noooooooo not the heckin' legorinos :soycry:

12k upvotes for a manchild upset :marseybeanupset: that his motherwife broke his toys

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Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Germany vs Scotland



:marseyrave: Day of the Flush (SpΓΌltag) Countdown: 18 DAYS :marseyrave:

What's going on?

The pushback

Despite setbacks, the movement continues to grow

  • Information regarding the protest was recently shared by True North journ*list Harrison Faulkner on xitter

  • A counter-protest against the indian intl. students protesting in Charlottetown was organized by two guys and reposted by PPC leader Bernier

The opposition are shooting themselves in the foot

  • Recently, in response to the success of protestors in Winnipeg, poos have organized in Browntown to demand extended work permits. Just because, you know, they want them.

  • This has obviously not been well-received by Canadians who are experiencing the side effects of several years of increasingly unregulated immigration

  • The response of many jeets to online criticism has been what one would expect of the typical ego-inflated thirdie:

I better see all of you kkklanadians out in the streets on July 1st.


As you see the blue zone doesn't have any high rise building or much building since it's a park and since Russian holding high rise buildings from left and right of that park Ukrainian just won't be able to hold it. So for Russian it would be easier to control that zone than for Ukrainian

Gecko-chan with Chameleon-chan

So I just learned about the nutty putty cave incident

I know, must of you probably already know about it, but Jesus.

I don't think :marseyoscargamble: I've felt this much dread watching :marseyoperasmug: another person's suffering :marseypain: in years.

My Etsy just took off
:marseybowing: :!marseykente:


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  • Snape : no one cares you inbred shitskinned cute twink
Hi friends, from #Melodi :marseywave2:


More in this thread


Sorry not sorry, but it's the truth. I have been in the dating scene in and out for the last 14 years and starting to realize men have become super weird and creepy these last 23 years ( post covid depression maybe?) with lot of them trying to groom young women and becoming more misogynist with lot of them straight saying dtf and unmatching if I refuse ( at least before they used to TRY by messaging/going out to dates).

Y'all really need therapy because that ain't normal and need to lower your expectations/learn how to socialize.

Men are getting weird




Original post:

Microsoft deleted my Minecraft account. This is why I pirate

A surfer of the high seas makes a post about his Minecraft account getting locked because they didn't migrate their Mojang account to a Microsoft account.

Mods say:

Comments locked because it's just a battle of the "this was an easy thing to do and you had plenty of warning" crowd VS "you should be able to keep the game no matter what if you paid for it" crowd.

Both have merits, and yet everyone is now slinging insults and getting personal. Just ridiculous.

some threads:


The way they rolled out this change out was super fair, actually. I think they gave people well over a year to migrate their accounts

They deny access to a game you have bought. That is never fair no matter how many strawmen you throw at it.

-Whiny idiot:

It's literally a simple web server, dirt cheap especially for a company like Microsoft. They just stopped giving a frick and realized legally they could get away with screwing over the millions of unmigrated players.

You could not be more wrong... They gave you AMPLE time to migrate your account... It just makes you a whiny idiot.


They gave you a lot of time to migrate. they warned people multiple times that it would happen both in email and inside the launcher. if it took this long for you to realize this was happening, you deserve to pay the $30 again.

What if someone had quit the game and decided to come back to the game? Dumbshit argument

Don't ignore emails/the hundreds of reminders that were all over the internet?


others already commented on whether or not ur reason is a good one but you really dont need to justify yourself. just pirate if you want to, theres not much more to it


The company peepeeriding here's very crazy. Sucks for you man! Maybe try sending them an email

Peepeeriding a company that gives you spyware for free on windows 11 insane.

Its not peepeeriding microsoft... Despite microsoft is a shit, in this case OP just cant complain, they warned a lot of times for ~2 years in diferent ways, and he realized like 1 year late. Dont blame microsoft for being lazy for years... Does OP want to pirate games? Go ahead, but dont use this to justify himself

If OP has a life, he would be reading their emails as their job probably needs them to keep up to date with it. It's not defending the practice, it's defending fricking common sense.


so much cuckery in replies on a piracy subreddit of all places

it's a digital game they can always ask for proof of purchase or something like that to validate a genuine customer

Comments are really split nearly 50/50, with highly upvoted and downvoted posts on each side. it seems like the juiciest ones may have been deleted, but the arguments and multi-paragraphs responses are strong with this one.

Kaamrev after his crash :marseysteer: :marseynpcsheep:

You can see the Boer female arguing with a Kween :marseyneat:


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