
The new randomizer mode is cool tho I def recommend playing with the goombler :marseycard::marseyluckycat: option as it means you have to take negative perk cards which really make the game harder

Spooky Game Drama
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About to fire up some old C&C, getting back to the roots.


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:marseybegging: Red Dead Redemption 2 fan with nearly 6,000 hours on Stadia begs Rockstar for character transfer :marseybountyhunter::marseylaughpoundfist:


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A Red Dead Redemption player with almost 6,000 hours logged on Google Stadia is begging Rockstar to allow character transfers after the news of the service's closure.

YouTuber in new tab) took to Twitter shortly after the news that Google Stadia is shutting down broke out yesterday. "No, you don't understand how seriously pissed off I am," the tweet read, alongside a screenshot that shows that they've put 5,907 hours into Red Dead Redemption on Google's gaming service.

"For context: these hours are on Google Stadia and today Google announced they'll be shutting down the platform," a follow-up tweet(opens in new tab) reads, "@RockstarGames please let us do a one-time character transfer I am begging you." If you aren't aware, once Google shuts down its Stadia service on January 18, 2023, ItsColourTV's progress will all be erased from existence, meaning they'll need to start a new save file on another platform - with all 5,907 hours (approximately 246 days) going to waste.

It seems that fellow Red Dead Redemption players felt sympathetic towards ItsColourTV, with many replying to the tweet with suggestions as to how to save this player's save. One suggested(opens in new tab) that ItsColourTV use Google Takeout - a data downloading service - to transfer their file to PC, to which they replied: "I don't play story mode." Rockstar, if you're reading this, do our guy a favor and let them transfer their character just this once.

@Aisha why are you such an unlovable trans incel? keep yourself safe


/images/16645841597362926.webp :#marseydicklet:


After losing a bit of clout thanks to Cyberpunk 2077's shaky launch and diminished post-release plans, CD Projekt Red is returning to the Continent and its much-beloved Witcher series. Multiple games are on the cards, in fact, and the first one, which we're calling Witcher 4 but has yet to be officially named, is already in pre-production. It's still a bit of a mystery at the moment, and while we can probably expect more monster-slaying antics, I'm holding out hope for something a bit different. I want a bard RPG.

D&D gave us the framework for bardic heroes and their adventures, but outside of the tabletop game and its videogame adaptations there have been tragically few games that let you become a fantasy pop idol, and even fewer that attempt to capture what it might be like to be a travelling minstrel, following adventurers around while they beat up dragons and save miserable villages.

For me, the biggest appeal is the opportunity to play an RPG where I'm not some super-powered heroic archetype, but rather the person following them around and just trying to survive while stringing my lute. I want to use stealth, cunning and a brilliant repertoire of popular tunes rather than raw strength. Really, I want to play the kind of character who you'd expect to be an NPC—which is always my main impetus for agreeing to DM a campaign.

This is why I had such a great time with Kingdom Come: Deliverance. You start off as the son of a blacksmith, completely out of your depth, and while you eventually become a knight and get involved with wars and politics, you're always a subordinate—an ordinary person who's trying not to piss off the nobles. In a genre that's all about empowerment, the chance to play one of the least important people in the room is strangely compelling.

In The Witcher 4, it's much more likely that we'll be playing Ciri, or at least another witcher. The teaser has already confirmed the existence of a new witcher school with fetish for lynxes, which one can assume the new protagonist belongs to, so my dreams are probably going to be shattered. The series does, however, have a character who'd make for a fun, if extremely unconventional, musical hero: Dandelion the bard.

Dandelion is a frequent companion of Geralt's, following him on his monster-hunting trips and looking for inspiration for his next ditty. In the game trilogy, he mostly just hangs out in bars, but in the books and Netflix adaptation, the latter of which uses his Polish name, Jaskier, we see him get a lot more involved. He's more inclined to hide from danger than run towards it, of course, but after barrelling into so many fights with my sword flailing around, this actually sounds like a compelling way to play an RPG.

When he absolutely needs to, Dandelion can probably still put up a fight. He's in good shape and has seen his fair share of bar brawls and angry spouses. But as a bard it makes more sense for him to hang back. D&D already shows us how this could work, with his rousing songs inspiring his allies. Just like Geralt's fighting style necessitated tactical thinking, using research and alchemy to take down monsters, Dandelion's repertoire could have different effects best deployed in specific situations: songs to give friends courage, terrible limericks to confuse enemies and lullabies to send monsters to sleep.

