, but sometimes it's pretty funny


@sneedman :marseysmug2:

!comicshitters :marseylaughpoundfist:

Leaf university finds its spine after years of cuckdom

I searched the farms beforehand and found no results for this channel, so I guess I'll put it here:

I was on /tv/ last night and someone posted a youtube channel that started a few months ago called "Sail with Ben and Amy".

It's in that same vein of "hot, half naked girl sails around and thirst-traps you into clicking", but there's something a little off about this one...

Ben appears to be some sort of geriatric life-long sailor from Australia, who has spent the past year travelling with this neurodivergent girl who I am pretty sure is not underage, but constantly appears in his videos in compromising positions, mesh bikinis, you name it.

She's also covered in self-harm scars. GNARLY self-harm scars:

They also started a Patreon where they sell what looks like photosets of this girl.

To be clear, I'm not saying the existence of these videos mean they are on the verge of lolcowdom in and of itself, but the psychology at play here is fascinating. If you don't get what I mean, just watch one of their videos. I've read that they both met as part of some at-risk youth program where they teach teens to sail or something. She also calls him "daddy" or "mister" a lot in the videos. The comments from boomers are also hilarious:






Read these comments. They are so catty.

It truly reminds me of my 50 year old auntie at a wedding after five vodka cranberries.


She is soooo 😬


She definitely has the “horse girl” aesthetic lol


To me, this video also shows how much she's been enabled and told she is amazing, she can do wrong that she feels this stupid poor dancing is actually something amazing, instead of like Dua, maybe trying to actually dance a bit better. She feels she can do no wrong in her current era, we've seen this through her either gaming the charts, releasing a shitty album, flying with her jet everywhere polluting the environment, and now this.


Also, I know I know I know they are not “the same kind of performer” but hard not to think of Britney Spears circa 1999-2004 and her absolute RULING of a stage. Couldn't keep your eyes off that woman when she was performing. I see this and am like, what even is this nowadays?!? This is our best performer/artist right now?!


her sticking her tongue out thinking she ate this up 🤮 stick to playing guitars and talk singing


Can't sing, can't dance. Why is she famous?


New Cathi

Singer :marseycrickethappy: Justin Timberlake has been arrested :marseyhandsup: for driving :marseysteer: while intoxicated :marseytf2demoman: in the Hamptons, a law enforcement :marseycop3: official told ABC News.

The arrest :marseyhandsup: occurred Monday night :marseysamfisher: in Sag Harbor, New York. The pop star will be in court :marseytakit: on Tuesday.


I'm here wearing this and chugging monsters, some cute twinks screamed at me in his Euro nonsense tongue :marseyblep2: after I threw the can and my cig into one of the bushes so I punched him.

If this is "touching grass" you guys are r-slurred :marseydisabled: fricking :marseytom: loosed cute twinks.

Nothing Says Asexual :marseymicrosoftpride: Like Dressing Up Like Slut and Going :marseysal3: to Pride :marseylgbtflag3:


"I am asexual :marseyaceofspades: so I will dress :marseyprincess: up in the most sexually provocative outfit I can and go to an event dedicated to the celebration :marseyexcitedgif: of sexuality" - This b-word.

New favorite :mersya: subreddit to mock and find idiots on.


:marseywave2: have fun, guys



Edit: sorry, folks! Can't respond because the insane mods here didn't like me responding harshly to someone calling my wife a “low value woman” and insulting me! Good luck in the death of common sense.

Here is the full video on her IG, where you can see that she overcharged him, threatened to pour the drinks on him, escalated, acted ghetto AF, and then put a hammer through his window when he showed half the aggression that she had through the entire interaction.

Let's not encourage these bipolar/BPD behaviors in this generation of psychotic people. None of us could act like this at our jobs, and being in a bikini doesn't give you special powers. Both of them are gross

Sounds about right. Hoe tried to steal from him assuming he's a simp and found out he wasn't into tattoos

This is some pure incel commentary right here. The guy refused to leave over a couple dollars and demanded a refund.

!nooticers Notice how the simp doesn't even try to defend the hoe, he merely attacks the chad for daring to not want to be stolen from


Got blindsided by some spoilers bros, goal of going in blind is shattered :marseycry:

Not looking for links because I dont want to spoil myself more but this is too funny not to share whole fandom has been immolating for days as far as I can tell form a brief glance around

tl;dr big name guy boss from main game gets mind controlled by a femboy and is forced to marry him and the femboy is riding on his back as the final boss plus animation quality did not look up to snuff either. This leaked a few days ago and there were a lot of arguments about whether the fight was a fan mod or not.

All speculation about why Malenia went to fight Radahn turned out to be wrong, she was just doordashing a Bear for Miquella and dragging him the femboy's lair

Souls related subs have been bickering for days about whether leaks were real (they are), lots of doom tourists stirring up drama

How she was seen previously:

How she actually is

Raccoon Babies


!grillers, come and see the Redditoids defend their echo chamber/friend simulators from boogiemen.

GTA: Vice City's Anti-Capitalist Message - REAL TITLE
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