A friendly reminder :marseytruthnuke: - /r/PlusSize

			 finally we FatCHADS of the penile gender are getting some representation! !foidmoment


Early springcells be seething over six more weeks chads.

Woke up at 3 am, drove two hours and then walked three miles there and back to see this little neighbor say six more weeks of winter.

Reported by:
  • p : braces are a very serious medical issue


I've been a US Government employee for almost 25 years. We had our "Return to Office" meeting today. They have even gotten rid of episodic/situational telework. I have two kids in braces and one of them is in counseling twice a month. I was hoping they would still let us work partial days off but they aren't. I'm going to have to take a full day off every time one of them has an appointment. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I'm also in the process of getting divorced and I can't even get their dad to do the dishes so he's not going to help just to punish me.

From her post history:



>"plus sized"


>witchesvspatriarchy poster


The comments:

By looking at your post history and I quote " I have always been a fiscal conservative" so you can see how you created this problem no? What do you expect us to do about it ?


I didn't vote for Trump if that is what you're asserting. I have never voted for a Republican actually. I support policies that make sense. Not talking out of both sides of your head. One side says "save money" and the other side says "and we will rent more office space or pay for people to relocate if we have to just to make people come in".

Trump is the cumination of years of work done by Republicans to undermine our democracy, from gerrymandering districts to the push for anti abortion rights that started over 40 yrs ago just because you didn't vote for one Republican doesn't mean you didn't help put him in the white house. And now you come to us whining about your problems. I for one do not feel a bit sorry for you. You have been anti government for most of your life while sucking at the government tit for the last 25 yrs. About time you found out what side your bread was buttered on.


Ooooo looks like the leopards are eating well here


These reddittors are so annoying, I almost feel bad for the OP.

Why aren't there more women @$$@$!n$


Silver Lining folks. Just to clarify, I am a veteran, was a GS-8 for 3 years. I know work for the State. There will be a revolution. There will be a mounted push back. Hang in there. Find good leadership in the shadows and STAY TOGETHER!


I'm so sorry. The Nazis are literally in charge now.


The purpose of this is to get federal employees to quit just know that. They're trying to make this a very difficult situation

(In particular, to get women to quit)

This is it right here. Once again women will be forced to decide between economic leverage and their children.

Christo-fascism requires strict gender roles/hierarchy. We'll see a lot more of this kind of sh%t over the next four years.


Preach. It's too often women who have to sacrifice their careers for their families.

yep, my male coworkers would rush off to happy hour to brownnose the bosses while my female coworkers rushed home to get their kids from daycare. guess who gets considered for the promotions?




:directlypointingsoyjak: have YOU got kids and responsibilities :directlypointingsoyjak:

Surveyor sub note with hilarity how often people who don't know or understand the survey industry react with suspicion against strangers like surveyor strags on their turf :marseyunamused:

"Can I help you?"




@Reddit_lies :marseypearlclutch: about heckin war crimerinos over literal Nazis getting carpet bombed :marseysuspicious:

!Nonchuds Mask off moment

"but muh civilians" Nazis deserved all that they got just like Japs deserved to get nuked

[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] beyoncé had the worst country album


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

It's almost like her and her husband pay for every accolade they've been given (2)

LOL if you actually think that, you've never listened to her music.There's a reason she was able to get amazing country artists on her album. (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Can't say I'm surprised as the Grammys aren't what they used to be, but I think Lainey should have won that category. Really anyone except Beyoncé. (7)

Lainey should have so won. Flipping ridiculous ! (1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

CC is a dissertation on the black roots of country/Americana music. You should be happy it won then… (1)

I said studying something and releasing what you think that genre is, doesn't make it an effective representation of that genre. So you claiming it's a "dissertation" doesn't mean anything. I'm not even sure what makes you say that. What elements of black country do you hear? When I listen, it sounds like a pop artists rendition of what they think country is…. Because that's what it literally is. It has more modern pop elements than it does country. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

