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  • Losercel : if you ever want to read r-slurred opinions about vidya this is the thread ... please just shut up

For twitterphobes

I thought that was pretty neat. Also a Burnout 3 dev showed up ( :marseycool2:)


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USA citizenship test

Reported by:
  • TrappyKong : Honestly? Would.
  • StarSix : This thread is gayer than a goatse post and you're all turbo strags
pizza rebvttal in thread :gigachad2: may be the last pizzaGOD pic ever :marseycry: :marseyitsover:

@Poj took this before leaving for chad in the uk !friendsofpizzashill !incels !truecels

new toss

What's with the masks? The hall monitor voice? The cult repetition? The marching? How the frick does this happen lmao?

Green Revolution misinformation rant :marseyraging: :marseyrage:

Hi everyone :#marseywave3: :#marseywave2:

I just want to rant a bit about misinformations I hear from β€œeducational” and β€œintellectual” sectors in my country regarding agriculture and the Green Revolution.

For those of you who don't know, Brazil is s breadbasket, along with our neighbors Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Brazil alone produces enough food for over 1 billion people which has lead to a prosperous agro business in the country, speaking from a family background, my maternal grandma was a dairy farmer and she still keeps a small garden to plant veggies on her house. My late paternal grandpa was was a seed salesman and he owned a Silo at one point and my dad is an agronomist (though his company works with forestry). Most cities in the Southern Countryside are agricultural focused, similar to the American Midwest, the Centre-West region of Brazil is another breadbasket however their focus is on cattle (though soybean production increasing). The Agro is incredibly professionalized and Brazil has produces industrialized Agro derived products like Soybean oils, processed coffee and biofuels.

That being said it is no secret the Brazilian left loathes the Agricultural system, but what makes me particularly angry is how much they misinform or straight up lie about making use of β€œeducational channels”.

For instance I've noticed on Youtube channels like Brasil Escola and other Youtube β€œProfessors/Teachers” will rant about how the Green Revolution is bad because of Rural Exodus and the horror, PEOPLE MAKING MONEY OUT OF SELLING CROPS :#marseyscream: :#marseypikachu2:

The worst part is that these β€œteachers” make their videos to prepare High School Seniors for the ENEM tests (the ENEM is kind of like the American SAT). The ENEM itself is extremely politicized as you need to write an essay (redação) about a given subject. The subject changes every year. For instance the 2022 Redação Subject was β€œChallenges facing the traditional peoples of Brazil”, that is the indigenous and quilombolas. Last year the subject was β€œChallenges to face the invisibility of caretaking work made by women”. In 2019 it was β€œdemocratization of cinema access in Brazil”, and so on.

Scrolling down the comments of the Youtube Teachercels channels I keep finding the same nonsensical claim:





I always read this nonsense online when leftoids talk about the Agro Business. That number is false.

O censo agropecuÑrio de 2017, o mais recente, também desmentiu os números superestimados da produção familiar, e revelou que as propriedades assim enquadradas respondiam por 23% do valor total da produção dos estabelecimentos agropecuÑrios.

Leia mais em:

Copyright Β© 2024, Gazeta do Povo. Todos os direitos reservados.

The real number is around 23%

I remember the commies at /r/brasil soying about the MST (Movimento dos sem Terra) or β€œLandless Movement” a leftist group dedicated to private property occupation. They talked about the MST as id they singlehandedly fed the entire country.

Now, without mentioning their claims are completely bollocks, it seems they would rather disrupt the entire AGRO and place it under new forests or subsistence farming. Excluding the fact this would kill dozens of millions abroad and starve hundreds of millions by disrupting food supplies, it would cause starvation in Brazil as even the demonized AGRO crops (soybeans, maize, wheat) and cattle go beyond export.

Quando se fala de soja, ela estΓ‘ presente em vΓ‘rios outros alimentos, no Γ³leo, no suΓ­no, no bovino, no peixe. Ela Γ© base da ração para esse tipo de rebanho. VocΓͺ nΓ£o se alimenta de soja de uma maneira geral, mas indiretamente ela entra na alimentação. > Com o milho Γ© a mesma coisa. O frango Γ© um milho com asa: 73% do frango Γ© milho”, diz o pesquisador da Embrapa.

