For every Indian Trump lets in, I will ban 10

A new age is upon rDrama.


:!siren: Gavin Newsom breaks with Democrats on trans athletes in sports : politics :siren:


!chuds !transphobes :based:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a pioneer for LGBTQ+ rights who decades ago upset leaders in his own party when he defied state law and issued marriage licenses to same-s*x couples, suggested Democrats were in the wrong in allowing transgender athletes to participate in female college and youth sports.

"I think it's an issue of fairness, I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness --- it's deeply unfair," Newsom said in hisΒ debut podcast episodeΒ of "This is Gavin Newsom." "I am not wrestling with the fairness issue. I totally agree with you."

Newsom's comments on the issue roiling political debates nationwide came in a conversation with influential MAGA-world figure Charlie Kirk, the campus culture warrior who leads the organization Turning Point USA and is a close ally of President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr.

Newsom also agreed that the most politically destructive attack ads from Trump's campaign featured Kamala Harris' support for providingΒ taxpayer-funded gender transition-related medical careΒ for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

"She didn't even react to it, which was even more devastating," Newsom said, suggesting upward of 90 percent of Americans disagreed with Harris' position. "Then you had the video [of Harris] as a validator. Brutal," Newsom added. "It was a great ad."

Kirk challenged Newsom, a likely 2028 presidential hopeful, to speak out against AB Hernandez, a transgender high school track star from California whose triple jump event in the women's competition is drawingΒ fierce backlash from the right. Newsom said he has four children of his own --- including two daughters --- and noted that both he and his wife participated in college-level sports, she in soccer and he in baseball.

"I revere sports, so the issue of fairness is completely legit," Newsom said. "And I saw that --- the last couple years, boy did I [see] how you guys were able to weaponize that issue at another level."

Kirk challenged Newsom over his use of the word "weaponize," and Newsom replaced it with "highlight."

POLITICO last monthΒ was first to report Newsom's new podcast, with the Democratic governor saying he drew inspiration from the likes of HBO provocateur Bill Maher, who regularly finds common ground with conservative adversaries while taking frequent aim at Democratic dogma, including on youth trans issues.

Newsom's interview with Kirk was friendly, sometimes exceedingly so. He mentioned the influence Kirk and other MAGA-world figures have had on his 13-year-old son, distanced himself from the use of pronouns and the gender-neutral term "Latinx," called police defunding "lunacy," denounced "cancel culture" and agreed that there had been some internal issues in the leadership of the Black Lives Matter organization.

Indeed, the 75-minute interview presented Newsom in the opposite light than he appeared in over recent years whenΒ stumping as a surrogate for former President Joe Biden and HarrisΒ andΒ sparring with ideologicalΒ foes like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis andΒ Fox News' Sean Hannity.

Newsom in the podcast also was self-deprecating --- joking that he only eats meals (including grabbing take-out) at the famed three-Michelin star French Laundry where he got considerable heat for attending a friends' party during Covid lockdowns and conceding that he should have been celebrating at the everyman eatery Applebee's.

On youth trans sports Kirk drew out a longer response.

There are relatively few transgender athletes competing at the collegiate level. But Newsom said it was "easy to call out" the unfairness, echoing concerns raised by Republicans in Washington and across the country who argue thatΒ banning trans women and girlsΒ from participating in school athletic competitions designated for female athletes would ensure fairness.

While Newsom has at times touched on his own concerns about the issue, particularly around youth sports, the remarks on his eponymous new podcast are his most expansive on the topic. He went on to express sympathy for trans people, noting "these poor people" have higher rates of suicide and depression and saying "the way that people talk down to vulnerable communities is an issue that I have a hard time with, as well."

Yet, Newsom said Kirk was right when he contended that Republicans were capitalizing politically by painting Democrats as out of step with a strong majority of Americans on the issue. Earlier this week, Senate DemocratsΒ blocked a GOP-led effortΒ to bar transgender girls from female youth sports.

"I agree with you," Newsom said. "We're getting crushed on it. Crushed. Crushed."

