transgender signs :marseytrans2: :marseytransflag2:

Signs that a person is transgender may include

im literally screaming, :marseyquestion: with the gender assigned at birth

omg! :marseydoctor:physical discomfort,

ok so :marseyrain:emotional distress

ok so :marseydepressed:anxiety or depression

:marseytoasterbath: :boykisser:They may also include a preference for wearing clothing of the opposite s*x or particular bathroom behavior *sips tea*

my heart is telling me Signs in children

:marseyastolfo:Preference for underwear of the opposite s*x

:twerkingfurry1:Refusal to wear the swimsuit of the s*x assigned at birth

:marseyhmm:Particular behavior in the bathroom but go off i guess

Ways to express themselves but go off

:marseyfemboy:Using their clothing, behavior, and mannerisms to live as the gender they identify with

Taking hormones

um :marseydoctor:Undergoing surgery to change their body

Explore gender identity *sips tea*

:marseyglow: :marseycuriouslook:Experiment in safe and interesting ways

also like :transheart:Wear makeup, try new clothes, or use a different name

:transheart:Talk about your gender identity with a close friend, family member, or teacher you trust PERIODT

:transheart:Join a group where you feel safe and welcome

:t: :r: :a: :n: :s: :r: :i: :g: :h: :t:

What is female privilege?

Need to know because I never experienced it

ok so like Only know female downsides

Pentagram :marseythegrey:

One Redditor's K-Poop Obsession is Too Much even for Reddit



One must imagine Manul happy.


Two BIG wins in Motnana! We killed two anti-trans bills today (a drag ban & a bill requiring CPS to remove trans kids from parents). I'm so grateful for Montana Democrats, who have stood unwavering in their support of trans rights. And grateful to all the Republicans who said enough is enough.

Rep. Zooey Zephyr ( 2025-03-06T18:59:29.722Z


The bit in question:

Reported by:
fundraising for /h/therapists

/h/therapists will be the official hangout for the !male feminists of rdrama

hopefully we can even start our own house

Rare SNL win
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Bird Post :marseytedsimp3:


Downy Woodpecker

Community Note by @misterwigger

That's a squirrel! Not a bird!

Helpful [18] Not Helpful [5]
My girlfriend secretly reads spicy romance novels and I don't like it. 21M and 19F.


Do you consider reading "spicy" romance novels a red flag if youre pursuing a serious relationship? 21M and 19F.

So I just found out that my girlfriend reads a lot of romance novels and when I talk to her about it she said that she wanted to tell me earlier but she forgot. Note that we have talked about books and what we read many many times and she didn't mention this type of books even once.

The books are very porn-ish and role play-ish. Some about having s*x with some billionaire and some about cheating and having affairs with multiple men. It's all about romantic and sexual fantasies.

Her living this double world of reading these romance books as a fantasy and living with me as a reality really made me discouraged to be in such a relationship and the fact that THESE are her fantasies doesn't sit right with me at all.

I should add that I did something not nice and treated her like never before because of this:

I've brought up this topic to her sometimes and one day she brought me one of these books for me to read its first chapter while I was playing videos game(it was definitely one of the safer ones). I did read it and when she asked about my opinion I said "do you know I was this 🀏 close to break up with you because of these stupid shits you read?" and went back to my video game(as I said I've never even come close to treating her like that). She sat about 4-5 minutes and then went to the bathroom and started crying(not loud but I secretly listened). I know what I did was pretty harsh to her but that's honestly proportionate to how much I hated it.

She started laying some(safer ones) of them in her bookshelf after I knew but after this interaction she put them out again(haven't checked yet but they're probably where she was hiding them in first place) and she's acting like nothing happened. I am also not reacting right now but I just can't ignore it.

What's should I do now?

TLDR: my girlfriends reading written porn and I have a problem with that, some are about being with multiple men and cheating which makes it much worse.

I've told her that I'm was about to break up with her over them and it made her cry, I'm still strongly considering it and but I'm not sure.

In honor of International Women's Day I'm going to get so crossfaded I forget I'm a dude then goon to AGP porn for eight hours

I just think it's funny that jk I do that literally every day


Stephen A Smith Buries Ben Shapiro Re: Chauvin Pardon | :marseyupvote2:10 :marseydownvote:168

Yeah, it's better to let one of the grossest miscarriages of justice stand.

Shapiro is pro Israel so the anti Israel Tate group will hate on Shapiro whatever his position is


Remember when Shapiro thought a wet vagina was a medical condition

Can't take him seriously after that

You might be r-slurred.

:marseyshapiro:: Listen, guys. I fully explained on the show that it's misogynistic to question whether graphic descriptions of "wet-butt p****" is empowering for women. "WAP" is obviously an incredibly profound statement of women's empowerment, a la Susan B. Anthony.

As I also discussed on the show, my only real concern is that the women involved -- who apparently require a "bucket and a mop" -- get the medical care they require. My doctor wife's differential diagnosis: bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, or trichomonis.

How would you interpret the self own of a tweet I just posted?

If you think that tweet says what you claimed you're definitely r-slurred.

Enjoy your ghetto rap, though.

So what does it say bubba?

You are honestly missing his point? As dumb of a point as it is. Are you being intentionally obtuse?

:#marseyxd: PERIODT

SAS is an idiot who obviously still believes the msm narrative about Fentanyl Floyd. SAS is in the same category as Bill Maher. Every once in awhile they'll say something that goes against the democrat mob, but they're still tone deaf the remainder of the time.

Repeatedly saying you can't breathe means you are breathing at least some.

It means you have some oxygen. It doesn't mean you're getting enough oxygen.

Police really need better training on restraint asphyxia. But on the list of important things in society, this is way down the list.

Ahh France
FΓ­nΠ°ΔΌ fΠ°ntΠ°sΡƒ Γ­s nΠΎw саnnΠΎn Γ­n mΠ°gíс thΠ΅ gΠ°thΠ΅Ε™Γ­ng



This guy won the presidential election. Then the glowies canceled the results and declared that it would be redone. He was leading the polls for the redo. When he was driving to a government building to turn in his signatures to run in the redo, the kkkops pulled him over and arrested him. Now the courts have banned him from the redo and DEMOCRACY IS SAVED! :marseyjam::marseysoylentgrin: :marseyhappytears:


:#marseycitrusshrug: :#marseyexcitedorangegenocide: :#marseyorange1love::#marseyorange1love::#marseyorange1love: :#marseyupvote2pat: :#ramonajak: :#ramonajaktyping:

my heart is telling me COME ON TRANS WOMEN LETS GOOOO

:#marseytrain: :#marseywholesometrans: :#marseytransflag2: :#marseypass2: :#marseychadfoid: :#marseychudstamp: :#marseytransplushie2: but go off i guess




Vid of allied ww2 crimes in the past @Aevann.


Putin is a CIA agent

The science of fasting
think abt it tho :marseyhmmm:
Stop saying "Abolish S*x Work" : r/socialism


You don't think I got the guts

Try me b-words. I have nothing to lose...

This would have been funny except Google cockblocks any alcohol abuse today. REEEEEEEEALLY fricking interesting when you consider how they treat bezos. :marseyhmm:

:soysnootype: suddenly support having secure borders


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