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EFFORTPOST :marseyflagsouthafrica: Kaamrev Autism Longposts Archive :marseyflagsouthafrica:




Afrikaans lady says Kaffir 50 times and gets sent to prison.


Story of Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation


Cape Town 2023 Taxi Striking Drama


Famous 2010 BBC reporter interview with Julius Malema which made him famous.


Story of the ANC Youth League transformation into the EFF.


Random Rhodesia Bush War Scandals


Story where I recount how China has exploited Mozambique


Story of the worst rendition of the South African National Anthem of all time.


Story in which I recount the corruption of the Free State Province's various municipalities, and how they have been indebted to ESKOM, the nationalized electricity provider for South Africa. The post focusses on how their bankruptcy has led to the modern problems of ESKOM not having the finances to repair or maintain Power Stations in the Free State, and how this has aggrevated the causes of Loadshedding.


Stories where I recount the various controversial and banned films throughout Southern Africa's histories. I made a series of 3 posts which recount controversial and dramatic films, from the earliest filmmaking devices in SA, to modern controversial movies.




Story regarding the 2009 South African Election, when seemingly the strongest competitor to the dominating ANC party in 12 years, arose from a deep ideological schism in the ANC party, and several high ranking ANC members would mutiny to form the COPE (Congress of the People) party. Story recounts the leadup and hype in 2008, towards the disappointing dismal performance of COPE in 2009.


Story where I recount the cause and events of the RhodesMustFall student activist movement which crippled the University of Cape Town for over a year, and how it lead to the removal of the prominent statue of Cecil John Rhodes.


Story regarding the famous Cango Caves, and how an obese lady got stuck doing an adventure tour through its more difficult tour courses through the original route of the first cave explorers, and how she trapped 22 other tourists on the other side of the only exit.


Story where I recount the situation of LGBT treatment in South Africa, and how usually react when they are criticized about Africa-Specific homophobia and bigotry.


Drama in 2016 when South African volunteer firefighters strike and Toitoi during a diplomatic mission towards Canada when Canada had just suffered one of their worst recorded forest fires.


Collection of drama in South Africa when Afrikaners refer to National Heritage Day, as National Braai Day.


Story where I recount the drama when the famous offroad French race across the Sahara, from Paris to Dakar, Senegal, was cancelled amid French tourists being killed amid violent war arising in the region.


Where I recount the various spats between Israeli and Palestinian students at the University of Cape Town.


Story where I recount the various Dramas resulting from the poaching and near extinction of South Africa's Rhinos.


Story about Mozambique, where I recount the collapse of the Mozambique economy when Credit Suisse and other banks were caught in a scandal involving the giving of excessive debt towards corrupt Mozambique officials in secret, and the global community discovered that the Mozambique had accumulated more debt than it could feasibly repay.


Story about Botswana's Elephant overpopulation, and the drama involving their population control as well as the questions about culling as population control via foreign Trophy Hunters.


Story in which I recount the catastrophic Mozambique Civil War against the Portuguese, and then between themselves as Capitalist and Communist factions splintered the country during the Cold War era, and led to the burning down of the Mozambique Surveyor General's Office - which resulted in chaos for the land parcel management thereafter.


Story where I recount a collection of dramas involving provocative advertisements by the Chicken restaurant foodchain Nandos, which is famed for putting out controversial ads.


Story about the complex drama regarding Wild Game farmers and Lodge Masters unwittingly create a bubble in the Wild Game market, by focusing on Colour Variants breeding, which Rowland Wards would refuse to acknowledge.


Story about how a South African High Court decision regarding the accountability of Wildebeest owners have towards cattle infected by the deadly Snotsickness, led to the mass culling of Wildebeests all over RSA.


Story about the exposure of the existence of the Guptas - corrupt Indian brother caused destructive state hijacking of many RSA institutions - when they brazenly organized a wedding in Sun City, and utilized military airports to land secret Indian guests.


Racist South African Shampoo advertisement drama.


Story where I recount the drama of Cellphone companies struggling to keep their data and mobile signal towers operating throughout the COVID pandemic, after cartels repeatedly steal the backup batteries for these towers so frequently that many communities are effectively left in signal dead zones.


Drama about how PRASA - the government organization for SA's railways - ordered train coached which could not fit on most of SA's track.


Olympics drama when Intersex athlete, Caster Semenya, destroys all competition in the female 800m items, about a decade before burger trains started to crush female athletes in sports.


Drama about the African Renaissance Monument built in Senegal.


Southern Africa bribing storytime.


