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So i guess we all know about FDS and how they fell off after going off-site?
I found this thread where they try to cope with the (((gaychad)))
This is one of my concerns. A closeted man wasted nearly four years of my life when I was in my 20s. I found gay porn repeatedly. He would downplay it by saying that straight porn was too fake and that gay porn had more intimacy🙄He even admitted that he’s bi, but I think he’s just a deeply closeted gay man, even though he married a woman. So many of these closeted men want the status and countless benefits of a straight marriage/relationship, and will string women along to have it. Listen to your intuition. A lot of closeted men will swear up and down that they only want women because they know that’s what we want to hear. Another FDS member made a great point along the lines of watching out for bi/gay energy. Looking back, my closeted boyfriend had gay energy in spades but I was too much of a pickme pushover to leave.
Dramabros, what's your excuse when your foid finds the goatse on your phone?
Honestly I feel if you ever have a doubt he is not 100%. I’ve had 2 gay exes and some that were for sure bi. Not sure why but I could always tell right away in tiny ways and ignored it.
Now, that's a HVW!
I don’t blame you for not wanting to date a bi man. I know gay men who wouldn’t want a bi man, either. Every bi man I’ve ever met has just been an equal-opportunity frick-boy.
goddarn bi slutties!
: needs more marseys
: Not enough marseys
: Not enough Marseys.
: Marsey ruined r/Drama
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It doesn’t take long for the ladies to begin essayposting about :marseygaslamping: -
"she said they wanted to protect my fragile mental state”
"He told me I was being dramatic" and "he was 'protecting' me"
"His whole family thinks I'm crazy"
I find these phrases and the bold words in particular very telling of your husband and his family's view of mental health. I don't like how close to gaslamping this is coming across; it may even be gaslamping, actually. It's like they don't think you're a functioning adult or something, and need to be treated as a fragile child.
I too have anxiety, among other mental health disorders, so I know what it's like to have people think you're not capable. It's painful to realize that those who are supposed to love and care about you have decided you're too messed up to handle drama.
I don't know what your plans are of course, but I would absolutely have a serious conversation with my husband ASAP. That he's willing to lie this easily over something this big and then try to gaslamp you into thinking they were doing it for your best interest is messed up. They were not. They didn't want to deal with how you would respond because they're uncomfortable dealing with someone like you and can't be bothered to learn how to actually help you in difficult times - you know, what husbands and family should be doing for one another. I would insist he get better education on your diagnoses and attend couples counseling as well. This is the kind of behavior that only worsens when not addressed, and you deserve to be in a safe, healthy, loving environment.
These terms have also historically been linked to women and used to strip them of autonomy, not only of their own bodies, but all decisions effecting them.
Weakness and fragility in women was linked medically to both their mental and physical health, and was viewed as something inherent to girls and women. Women and girls were for instance recommended to not do physical activity, such as walk stairs during their periods.
Women were also diagnosed with hysteria, while men were not. Hysteria literally comes from the greek word for uterus. Women and their emotions or lack thereof were controlled and conditioned this way.
These attitudes OPs husband and his family have towards OP are rooted in misogyny. It is infantilizing of the highest degree.
It goes on for awhile like that
/u/snatchpanda says it’s time for a divorce and there’s absolutely nothing that will fix things:
It won’t go anywhere. It’s not worth having that conversation. OP, I went through something similar in my own relationship.
He has already made a decision. If anything, it will just confirm to him that he was correct in hiding it because he predicted correctly that you would start “acting crazy” if you found out. Any subsequent reaction will just be used against you and he’s already started a smear campaign with his family so that they believe you’re unstable.
No level of bargaining, negotiation or reasoning will convince him that you’re worth seeing as an equal, no matter how correct you are. Best thing to do here is disconnect. Go silent. Start making an exit strategy
Additional divorce highlight reel:
Reminder to never get involved with a woman who even knows what Reddit is.
