Hi There!

:marseyfluffy: :marseybow:

!animalposters !cats

To all of you ladies, from a cis man :marseysurejan:


/u/takeurmedsbro username checks out

I am NOT OP. The original post is "To all of you ladies, from a cis man", in /r/MtF. OOP is /u/takeurmedsbro. I discovered this story via a Tumblr post.

Trigger Warnings: Violence Mention, Genital mention

Mood spoilers: Adorable

December 11th 2019: To all of you ladies, from a cis man

I hope it isn't totally out of order for me to post here, as a man I dont want to take up your spaces so I'll try and keep this as short as possible. Tw genital mention

I have full permission from my partner to post this and she's read it all. There is a misconception that the only men a straight trans women can get with, is a chaser. It is very sad that many of you feel that way, and I'm sorry for how men treat you, but that's not how it has to be. I met my girlfriend when I was 15. She was living as a boy then and was 13. I used to push her around when we played football at school. I thought she was one of the lads. Time goes on, I was never that close to her and we lost touch. Next thing is I meet her again on a fine art course. I didnt recognise her at all and with her name change and generic surname I never made the connection.

I developed quite the crush, we would go on dates and I'd sort of play them off as just hanging out with a friend. I was so giddy around her and I was terrified to tell her I liked her. One day we were going to the movies and I told myself 'today is the day I ask her to be my girlfriend, and try to kiss her'. We ended up skipping the movie to go on a walk in the local forest. I held her hand and she squeezed mine - my heart was beating so darn fast. We finally kissed and it was like fireworks, I told her I liked her but she cut me off.

She told me to stop talking because she needs to tell me something. Now in my mind I'm panicking thinking she's in a relationship, but she says 'I used to be a boy, I was at school with you, please dont be mad I'm so sorry I didnt tell you' and then to my absolute horror she said 'please dont hurt me' She genuinely thought that there was a danger of me attacking her after finding out. This broke my fricking heart. I had my moment of being like wtf - mainly because I'd known this girl for almost 10 years and hadn't pieced the 2 people together - but then we kissed again, and then again and again and we kissed so much my face hurt by the end.

That was 5 years ago and boy this has been a learning curve. I've only ever dated cis women before, I am 100% straight and I had to unlearn some internalized shit for maybe a day or so, until I thought what the frick does it matter who she used to be? Darn I used to be a baby, people change. But I love her the way she is now, I love her smile I love her eyes I love her body her curves her hands her hair and you know what? I love her peepee too. I love it because its hers, and it gives her pleasure, and there isn't anything wrong with it. I don't have a fetish, I just fell in love with a woman and that means I fell in love with the whole package. I'm planning to propose to her on new years eve. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, I want to raise kids with her and I want her to lose all of these insecurities. Just because you cant carry them, doesn't mean you wont be the mother of my children. There is hope, you're not broken or unlovable or nothing but a kink. You're a powerful woman.

January 2nd, 2020 (a month later): Update from the cis guy that proposed

Hey ladies. I've been asked by a few of you to share an update. Here is my previous post: <link out="" snipped="">

And here is your official soppy post warning - beware...

Soooo on exactly 00:00 new years (ok I was probably out by a couple minutes but I did try to time it) I proposed to my beautiful girlfriend (who also happens to be trans, hence why I'm posting on here) and she said YES

I dont know if I can fully articulate how happy I am. I wanted to keep it lowkey and between the 2 of us so she didnt feel any pressure, so I cooked her favourite meal ever (I would have liked to cook something fancy and elegant but honestly she would much rather eat spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread and then a loaded ice cream sundae for dessert ANY day of the week) we ate, played board games and did a competition to see who could make the best vehicle out of old egg cartons and potty roll tubes. Then we decided to make cupcakes which were fricking vile because we forgot to add the sugar of all things. Not typical romantic evening but I felt all the love and when I dropped down on 1 knee she just wept. I didnt even know I had a yes at first because she was crying so much. I actually got really scared I'd freaked her out so I stood up and hugged her and said I'm sorry and she finally told me yes yes yes and explained that she was crying because it was always beyond her wildest dreams as a youngster that she would ever be able to be a wife. This is not something I can relate to, but I think I do understand, as best as i can as a cis man. We literally just held each other for a bit before we both realized she hadn't seen the ring yet! I'm not a wealthy guy at all so I was afraid she would be disappointed in my grandmothers wedding ring as her engagement ring (I will buy her a new ring for the wedding) but I did want her to have it as my grandmother always told me she wanted my future wife to wear it. Luck was on my side though people because the ring made her cry all over again, happy tears, because she said it made her feel like the fairytale she told herself as a child has finally come true. I think there maybe was something affirming about the fact that this ring was left from my grandma for me to give to the woman I want to spend my life with.

