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OP's complaining screeches to a halt when users in /r/bikecommuting agree with the store's rule against bringing bikes inside.


Subreddit info

/r/bikecommuting is a simple subreddit for users to post biking photos, news discussions, or hot takes about biking.

OP's Complaint

OP, after being confronted taking their bike inside their local Home Depot (a home improvement store), makes the following post, complete with an image for reference:

Home Depot told me I can't bring my bike into the store

I typically bring my bike into the hardware store with me unless there are proper bike racks. I don't see a problem with it as it's no bigger than a cart. The Lowe's by me removed their bike racks for an air compressor so I take it in. This Home Depot is new and I had looked for their bike racks but couldn't see them in the front of the warehouse, so I took it in.

When checking out I was told I can't bring my bike in as it is a safety concern. I gave a rebuttal that it's no bigger than a cart and they said it could fall and block an entire aisle when the carts can't fall over. I didn't continue the questions because they just work there but it seemed ridiculous to me.

Apparently their bike racks are in the back of the warehouse completely isolated, not somewhere i would feel comfortable locking my bike.

I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store.

[Image of bird's eye view of the Home Depot and parking lot shows the entrance on the northwest side (marked with an arrow by OP), and the outdoor bike racks on the southeast area (circled for our convenience)]

Users debate the bike hike

It's a safety concern:

Bike traffic can be a safety concern around the entrance area with people, trolleys and cars. In some way this is not so bad. At least they have bike racks which is nice! Many stores don't provide that where I live.

When you say bike traffic, are you imagining OP riding their bike into the store?

Of course I'm not. I just mean that the store front is usually a place you don't want bikes parked and the traffic of them. Would be better to have bike parking on the parking lot, but we all know that is unlikely.

"Get over it"

Get over it, you are being a whiny ninny. I park mine at the car corral at Lowe's and never had an issue.

OP: Straight to name calling huh, sticks and stones... I would have found a suitable spot to lock it up outside if it had been a problem before, this was the first time I had been told not to bring it in

I intentionally ram carts into bikes at the cart corral.

How would you feel if someone intentionally rammed a cart into your car?

Guess they'd have to decide how much their Cannondale and legs are worth to them

It was more a question about intentionally damaging someone's property than a question of whether you like cyclists or not. I think it's just rude to ruin someone's shit, even if you don't inherently like them. Treat people the way you want to be treated, that's at least how I feel.

Then strap your bike to the bike rack.

"there is no bike rack"

Edit: well, this guy has a bike rack at his place lmao, mine doesn't have it tho rip

Private property, private rules:

You sound like an entitled jerk.

It's private property, they can have a rule that doesn't allow bikes. Just because it isn't convenient for you, doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. [downmarseyd]

You'd have a point if they didn't install bike racks on the back side of the building forcing users to walk all the way around. They KNEW what they were doing. Treating us like shit because they can and we have no power.

Okay? So shop somewhere else.

It's a private business, you have to follow their rules.

Oh my god you have to spend a whole extra minute walking around the corner. Life gets much harder, hunny

Be fair, to walk all the way around a super store is more like 3 minutes.

and it's more about the indignation. Like forcing women to breastfeed near the trash bins out of sight.

OP should get trespassing charges:

This is a reasonable rule. I hope OP gets trespassed. [downmarseyd]

Why? To both.

Bringing a bike into a store is weird, like the people who bring their dogs everywhere. At least dogs are cute.

OP feels like flouting rules on private property.

I get that to some degree, but the part about getting trespassed is extreme to me. It's not as if they shoplifted or hurt anybody.

The audacity of OP:

wtf why would you bring a bike into the store

OP: Because I would be nervous about locking it in a place that, to me, would be ideal for a thief. And I was loading directly into my panniers using it as a cart

That's why people hate bicyclists [downmarseyd]

OP: Right...

What about dogs?

I can bring my dog but you can't bring a bicycle!?

Bicycles shit in the aisles, dogs don't.

I was bitten by a bicycle in lighting.

Did you go to the hospital? I heard bicycles carry rabies

I actually died right there in the lighting aisle. So that why I'm against bikes and pro car now.

Singular takes

Too far to walk for your American butt?

They maybe take a cut of the profit from each bike stolen

bikers are the most oppressed class

"I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store."

So, you were literally told it's against store policy but you're so entitled it doesn't apply to you. You're a garbage excuse for a human.

Sounds like a battle of stubbornness is to be had. They're not going to ban you from the store over this so just keep doing what you're doing.

If the store said don't bring your bike inside, don't bring your bike inside. I can't bring my car inside.

Full thread with more bike takes here



Another great example of American education going down the drain



Scientists create the first r/redscarepod posters

also rs_x

Redditor :soysnoo: says probation :marseymugshot: is easy, dregs :marseyrobber: of society disagree :brooksannoyed:


yeah me too

r/Teachers in Shambles After Anti-Woke EO


Trump banned indoctrination in education, resulting in shit jokes and some sneeding from r-slurs like these:

This is precisely why I, a closeted transgender grad student a year away from my teaching certificate, have been contemplating unaliving myself. There is no way I can legally and safely be happy in this lifetime anymore.

It's not worth it with legal avenues removed, never able to change documents, being discriminated against and witch-hunted.

Should do it, and is an unironic threat to children.

Scary stuff for a Health teacher because I actually do teach about sexuality and gender. It's not my whole job, but it is part of it, and the curriculum we use is very lgbtq+-friendly.

Wonder where parents are getting the idea that gays are out to indoctrinate their kids into being gay... :marseywrongthink:

The sub has a few posts on this shit, it got some insane "im such a dramatic hero" posters and a few breaking that circlejerk to actually comment on why the EO happened.

I hope my trans students know I'll go down swinging for them :/ i hate that shits gone backwards since i was in highschool, we got to celebrate gay marriage being legalized and obama and biden running through the whitehouse with pride flags. They get to experience being fear mongered scapegoats for people to direct their misguided hate towards, all with the guise of "protecting kids". Just wait for those suicide rates to go up higher.

