


Net neutrality is back baby :marseyzombiewink:

Here's some dude saying that's horrible


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cracker foids: ❌

American Citizens: ❌

non-autists: ❌

they/thems: ❌

Elon won

NYC creates AI chatbot to help people understand NY law and it immediately starts telling people to break the law

Great thread from Kathryn Tewson about how rslurred this thing is

Based AI telling employer to take worker's tips lmao


As I've mentioned 100 times before, the powerusers of StackOverflow are completely detached from the core goals of the site and instead prefer to bicker amongst themselves in the Meta forum.

A poweruser named "M--" (profile: "Engineer by day, G*mer by night. Always in the process of learning something new.") says:

I raised an NAA [Not An Answer] flag on this answer Answer to: Blank space appearing at bottom of all webpages in Google Chrome on iOS [closed] which got declined.

Powerusers don't like having their flags declined because it goes on their permanent record, and god forbid one poweruser disagree with another.

The original question has now been blatted from existence, because just like /r/subredditdrama then whenever a post is linked into Meta then it's guaranteed to be brigaded into an unusable mess, even in cases like this where the question is perfectly valid and the complaint is about one single answer.

Now what is the answer that so annoyed this poweruser?:

THANK YOU! Disabling smooth scrolling took care of this problem on my iPhone 14 Pro on iOS 17.2.1.

Note that this answer includes the exact steps taken to solve the issue and the version on which it works. M-- just dislikes it because it starts with "THANK YOU!".

The rest of this Meta page totals over 5000 words of comments and arguments.

Some people just seem to love getting into involved debates of how should a particular turd be classified and how to correctly dispose of it, instead of, you know, just getting rid of it. Meanwhile dozens more are deposited around them... Someone spends ten seconds mashing the keyboard, and then bunch of other people take few man-hours figuring out what to do with it

comments one user with no self-awareness whatsoever.

Another user writes an essay explaining the workflow for handling answers and discussing the intricacies of:

You are the latest victim of a problem Stack Overflow has had for years; there are conflicting rules about how NAA and VLQ flags are supposed to work.


I'll let anyone else who wants to read through all of the answers and comments for pure :autism:


learn to do things other than code lmao

:marseyl: :marseypajeet:

Edit: :marseystonetoss: Browsers?

Edit 2: She also wrote a paper about "Algorithmic Reparations":

Rooted in theories of Intersectionality, reparative algorithms name, unmask, and undo allocative and representational harms as they materialize in sociotechnical form. We propose algorithmic reparation as a foundation for building, evaluating, adjusting, and when necessary, omitting and eradicating machine learning systems.


We make this case in the body of the text above, suggesting a move away from fairness, replaced by an anti-oppressive, Intersectional approach. We intend for this approach to guide algorithmic design and to act as an evaluative standard by which existing algorithmic systems are judged, adjusted, and where necessary, omitted or dismantled. Our proposal is thus geared towards building better systems and holding existing ones to account.


Maybe.... maybe Mao was right about the influence of academics...


hello~ idk if this has been discussed in the community yet, but there's a really easy exploit to cheat in balatro --- you can right-click the .exe file, go to "Open Archive", and modify the source code directly. i made a video so you can see how it works:

i'm bringing it up because if the editor is smart, there's no way to tell if a game has been modified or not --- you can, for example, increase the droprate of powerful jokers or legendaries and cheat in a speedrun category

i've sent a message in the speedrunning groomercord that they should probably modify the rules so that runners have to verify their game files on Steam before they submit a run. and more generally, i think ppl should be aware that this exists so they can call out suspect videos and runs

i almost didn't want to publicize this because the more well-known this gets, the easier it will be for ppl to cheat in speedruns and tournaments and stuff, but at the end of the day i think it's better if more ppl know and can establish rules to stop it when it matters

Reported by:
lol. Nice meme.

There's a whole load of flagged comments talking about how society is degenerating. As ever, make an account and enable "show dead" to see them.

One such fellow is Steve76:

No one likes a drunk engineer, surgeon, pilot, or roofer.

Go to the poor part of town and look closely. Same houses but the people make them poor.

There's no fixing them. von Mises, Cowperthwaite, the Asian miracle really does have pain underneath all that sudden prosperity. Those harmed seek it. Their drunkeness is a decades long suicide.

Life gets harsh quick. "If only ..." is a teenage denial.

One brings down many. I do not retaliate. Instead I leave them behind to a very extreme degree. What a convenience the riots occur so close to medical research labs.

Their collateral damage from my personal medicine means less and less. They go up in a full on nuclear exchange? Oh no, the drunks. Oh no, the rioters.

Okay that seems a bit :marseyschizotwitch:, let's see what else this guy talks about. His account was made in 2018 and he's been shadowbanned. All of his comments going back months are dead.

I own the world. Not from the law but because I'm better than everyone. Anyone who wants it is free to try to take it.

Drunk. Sober. Dealer. User. None of it matters. All that matters is I win.

If my political opposition sides with commies by shooting dope, guess what? Those people die.

If Asia gets its butt on its shoulders again through hard work and austerity? Guess what? I'm hitting that continent with an asteroid load of dope, drugs you wouldn't believe. Those people die.

They fashion themselves better, beyond conventional morality. They're not the savage. I am. I am the ghost in the darkness. I am the demon of the jungle.

Uhh based I guess?

Wherever authoritarians go people flee like an ogre is attacking their village. They are completely incapable. All they do is erupt in occasional animal violence and leave the world barren. All for their endless quest for a world without rules.

Other people live here, not just me. It's their country too, not just mine. I walk away from power. That gives me the ability not to accept everyone else's problems. It's a much stronger leadership position than some ignorant foreigner getting hard at bossing everyone else around. Whether tyrants did the crime or not, they are guilty. Everyone's problem is there problem now and they will never solve it. They are a pathetic measly gang, truly standing against a brutal world which will devour them.

The day isn't work for me. I do things like space launch and genetic research because I like to do it. I work better and more dedicated than anyone else in the world. They can't. They hate each other. They hate themselves. They spoiled great hope for the world because they are diseased moronic bullies. Dealing with them is cleaning with filth. You just spread it around and make a bigger mess.

It's time to leave them behind. Go into fusion, microreactors, space, genetics and don't share it this time. The world fooled us. We bailed them out from a horrible famine in the early 90s. Once we saved them, they just used it to attack us. Let them tear each other apart, die, and go away. They ruined my life enough already.

Yeah okay he's just nuts. He has comments going back years that are all like this. Let's see where it all began. Was Steve76 ever normal? Will we witness his slow descent into madness?

And to add to that comment, so much of modern life is due to that. In the problem of Theodicy, I blame the drunken s*x glutton, not nature.

No, he was always nuts :marseyshrug:

only linux :marseypenguin: neighbors can relate

im able to do 99.99% of what i need/want to do but is fricking there :marseycheerup: ever like 1 specific thing u need to do but it just doesn't work on linux, b-word? then u google :marseygetgle: the fricking problem n its a fricking guy from 2009 who never :marseyitsover: got an answer :marseyconfuseddead: or updated the fricking post, b-word? then stack overflow tells u to move to canada :marseyeh: n seek maid n reddit :marseybestfriends: neighbors get their answers from other reddit :marseymagarentfree: posts so u end up just giving up, b-word?


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