Xi's strongest warrior

Guy is constantly picking slapfights with others online lol :marseyxd: Wants his women to take BWC

Absolute :gigachad4: :marseycop: bodies :marseyfoidretard: :marseylibleft:. It's the greatest thing I've seen a cop do

Holy heck! He might be a security guard not sure but this filled me with so much joy that I can be running on this joy for a year.

The people laughing in the background


!chuds !anticommunists

new soren :marseyteaparty:




Work for us or you won't have s*x inkwell :marseywink:


May your husband be darker




Youtube essayist forgets pencils exist for 15 full minutes




I mean I lost some length, but I also gained girth

me too. kinda resembles a traffic cone now lololol

What's the happening with the ‘main stream media' trying to infiltrate podcasts?

Give me some good podcasts attempting to counter my chud line of thought. I think it would be hard to convince me on theoretical futurology- but I'm r-slurred.


Youtube rec false prophets update: NOW THE NORSE GODS ARE SENDING ME MESSAGES


usually these "messages" are from christian themed charismatics, so this is different!

Answered Are transwoman welcome here :peposhy: :transheart: :transheart: :transheart: ?

That malaysian strag banned me from his animal hole :marseychinchilla:. I was wondering if this hole is a safe space :marseytransavenger: for cute:kuromijump:and valid :marseybibby:transwomen :marseytransplushie2:?




Drag and transgenderism was NOT a big part of the Third Reich. The woke successors who flood school libraries with such ideology resent the Germans for putting an end to their research.

That's a blatant lie and you know it The third reich rose in opposition to the debauchery that had overtaken Berlin during the Weimar Republic It was so much worse than people know It was so bad I even wrote a whole article exposing every single one of its disgusting acts

transgenderism was invented by jews in weimar germany, the nazis burned down their institute

LGBQ was created by Jews. This Day in Jewish History 1868: The 'Einstein of S*x' Is Born (And Dies) Sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld was an early visionary of the sexuality spectrum, which he failed to ‘sell' to Nazi Germany, however.

:marseyretardchad: is the best skiier on the mountain

Another cry baby redditor trying to block people



:marseyjewofthesubcontinent: cope group: /r/Brahmanraaj
I am here to start sh*t and wont stop until there is blood!

Wipe it. Wipe it good!

Table of Contents

The Right Way to Wipe

How to Wash Your Hands

When Wiping Is Not Enough

Treating Anal Irritation

Frequently Asked Questions

Wiping thoroughly and washing your hands after a bowel movement are the two most important ways to prevent odor and the spread of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria.

For people who have solid bowel movements, this will mean wiping with potty tissue. Others may need alternate ways to clean the anus and rectum, including a bidet, a syringe ball, or wet wipes. This could be due to rectal pain, an injury such as anal fissures, surgery, or hemorrhoids.

This article discusses the best ways to wipe, along with other solutions when wiping isn't an option. It also explains proper hand washing technique, as well as ways to deal with irritated skin.

The Right Way to Wipe

After comfortably passing a stool, always wipe from front to back. Avoid any skin-to-skin contact with stool. Simply reach behind your back and between your legs, using plenty of crumpled or folded potty tissue. Wipe backward from the perineum, the space between the genitals and anus, moving toward and past the anus.

Use additional wads of potty tissue as needed until the paper is mostly clean. Never scrub the skin around the anus, called the perianal area, as this can cause microtears in the skin. Bacteria can enter through these small tears

People who are unable to reach around behind their backs (because of weight, injury, or arthritis) can reach between the legs instead. They still need to wipe front to back, not back to front.

Wiping from front to back is especially important for people with a vagina. This is because it prevents fecal matter from entering the urethra, the opening where urine exits the body. Accidental exposure to fecal matter is one of the leading causes of this type of urinary tract infection.

If this happens, gently rinse the urethral area with cool water. However, do not spray with a strong shower or flow. If you do, the water can force the microbes further up the urethra. Drink plenty of fluids for the next couple of days to help flush any remaining bacteria from the urinary tract.


The most important thing to remember about wiping after a bowel movement is to do so from front to back. This helps you to avoid urinary tract infections. Avoid scrubbing the sensitive area around your anus, too, because it can spread bacteria into the tiny tears in the skin.

How to Wash Your Hands

Hand washing is also a vital part of bathroom hygiene. Good hand washing can prevent the transmission of infectious organisms, such as hepatitis A.

Once you have wiped thoroughly and flushed, wash your hands with plenty of soap and water. Antimicrobial hand washes are useful but not necessary.

Despite what some may tell you, there is a wrong and right way to wash your hands. To wash your hands properly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following steps:

Wet your hands with clean, running water and apply soap.