Newsom noted his own leadership on issues of LGBTQ+ rights but he said even some of his friends have privately asked him why he's not been more vocal about trans athletes.

He said the authority for trans K-12 athletes competing in girls' and womens' sportsΒ came from a 2014 state lawΒ --- signed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown --- that also allowed students who identified as transgender to use school bathrooms "consistent with their gender identity."

Newsom compared his position on trans athletes to conservatives who oppose same-s*x marriage on principle --- saying he values that Kirk and others are not abandoning their opposition now that gay marriages are both legally and socially acceptable by a majority of Americans.

Leftists truly lost the plot over that brain cancer kid from Trump's Congress speech :soyjaktantrumfast:

Seriously, wtf is this? :marseywtf2:

Lmao :marseymanysuchcases:

Some weird schizo is fighting everyone with weird animu clips. Bots included :marseyschizowave:

I understand that, attack the administration then

Commies took this badly :soysnooseethe:

Omg nobody's actually bringing the kid into it they're just using MAGA logic that anything that sounds "progressive" e.g a child that's a poc cancer survivor is inherently "woke". They were literally the same crowd that called a disabled child in the new Avatar series "woke"

Word DEI has been weaponized so much by maga that you took this as an insult.

so its immoral to point out republicans' hypocrisy with cancer research but ur white butt is allowed to dictate someones blackness based on who they vote for? interesting

He literally said "hey DOGE" not "hey cancer kid"

If youre not ready for #darkwoke get the frick out

You are r-slurred.

Darn you white liberals are stupid

You dude, are fricking r-slurred. Hello!?!?!? Reading comprehension skills are in the negative. Moron.

You leftists are idiotic. You have to play dirty like they do. You think you win this being nice? Dumbo

bud just stick to consuming your soylent, you are NOT cut out to participate in political discussion lmao

Other deranged comments

Nobody is going after the child. The child is just a proxy to make a statement.

Oh, then everything is ok here :lelolidk:

The kid CANNOT be a "target" of truth. I hope this helps.

That's the :marseyschizotwitch: btw

They're not. You either refuse to understand DEI or you do understand and also admit that DOGE is coming for something that's a net positive. By definition this is an act of DEI. Otherwise please deliver me the papers of the 13 year olds merit to my desk 9pm sharp.

Expect he's not been hired as an active officer you fricking r-slur. It's an honorary role. The mental gymnastics you have to go thru to equate a terminally ill kid with cancer getting an honorary position to a normal person getting a job solely because of their skin colour is mad

Schizo vs some guy :marseyschizotwitch:

Yall attacked Tim Walz's son. Shut the frick up.

You guys attacked Walz's son so now we're gonna attack some random black kid with brain cancer. That will show you, chuds! :soyjakanimeglasses:

Lmao that fricking inbred is getting so mad over this

Same guy. Chuds are getting so triggered over us bullying a dying child. We need to keep it up, we're winning! :soyjakyell:

the right targets trans kids on the regular

Frick them cis kids with cancer :marseysoyjak:

I would agree with you and kinda do but at the same time. Democrats/Non-MAGA will never win another election or win anything if they keep playing by the rules, they have to be nice and just let MAGA say and or do whatever. Eye for an eye from now on.

Eye for an eye, chud. Nazis are attacking black kids, and so will we :soysnoo:

"making a joke about how the gop used this kid as a pawn while trying to de-fund child cancer research is ackshually attacking the kid somehow" lmao how did you ever arrive at this dumb conclusion?


Imagine how they'll behave in a year :marseyhesright:

This is just a very small fraction of the comments, feel free to browse some more of the insanity :marseydetective:

when it's too cold to get up to go to the bathroom and your girlfriend won't let you pee in her to carry it to the potty for you

!marseyartists !marseyfans !cats

South Korean F16s drop 8 500lb mk82 bombs on their own town during live fire drills :marseyjetbombing: :marseywhirlyhat:


Info from reports so far:

It was 8 Mk.82 bombs, launched by 2 KF-16, 4 each.

The Air Force announced that the accident was due to wrong coordinates given as inputs for the bombs. But whether this was both pilots in the KF-16 making the same mistake, or the wrong coordinates being given to those pilots in the first place, this is yet to be determined.

