Meta seeded the 81.7TB of books they torrented.

orange site:

Anyone else :marseydramautist: being a contrarian and rooting for the Beagles? :marseyklenny3:

they been good boize this year, they deserve it come on!


Holy shit Australians are the weakest bunch of fricking cuck kitties ever (re: Alone: Australia)

So long and short I enjoy watching Alone, a "survival" show where a bunch of off-grid r-slurs starve themselves to win a couple of bucks. They're "Alone" in the sense they after they are dropped off they have no communication but a radio to say "halp, I am dying, please come get me" and random medical check-ups that I'm sure some insurance guy was like "yeah you need that."

So I'm browsing Netflix and I see Alone: Australia and I'm legit :soyjakwow: and decide to tune in. The last several seasons of Alone have been up in northern Canada so I'm like "cool, change of scenery, win win"

Well I'm half way thru the third episode and 3 of the 10 people have already quit. It's DAY 3.

Why did the people call to quit?

1. I miss my ugly wife and kid.

2. I can't start a fire boo fricking who

3. I'm 22 and I got covid!

Yes, that is right, in their little med-kit designated for if you chop into your leg with an ax they have Covid tests. This season was from 2023.

Other things of how cucked Australia and this version of the show is.

Some lesbo PhD felt bad about having to hook a worm to go fishing, and states "i wouldn't mind not catching a fish."

Multiple people are already dizzy from lack of food.

If they cast a line for fishing they have to sit and watch it incase they hook a platypus because it might drown and they must save it.

They can't hunt with a bow.

Told NOT to eat any forgeable mushrooms incase they misidentify :marseymushroom2:

In disbelief I scrolled through to the end and at the end of this episode another cuck fricker leaves.

This isn't in the middle of the outback either, but on Tasmania, where it rains like, 200 days a year or some shit. And it's a little chilly. And plenty of trees. And nobody has mentioned a croc so probably no fricking crocs.

This season is 11 episodes plus a reunion. I don't think I can make it bros.

I just want to watch my hecko outdoor survival shit why must those down-under cute twinks be so fricking lame :soycry:

Aussies explain yourselves :marseytrollgun:

Polycule members selling insurance to each other




highlights from this thread include:

yeah this super scary d&d nerd who wants to make america a monarchy is why you MUST vote blue no matter who

this very stable guy posts exclusively in rsp subs and /r/oldergenz

you have 30k comment karma in rsp subs over a few months

redditor of 6 years calmed down because federal bureaucrats didn't quit :marseymonk:

this cute twink actually unironically trotted out the "prep for tuesday" bit from /r/twoxpreppers lol

the usual callbacks to 2016-2020

autism man is going to use your social security number to launder money to buy video game items

its all so tiresome

Super Bowl LIX 🥵🥵🥵

🏈🔥 STRAP IN, PIGSKIN PERVERTS, IT'S SUPER BOWL SUCKFEST 2025!!! 🏆💦😈 The Kansas City Chiefs 🏹❤️‍🔥 are about to RAM that tight Philly Eagles 🦅💦 defense wide open 😵‍💫👅 and you better be STRETCHED AND READY for this FULL CONTACT ORGY 🍆🏈🔥 The game starts hot and heavy, but when that TWO-MINUTE WARNING ⏳ hits, it's BIG PEEPEE PLAYOFF TIME 💥🔥 You better be WIDE RECEIVING 🏃‍♂️🍑💦 and READY FOR A HARD COUNT 😏📢 because some THICK MEATHEAD QB 🏈👨‍🦰 is about to GO DEEP IN YOUR REDZONE 😩💥🔥 Just when you think you can catch your breath, Kendrick Lamar 🎤🫦 and SZA 🍑✨ are gonna make you BUST ONE AT HALFTIME 😩💦 before the FOURTH QUARTER FRICKFEST sends you STRAIGHT TO OVERTIME 🍆🔥 No more tight end, babe—you're getting a FULLBACK SMASH STRAIGHT UP THE GUT! SEND THIS TO 10 (🔟) FOOTBALL FREAKS 🏈💦🔥 If you get 10 BACK, you're a SUPER BOWL SUCCUBUS 😍💋🏆😈 If you get 5 BACK, you're a THROATY THIRD STRING HOE 🐐🫦💦 But if you get NONE BACK… 😱😭 babe, you got a DRY BUTT DEFLATED BALLS LIFE 🏈🥀🍆🚫 GOON HARD OR GO HOME 🏡💀

people tryna make america great again but nobody's trying to make my heart unbroken again sadfrog

!Meowr !fakecels

Reported by:
Permanent decisions
Tom Lehrer - Wernher von Braun
What do yall think of stone toss
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Have chuds really always hated USAID so much? :marseyhmm:

[I have to make this edit because I overestimated you tards. ENGLISH MOTHERLOVERS. Do you speak it? This post is not about foreign aid in general, whether USAID is corrupt (probably is :marseyshrug:), etc. It is about chuds' attitude to the specific institution USAID over time.]

Above is the google searches for "usaid" over the last 5 years, so it goes all the way back to Trump's first term.