Ok I don't want to bore you all to death with the ins and outs but I haven't stopped smiling since she said yes. The fiancee (I love saying that, so exciting) has been obsessively wedding planning which is mighty convenient for me considering I have no clue on how to organize a wedding. It's like the child in her has come out to play and its very endearing. She missed out on all the typical girly activities as a child so shes making up for lost time. She ALREADY has a scrapbook for the wedding and she's already browsing dresses!

I'm sorry for being all cliche and cringey. I know its insufferable to many and I do understand. I just feel drunk in love, and i did want to update and not leave people hanging!

Other than my mother, my family does not know she is trans, because frankly it's none of their business and my fiancee hasn't wanted to open up to them about that part of her life. She confided in my mother because my mother knows a transgender boy and so it came up in conversation. As far as the rest of my family are concerned, it's totally irrelevant to them and they will only ever know if she chooses to tell them. So I was wondering if incorporating rainbows anywhere in the theme at all would be too obviously lgbt pride themed? Or can I get away with some rainbow tokens and such just as a discreet acknowledgement of how far she's come? Obviously I don't want people to think of this wedding as anything other than what it is, a straight marriage between a man and a woman, so are rainbows risky? I'm just so darn proud of her and want to show that in some way. I was thinking of wearing rainbow cufflinks or something? Anyway sorry for the darn essay but I hope the new year goes well for you lovely ladies and sorry for being a cringe lord. I just cant believe I've found my queen

A small update was posted in the comments the next day:

Also we have decided that on the big day, I will wear pink cufflinks and she will wear either blue eye makeup or a flower, and then the theme will be that classic white sorta theme. The colours of the trans flag, thanks to your suggestions. Like so subtle that only me and her will know it means anything at all. Hopefully that will work out tastefully but we also like the pink/blue/white elements of the cake idea. I showed her some of these comments and god darn it you lot, she is now exploring sooo many more ideas and concepts! I didnt think she would expand past the scrapbook, but we now have a wedding 'mood board' of all things... takes up half the wall in our room. I proposed only 3 days ago! I love her enthusiasm but I'm finding it hard to rate all the dresses she shows me, when I cant tell the difference between any of them... a white dress is a white dress, but she says that's typical male bullshit and shes probably right there. But she can wear a bin bag to our wedding and still look perfect so I'm not worried about which compliments her body more, but then I do want her to put a dress on and have that feeling of 'this is my dress' and I have the feeling that could be a long process... anyway, the kindness means everything

The VolCel to incel pipeline: a tigersdroppings marriage thread

Most guys don't want to get married, but they finally cave to her begging/ultimatum thinkin "well, I least I will come home every night to a woman that loves/respects me & jumps my bones".

Little does he know that marriage is the end of s*x, at least passionate s*x.

Once committed a woman loses all desire for her husband.

The idea of her looking at her husband as a s*x object is laughable to wives.

But meanwhile they flirt & lust after other men, if not actually having affairs.

And once you marry her she loses respect for you because she now knows that she holds all the cards, she has all of the power.

When dating the man held all of the cards because he could walk away unscathed if she misbehaves.

But after marriage you're her little b-word.

I mean what power does the man have, to leave and give her half of his money/retirement ?

Every woman that I work with has her office lined with photos of her children but zero of her husband,

Women brag all day about their kids, but the only time they mention their husband is to complain.

Like some married guy at work told me "I'm just the bill paying SOB",

I know that a lot of men warn young guys not to get married, but they should provide the gory details of married life to make young guys fully understand what it's really like.

I think some married men aren't honest about marriage because they are too embarrassed, or afraid that the advice might get back to the Mrs.