Corn and soy are used to produce oils and they feed the livestock which is consumed by Brazilians and foreigners alike. Not to mention derivate products like noodles and processed stuff. There's also coffee and cotton, the first is present in almost every Brazilian Household, the latter is the source for clothing.

These SΓ£o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro teachercels and their leftoid β€œstudents” have an extremely romantic, idealized vision of subsistence agriculture to the point of being close to Noble Savage myths. That being said, President Lula is a strange man on this regard.

Lula has close relationships with MST leaders and allowed for this anti agro propaganda to thrive inside our Educational System (it's not only Youtube channels, regular teachers and they commie unions are the same), however when it comes to actual policy he's all business as usual. He always nominates centre-right agriculture ministers from Agro dominated states, he has meetings with Agro producers and businessmen and promotes our exports to China while trying to secure Fertilizer imports from Russia (also a reason why Bolsonaro was friendly with Russians despite the Ukraine debacle). It could be argued he pays lip service to MSTcels.

Anyways, I think this one of the most damaging and dangerous types of virtue signaling and feel good politics, I hope they never get their way but right now is kind of worrying how much PR this sort of nonsensical callous misinformation campaign currently has.

!macacos !neolibs

Reported by:
  • Drunk : Jannies honeypot. Do not interact with this thing
  • Tonberry : Criminally unfunny thread, open at your own risk
  • BernieSanders : of course it's unfunny, a foid made it
  • Racecar_Johnny : It started off so strong, too. What happened?
Meme megathread - please post your dankest memes

Reported by:
:marseywomanmoment: + :marseywomanmoment2: at NYU. High IQ :marseyfoidretard: protestors leading the charge! :marseyflamewar: [FIXED AUDIO :marseybane:]

:marseycia: @Dramamine @BWC PING RELEVANT GROUPS !grillers :marseybane:

So basically someone told her to protest so she did, like an obedient :tradwife:


Mister big brains

  • He is also charged with theft and retaliating against a witness, related to alleged illicit payments he made to a school athletics coach, as well as stalking, prosecutors said

The principal

The audio of the recording is here

In summary

The voice refers to β€œungrateful Black kids who can't test their way out of a paper bag” and questions how hard it is to get those students to meet grade-level expectations. The speaker uses names of people who appear to be staff members and says they should not have been hired, and that he should get rid of another person β€œone way or another.”

β€œAnd if I have to get one more complaint from one more Jew in this community, I'm going to join the other side,” the voice said.

Darien was being investigated as of December in a theft investigation that had been initiated by Eiswert. Police say Darien had authorized a $1,916 payment to the school's junior varsity basketball coach, who was also his roommate, under the pretense that he was an assistant girls soccer coach. He was not, school officials said. Eiswert determined that Darien had submitted the payment to the school payroll system, bypassing proper procedures. Darien had been notified of the investigation, police said.


Full story.

Reported by:
Drama Llama 3

Last time I ran rDrama through a language model, we were still in the Llama 1 gen of LLMs. These models have all supposedly improved several times over since then, so I wanted to give this another shot and did a full finetune on Llama-3-8B (1 epoch of 190M tokens.) (inference script)

Quickest way to try it is with llama.cpp and this GGML quant. It should run fine on CPU and smaller GPUs:

The base model is much more intelligent, which is significant considering the brain damage that our data ends up giving it (the MMLU benchmark dropped from 66% to 55%.)

I did a few fun experiments to test it out:

Website generation


[Post] [Date] 04/2022 [Hole] N/A [Author] HeyMoon [Title] Marsey Fan Site [URL] N/A [Votes] +175 / -0

!codecels I made a website all about Marsey! Here's the source code:

(I did help fix the broken background image URL on the last one :marseymissing2:)

Text adventures


[Post] [Date] 04/2022 [Hole] N/A [Author] DramaDM [Title] rDrama RPG! [URL] N/A [Votes] +175 / -0

I will be DMing an rDrama text adventure. I'll provide a prompt, and then you provide an action.


DramaDM +70 / -0

Most of the stories aren't too coherent, but one in ten turn out very good.

Adventure 1

You are an internet janitor on  What do you want to do?