Trans kids are not the result of him pushing them in that direction at all, totally normal development...

We need a national walkout. ASAP. Between the immigration bullshit and the trans students, they want to turn us all into deliverers of a different sort of indoctrination that doesn't value, honor, or respect the individual rights of our students, and will absolutely turn us into criminals for being safe spaces.

Literally the next MLK in the making bros



POV Anna and Dasha just wrapped up an episode of the pod and you're cleaning up

ciggy ciggy ciggy

Reported by:
Watching cabin in the woods finally

Stay tuned for the sleep deprived review and in depth analysis

Sneak peek: it's like 5 minutes in and I hate it so far

Yall coppin the straight up swastika :marseyaustrianpainter: shirts by Ye AKA kanye?
:marseykiwi:s debate over...muscle mommies

this thread caught my eye so i had to look

sure emough:

OP post is :marseychefkiss:

:fancywithwine:She is the definition of independence. When the world tells her to shrink, she chooses to expand.

Muscle mommies do not ask for permission.

They take what they deserve.

:rapeson: :!mariogoatse:

btw this is the same guy that huffed nitrogen

:marseyturnedon: You forgot to mention that they are great cuddlers

surpised this wasnt peggiebigpeepee saying this

:marseyblops2cel: posting

:chudseethe: All these women are fat nowadays

:chudcel:Muscle mommies is the kind of thing that looks great drawn

:chudsmug: Haters to the left :to:

i did not make that mistake that was literally how """he""" wrote it :marseylaugh:

this post sums it up

Porn Addition: The Thread

Reported by:
  • Salvadore_Ally : I hate my babies tantrums. Nooooo you cannot kill my baby. Contradictory much? :smugjak:


The new Starbucks CEO announced that Starbucks isn't a free hangout space anymore. That means you can only be in a Starbucks if you pay for something. This stops homeless people from living in a Starbucks and getting:

  • Free water

  • Free restrooms

  • Free all-day hangout space

A common complaint on /r/starbucksbaristas is that the staff are tired of having to deal with homeless people - they spend all day in the stores, lock themselves in the bathroom for hours at a time while shooting up, and they often have to call the police. For example:

we STILL get annoying incidents, because our DM told us we cannot deny the bathroom to anyone unless in extreme situations. so even when a homeless person wants the restroom, we have to let them in, and most of them take anywhere from 40 mins to an hour in the restroom and it's our only restroom. so partners AND other customers are stuck waiting. we've had to call the police multiple times because they refuse to come out or are doing hard drugs inside. someone has left needles in there before. it's a weird situation.

So you'd assume that there would be unanimous happiness at this news? You're wrong! The thread is 99% against this change.

:soycry: water is a human right and the private company that I work for must supply it for free!

The third place is a concept for paying customers, it's not a social club for the homeless.


Banning homeless people from keeping pets is the right option here.

I'm not going to sit in a Starbucks if there's a :marseystinky: in the corner.

I'm waiting for the lawsuits!

lol no it's about making Starbucks a decent place to be a customer again.

I'd give anything to not be shadowbanned on /r/starbucksbaristas anymore. These guys piss me off so much.

Nigeria is so bad even jeets can't handle going there allegedly.

Found out my date was a feeder. :marseydarkxd: :marseychonkmaxx: :gigachad4:


I 24(f) was speaking to a man for about over a week now, I've been really insecure my whole life and avoided men entirely. Only just these past few months have I started to go on dating apps and speak to guys, I've not really found anyone I've been interested in until last week. I really got along with this guy, common interests and thought I was beautiful etc. In the beginning of the convo I was very clear that I'm plus size and if he's not into that that's completely fine, and he was bigger himself and emphasised that he was completely fine with my size and attracted to me. I also said that I'm not into being fetishised, he didn't drop any hints that he was into that.

We had a date tomorrow, to get coffee together. And today, after I've done my nails and toes, took a full body shower, plucked my eyebrows, used my hair and skincare that I reserve for special occasions and I was even going to bake him some cookies to try that we spoke about. He then sent me a long message about how he's into feederism and that he understands it's not for everyone and he likes me for me not his kink etc. I feel so humiliated. I feel gross and I feel like all security and confidence I had has just been destroyed. I really thought I found someone that liked me for ME myself, not because I'm fat. I sent him a voice note saying that I was clear I'm not into his fetish, and he had the opportunity to tell me then no? But instead he's told me just before our date.

I really feel like all my trust in potential partners has completely gone. I'm a really sceptical person usually, and it took so much time for him to break down my walls all to end up doing that. I hate feeders, and I hate my body for attracting them too.

!foidmoment !goyslopenjoyers !ranchers

Most impressive civil "servant" on suicide watch :marseyfilmingdeath:


>the very backbone of American government, the HR of all HR ...


You, working honestly :marseysulk:

Government KING clicking delete on a legitimate email (most work xhe's done this week) :ratvibe:

They're too nice :marseycrying:

Smartest fed :pepewtf:

Dipshit deep dive!

Meet /u/aqua410, Baltimore bureaucrat par excellence

Given the area code and how much she loves her sassy black woman gifs, you'd think she's one herself...


Balding white b-word :pepewtf:

Probably lightskin tho

Besides not knowing how to google "metadata", she's doesn't know FB owns whatsapp:

Or why people don't just hack Elon Muskrat out of existence :marseyrick:

Life is hard for a black woman in tech :marseysadge:

She makes up for that small lapse by being extremely knowledgeable on laws:



Early life

Jews take great pride in being ืžืืžื™ื ื™ื ื‘ื ื™ ืžืืžื™ื ื™ื "believers, the sons of believers" - an unbroken lineage of faith in and loyalty to G-d from the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Similarly, this middle aged mammy is unfireable, the daughter of unfireables:

Sadly, they're not supportive enough of her having to... go back to work :marseyrain:

She shuffles around lazily between agencies

Deleting every email she doesn't like

Pooping up everything she touches

Unfortunately, the country will fall apart if we can't reach her after 3:30 pm :marseydepressed:

Weigh in!