My bad, I didn't realize you would take that to mean those two elements alone are pop. That isn't what I meant.Well no duh. I didn't say take Beyoncé out. I mentioned Miley because Miley's vocals sound country. She has a drawl and grit. Not saying you have to have those particular elements but there are clearly vocal differences from a pop singer and a country singer. If Chris Stapleton, Morgan Wallen, or Lainey Wilson sang a song without a twangy guitar or overly hokey lyrics you will still recognize it as country. That was my point. If I took Beyoncé song with just Beyoncé and no twangy guitar or Miley Cyrus… it would just sound like one of her pop songs. I really don't want to harp you anymore but I can't just ignore this lol. Just as a twangy guitar doesn't make a song country I don't think corny country sounding lyrics make a song country. I don't think Lil Nas X singing about a a horse makes him a country singer lol. It's a great song and is fun. But, to me, it lacks any depth... (1)

beyoncé has more of a drawl than miley though, like her accent has always been very strong. and mentioning lil nas x in the same sentence as this is crazy lol. his was obviously putting on a costume whereas hers could literally be a dissertation about the roots of country music. obviously i'm not saying every single song on the record is country nor is she suddenly intentionally singing with a southern accent, but i think if you're gonna critique any song on the album for having "corny country" lyrics it shouldn't be this one. texas hold em is right there😭as far as the "costume" i just think that's disingenuous. nowhere has she said "hey everyone now i'm a country singer or country artist" but if she did, so what? genres shouldn't be gatekept. it limits innovation. modern country is borrowing SO many other elements of so many other genres but nobody gets mad about that. post malone is a rapper and people are saying he should've won over her, so why can't she win? she made a country ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I feel so bad for the artists. It's an insult to their craft. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I mean there is definitely a vibe of her using country like a costume. Studying country aspects and incorporating it into an album doesn't make the album any better. No more than a country artist studying R&B and releasing some corny album with corny lyrics. Like "this ain't Texas, ain't no hold em"? Come on… and that was the most popular song on the album. Like what metric are we using to call this good? (1)

Chris Stapleton's biggest song is an interpolation of an R&B song you know shit about music. Don't you listen to different genres of music wtf is the big deal if anyone wants to make different genres of music (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/HistoricalDatabase94

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED @JimieWhales callout post

This b-word is literally a redditor. Used to extend respect til I figured it out. Basically british bardfinn :pepewtf:

Giving away condoms makes us popular :soysnoo:

We may not have high speed rail but at least we have rap :marseysoypoint2:

Black people are cool :marseysoyhype:

More censorship please :soysnooseethe:

Trump is so dumb he's gonna do this tarded thing bc I don't like him :soyjakwow:

Long covid is real actually :soyjakanimeglasses:

What a life :taygrimacing:

This is all from the past day, she literally can't stop poooooosting

Double digit posts daily for four years. Basically a crack addict. At least she pays aevann's bills :marseyladybugshrug:


!nooticers !metashit

Community Note by @Impassionata

Reddit émigré calls out other reddit émigré for being reddit; redditry everywhere.

Helpful [55] Not Helpful [5]
Community Note by @Trailer_DudeMonkeyLMAO

arran is a groomercordcute twink :marseybacktodiscord:

Helpful [41] Not Helpful [3]
QTards think that governor josh Shapiro (D) tried to assassinate trump.

Bring back the poll exams. If you can't get a 1500 minimum don't bother voting.

90% of her comments are libs seething and calling her dumb (they are just jealous that she's got a low IQ which makes life more fun).

Anybody interested in reading aloud 'Importance Of Being Earnest ' with me On groomercord?

It's a play and all is but dialogue, it could be fun.

Chesneighbors… dare i say it???
Foids Posting L's :marseyl:


Girl, you are so young- too young to be living such a miserable life.

Get all your ducks in a row and LEAVE HIM.


Jinxthinker dreams of Heaven and Wingstop after staring down a ferocious dog at the shop. Plus physical conditioning considerations & what women want

the dejenerate podcast - mrs peter file 14:20

  • Jinxthinker found an article about a libertarian mom, let's read this shit neighbor. 24 looks fricked up, obese. Yorkshire Live gets 100 bits for being brave enough to call her a pervert.

  • 1:40 This and her fricked up eczema skin is proof that some women are broken. Unlike Jinxthinker who has clear skin, big muscles, and can hoop the frick out. Jinxthinker talks about how he could have been an NBA player

  • 2:15 we read another story about libertarians. Muslim detected.

  • 3:00 Real talk, jinxthinker saw a dog earlier when he went to the shop. Got some Monsters and gummies. The dog was a ferocious beast and it barked at me, but Jinxthinker don't scare. :marseyhank:

  • 3:51 Evidence that the Muslim is a Nazi- he targeted at 10 year old. Can't decided if libertarianism is normalized or if people are getting arrested for it

  • 4:30 Talks about his peepee

  • 5:00 We look at retro-style perfect female AI women. Talks about which tattoos are good ones.