And now we move on to Controversial, which the j-slurs have been hard at work mopping. Unddit seems fricky and won’t load comments for me? So here are links to, at least, the resultant discussions
This one ⬆️ goes on for quite awhile. My favorite part is “Don't feed the trolls, you've got like 99% of people agreeing with you, you're not crazy.”
The lone voice of reason is also one of the most controversial comments in the thread:
Dishonesty in a relationship is not okay. But your husband had a major situation happen to him and you are making it about you
Both are serious issues and are problematic. You should look into couples therapy.
Controversial sort was a lot less interesting than I thought it would be. OP edited her post to call out all the haters calling her crazy, but I couldn’t find a single one of those.
Also of note is the fact that OP is fricking enormous and has a narwhal tattoo
& lol.
That’s all for now, happy Monday rDrama!
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This some shit right here!!!😱😳 pic.twitter.com/QtxsEfx2nD
— Mesh🇧🇧 (@rahsh33m) April 16, 2023
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Top comment starts with “Gah. Y’all” and I lost all energy to make an effortpost out of this but goddarn going through post history of the most egregious commenters is something else. What was inadvertently refreshing, though, was this woman acknowledging that if the unborn are indeed human, then exceptions for r*pe and incest shouldn’t exist.
And a reminder for our !catholics that per the CCC and, yes, even per Francis, even saying that abortion is not always wrong is a mortal sin and results in automatic excommunication
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BBLs got these bitches riding the toilet like it’s a motorcycle
— , (@Zvbear) April 12, 2023
I never want people to doubt that Men are the prize pic.twitter.com/UbWw8KVOip
Some thot steps up with the homophobia:
Only to get reminded that she is a thot:
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Instagram merupakan aplikasi media sosial yang menerapkan sistem follow antar penggunanya. Kamu bisa mengikuti orang terkenal seperti artis sampai selebriti yang disukai. Jika angka followers mu tiba-tiba berkurang, periksa dengan cara mengetahui unfollow Instagram. Seperti kamu tahu kalau sebagian besar pengguna IG memang ...
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- johnnypoop : Inb4 dramedos defend dating people in highschool
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This will probably become a dating strategy amongst some OF girls
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) April 5, 2023
They realize they scarlet lettered themselves out of the relationship marketplace
The Born Again route gives them appeal with simpy Christian men who want to play White Knight and be the girls savior
There will… https://t.co/531W9vSjTh
Instead of me deleting the pics have you considered blinding yourself?:
Trust the ehoe retirement plan 🙏🙏:
This comment leads to people arguing if Mary was a hooker or not:
The long (2 day?) search is over, god does what science cannot:
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Claims that theu went on disability so thay they could be a stay at home mom, in same breath says that they canr have kids, but motherhood disabled xem
calls out OP on xer white womxn non-sense
- usernaw : itt extreme transphobia
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Kylie Palm, a biological male, pretended to be pregnant and then said he had a still birth. He raised money to help with his grief. He attended birthing classes with women, some of who were kicked out of the class for saying he was a man pretending to be pregnant. pic.twitter.com/ntiZBAqoed
— Pit and Pendulum (@PitandPendulum5) April 4, 2023
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Hey lady,
— 🌴 Josh Lekach 🌴 (@JoshLekach) April 2, 2023
It's called sex-trafficking
"hOw fAR wOuLd yOu tRavEL fOr LoVe?" pic.twitter.com/D8PL6YsuOM
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Long story short: she lives in a hotel struggling to get by. She lives there with her boyfriend, who is apparently an alcoholic because she says he will die of seizures otherwise. She takes clients in this hotel room.
The second to top comment has loads of fighting and OP gets absolutely eviscerated by her fellow whores.
But my favorite part is much lower in the thread, in which prostitute Lillith Blackheart 918 is encouraged to pray to a Catholic Saint to find her hooking money and it’s something to with telekinetic magic:
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