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15 minutes I done aldo 15 seconds.
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) January 31, 2025
Show yo wife nigga. Show yo kids nigga.
Cousin fuckin motherfuckin hidin motherfucker. Show us you and your cousins kids together because we have kids here in Ireland that wanna smoke them in competition. Are they competing or what are you… pic.twitter.com/C0egPQF0WE
MMA fighter (Might as well say former at this point) and Male Feminist Conor McGregor got rolled by Khabib a few years back in a title fight. Since then, while also taking multiple other Ls in the Octagon and courtroom, has consistently taken shots at Khabib. Now he's really gone off the deep end with this latest rant calling Khabib a BIPOC and a cousin lover.
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This all started when someone slandered the queen, AOC, implying that she is part of the 1% she claims to fight. She then proceeds to post the massive L that despite making $174k/year (before bribes) she doesn't own a house and still has unpaid student loans Of course this leads the fans of known peepee sucking s*x pest, Destiny, to defend their queen's honor by being anti-freedom communists.
You don't stop it, X is made for this, to push out anything Elon wants, playing with the algorithm to push out fake shit and suppress real things, it's the easiest shit in the world, I bet if I had access I could code the inverse in less than a day.
I wonder if he held this position before Elon bought it…
We're fricked. The last 9-ish years have shown us that something like 80% of the population can be fully fricking brainwashed by propaganda of one form or another; and we haven't figured out a way to counter, stop, or correct it.
No one is immune to propaganda. That's why it's been utilized since the dawn of humanity and will continue until the end of it.
And our national worship of "free speech" has been perverted to mean we have a right to be constantly be lied to.
We should definitely just give the good guys, who never lie, complete and total control over all facts. Surely they would never abuse that power
this would require government intervention to counter, but republicans love fomenting propaganda because they hate america, and democrats will never take steps against social media contagion because they're weak, effete cowards obsessed with protecting land grants and trans visibility, not protecting voting rights or america's institutions.
Please daddy government! Censor these filthy liars! Wait… I'm not a liar! Don't censo… ACK!
You want to silence people from making up blatant lies? That's what free speech is there to protect bro! That's dictatorship to be anti-lies!!
Freedom hating communist wishes we had a ministry of truth.
I've been wondering why tiny's been so chill with everything going on, and then remembered people on this media diet will only realize it's all fake after things get much worse. I just fear whatever the tech bros are doing will be woefully stupid, even more so that what Donald has in mind.
This "Tiny" he's referring to is the streamer, Destiny, who recently got in hot water after sharing a bunch of videos of himself banging both men and women with his groomercord friends. This led to them being leaked and him being sued by one (or maybe multiple) of the women from the leaks. Additionally all of his former streaming partners have distanced themselves from or completely abandoned him. The reason he has been "chill" is because he is laying low because he knows he's fricked. And this redditor gets all of his opinions from this man. Just remember if you're ever feeling low, you will never be as pathetic as someone like this
I know Americans don't like this with the 1st amendment and all, but at what point do you allow this to continue happening? Maybe it should just be illegal to tell blatant lies like this, but idk
Posts in /r/Vancouver. What do you know, a filthy foreigner with a negative opinion of the 1st amaendment! If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I'd have more money than AOC!
Anyways, America has free speech and it's here to stay, no matter how much commies cry about it.
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Soft power (soft rangs of soft power) cost is "but our allies" divided by "many lives will be lost" multiplied by "America will fall behind".
That means 50 million gibouts for Iraqi Sesame Street equals 69.420lb of soft rangs of powaaaaaaa!
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Just starting Kurosawa's Throne of Blood
Leave engrossing high quality but not super well known !kino recs below
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digital footprint is a myth invented by Jews to prevent you from posting bangers
— Beardson (@BeardsonBeardly) November 17, 2024
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Someone posted a thread in /r/montereybay that was just "what do you guys thinks of Elon Musk's nazi salute". Mods ended up deleting the thread which then caused this follow up thread to be posted. The Nazi mod's explanation:
The post was removed because it had nothing to do with Monterey Bay.
