Reality imitates art.
:marseyhelp: :marseyhelp: :marseyhelp:

new stonetoss

Random Snark Sub Goes on Mass Lockdown After Mod Notes Leak Mocking Members

The sub /r/DaniMarina is a snark sub following the social media of an individual who is known as a malingerer and is chronically online documenting their dubious medical claims. This sub branched after lockdowns on similar sub /r/illnessfakers had some mod drama, banning members who questioned behaviors or participated in subs the mods didn't approve of.

Over time, behavior of the mods became more and more known, with a sub documenting some of it titled /r/brokenbackb-word .

The other day, a former mod of /r/DaniMarina posted records of the mod notes, documenting and snarking on members, making accusations about them and giving off what is stereotyped as 'reddit mod energy.' Since then, the /r/DaniMarina sub has been locked down, all posts having to be approved along with comments needing auto approval. Anyone asking about what was posted about the mod notes is automatically deleted. They are also seeming to frame the situation as due to recent activity in the subject of the sub's life and reddit in general as well as more posts seeming to pop up by certain members stroking the egos of the mods on a near-comical level.\_the\_mods\_of\_danimarina\_brokenbackgirl\_and/

The following link is from one of the mods and their opinion of their role, which simultaneously seems to be harming them but also possesses a level of clout for running a sub dedicated to snarking on a mentally ill woman. It's akin to the drama from /r/illnessfakers that occasionally heats back up where mods define the sub as "researching munchausens" despite it being a reddit sub... snarking.



Apparently a recent winner (2022) killed herself. Move over African mines, we've found a more dangerous job. Being a beauty pageant winner.

Ok but Miss Teen USA started her resignation note with a Nietzsche quote, so perhaps I've been too harsh.

Lock her away and throw the key. : facepalm

Oh my dog died. :marseyitsover:Woe is me I just got demoted. :marseydepressed: Oh dear I just fractured my femur boo hoo hoo :marseycry: hey let's have some uplifting news guys.

I just hit a hundo racks in my retirement account :marseyparty: :marseyluckycat:,

anyone else have something personal that doesn't make me want to keep myself safe when I read it?


It was the largest gathering of mustachioed males there since AIDS.

How To Count Past Infinity?


Proverbs 17:12-13 :marseychristchanreading:


People exaggerate the value and companionship of pets.

They do not love you BAKAS. They would :marseywood: eat your corpse :marseycoldtwinge: if you died. They only display :marseyplushieswinging: the signs :marseymoney: of affection :marseychristmasgift2: that they do in return :marseymonke: for food, and due to the fact that they are raised :marseyburgers: in enslavement. If they could actually :marseyakshually: speak with you they would :marseywood: probably find their treatment demeaning.


A lot of you are reddit :marseyupvote2: tier when it comes to your wholesome :marseygrouphug: critters. Sorry, just how it is.

Resturuant called Nando's I ate at. Quality ingredients.
I still cannot stop thinking about the death of my grandmother.

My grandmother died three months ago in a very strange, almost suicidal way. She had been living in a cabin in Florida with no air-conditioning or kitchen, and what little she did have she'd spend it on alcohol. After ignoring her medical problems for months, it finally turned into sepsis and overwhelmed her immune systems. We were told by some affirmative action hire doctor that we had six months, then the week after she had a month. On Monday, we were told it may happen next week, Wednesday we were told she needed hospice care. That following Sunday morning she was dead. It was strange to see someone who had raised me die scared.

When the hospice nurse came in on the preceding Monday, and asked what was going to happen, it had me floored. The almost profane innuendo of whether my grandmother was ready to die or whether we were going to pay for a risky treatment was insane. When my grandmother looked at me, tired and scared, I had to walk out, and I regret that profoundly. We as a family asked for more time, and we were told we could wait till noon. My mother came out and asked me to sit with my grandmother, and oddly lucid she said she was ready. I don't think she meant it, but I think she wanted to be tough in front of me as best as she could.

I think about her every day.

I am grateful for my grandfather, who reads the Bible with me and is a spiritual guide. I am grateful that my last words were said out of love. I'm grateful I got to blow her a kiss when I last saw her. I pray for her, and I pray I get to see her again. I hope that wherever she is, she is happy, and resting.

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Even 'cado brushes his teeth. :marseyscaryteeth: What's your excuse?
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