The bombs were meant to be dropped onto the nearby Seungjin Firing Range (a.k.a Nightmare Range).

15 injured of which 2 are military. Luckily non of the the injured received life-threatening injuries.

Air Force Chief of Staff GEN Park Gi Wan will be heading the investigation committee, and all damages will be compensated.

The church you see in the background of the CCTV footage is the the Army 5th Corp's Chaplain Ordinariate Seungjin Catholic Church (천주ꡐ μŠΉμ§„μ„±λ‹Ή).

Ministry of Defense announced all live firing exercises will he halted until the events that led up to the incident are investigated.

all 8 out of 8 bombs exploded, as per ROK Air Force official

Aftermath footage:

fell for it again award, now with added cuckfiction :marseycuckfiction: :fellforitagainaward: :marseyxd:
the democrats have apparently chosen 12 year olds to run shit for would have taken no effort to not make this video...

My first post here
:squirreljak2: My mom said that my squirrel picture is good enough to be in Nat Geo :marseyjourno: :marseyembrace:
Reported by:
Welcome to Singapore
WTF I THOUGHT TRUMP FIXED THIS :pepereeeeee: [EDIT: PIZZASHILL ITT :marseypizzashill:]

My favorite question from the last one was

True or False: A female coworker who asks a lot of job-related questions should be considered a nuisance

Redditors let their inner chud out when they find out some actress is dating a black guy



Double eww

Double eww


She deserves better.

Her type is shitty rappers unfortunately

isn't there someone you forgot to ask :#marseystonetoss:

I said this months ago and everyone called me a liar

needs to touch grass award :#marseyposteditagain:

The crazy part is he had flown some tik tok thot not that long go so if theyve been together since that birthday pic then he was flying out girls while dating her 😬 crazy work

it's called an open relationship chud :#marseychud: :#marseypolyamory:

Give it six months. Before he gets her pregnant and she's a single mom watch.

Bahaha. I thought it but wasn't going to say it.


Everyone down voting me acting like tyga ain't the type to do that he'll get bored of her.

You know Madelaine has a choice in getting pregnant too, right?

Well seeing this picture you'd imagine she doesn't make the best choices.


Oooh, she gon be thick thick from that baby weight


Ngl this has absolutely ruined her for me. Why the frick would she go out with him? Sure they're not just friends?



Reddit now bans people for upmarseying wrongthink. Mods worry that wrongthink laws don't go far enough


:marseytroublemaker: One person new to reddit complained on this post about how insane this is. I told him I was investigating him for "thoughts of misinformation" and he deleted his account

:surewalz: knows about the memes
[WomenInTech] Rebellion 101: A DIY Guide to Unfricking America :soyjakwow: :marseydarkfoidretard:


Bardfinn declares Gavin Newsom to be a NATZEEE!


leafs are now doing the freedom fries thing to really stick it to the lards :marseyshapiro:

between this and the controlled opposition demonrats waving signs I'd say the fascists are just about finished :marseysmug2:

:fellforitagainaward2: Feww fwor it again award fwor chuds whwo didn't like being debanked

Reported by:
Petard-chan (no puns allowed!!)

They turned the lions homo :marseyitsover:
Globalists are behind stock market sell off. :marseycope::ashfellforitagain:


Reported by:
  • X : WRONG. total :marseytrain: (moid) death


I do enjoy the claim the funding is to make people go :marseytrain2:. That's one for the q bank.

Given the number of wh*te males taking T you would think they would get the value in understanding effects of that treatment. The same research is also very useful for things like prostate cancer which can cause T production to go fricking insane and many of us will end up being diagnosed with.

They also really don't get that the admin overhead is engineered in to fund basic research and lab building, that's part of the stated objective of NiH funding not something hidden. NSF does exactly the same thing, in both cases literally a directive from congress. NASA also do it.

Conclusion: chuds hate science, chuds are r-slurred and chuds are a pro-death cult.



The world's premier grooming platform may be going public :marseygroomer:
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