Which of the following metaphors best describes the role of HR in an organization?

  • backbone

  • visceral fat

  • metastasized stage 4 lymphoma


Violence against the Muslims in India have escalated : UnitedNations


Kamala RAW 60 minutes (interview released) !!! :marseykamakama:
I don't think Americans understand what a war with Canada would actually look like : AskCanada | American pretends leafs would do terrorism


Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG

We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.

I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.

You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.

I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.

No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.

The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.

Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".

This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.

Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.

/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy

EFFORTPOST Intestinal Candida or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Soy :chadsoylent:

This post isn't meant to really get into the personal details of me dealing with intestinal candida (it sucked), but instead to serve as a good starting point for anyone also dealing with this or anything similar. Mainly this is because all the information that's easy to find is absolute dogshit and filled with terrible advice. All the actually correct info is buried in studies and guesswork. So this post serves to act as a nice handy collection of my personal findings and the sources that helped me.

First is finding out if you even have candida/SIFO, SIBO, gluten intolerance/celiac disease (if you get tested for this, make sure to have gluten for a few days before the test to avoid false negatives), and/or something else entirely. My symptoms included dry flakey skin on the face, sand like stool with white transparent pieces alongside it, a toenail infection that appeared from nowhere, and symptoms that got worse with whole grains compared to processed grains (whole wheat flour bothered me a lot more than white wheat flour).

It is worth keeping in mind that there are no reliable tests for this or similar ailments, so knowing exactly what you have is hard to pin down. Thankfully many of the long term fixes are the same, with only some stuff needing to be altered. The general rule of thumb is to introduce things one at a time and remove them if they start to bother you, this includes things like supplements as well as food.

I would also caution against prescribed solutions; they don't fix the underlying cause of your issues. All they do is buy time, and tax your liver in the process. Of course I don't think they are never helpful, just don't use them as your first option. The ones I tested are terbinafine (needed more than the 3 months prescribed, somewhat useful), itraconazole (made things much worse, avoid), fluconazole (slightly useful, didn't do much), and nystatin (safest and weakest of the ones I took, but by the time I was taking this things had progressed far enough that it wasn't effective. Do make sure to avoid the liquid solution though, it has sugar alcohol which will just make things worse).

With all that being said, here is a tier list of a bunch of things I tried with an explanation of why it helped/didn't help/made things worse. You will notice I list brands; this is not because I am a shill, but because the brand you buy does make a huge difference with all this. Sometimes I would try the same type of product from many brands, but one or two would perform noticeably worse.

God Tier

Member's Mark Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (:marseygivecoconut:)

Despite what my title says, if there is only one thing you add, make it coconut oil. Coconut oil has had by far the biggest impact on my recovery, and it's not even close. This is because coconut oil has saturated fatty acids that are excellent for killing bad stuff in your gut. The 2 most studied acids are C12 (lauric acid) and C8 (caprylic acid), however it is likely the other acids are also helping. All these saturated acids combined have 3 important abilities; they strip the biofilm from candida (this is what candida uses to make itself resistant to traditional antifungals, making coconut have strong synergy with other antifungals), they directly kill the candida, and they feed good bacteria to fill the void dead candida leaves behind (this ensures the candida has a harder time reestablishing itself). The only real downside is eating coconut oil (preferably room temp to ensure the acids don't break down) is nauseating and vile, thankfully the next item solves that issue.

Swanson EFAs Coconut Oil Made with Certified Organic Coconut Oil

Is this as potent as eating coconut oil straight? No. However it goes down a lot easier so is what I'd recommend you use if you don't find eating coconut oil enjoyable. I take 2 of these a day with good results, you can take more or less but I found that to be a good sweet spot.

Silk Organic Unsweet Soymilk (:marseysoylentgrin:)

Soymilk has gotten a bad rep, mainly because the people who drink it look more like :soyjakhipster: and less like :marseygigachad:. However this is undeserved imo, the belief that it negatively affects testosterone was debunked and it has a lot of benefits. Unlike basically every other plant-based milk, this one is high in protein making it good for keeping calorie intake high (hard to do when dealing with candida).

When it comes to candida specifically, I find that this specific brand of soymilk does suppress candida unlike most other milks I tried. I believe this is because this soymilk has gellan gum whereas other milks do not. I do believe the soy itself is helping though, as when I combine this brand of soymilk with soy protein powder (listed below) the candida killing ability is amplified. I believe this is because gellan gum acts as a carrier that helps the soy reach the small intestine intact, whereas other sources of soy without gellan gum breakdown before they can reach the small intestine. Since gellan gum is kinda a pain to find by itself (and even more of a pain to work worth), I suggest just buying this soymilk instead. I also find that things like coconut and ginger are more effective when I take them with this soy milk, again I'll assume the gellan gum is responsible. I try and have around 2-3 cups a day, preferably with my coconut and ginger.

365 by Whole Foods Market Unsweetened Original Soymilk

This is the only other brand of soymilk I could find with gellan gum, and sure enough this one also works great (though not quite as effective as the Silk). I find this brand also tastes better and is much cheaper than the Silk brand. So why do I not recommend this one? Because shopping at Whole Foods makes me want to :marseysuicide:. By all means though, if you live near a Whole Foods and don't hate shopping there (I don't know if I should envy or pity you), buy this brand of soymilk instead.

Swanson Premium Full Spectrum Ginger Root

When dealing with candida, you will probably find yourself dealing with bloating and general stomach upset. Ginger is godsend for dealing with this, as taking some throughout the day helps alleviate the bulk of these symptoms. This ginger root isn't very strong, but it's cheap as chips, so even taking twice as many compared to other brands you'll still come out ahead. I find taking 3-4 a day works for me, though this is something you can easily test yourself.