  • 5:50 We have a sexual type conversation. How would you try to get into Jinxthinker's pants. Talks about writing Billie Eilish fanfiction. He's into strong women like an oxen(?). Lithuania sucks.

  • 6:45 Jinxthinker is DTF. It would be cool to have a shotgun. You can put a gun to his head as you are fricking jinxthinker :marseysquint: Punches himself in the chest to demostrate his toughness. :marseybuff:

  • 7:55 Continues punching himself and talking about how he's all conditioning. He's a pure warrior. Sidenote about how Greek philosophy is bullshit and the Jews saved Europe from Pythagoras, Euclid, and Cocratese (Socrates). :marsey300:

  • 9:10 I would go on a date with her- points at screen. They could go to wingstop and get boneless wings.

  • 9:40 Jinxthinker would like to go to heaven eventually. Heaven is cool shit where you do Molly with angels and fire SMGs into the air. That would be cool. He gets distracted by thinking about wingstop. :marseysaint2:

  • 10:40 Talks about his wank.

  • 10:55 Continues to talk about his date. Jinxthinker is very much considered desirable by high IQ women who haven't been de-dignitized by the libertarian men.

  • 11:40 Imagine if you were falling off a building and got impaled by a BBC. That's pretty much what's happening now.

  • 12:10 He was going to have a bath, but didn't.

  • 12:25 He had to insert his card in the shop old style.

  • 12:44 If you think bad things, they are more likely to happen. Tomorrow is egg mayonnaise day with mustard, black pepper, salt.

  • 13:20 Today's dinner was... toast with.... marmalade

  • 13:35 This is why he needs to audition wifes (presumably to be eating better). Zooms in on AI eyes.

!jinxthinkers have you auditioned any potential wives lately?


Obviously lib journos having a meltdown and who better else to encapsulate it than Frau

!dramatards it's over for Communists. For the second time within 40 years, the German Wall has cometh down. Deutschland elections are barely 3 weeks from now.

Total Morbius AfD (stands for ADolF) sweep.


It's OVER.

China :marseyjewoftheorientglow: created COVID-19 :marseyvaxmaxx: as a 'bioweapon,' Wuhan researcher :marseyscientist: claims

reminder that I sorta called this a while ago

>i think China intentionally released covid so that they could supress the Hong Komg uprisings without having to do a massacre like in Tienamen Square. They specicially chose covid/the wuhan lab bc they knew that the NHS was illegally funding the gain of function research that devoloped the virus and knew that they wouldnt get called out for it/that big pharma would even cover for them to avoid scrutiny/consequences.


This is the most female Reddit thread I've ever read.

Also average /r/starbucksbaristas logic:

"Why should anyone donate to a homeless charity that will support them when they could just hang out in my Starbucks all day and overdose on heroin in the bathroom?"

rip gaybros :marseybeantears:

!gay !bottoms !tops

shamelessly stolen from here


Somehow he thinks this is normal. Some tvs have smoothing on as default. He didn't even know what it was. Zoomers are so brain rotted they think a normal ps5 can run rd2 which has a draw distance of like half a mile at 60fps. This is some ceiling bird levels of not noticing.

I think noticing should be a mandatory class in high school. A full second input lag would entirely unplayable for someone with a brain.

Reported by:
  • SerGay : Black Tuah
  • Y : Newscasters walked so of models could run
Black Hawk :marseyblackcock: :marseysmug3:


Some music while you read:

and/or the original:

(ctrl + v):

Zizian Murdercult summary, for those out of the loop

I know a bunch of people who were involved or adjacent, including someone who accidentally got some footage.

The summary below is based on talking to these people, looking at court documents, reading blog posts, etc. (I was also at the protested CFAR reunion and knew Daniel)

More info at the bottom (especially for journ*lists who would like interviews)


Curtis Lind allows people to live in trailers and containers on his Vallejo, CA property, initially offering affordable housing to artists, woodworkers, and electricians. Over time, some tenants stop paying rent and are later referred to as "The Cult" by neighbors. The cult consists of Ziz (Jack LaSota), Emma Borhanian, Somni (Alexander Leatham), and Gwen Danielson.

Separately, at some point Ziz attends a workshop by CFAR, which is a nonprofit focusing on behavioral psychology and AI.