"Happy Wife, Happy Life" yeesh

:marseyrave: Reddit's stock is collapsing :marseyrave:
[WomenInTech] Rebellion 101: A DIY Guide to Unfricking America :soyjakwow: :marseydarkfoidretard:


And that's. The. Fricking. Tea. :marseysipping:
South Korean F16s drop 8 500lb mk82 bombs on their own town during live fire drills :marseyjetbombing: :marseywhirlyhat:


Info from reports so far:

It was 8 Mk.82 bombs, launched by 2 KF-16, 4 each.

The Air Force announced that the accident was due to wrong coordinates given as inputs for the bombs. But whether this was both pilots in the KF-16 making the same mistake, or the wrong coordinates being given to those pilots in the first place, this is yet to be determined.

The bombs were meant to be dropped onto the nearby Seungjin Firing Range (a.k.a Nightmare Range).

15 injured of which 2 are military. Luckily non of the the injured received life-threatening injuries.

Air Force Chief of Staff GEN Park Gi Wan will be heading the investigation committee, and all damages will be compensated.

The church you see in the background of the CCTV footage is the the Army 5th Corp's Chaplain Ordinariate Seungjin Catholic Church (천주ꡐ μŠΉμ§„μ„±λ‹Ή).

Ministry of Defense announced all live firing exercises will he halted until the events that led up to the incident are investigated.

all 8 out of 8 bombs exploded, as per ROK Air Force official

Aftermath footage:

Atlantic writer doesn't understand the Vance memes :surewalz:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Until he tries to get the US to fight their war again (-8)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Trump could cure cancer and create world peace…Reddit libs won't care. (6)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

"Trump's push for peace may have long lasting destabilizing effects in Europe". (33)

That was actually pretty creative. I wonder what BS they will come up with to enrage everyone that he's trying to take over the world (9)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜

Right now, millions of Libs are devastated that WW3 isn't going to happen. They are heartbroken that Raytheon won't have a banner year. Pounding their fists in frustration that Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman might not post record profits.WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE WAR-MACHINE???😭 (91)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Frick that piece of shit. Don't come over here and act like some big shit then run over to Europe for a photo op like they are doing something for you and then you read it to find out they will help you in 2027. Then run back to the US saying you're sorry. Go to heck. (1)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

They'll still say Trump didn't end the war fast enough (as if Biden was doing anything to end it) because Trump claimed he would get peace on day 1. They'll completely ignore/forget/pretend-away the fact that Zelenskyy was the reason peace couldn't happen on day 1. (4)

Oh for sure. Did you see the deepfake on here of their conversation? They've got him saying shit like "no the war must continue so I can steal more money" shit is hilarious (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/H3nchman_24

Score: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Maximum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜

Minimum angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Shin Bet: We officially agree with everything Redactor ever said :marseythumbsup:

I'm exaggerating a bit, but in their internal review of what went wrong on Oct 7 they hit on a number of crucial points:

The Shin Bet's focus was on foiling terror attacks, and its methods were not applicable to an enemy that acted like an army.

I've been trying to drill this into the heads of you tards for years. Terrorism doesn't mean "anything I don't like". It can be used by the weak or the strong, the bad or the good. Look at the Reinhard Heydrich assassination. That was done by a superpower and it's not something I'm going to shed any tears over. Terrorism is a political/military tactic that can be used by all kinds of organizations . (And if you believe I'm being a pinko, my thinking is heavily influenced by Trinquier here, one of the leading chud theorists of all time. PDF link to his very insightful if batshit insane book.)

Terrorism is an action someone performs, it's not an intrinsic part of their nature as a person. They can flip back and forth between terrorism and conventional warfare. So you have to be cautious about simply labeling someone merely a terrorist and you have to be extremely cautious about labeling an organization a "terrorist organization". It leads to complacency. You start thinking of these guys like they're the Baader-Meinhoff gang or the Japanese Red Army or some fringe psychos who might shoot up an airline terminal or hijack a plane.

I think dismissing Hamas as a mere "terrorist" organization is one of the main reasons they were underestimated, just as Obama famously called ISIS the "JV team" before it turned out they actually had an army of thousands.

An unclear division of responsibility between the IDF and Shin Bet on which organization should provide a warning for war, amid a change of Hamas from a terror group to a full military force. ... The Shin Bet had an "incorrect understanding" of the strength of the Israeli border barrier with Gaza and the IDF's ability to respond.