Swanson Premium Vitamin D3 - Highest Potency (:chudgentina: vitamin D levels have fallen, billions of IU must be absorbed)

Candida really hurts your Vitamin D absorption capabilities, or maybe having trouble absorbing vitamin D causes candida, or maybe both, hard to say. A study (link below) shows that the RDA for Vitamin D isn't high enough for many people. So adding a vitamin D supplement is worth considering. I personally found it had a massive benefit to me, especially when I started talking more than the RDA (I originally took 2000 IU a day). I take 10000 IU a day, which is an insanely high number that you almost certainly don't need (however I do, even 8000 wasn't enough). Start small, and increase by a little (2000 IU increments) as needed. If you can get frequent blood tests to track your vitamin D levels as you increase the dosage, even better.

Swanson EFAs High Concentrate Omega-3 - Mini Softgels (:marseycanned:)

Most people are not getting enough omega 3s, however this isn't caused by just diet. People's ability to convert fatty acids into each other (and the efficiency they do it) seems to be dependent on genetics. Through trial and error, I found that my ability to convert ALA into DHA is remarkably poor, so even though I had a good amount of ALA in my diet the lack of direct sources of DHA became a problem. This most likely negatively reduced my testosterone levels and thus hurt my body's ability to regulate the candida in my gut. Unless you are eating omega 3 rich seafood frequently (you probably aren't), I suggest taking an omega 3 supplement. This one is derived from Alaska pollock, which has much more DHA than EPA. However, you probably want a supplement that is more balanced, so you probably want to take a supplement that uses anchovy, sardine, mackerel, and or krill. Try different kinds of omega 3 supplements and see what works for you, this one requires more trial and error than most supplements I've found. I take 3 of these a day, which is a lot, but necessary with how little DHA my body seems to be able to make naturally. Do keep in mind to not take more than 2g total of fish oil a day, as that can cause digestive issues.


STRAGE (pronounced fa-yeh, not straggy :marseyhomofascistgenocide:) Total 5% Yogurt

Adding yogurt to your diet once you start to recover (don't take it until you see an upward trend, the sugars can cause issues) is a good idea. It's not necessary, but I find eating some yogurt every other day helps keep things regular. STRAGE yogurt is one of the best, and it's cheap. It seems that however they make the yogurt seems to keep more of the cultures alive than other brands, which is ideal. STRAGE also makes some of the best tasting yogurt in the budget segment, which is nice.

STRAGE BestSelf Lactose Free Plain Low-Fat Greek Yogurt

If you cannot have lactose for whatever reason (:marseythroatsinginggenocide:) this is a great yogurt to have. I find it's not quite as powerful as the regular STRAGE (maybe because it doesn't have the parchment to keep the yogurt moist?) but when the alternative is nothing, this yogurt will do.

MYPROTEIN - MYVEGAN Pea Protein Isolate Powder

Pea protein tastes like shit, it is by far the worst tasting protein powder (with only hemp protein being close). However it seems to do a good job at managing candida, most likely due to the same compounds that make peas green. If you can stomach the stuff, this is worth adding to your diet. Do be mindful that it's high in iron, which might be a bad thing depending on what your iron levels are and what else you eat. I eat 13g of this a day in a smoothie (recipe listed below).

Spinach (and all other dark leafy greens)

Spinach has the same candida fighting powers as pea protein does, and is much more palatable. I suggest eating it raw, as that preserves the most amount of the candida fighting compounds. Just like pea protein, spinach and other dark leafy greens are high in iron, be careful. I eat 50g of this a day in a smoothie (recipe listed below).

Swanson Ultra Goat Whey Protein Concentrate Powder - Pasture Fed

Goat whey is shockingly awesome. It tastes great, is easier on the stomach than cow whey, and has good candida fighting power. The only real downside is price and shelf life, I suggest signing up for Swanson emails and waiting for a good discount (more than 30% off) to buy. Don't stock up, as this stuff has one of the shortest shelf-lifes I've seen in a protein powder. I eat 12g of this a day in a smoothie (recipe listed below).

Swanson Premium Oregano Oil 10:1 Extract

Oregano oil is one of the few recommendations the health blogs get right, it is very effective. Combine it with other candida killing stuff to prevent the candida from forming a strong biofilm. It isn't the most effective candida killer, but it certainly doesn't hurt to add to your diet, so it's an easy addition. I take one of these a day.

Nature's Way Premium Herbal Peppermint Leaf Capsules

Peppermint doesn't really do anything for SIFO, however it's great against SIBO which you might also have. SIBO also tends to emerge in those recovering from SIFO as bad bacteria fills the void the candida leaves behind. For these reasons it's worth taking some form of peppermint, just to be careful. This brand however is overpriced and not very strong, I instead recommend the next supplement.

Swanson Premium Peppermint Oil with Rosemary and Thyme - Enteric Coated

This peppermint supplement is way stronger than the Nature's Way brand one, and the enteric coating ensures it is more effective when it reaches the small intestine. I don't think the rosemary and thyme do anything, but they don't hurt either. I take 1 one of these a day.

Swanson Superior Herbs Milk Thistle - Features 80% Silymarin

This one becomes God tier if you take any of the liver taxing prescription antifungals. Your liver can get absolutely hammered by these drugs, and milk thistle is a great supplement to keep your liver working at it's best. If you don't take any prescription antifungals, the value of milk thistle is questionable, however it doesn't hurt to add. I take 1 of these a day.

Pure Encapsulations Magnesium (glycinate)

Magnesium glycinate has really only one job, make you go. When taking some antifungals, you may find yourself having trouble using the restroom, magnesium glycinate helps with this. Excess magnesium works as a laxative, so take 1 when you can't go.

Swanson Premium Activated Charcoal

Do not take these preventatively, they can mess up your gut and prevent other things from working. However these are nice to have as backup for whenever you get food poisoning. This is because getting food poisoning is a wonderful environment for candida to return, and charcoal puts a stop to that. Take 1 or 2 of these immediately after you start to feel the effects of food poisoning. The next day, take extra coconut, ginger, and probiotics (if you take any) to help your gut biome recover.

