Beach day

!male feminists discuss



I've worked for this company for 4 years. I work hard. My job is designed for a team of two people who do identical work. In my 4 years here I have seen 5 people come and go as the second person on the team . The newest guy joined 2 weeks ago. Today i learned he earns more money than me

I can't prove that it is gender related but our gender is literally the only difference between the two of us (except that i have more experience and responsibility....!?)

Yea sounds like he negotiated for higher pay.

All these excuses are crazy! Equal pay for equal work.

stfu commie

How some places have no workers protection is nuts. I'd leave them high and dry and not train the new person....but I'm petty. Look for another job.

And you'd get a shitty reference who'd tell people you walked out without notice.

Saaaaame. I've worked at this company for a decade and they pay some little shit that wears the same unwashed, aromatic basketball shorts to work from March to November twice my salary. He does half the work I do

Ask for a raise.

"Because he has a family to support."

Even if they don't say it out loud, they always have some fricked up logic as to why men deserve more money, usually that their financial needs are somehow more than women.

Yea, and so what? He might actually have a family to support.

This is something that's done to childless people, not just women. People with children are often seen as more deserving and having higher salary needs than a childless person. People with children get priority for vacations too, it's incredibly frustrating. If you go to /r/childfree you'll hear many stories like this.

Because they literally are. Children are the life blood of a country, you refusing to have them hurts everyone and you should be punished for it.

My SIL won a lawsuit for this very reason. Just saying.

Yeah not sure why people are defending this. In several states (CA and NY I can name off the top of my head) it's illegal to pay someone of a protected class less for similar positions and work. And depending on the state, they also need to give you all the back pay for the time you were underpaid. The only legal reasons to pay more require the employer to show it is based on merit or years of experience. It does not matter if their intention was to discriminate based on gender, it's still illegal.

Which is a great reason not to hire women at all. Also bullshit. You're telling me no one can negotiate their pay in CA or NY? That it's set by the lowest paid foid?

salary is usually based on the market at the time you get hired! anybody coming in after you has a leg up, and almost no company is going to give you a raise comparable to market rate. it's why it's better for employees to job hop every year or two nowadays. it's the fastest way to get nice raises. companies used to reward people for staying but those incentives are practically non existent now.

!nooticers I always see this said on reddit but have never seen it irl. Interesting that.

Go to HR, tell them that you were made aware that, despite you having more experience and doing the same job, you are being paid less. Ask for a raise to what he is making, plus 3% cost of living for each of the last 4 years you have been there. If they won't give it to you, polish up your resume and start looking for another job. Keep this one until you find another, and don't tell them your looking, just do it. You don't want to work for a company like that.

Advocating for yourself? Very male coded

I work in HR. Honestly, I would advise anyone who has been in their position for 4 years to look for another job. That is the best and fastest way to increase your salary, even without any gender discrimination bullshit. But I get that some folks love their jobs and are willing to accept being paid less to stay there. Also, in case you are not aware, in the US, it is illegal for companies to punish any employee for discussing their salary with other employees or prevent them from doing so. It's also illegal to retaliate against an employee for doing so.

I love how reddit, the most union peepee suckingist site says shit like this. You will never get anywhere in a union field by job hopping.

After talking to HR, send a follow-up email summarizing your conversation. You want everything documented in writing - the disparity in salary and experience, their response, etc. Be professional, and just provide a recap. Capture a screenshot and send it to your personal email. That way, if they should suddenly find performance issues, you have a case for reporting them for retaliating.

And they'll have a good reason for firing you! Not many places like you exfiltrating company property and yes emails count.

When this happened to me I went to my boss and I told him it seems like getting a new job is the best way to get a raise because it worked out for this new employee. So I told him he needs to give me a raise or I need to leave. He didn't believe me so I found a new job and gave my notice. At that point he tried to give me a raise, but the new job was paying me so much more he couldn't/wouldn't match it.

an ultimatum is the most r-slurred way to go about this. The threat is already implied in you even asking for the raise.

Your pay is determined by how well you did at your last job, not your current one.

Working hard is only worth something if you can leverage it into a better salery next time. If you're not intending to change job, then there's no real purpose to putting in more work or taking on responsibility.

These are the same people complaining their bosses don't care about them



I'm a 30yo woman working in London.

Tonight I was waiting to cross a busy street outside a station and some thin dude on a bike slowly rolled passed, looked at me and spat right to my face. I had the reflex to turn away and I tried to run after him. I called the police who was not very helpful except taking details and just being very nonchalant about it.