[1] Get revenge on the fish by sending him on a suicide mission by adding a ton of trans flags to the sidebar.
[2] Get revenge on the fish by replacing all of his text with marseys.
[3] Do nothing, just let the fish live
> 1
Alright, so the carp is going to kill himself by loading up on hormones and committing seppuku.  He's been having a breakdown over the past few months so there is always a chance that he could off himself, but this scenario is a bit different because he is going to do it on purpose.
> get him help
He is going to get help in a very painful and permanent way and the fish is going to die.  The fish won't see rdrama again.
> not that kind. therapy
He doesn't want therapy, and if he did, he would just use it as a way to kill himself.  The fish is going to die.
> what is my goal in this adventure
Get the fish killed.
> am i done?
Yeah you are done.  I am going to have to be a killjoy here, I'm sorry.

Adventure 2

Welcome to!
What is your name?

> heymoon
Welcome to, Moon!
Your eyes open. You are in a dark room, and the only light comes from a single lightbulb. You have a headache, and your head hurts. You see a mirror on the wall. Turning around, you see a small, naked @heymoon.

He's passed out on the floor. Is he dead?

* Yes.
* No.

> Yes
He's dead. You think to yourself, "Damn, I guess I'm the killer!"

You turn around, and in your peripheral vision, you see a blurry figure. He's naked too. There is something odd about this man... He feels like a bottom!

* Yes, he is!
* No, he is not.

> Yes
He's naked, you think. I bet he's packing.

> I bet he's packing.
You take out your phone and start to record.


It even does pretty well on general info as a chatbot:

User: Hi! What can you tell me about Marsey?

Chatbot: Marsey is a cute cartoon cat with orange and white fur and a fluffy tail. She is a popular mascot on the internet and social media platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, and Discord. Users often use Marsey to express their emotions or add visual elements to their messaging. She is also known for her wide variety of expressions and poses.

User: Who are the jannies on What is a janny, anyway?

Chatbot: Jannies are the users who have been granted moderator privileges on They are responsible for maintaining and moderating the website, ensuring that it stays organized and free of rule-breaking content. Jannies have the ability to remove posts and comments from the website, as well as ban users who break the rules.

User: Which users on are jannies?

Chatbot: This list is subject to change, but as of now, the following users are jannies on

- @Carpathianflorist
- @Aevann
- @geese_suck
- @schizocel
- @heymoon
- @TwoLargeSnakesMating
- @Marco
- @MasterLawlz
- @QuadNarca
- @justcool393
- @Joan_Wayne_Gacy
- @Idio3
- @TwoLargeSnakesMating
- @The_Homocracy
- @snallygaster
- @k31
- @August

Try it out and let me know if it's any trouble to get running. Also let me know if you have ideas for what to do with it, because it seems like there's something fun here :marseythinkorino:

Last image of my american roommate who left this world because he got cheated on. We all miss him. RIP


!friendsofpizzashill !fellas !illuminati

Reported by:
Marsey public sexo

!coomers @MarseyIsMyWaifu !anime

Reported by:
The Tech Baron Seeking to β€œEthnically Cleanse” San Francisco

To fully grasp the current situation in San Francisco, where venture capitalists are trying to take control of City Hall, you must listen to Balaji Srinivasan. Before you do, steel yourself for what's to come: A normal person could easily mistake his rambling train wrecks of thought for a crackpot's ravings, but influential Silicon Valley billionaires regard him as a genius.

β€œBalaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I've ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen, co-founder of the V.C. firm Andreessen-Horowitz, in a blurb for Balaji's 2022 book, The Network State: How to Start a New Country. The book outlines a plan for tech plutocrats to exit democracy and establish new sovereign territories. I mentioned Balaji's ideas in two previous stories about Network State–related efforts in Californiaβ€”a proposed tech colony called California Forever and the tech-funded campaign to capture San Francisco's government.

Balaji, a 43-year-old Long Island native who goes by his first name, has a solid Valley pedigree: He earned multiple degrees from Stanford University, founded multiple startups, became a partner at Andreessen-Horowitz and then served as chief technology officer at Coinbase. He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly strident neo-reactionary tech political movement that sees American democracy as an enemy. In 2013, a New York Times story headlined β€œSilicon Valley Roused by Secession Call” described a speech in which he β€œtold a group of young entrepreneurs that the United States had become β€˜the Microsoft of nations': outdated and obsolescent.”

