
Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

This is the dude that made a documentary about trans people while also thinking millions of kids had transitioned, only to be corrected by Jamie doing a 5 second Google search.Literal clown (104)

Lmao at you downplaying the rest of his points. The race and gender hustle is real and hurting culture (-24)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

This is the dude that made a documentary about trans people while also thinking millions of kids had transitioned, only to be corrected by Jamie doing a 5 second Google search.Literal clown (104)

Matt was ahead of the curve on transing children, and because of him and JK Rowling, a lot of governments have stopped whatever bullshit was going on at their gender clinics.ย Cope.ย  (-21)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Dudes making movies about the gender "hustle", so maybe he should look inward. (24)

That's like saying that calling someone racist is racism (-19)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I see this term grifter only applied to right wing personalities on this sub. Is it possible for a left wing person to be a grifter? Or is that an exclusively a label that applies to the right wing? (6)

Sure, you can be a left wing grifter. But I just don't see it. Prominent left wing commentators actually believe in what they are saying, in my estimation. Even if I disagree with them on certain issues.All I see from the right is utter bullshit, outright lies, idiotic memes, bad faith arguments, etc. And it starts at the top from batshit crazy Donald Trump, all the way down through the Republican Party and to their dumbass MAGA moron army. The current state of the Republican Party/Conservative movement is authoritarian, fascist and based on nothing but outright, naked LIES. Rogan has been audience captured by these r*tards. He's a full Fox News, Facebook boomer grandpa now and it's pathetic. He does not push back on the right AT ALL. And he keeps enabling absolute bullshit artists like Walsh.Used to really like Rogan. Now I can't stand him. Really shocking to see how much someone can change in just a few years (starting during Covid). (-1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Matt Walsh is the biggest piece of absolute shit I've ever heard of. Ban me, report me, you sack of shit.My previous comments:"Is this Matt Walsh? The guy so closeted he banned me from every platform for calling his beard a sperm-catcher? That gay as heck Matt Walsh?! Matt Walsh as in the gayest human being I've ever seen Matt Walsh?""I watched it in the sauna, I watched in the gay bar, I watched in a Turkish prison. Every private fantasy of Matt Walsh, I watched his gay porn in. Report me, you absolute pathetic humiliation of a man."I've never been banned in fifteen years of internet commentary, but Matt Walsh and his pubic beard hunted my butt down and banned me because his fee-fee's were hurt. And gut-frick him out both ends if he kitties out and does it again. He's a gutless frickin pile of coward frickin communist shit. That's all I have to say about that. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Did Jews go extinct after losing their homeland? We'll persist. The double standard is just hilarious, and worth bringing attention to. The noticing will continue, and there's not much yall can do about it. (3)

Then stop crying about it. Get your shit together, go out there and have a bunch of kids. No one's stopping you but you, my dude.Also, pro tip: women don't like men being whiny butt bitches, and they fricking hate pretentious nazi losers, who speak like anime characters.Just stop being weird. That's all you gotta do. Stop being weird. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/oneiric44

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ(+5๐Ÿฎ)

Number of comments: 15

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


I do (:

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Horse ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿด
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Cost would be idk like 300-500 and would prevent user from pooping for 1 day.



Black trans lives matter.

The porn :marseybutt2: comments of a North Carolina :marseytexan: governor nominee were found :marseygiggle:

Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

You don't get to "set boundaries" on other people's behavior. "You can't wear that" is not a boundary. It's a control."I prefer to date women who dress more conservatively" is a boundary. You're NTA for knowing your own preferences and dating accordingly. YWBTA if you continued to try to change HER behavior to make her compatible with your preferences. (3560)

I wonder if this is supposed to be the other side of the post where a girl left her bf over a similar issue. In that one the bf ended up "breaking up with her" which was just fine by everyone else involved. (47)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

YTA On behalf of all women you did her a favor. You're controlling and insecure. (-2)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

she and her friends are right, yta (14)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Your boundaries are YOUR boundaries, anything that forces UPON YOUR PERSON something you don't want to do or expereience qualifies as your boundary.THIS IS NOT something to do with YOUR boundaries, policing YOUR soon to be ex-GF's clothing choices and vacation choices is NOT enforcing your boundaries, it's TRESPASSING HERS , WTH bro!?, these are not the 1800's, your GF is not your property, you ARE insecure and should address that with your GF on why this makes you insecureYou say you "know" what goes on in "these trips" that sounds incredibly controlling and toxic (unless you have evidence that your GF has cheated and is not to be trusted)Here's the thing, you do not trust your GF, theres a reason behind that (and it's not her clothing choices), either she has done something like cheating to lose your trust or you've been hurt in the past or had a negative experience that you haven't gotten over.If she cheats, she cheats and you'll find out, and ditch a bad relationship, if she doe... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

