Anyone notice how Wikipedians have revamped the John Money page?

It went from "most influential doctor ever" to "every train hates him (ignore how we still cite him)"


"John Money is proof you cant change a trans person's identity"

The kid wasnt even trans! The kid was cisgender, the activists still call the kid trans

I'm smuggling weed into a concert tonight (🌸◣‿◢)🔥

I bought this syrup and it's pretty good!!

I put a nice amount into a water bottle and will drink it before entering the venue (🌸◉‿◉)✨

How's your Friday going rDrama? Are you breaking the rules (🌸・ᴗ・) ❓

Some r-slur quenched an MRI because it :marseyairquotes: stole his gun :marseyairquotes:

The incident's details were described in a lawsuit filed by the owners of a Los Angeles medical imaging center, who allege that their business was wrongly targeted by LAPD during a raid in October 2023 The lawsuit was first reported on by

The owners of NoHo Diagnostic Center are suing the LAPD, the city of Los Angeles and multiple police officers, alleging they violated the business owners' constitutional rights and demanding an unspecified amount in damages. Officers allegedly raided the diagnostic center, located in the Van Nuys neighborhood of Los Angeles, thinking it was a front for an illegal cannabis cultivation facility, pointing to higher-than-usual energy use and the "distinct odor" of cannabis plants, according to the lawsuit.

Officers raided the facility on Oct. 18, 2023, and detained the lone female employee while they searched the business, the lawsuit said. However, they didn't find a single cannabis plant and only saw a typical medical facility with rooms used for conducting x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs, the owners said.

The officers then released the employee and told her to call a manager, the lawsuit said, while they continued to wander around various rooms of the facility. The plaintiffs say the officers' behavior was "nothing short of a disorganized circus, with no apparent rules, procedures, or even a hint of coordination."

At one point, an officer walked into an MRI room, past a sign warning that metal was prohibited inside, with his rifle "dangling… in his right hand, with an unsecured strap," the lawsuit said. The MRI machine's magnetic force then allegedly sucked his rifle across the room, pinning it against the machine. MRI machines are tube-shaped scanners that use incredibly strong magnetic fields to create images of the brain, bones, joints and other internal organs.

An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit.

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Also, lmao apparently they are putting sakura flowers growing in the wrong season, Torii gates as regular city entrance gates, and Chinese architecture in Japanese castles, but who gives a shit, these exotic orientals are all the same anyways, Ubisoft frogs are single-handedly keeping 19th-century Orientalism alive and well!, classic UbiGOD W! :based: :!marseykneel: :marseydeux: :vegetakneel: !historychads !chuds


Also Japcels have African noses, which is a Snopes-fact checked, peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, historically verified irrefutable FACT that an African-American Samurai BBC BVLL did in fact impregnate half of all Jap foids during his stay in the Sushi Bar in Middle-Upper Class Los Angeles Neighborhood! :marseyserioushatfact: !asians




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I'm playing on PS5 and can feel the FPS drops. The graphics look like a copy paste from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and that's a switch game. I still like them, just expected more - something like Persona 3 Reload. (-10)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's a turn based game, whatever (-10)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

It's bizarre, honestly. Hoping the demo is just an old build and the full release will be better. (8)

I don't think so. I had the same hope when FF16 released last year and see what it happened.This engine was not made for open worlds or open areas. Actually, if you play P5 R on PC and you go to Shibuya, you will notice that area drops many frames because of the amount of stuff. The frame drops were not heave, but we are talking about a considerable drop.I think the problem has to do with the engine and I don't think they can solve it, at least not quickly. Hope I am wrong (-6)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Darnit no i don't want to hear the performance is bad.  Frick this generation!! (-3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

I'm really biased against pc handhelds—and pc in general at this point—so just ignore that.So you're saying you have a 7600x and are getting frame drops? Do you mind doing a small test? Set your display to 60hz and turn on vsync. If you're still getting drops @ 1440p, then that almost certainly means the game has shader compilation stutter, which would be a huge negative for the pc port. Important to bring attention to issues before release. (if you've already finished the demo then you'd have to reinstall your gpu drivers to test it properly)The consoles are not rendering the 3d elements @ 4k, only the UI. The game is running at somewhere between 1600-1800p based on some of the higher bitrate footage found on youtube. If it was 4k it would still have aliasing, but it would be sharper. It's clearly too soft to be a 2160p output without aa. (1)