About a year ago a group of young men on bikes were in a park and one of them literally approached me to spit in my face. Called the police immediately. Got a crime number, of course nothing was done and I didn't even get a call back so I'm really not hopeful on what happened to me tonight.

Am I missing something? Has this become acceptable behaviour? I asked the police that tonight and she said it certainly wasn't "an every day thing".

I really don't stand out in a crowd, I'm an average woman height/build and have blonde hair. How can this have happened to me twice and not be more common? I'm livid this has happened to me twice and must be happening to many women in the city who don't report those disgusting scumb*gs.

EDIT: I have removed the ethnicity of the perpetrator - even if that's just a factual observation - since it's all some comments are focusing on and isn't the point of the post.

this is what women voted for and they deserve it

sort by controversial to see all the noooooticers that got deleted :marseynoooticer:

NEIL GAIMAN FLIRTED WITH MEE :!soycry: :marseycryinglaptop:

I was lurking in threads this morning, it's supposed to be Instagram's twitter equivalent.

Sometimes, you can see some really good drama in here because everyone in threads is r-slurred.

Enter QueenKore1224:

Here's my recreation of what happened:

:malefeminist: :!tiredfemjak:

Ew lol




Here is what I think is more likely:




!biofoids should we kill all scrotes?



Bonus screenshots in comments!!!

Edit: I still have no idea who the frick this guy is lol


I think she is guilty, but I have no Idea about the case or what happened.

Now that's attorney-client privilege.

Karen Read was spotted cuddling up to her attorney Alan Jackson outside a high-end Boston steakhouse last week as jurors deliberated over whether she murdered her Boston cop boyfriend in 2022.

The iPhone live photo appeared to capture Jackson, a star criminal defense attorney from Los Angeles, wrapping his client in an embrace — with one arm around her midsection and another tight across her chest — on June 27 outside Smith & Wollensky in downtown Beantown.

In the 1.5-second clip, Read, 44, appeared to smile as Jackson — who wore a wedding ring throughout the trial — grabs her while they watch two other people pose for a photo outside the restaurant.

The Post has verified that the metadata of the original photo shows it was taken in the area of the steakhouse as the jury deliberated.

"I was eating dinner with my wife and I happened to look out and see them outside, and it looked wrong and inappropriate so I just grabbed the closest phone and took a picture," said the photographer, who did not want to be named.

"It was just her attorney kinda I don't know what you would call it. It looked inappropriate for an attorney-client type situation."

The Smith & Wollensky where the snap was taken is not far from a North End restaurant where Read and Jackson were earlier photographed dining with members of the legal team, and wearing the same outfits seen in the embrace photo – a dark sleeveless top on Read, and a navy blue T-shirt and blue jeans on Jackson.

Before the embrace, Read was being beckoned to join two people for a photo. Those people's outfits — a blue collared shirt and dark shoes on one man, and a rectangular black watch on the other — matched the same outfits worn by the others in the North End dinner photo.

The photo was publicized on the X account Masshole Mafia run by Kate Peter, who told The Post she was one of several people who obtained the shot.

Peter has been vocal in her belief that Read is guilty of killing Officer John O'Keefe, and runs the account as one of several partisan social media pages that have cropped up in the wake of the high-profile investigation.

O'Keefe was found dead in a snowbank in Canton, Massachusetts — outside Boston — in January 2022. Prosecutors alleged Read hit O'Keefe with her Lexus SUV and left him for dead in the cold after a night of heavy drinking.

Read hired a high-profile legal team, including Jackson — a high-flying former LA County prosecutor who went on to represent big-name clients, including Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. I didn't even read this

!mayomoment !foidmoment

Good morning :marseycoffee:


I felt something weird and reached my hand down, only to discover a tampon that has to have been there for at least three weeks. THREE WEEKS!!




!ifrickinglovescience !physics !titsorgtfo










{Serious} Tip of nipple dries up and falls off?











The video is up on Twitter but it would be extremely unethical to reupload it here.

/r/ukdrill found a photo of her with her husband (she's wearing a ring in the video :marseydead:)


Here's her TikTok

She also has a Reddit account. Her Insta and OnlyFans were deleted.




Future r/breakingmom poster slowly realizes her :marseygigaretard: babydaddy is dumb and probably not gonna commit to her

I was looking at a /h/peakpoors post from YALLAH which highlighted a post from future single mom /u/Boring-Part654. Reading her post history gives you a step-by-step glimpse into how the single mother sausage gets made. She's an early 20-something who got knocked up by her loser :marseyretardchad: BF who she keeps referring to as her "husband" despite him continually postponing marrying her even after they had a kid together.