Not being in the fray would also give Dandelion a clearer picture of the fight, which could translate to a kind of commander role where he directs his companions' aggression towards the biggest threats, or a more roguish role where he sneaks around the periphery of the battlefield setting up traps. He could even serve as a healer. There are lots of ways for a bard to be useful.

There are plenty of existing RPG mechanics that would absolutely work here, but also just as many excuses to experiment with new systems. A song creation tool is right at the top of my list. The Witcher's alchemy system already gives us a foundation, where you mix ingredients together to create potent potions, but here these ingredients could be things like lyrics and tempo. And these tunes could be handy outside of battle, too. Witchers get paid for killing monsters, but bards have to sing for their supper. A recurring minigame where you have to entertain a rowdy crowd in a pub could be a hoot. Work some musical magic and you'll get a hefty pouch of gold, but belt out a Nilfgaardian drinking song in a Redanian tavern and you'll probably inspire a brawl.

Letting us play Dandelion, or any bard, would also sidestep some of the comparisons between the sequel and The Witcher 3, which is probably going to be its main hurdle. Geralt's last adventure is one of the best RPGs ever made, and blessed with a protagonist that seems to be universally loved, and I'm just not convinced a new witcher, or even Ciri, will live up to the old guy's legacy. Better to take it in a completely different direction and try something new.

I won't get my hopes up, but with more than one new Witcher game being planned, maybe I'll see my dream turn into reality one of these days.

Vampire Survivors - v1.0 Release Date & Information

There's also a free demo. Someone please post a review of this.



Obviously can't post group link, but the admin of the group that the GTA 6 leaker Teapot solely used to communicate verified that on the day of the GTAForums post, he had sold the GTA 5 source code to another member of the group, who shared a new screenshot of the source code as proof.

The buyer has reportedly put the source code on sale, per the admin who shared his telegram @.

Censored screenshot - 'Deleted Account' is Teapot


You'll Need a Phone Number to Play Overwatch 2

Anyone who has fun in Overwatch can now be more effectively banned :marseylaugh:

The blog post says Overwatch 2 is adding SMS Protect to help with issues of account verification and banning disruptive players. Free-to-play games sometimes suffer from higher rates of cheaters, so-called smurfs (experienced players who deliberately lose matches so they can play at lower skill tiers) and other disruptive players when there are no barriers to entry. Adding phone numbers is one way to block those kinds of players.

"The same phone number cannot be used on multiple accounts at the same time, and players can't use the same phone number to create multiple accounts," Blizzard says in the blog post. "A phone number can only be used once when making a new account, and certain types of numbers, including pre-paid and VOIP, cannot be used for SMS Protect."

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This update was just released, and /r/tf2 is just discovering what has happened. From what I gather, some cosmetic items in Team Fortress 2 are disallowed from being equipped with others due to clipping or other conflicts. With some glitch involving using +quickswitch (I don't know anything about how you would use this console command on an item or what it would accomplish), you were able to equip two conflicting cosmetic items. I assume this is similar to the old CSGO glitch where you would edit game files to list the bomb as a melee item, allowing you to use a custom name on the bomb that would persist after the files were fixed, but I'm just guessing. TF2's real money economy is one of the oldest in games and primarily based around "unusuals," which are cosmetic hats a character can wear. Unusuals differ from standard hats in that they come with an additional cosmetic effect, such as storm clouds around a character's head, swirling hearts, or something similar. The rarer and more desirable of these hats can sell for hundreds or thousands of dollars. I have no idea how large the TF2 economy is now, but it is much smaller than it once was, as TF2 has been dealing with a declining (real players) player base, rampant hacking problems on official servers, and a large bot problem. In comes an anon looking to have a little fun.

Mad lad posts this thread on /v/, showing an email he claims Valve sent him for thanking him for alerting them to a fake duplication glitch, causing them to remove a real glitch which allowed players to equip extra cosmetics or something. Someone sums it up as

so some hat prices were artificially inflated because they could be equipped in the wrong slot with a harmless bug, you told the dev it could clone items and they believed it without verifying and fixed it, and now people are screaming that their glitch slot hats are worthless?


There's also this great screen cap of him letting people know he's dedicated to fricking over the cosmetic glitchers.

There's a couple /r/tf2 threads about it, and one seemingly quickly growing thread about the update as a whole, but I have no idea if or where a TF2 economy discussion subreddit or forum is, so I can't find too many hat traders seething. Also the /r/tf2trade subreddit hasn't seemed to notice yet or at least isn't discussing it.