Here's the last month. Notice it has nothing to do with Trump's inauguration. It just suddenly fires up one day when the NPCs got their firmware update.


I've seen chuds all over this place acting like they always knew USAID is corrupt and this has been common knowledge throughout society for a long time.

Here's a good example from @finbarfin: USAID, one of the more infamous money laundering arms of our sprawling government

Infamous? Like Charles Manson? Benedict Arnold? Idi Amin? That Borgia chick who poisoned people? I've never in my life heard someone describe a person as "infamous" because they just became hated by a fraction of the population in the last week.

But Redactor, we've always hated USAID! We've been railing against their corruption for so long.

This site's users are neurodivergent, highly political, mostly right-wing so surely it has come up. Well, let's look at the data. (I know that's what the DOGE boys would do.) It was mentioned in 58 posts, of which 7 are from more than a month ago. It was mentioned in 134 comments, 13 from more than a month ago. Most of these just mention it in passing. Quite a few are negative, but not in the way our current chud program says. Most of these are attacking the politicians who ordered USAID to do something, third world people for stealing, or pointing out the actually true fact that it's largely a corporate welfare program for farmers. I'm not finding anything about corruption in the agency itself.

Did anyone post any evidence that they actually gave a shit about the internal workings of USAID back then? There was one person. Just one person. Can you guess who it was? I'll give you some time to think this over.

It was me! Little old Redactor. Not only did I care, I cared enough to read the entire fricking section of Project 2025 about it.

:#marseylaugh: :#marseyletsgo: :#marseylaugh:

And what was my opinion of it? It must be some woke soy libtard response. I probably cried on the shoulders of another guy in my polycule. You know me, the left-wing extremist.

I skimmed through Intelligence and USAID. It actually wasn't too scary. Most of it was just boilerplate "we should do things more efficiently" bullshit that could just as easily come from the Democrats. Their only new ideas were funneling aid money to missionaries in Africa and using aid to hurt Iran somehow.

Why did I choose those two sections? Why not health care, education, finance, other more important stuff? Because this was what I felt I was most qualified to evaluate.

I am the only one of you r-slurs who actually knew anything about your issue du jour before now. I even knew what was supposed to be Daddy's game plan for it. You can't deny it. I am the King of Chuds. It's time for you to crown me.



:marseyxd: :marseymanysuchcases: :marseypearlclutch:

Is the FBI's Top Ten most wanted list racist?

Can't help but notice a common theme here.

Zero crackers. :francis#:

How many _ _ _ users :marseydylan: are they protecting at this point :marseysquint#:

dating woman who looks like ex wife

would you do it? the text chat was amazing but she looks identical. even my brother said it was too close. we were married a loooong time.

been on three dates with this other lady and she's hot but a little awkward there has been nothing physical at all yet so i'm thinking about cutting it off to talk to the ex wife lady. the awkward lady doesnt have kids so that's convenient.

switched to tinder yesterday and i'm blowing up so will see where so if those go but darn… kinda just want to go for the ex wife lady. but if it were to get serious she would find out about her resemblance to my ex wife pretty quickly. i would probably have to bring it up before she found out. conflicted.

Who are we rooting for tonight?

In;b4 "le heckin sportsball sucks!!!"

Daddy just cut off aid to South Africa :marseyflagsouthafricagenocide: Thirdies are coping hard :soyjaktantrum:

At this point I'm sure that every account mentioning lions or roaring is a :whitenationalist:

Here's how you too can blame Israel :chadjewrentfree:

That's a good point actually, Merica pls carpet bomb the tulip eaters :marseybegging:

Yeah, I'm sure Trump can't sleep at night because of Cape Town :marseytrumpitsover:

About that... :marseyjewoftheorient:

We don't even need your money white devil :marseyseethe:

If only the strongest country in the world love your country as much as it loves Israel... :parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :parrotisrael:


>work together


America beware, you've made a very powerful enemy today :marseyscared:

Oh, everything will be fine then! :lelolidk:

Oregon's near-worst-in-nation education outcomes prompt a reckoning on school spending : Portland


Reported by:
  • crouton : Blatant David Foster Wallace bashing
You may not like it chuds, but this is what peak masculinity looks like :marseynails:


per @SgtHartman

Anyone remember college humor? This is it now

I used to go on college humor when I was a kid but fell off when I was a teen like most of the people here. I just tried to find the website and couldnt. Apparently theyve rebranded based on their youtube page.

So i went to the new website and what do you know? Its like every other media slop around now. Lets get into their original programing

Dungeons and drag queens which looks like understudies for ru pauls

Make some noise which is described as "A game show where talented contestants compete to bring to life silly prompts." Chat GPT 2 could have come up with a more passionate show description

um actually which is "Introducing a game show of fandom minutiae one-upmanship, where nerds do what nerds do best: flaunt encyclopedic nerd knowledge at Millennium Falcon nerd-speed." again the description makes me viscerally cringe


Adventuring party which appears to be just the view but with the same D list drag queens

Just another example of shit I used to like :marseytrain2:ing out for an ever shrinking audience and straddling bankruptcy.

Im on rdrama in the ocean


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