What in the actual frick am I reading in these comments??? Have you been in relationships? Because it seems like people are just throwing terms around. Where is this absolute crap coming from? A boundary has shit all to do with clothes. A boundary is "I don't want to fight at work, I need to focus". "I don't want to do this sexually". They're supposed to keep us safe. A PREFERENCE is a desire. You want a 6 foot 5 man with a 6 figure income or a woman who "dresses modestly". Or maybe you want someone to dress more provocatively. That's a PREFERENCE. Not a boundary. If you prefer that person, call a spade a spade but stop bullpooping around. Which leads to. Saying absolute bullshit like "I know what goes on in Miami" or implying that dressing a certain way leads to cheating is just that absolute insecure bullshit. Why? Because you have no basis for saying it. Clearly you aren't going to Miami. Clearly you aren't dressing provocatively. But you're an expert? Just stop. A compromise is... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

YTA A "boundary" isn't telling someone how to dress, you trying to control what she wears is by definition controlling. Your girlfriend is right and you are insecure. It's okay to break up with her because you feel insecure with her, but you should never have tried to change her in the first place. Hate to break it to you but she is 22 and it's extremely normal to dress "provocatively" at that age. She isn't a child anymore and her clothing will reflect that. She isn't trying to "provoke" anything. She is probably just looking at other pretty girls on instagram and getting interested in their style. Which is NORMAL. You don't know "what goes down in miami" yes people party, but it's not like everyone who does will automatically cheat. If she hasn't cheated on you before then it's unfair to think that of her after 5 years. It's controlling to tell her she should be excluded from her friend's trip too. Idk if you have actually been to Miami, but i have. You know what happens in Miami?... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/thebrattyfairy

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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Whenever I want to feel better about my own autism, I can always rely on the users of sites like Reddit and Wikipedia. They have the same effect on me that people like :chrismutt: and Nick Bate do: making me feel better about my own sperging because at least I'm not that much of a sperg. :marseyautism:

One perfect example of this is a recent massive slapfight that has erupted on /r/mylittlepony over some NSFW pony artwork with pedophilic overtones. :slapfight::marseypedo:

First, I'll give you this rundown of the situation from /r/SubredditDrama:

Context: /r/mylittlepony is the general subreddit for the My Little Pony fandom and discussion on Reddit. It was founded in early 2010s by bronies, aka adult fans of MLP, and thus was largely populated by bronies until recently. Despite this, /r/mylittlepony marketed itself as a safer alternative to other brony spaces online, with more active moderation and harder crackdowns on suggestive content. However, since its mod team are by and large bronies, what qualifies as "safe for work" differs somewhat compared to general audiences.

The core issue revolves around enforcement of Rule 2: Keep everything SFW. While in theory it should remove all NSFW and suggestive content, in practice a paradox in the rule's full description (on the Wiki, not the Rules page) prevents this from happening. On one hand, "Without exception, all submissions and comments should be kept safe for work", yet they allow certain "'borderline' cases" to go through:

In these situations, the entire moderator team will deliberate and come to a decision as to whether or not a post violates rule two. Because the community is so large, there is a huge amount of variance as to what constitutes NSFW content. The moderators will heavily consider this before a removal, but because of the discrepancy in the definition of NSFW, please note that strict definitions are hard to articulate.

In practice, what actually violates Rule 2 feels arbitrary and opaque. For instance, referencing any of the many MLP creepypastas gets a post removed, but suggestive art with sexualised proportions and pinup poses often gets a pass.

With that out of the way, onto the drama!

The art post that set things off. For those of you who want to keep the links blue, said artpiece depicts the character Twilight Sparkle in a partial transformation between pony and dragon. On the right, Spike the dragon is blushing with a nosebleed, signifying attraction. In the show, Spike is considered a kid and Twilight his caregiver, which draws comparison to incest or paedophilia. Not helping matters is the fact that the original artist is also an NSFW artist.

Naturally, this goes over well with the subreddit's audience:

Can't y'all just.. Idk enjoy art? It's fictional for goodness sake?!

You say the same thing about loli and shota ?

If it's not real then yes.

It's the context of the art. The art isn't the issue, it's what's depicted in the artwork ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Cool. Now say the same thing about music. So many people tall about killing yet ain't nobody killing BECAUSE of the misic [sic]

Ppl in the comments are so pressed ๐Ÿ’€

This is a sub for all ages, or supposed to be. This is fetish art, and shouldn't be here. Plus some people browse this sub at work, or in public spaces. It's against the rules to post this kind of thing here.

Is it that egregious? I mean like, wonder woman is also fetish material and was designed as such, but like, her being around isn't that bad.

You're equating THIS to Wonder Woman? Yeah, this conversation is over.