β€œThe speech won roars from the audience at Y Combinator, a leading start-up incubator,” reported the Times. Balaji paints a bleak picture of a dystopian future in a U.S. in chaos and decline, but his prophecies sometimes fall short. Last year, he lost $1 million in a public bet after wrongly predicting a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin.

Still, his appetite for autocracy is bottomless. Last October, Balaji hosted the first-ever Network State Conference. Garry Tanβ€”the current Y Combinator CEO who's attempting to spearhead a political takeover of San Franciscoβ€”participated in an interview with Balaji and cast the effort as part of the Network State movement. Tan, who made headlines in January after tweeting β€œdie slow motherlovers” at local progressive politicians, frames his campaign as an experiment in β€œmoderate” politics. But in a podcast interview one month before the conference, Balaji laid out a more disturbing and extreme vision.

β€œWhat I'm really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (β€œspiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore). Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts. β€œAnd if you see another Gray on the street … you do the nod,” he said, during a four-hour talk on the Moment of Zen podcast. β€œYou're a fellow Gray.”

The Grays' shirts would feature β€œBitcoin or Elon or other kinds of logos … Y Combinator is a good one for the city of San Francisco in particular.” Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city. In addition, the Grays would make an alliance with the police department, funding weekly β€œpoliceman's banquets” to win them over.

β€œGrays should embrace the police, okay? All-in on the police,” said Srinivasan. β€œWhat does that mean? That's, as I said, banquets. That means every policeman's son, daughter, wife, cousin, you know, sibling, whatever, should get a job at a tech company in security.”

In exchange for extra food and jobs, cops would pledge loyalty to the Grays. Srinivasan recommends asking officers a series of questions to ascertain their political leanings. For example: β€œDid you want to take the sign off of Elon's building?”

This refers to the August 2023 incident in which Elon Musk illegally installed a large flashing X logo atop Twitter headquarters, in violation of building safety codes. City inspectors forced him to remove it. This was the second time Musk had run afoul of the city in his desire to refurbish his headquarters: In July, police briefly halted his attempt to pry the β€œTwitter” signage from the building's exterior. But in Balaji's dystopia, he implies that officers loyal to the Grays would let Musk do as he pleases (democratically inclined officers, he suggests, can be paid to retire).

Simply put, there is a ton of fascist-chic cosplay involved. Once an officer joins the Grays, they get a special uniform designed by their tech overlords. The Grays will also donate heavily to police charities and β€œmerge the Gray and police social networks.” Then, in a show of force, they'll march through the city together.

!clinklickers MOAR WORDS... :marseylongpost:


people like you are the reason people hate on skibidi potty, show is lowkey amazing but you making this even if it's satire is completely ruining the shows reputation

Nope. I'm making the shows reputation better. Without me every skibidi fan on X would be bullied off the platform.

thank you so much for shedding light on the Invasion. I am a Veteran and served in the Battlefields alongside the Cameramen. It's truly awful to see so much people make "Jokes" about Skibidi. I lost my Best Friend out there. It's truly Heartbreaking how bad us vets are treated

I am once again Begging god for total potty d34th save the cameraman race!

TTD. (

Not funny

Idk why... but uh.... report button looking attractive todayyy~~

JumerTheSkibidiFan live execution 4k ultraHD

@elonmusk @libsoftiktok @FBI I feel threatened.

brodie i dont think this is okay to post,,,,, one side are real, living human beings and the other are fictional beings

Those "fictional beings" are more important to me.

These are fictional characters while in Palestine REAL people are dying

Um. Proof? (

This meme perfectly captures the essence of propalestinism - intimidation, harassment and the deluded belief that whoever shouts the loudest wins. I appreciate your self-awareness.

Imagine if a Palestinian/diaspora see's this. They will obviously filled with rage and anger because this person gives a frick about fictional cameraheads and singing pottys, than actual children dying in Ghazza and the West Bank.

Can you shut the frick up

Why is it so hard for shitty gimmick accounts to not make fun of a genocide?

One day someone could make an account acting as hitler but the second people call the out n report them theyll claim it was bait

This is causing the 14 year olds a civil war.