This is the /r/MontereyBay subreddit, which is for discussion of things related to well...the Monterey Bay. When you visit the /r/bicycling subreddit, you go there expecting bicycle-related content. When you visit /r/television you expect discussion of television shows. That's what subreddits are for. To allow people to find places to discuss specific topics. It also allows people to avoid certain topics as well.
The discussion happening in that thread was no different than any of the other threads on the other political subreddits. There was no relation to the Monterey Bay whatsoever. That's why it was removed. Seemed pretty clear to me (and to the many people who reported the post saying it was off topic as well).
Now we have this thread where people are coming up with minor conspiracy theories and conjecture. Assuming that the mods have a political bias, saying things like "RIP Democracy" and the like.
The post was removed because it does not relate to the Monterey Bay at all. That is it. End of story. I figured people would find that to be pretty obvious. If you want to come up with some wild theory in your head, go for it. But that was not why it was removed. If you would like to discuss politics that to not pertain to our area, visit /r/politics, /r/worldnews, and the like. Thank you.
Don't bother reading it, just stuff.
Wow, I woulda never expected some folks in Monterrey Bay to be apologists for a nazi - but here we are...
There are some aggressive Nazi apologists in this thread. I don't know how many are actually in the area, but I take heart in the fact that this post has overwhelming more up votes than downmarseys, and people seem to think this was a valid concern.
Never stop the fight and trust no one, brother.
Monterey is a hotbed of silent conservatives. They nod and smile at the concessions that allow equality but secretly they wallow in a Republican pit of wealth and willful ignorance. It's all golf and landscaping and real estate with occasional nods to the actual rights of all Americans. The scum of the earth have elected Trump and support Musk, and their trappings of wealth and opulence can't hide that they're just as ignorant as the toothless rednecks who live in a low-life world of Walmart junk and addiction to their own stupidity.
Agreed- and maybe those silent conservatives should speak up. If 'conservative' now means Nazism, then just own it and let rest of us roast them on Reddit, any sub.
Lol what?
Hello. I commented on the post. I find it deeply concerning that this post was removed without the mods talking to us.
Since that post was deleted let me just restate this… Frick Nazis.
I'd like to better connect to my community and yes, I am willing to go on the news or have a cross burned in my yard. I'm here for my community and to stand up for those in it.
This poster is willing to stand up for Nazis I guess? Not sure how else to take it.
I didn't see the post, what did the post about Elon have to do with Monterey Bay?
(OP) National politics concern local politics finding comfort with a local community helps deal with broader anxieties. And finally this one is important, explicitly pertaining to Monterey is not included in the subreddit rules.
OP brings up a good point that it doesn't go against the rules.
You think the lowering of democratic standards is something people shouldn't complain about? What the frick is wrong with you? You think what is happening in DC right now is just another average day? Read something. Learn before you comment. Every decent history book will enlighten you to the fact that fascism is the enemy of a free society and reading about it might open your eyes to why Trump and Musk need scrutiny.
Mods of this app are liberal leftists. They will shut down ban and take down anyone or anything they dim a threat to their views. This is not a surprise that they take down anything that even remotely threatens their views.
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BREAKING: FCC releases full unedited ‘60 Minutes’ interview with Kamala Harris.
— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) February 5, 2025
Leading report i garbage tho, don't follow
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This country is legitimately one catalyst incident away from full blown civil war. Plenty of root cause is there. Only thing holding it back is that most people are still far too comfortable and have too much to lose. All it takes now is for something to happen that either makes people no longer comfortable (think major economic crash), or something that enrages one side so much taht they dontbcare anymore (trump assassination would do it for the right, mass incarceration of legal immigrants and naturalized citizens for the left, as examples).
dude srdines lmao
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So why are anti-Nazi posts taken down here now?
I saw the post - it really was pretty far into advocating violence overtly.