Klaire Labs SFI Health Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotic

Saccharomyces Boulardii would be God tier, however it conflicts with almost every other thing on this list, and all those things combined are more effective than this one probiotic strain. Saccharomyces Boulardii does a great job at killing candida though, it produces C8 (caprylic) acid while it's inside your intestines, which is amazing. Saccharomyces Boulardii dies really easily though, especially to coconut. Thus it's probably best to not bother taking this, unless you have a coconut allergy (like my mom), then it's your best hope. Of all the brands of Saccharomyces Boulardii, this one is the best, both in terms of efficacy and for not having FOS/inulin/acacia gum/chicory root (this stuff feeds candida like crazy, avoid at all costs).


Losing weight

When I first started tracking my weight when dealing with all this, I was 200 lbs. I dropped all the way to 145 lbs in just a few months (I was losing about 5 pounds a week). This did not improve or hurt my candida situation, and was entirely caused by my inability to eat any carbs during that time. I do believe it is very important to have a healthy weight, and losing the pounds absolutely helped me in other ways. However, it had literally no effect on my gut health, so don't think losing weight should be a goal when it comes to candida (especially if you are already at a healthy BMI). However, losing the weight really wasn't hard. If you are having trouble losing weight, cut all carbs from your diet (your body doesn't need carbs) and enjoy the lost pounds. If you find this too difficult, stop being a fricking baby and get it over it fatty.


My initial research showed that C8 (caprylic) acid was the most important compound for killing candida, so I tried MCT oil to replace coconut oil. This didn't work, coconut oil is way more effective and it isn't even close. However it doesn't hurt to add this if you need more fat/calories in your diet, just know you should combine it with coconut oil, not replace it.

Hโ€‘Eโ€‘B 15g Protein Nonfat Greek Yogurt โ€“ Plain

I tried this yogurt alongside a bunch of yogurts, I found this one just wasn't as effective as other yogurts. Worth trying if you don't like/can't find STRAGE yogurt, but I really do suggest trying that one first.

Higher Harvest by Hโ€‘Eโ€‘B Dairy-Free Coconut-Based Yogurt โ€“ Unsweetened Plain

Just like the other HEB yogurts, this one just wasn't that effective. I assume that HEB just doesn't keep the cultures as alive as other brands like STRAGE, so it isn't as effective. Not bad by any means, just meh.

STRAGE Creamy Dreamy Cream Dessert - Stracciatella

Honestly this is here just so I can b-word about this flavor from STRAGE. This flavored yogurt has so much lemon juice (I presume for freshness) that I can't taste anything else. I'm pretty sure it has the same efficacy as the normal STRAGE (besides the fact this yogurt has added sugar), I just wanted to complain about the taste.

Boars Head Sauerkraut (:marseykaiser:)

Sauerkraut is one of those foods that food blogs and health sites often recommend. I found it did jackshit. It didn't make things worse, but with how god-awful this slop tastes, I suggest avoiding it.

NOW Foods Soy Protein Isolate - Natural Unflavored

Shockingly ineffective, I presume because the soy compounds break down before they can reach the small intestine, as this does work when combined with gellan gum soymilk. I suggest trying soymilk with gellan gum first. Only add this if you want more soy (:soyjakdancing2:), or you want a good complete protein powder with no sugars that isn't pea protein.

Meyenberg Goat Milk

Goat milk does work, however the insane price and the really short shelf life make adding it to your diet a huge annoyance. If you have a great source of goat milk, sure, go for it. It just isn't worth the hassle for most people though, just buy goat whey.

NOW Foods Olive Leaf Extract

I tried this, and noticed literally no difference. It might work, but I really doubt it does anything.

Swanson Superior Herbs Olive Leaf Extract

I tried this brand to see if the NOW brand one was just too weak. This one is certainly stronger, but again, it didn't do anything.

Swanson Ultra Alpha Lipoic Acid

This didn't do anything for my candida, it did make my hair have more volume (:tayhairflip:) and nails stronger, which was a weird benefit. However, it didn't do anything candida related. This would probably be more effective if you don't have the same fatty acid conversion issues I have, but still, why deal with the extra step when you can just have an omega 3 supplement?

Swanson Premium Bee Propolis (:marseybee:)

I felt this did literally nothing. Apparently propolis only really does stuff if it's gathered from a local place so it has compounds adapted for your local climate. I have no idea if that is true, because it's shockingly hard to find local beekeepers that sell the propolis.

Swanson Premium Garlic Oil Concentrate - Triple Strength

Another product that I noticed had literally no effect.

Kirkland Signature Organic Ground Saigon Cinnamon

I noticed literally no effect when adding this to my smoothies, then I saw the consumer reports article about how cinnamon has lead and stopped taking it. I noticed no difference.

Central Market All-Natural Smooth Peanut Butter โ€“ Unsalted (:marseycry: TFW Jimmy Carter Marsey)

Most food blogs and many health sites say that you should avoid peanut butter. This is bullshit and Jimmy Carter slander. Digging deeper shows that one source advised against it if you have candida because you might have a peanut allergy. I'm sorry, if you have peanut butter frequently and just now realized you have an allergy; you are a braindead r-slur. You actually probably want peanut butter, because peanut oil blocks iron absorption (good if you have a lot of food with iron like myself), peanuts are a good source of fiber (hard to get safe fiber with candida), and have a nice amount of protein. If you cannot have peanut butter, God has abandoned you, don't blame the candida.

Central Market peanut butter is my recommendation, it tastes good, has a nice amount of oil, has no fillers (frick you Skippy), and isn't expensive.

Sprouts Creamy & Unsalted Peanut Butter

Another good peanut butter if you don't live near an HEB/Central Market. Plenty of oil, no fillers, and tastes good. Do avoid the organic Sprouts peanut butter though, it tastes worse and costs more.