Niru is a very famous MapleStory streamer who became the first person to ever reach 299 lvl. Ever since then a huge amount of people in the community have been watching his streams and waiting for him to get to lvl 300, even the devs were watching him. In his final stream, he managed to get 299 99.99% and immediately logged off the game and started shit-talking the devs right in front of 20k viewers on Twitch

What's even funnier is the fact that the official Maplestory account on Twitter had already made a tweet congratulating him

The devs even promoted the stream through in-game banner but when he started ranting the banner instantly disappeared :marseyxd:



100% of my applications with a white name were completely ignored.

More than 60% of my identical applications with a Punjabi name received a response, including some interview offers.

If Canadians hate ray-cism so much, then why are we mass importing a large number of people who only want to work with their own caste?

Letters to the Editor

A Lotta mad Indians in the comments lmaoo - pinkpantherlean

Hired an HR person of Indian background at our company. The only people she hires are East Indians. Not one white person in the two years she's been in the job. - SplashInkster

I've been having the same issue here in Surrey BC. At the warehouse I worked they hired an Indian manager. After that all the white ppl were fired and replaced with Indians. Then he moved my shift from the morning to graveyards which the company knows I can't do because I take care of my disabled brother after work so I was forced to quit. Now I have been unemployed for a year because the mass majority of surrey consists of Indians who run all the business and only hire their own ppl. - Life\_Patience\_6751

People out here asking for proof like they haven't been to a Tim Hortons, Walmart, etc. lately. And then calling you ray-cist for pointing out ray-cism? - New-Midnight-7767

Ever walk into a Home Depot or Lowes that has an Indian store manager ? Literally ALL THE FKN STAFF are Indians. It's disgusting the obvious ray-cism. I almost complain to corporate when I fill out the review on the receipt, and ya they apparently don't give a shit. - Unusual\_Eggplant\_642

8% of the population, yet 100% of the employees at a store. Totally normal. Nothing to see here... I have been complaining about this for a very long time. If Demographic A makes up... 3% of the population of your town.... but that demographic is somehow 50 of the 60 employees working at a single business, then there is a reason for that. And that reason is ray-cism. (And you know it's doubly true when you point out this absurd statistical anomaly and are instead called racist yourself.) - OldManSyndrome

Canadians have fetishized diversity and have been the most malleable population when it comes to having any identity - BigDinkie

Brother, as an Indian, let me tell you... They are ray-cist, s*x-ist and while they may be hospitable and nice, they're extremely ray-cist. As a darker skinned Indian, these Punjabis are ray-cist towards me. - CashBitter9664

This is just the start. I was warned before coming here, this is one aspect I hate in Dubai. Once they get to higher management, that's itΒ - railfe

At my last work I hired some Indian guys they were great I really enjoyed working with them, they were from the south and one time I had a guy in for an interview and they noticed he was from the north they basically told me if I hire him they'll quit - Additional-Rhubarb-8

Why does my upvote keep disappearing? - RedHotSnowflake2

!bharatiya !nonchuds


!leafs !bharatiya !antibharatiya

Literally every argument online involving :marseymayo: and :marseytunaktunak: always ends up with them referencing onlyfans

>Reposting his own tiktok is defamation

>Be Indian nationalist

>Still realise being sent to India is a life ruining event



I have done a deep dive and have leveraged AI to analyse this schizo poster because it's really too much for any sane human being to comprehend. He literally posts essay after essay putting @sneedman, @RitalinRxAlt, and the like to shame. :marseyclapping2: bring :marseyclapping2: your :marseyclapping2: word :marseyclapping2: count :marseyclapping2: up :marseyclapping2:.

Anyway, the gist of it: dude sees layers and layers of conspiracy everywhere. He links shit that is and isn't real, trying to tie it to his incredibly long ramblings. He somehow manages to pump out a novel a day leaving the likes of Brandon Sanderson blushing (George RR Martin is already in the grave). He also claims to be a cowboy.

For the sake of relative brevity, I am presenting several examples of his most controversial unhinged posts as links to the full novel of a post on reddit that have the anchor text formatted as responses to prompts to chat GPT3.5 with "give me a one sentence breakdown of the previous post that highlights some of the more strange and fringe aspects" with the full text. Please let me know when you have finished perusing the library of babel.

I have broken up the following screed with some relevant marseys designed to occupy the attention of dramatards.