History of the famous Afrikaans singer, Steve Hofmeyr's, dramatic antics throughout his career.


Flagsexuals screw over protest against Farm Murders by flying the Union of South Africa flag during rally organized by SA whites.


Republic of South Africa Navy is borderline derelict.


The 1st longpost after other dramatards asked me to make a more cohesive explanation regarding the Loadshedding situation in South Africa.


The post that started it all.





Drama in 2004 in Mexico when British cave diving specialists butt heads when British military personnel got stuck in Alpazat cave after a flash flood.



Reddit Ultrasoy which invested /r/truegayming



Obscure Rightoid Youtuber Christcuck



1st Worlders Cucks 3rd World gayemers


Wokefication of Age of Empires 3




Exceptional post by @SmallNips


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I'm only starting this archive post, because I've completely lost track of what stories and ideas I had actually finished, since starting my autism posting 6 months ago.

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You can make posts drafts so others can't view them btw.

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oh, so that's what drafts mean lol.

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Yep, they are a great tool to see how a post will look before actually publishing it. Once you have finished the draft, use the 3 dots and select publish.

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God bless @kaamrev!

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!effortposters but its whatever

the king of effortposts, even his list of effortposts is an effortpost

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@kaamrev is amazing and so interesting and one of the only internet people I actually find to be genuinely respectable


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If he was smart, he'd be unstoppable. Unfortunately he was born a Saffir. And that's impossible.

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I love you carp

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Better formatting IMO:





:marseyflagsouthafrica:2008: South Africans Cope, when they Hope, that COPE will defeat the ANC:marseycope::marseycope::marseycope:

  • Story regarding the 2009 South African Election, when seemingly the strongest competitor to the dominating ANC party in 12 years, arose from a deep ideological schism in the ANC party, and several high ranking ANC members would mutiny to form the COPE (Congress of the People) party. Story recounts the leadup and hype in 2008, towards the disappointing dismal performance of COPE in 2009.

  • Posted 22nd June, 2023

:marseyflagsouthafrica:RHODES MUST FALL :marseyflagsouthafrica: - The most apocalyptic event in the History of the University of Cape Town

  • Story where I recount the cause and events of the RhodesMustFall student activist movement which crippled the University of Cape Town for over a year, and how it lead to the removal of the prominent statue of Cecil John Rhodes.

  • Posted 20th June, 2023

:marseyflagsouthafrica:Saffer variant r/fatpeoplehate - The Cango :grug: Cave Kween :marseykween: plug Disaster Drama

  • Story regarding the famous Cango Caves, and how an obese lady got stuck doing an adventure tour through it's more difficult tour courses through the original route of the first cave explorers, and how she trapped 22 other tourists on the other side of the only exit.

  • Posted 12th June, 2023

Some turbo Nuclear Cope :marseycopeseethedilate: in r/Africa 4 months ago when article is posted in r/Africa denouncing Homophobia specifically from Africa :marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage::marseyrage:

  • Story where I recount the situation of LGBT treatment in South Africa, and how usually react when they are criticized about Africa-Specific homophobia and bigotry.

  • Posted 9th June, 2023

:marseyflagsouthafrica: Saffer Drama Back in 2016, when South African :marseyflamewar: Firefighter volunteers to :marseyeh: Canada, striked and toitoi'd after row about not being paid satisfactorily, causing National Embarrassment /a>:marseypaperbag:<

  • Drama in 2016 when South African volunteer firefighters strike and Toitoi during a diplomatic mission towards Canada when Canada had just suffered one of their worst recorded forest fires.

  • Posted 8th June, 2023

:marseyflagsouthafrica: Mini Drama in r/southafrica 8 months ago when OP asks South Africans (especially Huwhitoids) why they refer to National Heritage Day, as National Braai Day :marseygrilling2:

  • Collection of drama in South Africa when Afrikaners refer to National Heritage Day, as National Braai Day.

  • Posted 31st May, 2023

Drama when the yearly DAKAR 4x4 rally stopped being hosted in Africa after the racists :marseyracist::marseyracist::marseyracist: offroad-vehicle drivers were under risk of terrorist attacks in North Africa

  • Story where I recount the drama when the famous offroad French race across the Sahara, from Paris to Dakar, Senegal, was cancelled amid French tourists being killed amid violent war arising in the region.

  • Posted 22nd May, 2023

:marseyflagsouthafrica:University of Cape Town :marseyflagsouthafrica: yearly Israel vs Palestine Drama :marseyisrael::slapfight::slapfight::slapfight::marseyflagpalestine:

  • Where I recount the various spats between Israeli and Palestinian students at the University of Cape Town.

