New Tall Cat has a name now.
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Confession: sometimes I squeeze my cat a little cause she scream

I'm a monster :pepeleave:

Must. Not. Fedpost :marseyfedpost:

Fricking Windoes. Imagine having to actively opt-out of advertising on an OS you paid for in the first place.

Frick Microsoft to heck.


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About 70% of dudes on the internet are in relationships pretending they're single to flirt with internet women and so won't want to show you a picture of a big bed with their wife's pillow on it. If you've been talking for a couple of weeks already there's not really any reason not to show you so the excuses get kind of funny.

PSA: do NOT buy full grain pasta

I'm pretty sure it's made out of bugs or saw dust :vomit:


One thing that comes up a lot in my diet progress threads is whether I feel different and healthier now that I'm 100 pounds less fat and truthfully for the most part I don't, I have about as much energy as I did when I weighed 307 (which isn't a lot, I'm a big napper).

So that got me thinking well if that's the case why did I lose 112 pounds and I got thinking about the good stuff that I do like about having lost weight so here's a list of things and maybe if you weigh a lot this will motivate you to lose weight too.

  • No longer ashamed to look at myself in the mirror

  • Don't mind occasionally taking photographs (I still don't like the way I look in photographs, 180 or die trying)

  • Can buy clothes in any store instead of having to shop specialty sites that carry gigafat-person sizes

  • Get complimented frequently by people who knew me before I lost the weight

  • Decreased risk of diabetes (my mom is diabetic so this was a big motivation)

  • Decreased risk of heart disease, a bunch of other shit I forget

  • Knees don't hurt anymore (they used to hurt a lot)

  • Fingers aren't fat anymore (it was really depressing as I was getting fat when I first realized my fingers were now fat)

  • Peepee looks slightly bigger due to FUPA receding (doesn't hurt)

  • Enjoy buying and trying on new clothes instead of it being a depressing chore

So those are basically the ways my life has improved since going from morbidly obese to just ordinarily overweight. I'd definitely say it's been worth it and I'd tell anyone who's heavier than they want to be that there's no time losing like right now.



my boyfriend broke up with me over not wanting to do anal 5 times a week

i'm not one to judge someone else's sexual preferences. i'm open to almost anything. my one thing is that i wouldn't do anal more than once a week since it's a LOT. my bf and me are long distance and we broke up a few days ago due to him saying he can't do the distance anymore (when we're irl, it's great, when we're not, he said it feels like a friendship). after talking about it for a few days and deciding we talked about everything and we discussed how to better our relationship & our needs/wants and out of no where he tells me that he actually can't commit to something if i can't let him do anal 90% of the time (when we would be together, he said he only wants that) then he broke up with me. is this normal? common? i'm heartbroken because i feel blindsided and if it was so important thought we would talk about it months ago (he's never tried it irl with me?). i don't know what to do and would love advice from people in similar situations. my first thought is this is abnormal but i might just have a clouded mind bc of emotions. i don't want to hate him and would be open to staying friends but also would love advice from other girls who may have had this happen too

Look at the state of my fricking garage. :marseyl:

I've been cleaning all day and made some progress.

I'm going to post when it's finally clean and you're all going to be so proud of me.

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  • BimothyX2 : Bimothy was banned inside this thread! Help me out, I'm bimothy hello :marseywave2:
I had a dream about this site and I should probably log off.

In the dream, I was screen-sharing during an all-company presentation at work, but I'd accidentally left up in a background window, so the title bar was visible to everyone.

My boss sent me a slack DM like, "hey you can do what you want in your personal life, but let's keep the gay furry dating sites off the all-company monthly." Thank gods for the stupid joke titles that are less embarrassing than what this place actually is.

Anyway, I woke up mortified, and now I'm really worried somebody in real life might discover this site exists. I think I'd be less embarrassed to broadcast actual porn on a work zoom.

I have a confession to make about one of my badges and it is tearing me up inside

Fortunately I am working and don't have time to make that confession

Use this thread to tell me your secrets instead.


There are thousands of organizations out there with hundreds of thousands of people if not millions all getting paid to fix the worlds problems.

They couldn't do it all so far.

Yet here you are by your lonesome, thinking that you would solve the world's problems or gain some special knowledge all by yourself that millions of others with far more years of experience could not.

That's hubris.

There is nothing wrong with knowing a bit more about the world. To put in effort into being aware of what's going on.

It's not worth it to do so at the cost of yourself and your own growth.

The first question that should always be on your lips before you help anybody else or try to focus on any other part of the world should be," Are things going well enough for me right now?"

If you have an important problem right now. Focus on fixing that first.

If you have a big limitation. Focus on fixing that first.

The world still exists outside of that and after you are done taking care of your things.

Make peace with yourself, then save the world and the people around you.

Even in the airplane flight safety videos, they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before helping anybody else.

You can't save anybody else if you haven't even given yourself the space to breathe and hold on to your senses.

So save yourself, and take care of yourself, and then go save the world, and take care of your loved ones, for when you are healthy in body and mind, you can safely give far more of yourself to family than you ever could half sick.

( Disclaimer : All this advice is more general life rather than how to handle life at emergency situations which need you to do things right then and there. For that look for advice elsewhere or good luck trying to make the advice here fit those scenarios. )


You guys said I should leave her but she's hot :marseysad:

Today I walked so much I have burned my thighs

I walked my normal time in the morning.

Then spent the evening looking around for a missing kitten.

Didn't find him sadly. For now assuming somebody took them into their own home.

I don't feel exhausted anymore.

I have reached normie tier health and focus.

How do you gigachad up from this point?

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Just did 3 hrs or house cleaning without getting exhausted

I honestly have no clue where the good quality executed function just kicked in but it has and I intend to keep it.

I hope you all also find your higher powers and unlock them one day.

Now all I need is to learn to talk to a foid and learn how to make very good levels of money.

The dreaded hath appeared

Was inspeculating my milkers before I pu to the darty

Spotted what appears to be a stretch mark forming. Sad, but at least they're growing :marseyshrug:

any foids here know how to prevent the stretch mark from growing?? !cuteandvalid

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Where can I find an Asian/Latinx girl with a phat butt?

After all your helpful comments I've decided to break up with my current girlfriend but I won't do it until I find a rebound. Unfortunately I live in an area where most foids are white so I need ideas as to where I should hunt. Please no joke answers.

I got the missing part of my brain back

So you know how people with anxiety, ADHD, or Autism, have executive dysfunction. One of the more common ones being the inability to fluidly turn a decision into action?

I just got the executive action part of my brain working again.

I am not sure what exactly did it, maybe the meditation, or the improved diet, or the weight loss, or the improved sleep schedule, or a combination of it all, but now I have unlocked all the brain capabilities of the average successful middle class guy.

I am happy about that so just wanted to share it with somebody out there.

Farting at the gym between sets

I'm talking from the deepest pits of Mordor and my butt is speaking The Black Speech. Peeling the paint off the walls, heat mirages in the air, actual stink lines emanating. I'm surprised I haven't been asked to leave.

I was initially tempted to not wipe down the equipment just to make it a permanent part of the gym, but that's too far.

Update: I checked my skivvies cuz I was nervous but I'm clean


Should :marseynorm: I do it?

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how often do you guys clean your bathrooms?

I live on my own and I'm a generally clean person. But I swear it's not a week after cleaning my bathroom and the potty's coated in hair and those tiny balls of shitty potty paper. The back of the potty bowl is starting to look like a Jackson Pollock painting.

Got sauce on my pants :marseythegrey:


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