Swanson GreenFoods Formulas Seaweed Vegetable Complex

Another supplement that didn't seem to do anything. It also has a lot of iodine, so that could be a problem. Best to not take this one imo.

Nature Made Men's Multivitamin 50+ Tablets

It's a good idea to get a multivitamin, as your body has trouble absorbing vitamins when you have candida. Also, you will probably be avoiding food sources of some nutrients anyway, such as vitamin C/fruit. However this one just isn't very good, and is the only multivitamin I have found that goes out of stock frequently, which is kinda a pain when you should be taking this daily. I haven't tested many multivitamins, as many have CoQ10, prebiotics, whole foods (some of which feed candida), and iron, which should all be avoided if you have candida. I do have a couple I want to test, but it takes months before I feel comfortable passing judgement.

WestSoy Organic Unsweetened Plain Soymilk

This brand of soymilk doesn't have gellan gum, so it's efficacy is reduced. Shame, as this soymilk tastes way better than the Silk soymilk and is shelf stable.

Member's Mark Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

Almond milk is a net neutral with candida. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't help. If you want a milk for smoothies and the like but can't/won't have soymilk, this is your best option. This brand isn't any better or worse than others, they are all the same as long as they are unsweetened. I recommend this one because it is really cheap, which is nice.

Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almondmilk

Same as the Member's Mark, what brand of unsweetened almond milk you buy doesn't matter.

365 by Whole Foods Market Unsweetened Almondmilk

The best tasting almond milk I have tried, so my recommendation if cost is no object and you are fine shopping at Whole Foods.

Filtered milk

This is the only product listed here I haven't personally tested. However, if you must have cow's milk, make sure it's the reduced sugar/filtered milk. Galactose feeds candida a lot, so it's best to minimize how much milk sugar you have. Don't confuse lactose free with reduced sugar, lactose free milk merely replaces the lactose with more galactose, which is actually worse.


Bananas are a real crapshoot; they are either a net negative or positive depending on how much candida you have in your gut. My recommendation is to avoid them until you don't see any signs of candida, then reintroduce bananas slowly.


Chobani 14g Protein Non Fat Plain Greek Yogurt

Chobani yogurt has an additional culture that most other yogurts don't have, L. Rhamnosus (:marseysuspicious:). This strain seems to be a favorite for candida, and I found that candida likes to feed off of this strain. Avoid all Chobani yogurt, and not just because Chobani yogurt sucks.

Higher Harvest by Hโ€‘Eโ€‘B Dairy Free 12g Protein Yogurt โ€“ Unsweetened Plain

For whatever reason, this specific HEB yogurt gave me severe bloating. If I had to guess, I'd say it's the corn starch. Avoid.


This is when I realized the low FODMAP diet is bullshit, not because sugars aren't the problem (they often are), but because the source for FODMAP is a complete sham. You will often see blueberries as low FODMAP, but according to actual data, they are quite high in fructan which I'd hardly consider low FODMAP. Best to avoid fruit until you start to recover, and avoid berries most of all.


Despite having less fructans than blueberries, I found these had the same issues that blueberries had with functionally no difference.


Lactose free milk (doesn't matter what kind)

Lactose free milk is something I saw some sites recommend, and shows the person (or AI) writing that article is a moron. Lactose free milk is the single worst milk you can have. This is because galactose is one of candida's favorite sugars, and lactose free milk has a ton of galactose due to the galactase enzyme they add. This enzyme turns the lactose into additional galactose, which is horrible if you have candida.

Central Market Icelandic-Style Skyr Low-Fat Yogurt โ€“ Plain

For whatever reason, this specific yogurt gave me extreme issues. Problems literally lasted a week. Caused by the unique strains added to this yogurt that normal yogurt does not have. Avoid at all costs. I have no idea if other skyr yogurts also cause the same results, no way am I testing that though.

Levels Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder, Vanilla Bean

This cow's whey gave me a great deal of issues. I am unsure if it was the stevia, the monk fruit, the cow whey, or something else. All I know is that it gave me issues, best to avoid. I de plan to test unflavored hydrolyzed whey at some point, as it would have less milk sugars and no fillers. However hydrolyzed whey is very expensive, and I am happy with the protein powders I use already.

Anthony's Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder (:marseypumpkaboogenocide:)

I actually have tested pumpkin seed protein and I am pretty sure it's fine. However this specific brand should be avoided at all costs. I bought some to try and it was horrid, the seeds were burnt cause it to be bitter, and it gave me mild food poisoning. I reached out to the company and they offered a refund and then ghosted me lmao. Thankfully Amazon got me my money back, but I would avoid this brand at all costs after they pulled this nonsense.

NOW Foods Betaine HCl

HCL is one of those things many sources recommend, and I have to disagree. Despite not having enough stomach acid, HCL gave me nothing but issues. It gave me nausea, and burning stool. That's not to say it can't work for some people, but I'd look at other things first and only use this if you have actually been tested for stomach acid levels and don't have enough.

Swanson EFAs Black Cumin Seed Oil

Black seed is another often recommended cure for candida. I found it made it worse, not better. However black seed did help me sleep better, so do take a look at taking some if you have insomnia.

Sadaf Black Seed | Nigella (:marseyblacked:)

Some sources say the food version of black seed is easier on the stomach so I tried some. Nah, still gave me issues, did taste nice though.

Swanson Ultra Zinc Carnosine - Featuring PepZinGI

Some say candida is caused by zinc and copper deficiency, what they don't say is that if you are not deficient taking zinc or copper will just make your candida worse. Candida uses these minerals to build biofilms, avoid.

Swanson Ultra Albion Copper

See the zinc entry above, avoid.

Florastor Probiotic

I have tried many Saccharomyces Boulardii probiotics, this is literally the only one that made things worse. They claim to use a potent patented strain, that in reality, I think is shit. They add lactose and claim they add it because it's vital for efficacy, I have a sneaking suspicion it's because the strain is so weak it would die without the sugar. Avoid, take a different Saccharomyces Boulardii probiotic if you want to go that route.