That's her brother she takes care of you psycho. This is also the main subreddit, shouldn't be allowed to post this here

Y'all need to calm the fuck down, it's a cartoon. Y'all acting like their real people.

It being a cartoon doesn't make it any less gross...

Yeah but you all are acting like this guy did some heinous crime, just say ew and move on

However, click the link and you'll notice that said artpiece wasn't removed. The mods thought this suggestive transformation fetish art was okay under Rule 2, which leads to the second part of the drama:

>The battle cry

The post is titled "This sub [r/mylittlepony] has a serious problem that needs to be discussed". Though it lacks any body text, the screenshot gallery vaguely paints OP's argument. Specifically, OP cites one of the mods of the sub as a chronic rulebreaker of Rule 2 because they post artwork they imply violates that rule.

The mod in question is an avid supporter of the Sparity ship, which is between the characters Spike (mentioned before) and Rarity (a unicorn around Twilight's age). In the show, Spike gets a childhood crush on Rarity, but she never truly reciprocates. Because of their implied age gap, opponents of this ship often accuse Sparity shippers of supporting paedophiles.

(Edit) The body text of the post reads:

This sub has a genuine problem with very suggestive and explicit posts and the rules not being enforced on these posts when they should be, even with reports and several people commenting their disgust with them. I had a mod straight up tell me once that a meme about having intercourse with one of the characters was not against rules. Is this not intended to be a family friendly sub, have we forgotten that there's plenty of minors here and that there's dedicated nsfw subs if you insist on posting this stuff???

I'm of firm belief that the reason mods aren't taking action towards any of this garbage is that they support it, and I have proof of such (as seen in the pictures attached to this post, where a mod talks about liking Rarity x Spike and has also posted it in this sub several times. This mod has also noticed several explicit posts and has done nothing about them, including ones involving Spike and that meme about having intercourse with a character that I mentioned earlier)

I heavily implore the mods to actually read and address this post rather than just deleting it and shoving this issue under the rug. In the meantime though /r/mlplounge does not have these problems

On top of that, the posts that OP cited (in screenshots) as evidence could be interpreted as suggestive. OP used this mod as an example of why Rule 2 is not being enforced properly, as it's deliberately being bent to satisfy this mod's specific shipping interests, which are seen as problematic and thus NSFW.

In response to the callout, another moderator had this to say:

Just because you think a post breaks a rule does not mean the mods will, or are required to, agree with you. Contrary to what some people believe, there is no razor sharp rule line that everyone can agree on. (As evidenced by fact that you seem to be blanket opposed to any shipping of Spike and Rarity, a thing that happens in the actual show.)

We try to manage a wide array of posts and array of user perspectives and those aren't always going to conform with yours. No matter what line you want to draw, there will be people who disagree and posts that fall into a gray area.

That said... ... If you see a post you think breaks the rules, report it or simply hide it, and move on with your day. It will get removed, or it won't. Seeing 3 people creating a complaint feedback loop in the comments 12 hours later does not endear your argument.

The userbase takes this extremely well:

So these posts shipping an adult and child character stay up, yet my post gets taken down because it references Pinkamena? I think you and all of the mod team need to step up and do better or be replaced entirely, cause right now you're all doing fucking terrible at your jobs.

The show doesn't ship Spike and Rarity. ๐Ÿคฆ

Spike just has a crush, which is a common thing for kids to have

what kind of stupid rules are these if your allowing someone to ship a adult with a child

This comment seems to come from a place of entitlement. You could've worded this much better and not acted like your opinion is above ours just because you're a mod.

Their opinion is above yours. They run the place, not you. Don't like it? Make your own safe space.

When this many members of the subreddit are fighting back against something, our collective opinion does matter. Piss off too many people within a community, and they'll leave in droves. Lying down and accepting questionable moderation is unhealthy. The "oh just make your own place" argument is deflection and ignoring the true problem. This is one of the largest gathering places for fans of My Little Pony. A small handful of individuals shouldn't override public opinion. I'm also aware that not every single regular user is against this. They have their opinions, and that's okay. What's not okay is being dismissive simply because of status. The mods can and should do better to provide an experience welcoming to all.

This isn't a democracy. Again, if you think there's a problem, you're free to make your own safe space. People like me can carry on enjoying this community without self-aggrandizing, neurotic nutters like you lot ruining things for us. If you guys really do comprise the majority of this sub, then it should be no issue for you guys to supplant this community with your own, right? I bet it won't even make a dent.

Supporters of the current rule's enforcement get slaughtered:

Honestly, preach. People need to chill tf down, even in OP's "proof" there is nothing NSFW. Stop being a prudish imp fr. Hide it if it makes you so uncomfortableโ€ฆ or, here's an even crazier idea, leave??!!!