I get why it was taken down.
I must have missed those parts, thanks for the explanation.
Am I not punk anymore? Anyone else feeling the same now?
I'm in the US and I've considered myself punk since high school so ~10 years. I still go to shows often, participate in mutual aid, volunteer. I'm in LA and even the last couple weeks I've been sharing resources, volunteering, and donating what I can due to the fires. I come from a minority
- immigrant background, I am not rich or even middle class by any means (single mom) and I have a child with disabilities.
With the new presidency and all these executive orders being signed, I know now is the time to get out there and advocate and protest more than ever. However, I actually have felt the opposite which makes me really sad to say. I'm trying my best to keep up but just end up upset and logging off my social media and news articles. In a way I feel like I can't make much of a difference, I feel like every identity of mine or things that matter to me and my family are being targeted. The day of the inauguration for the first time in 10 years, I thought maybe I should take out all my piercings and cover my tattoos and buy some more normal clothes to blend in as best as I can. I actually felt like "Is this what is needed to survive the next 4 years?" Is this normal or has anyone else felt like this? Does this mean I am not punk anymore?
You have someone relying on you and it's not everyone's responsibility to be fighting every single fight. You have every right to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and anyway punks look after each other. You looking after your youngling is a perfectly punk thing to do.
Stay safe
You're still punk. You EXIST. You are having a strong reaction to bad people and their bad acts. Pace yourself... Given yourself breaks. If we cannot individually effectively, healthily exist, there cannot be resistance. Focus on your community close around you, starting with you, family, friends, coworkers. We cannot take on an entire government structure or administration alone. We have to be stalwart, but be Gentle with yourself. Resist on the ground, where we are. You're doing better than you think. It's not the look or outward loud defiance all times.... just carry the sentiments in your heart and actions and let them guide you. Some of us like the loud, fraught fight. Some of us have a more quiet, sustaining power. Do what is you, but don't you quit. Don't you give up. We will make better days ahead. It's worth fighting for in the very way we live our daily lives.
punk is when, you exist
they have this exact post like every time something happens, and it gets tons of upmarseys idk why
this is adorable
Republicans will never be punk.
Yeah, punks aren't usually those with all of the power in society and who oppress the most vulnerable.
Thinking you're punk just because people find you vile is some real soft brained shit
It's like when we found out eric harris was actually a popular kid and a bully himself. You're not oppressed or outcast by society, fighting back. You're actually the one with power. You're just a c*nt.
Yeah the peepeeheads that would go to punk shows in the 90's were usually yuppie Republicans that wanted to fight "non conformists". They didn't care about the music or the scene they just wanted to fight. They saw a room full of aberration and wanted to impose order. A lot of the ones I knew of personally, went on to become cops.
Cops can't be punk either.
No such thing as a republican punk. Just little b-word butt posers
Why did I even bother? This subreddit says the exact same things alllll the time. It's so boring! ...and new reddit algo pushes the sub pretty hard.
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i will birdpost when i am no longer a walking pathogen. for now. shitposting
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What does it mean when the Chair of the Federal Election Commission admits to stirring up some “good trouble?” pic.twitter.com/dWPFPuJNHh
— Bluesky Libs (@BlueskyLibs) February 7, 2025
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— Crémieux (@cremieuxrecueil) January 14, 2025
White people using Xiaohongshu are like women using Grindr.
Yes, you can do it, but you should consider killing yourself instead.
- FreedomforChristmas : This was fun, thanks for hosting!
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!crossword I also have a question for you. I think there might be a couple of more mega crosswords left, but is there something else you would like to do after we run out? Or just keep to the Sat & Sun Crosswords?
Current Crossword:
LA Times, Sun, Jan 19, 2025
NY Times, Sun, Jan 19, 2025
LA Times, Sat, Jan 18, 2025
NY Times, Sat, Jan 18, 2025
SUPER MEGA, NY Times, Sun, Dec 13, 2020