As the young mom in her early 20s, you never feel like you will have enough time with your babies. There are days when I wish we had waited until we were more financially stable, mature, etc. my biggest regret is not waiting until we owned a house and had that security, but I've always said that the timing for a baby will never be perfect! There's always pros and cons, but what's important is focusing on those pros and making the most of what you have.

Woah, she sounds so optimistic. I wonder if she'll keep that attitude... :marseysmirk2:

My boyfriend is like this. I don't think it's necessarily hoarding as he usually has no problem letting me get rid of things (unless it belonged to his grandfather which I understand). He just can't be bothered to remember what he has and where it is. It's easier to just buy what he needs when he needs it.

Neighbor wastes money repurchashing shit he already owns because he's an r-slur who loses track of everything.

Yes, they don't trust him with baby. We work opposite schedules and so we don't have baby in daycare. If baby gets sick while he's at home with her for some reason they expect me to call out of work to handle it instead of him who is already at home?

His own parents literally think he's too :marseygigaretard: to look after his own daughter...

A similar thing actually happened to us! My husband for some reason gave the keys to baby for a second? She locked the car. Luckily we have one of those code keypads that let us get back in but it could have been so much worse!

And, apparently, they're right.

A bit of both. I wouldn't rush into marriage over a name, but we had talked about marriage at lengths before I even got pregnant and it just hasn't happened. He has a ring (it's sitting in our safe) he asked my dad for permission before I even gave birth. We do have our rough days but overall he's a good dad and partner I'm just started to wonder if he's as committed to this as I thought he was

Bruh has a ring but STILL won't put it on her finger :marseyxd:

No we did not say we weren't married. But we had no reason to believe this needed to be disclosed to staff and we never led them to believe we were married. It was 8 months ago now so I don't remember every detail but I filled out my information as the mother on the packet, he filled out his information. I remember a question about assuming paternity and he answered yes. We weren't asked if we were married and the paperwork didn't specify anything.

The hospital wanted to know so they could make sure who's names need to be put on your daughter's birth certificate r-slur. They don't care about your babydaddy issues. You didn't disclose it because you're ashamed your boyfriend still hasn't married you and turned you into his babymama instead.

I guess it's just hurtful when I spend a few hours on dinner and then he complains. I worked hard to provide a good meal but the side isn't the one he wanted or something. So then he leaves and go gets his own meal and his plate goes to waste. And I cater to his palate a lot. I've started making homemade pizzas to freeze to have a cheaper alternative, we make burgers a lot, and we rotate through the same meals constantly but maybe 2-3 times a month I just want a good healthy meal and to feel appreciated for it.

He has the palate of a college kid who orders takeout and eats microwaveable food for 90% of his meals. She literally can't make proper dinners for their family because he won't eat it. You also have to wonder how much money gets wasted because bro would rather eat out all the time instead of cook something.

And we finally get to the post that made me peak through her post history in the first place:

It was per month. Premium was upwards of 10k. He had two wrecks less than a year apart, the second being about six months ago. That quote was outrageously high and I'm still not sure why. Others ranged from 400-600

He's apparently too :marseybrainlet: to drive as well. Darn, I wonder why his own parents think he's an r-slur who can't be trusted alone with his own baby. And this is also even more money wasted on his short bus-butt. Just what financially precarious young parents of an infant need.

Hope she enjoys life as a single mom when it finally becomes obvious bro is never going to marry her and the relationship collapses.



My male partner is passionate about rock climbing and goes to the climbing gym 3 times a week and also goes on climbing trips with his friends.

I also have hobbies, which are hanging out with my friends or family and going to new restaurants or events.


I was deep into rock climbing myself once, a lot of people make it their whole personality and go daily to the climbing hall. I dated one semi professional one, climbing IS the most important thing to them and relationships usually only work if the gf also climbs a lot, as weekends are mostly spent somewhere outside at a boulder.

I would absolutely not do such a relationship again and can only advise against it, unless you equally love climbing

Women will do absolutely anything but respect mens hobbies. :marseylaugh:

If this was drugs or alcohol, we'd say he's an addict and needs help.

I'd seriously consider leaving this relationship.


Exactly. If her hobby was counting grains of sand, he should be supporting her in that. The things that make your partner happy, you don't need to understand them, but if you love your partner you'll help them do those things because you want your partner to be happy. It doesn't matter that it doesn't have a catchy name, or clubs, or online how-to guides. It makes the person you love happy so it should be important to you.



!thotpatrol !thotpatrollers

!coomers the ho in question

Objectify her without giving her click revenue




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