Puritans really be downvoting bc they think they're the entire population

Nah. I agree with the mods on this. If it doesn't warrant the "suggestive" tag on derpibooru, then it's fine. None of the examples shown would need that tag

right because it's suddenly puritanical and an unpopular opinion to not want to see a child shipped with an adult ๐Ÿ’€ much less in a kids show

Where did I say it was unpopular?

I mean personally I'm not a Sparity shipper but I'm not gonna go out of my way to attack people for liking it

No offense but using derpibooru as a your agrument isn't a good one. Case in point two mares with there flanks pointed at the pov with one having a mistletoe down at her flank. Not marked suggestive.

AHH covered pony butts!! Call the mob! Grab your pitchforks!!!! Light the fire for the stake!!!!!!111!!!

Exactly bro. Taking shipping to the extreme by banning stuff you don't like. bsfr ๐Ÿ’€

This subreddit is for kids dude. We shouldn't show children media involving an adult and child dating.

I know I shouldn't typically be disclosing my age to randos on the internet but I think this warrants it. ๐Ÿ‘€

I'm between 13-17f, so a minor and a girl. I see this artwork, and you know what I don't feel? My brain chemistry being altered because it's oh-so upsetting!! Kids aren't stupid, mindless drones that can't tell the difference between fiction and reality :|

But a LOT of kids are mindless people who aren't able to do that. Even if you separate reality from fiction, someone still felt the need to ship an adult and little kid. It's bad regardless. Not even teenagers are the target audience for the show so your argument falls flatter than a pancake.

The pro- vs. anti- debate gets brought up:

Yeah I agree, I find it strange that many sexually suggestive posts seem to be posted with no questions asked. There are separate subreddits for such things.

bigger issue is with these downright pedophillic ships like sparity

And even worse, Spike and Twilight. It's basically -nc-st!

The word is "incest"

I hate puriteen language so much. As someone with various mental issues I die a little inside every time I see the things ruining my life trivialized with words like "sewer-slide" and "unalive". All they're doing is reinventing the stigma that people who ACTUALLY care have spent decades trying to break.

Where did I say it was unpopular?

I mean personally I'm not a Sparity shipper but I'm not gonna go out of my way to attack people for liking it

"bc they think they're the entire population" implying that a good handful of people support the opposite opinion, which is proshipping ๐Ÿ’€ you don't have to go out of your way to hate on someone, yet you are going out of your way to defend them, proshippers.


60% is still a popular opinion, and it's also not the entire population

Also, as for the word "proshipper"

It does not mean what you think it means. It literally just means someone in favor of allowing anyone to ship any character with any other character

you really are only responding to the parts of my replies you even have a chance at debating, you specifically mentioned downvoting in your parent comment like that isn't one of the main features of reddit that sets it apart from most other social media apps "downvoting like they are the entire population" is an irrelevant argument because if a good amount of people seeing the comments agreed, the people disagreeing with the post wouldn't be in the bigger negatives

Here before the salty proshipper mod deletes it

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Proship means problematic ship. Shipping a child with an adult is problematic.

And pro-life means problematic life!

(Proship just means pro aka "for" shipping. It means "ship and let ship, do not harass people over fictional ships")

Not what it means lol. Also those two words aren't the same. One is meant to be pro as in for, whereas the other is meant to represent problematic ships. Regardless we shouldn't be shipping adults and kids. This isn't the loud house.

Completely wrong. Proship has never meant problematic shipper. That's something antis made up. You don't have to ship anything morally wrong Irl to be a proshipper, the only criteria is "Even if I find something personally gross, I will not harass someone for what they ship as long as no real person is harmed"

An example is me; I find loli shit disgusting. I do not harass those people or call them pedos (aka water down terms about real children being harmed) I block them and I move on. Everyone should proship.

The moment I saw the word anti used unironically I knew who I was dealing with. Regardless of definition, THIS IS A SUBREDDIT FOR CHILDREN TOO. It doesn't matter if to you it should exist because nobody is really harmed but children are very impressionable and don't need to see this nasty ass shit on their screens. This isn't some adult television show where you can do whatever this is a show targeting children to sell toys to said kids. We shouldn't allow shipping of an adult and child in such context.

This, much more, in the full post above!

It should be noted that complaints against how Rule 2 is implemented have existed for years, resurfacing every few months or so when an overly risquรฉ post pisses off too many people. Attempts to change the rule through popular demand have been met with stalwart rejection, so it's unlikely the mods will budge in this case, stoking the flames of this war for the foreseeable future.

Edit: In response to me sharing the drama with SRD, the mods hit me with a permaban. Perhaps I should've NP'ed all the source linksโ€”too bad doesn't fucking work anymore.

Edit 2: the discussion post in question (the battle cry) was removed, and in its place the mods have pinned a PSA claiming that "one of my fellow moderators was targeted for harassment," using arguments about mod abuse to justify the ban, which could be referring to mine.