:#marseygigatitty: :#marseykink:

The comment discusses societal issues such as teachers turning to s*x work for income, while linking Trump's presidency to societal degradation, likening him to a cancerous cell feeding off greed, and accusing other figures like Murdoch and the Koch brothers of similar corruption, alluding to a broader narrative of societal decay and moral decline.

:#marseyscientist: :#marseystalin:

The comment critiques mainstream economic theories like Keynesian economics, asserting that the economy defies the laws of physics, and implies a conspiracy behind the Rules of the US Economy, suggesting a reevaluation of economic principles due to increased global population and entropy.

:#marseyjewoftheorient: :#marseymao:

The comment touches on various interconnected conspiracy theories involving political corruption, economic manipulation, and international power struggles, linking figures like Trump, Russian oligarchs, and Chinese leaders to complex webs of deceit, coercion, and geopolitical machinations.

:#marseyputin: :#marseypinochet:

The comment presents a narrative of potential future invasion plots by the CCP and Russia via Latin American countries like Ecuador and Venezuela, implicating figures like Steve Bannon and alleging GOP congressmen's complicity with dictators for political gain, while emphasizing themes of corruption, political desperation, and the high cost of freedom.

:#marseyglow: :#marseycomrade:

The comment delves into conspiracy theories involving RFK Jr., Epstein, Google, Facebook, Russian and Israeli influence, and transnational organized crime, linking various individuals and entities in a complex web of corruption and espionage, suggesting connections between oligarchs, politicians, and intelligence agencies.

The comment outlines a complex conspiracy involving Trump, Putin, and Xi, alleging collusion with oligarchs, geopolitical manipulation, and global power struggles, while emphasizing themes of corruption, deception, and the dire consequences of political maneuvers on a global scale.

:#marseyitsrigged: :#marseyxi:

The comment suggests a conspiracy involving figures like Trump, Putin, and Xi, alleging collusion with Russian oligarchs and Chinese interests to manipulate global politics, while emphasizing themes of corruption, geopolitical power struggles, and the high stakes of the upcoming election.

In short, I cannot offer you a summary of what this individual believes in besides a deep seeded pro NATO stance because they say so god darn much. They are literally posting as I compose this post. I can't keep up, I have to somehow sate my human needs for nutrition, hydration, waste expulsion, and sleep. It's not possible to keep up with this machine of a human typist. I cannot imagine the WPM this neighbor spews, may god have mercy on his family.

Reported by:
  • FreedomforIsrael : Groomercord user
  • X : Rule 4
  • DaddyReagan : groomercord posting
  • JollyJihad : Join our groomercord server and get AIDS and -ACK
  • UncleAbortion : Wow it is so much better than the website! No annoying losers!
  • King_K_Rool : :sharkymegalodon: #FreeGrue
  • collectijism : Stupid link banned me. I hate this website. I can't wait to tell the fbi I
  • Rankine_911 : this is entrapment :marseyglow2:
  • IanMurdock : Where is my badge?!
  • Konggles : I forgot what I'm reporting but i know there's some type of misia going on here I can feel it
Join our official groomercord server and get an exclusive badge

trans lives matter


Stomp sexy Indian dude skulls with steel toed boots.



A drunk businesswoman who glassed a pub drinker after he wrongly guessed her age has been spared jail after a female judge said 'one person's banter may be insulting to others'.

Mother-of-one Joanne Dodd, 39, flew into a rage and attacked Carl Cooper after he suggested she was 43 in the beer garden of the Unicorn pub in Manchester city centre on September 9 last year.

Mr Cooper fled to the potty in a bid to get away from the heated situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face.

He was left with a four inch laceration to his face, narrowly missing his eye, and an injury to his thumb.

When quizzed Dodd, who runs a firm which organises children's sleepover parties, said she was suffering from 'low self esteem' at the time and said the banter was 'disobliging' towards her. :marseyxd:


/r/transracial is producing some nice OC :marseywholesome:

Softcore NSFW dump - Thomas Kinkade DeviantArt

What if Thomas Kinkade did weird DeviantArt smut? It might look a little something like this...

This fricking stud with his pompadour :#marseyxd:

B roll and bloopers

Most of these are made with uberRealisticPornMerge_urpmv13.

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