Bystander effect. It happens in the military too. A lot. You assume the other unit understands this is supposed to be their responsibility.

The assessment was that Hamas was trying to heat up the West Bank and was not interested in doing so in the Gaza Strip. ... Hamas's believed intentions were not challenged enough during assessments.

Wishful thinking based on what you assume the enemy's intentions are, not what their capabilities are.

Relatively little intelligence, including as a result of limited freedom of action in the Gaza Strip, especially independently by the Shin Bet. The Shin Bet said that the IDF's botched 2018 intelligence operation in Khan Younis made it more difficult to recruit human intelligence sources in Gaza.

This is especially puzzling given how thoroughly they infiltrated Hezbollah. One of the reasons I think they probably got to Hezbollah through Iranian dissidents.

How Hamas was able to build up its forces... The flow of money from Qatar to Gaza and its delivery to Hamas's military wing.

Thanks Bibi. :marseyclapping:

The catalysts to Hamas's decision to carry out the onslaught included the cumulative weight of Israeli violations on the Temple Mount, the attitude toward Palestinian prisoners

Yeah, not intentionally trying to piss people off for no reason probably would have helped.

Summary: In my opinion it's pretty that the attempts to smear this disaster on Unit 8200 and Shin Bet are classic of just running over the glowBIPOC. Who are the best, most selfless Americans but also the most hated by everyone? The CIA and FBI. You think it's a coincidence they just happen to be the two organizations that can't defend themselves in the press? The IDF and the politicians are dumping all the blame on this being an "intelligence failure" when it was really a colossal policy failure to pour so many troops into the West Bank and leave so few in the south.


Reported by:
Sisyphean web development

>introduce a simple programming language to let people click buttons on web pages

>25 years later

>people are now bundling megabytes and megabytes of useless crap to code the same buttons, but in TypeScript React Svelte NodeJS LeftPad 2025 edition instead of lame old JS (which also now has access to your location, camera, microphone, RAM usage, etc for some reason)

>I know how to solve this!

>make a new programming language to click buttons, and this time put it in HTML itself, so it's syntax is even more godawful

>also lets add logic to CSS, so that all three web languages can have their own r-slurred way of doing the same thing!


when it's too cold to get up to go to the bathroom and your girlfriend won't let you pee in her to carry it to the potty for you

!marseyartists !marseyfans !cats


On or about the afternoon or evening, Eastern time, of Friday March 7 2025, Reddit Inc. removed this post:

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big areolas won

i know everyone knows this and i make this post every few months but some people are in denial

nothing less attractive than a nipplelet

Reported by:
:fellforitagainaward2: Fell for it again award for chuds who didn't like being debanked.

r/politics is :marseycope: that the average burger liked Trump's Congress speech :soyjaktantrum:


I think many Dems didn't watch it. I didn't. I'm just watching the recap. That said, if the polls are true, our country is full of gullible idiots who don't know they're being lied to.

They literally have a poll in it saying it's mostly Republicans / independents watching

I wanted to add more quotes, but this here is the whole comment section :marseyshrug:

:marseyitsnuts: Self-sufficient redditor decides to make a loaf of squirrel deli meat :marseynuts:


I'm laughing inside at this abomination right now. So, I got this "Ham Maker" kit a couple of months ago but had this idea to use squirrel instead because it was hunting season. Today was finally the day to make my squirrel lunch meat. As you can see in the food processor and raw pack pics the beet juice gave it a nice pink color since I was going for a bologna like product. Well, the color didn't stick and I ended up with an 80's horror film main character look not disimilar from The Toxic Avenger.

The product sort of did its job but the spring plate failed and allowed meat to spill over. It was also next to impossible to get all of the air bubbles out while packing it.

The taste is decent with a similar texture to a fancy uncured hot dog but the look is horrible.

Leave it to judgemental redditors to try to yuck someone's yum :marseysigh:

Imagine The Smell
Talking with Zionists is Pointless


We should listen to liberals more often, honestly

Theyre making some good points but its whatever

Hillarious :marseyemojirofl: butt wholesome :marseywholesometrans:comic makes the :marseygroomer2: front page


@kaamrev Is South Africa actually getting reclaimed by nature or is it chud propaganda? :parrotsouthafrica:

Ahh France
Stupid Scrote falls for the oldest trick in the book. Cries and gives his chick The Ick.


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