
Basically that if I manage to shag an r-slured special snowflake foid can I get a badge? Still trucel tho


As soon as ai can pitch to investors, run town halls, review staff performance, build team culture, hire and first all whilst being reflective and strategic, I'll be concerned.

Yup. The fact of the matter is even the best LLMs at this point can do none of that.

They can already: pitch investors, hire, and review staff performance (depending on the job)

Lol no

I've been saying this for months. Stop getting AI to do creative work like art and writing. Replace the most expensive role in the company - the loser at the top.

Said the loser at the bottom

That's hopeful news. Instead of starting at the bottom, we'll start from the top down. That way, they'll think twice about the whole deal.


LMAO whoever wrote this article has no clue what a CEO does on a daily base

For real, AIs could never relax on a yacht with a martini while texting other people to do work for them

You clearly never worked with solid CEOs and have just watched a couple of Hollywood films based on this comment.

For the most part they usually are some of the hardest working people in the entire company

Hardest? Not really. Sure, they have high pressure to keep the business going on but it's not that hard when you have more than 2 brain cell. Ton of them simply have a big ego and think they are hard working people and wants others to believe this.

Then why don't you do it?

Heck, AI is literally fundamentally incapable of handling CEOs primary responsibilities. It can't make value judgements, and it can't interact with people. So it can't make value calls regarding the direction of the company and what takes priority, and it can't network partnerships, pipelines, etc.

it is sad i had to scroll so much to find the first adult answer..

Welcome to new reddit, all the working adults and techcels left after 2016 turned the site into an aids ridden mess

Anyone interested in a reddit most downvoted comment contest?

Check out my today's top score

But I know you can do better.

What about a contest where the most downvoted comment gets 1000 dc or something. Or what would be a fun idea for a contest that incidentally shits up reddit?

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Germany vs Hungary



@Maximus need that boatussy 😩

@Maximus love sucking peepee


A user on /r/SweatyPalms recently posted a video of a woman encountering a wild bear on a trail, then running back to her man at the end:

Previously, there had been a trend among moid-hating legbeard femcels :femcel: on social media to say that they would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man. The trend very much pissed off large numbers of MRA neckbeard incels. :marseyfedoratip:

Well, this Reddit thread provoked exactly the kind of comments that you would expect. :soysnootypefast:

...and so on and so on and so on, endlessly. :marseybearsleep:

Eventually, the entire thread was, of course, nuked by the jannies. :marseyoppenheimer:

Protip: if you don't want discussions about completely unrelated subjects to turn into neckbeard circlejerks of infantile political shit-flinging, then definitely don't post them on Reddit. :mladyfedoratip:


Probably some good seethe on reddit somewhere but I'm not gonna look

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:!gaydar: :!redlight:Former admin of the Sharty, Root admits to still being a moderator on the site under the pseudonym of "Marsey" :!marseyoh: :!redlight: :!bluelight:

!metashit Ok now, which one of you dramatards is actually a mod on :!marseyglancing:


Brave redditor /u/Few_Faithlessness640 takes on ghetto BPD women

Edit: sorry, folks! Can't respond because the insane mods here didn't like me responding harshly to someone calling my wife a “low value woman” and insulting me! Good luck in the death of common sense.

Here is the full video on her IG, where you can see that she overcharged him, threatened to pour the drinks on him, escalated, acted ghetto AF, and then put a hammer through his window when he showed half the aggression that she had through the entire interaction.

Let's not encourage these bipolar/BPD behaviors in this generation of psychotic people. None of us could act like this at our jobs, and being in a bikini doesn't give you special powers. Both of them are gross.

Bonus lil side argument about charging for tap water

What's the biggest frickup you've ever done at work?

What's the worst way you've fricked up at work?