November 2019: CFAR bans Ziz and Gwen from their alumni reunion, partly due to fears of violence.

November 2019: Ziz, Emma, Somni and Gwen protest at the reunion with accusations of bad decision theory (it's complicated) and transphobia. (All four of them are trans).

The protestors get arrested for blocking entrances (while there are children on the grounds) and wearing Guy Fawkes masks. They're released on bail.


August 2021: Ziz advocates for "airlocking" (a sci-fi term for killing) various people in blog comments and claims many people seek "suicide by Ziz." Ziz runs a blog which appears to be the primary attractor for this community. They claim that people have two hemispheres, and are either non-good, single-good, or double-good (very rare, which Ziz herself is). Ziz advocates for a ruthlessly enforced altruism towards all living creatures, and to follow the principle that it's never valid to surrender. She promotes the punishment of "non-good" people, particularly those who are not vegans.


February 2022: Jamie Zajko, a close friend of Ziz, claims that Ziz threatens to kill Jamie, if Jamie does not kill Jamie's girlfriend and provide proof of it.

April 2022: Gwen Danielson, one of the protestors, stops appearing for court hearings, and their lawyer suggests they have died.

July 2022: A different friend of this group commits suicide and cites ideas from Ziz's blog in their suicide note. Ziz appears to suggest their ideas caused the suicide.

August 2022: Ziz fakes her own death in a boating accident and stops showing up to court hearings. The Coast Guard conducts a search for her, but finds no body. An obituary is released.

November 2022: Emma Borhanian is killed by Curtis Lind during a violent altercation at his Vallejo property. Somni stabs Lind with a sword, and Lind shoots both Somni and Emma. Lind is stabbed dozens of times and loses an eye. Lind's account is that they had been threatening him for some time, and one day requested he come fix a leak. They hit him from behind, and when he woke up they were attempting to cut off his head (he has scarring consistent with this claim). He then shot Emma and Somni in self defense. His friend claims upon entering the trailer afterwards he found surgical equipment and chemicals he believes were intended to dissolve Lind's body. Somni and Suri Dao are arrested. Ziz and Gwen are seen at the scene, alive. It seems likely Gwen had faked their own death earlier to escape court appearances, much as Ziz had.

November 2022: Somni attempts to escape from jail (twice).


January 2, 2023: Richard and Rita Zajko are found dead from homicide in their Pennsylvania home from gunshot wounds. Their daughter Jamie Zajko was associated with Ziz, and we suspect the homicide was an attempt to gain money (several million dollars) from inheritance. Police also suspect Ziz is involved in the murder. Police also suspect Daniel Blank, an associate of Ziz, is involved in the murder. Blank has not been seen since and we suspect he's dead.

January 13, 2023: Ziz is arrested in Pennsylvania for "obstructing administration of law" and "disorderly conduct." Ziz eventually makes bail (in June) and stops showing up to court. We suspect that the arrest was indirectly related the murders, and that the police didn't have enough evidence to make a full charge.


January 17, 2025: Curtis Lind (who was set to serve as the primary witness in his assault case) is stabbed to death outside his Vallejo property. A man named Maximilian Snyder is later arrested for this murder. The previous year, he applied for a marriage license with a woman named Teresa Younblut, who was in contact with Ziz.

January 20, 2025: Teresa Youngblut and a man named Felix Baukholt are stopped while driving by U.S. Border Patrol in Vermont. They end up in a shootout, and Baukholt and a border patrol agent dies. Police find tactical gear, firearms, and burner laptops in the car. According to the police, an unnamed person who purchased the firearms used in this shooting is also a suspect in the Pennsylvania Zajko murders. We think this is likely to be Jamie Zajko, given that the shooting is in the same town that Jamie Zajko has a registered address (Coventry, Vermont).

That's it so far. We still don't know the whereabouts of the people in this story who aren't either dead or in custody, and we sort of expect them to continue doing murders.

1. If you're a journ*list and want to get in contact with people around the community/rationalist scene who knows the people involved, you can fill out this form and your contact info will be shared around our networks

2. My friend, trying to interview Lind about something else, ended up getting a bunch of footage of him talking about the attack. If you're a journ*list or documentarian interested in this footage, please reach out to him here

3. The above timeline is collected from sources the community has accumulated here.

It also has some high-confidence guesses made by people familiar with those involved. Please doublecheck all claims yourself.

Is this gay or should I keep working on it? It's a tribute to some dead raccoons.


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