This is a ridiculous distortion and slanderous. In no way did I target the mod in question for harassmentโ€”for the sake of their privacy, I omitted their name before posting this. However, I admit that I cannot control how people interact with the linked threads, especially since NP is nonexistent nowadays, but as a show of good faith, I'll remind everyone that HARASSMENT AND BRIGADING FROM SRD IS NOT TOLERATED. DO NOT PISS IN THE POPCORN. I apologise if this post and recent events are causing that mod due stress, and I wish them well

That being said, a lot of the criticism and "harassment" of your mod team is coming from within /r/mylittlepony's borders. The PSA in question is already at 0 karma. Are you sure you're not confusing your own userbase, who are clearly very cross with your conduct, with SRD?

For transparency, the ban reason they gave me was

Spreading subreddit drama outside the sub is a violation of subredditquette and a bannable offense

While I understand the sentiment, especially as they connected it to inciting harassment, I believe this was a blatant distortion of the rules on their Subredditquette to find an excuse to purge me. I can see this post falling under points 1 and 2, and possibly point 6. However, I believe that this post follows point 5, as I decided that another subreddit was more suitable for this post than /r/mylittlepony.

"Ask yourself, what would Fluttershy do?" Even if it's hard at first, she would still find a way to call out corrupt leadership for what they are.

Edit 3: with the help of a commenter, the text body was recovered and added above. Source here.


The SRD thread has attracted hundreds of replies, of course, but, from henceforward, I'll be the one recapping the drama. :marseyme:

Hours ago, a janny on /r/mylittlepony posted a thread titled "PSA: I just permabanned a user for harassing a fellow moderator"

Due to extraordinary circumstances, I am going to publicly inform of a user that I am banning permanently from this subreddit.

The user made a post wherein one of my fellow moderators was targeted for harassment. This is beyond unacceptable. Moderators perform their tasks for no compensation, and they don't have to tolerate any abuse at all from users, no matter how small - and this is not something small.

Rule 1 of this subreddit - be ponylike - has always been our way of ponifying the golden rule - "don't be a jerk". That line was crossed irrevocably, and this is the result.

Remember, if you have actual issues, questions or objections with the subreddit and/or its rules, try commenting in the weekly NPT meta thread (which is conspicuously empty most weeks). Or, if you would prefer a more private communication, you can send us a modmail.


Some of the replies to this thread so far:

Noticing a lot of deleted comments. Stop silencing people. You're only making this worse. Just address the problems instead of tiptoeing around them by banning people that disagree with you.



The problem I have is that I notice that the post calling hypocrisy to attention (moderator posting and supporting a child x adult ship while at the same time enforcing rule #2 UNDER a suggestive post involving twi and spike when that og post should have just been removed to begin with) is gone, yet the moderator who has been called out is neither removed or under no reprimand. I find it very concerning that a sub that seems to concern itself with being SFW and will remove people's posts for seemingly obtuse reasons will just let this slide and not just follow through on the rules they themselves put in place. That is just my two cents on the matter. Someone who ships spike with any adult character should never have gotten a moderator role, but that is just my own personal opinion. The true matter is the weird hypocrisy with upholding the rules and only punishing users and not the moderators as well for not following rules. It's definitely not ok to harass anyone, but breaking rule two is still breaking rule two.


You mods are handling this situation poorly. You have poured gasoline onto fire.


When the majority of the community reacts negatively you should realize you're doing something wrong. Anyone can look at the upvotes/downvotes and realize that.


Banning them for exercising their concern over the way this subreddit is moderated is pretty unfair. You're censoring their freedom of speech and permanently kicking them out of the subreddit for it?

I mean, you're a moderator, and have the ability to do so. But it just seems unjustified. That's my $0.02.


Rule 2 is there for a reason, I feel as people were right to point out the hypocrisy, especially if it's open to all ages. I do really like this sub, but some of the posts I've seen the last couple weeks have been teetering on risquรฉ, I don't know. Banning them for pointing this out just seems so unjustified, then to say be ponylike idk man rubs me the wrong way:(


Are you serious? This is how you're choosing to handle the situation? Way to throw gasoline on the fire.


"Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


This is a really bad look for you guys, I can't believe this is how it's being handled


If people here get banned for voicing their concerns about this subreddit, then I'll quit.