Never reading a book written by a modern Marxist ever again

From The Cult of Smart by Freddie DeBoer. I actually like this guy's writing and agree with him on most things, but citing a "breadtuber" (when you could have skipped them and gone directly to the source) is a bridge too far for me. In fact, I googled freddie deboer "breadtube" to try and find a quote from his Substack where he makes fun of them offhandedly, but instead found multiple entire articles written about how retarded "breadtube" is. And yet he cites "Cuck Philosophy" in an actual published book. Mad


I don't even think its satire

Embracing Jesus will add +10 to you rizz power.
Favourite films with a rotten rating from both critics and audiences


I recently watched Demonlover and it was the best film I've seen in a long time, would 100% recommend everyone watch. After finishing the film I was curious to see what critics thought about it and was shocked that neither they nor audiences enjoyed it.

There's a lot of great films with poor critic scores (eg. Con Air, Stepbrothers) but it's very rare that the audience score doesn't contradict it. The others I can think of are Only God Forgives and Alien 3 which I love and Neon Demon which I also really liked. I can understand with them why lots of people dislike them, the Demonlover hate is just baffling to me though.

Also the RT description and poster for Demonlover is so bad lol

Just remembered Universal: Soldier Day of Reckoning which has absolutely no right to be a great action film but somehow is brilliant

Monkeybone was pretty cool too

I'm actually remembering loads now


This MFer sold a few K worth of stock, probably at a loss, when it was getting hammered. How can you sheeple not see that he needs to be sent to the gulag? :marseyxd:

Redditors range from "who cares, everyone sold AB" to "this is literally evidence that he has been brainwashed by Fox News"

Didn't even have to scroll :taycelebrate:

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Thread theme:

Step 1: Wait until @gaslighter decides to come back to the site

Step 2: Use a grass award on @gaslighter

HIDDEN TIP: Use a Rehab award (unless you're a gambooler then a low cost award) to test for

Step 3: Buy a deflector award and use it on yourself

Step 4: Make a post bragging about grassing @gaslighter and forcing them off the site because they're a larper who refuses to show hand

Step 5: Recieve over 150 shit awards

Step 6: Recieve funds

Step 7: Recieve a 30 day ban

Step 8: Bravely beg for forgiveness

Step 9: Profit

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The sadness of living without s*x | BBC

Robert: I am 61 and still waiting and I am probably too late to start now. I have always been too worried about being laughed at and ridiculed. I finally realised I was unlikely to get anywhere when turned down by a prostitute when in my 30s.

Unhappy Soul: I wish I'd lost my virginity at 37. I'm 54 and still waiting for something I know will never come. About 10 years ago I remember sitting with a group of friends over a drink and the subject came up of losing your virginity and I just fled the room when it came to my turn. One of the others came out to find me and they'd assumed I'd had a bad experience of some kind. It didn't occur to them that I had no experience to recount. All I ever wanted from life was to be a husband and a dad.

Chris: I'm 42, and still a virgin. I get told (often it is turned in to a joke) that I can just go and pay for it. Get it over with. But to me, that lacks any affection, there's no emotional intimacy in it, not even just simple caring. And I would like at least that. I feel like I am different from other people. Excluded. Often made fun of by people who know. To be blunt, sometimes it makes me feel like I must be a monster. I work and do volunteer work as well, go to classes and interest groups, but meeting someone who accepts me, even meeting someone to talk with, just never happens. I just feel extremely alone, and, I guess, forgotten, in this world.

Ikram: I can relate to this story. I am 35 years old and still struggle to talk to girls. I am still a virgin but the difference is lately I have tried to break this barrier and approached a few girls but I always get brutal rejection. I don't know why. And that sends me into another cycle of "No-one wants me," and then I am like, "I am OK... I don't need to have anyone." I blame my ethnicity, my religion and, when all else fails, my weight and my face. It's not easy to be not wanted by anyone.

David: I'm 58 and have never had a girlfriend bar a couple of tentative platonic friendships which never even progressed to hand-holding never mind anything else. In my teens, 20s and 30s it made me thoroughly miserable and incredibly lonely as it didn't seem like an unreasonable thing to want, yet seemed as improbable as winning the lottery. The skills required appear to be something learned in adolescence and if for some reason you don't acquire them, the whole area of relationships becomes an alien world. I sometimes see it as looking into a fish tank.

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Slug-chan got herself caught

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Croatia vs Albania



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