Swanson Probiotics Lactobacillus Rhamnosus with FOS

I have a feeling that Lactobacillus Rhamnosus feeds candida, I can't be 100% certain because I have really only tested 2 things with this strain, however both made my candida worse. This product also has FOS, which will make your candida worse, avoid.


NAC is something a lot of people recommend, however I believe recommending this is borderline negligent and potentially dangerous. NAC does work, but the side effects are too numerous to ignore. NAC causes extreme changes in mood, it causes your heart to be taxed, and seems to be potentially addictive. I took this for only 3 days and noticed these effects near immediately, and thus stopped. Concerningly, I noticed minor withdrawal symptoms after I stopped taking it. If there is only one takeaway from this post for you, it should be this: AVOID NAC AT ALL COSTS.

FOS/inulin/acacia gum/chicory root

These are found in a wide variety of products, from probiotics to protein bars, so make sure to read ingredient labels to avoid these. These are all prebiotics that feed candida and over bad stuff like crazy, if you find you can't have chicory root, this is most likely why. Make sure to avoid these, the effects don't last awhile, but they are potent.

Smoothie recipe

A smoothie is a great way to deal with candida, here is my recipe that I have modified to be as effective at suppressing candida as possible (ingredient order is the order I put them in the blender carafe, yes it matters):

50g of spinach (use a scale)

25g of protein powder (I use 13g of pea protein, and 12g of goat whey, but feel free to use whatever you like. I suggest avoiding flavored powders and incomplete proteins though.)

2 cups of soy milk that contains gellan gum (can swap for almond milk, but soy is better)

1 tbsp peanut butter (make sure it's well mixed, you want a good amount of oil, but make sure to leave some for when you get to the bottom of the container)

optional 1 banana (only add if you know fruit is fine, fruit can make candida worse at the early stages)

Blend together at a high speed (too slow and the spinach won't incorporate properly)

That's it, pretty easy and effective, take with coconut and ginger for best results.

Frequently asked questions:

Will I be able to go back to regular foods? Probably. Once I started getting my omega 3 levels up and taking coconut regularly, I was able to go back to eating like normal with only a couple exceptions. I still avoid food with FOS/inulin/acacia gum/chicory root, and I can't go crazy with carbs (150g a day is about my limit, but you shouldn't be eating more than that anyway tbh), but otherwise I am able to have food with no issues.

How long does it take to recover? Impossible to say, as it depends on what the underlying issue was. I found it took about 3 solid months after taking omega 3 for me to be able to eat normally again, and I predict it will take about 8 months for my gut and muscles to go back to normal. However, it only took about a week for all my symptoms to go away without eating carbs, so if you plan to stay keto you should recover pretty quickly.

How does one get candida? No one quite knows yet, I suspect I got mine from taking antacids for too long, being born from c-section, and not having enough omega 3s, but it's impossible to be certain. We might know in a decade or two, but it's still a mystery for now.

Why did you bother writing this? Honestly, I doubt anyone here will find this information useful, but you never know. The main reason was because all the articles and blogs talking about candida are comically wrong and I wanted to call them out. Many still tout the low FODMAP diet, probiotics, and prescription drugs, which I found made things worse, not better. If even one person finds this post helpful, mission accomplished, as even one post like this one would've saved me a year of issues.

Why do you not recommend probiotics? (This is for you, @MouthFarting). As emerging studies are starting to reveal, the bacteria and fungus (you have both, and hundreds of kinds!) in your small intestine are specifically adapted to you as an individual. What this means is that any product with probiotics you take will not be as effective compared to instead supporting what you already have, due to both decreased adaptability and variety. This is why coconut is so powerful; it kills bad stuff while also feeding good stuff at the same time. These native probiotics were given to you by your mother via natural birth and breastfeeding. This means if you were only fed formula and/or born from c-section (I was born from c-section, and always had digestive troubles even at a young age) your native gut biome is at a disadvantage and needs help. Giving probiotics to infants (Visbiome has a specific product for infants that is very promising, doesn't help us adults though lol) can prevent this, but giving them to children and adults won't work the same way. We aren't exactly sure why this is the case, but we know very little about the small intestine anyway.

What about poop transplants? (@AnnoyinTheGoyim) This is a real thing that seems to work for some patients, and do nothing for many others. The main reason seems to be, as explained above, that transplanted poop just can't adapt to the small intestine as they have an outsider's disadvantage. Theoretically a transplant from your mom might be more likely to work, but that carries all sorts of practical complications and is untested at scale. It's also worth keeping in mind that we do not know much about the small intestine, we have hundreds of strains of bacteria and fungus in our gut, but scientists still don't know just how many and we don't know most of them. This is because 99% of all the total bacteria/fungus in our small intestine are from only an estimated 40 strains, yet those remaining hundreds of strains seem to have an outsized impact. We simply do not have the cowtools to examine these strains in detail before they break down and die. There is also a deep concern that just putting things in peoples butt without knowing exactly what we are doing could create the next Ebola or aids, which is probably best avoided. So, for now poop transplants are a rare procedure used sparingly, they will most likely be replaced with a potent suppository or enteric coated oral capsule once we identify and isolate more strains.

Any other tips? Buy a food scale and bathroom scale, seriously. Keeping track of exactly what you eat and how much you weigh is super helpful, helped me a lot when testing various things. I also suggest drinking filtered water and avoiding fluoride toothpaste, new studies are showing that fluoride causes havoc on your gut, and is probably one of the main causes of candida in the US. Switching away from fluoride toothpaste helped a ton, though it took months to notice. Finally, avoid consuming tea tree oil, it's toxic, yet some toothpastes have it and some sites recommend it anyway...