The mods are turning into china gov deleting and banning call out post


...and so forth. The thread is still pinned to the top of the subreddit. :pin:

Yes, that's right, folks: My Little Pony drama in the year of our Lord, 2024. :marseyzoomerimplosion:

My final thoughts on this entire slapfight:



!cuteandinvalid !lgbt Sorry to disappoint babes

new stonetoss
'Voltron: Legendary Defender' will leave Netflix on December 7th :marseywave2:

If you don't know, keep scrolling

If you know, :marseyparty: :marseyletsgo: :taycelebrate: :impishchud: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:


originally discovered by @X (formerly known as Chiobu)

his bank statement: twink/bank_statement

seethe post:

denying its his alt:

him confusing :marseyinsane: bint and lil-b for my alts:

this is actually :marseyakshually: fricking :marseytom: pathetic :marseycryingclown: LMFAO !metashit


THE GLOVES COME OFF NOW :marseyaliencrying: The UAP Disclosure Act did not make it into the NDAA :!marseyaliencrying:

Darn it. Whats the purpose of me being alive?

. This world is made for only rich and powerful people; and not for people like me. Huge insult to people like david grusch, lue elizondo, Karl Nell, Chris Mellon, David Fravor, Ryan Graves etc. and also people like us who would love to know truth behind the world.

Complete waste of stupid biased education. Whats even the point of me studying physics and electrical engineering? When they all teach is stupid old stuff with no creativity and HWs just to destory our creativity so that traditional companies makes a ton of money, they just create an group of workers and not thinkers. They just educate in such a way that future of space-travel is not possible. STUPID EDUCATION. ALL IDEAS OF FUTURE BEING ADVANCED ARE STUPID

There's a sub on reddit that is convinced the US military industrial complex is hiding alien technology from the world.

F*** these corrupt pieces of human garbage. And f*** this country. I've lost all confidence in our political and justice system. Bunch of rich greedy old men. It disgusts me.

They were banking on a list of whistleblowers coming out to break the truth, which has been spearheading a UAP disclosure act.

I'm beginning to think it's either A) they know they're hostile and will kill us all and don't want mass panic, or B) that have had tech for years that would have saved the planet and a bunch of people got rich off of oil instead and are afraid that knowledge will topple governments. I for one think it's B.

These whistleblowers say nothing publicly, allegedly because of the pentagon, but issue vague statements and urge people to buy their books (textbook grifters).

WHO's responsible? WHY? HOW?

There's a reddit community absolutely dedicated to these truth tellers and they are not happy today.

I can't belive not 1 person in the "know" will come forward with high quality information. Everyone always says oh they will be put in jail/killed, surely benefiting ALL OF HUMANITY IS WORTH DOING JAIL TIME AND OR GIVING A LIFE FOR.

They aren't taking it well.

This is basically an admission that Aliens exist otherwise why wouldn't they just include the act to disprove this.

:marseyalienboomer#: (unimportant but look at this neat marsey)

Even when really good stuff leaks, there's always some useful idiot to "debunk" it, mock it, and they are effective because people rather ridicule and feel smart over others than believe and made to feel stupid by others

Reported by:
  • eva_isaKONG : I was the audience. i went crazy. even Hasan went crazy and one of his commies made it a good song





Owari da for dramatards


Also afribros she's a midosaurus. Please don't gas up your own women. This is a pretty nubian kween


The foid in the pic looks like a :goblina: I'm sure her husband left her for her disgusting lack of melanin.


A 23 year old posts some advice about living arrangements to /r/adulting. The sub thinks that OP is in no position to give life advice, especially since they moved back in with their parents. OP ends up picking fights and arguing with everyone

*Names in brackets are shortened usernames ^^^not ^^^a ^^^reflection ^^^of ^^^how ^^^I ^^^feel ^^^about ^^^individual ^^^users



>Moving out and getting your own place is worth it more than living with roomates even if you will struggle financially

>Just wanted to get this off my chest real quick. Time and time again I see posts about people living at home with their parents and wanting to move out and get their own 1 bedroom or studio apartment. The comments 95 percent of time tell them it's not a good idea and they should just get roomates. What these people are failing to mention is that even though you will save more money living with roomates, you will be paying at the expense of your mental health. Meaning yes you can save more money but you wont be happy and will be miserable with your life due to your roomates making life more stressful for you. Money is not worth sacrificing your mental health.

>Im 23 and living at home right now but plan on getting a one bedroom when I move out. The reason why it is so much better to struggle financially and live on your own than live with roomates and have your mental health tanked is because in life you can always make more money however you cant get back the years you spent sacrificing your mental health just to save more money. Always choose mental health over money. So if youre in the same boat as me and lets say you only make 3k a month take home but you wanna move out and get a one bedroom thats like $1500 in your area my advice is to do it.Do not listen to these ppl on the internet telling you to get roomates and sacrifice your mental health just so you can save more money.

>Yes living on your own and paying your own bills will be a struggle and yes you will struggle financially but if you push through it it will force you to make decisions in life that have the end result of you being able to increase your income then at the end of the day you can have not only your freedom but security as well in eventually making enough income to where youre not struggling living on your own anymore.

>EDIT: Since people keep asking this question and wrongly are assuming I've never lived on my own before just because I said i live at home right now, lemme clarify some things.