A small thread has one good fear-mongering post:

there are a ton of items in the game you can equip with conflicting items. ex you can't wear a hundkopf with a crones dome but if you +quickswitched you could wear both at the same time. this also applied to unusual hats meaning you could wear two conflicting unusuals at once which raised the price of a lot of unusual hats. now that this bug is gone some of them are going to TANK. good for those who want cheaper unusuals.

There's also a funny little comment dabbing on the traders.

MFW the price of my virtual items goes down (this was my only income source)

Now onto the main thread!

Fixing a bug that was actually beneficial to the game instead of one that was causing major issues


It's a pretty bizarre move. Most of the quickswitch miscs barely clipped, were extremely expensive to compensate, and offered no gameplay advantage. They've been in the game for years and I've never seen a complaint about them. If you owned a Gauzed Gaze/Blast Defense/Whirly Warrior, I am sorry for your loss, some people will lose literally thousands and thousands of $USD because of this.

Shoulda sold when the prices were inflated to all heck, seethe redditor.

Final selection, redditors discovering their favorite set of pixels can't be used in the exact combination that makes them soy out.

Alright I found a bug. It looks like the Graybanns now conflict with the Tipped Lid. Edit: Looks like they conflict with all hats now. Edit: looks like all glasses miscs now conflict with all hats. This means Gibusvision is no longer possible.

Any idea why they did this? I used the macho mann on almost every class because it looked cool with pretty much anything... Nothing can really replace it :/

This is just occurring, so be on the look out for more coping, dilating, seething, and of course sneeding. If you want, maybe check out or some off reddit community to see if they have noticed.

Bonus steam community thread (there are going to be more posts there, so check out the TF2 board).

:marsoy: :marsoy: 200GB of Mario Maker 2 data :!marsoy: :!marsoy:


Holy fricking shit GTA 6 budget may be as high as 2 billion dollars

Like fricking heck dude like do they have full physics ball shrinkage and wrinkling in real time or what that this shits costing 2 billion dollars.

For context star citizen has collected 500 million.

Cyberpunk 2077 cost 313 million USD to make.

RDR2 cost somewhere between 370-540 million.

Either GTA VI is going to be the most advanced most powerful game in the world or it is going to be the biggest clusterfrick in the world in terms of biggest gaming disasters of all time.

Like seriously how the fricks they putting 2 billion in on a game.

This has to be bullshit ain't no way.

These days some companies have started selling games for 70$.

If sold at 70$ the game would have to sell 28+ million copies to be able to cover the budget costs.

For context GTAV has sold 170 million copies worldwide. GTAV had made about 6 billion dollars by April 2018. So you know what, holy shit they can actually afford to throw this much money into the sequel.

Holy shit GTA VI had better sell more copies than minecraft with a budget like that. Minecraft has sold a total 238 million copies till date.

Alright here my prediction. Either GTA VI will sell 25 million copies or 250 million. There is no inbetween.

For additional context the TV show LOTR Rings of power that we mock for its high cost ended up costing 715 million on production. GTA VI is like 2.5X the cost of Rings of power.

There is also the possibility that the information is completely false which would actually make me feel way better. Like 2 billion on a bideo game feels like a bit much even for someone like myself.

Just imagine ten years down the line and somehow the biggest game budgets are now 10 billion dollars a game and somehow they are still turning a profit. It's a crazy butt world out there. Shit I think if this trend continues I might just unironically join latestagecapitalism.

Anyways what features do you expect in GTA VI that will make it better than V? Will the graphics be better than RDR 2? Will the story be actually enjoyable. Will it make more money than the GDP of a middle income nation? Discuss.



The US Department of Energy had that Counter Strike drip in the 1980's.
Anyone try the Wo Long (new team ninja game) demo?

It's looking really good, very strong recommend. I think you can still try it out until end of day today.

Mario has seen the light brothers :marseyisis::marseyhijab::chadjihadi:

Which team did you choose? :marseyflushzoom:


Democracy died today



Main Thread

Unddit Thread

User makes thread pointing out a mod that fostered propaganda and fighting breaks out. Of particular note is one poster all over the thread causing fights.


Poster poses theory the mod maker is brainwashed, and fights start


Poster asks who it effects

Removed Comment: "BaZed"

Poster asks about freedom of speech


Poster argues not all Russians should be blamed for the war and people get into fights, even bringing up post-WWII Germany


Infidel speech, aka English

Good Guy Invaders

Based and Thalmorpilled

Both Sidesing the Holocaust




Cars in the Forza Horizon series are placed into letter classes based on a number called the Performance Index, which reaches as high as X / 999 for max performance hypercars. OP decided his real-life car should wear a sticker proclaiming it to be A / 769 in a post on r/ForzaHorizon.



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