I got your point. I know what you are talking about, so let me answer to that straight forward:The game does not have any shader compilation stutter. That thing exist of PC mostly due to Unreal Engine, DX12 and lazy devs.This game is dx11 and it seems the engine relies on drivers to compile them with no issue. The real problem is the image quality is not clear at all because of the stupidly amount of aliasing the game has.I could achieve 60fps all the time on my 3070 with everything at max settings and 1440p, but internal res scaling set to 100%.You would think that is great, but it isn't, because the game at 1440p still looks bad. It does not look clean. It is a shimmery mess.When I plugged it to my 4k tv 55 inch, only by setting scale res to %125 from 4k the image looked decent, however, the fps tanked there.You will see people with 4080s complaining because they set everything to ultra, which also increases the internal res scaling to 200%.You would say "so why are they complaini... (4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Alright, I can't help myself. Not really? Aside from offering enormous technical issues—which they all have, at least on launch—what are they offering that the playstation versions don't have? 1 or 2 subpar ray tracing effects which tanks your performance, so you have to turn them off anyway; slightly higher LODs; 16x anisotropic filtering? Like, this is all extremely negligible stuff, I'm sorry.What's misleading about that statement is that console versions of games practically never have significant technical flaws, and when they do they get fixed extremely quickly because it's a fixed set of hardware. You can't "fix" a game that's crashing because of an issue with its code. You can't fix shader compilation stutter, which significantly affects more than 90% of AAA/AA releases in the past 5 years. You can't fix broken settings, or textures not loading properly, visual glitches, etc. The idea that you can "fix" most issues that crop up on pc is just not true. (2)

Way better because you can play them the way you want. Ultrawide, ultra graphics, different upscalers, mods, the controller you want set up as you want, etc.Dragons Dogma 2 at 24fps in town, Final Fantasy XVI scalling from 720p to reach 50fps in battle, Final Fantasy 7Re being a washed out due to PS2 lvl bilinear upscaler, Days Gone broken, Returnal crashing, HFW washed out at launch, EA 24 crashing and glitching, Spiderman 2 bugs...By searching "PS5 problem" you will get many different errors people experience on a daily basis. Why are you omitting it saying it only happens on PC?Days Gone took 26 patches to be fixed and even Cyberpunk had to be taken down from stores on consoles.If you are pissed about Shader Compilation stutter, I get you. Fair point. But two things:A. It is not 90% of games whatsoever. There is life beyond "AAA gaming", btw.B. Again, you think consoles don't have issues. You are absolutely wrong.You are simply a PC hater because of some frustrating experiences.... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Joker28CR

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 11

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

First they came for the pets, and I said nothing...



  • In 1945, the German submarine U-1206 was sunk after a potty accident resulted in seawater flooding into the hull, which created chlorine gas upon contact with a battery and forced the submarine to resurface. At the surface, the sub was discovered and sunk by Allied forces. This case may not have been due to a malfunction, but rather the possibility that the pressurized flushing system in the U-boats, which was extremely complex and required a training course to operate, may not have been properly operated.[18]

  • Michael Anderson Godwin, a convicted murderer in South Carolina who had his sentence reduced from death by the electric chair, sat on the metal potty in his cell while fixing his television. When he bit one of the wires, the resultant electric shock killed him. Another convicted murderer, Laurence Baker in Pittsburgh, was electrocuted while listening to the television on homemade earphones while sitting on a metal potty.[33]

  • Elvis Presley died when using the potty.[23] "Most sources indicate that Elvis was likely sitting in the potty area, partially nude, and reading when he collapsed."[24] According to Dylan Jones, "Elvis Presley died aged 42 on August 16th, 1977, in the bathroom of the star's own Graceland mansion in Memphis. Sitting on the potty, he had toppled like a toy soldier and collapsed onto the floor, where he lay in a pool of his own vomit. His light blue pajamas were around his ankles."[25] In similar terms, Elvis biographer Joel Williamson writes, "For some reason — perhaps involving a reaction to the codeine and attempts to move his bowels — he experienced pain and fright while sitting on the potty. Alarmed, he stood up, dropped the book he was reading, stumbled forward, and fell face down in the fetal position. He struggled weakly and drooled on the rug. Unable to breathe, he died."[26] This led to the common saying, "The King died on the throne".[27]

  • Lenny Bruce died of a heroin overdose on August 3, 1966, while sitting on the potty, with his arm tied off.[31]

Would you like to die in a potty related death? If so, how? :#marseyskibiditoilet2:


Unsurprisingly the people buying courtside WNBA tix are lesbians.