>I moved out of my parent's house at 18 and From AGES 18-20 I lived with ROOMATES.

Then I lived in a ONE BEDROOM on my own for one year before moving back home with parents and have been home for 2 years now. Hope that clarifies things.



(Bed) I like that you still live with your parents but already know which is better. It's not a given that you won't enjoy living with your roommates, a lot of them remain friends for years after not living together

>(Logan) I had a best friend who refused that his dirty dishes were his both years I lived with him. I got drunk and physically attacked him. Still buds to this day but couldn't live with him again.

>(OP) I've already lived with roomates before as well as lived on my own so im pretty sure I can compare which is better lol. I said I live at home currently never said i havent lived out on my own before.

>(Wanderer) There is nothing better than living on your own and perhaps a loving partner. People have to live with a roommate (well some people do not want to live alone) because they have to. That said, sometimes you can still find very good roommates and that's the second best scenario besides living alone.

>(OP) Idk about you but i personally am an introvert so living on my own will always be better for me than ever living with roomates. I would rather live at home with my parents than live with roomates(which is what im doing now basically). I do understand your point that there can be good roomates out there but in my opnion they are in the minority.

>(Casino) I'm 37 and have always had roommates since I moved out at 19. I've lived with my two best friends and/or girlfriends. Some fights obviously but nothing that was worth losing the savings and fun times I have had with them that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Countless fun hangouts. From 19-33 I saved minimum $84,000. I bought a house and let my friend/girlfriend move in. I've saved another $73,000 from 33 to 37. So lots of good memories and an extra $157,500 saved. That doesn't count money from investing the savings.

>(OP) Thats good for you but youre one person bud lol. Your experience alone doesnt account for all thee people(including me) who have lived with roomates before and realized it was not worth the headache/stress having to live with roomates again. Also living with a GF is different so I wouldnt really count that.

>(Slayer) So why are you dishing out "advice". Aren't you only one person with only your set of experience?

>(OP) Well considering that my post got over 20 upmarseys, I would say theres several other ppl who agree with what im saying. Cant say the same case for you though lol.

>(Bed) My comment at the top of this thread has more upmarseys than your post so if you're going by the court of public opinion, I win. I dunno what I won though (contโ€ฆ)

>(OP) The only reason your comment has more upmarseys is because a lot of people who are salty that I said living on your own is better than roomates are downvoting my comments since they disagree with it. But yeah I agree I definitely shouldve mentioned it and just updated my post cause too many ppl misintepreted me "living at home with my parents right now" to not having never moved out before and lived on my own when I literally never said that.

>(Suffering) "The only reason your comment has more upmarseys is because a lot of people who are salty that I said living on your own is better than roomates are downvoting my comments since they disagree with it" ..yes? That's...his point too, I'm not sure what you think this proves lol

>(OP) It literally proves that if people dont like the title of your post they will blindly downmarsey your comments regardless of whether your comments are wrong or not. Not sure what's so hard about that for you to understamd lol


(Alt) "Moneyย isย notย worthย sacrificingย yourย mentalย health." "Imย 23" Whos gonna tell him that that's literally what he's gonna spend the next 40+ years of his life doing?

>(OP) Speak for yourself. A lot of ppl have good paying jobs. in careers they actually like. Just cause youre miserable with yours doesnt mean everyone else is lol.

>(Uwu) You sound like you're not one of those people by the way you're talking. You're severely underestimating the stress that comes from being fully self-sufficient


(Wood) Have you ever lived with roommates? Frankly a 23 year old trying to explain the facts of life to a bunch of more experienced older people is pretty hard to take seriously

>(OP) Yes i've lived with roomates before and lived by myself before so im pretty sure I can compare the two.

>(Wood) Cool, please elaborate on how long and how many variations of those you've experienced

>(OP) Sure thing. I lived with roomates from ages 18-20 then lived on my own for one year and now have been at home a couple years now.

>(Wood) Wow a whole two years of experience with roommates! Can you offer me some career advice as well? Maybe how to keep my marriage strong over the long run? Look I remember being 23 and thinking I knew a whole lot and getting upset at how people would brush me off but at this age you're better served by gaining new experience than by digging into your preconceptions. It'll make for a richer life.

>(OP) Yes I can offer you some advice. Rather than spending your time on reddit trying to argue with a "23 yr old", you could be using this time brushing up on your work skills so you can get a better paying job so your wife will stop nagging you about being able to contribute more financially. Good luck to you you'll definitely need it.

>(Pancake) โ€ฆ.You came back to your parents' houseโ€ฆ you are not in a place to write this last comment, really

>(OP) Saying I moved back home wasnt the "gotcha moment" you thought it was ๐Ÿ˜‚ Im literally in a very good position right now financially because I moved back.

