The last achievement is bugged and won't even track :carpraging:

I have purchased -the eye-

Y i no see alts

eye broken


Am I the only one who isn't a fan of the new subreddit icon? It doesn't resonate with me. Not all of us are into anime.

lol wth is that. I didn't know about it until now. It's definitely weird.


It's literally nothing to do with "snipers" either. It could be someone with binoculars, a telescope, even an actual sniper, but instead it's a little detective? With a magnifying glass?


I totally agree, anime makes me uncomfortable. I have never pinpointed what specifically it is about the drawing style of anime and manga that makes me uncomfortable, the best I've come up with is that it feels uncanny.


I feel exactly the same. It also doesn't help that there are, unfortunately, certain negative stereotypes attached to anime and its fans. The new icon being a young girl(?) (ironically, my vision is very bad lol so I might be totally wrong here 😅) does not help at all.


The girls look like children imo, and a lot of anime is very fan-service, so it feels... pedophilic a lot of the time


Anime makes me uncomfortable because of the overwhelming number of dudes that sexualize the anime characters. The fact that child porn is a big thing in anime is also disgusting. A guy liking anime into adulthood is a massive red flag.


Holy shit, you people are ridiculous. Anime is a medium of entertainment. Child porn is not a "big thing" in anime. Your only experience with anime is when people complain about the exceptions and outliers. That's like calling live action stuff a red flag just because stuff like cuties exists.

𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Marsey :marseybootlicker2:

Reported by:
Oh shit! I just realized you can change holes easily this way!! :carpexcited: :marseyexcited: I missed the last Capy firmware update

The Circumcision Movie :marseyinboots:
Reported by:
  • WayOut : I wish someone would put me in a mass grave

One step closer to mass graves!

Year of Linux desktop, baby

>b-but only old versions are affected


RHEL 6/7/8 not affected. RHEL 9 affected

Anyway hackers won't be able to exploit this because TRVE linuxoids constantly recompile their OS and the network drivers don't work.

Why are men so stupid at interpreting media?

Women don't realize that the fall from grace arc only further romanticizes the ascension to power narrative in the masculine arc. It's classic archetypal storytelling and it resonates with audiences because everyone experiences highs and lows throughout their lives. Women prefer media where the characters don't really have arcs (i.e. S*x & the City) because identifying with the flaws of a fictional character is almost tantamount to holding oneself accountable for their own character flaws and accountability is kryptonite to women.


Like when he takes interview with 27+ year old 90% they are single but with 18-23 year old 90% they ain't single. It's insane that foids think that after a guy dated them for 8 years they are going to easily find a guy who will love them more because partly they are now lower iq… I mean they now more confident. Reality is when you are 18 and the girl is 18 and wants to date you, you know no mater how she looks she gets attention and can't find richer and better looking guys than your 18 year old butt but she chose you. But when foid is 30 and wants to date you, it means she just doesn't have better options

Towel cat-chan

New toss ( :marseycatgirl: furry edition)

This guy is as sharp as a tack. He's very sharp.

Reported by:
Killed :marseykenny: a juvenile starling today :marseyclueless:

This is the first :marseywinner: one I've taken a shot at since they're harder to identify than the adults

!rottingcorpses enjoy!


"I'm reaching out" - no, you are contacting me by email

Not a big deal imo

"it broke me" - no, it made you a bit sad

Pretty common phrase really.

"Picky bits tea" - just no

Yeah okay that one's a bit annoying, as babyfied language usually is

'Sweet treats' is being used far too much.


Can we add 'pop' please? "I'll just pop this here." "Just pop on a jacket". Boke.

wut, 'pop' in that context has been around forever

'Need gone'

it makes me so unreasonably angry


I was today year old when I found out the earth is round or similar obvious fact.

Legitimate annoying babyfied language

Holibobs and Crimbo. The perpetrators should have 75 years hard labour.

Yeah okay 'holibobs' is awful

Picky bits




'hack' it's not a hack, its a tip.

wtf is with 'picky bits' anyway that everyone hates, I've never heard that irl

hubby, hubs, hubster, hun, hunny, wifey

Kind of ironic on a website with so many abbreviations for relationships

Singular use of nouns usually found in the plural (I'm looking at you, fashion wankers). A wide-legged trouser, a brogue, a red lip.

That one's pretty funny actually and makes me wonder what the psychology is behind why people think that makes a pair of trousers seem so much more sophisticated.

People who use literally inappropriately. 'I'm literally dying today'. No, no you're not.

Disagree, misusing 'literally' is a fun way to troll

Let's not boil the ocean

this is a favourite at work and it boils my piss everytime 🤣

idk office lingo is kind of cheating since it's annoying by default

Most of the above.

But even worse is "baby daddy". Makes me want to gnaw off my own arms.

Based Americaphobe

Family photos with "my world" written underneath!

Lie, foids universally love cringe signs all over the house

Incorrect usage of "loose" - as in "I want to loose some weight".

It's lose.

Drives me mad. Like would of, could of, should of.

Hard labour for such offenders in your dictatorship, please.

Nothing like some classic grammar naziing every now and then.

And anyway they go on about this stuff for 40 more pages

this is cirno
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