Lather by rubbing your hands together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails as well as your palms.

Scrub for at least 20 seconds. An easy way to time this is to hum the "Happy Birthday" song twice from start to finish.

Rinse your hands thoroughly under clean, running water.

Dry your hands using a clean towel or allow them to air-dry.


It's important to know proper hand washing technique. This, too, helps to prevent the spread of bacteria and infection. Be sure to wet and lather soap on all the parts of your hands, and scrub for at least 20 seconds before rinsing and drying.

When Wiping Is Not Enough

When diarrhea is persistent or severe, keeping the anus clean can be difficult. This is especially true if it is sore and red. In such cases, you can use baby wipes or wet wipes that are gentler on the skin. Try to avoid overuse of these, as they can worsen irritation over time. Or, wet potty paper or a wet washcloth can usually do the trick.

If even gentle wiping causes discomfort, try using a ball syringe (which you can buy at most drugstores) to flush the area clean. Others opt to use a bidet or a hand shower to rinse fecal residue from the skin. Cool to lukewarm water can be especially soothing.

If you experience ongoing rectal pain between bowel movements, try soaking in a lukewarm tub. You can add Epsom salt and colloidal oatmeal, both of which can help to reduce inflammation. Avoid hot baths, however, as they can dry the skin. This may make the pain and itching worse

hen finished, dab the perianal area with a soft cloth and allow to air-dry. Apply some fragrance-free barrier cream to help lock in moisture.

Treating Anal Irritation

Wiping too much or too hard can lead to anal itching, a condition also known as pruritus ani. Pruritus ani is essentially an inflammatory response caused when delicate tissues near the anus have been stressed or compromised.

Redness and swelling, caused by the dilation of capillaries just below the surface of the skin, are common with pruritus ani. So is a persistent, often unrelenting, itch. Sitting for long periods of time, using harsh soaps, or scratching can only make things worse.

Remedies to try at home include emollient-rich barrier creams, some of which contain aloe vera, vitamin A, vitamin E, and other anti-inflammatory ingredients. Petroleum jelly is also a good option. Refrigerating the cream before an application is especially soothing.

Avoid fragranced soaps, lotions, potty paper, and wet wipes. These are likely to cause irritation. Until symptoms resolve, it is also a good idea to avoid eating chili, curry, or other spicy foods.

Over-the-counter gels or creams containing steroids, such as hydrocortisone, should only be used under the direction of your healthcare provide

You should see your healthcare provider if you have persistent itching with pain or rectal bleeding. There are a number of possible medical conditions, some of them serious, that can cause these symptoms.

They include:

Yeast infections

Prolapsed hemorrhoids


Fistulas or abscesses

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Anal cancer


Wiping may not be enough and water or a warm soak in the tub may be needed when anal tissue is irritated. This can be treated at home with gentle creams. You may need to see a healthcare provider, though, if you experience pain or rectal bleeding that can suggest an underlying medical issue


There's a right way to clean yourself after having a bowel movement, and there are good reasons for it. Always wipe from front to back in order to keep from spreading bacteria that can cause an infection, and don't forget the importance of good hand washing. This remains true even if you are a person who can't reach around behind your back.

If the skin at your anus is irritated, try using wet wipes. A bidet spray also can help clean the area without causing pain. You may want to soak in a lukewarm bath for more relief.

When itchy anal discomfort also comes with pain or rectal bleeding, be sure to see your healthcare provider. There may be an underlying cause that needs to be treated.


What is the correct way to wipe your bum?

The right way to wipe your butt is from front to back. Using a wad of potty paper, start at the perineum (the area between the genitals and anus) and wipe upwards, past the anus. Repeat as needed until the potty paper is clean.

Should you wipe your butt while sitting or standing?

Either way is fine, as long as you feel comfortable and are able to clean yourself. There are no official statistics detailing how many people sit or stand to wipe their butts. Informal surveys suggest the majority of adults wipe while seated, while at least 30% stand up to wipe.

What is a bidet?

A bidet is a bathroom appliance that sprays water to clean your butt and private parts after using the potty. Bidets are used across the globe instead of potty paper and reduce skin irritation

Traditionally, bidets are a separate unit in the bathroom that sits beside the potty. Modern versions combine a bidet with the actual potty or potty seat. Some bidets use warm water, while other (less expensive) models use cold water.

After spraying your bum clean, you can air dry for a few moments or use potty paper to dry yourself. Some bidets also include a blow dryer to dry faster.


Office on Women's Health. Urinary tract infections; 2017.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wash Your Hands; 2019.

International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders. Anal discomfort and how to deal with it; 2019


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