  • Posted 12th May, 2023

:marseyflagsouthafrica: South African Rhino breeding Drama in private wild game farms.

  • Story where I recount the various Dramas resulting from the poaching and near extinction of South Africa's Rhinos.

  • Posted 11th May, 2023




That time when one of the most corrupt and comically evil banks, Credit Suisse, fricked over the Mozambique economy in 2016.

  • Story about Mozambique, where I recount the collapse of the Mozambique economy when Credit Suisse and other banks were caught in a scandal involving the giving of excessive debt towards corrupt Mozambique officials in secret, and the global community discovered that the Mozambique had accumulated more debt than it could feasibly repay.

  • Posted 8th May, 2023

Botswana's Elephant Overpopulation and Hunting Drama.

  • Story about Botswana's Elephant overpopulation, and the drama involving their population control as well as the questions about culling as population control via foreign Trophy Hunters.

  • Posted 2nd May, 2023




:marseymexican: Meccicans go full 3rd world when Bongland :marseybong: tries to send in civilian Divers to rescue 6 British soldiers trapped in Alpazat cave

  • Drama in 2004 in Mexico when British cave diving specialists butt heads when British military personnel got stuck in Alpazat cave after a flash flood.

  • Posted 7th June, 2023

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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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You should click this button https://i.rdrama.net/images/16877788014980755.webp

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Are you gonna do the magic edit thing?

Uh where's the pin button

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Fr though, look at your posts while in your profile page.

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Are you gonna do the magic edit thing?


>can’t find the pin to profile button after I gave him a picture.


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i love u becuz ur so sweet, even if you are kind of a pushover, dramatardchan


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Make it a draft neighbor

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le sigh.... we cringe on.

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I missed the post about the fat lady stuck in the cave!

If you are interested in such stories, Internet Historian did a really good video about a guy stuck in the Sand Cave in Kentucky. I personally detest zoomers and their habit of consuming information exclusively in video form, but in this case it fits and had me on the edge of the seat the whole time!

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Hey that looks pretty good

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He's a diamond in the rough, his "the cost of Concordia" was another video that's unironically worthy of a Pulitzer or something.

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Nice to see some autism besides mine once in a while.

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Exactly what I was thinking of doing with my stuff but it wasn't organized enough and I was way too lazy. And tbqh you're the me of southern Africa but better in every way.

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Check my draft pages for my catalogue. :marseyshy3:

Maybe you like that approach more.

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How do I check that?

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See my 2023 posts for example.

I mean you are basically doing that right in this thread but the formatting is a bit different.

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I am tech illiterate, you guys make really nice webdesign shit

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Are drafts only visible because you pinned them or will they always show up in posts?

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They will always show up I think.

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I was gonna do similar with my Aussie posts, and then I looked back and I really only have three or four posts that are actually worth archiving lol (the rest are pretty mid)

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B-word pls, Rod Sterling was the greatest storyteller since Shakespeare & Scheherazade and 2/3 of his stuff isn't that great.

Stop being a whiny cute twink and believe in your self.

Also if you're Australian you have to be as good as Frontline was in 1995. Half of my jokes I stole from that & Saki

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Story regarding the famous Cango Caves, and how an obese lady got stuck doing an adventure tour through it's more difficult tour courses through the original route of the first cave explorers, and how she trapped 22 other tourists on the other side of the only exit.



Use the possessive apostrophe for nouns

Such as "the cave's more difficult tour courses"

But pronouns such as its go without

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Respect my pronouns

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Lots of people trying to explain to me that this is a joke, and look, I looked at the timeline, and it did seem to contain other racist material that may have been intended to be edgy and funny. But look, your racist β€œsatire” is still racist, and you make lots of racist satire? Kinda makes me think youβ€˜re actually a racist.

I promise whatever satirical aim you think this person has, they could TOTALLY exercise it in a way that wasn't horribly racist. They're being racist because they know that will get a rise out of people. And at that point, that's not actually satire.

Hey, notice how this tweet acknowledges that I understand what the person is trying to accomplish? That means you don't need to explain the β€œjoke” to me. The problem with trying to be so absurdly racist that it's satire is that you're still being absurdly racist. If we've learned anything from the last four years, it's that absurd racism does not in fact highlight how absurd racism is. It just makes absurd racism more common.

I don't like it. I'm not going to start liking it. Saying the exact same things that absurdly racist people do but then saying it's satire just makes me not trust you at all.

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