You're a chud if you don't think this is a woman btw

Groveling with gratitude is apparently what you call it when you ask someone to not try to injure the most popular player in the league (extremely difficult ask).

the solution to people disliking the wnba is bringing back Twitter Jannies.

This is like when people accuse Celtics fans of being hardened racists and then you go to a game and it's basically the same yuppies that you'll see in any major coastal city.

I am drinking juice right now

its really good juice. :marseyagree:

this was my blogpost for today :marseytomato: :marseybanana: :marseyblueberry: :marseystrawberry: :marseymango: :marseywatermelon:


Anyone have these leaked emails? :marseysurejan:

He's gonna take it to court? :marseyxd:

This could get good :marseypopcorntime:

Legal expert weighs in. Wait :bigsmilesoyjak: Omg.... it's our bestie !bardfinn :soyjakfat:

Boeingcels are on suicide watch strike. Had you followed top marsey news reporter @DarkDeity, you'd have known this :marseysmughips:

Who knows, maybe boeing has gone to shit because they're spending too much time jannying the subreddit. Could be. But I think what happened is the reddit commies were flooding the sub with union posts and jannies got tired of it.

Janny explains

and going dark to do work cleaning up

:marseysmug2: :pepejannie: :marseylaugh:

Another comment I saw from this janny

:marseysmirk2: Probably not something you want to be saying when you have a bunch of reddit commies pooping and seething because you banned them.

Here's the other janny Gods / alleged union busters

So now the ModSupport poster /u/Zealousideal-Ear1194 has made /r/Boeing_ and the unioncels are chimping out in /r/IAM751_Boeing

A New Low, Better Not "Question The Mods" at Boeings Subreddit. They will ban you.

More chimping

And their janny posted

Do not trust the boeing subreddit


Vote, b words :marseycracka:

Is veganism a good praxis? :marseysalad: :marseyraging: :marseyhealthy: [poll inside]

Saw some communists calling vegans "ecofascist adjacent", what do you think?


!brics :marseymacacosalute::marseysaluteussr::marseysaluteindia::marseysalutechina::marseyflagsouthafrica:







Assassin's Creed Shadows will now be released on 14 February 2025. While the game is feature complete, the learnings from the Star Wars Outlaws release led us to provide additional time to further polish the title. This will enable the biggest entry in the franchise to fully deliver on its ambition, notably by fulfilling the promise of our dual protagonist adventure, with Naoe and Yasuke bringing two very different gameplay styles.

We are departing from the traditional Season Pass model. All players will be able to enjoy the game at the same time on February 14 and those who preorder the game will be granted the first expansion for free.

The game will mark the return of our new releases on Steam Day 1.

Additionally, despite solid ratings (Metacritic 76) and user scores across the First Party and Epic stores (3.9/5) that reflect an immersive and authentic Star Wars universe, Star Wars Outlaws initial sales proved softer than expected. In response to player feedback, Ubisoft's development teams are currently fully mobilized to swiftly implement a series of updates to polish and improve the player experience in order to engage a large audience during the holiday season to position Star Wars Outlaws as a strong long-term performer. The game will be available on Steam on November 21.

Also Star Wars Outlaws was a flop lol.

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Cloud is a pervert :marseyxd:


:marseybrainlet: r-slur boomer finds out that :marseymexican: :marseykente: can get home loans


marsey gets swatted

4chuds celebrate:


Previous thread I made some hours ago lol:

!g*mers WON

!chuds WON

!asians WON





:!#marseykneel: :#vegetakneel:


We are so close. A decade at most. Just hang in there a bit longer. Don't text and drive, cut out alcohol, it's the perfect time to quit smoking. Watch your speeding, don't overestimate yourself. Take caution and relax.

Don't be a hermit, but just take heed.

We are so so close.

Revel in our daily suffering, as it won't be long until you're bored of utopia and long in nostalgia for the challenges, as you plug into FDVR and wipe your memory, to live lives throughout history, every life. (Boltzmann says hey).

Anyways, seriously, just be careful, and don't die, okay? Let's all get there together. We can tell everyone else "we told you so" if it makes you feel better.

Just. Don't. Die.


remember: don't die so you can enjoy AI gooning :marseycoomer2: machines. That's the only reason life is worth living, nothing else.

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Samsung sells you the last earbuds you will ever need

No comfy chair today...

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