Below are the various studies, sources, and papers I used to help find what items deal with candida, keep in mind that just because it is a study does not mean it is 100% accurate. However these studies do help shed a light on not just what works, but why it works. good study on why current RDA for Vitamin D3 is bupkis. explains why Gellan Gum might be a super useful tool for delivering stuff to the small intestine intact. a general-purpose study, the parts talking about omega-3, vitamin D, and vitamin E are particularly intriguing. a study talking about the antifungal effects of stevioside (a compound found in stevia). the reasons why some people develop candida and others don't is still largely unknown. However CARD9 might be one of the causes, this page is a good starting place for learning about the genetics side of things. in my opinion, this is the definitive resource for learning about essential fatty acids. It explains how each works, and also breaks down what foods have good amounts of each kind. Most sources only give total amounts of fatty acid, so having a source that breaks down the amounts into specifics is invaluable. The link should take you straight to the sources of fatty acids section, which is a great place to start imo. another basic page that just explains that sometimes recurrent candida seems to be genetic, also a good starting point for learning about the genetics side of things. study that tested the antibacterial and antifungal abilities of 10 essential oils, useful when looking at healthcare and beauty products to buy. this study tested the biofilm disruption capabilities of essential fatty acids and how that compared to just using fluconazole. Really shows how important the biofilm is when it comes to killing candida. you might be familiar with the low FODMAP diet, this study helps show just how bullshit that diet is. Mainly because the group that lists what foods are low and high FODMAP does not provide hard data or any actual evidence that the foods they test are high/low FODMAP. Turns out a lot of that data is wrong, as this study shows. The most interesting example found in this study is that brown rice is actually higher FODMAP than any other kind of rice tested (4x more fructan than the 2nd highest rice). while it turned out fructose was not the issue, this study does help shine a light on how genetics plays a big factor in all of this. a good summary on the efficacy of fluconazole, and how the standard 3 months prescription is simply insufficient for dealing with fungus. another general-purpose study about candida and how diet plays a role. it turns out candida is a huge problem for those with artificial implants, as this article elucidates. a neat paper about how candida operates and a good insight into how and why it's so dangerous. a doomer study that proves that candida is becoming more common, concerningly we don't know why. the Wikipedia article for coconut oil is surprisingly detailed and provides a nice breakdown of the ratio of different fatty acids in coconut oil.


Literally took months of work, even if I only wrote this in a day.


You wanted to know about supplements, this probably isn't exactly what you are looking for, but do check out black seed oil, coconut oil, ginger root, vitamin D, and (not sponsored lol, they just have great prices and save me literally hundreds of dollars. Do wait for sales, they have them all the darn time and are often 35% off all Swanson brand stuff or higher.)


I await your upmarsey, even if you won't read this.


And here is your effortpost, enjoy and don't forget to not vote!



Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Come back after you graduate high school. Lol (78)

they don't teach you how to like people in high school and people are inherently evil and i don't need to like them if i don't want to. (-68)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Tolerance is for putting up with a bad smell, or physical pain, not the existence of gay people or other ethnicities. (413)

as an attractive young male, i can definitely say i barely tolerate gay people. too happy and personable. and people in general. i hate everyone equally so good luck spinning me as homophobic or racist. yes i hate gays yes i hate blacks yes i hate your pasty hairy french dad yes i hate your evil 16 year old cat. get over it (-104)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Forget the politics, the stuff she's saying about your relationship should be enough to drop her NOR (3521)

You people are sick who would drop your family over differences in opinion (-100)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

i can't believe people are seriously focusing on people being gay when someone in government just did a nazi salute lmao for God's sake. and they're not not taking them back because "they're the worst of the worst", they literally are just not taking them back because it's FRICKED UP TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE ๐Ÿ˜ญ he is literally sending back literal american citizens because he is getting rid of birthright citizenship. WHY ARE WE FOCUSING ON GAY PEOPLE WHEN TRUMP IS CLEARLY GOING OFF THE DEEP END??? he's trying to get FOUR MORE YEARS AGAIN. he is literally being scary. like she should be worried, period. again, why in the absolute FRICK are people focusing on gay people when WE CANNOT AFFORD HOUSING. OR GROCERIES BARELY. we are being overworked and underpaid. immigrants are being overworked and SEVERELY underpaid and blackmailed by companies bc of their legal status. THIS IS NOT WHAT AMERICA WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. SO WHY ARE THEY NOT WORRIED??? i used to think people on the left were overreacti... (0)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Some might say that we shouldn't sever contact with our MAGA friends and family because it will let them just fall deeper into their own brainwash pit. Unfortunately that ship has sailed long ago. During his first administration this argument might have had some credibility to it but no longer. It's been a decade. They're lost. Like they are legit lost and gone. We have to sever connections to show that this is not normal. We have to show them that this insanity should not be normalized and doing things such as cutting off all contact with these nut jobs will provide a possibility of showing some folks the seriousness of this. To them they think it's politics and they don't understand why family would cut them off just because of politics. But it's not just politics anymore. It's literally infecting the daily lives of not only Americans but international societies as well. It is affecting human rights, it is oppressing people. The Germans in the 1930's let Nazis become normalized an... (0)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

So clearly you cut the start of this argument. Why? And yes if I saw "Two same-s*x parents cannot typically have biological children. But what if two men could have a baby? What do you think the s*x of the child could be" I'd also be going like WTF is this r-slurred question(AND SO SHOULD YOU). What did you expect calling her homophobic. This isn't even about homophobia, it's a stupid fricking question to have in a BIOLOGY textbook! Wtf are you people teaching your kids in the USA. At first I thought republicans were just exaggerating rare cases but shit has become so muddy I don't think either side knows what's up or down. Every well known reddit thread has become a illogical Lib/Cons cesspool of politics ,propaganda and bots(or r-slurs IDK). No fricking wonder Trump won because Dems seem to be the more radical, illogical, brainwashed morons than the republicans usually are. You people need to seriously do a reality check on yourselves or face another 8 years of Republican dominance. ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Lopsided_Purchase235

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