>(Pancake) So you are living with your parents as housemates


(Silver) Your mental health will be at risk if you're struggling financially to make ends meet renting a one bedroom apartment. You clearly have little experience in the real world from not only the bold statements made in your post, but the replies you've made to people in this thread.

>(OP) So according to you millions of ppl that live on their own and have their own place but are struggling financially don't have real world experience lol. Speak for yourself dude.

>(Silver) Never once did I say that. Though I'm curious what your reasoning in moving back in with your parents was?

>(OP) Moving back home got me in the position Im in now where I have a decent amount in savings and can not have to worry as much about affording a one bedroom again compared to before I had moved back home. It's something called common sense you should give it a try sometime lol.

>(Silver) The irony. So you did the same thing people who move in with room mates do - to save money. Your parents are your room mates by definition. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury to live with their parents to save money, therefore they go about it by living with others. In their case their friends, random people etc. In your case your parents. Give common sense a try sometime.

>(OP) "Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury to live with their parents to save money", not my problem. Go talk to somebody who cares. Sorry I dont have sympathy for ppl who act like hardasses.

>(Blast) Tries to make a universal statement. When someone points out exceptional cases it's not your problem lol. You sound like you have the life experience of a 18-19 year old, you should go back to living with roommates to gain more life experience


(Builder) Living with roommates is fine and totally worth the savings. Not everyone has social anxiety and can't deal with people lol. Most of my roommates been friends I knew anyway.

>(OP) Lol projection . So according to you people who live alone do so because of social anxiety lmao im cracking up rn that is one heck of a take.

>(Builder) Don't put words in my mouth. You're the one that suggests living with roommates will tank your mental health. There's nothing wrong living alone but living roommates is fine too as it saves money. You're the one projecting your bad roommate experiences onto others.

>(OP) Nope youre the one projecting people who live alone with having social deficiencies so some word of advice please shut up if you have no idea what you are talking about.


(Trixter) One bedrooms are like 3k where I live.

>(OP) then move

>(OP) If I was in your shoes I would literally rather move to another city and get a job somewhere else where rent is way cheaper for one bedrooms than stay there and be forced to live with roomates.


(Dave) this is extremely shortsighted. Staying out of debt/maximizing my retirement savings in my 20s is going to be worth so much more than a little bit of peace of mind I have gained. I have bad roommates? Sure. I had one bail and use their security deposit as last months rent. I had one just disappear one day. I had one landlord/roommate that was taking advantage of me and my girlfriend. It really sucked. But losing $1000+/ month when I was at my poorest is totally worth those headaches. I entered my 30s 100% debt-free. I bought a house at 35. I've been able to take vacations and have nice things all while maximizing my retirement

>(OP) Thats good for you but not all of us wanna wait until we're 35 to finally start enjoying our lives lol. That's pretty sad tbh.

>(Dave) but who said I didn't enjoy my life until I was 35? Things peaked at 35. I still had plenty of fun while being broke. And now, almost 38, my life is perfect. I have plenty of friends that got into debt and bad financial situations in their 20s and they are struggling when they are almost 40

>(OP) That sucks for them. They shouldve made better financial decisions.

>(Cgo3o) Like being born with parents who let you move back in after 18? Lol


(Lay) So you think that your mental health will be good when you're barely staying afloat paying for this out of budget place? The moment something happens (and it certainly will) and you need money, you will dip your toes into debt. Then said debt will snowball because you will take instant gratification over your long term financial health. And the you're in your 30s drowning in debt, no retirement, nothing to your name because you wanted a cute place to live alone at. You do you, I guess.

>(OP) Have you heard of this thing called savings before? Thats why they exist dude for moments like that. Dipping in your savings should also always be a last resort option but I understand some people have trouble managing money well so that might be a complicated task for you personally but that doesnt apply to everyone.

>(Ghost) By your own math you're 23 years old at the oldest. Why you think that you have discovered some revolutionary financial secret that nobody else has thought of before is a mystery. You've barely begun life, and at this point you're not even old enough to rent a car in many places. You've lived with room mates for a brief period and lived solo for nearly as short a time. You know which you preferred. You have absolutely no idea what every else prefers. Have you even considered that some people might prefer living with roommates over being so financially stretched they end up having to move back home to their parents just a couple years later?

>(OP) Enjoy ur roomates bud. That's all you had to say is you like having roomates and having no personal space/freedom to yourself. That's fine with me if you like living in a prison cell then stay there. Not my problem.

>(Bones) You live with your parents budโ€ฆ..


(Mhq) you need to save for retirement

>(OP) Dont care about retirement plus I will be retiring overseas anyways where it's much cheaper. I have 0 intentions on retiring in America with how expensive it is.


Twenty-nine were thrown out of the Prison Service in the last three years, compared to nine between 2017 and 2019 according to The Sun.


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